Obsidian: The Dragon Kings (Volume 1)

ByKimberly Loth

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
catherine davis
First off, Aspen is horrible in the beginning. How can someone fall in love (way too quickly I might add) to someone so incredibly RUDE? I really liked the whole concept of this book, but could not get fully into it. This book just didn't flow at all to me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anjali shahi
First of all thanks to Kimberly for giving me the opportunity to read/review this book in advance in exchange for an honest review. It's not every day that someone says, "I've got this YA book about dragons that I'd like you to review." (Which is really a shame when you think about it.) I'm a Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre junkie and I was very happy to accept the offer to read this book.

Not normally a fan of the prologue, I went into this book with hesitation. But I feel like the prologue was handled well and did a great deal to introduce the reader to a modern world that just happens to have dragons in it. It created questions immediately and made me want to dive right in.

It took me a few chapters to get into the story. I immediately enjoyed the POV characters of Aspen and Obsidian, but I had trouble reconciling how they were going to connect, but once they did, that's where the magic happened.

Aspen is brave and spunky and has a unique voice. There are times when she's a bit unlikable, but Loth does a great job of taking Aspen's bristly personality and fusing it with sincerity, which makes the reader root for her even when she's being a bit of a pain. Many times, I found myself thinking, "Are you kidding me Aspen?" and that is what gives the story the perfect amount of tension and conflict. I had to keep reading!

Obsidian is dreamy. He's quintessential book boyfriend material. He's hot and kind and doing his best to cope with insane (SPOILER FREE) pressure. I really connected to his character and feel like he's completely fleshed out and totally wonderful. Obsidian is definitely the strength of this book, in my opinion.

The story moves at a decent pace, taking time to fully delve into the minds of Aspen and Obsidian and how they deal with their tenuous relationship. I found myself trying to guess what would happen next and failing quite a bit. That's a very good thing in my book. It took me some time to get used to the "head jumping" (changes in POV) but once I got a feel for the voice of the characters, I was fine with it. In fact, I feel like the POV changes helped to cultivate a richer story.

I'm a huge fan of Loth's Thorn Chronicles series. She did not disappoint me with the first book in the Dragon Kings series. I am anxiously waiting the release of Dragon Kings 2 (Aspen) in April. If you'd like a fresh take on Dragons and YA romance, this is a fantastic and easy read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The whole book series was just silly. The 500+ year old dragons are clueless and need a 17 year old girl to set things right? The President keeps forgetting that the dragons aren't animals even though she regularly meets with Dragon ambassadors? The mighty War takes place over a weekend I'm as far as I can tell the person in charge of the human contingent is a 20 year old kid in the National Guard.
I'm usually willing to spend some disbelief when I understand that it's a young adult book and kids want to think that teenagers have power but there's only so far I can take that.
Among the Free (Shadow Children) :: Among the Barons (Shadow Children) :: Just Ella (The Palace Chronicles Book 1) :: Hidden Monster (The Monsters Among Us Book 1) :: Running Out of Time
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
miranda raye
This is the first book in the Dragon Kings Series. I loved this book. I loved the story line and the characters. I loved the main characters and the support characters. I loved how much depth the author has put into her characters and story line. This is a young adult story and does end in a cliffhanger. That being said this is a fantastic read, and I can’t wait for the next book. I received this free book in exchange for an honest review.

I loved how complex Aspen is. I loved how she loves all things dragons; talk’s constantly about dragons and will do anything to save them. I love how she becomes bonded to the black dragon Obsidian. I loved that she has been damaged by her past and that it has affected how she interacts with other boys that she is attracted to. I loved that she no longer trusts her instincts and won’t give Sid a chance at all and flat out tells him that he has no chance of being her anything, not a friend and definitely not a boyfriend especially not with her BFF calling dibs on him. I did think it was kind of creepy that her BFF keeps changing herself to look more like Aspen, changing her hair color and style, getting colored contacts. Seems more like she doesn’t want to be Aspen’s friend as much as she wants to be Aspen. I loved how adventurous Aspen is. I loved how she likes to skydive, rock climb and is always hiking to new places to find dragons that she can take pictures of. I loved the interaction between Obsidian and Aspen and how Obsidian helps her overcome her issues with Sid and gets her to give him a chance. Of course, Aspen doesn’t know that Sid and Obsidian are one and the same. I loved the twists and turns in this book, like when we find out that Marc is Sid’s cousin and that Sid wants the honor of destroying him for what he did to Aspen and also for eating humans. Of course, we learn at the end of the book that he is not the one that is eating the humans, but he was guilty of raping and beating up Aspen.

