A BRIDGE UNBROKEN (A Miller's Creek Novel Book 5)

ByCathy Bryant

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel farkas
Cathy as usual gave us a first rate Christian romance suspense novel, this time focusing on forgiveness.
A must read, with this book, is" The Fragragrance of Crushed Violets, forgiving the unforgivable"'
This book is a bible study on forgiveness
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zorb poopfart
Could be a life changing message for many. If you like a true Christian novel that is a page turner. This is it. Shows struggles regarding forgiveness and offers solutions. Great story teller- suspense, mystery, tenderness. Just a great read. Hate to see anyone miss this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joanna otten
This follows along with Cathy's other Miller Creek Novels It makes to think and makes cry to wrap your self on the characters pain and inspiration in their lives as they turn to God of wisdom and strength.
The Witch Sea :: A Novel (Vintage Contemporaries) - Close Your Eyes :: A Contemporary Romantic-Suspense Opposites-Attract Novel (The Manly Series Book 1) :: Spymaster: A Thriller (The Scot Harvath Series) :: Unbroken (The Secret Life of Amy Bensen Book 4)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed this series. I am so disappointed that it is over! Thank you Cathy Bryant for these great adventures. To end with forgiveness was great. We as Christians need to forgive so that we can be forgiven. Thank you!!! Trish O
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian bowen
This follows along with Cathy's other Miller Creek Novels It makes to think and makes cry to wrap your self on the characters pain and inspiration in their lives as they turn to God of wisdom and strength.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa van
I enjoyed this series. I am so disappointed that it is over! Thank you Cathy Bryant for these great adventures. To end with forgiveness was great. We as Christians need to forgive so that we can be forgiven. Thank you!!! Trish O
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
justin deal
When Cathy Bryant first contacted me for a book review and a giveaway for my readers I checked her website and spotted the words Home, Faith, Grace, Promise and Forgiveness. In her introduction to the spiritual themes of her series, Cathy describes these simple words as overflowing with God's goodness. I liked that!
A Bridge Unbroken, a Miller's Creek novel is my first by Cathy Bryant and well worth reading for its wholesome goodness. This lady knows how to reach your heart as she reminds you not all scars are visible!

When she comes back to Miller's Creek Dakota is looking for a fresh start whilst also looking over her shoulder for troubles sure to come. The inheritance of a farm is God sent but there are stipulations to be met and questions sure to arise starting with why she changed her name since she left town.
Chance Johnson has had his share of hard breaks and finds it difficult to forgive her for running away from him years ago, something she seems very good at.
Just when they reluctantly team up to remodel the farm, Dakota's past catches up with her, this time endangering Chance as well.
Be ready for a few twists in this story, Cathy's tale will keep you on edge till the end!

Written with a sound Christian heart, Cathy's latest novel offers not just an interesting story but an emotional connection with rich characters, great setting and a lot of soul searching. God remains a forgiving God and His love never leaves us.

Note to Readers: A Bridge Unbroken is # 5 in the series but is easily read as a stand alone!

4 Stars!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book courtesy of the author as part of the book's promotion. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 'Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. I was not asked to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kara leung
Another faith-filled, dramatic romance from Bryant!

We return to Miller's Creek once again watching a new story unfold. I love fictional small towns, and Miller's Creek is no exception. The level of familiarity among residents sets off a warm, homey vibe. I particularly liked how much time we spent inside Miller's Creek Community Church. Instead of the story being one of a character coming to Christ, Bryant made it one of a Christian struggling with forgiveness.

Meet Dakota. Or is it Amy? No, wait, it's A.K. Aston...I think. Haha! Whoever this fiery red-head is, she's a wonderful character and she handles herself well, though sometimes she tends to run away when she's afraid. I loved the fact that she was a writer! I also loved watching her go under a subtle transformation as she spent more time with Chance. Chance is a decent lead/hero. I hated it when he let himself be blindsided by his judgement; however, I liked watching him move past his problems.

