A Highland Guard Novel (The Highland Guard Book 4)

ByMonica McCarty

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Viper is a complicated and not very loveable man. For those who have read the early volume of the series there have been enough hints that this is due to some very bad experiences, especially with his first wife. So what sort of woman would a man like that fall for? Isabella McDuff apparently. I have now read this book several times and I still think it is possibly the best in the series, because the relationship is so complicated, but worthwhile.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
guillaume mallet
My Synopsis:
Lachlan MacRuairi has been fighting for the last two years to get back to Isabella “Bella” MacDuff. Bella and the family and friends of Robert the Bruce were captured during a mission that Lachlan was in charge of. He was assigned to guide them to safety by Robert the Bruce. After their capture the English kept them prisoner for the last two years. Lachlan has blamed himself for failing to protect Bella and the rest of the group. Bella and Bruce’s younger sister were the ones punished the most severely, by the English. Both have been imprisoned in a cage above two separate English strongholds.
For the last two years, Bella has cursed the sword for hire and scourge of the sea pirate, Lachlan. She trusted Lachlan and thought that he might have come to care for her. Bella has believed for the last two years that Lachlan betrayed them leading to their capture. She has kept her sanity and composure these last years with the thought that one day she and her daughter Joan will reunite. Bella has been fighting her way back to her daughter ever since she made the decision to help Robert the Bruce in his campaign to be the King of Scotland. The MacDuff family holds the hereditary right to enthrone Scotland’s kings. When Bella made the decision to crown Bruce as King in the years before her capture, she knew that she was risking everything to do what she felt was right. She believes that Bruce was Scotland’s best chance to help gain freedom from English rule.

From the moment Lachlan first laid eyes on Bella he experiences emotions that he tries to explain away as lust. Bella was married so neither acted on the undeniable pull between them. It’s been driving him crazy to know that Bella has been kept prisoner in such a horrific way. He and his fellow Highland Guards attempted a rescue mission previously without success but now he knows this time he’ll do whatever to set her free.

Second time is the charm and Lachlan successfully rescues Bella. The pull between them is still strong and this time there is no husband to come between them. However, Bella has reservations and doesn’t trust Lachlan, but she knows he is her best hope in helping her reunite with her daughter. Still, Lachlan is fighting the attraction and trying to maintain distance between them. But neither can fight what has been simmering for years. Will the bad boy of the Highland Guard and the heroine of Scotland risk it all for love?

My Review:
It’s safe to say that the majority of Monica McCarty’s fans have been anticipating Lachlan MacRuairi’s story since The Chief. Lachlan’s character literally jumped off the pages since book one with his villainous persona and ‘I don’t give a s*** about anyone else’ swagger. He was a mystery, and I for one wanted to find out what the heck makes this man tick. I was nervous about reading this book since I had built it up so much in my head. I was afraid that I would be left wanting but have no FEAR folks…Monica stepped right up and freaking knocked a home run for me. This book delivered and delivered and blew past my expectations.

Lachlan is not liked much but is respected for his skills within the Highland Guard group. His ‘I don’t give a s*** attitude’ tends to rub people the wrong way. Readers finally learn the secrets of this man and oh what a heartbreaking past he has. Monica stayed true to the character of Lachlan in this story. Lachlan doesn’t apologize for who he is. You can either take him or leave him. But, the man that readers have been lead to believe has no morals or worries for others is so much more of a kind hearted man than I ever expected. I loved watching Lachlan fight the connection between Bella and himself. Bella’s stubbornness, pride and fighting spirit drives him crazy but these were also the reasons that made Lachlan want her more. I laughed every time Lachlan found himself worrying about her when he’s doesn’t give a fig about anyone else or when he realizes with just a touch of her hand on his arm can suddenly calm him and keep him from being an ass (or arse as like Lachlan likes to say..lol). I couldn’t help falling in love with this sexy gruff and brooding kilted man right along with Bella.