I loved Sid. I loved how he started off the book being in a relationship to Skye and how it ended because he had been chosen to be the next King. I loved how he had managed a relationship that long (150 years) without bonding to her. I loved how he is now supposed to have his mate picked for him by the dragon council who will find his dragon queen. I loved how he had to do ten years of living as a human as part of being a dragon and future king. He has to finish his ten years as a human and bond with his dragon queen before he will be crowned as the dragon king. So it comes as quite the complication when he falls in love with Aspen and ends up accidently bonding with her, but there is still hope as long as Aspen doesn’t love him back and seal the bond between them. But Sid can’t stay away from her much to the displeasure of his handler Theo and his sister Pearl, who happens to be on the council, for if the bond is sealed then the council will have to destroy him for he can only be bonded to one person and if it isn’t to his queen then he can’t be king. The only way to get to the next king in line is to destroy the king that has been chosen. I love how Sid thru his dragon Obsidian is able to get closer to Aspen and figure out why she won’t give him a chance in human form. I loved how persistent Sid is in pursuing Aspen and how he won’t give up.

I can’t wait to see where Kimberly Loth takes this series next. This book does end in a cliff hanger with Aspen about to be eaten by the gold dragon and I can’t wait to see what happens. I also hope that we find out what happened to Aspen’s twin brother to make him so afraid of dragons and going outside. I received this free book in exchange for an honest review.

Here is a synopsis of the book. Aspen—-a skydiving, rock-climbing, bear-cuddling—-adrenaline junkie, finds herself in real danger when she unwittingly ensnares the heart of Obsidian, the dragon king. Seventeen-year-old Aspen is a skydiving, rock climbing adrenaline junky. All her life, she’s been fascinated by the dragons who roam near her home in Yellowstone Park. Yes, Dragons. Though no human has ever gotten close enough to touch one. Except Aspen. While most people avoid the national parks because of the resident dragons, Aspen spends most of her free time in search of the feared and misunderstood creatures. For her, studying the dragons is a way to escape a painful past and avoid getting too close to anyone. She’d rather track dragons in the wild and through the lens of her camera than talk to real people. But then Aspen meets a hot new guy at school, Sid King. He’s the one person she’s ever met who shares her obsession with all things dragon. But even as she feels strangely drawn to the mysterious boy, she senses he’s hiding his own set of dark and powerful secrets. When hikers start turning up dead in the park, everyone suspects the formidable predators. Unless Aspen can prove their innocence, every one of her beloved dragons is in danger of eradication. After Aspen and Sid uncover a sinister plot behind the brutal attacks, Aspen can no longer deny that Sid somehow knows more about the deaths than he should and the secrets they both keep threatens to rip their lives apart forever.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
matt norvell
Oddly perfunctory writing style flattened the story into something that read more like a synopsis than a finished product. The heroine, Aspen, scudded along with about the same emotional depth for all situations -- had lunch, car broke down, lost a friend, got scolded by authority figure, recalled traumatic event, got dressed up for big date, was late to class -- ho hum, it's all the same. Her insistence on vilifying the new love interest because he strongly resembles a past tormentor is particularly loathsome given her lack of emotional response in the other situations -- a friend dies and she smiles and waves to his parents when seeing them out and about only days after the funeral, but sulks and pouts and flounces off without explanation for weeks after meeting the poor boy bearing the unfortunate resemblance, until she gets over it and gets with him, knowing her best friend has a huge crush on the guy. The perfunctory writing does little to disguise how shockingly selfish those actions are; I certainly wouldn't want my teen reading this and feeling like the examples were acceptable. Judge a book by its cover, act in your own self-interest regardless of whom you might hurt, that kind of thing. By the end of the book I was actually offended by the behaviors of the characters -- and then the writer used the word "drug" instead of "dragged" and cut me loose forever. I won't be reading anything else from this series or this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie clair
Obsidian is a dragon that really just wanted to coast through life with Skye, his girlfriend/dragon. He was one of several dragons (not blood brothers but called brothers) who would someday become king of the dragons. Obsidian didn’t want it. He was also supposed to spend 10 years as a human so he could read and learn. He put that off until the last minute. That last minute is when he found himself not appearing as a gold dragon anymore but a black one. There is only one black dragon and that dragon is the king.