As a romance novel, I thought A Bridge Unbroken was great, but compared to other romantic suspense novels I have read, this one falls short. It lacked tension and I didn't feel "on edge" until towards the end. Overall, Bryant does a great job weaving romance and Christianity together without it feeling forced or sounding preachy. I recommend this novel to followers of the Miller's Creek series and those looking for a romance novel to read in an afternoon, fifteen years or older.

A big thank you to Mrs. Bryant for sending me a PDF review copy for free in return for an honest review of my opinions, which I have done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an amazing story of forgiveness and how hard it truly is to forgive what we perceive as unforgivable. I think we can all relate to this in our lives as we have all had someone do something that hurts us to the core and we feel they don't deserve our forgiveness.

Dakota is running from a man who is out to hurt her. She lives with her backpack ready to go at all times and an escape route planned out, just in case. Finally, she realizes that she needs to return home to Miller Creek to try and escape this vicious man. She lives daily with a guilt over things she has done, but her belief in Jesus helps her to get through day by day.

Chance is a man who is running from his own demons - not physically, as he has stayed in Miller's Creek - but mentally and emotionally. He lives with the daily reminder of scars that propel him to try and make up for the tragedy in his life. He puts most of the blame for this tragedy on one person, though - Dakota.

Through circumstances set up by Chance's grandfather, Dakota and Chance are forced to work together on a farm house and farm or lose it all together. As they work on the house, they try to work through all the baggage that each holds against each other.

Then there's still the evil man that is stalking Dakota. She is afraid to share everything with anyone so lives with this constant fear until forced to share it. She doesn't realize she has more to fear than she realizes.

The thing I love about this book is the wise wisdom from Matt, Gracie and Mama Beth. Their caring counsel touched my heart and also helped me to see that Christ forgave me when I was still a sinner - can we do no less for others? I also loved all the twists and turns of this story which made it a definite "stay up way too late to read" kind of book!

I think you'll love this book, too!

*This book was provided to me for my honest review by the author
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Dakota has the habit of running from her problems. Occasionally she has a legitimate excuse. But usually she just can't handle the confrontation and chooses to leave rather than work things out. But she arrives in Miller's Creek to settle down on her late grandfather's farm and try to stop running. But mending fences and building bridges when her past mistakes are brought to light is more difficult than she thought.

Since I haven't read any of the other Miller Creek Novels, I'm not sure if this is a series or just several books written about the occupants of one town. There were a couple of times that I felt a little confused and wondered if reading the other books would have cleared up the confusion. But for the most part, the book felt like a stand-alone. I would consider the story to be romantic suspense. But there was also some drama thrown in. The author weaves the message of forgiveness throughout the story and it plays a very prominent part. I felt like she did a great job of covering all of the different aspects of forgiveness from the Bible and Christian perspective. The two main characters were romantically involved, but the story didn't seem to focus on their romance as much as them working through issues. It was good enough that I'll be checking out the other books by this author.

I received this book free of charge in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emily schudrowitz
My Thoughts:

A Bridge Unbroken is the fifth book in the Miller Creek Series, but the first of the series I have read. Each book is a standalone story with a special theme. This books theme is forgiveness. While Dakota and Chance have a history that left them both with hurt feelings, it is evident that they still care a lot of each other and that those feelings are growing as they spend time together. Forgiving is not always easy and with Mama Beth, Matt, Chance’s best friend, and his wife, Gracie’s, help and guidance they work to get through what is keeping them from moving on.

There is romance in this book, but it is not mushy fake romance. It is love, true love. As a reader I could feel the pull between Chance and Dakota but I could also see how hurt they both were. Forgiveness and acceptance of the past was exactly what their relationship was in need of but getting there was not easy.

