Rocky Mountain Desire (Six Pack Ranch Book 3)

ByVivian Arend

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie ibach
I love this series! The characters are down to earth people with realistic hopes, dreams, fears and needs. The whole Coleman clan shows the great things about families. Believable people that show love as well as the harsher side that not always does everyone fit in. This whole series has made me laugh and cry...loved every moment and the sex scenes were just an added bonus! ;)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
maria morales
I had such high hopes for this book. Reading the description made me pre-order it 2 months before it was released. I have learned my lesson...wait for other readers' reviews!

Matt dated Hope's sister Helen for years. Then she cheated on him, broke his heart and left town. A year later, Matt and Hope start hanging out together and become friends with the possibility of more. Then Helen comes back to town.

Sounds good, right?? Well, it was not. This book had so many possibilities to be great and it just wasn't. Helen tried to cause trouble for Matt and Hope but the issues were too easily solved. I love a book that has misunderstandings, jealousy, some kind of conflict before the hero and heroine finally get to their happily ever after. I know that in real relationships jealousy and misunderstandings are the things you don't want but helloooo...this book is for my entertainment and enjoyment. I want some drama!

The sex scenes were good but I found myself skipping over them because I wanted to see what Helen was going to do to try to tear them apart. Apparently she didn't do anything good so I should have paid more attention to the sex.

Anticlimactic...that's the best word to describe this book.

Oh well! On to the next one!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ashley arend
First two six pack books were wonderful. Loved the charaters. Disire was a great disappointment. Matt had a better character and story line in the second book. This one was all about the sex. Weak story line. Very little family involvement. Six pages of okay sex to one page on the story line. I sure hope the next ones are better than this one.
A SEAL's Oath (SEALs of Chance Creek Book 1) :: Rocky Mountain Haven (Six Pack Ranch Book 2) :: All Fired Up (DreamMakers Book 1) :: Rocky Mountain Angel (Six Pack Ranch Book 4) :: Rocky Mountain Romance (Six Pack Ranch Book 7)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah crawford
Matt and Hope's story! Considering Hope's sister left both Matt and her high and dry (in entirely different ways), they have a little baggage to work through. Small towns, man. They can play havoc with a person's love life when a long time girlfriend bails and a guy starts getting interested in the ex's little sis.

That sounds a lot more sordid than it really is. Matt is in no way using Hope as a substitute for Helen. He genuinely likes her and the two have chemistry. But Helen also left a few scars on his heart and he definitely takes time wrapping his head around the idea of him and Hope.

The Coleman's are as boisterous as always. The romance as sweet and sexy. Basically, I adore any time I get to spend with this family, so this one was a winner!

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rocky Mountain Desire
Reviewed by Francesca & posted at Under The Covers Book Blog

Sexy and sweet cowboy yummy-goodness at its best! Rocky Mountain Desire and Matt Coleman rocked!!! I thoroughly enjoy my time with Ms. Arend's Canadian cowboys and Matt was no slouch! I know some of you readers have been waiting a lot longer for his story, but since I just recently discovered this series I was lucky enough not to have to wait too long for it. So let me tell you about Matt.

We have been through a lot with Matt. In book one he was dating his high school sweetheart, the only girl he'd ever had sex with (same for her, he was the guy she gave her virginity to). The sweet as honey middle Coleman brother wanted desperately to marry her and start their life together. She had other plans. First it started with wanting to have another man added in the mix of the sexcapades for spicyness. When that wasn't enough, she went chasing the dream of the big city and the occasional orgy. Cheated on him and then ran out of town, leaving him high and dry, humiliated and destroyed.

We suffered through all that with him. So when this book started out and he falls in immediately lust with a sometimes "dancer", I was dubious. When we find out this said "dancer" is also his ex's little sister, all my red flags went up. I'm not a big fan of the little sister of the ex girlfriend having had a crush on the guy since forever and then all of a sudden they can make a relationship work.

Well, I am here to admit that Ms. Arend shut me up on that, brilliantly! Matt and Hope are so perfect together! She gives as good as she gets, she's no floormat with either Matt or her sister. She's independent, a fighter, and she's not throwing herself at Matt at every chance she can get! He did the chasing!! And boy was it entertaining!!!! Watching him trying to out-do the other guy.

And when things finally started heating up and sizzling between these two they were ON FIRE! Hope wants to give up control and Matt was more than happy to help her out!