Now Obsidian is in human form with the name of Sid. One of his brothers is to be with him and help him while in human form. He needs to stay in human form and not bond with anyone, especially not with a human. That would mean death.

Aspen is a nature junky and loves dragons. One day she sees a black dragon land near her and she just stares at him. She thought while she was watching him that a snake bit her but when she looks down after the dragon flies away that it is a tattoo that appeared on her ankle. She doesn’t know what it means. Aspen has also had an overwhelming bad experience with a guy who looks a lot like Sid. She stays away from Sid because it brings back bad memories.

But Aspen can’t help it as she is drawn to Sid. Sid can’t resist either. He had no idea humans felt this way. He can’t stay away from her. Even though she loathes him. Sid tells her about a dragon that will be at a certain spot at a certain time so she can see him in dragon form since that seems to be the only thing Aspen wants. But Sid is the dragon, Obsidian that she sees and finds alluring.

Now people are being eaten by dragons. Sid knows it has to be one dragon because dragons don’t eat humans. If they can’t find who is doing it humans may go to war with them.

Now the action and mystery gets going. Who is doing this? Why is Aspen so taken with Obsidian and Sid? Can Sid keep his feelings about Aspen a secret from the dragons? Because if he can’t, he will be killed. And what does the tattoo mean on Aspens ankle?

I loved the action. I loved the mystery. I had some idea of what may happen but did not guess the full impact of what did happen. I enjoyed watching Sid learn to like being human. I liked Aspen and her adventurous spirit. I liked the idea of the story.

My only negatives are that sometimes I had to reread sentences because a word was left out. I also felt confused about this Marc guy. We don’t know about him to over half way in the book and it bothered me that the reader didn’t know about him. I couldn’t feel Sid’s pain if I didn’t know what had happened to her and Marc. I also didn’t get why it would be Sid’s death if he fell for a human and bonded with her.

But, I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book because the ending was a cliff hanger and I am scared for Aspen. I want her and Obsidian/Sid to be together. I want to know more about the dragons. It was a great story and I want more right now! This book promises to be the start of a great series!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
fleur parker
The heroine is bad at everything: keeping her promises, doing schoolwork, taking care of her car, respecting her family. She blows off everything except her hobbies, and expects others to compensate for her. Her parents let her get away with this, obviously for years.

The hero isn't much better, making no effort to accomplish his principal goals.

Robin McKinley and others have written far better variations on this theme.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
andrew price
I'm reading the collection version but like to rate each book separately. 3.5 stars
Things I liked:
The interesting storyline of before the King can rule he must remain in human form for 10 years.
The adventurous side of Aspen.
Tori's character had intrigue with her slowly becoming a duplicate copy of Aspen but nothing came of it yet.
Sid character was based on mating and keeping Pretty childlike never being in the human world.
Had triggers but was handled tastefully.
Things I didn't like:
Aspen's personality was horrible and not a likable character. She kinda redeemed herself at the end but a little late.
Pearl left Aspen vulnerable right after an attack to go Fix Something. Really?
Sid was pretty immature for a 500 yr old dragon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m kitabu
Dragons can actually walk among us, how amazing.

This is so my kind of book, I must admit that I adore anything dragon related especially books as I get to spend time in the world the author has put forth. I want to live in this world where dragons are among us. When I finished the book in the wee small hours I made sure to buy and download the next book in the series :-).