And wow what an amazing heroine Bella is. I knew that it would take a very special lady to worm her way into Lachlan’s heart. Boy did Monica give us a heroine for the ages. Bella is based off of a true Scotland heroine. Her fate in real life is vague. The real Bella was captured and imprisoned but no other accounts in history were recorded for her after the English moved her from the cage. So this is a great retelling of history and a much more fitting ending for Bella that Monica created in The Viper. Bella is a fierce lady. She defies England and her marriage to do what she feels is right. It takes some big balls to do that and survive all that she had to in this book. I related to her character very much when it came to the storyline surrounding her daughter. My heart broke for her and then it cheered for her.

And OMG do these two sizzle either in verbal battle against one another or in the loving. There were many poignant and beautiful moments between them. I loved watching them slowly open their hearts to each other and fall in love. It was also wonderful to be back in Scotland in the thick of things with these Highland Guards. I enjoyed getting to know some of the Guards that do not have a book yet. Gordon is one that I am definitely interested in. His character and interaction with Lachlan provided some of the lighter moments in this book. I love how the Guards like to needle and pick on each other. It was great seeing how far they have come and how effortlessly it has become for these men who are not clansman to work so wonderfully together. The epilogue that Monica added was a wonderful surprise and I’m pretty sure we’ll be seeing more of Joan and a certain Guard. :)

From the first chapter and until the very last pages including the author’s note, I was hooked. I read it in one night and the no sleep look the next day was well worth it. Monica continues to amaze me with her storytelling enriched with real life historical figures and events and blends them seamlessly with the fictional romance all in her head. I highly recommend this book and this series for fans of highlander stories. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Review on my blog: http://bit.ly/1lxoz6m
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Love the series but this one was not my favorite. I just didn't get into these two characters that much. The story was good and worth reading. It was exciting. The sex scenes were hot but once in a while a little discomforting. The real history that took place with Bella was interesting and true but as far as the love between her and The Viper I don't think it happened and I think that is partly why I just couldn't get into this story as much as her other books.. I am glad to have a happy ending even if it wasn't true though. The whole series is an awesome read and I am excited to read the next book The Saint.
Highland Brides (Highlander Book 1) - An English Bride in Scotland :: The Ghost (The Highland Guard Book 12) :: A Scottish Wolf Shifter Romance - Highland Wolf Pact :: The Hawk: A Highland Guard Novel :: The Rock (Highland Guard)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kayla logan
4 1/2 starts!

Scotland 1306

Lachlan is on a mission to deliver Bella to the Bruce's coronation. Her family are the ones who crown the Kings of Scotland. After this happens they are on the run and she is caught and imprisoned, hung from a cage outside the walls of Berwick Castle. Lachlan finally rescues her and Bella struggles to come to terms with the fact that her daughter is lost to her. This was one more emotional read following Bella through her emotional hurdles but is one of the main factors that made this story so good. Lachlan also learns to depend on others in the Guard, as he's only depended on himself. I loved watching him struggle with these feelings he has for Bella and felt my heart shift when he finally gave in to love. I have really enjoyed this series and do not want to think about the day it comes to an end. :)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I liked Lachlan a lot but Bella was another story! Bella was shallow, selfish and had not a care for other lives except hers and her daughters, at anyone's cost including... Lachlans. Lachlan was a strong hero type and loved Bella... why I don't know! She certainly never cared about him other than as a tool to get what she wanted, even to betraying him. I would have given this book a 5 star, if their had been a heroine to even compare to the hero, but NOT! I almost didn't finish the book, I was so tired of Bella's whining!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vanessa mont s
Lachlan MacRuairi is a sword for hire, loyal only to those who can pay him. The latest bargain he has made is with Robert the Bruce, Scotland's new king. Because of Lachlan's talent for stealth and his warrior prowess, he is now part of an elite special forces unit for Bruce. But few members of the Highland Guard like Lachlan, and fewer still trust him, the man known as "Viper." Lachlan doesn't care what the others think of him. No one matters to him; not anymore. Then he's sent to protect and escort Bella MacDuff to Bruce's coronation...and everything changes.