Cathy Bryant is an author I will be reading more of. She wrote a story from the heart that is touching and inspirational. I highly recommend that fans of Christian Romance and Christian Fiction check out this book and the entire series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin scheirer
I already love all the other Miller's Creek novels, but this one gets my favorite vote, hands down! It was like the others in the series and yet, completely different too. The others seemed to be more romance-focused, but this book was that and also much more suspenseful than the previous ones. At times, it felt like I was reading a thriller, though not once did the author swear or use profane terms to get the point across. It didn't even get gory or graphic, but the point was taken. Cathy stayed true to her Christian side throughout the book. I really feel like this book taught me all about forgiveness and why getting retribution or revenge is not the answer.It was a lesson I knew already, but the author creatively makes you question your ideals on forgiveness and if in those times you have really forgiven someone. It's so easy to say you have, but when you look in retrospect you may see you really didn't forgive at all but just pushed it all down. Pushing that resentment and hurt down doesn't help anyone, and this story is a perfect example of that.
Love this series and I definitely recommend reading it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carly huss
This is the fifth book in the Miller Creek Series. I have enjoyed each one for several reasons. Overall the message that she carries throughout reaches out and touches you where you are. This book carries a theme of Forgiveness. The romances her books have are not the mushy gushy type that I can’t stand. There is always suspense that holds my attention throughout the entire book. The message of forgiveness is strong and reaches out to remind us that forgiveness is necessary, but not easy. You must forgive if you are to move forward in life. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you forget or you get over the pain the minute you forgive. God has definitely given Cathy the ability to write books that reach out and touch your soul. Sometimes it is books just like this that are what God uses to speak to or create a healing in someone. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves romances with suspense that speaks to you.

I received a copy for review from the author in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy sims
Awesome read!!! The author combines mystery, suspense, romance
Intertwined with Christian values. The book is fast moving drawing
the read right into the story.
The Miller Creek characters are very real and could be your next
store neighbors. Even the malicious characters portrayed seemed
authentic. The setting was a place you would love to visit especially
to see and walk across the bridge. Stunning surprises enhance the
twists in the plot.
The story touches your soul with the truth about real forgiveness.
Will the characters be able to trust, forgive and forget the hurts
caused by their action?? Read to see what develops.
I understand that this is the five book in the Miller Creek series
but it can be read as a stand alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laura k
I liked Dakota and Chance's story! Their relationship was a journey - both of them letting go of past hurts so they could move forward. It didn't take me long to get pulled into the story, wondering and hoping Dakota and Chance would end up together. It was very sweet how protective Chance was of Dakota - even when he didn't fully understand why. I laughed at the banter between him and Matt when he spent the night in his truck to keep an eye on Dakota. I also liked the other characters in the story. Chance's friends welcomed Dakota into their lives and at times it seemed they sided with her! This was a story full of love, action and forgiveness. I haven't read any of Cathy's other books but I may have to check them out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david livingstone
I started reading this book yesterday while waiting at the hospital for my husband. It made the time go by real fast for me. The only problem was that I decided to read a bit more last night at bed time. I just couldn't find a good place to put it down and go to sleep. I stayed up and finished the book. I just had to know how it would all work out. I'm glad I did and you will be too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caitlin h
Well written,with mystery,romance,and, God"s truth. The total package for a Christian story. Forgiving a person, is , when you remember the trespass, you don't have the same feeling as when it happened. No anger, no vengeful thoughts, only God can give us this ability. I really like this author, she brings a true love for His righteousness in each story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimber barry
Christian romance at its' best. Forgiveness from others, but especially forgiving ourselves is the theme of this novel. It does not come easy, but when we rely and listen to God we can grow and love again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan k
Set in the not-too-distant future, A Bridge Unbroken is an unapologetic look at the potential detriment of America's crumbling infrastructure. Led by a protagonist embroiled in government scandal, the reader follows a choppy narrative that explores many conceivable outcomes to one man's rash decisions. Five stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Not what I expected, but a very enjoyable read. I loved the story and the characters of Dakota and Chance. I didn't figure out the "whys and wherefores" of the story until quite a way into it. Even then, I had to keep reading to see exactly how the story was going to be resolved. Thanks for a good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ruben malvaez
I really enjoyed this great Christian book. The characters were well developed and they pulled on your heart strings. If you love a good clean romance with touch of Bible verses, this is the one for you.
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