I fell in love with Aspen's character instantly through her love of dragons and wanting to be near them, I totally get that. She is such an out doorsy kind of gal, so full of life and she feels could do better things with her time than go to school but she had to respect her mums wishes. He twin brother Rowan is the total opposite, he is anxious, he does not like going out following something scaring him when he was younger. Then their is Aspens best friend Tori who is trying very hard to shape herself as an Aspen lookalike. Out hiking one day she caught sight of a black dragon. The excitement burst throughout her body. She totally dislikes the new boy

Osidian is a stunning black dragon, the new dragon king. To enable him to become a better king he must spend ten years as a human and learn their ways and cultures. Sid, the human form of Obsidian is determined to find and meet the excitable girl he met in dragon form. Once he learns that a girl named Aspen and happens to go to the school he will be attending like to photograph dragons, he hopes she is the one he met.

I love how the characters have been written, you can actually imagine befriending them (well not sure about Tori) and omg the Dragons, I would want one for Christmas lol, they have been described beautifully that you can see them perfectly in your minds eye.

What did I dislike, oh maybe there could have been like a few more dragons :-).

Thank you so much Kimberley Loth for taking me to your world, or one of them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shala eisenbeisz
This book was probably designed for teenaged readers, but as a grandmother, I can tell you it appeals to all ages.
The story itself is well thought out and is easy to follow. Considering the hundreds of books I have read, and my new job as an editor, this is a great compliment from me. The fact I didn't have to back up and re-read sections because something was out of order or because of misused or misspelled words was a wonderful relief. You have some great editors helping you! ☺

I liked how you developed the relationship between Sid and Aspen, and showed that dragons didn't have to be either all good or all bad. And your cliffhanger! I will be downloading the next book as soon as I finish this review! ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nathaniel k
Obsidian is a fascinating example of the genre of Magical Realism: a world much like our own, but with one little twist: Here There Be Dragons. So while humanity considers them beasts, if large ones, mostly restricted to preserve-like national parks, they do exist, with a government, culture, and society of their own (ones which I sincerely hope future novels will delve into!).

Obsidian himself is the new, and unwilling, Dragon King, forced by ancient law and tradition to study and learn about mankind. So why does Aspen, the fearless, dragon-loving young girl who he soon encounters, get under his scales so very easily? For a human, Aspen is most intriguing, and Obsidian wants to understand why...even though his search violates Dragon Law and custom and endangers not only his reign but also his very life!

This new tale from YA favourite Kimberly Loth (most of whose works I have purchased and devoured) is well-written, nicely paced, and offers a unique glimpse into how our own world might look if there were dragons among us! It shows a great deal of promise as a new series, and leaves this reader asking only one question: when will the next novel in the series be out! I can't wait!

Please note that I was provided an advance copy of this novel in return for a fair and honest review. The opinions above are solely my own and in no way influenced or dictated by the author. Having said that...buy it. You won't regret it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well Kimberly Loth, this is a great book!
Admittedly I LOVE Dragon books and, this was no exception but, this is awesome!
If you are not into cliffhanger endings, then buy the set and work your way through them, not that this is work, I just flew through this book.
I am not into spoilers so, all I can tell you is that this is not like any other Dragon books I have read, it is fast and furious and just sucks you right in!
Well, off to read some more. Enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
juli burnham
This isnt likely to be a very helpful review, but I loved the ideas in this book, and will download the second because its free but I skipped huge portions of this one. The development felt so rushed and the prose stiff, while everyone pretty much proceeded along exactly how i expected... but again, I finished it. The good bits are good enough that i think a lot of people will forgive the flaws.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susanne clower
Enjoyed book 1 immensely and quickly followed with book 2. Great cliffhanger at the end of book 1 with great beginning in book 2.

The characters are well-illustrated and the challenges to their relationship are typical of any relationship, dragon king notwithstanding. Like the clean romance and drama in the national park. I also like how the existence of dragons was explained. there was no long history given, which in some novels is necessary, but rather the explanation through context that dragons had been around forever and were an accepted part of society.