It's tradition for a MacDuff to crown Scotland's king, and Bella risks everything by defying her husband to crown Bruce. She doesn't know if she can trust Lachlan, but she can't deny her attraction to the dark warrior.

Then everything goes wrong, and Bella is taken captive by the king's enemies. Imprisoned and cut off from her daughter, Bella's only hope to be rescued and reunited with her is Lachlan MacRuairi, the man she believes betrayed her.

Author Monica McCarty is a master of blending fact and fiction, and that talent is showcased in THE VIPER. Lachlan and Bella's story is a spectacularly entertaining romance, and the intrigue and danger that stem from the battle for Robert the Bruce's kingship make THE VIPER come alive.

I love that Lachlan MacRuairi and Bella MacDuff are based on their real life counterparts. THE VIPER's Lachlan and Bella are characters you have to love. Bella risks everything for what she believes in, and the cost is enormously painful. She can be a bit short-sighted at times, but her flaws ultimately add to her character. As for Lachlan...for the majority of the book, he is a hero worth drooling over. I love watching the rough "bad boy" of the Highland Guard struggle with his feelings for Bella. The contrast between his stone-like outer shell and the red-hot emotions inside is hot as hell.

There is a wealth of passion in THE VIPER, making it an emotionally fulfilling read. I got caught up not only in Bella and Lachlan's romance, but in the war for Scotland's sovereignty. I haven't yet read the first three HIGHLAND GUARD books - THE CHIEF, THE HAWK and THE RANGER - but I cannot wait to do so. Bring on more of Ms. McCarty's sexy-as-sin warriors!

Reviewed for Romance Junkies
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was looking forward to reading about the scary, arrogant Viper from the Highland Guard. In the previous books, he was the bad boy of the group. He's all that and more but the rest of the story was lacking. It was too much like the other books and Viper was like MacGyver, able to get out of seemingly impossible situations. Bella was too unlikable. They were an awful match and I found myself skimming great parts just to see if the story moved along. I'll read the rest of the series, but this wasn't one of the best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Monica has out done herself with the Highland Guard series. It is one of the best series in historical romance EVER! These stories even intrigued my (non loving of romance novels or chick flicks), history buff of a husband! If your looking for a great series or just a fabulous book, you will be thanking me for the suggestion... Happy Reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been looking forward to Lachlan's story since his encounter with Tor right at the beginning of The Chief. Right then and there I knew Lachlan would be my favourite Guard member. His dangerous, brooding good looks appealed at a basic fundamental way. And his story when it finally arrived, didn't dissapoint. Apart from the Saint (because I'm in love the Bruce), this is my favourite story thus far.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arun kumbhat
Amazing characters that you fall in love with and amazing plot with all kinds of exciting twists and turns. Monica McCarty creates scenes that take your breath away in the warmth of love, heart-racing suspense, and all the emotions in between. Great book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard becker
I have been waiting for this book since Monica McCarty wrote the first book of the series and she did not disappoint me. Viper is a definite "bad boy" of the Highland Guard and he lives up to his name. Bella is a great heroine but I got a little tired of reading about her her huge breasts. Ok, so she is well endowed, I get it, but you don't' have to reference them so many times. Another thing that lost me in this book is the reference to so many members of the Guardian team and their real and team names. It was hard to keep tract of them even at the end of the book. Maybe for the next book, McCarty can place a glossary at the beginning of the book so we can identify them better.
The best part of the whole book was the Epilogue. It was so endearing to read about how Viper and Bella's family has progressed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen bixby
This is my favorite book from this series. I couldn't put it down. Lots of twists. Bella acted just like a desperate mother would. I don't think she was immature like some of the other reviews said. You never know what you would do for you child in a difficult situation. I can't wait for the next book. I wonder if there is going to be a book with Joan in it, hmmm :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel rush
This story begins with our heroine Lady Isabella MacDuff being led into a cage-a cage suspended above the courtyard at Berwick Castle. We see her strength of body, mind and spirit tested, as Bella has finally realized what crowning the Bruce king has cost her. The biggest price? She's lost her daughter. They had to leave 12 year old Joan behind with her father, which wasn't an awful fate for the girl since her father loved her, but imagine a loving mother being forced to leave her daughter behind.