Then there's the whole Coleman family!! I love all of them, from the sexy and smexy twins all the way down to the Coleman mom & dad. He even helped his son make a quilt!! *wipes tear away* LOL

Now, when can I get some more hot, wild, cowboy lovin' again, Ms. Arend? I need another Coleman fix!

*ARC provided by publisher

Release date: March 13, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mostafa abdelzaher
Matt Coleman has been pretty bitter since his ex-girlfriend left him in the dust to pursue wilder passions. Matt's not ready for a relationship but he is definitely ready for some good old fashion fun. Now all he has to do if find the right woman; one looking for some fun and not a family because he may never give his heart away again.

Hope Meridan has had a crush on Matt for a very long time but there is no chance he will ever knock boots with the little sister of the woman who broke his heart. The last year has been tough on Hope, not only did her sister break Matt's heart, but she left Hope in the lurch. They were supposed to start their own quilting business together but after Helen's disappearing act Hope had to figure it out on her own.

Matt has always thought of Hope as Helen's little sister but one look at her in a sexy costume and he must evaluate his train of thought. Hope has grown up into a beautiful woman and she awakens his heart that has been collecting dust. Matt and Hope begin a hot and heavy relationship but can they make it work when there is so much baggage between them...namely Helen as she bounces back into town with a vengeance?

Rocky Mountain Desire is a hot and sweet read! Matt and Hope may seem like an unlikely couple but they make beautiful music when together. I understand Matt's fear of giving his heart away and I enjoyed his journey in Rocky Mountain Desire. I like that Hope is strong and independent, she knows what she wants unlike Matt's previous girlfriend Helen. Matt really needs someone that wants him for exactly who he is and Hope is that woman. Vivian Arend's cowboys just keep getting better and better! I can't wait to read about the rest of the Coleman brothers!

Miranda for Joyfully Reviewed
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alan roberts
Another wonderful addition to the Rocky Mountain 6 Pack series.

Matt, well I liked him from book 1 and so much wanted him to get a decent love in his life, a HEA. He is kind, caring, helpful, level headed, sexy as heck - it was nice to see him in his own book. Matt had been rocked by his ex girlfriend's (Helen) inability to be happy, no matter what he tried, even a menage, Helen could not be satisified. She didn't like his family, country lifestyle or his stability, to her that equalled boring. She cheated on him in the last book and made a terrible scene. Matt was scared of letting go and getting back into another relationship after her until his brother, Daniel's, bachelor party where he sees a sexy mermaid dancing on stage. She looks familiar but she has a mask on. Interest is piqued.

Hope was a lovely character - independent, strong, kind, hard working and had a crush on Matt Coleman. She didn't think he could possibly return her feelings, glad she was wrong. She had been left in the lurch when her sister, Helen, talked her into a quilting shop and then bolted to Calgary. Helen eventually comes back to Rocky and does her level best to put the kybosh on Matt and Hope's new yet growing relationship, amongst other things. Hope didn't let Helen waltz back in and ride roughshod over her, I liked that. It was hard for her though, as she is her only family, but still she held strong.

I truly appreciated that there was no great drama in this book. Yes, Helen tried her utmost to screw things up, but both Matt and Hope were mature and talked things through. Thank. Goodness. I liked that their relationship took time to build. From bachelor party to more indepth feelings took months. I loved their comittment to each other without the angst. Don't get me wrong I love an angsty book but it would have been wrong here with this couple. They had other things to overcome indivdually without the overkill of immense relationship drama.

Excellent writing, sexy, sexy book, great characters. Love the Colemans, loved seeing Jaxi and Blake (my personal favourites) going strong. Liked the fact that there may be a gay relationship coming our way - do it Vivian Arend, please. I hope this series has a long life as I really enjoy it, in fact I have pre-ordered the last two books and will continue to do so as it is a must read for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ronald toles
Matt was still getting over a ripped out heart. The girl he had been dating for a couple if years turned out to not share his dreams, too. During one if his brothers bachelor's party he gets very interested in one of the dancers with a mask. She pretty much just about knocked him out of his boots just by looking at him through the crowd. He eventually found out who she was. He wasn't looking for anything serious, but he found himself looking to spend a lot of time with this girl, Hope. They both had baggage that they were trying to lose. Very good read. It gets a little graphic with some of the extra curricular activities these cowboys have.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
connie dickey
Matt Coleman may have gotten hooked into planning his brother Daniel's bachelor party but he's not all that interested in family fun. He's still not over his cheating ex-girlfriend dumping him and skipping town but he'd really like some female companionship of the doesn't-stick-around kind. Just as he's pondering his lack of options, one of the dancers hired for the night's entertainment catches his eye - she looks a whole lot like his ex. The dancer knew Matt and had been attracted to him, but instead of his ex, the horrible Helen, she was her younger sister, Hope. There's embarrassment all around, with a double helping for Hope - not only was she drooling over Matt, she's got a respectable quilt shop and was only there dancing as a favor for a friend and really doesn't want it getting out.