While the killer dragon isn't revealed explicitly here, I have to say that I guessed the true villain (revealed explicitly in book 2).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having read quite a few kindle unlimited books and practically being disappointed by all of them, I was very skeptical going into this. Imagine my shock to find myself reading this book until 1am. If I didn’t need to wake up early the next morning I would’ve kept reading until I finished. This book was fantastic, it had me hooked from the very first page! I can’t wait to find out what happens in book two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brenda ellis
I thought the premise of this story was interesting. Dragons in this story are explained in a much different way than you generally read about. I was drawn into the story to see what would happen next!

I liked the setting of the story, a strong (if a bit cold) female character, the fantasy aspect of the dragons. The love story was a bit rushed for my taste in the fact that she wouldn't give him the time of day one minute and then she was crazy about him the next.

This was a fun YA read. I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a review of my honest opinion of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed this book and the approach taken towards the dragons. My only issue is towards the end the plots kind of unravelled! If it's a definite thing that a character is looking at death then he has no leverage whatsoever! It made no sense for Aspen to think she had to go with him at all! He was a dead man and wouldn't be able to tell anything!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katy hartnett
The story line is fantastic. The jumping sentences was a bit off setting but overall good. I liked how she didn’t stay mad at obsedian or sid. The author wasn’t afraid to add a traumatic scene that some might find disturbing. It helps to understand what the characters went through and why they act the way the do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received through Bookfunnel Writing voluntary review:

You ever read a book and it is like you see what might be next but then it curves into something totally different? That is what this book was like. I expected on thing but so glad to read something even better.

This is a great book and can't wait to see what is next in store for Aspen and the Dragons
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marat amzayan
Obsidian is the first of the Dragon King Series. If it weren't for the cliffhanger I would have given it a five star.I prefer a standalone that doesn't need the next book to complete the story.The story is intriguing and filled with twists.The characters compelling and well matched.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohamed elzarei
I received an ARC for an honest review. I devoured this book! It is an interesting concept that dragons are among us and they can be viewed in national parks. I loved the dynamic between Sid and Aspen. I am so eager to see what happens next. The character development was well done. Only criticism is that one day she hates Sid and the next she loves him. If there was a little preface to the mark causing the connection to enhance feelings. I can't wait to read the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberly miller
I don’t usually read YA because they are annoying but honestly there were just a few things that teens typically do that were written about. ( I could have done without those, but it wasn’t my story). I’d definitely recommend this story though. It’s unique but what I really loved what’s the family relationships.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a really great story. It was different than anything I've about dragon shape-shifters in a long time. At first it started off slow but it got so good I couldn't put it down. I'm glad I stuck with it. I don't want to give any spoilers but I do recommend this book it's AWSOME. I just purchased number two. I've got to find out what happened to Aspin and Sidd.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It’s my own fault, you know. Agreeing to review one of her books. I get a copy and start reading it, and that’s it. Nothing else gets done. I’m totally hooked.

Warning: SPOILERS!

I mention some key facts about the book. If you want to be completely surprised, take my word for it that this is worth your time and stop reading this review. Go read the book instead.

Although it’s sometimes hard to tell who the protagonist is in a book with multiple points of view, Aspen and Obsidian are our heroes and main characters. Aspen loves dragons, and she will do almost anything just to get close enough or a get a good picture of one. Obsidian is a dragon, and after two devastating things happen (one of them being named King, which he hates), he has to spend 10 years as a human before he can officially take the throne. Of course, they fall in love. But there are obstacles, just like every good love story. Sid (our human form of Obsidian) reminds Aspen too much of a very bad experience with a boy, and Sid isn’t allowed to fall in love with a human. Am I saying too much here? Or is this just getting you interested in reading? Because it’s awesome.

What I liked about the book: Loth draws you in like a bug zapper. With this book, she beats the “prologue curse” too, which is admirable in and of itself. Obsidian’s character development is my favorite as far as characters go. I probably like him more than I like Aspen. But who wouldn’t? And a fantastic love story; all of the stumbling blocks are there. Can a dragon and a human really love each other? The book will keep you guessing all kinds of things, all the way up until the end. I enjoy subplots too, so I’m glad this book had a lot of them.