I feel that the hardest part about this book was the emotional torment of Bella. Not only did she leave her daughter behind, but Bella was captured, imprisoned, hung suspended from a cage for almost 2 years, she then was forced time and time again to make decisions no mother should have to make. The welfare of her daughter over her own, of course, but the costs were high. Her jailor/tormentor used her daughter as a reason to keep Bella in line. "We will let you write to her, if you..." or "if you escape, we will hurt your daughter..."

Lachlan and Bella's paths were constantly intertwined, as the two of them spent a lot of time together. He rescued her from her prison, but would she ever allow him close? It seemed that having been an object of lust her entire life, Bella wanted just one man to look at her without that gleam in his eye. But for some reason, when Lachlan looked at her with desire in his eyes, it didn't bother her as much.

I will definitely say that this is a very emotionally draining book. But Bella has become one of my favorite heroines of all time. She survived so much, she did so much, and she never came off as a perfect heroine, she was flawed, and she was so strong. Not just due to Ms. McCarty's incredible writing, but this woman was real, her imprisonment in the cage was real. My favorite thing about these books is the vast amount of truth and history woven into the story. I suggest reading the author's note at the end.

I really like that by the end, Bella was able to see that her husband was not as cruel as she'd originally thought him, that he deserved her pity more than anything, and she was able to let go of many hard feelings (oh don't get me wrong, the man was an ass, but it was nice to see a heroine look back and see that several things could have been handled differently and maybe her marriage wouldn't have been as awful as it had been). That's one of the reasons I love to read Ms. McCarty's work- she never takes the easy way out. Her characters have to work for their happy ending.

The only thing I missed was seeing the Guard act together more. But I think Lachlan needed to realize that even though he always says he works best alone, that he's come to depend on the other members of the Guard. And dare I say it, he kind of likes them. There is a scene at the end where he realizes just how much the Guard means to him, and he to them.

My favorite quote from this book was actually at the end. It shows everything from Bella's spirit, to how not everyone gets the pretty Happy Ever After. Sometimes it's more bittersweet than that, and you have to work for what you want. I loved that.

"I know you were hoping for a different ending," Lachlan said quietly.
This war had taken so much from her. But Bella refused to let it cost her her daughter. "It's not the end, it's only the beginning."
With Lachlan by her side, she would fight to the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my favorite book from this series. I couldn't put it down. Lots of twists. Bella acted just like a desperate mother would. I don't think she was immature like some of the other reviews said. You never know what you would do for you child in a difficult situation. I can't wait for the next book. I wonder if there is going to be a book with Joan in it, hmmm :)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
stasha barger
Often times, I read about the heroines being weak, dimwitted, flawed,self deprecating, plain janes- however, seldom do I hear them being described with all/ most of the qualities of being strong willed, beautiful, intelligent, supportive of their man, etc..Authors esp. female authors should beef up our heroines to equal these strong men that they are being paired with.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
margo iserson
Love the series but this one was not my favorite. I just didn't get into these two characters that much. The story was good and worth reading. It was exciting. The sex scenes were hot but once in a while a little discomforting. The real history that took place with Bella was interesting and true but as far as the love between her and The Viper I don't think it happened and I think that is partly why I just couldn't get into this story as much as her other books.. I am glad to have a happy ending even if it wasn't true though. The whole series is an awesome read and I am excited to read the next book The Saint.
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