They don't see each other for months, time that Matt still needed to get past some of the worst of his bitterness toward Helen. He still feels a little weird about Hope - he's attracted to her, but should he be? He rescues her from a snowbank and they rescue each other from hypothermia - his family helps with the rest, giving him the push he needs to start seeing Hope for who she is, not just as Helen's sister.

All of the Coleman brothers are pretty exceptional but Matt has been my favorite. Helen managed to make him doubt himself and there weren't any simple fixes even if he is a natural Grade A Alpha. When Helen left Rocky Mountain, she didn't just dump Matt, she left Hope in the lurch too, on the hook for rent and solely responsible for the quilt shop. At odd moments in the story, they would bond as survivors of Helen and at others, struggle to hold onto each other in spite of her. Hope and Matt have some unbelievably hot love scenes - seriously break the ice water out hot.

The same family atmosphere is back in Rocky Mountain Desire that was present in the first two books that I adored so much. Jaxi and Blake have their girls now, Daniel and Beth have their family and it's fun to continue to watch the youngest Coleman twins Jesse and Joel continue to reel the girls in and to try to solve the mystery of brother Travis. Now that Hope's joined the family, there are quilting circles and even more about the guys down at the garage.

I always say this about each prior book, but you know, this is my favorite book in the series yet. Matt and Hope were the most compatible couple imaginable, the joy of the book was watching the two of them figure it out - no misunderstandings, no big event and grovel, no manufactured drama - just two people figuring out the past and getting around to the future. The long, slow slide they took into love was perfect for them and exactly the way it had to be given their history. Matt's proposal/non-proposal/sort-of-missed proposal was the sweetest, most original and "them" that I could imagine.

You can read each book as something of a standalone but they are so, so much better read as a series in order. The first two are expanded, revised versions of earlier works and this is a brand new story. Rocky Mountain Heat: Six Pack Ranch, Book 1 Rocky Mountain Haven: Six Pack Ranch, Book 2
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lucy wanjiru
Arend manages to paint an entrancing picture with depth and colour to what might otherwise be a predicable story. I love the mix of humour, great sex and interesting characters. Will be looking out for more by this author
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kerlip bintang
Here we go again with a relationship involving getting involved with a sibling to one they used to date. Seriously?! Yes this is a work of fiction, but come on. I would never date a person my sister dated and my brother would never date a girl one of his brother's dated. That is just a situation that just should be avoided. I wanted someone totally different for Matt after all the bullish-t he put up with Helen and he goes and gets with her younger sister and of course Helen has to interfere. The story of this book was lacking and I did not like this book near as much as I didn't like the first one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alisa anderson
Truly an amazing story! This is the story of Matt & Hope. Matt had it rough there for a while when he found out Helen cheated on him & truly broke his heart. Now he set his sites on her sister who is the total opposite of Helen. This relationship is interesting to say the least especially when there was another interested in Hope. But love always wins when two people are meant for each other. I am happy that these two finally found their happily ever after even after Helen tried to break them up. Good job Vivian! I would recommend this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rick quinn
Rocky Mountain Desire is the third book in the Six Pack Ranch series. Vivian Arend is a pure genius for creating this series, because I just can't get enough. The storyline is intriguing, the characters are loveable, the family connections are strong, and the sex is down right hot as hell. The best thing about this book, is that there wasn't any unnecessary angst. There were a few times in the book, where one of the main characters could have made a bigger deal out of a situation, and let it ride for a few chapters, like other authors have done. But thankfully, Vivian Arend didn't feel the need to do this, and because of that, this is one of my favorite books. The drama kept me entertained, the love was sweet, and overall, this series is a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca mehok
Every book in this series are fantastic.My favorite is the book about Travis it is called Rocky Mountain Freedom. All of the books have humor,sibling rivalry,hard work and hard play. I wish that there were more books in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dicelle rosica
These just keep getting better and better! Matt Coleman and Hope are so hot together. Can this couple find a way to let things go and be another hot sexy couple in Rocky? This book has many emotions and the sex scenes are on fire. Hot damn! A must read for sure.
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