What I didn’t like: I felt like there were a few moments that dragged, but that was it. After a book keeps you that high all the time, it’s necessary to have a minute to slow down. For example, Aspen is chasing the notes Obsidian leaves her it feels a little slow, but fun.

What I have a love/hate relationship with: CLIFFHANGERS! It was like reading the Iron Traitor, and then at the last page going “WHAT?” Yes, those capital letters mean I’m shouting! No fair. Now I have to torturously wait for the 2nd book to come out. BOO!

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. Definitely worth the read, and highly recommended, especially if you like Julie Kagawa, Kiersten White, or Aprilynne Pike
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
It was pretty promising, with very little miscommunication for a high school drama, although the treatment of the first female character drove me crazy especially when we found out something special she did. Anyway, the series may get better, but I'm not sure if I'll continue it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debra horvath
Quite frankly I was unsure about this book, but it was love at first sight. If you are a major fantasy fan, honey this book is for you. Dragons, councils, kicking buttox, & action packed. I finished reading it in one night and I am now on book 2. There isn't a ton of romance which I'll admit left me wishy washy BUT I know there will be later on in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Aspen is your typical girl.... NOT! She loves the outdoors and photographing nature, especially dragons! She is no stranger to dragons because she has met one at the age of 4. Now she is interested in one specific black dragon, Obsidian! When she finally figures out that there is a lot more to her loves for dragons, her life gets interesting!

Thanks Kimberly for the opportunity to read/review this book!! I read it in one sitting and can not wait for the 2nd book!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
zsilinszky anett
Good story foundation...started slow but picked up. The main character is irritating and Sid character seems under developed. I hope book two is better...if not I'm done. This seems too childish with the fake pretense of being serious.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laken oliver
Obsidian (The Dragon Kings) - Kimberly Loth - release Date Feb 15, 2016
A must read this book rocks and when I finished it I said to myself WOW. I can’t wait until the next one comes out…
The book is just the right length to be able to read in one sitting if one has the time.

Obsidian is a Royal Dragon and one who could be selected to be the next Dragon King, but he doesn’t want to be the Dragon King. He had been with Skye for over 150 years and she was not next to him when he awoke.. She was near the opening of the cave they shared and was in a bad mood they had had an argument the night before about his needing to become human for 10 years as preparation to be able to understand and negotiate with the human world should he be selected as a King and all king candidates had to go through it. She was leaving him and before she left she told him goodbye your Majesty.. Why had she called him that, he looked at his reflection through silted eyes expecting to see the glittering gold color he had been for four centuries was now black with just a spattering of the gold he had been, He hated his new color and all that meant for his future. He did not want to be the one who was selected and now his future mate would be chosen for him. There was only one Black Dragon and that was the King…
He saw her standing and had been drawn to her. He flew down now stood 10 feet away from her, the ground has shook when he landed, she has spun around and sat down and was amazed at the Black dragon before her. She needed her camera but had left it at home packing for her family vacation to Hawaii. She loved dragons and had never seen a Black Dragon before she walked up to him and touched his scales below his eye. She was dumbstruck looking at the dragon before her then she felt a burning sensation on her ankle, it must be a snakebite, when she pulled down her sock to look for the evidence of a snakebite all she saw was a Intricate inch wide tattoo looped and swished, encircling her entire ankle. The pattern was deliberate, a marking of some kind where did it come from, The Dragon?? She would have to hide it from her parents..
Would she see the dragon again and how would their lives become entangled in the future…

I was given a Advance Copy copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Having a secret identity is tough, especially if the girl you love doesn’t like one of them. This is the situation faced by Obsidian, the future Dragon king who is forced to live 10 years on earth as a human as all royal dragons do, beginning with a year in high school.

Sid, Obsidian’s human alter-ego, meets Aspen first through her photos of dragons and he becomes more and more intrigued. The probem is that Aspen thinks Sid is kind of a jerk. She loves photographing dragons and spends hours out in nature looking for them. Teenage boys are not as interesting, particularly after one she trusted betrayed her.

Over time, Sid and Aspen spend more time together and Sid can’t resist meeting Aspen in his dragon form. Obsidian can speak to Aspen telepathically, and Aspen begins to fall for him. Meanwhile, Sid remains firmly in the “friend zone” and he has no idea how to even begin to explain that he’s one and the same creature. Even worse, while Sid has eyes only for Aspen, Aspen’s best friend is infatuated with Sid.

To further complicate matters, bonding between humans and dragons is forbidden by the dragon council and it is punishable by death … but the bonds are already forming. How can they resist? And how can Obsidian tell Aspen his secrets?

Obsidian is a wonderful book. It is the first book in Kimberly Loft’s Dragon Kings series. Loft brings in lots of different conflicts and sets up lots of characters that will, no doubt, be important as the series continues. Fair warning: there’s a cliff-hanger ending!

I received an author’s review copy in exchange for an honest review of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john wei
Great YA romance wrapped in a modern day dragon tale with lots of action and mystery. The characters were developed well and I especially enjoyed Sid & Aspen. Aspen is in no way a typical heroine by no means. The story flows very well and does have a few typos, but not enough to take away from this awesome story. I'm looking forward to book 2, Aspen!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bridget ortiz
Thanks to Kimberly Loth for this free book and the opportunity to give an honest review. This book is filled with well fleshed out characters that bring the reading experience alive, and wanting/craving more. Some minor editing /grammar issues were seen;but, overall a well written novella. I look forward to seeing more from this author. The second book appears just as good, and I'm already starting the third.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jennifer jackson berry
My Kindle recommended this book and since it wouldn't cost me anything I read it. Thank goodness I didn't pay, because this has got to be one of the most boring books I've ever read, and the only reason I finished it is because I hate leaving books unfinished. The characters aren't interesting and the only one whose name I remember is Obsidian because it's in the title. The story makes no sense and the whole time I was reading it I was eagerly awaiting the end so I never had to touch it again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loth knocks another one out of the park. Dragons!!!! They have this complex society that has evolved around the human world and sets up the clash that opens in the prologue. I was pulled in immediately. I couldn't stop reading. I loved Aspen's prickly, adrenaline junkie personality. She had good reason to be brash and hard. Sid was the perfect one to break down her walls. They are an awesome couple and I can't wait to see where Loth takes the series and Side and Aspen. It's gonna be exciting!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara watson
I really enjoyed reading this book. It was fast paced and each chapter kept me wanting to read the next. I hated to have to put it down and go to work. The worst part of the book is having to wait until April to read Book 2! I have enjoyed all the DragonSinger and DragonQuest books about Pern by Anne McCaffery. This gives a different reality to dragons, just as enjoyable. Are dragons real? Could they be lurking around us, just beyond our sight? Ms. Loth deals with several topics of interest to teens and 20s (and even older ladies like me!), like learning to stand up for yourself, and learning to speak up about difficult topics, like rape and abuse. But these themes were part of the action and motivation of the plot, not at all lessons. Aspen is a strong, young woman, learning to deal with a difficult past. What will I do until the next book comes out???
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I got this book on iTunes but discovered the rest of the series was here on the store. This book hooked me. Great characters and a story that keeps you turning the pages. The ending definitely makes you look for the next book to read more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed this book, books about dragons are one of my favorites. I think this is well written and has a great plot. The suspense is building and I began to wonder who is the real bad guy. It could be almost any of the dragons. this suspense carries through to the end and leaves you waiting for Aspen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalee gregory
I was enthralled from the beginning! What a great story! I was so involved and couldn't wait to get to the end of three story. Then I realize there is a cliffhanger. That really was a disappointment. I wanted to know what will happen. I will still want to read the next book in the series. Kudos to you Kimberly!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I like light fantasy as this was. The main character Aspen is fearless, adventurous and a regular teen, with an unusual love and hobby. The other main character, Sid, is doing his best to understand the world he has been tossed into, and trying to work within all the worlds he has at his disposal.
It's appropriate for teenagers -- some teen angst, but not completely, typical teen behavior i.e. fights with a friend, no language issues (a couple curse words here and there, but no F bombs).
I'll read the next one that comes out in April. I think my teenage daughter, who loves dragons, will enjoy this.
Please RateObsidian: The Dragon Kings (Volume 1)
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