Among the Free (Shadow Children)

ByMargaret Peterson Haddix

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mary williams
Among the Free takes place quite a while after Among the Enemy and revolves around Luke, the protagonist of the first, second, and fourth books in the series. It takes place in a world where there have been extreme food shortages, so families are only allowed to have two children. Any family who has three children is severely punished, and the Third Child is killed. Due to a series of inadequately explained events, the government is overthrown and it looks as though Luke and the other Third Children might finally be able to come out of hiding. Unfortunately, the new government has other ideas.

Among the Free could have been a good finish to the Shadow Children series. Sadly, the ending is so rushed and implausible, that it spoils the rest of the book. It seems as though the author wrote the first part of the book, and then ran out of time to conclude the book in a satisfying manner. Even the tone of the ending is different; the series is fairly dark, while the ending is the exact opposite. The result is a very strong beginning and middle and a fizzle-out, unsatisfying ending.

Another problem is that many of the main characters' stories are not resolved. If you are not familiar with the series, the third book is about Nina, another Third Child; the fifth book is about Trey, a friend of Luke's who is also a Third Child; and the sixth book is about Luke's brother. References are made to characters from the earlier books, but most of the characters do not come back. However, a lot of the story revolves around Luke having imaginary conversations with Jen, who died in the first book. The author should have spent more time on the characters who were still alive and relevant, rather than the characters who weren't.

The book isn't all bad. In fact, except for the end, it's fairly good. The story advances at a slower pace than some of the earlier books, but it's still interesting and has some surprising twists.

If you've read the first six books in the series and are dying to find out what happens, go out and read the seventh, but don't expect a masterpiece. Or, if you want, you could use your imagination to make up a better ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In this stunning page-turner, Luke, an illegal third child, fights the evil population police. In Margaret Haddix's exciting conclusion of the shadow children series, Luke is undercover in the population police. The same people who would not allow third children to live, instead they will kill any third children they find. But in this shocking conclusion, the population police loses its power. Meanwhile, an old nemesis, Oscar, tries to take control of the out of power population police. He makes himself seem like the best friend to the country, but his secret plan is revealed when Luke stumbles back into the old secret room, where he finds Oscar meeting with the person responsible for the population police, Aldous Krakenaur. While that's happening, outside people were swarming in and taking food, furniture, money, and anything they find. Luke shocks the whole crowd by doing something he always feared. And you will have to read this book to find out what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This captivating book, Among the Free, by Margret Perterson Haddix, is a great book to end the wonderful series, Shadow Children, with. it's very captivating, and you just can't put it down! I especially liked it because it's action packed and very attention grabbing. Luke gets himself into so many situations! Although he startes off at the Population Police, he dosn't stay there long. He soon gets sent to Chituza, where he is ordered to shoot someone, but he puts his twist on his duties. But, no matter how far he runs away, challenges catch up with him. I really enjoyed reading this book because of the plots twists and turns. You cant think one thing, but then something totally different happens. Like at the end, Luke lets out something big, HUGE! I never in a million years would have thought he would say that!! But some how a lot of things work out for him. Yet, at the end, some would in doubt about that! To find out, well, you'll just have to read the book!
Among the Barons (Shadow Children) :: Just Ella (The Palace Chronicles Book 1) :: Hidden Monster (The Monsters Among Us Book 1) :: Among The Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix (1998-09-01) :: Obsidian: The Dragon Kings (Volume 1)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
casey giddens
These books were terrible, except the 4th and fifth. Among the hidden was just full of an annoying kid complaining and so was the second. The third was about a girl complaining and the only reason the fourth was good is because things actually happened. Luke may be the most annoying character out there. Even if he was able to go to school he wouldn't have friends. The fifth was the best because it had action and I liked trey, and I liked his story. The sixth and had a character that didn't need to have their own story, and he was just as annoying as Luke. Then we come to the 7th book titled "among the free" gee, what do you think will happen...yay! The kids get free after listening to Luke get therapy from a horse and him eating some Chinese takeout in a cabinet. The end was my favorite part of the series: it was the end of something terrible. These books could have been awesome but the whiney characters made it terrible. So thanks haddix for the most predictable ending ever, to a series that u knee from the first book that they would get free. Even reading the title u know they are. Terrible series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
gabriel roland
Among the Free should have been the exciting climax to a well-done series about illegal third children fighting the Population Police. Instead, it is rushed and unbelievable, with Luke, our hero from the first few books, still unsure of himself and still being led by the voice of his friend Jen instead of thinking things through for himself.

The story picks up with Luke still working for the Population Police while secretly trying to sabotage the organization. Forced to make a life or death decision, Luke panics and leaves the scene. Ms. Haddix then has Luke on the run, meeting people who are there one second and gone the next without lending anything valuable to the plot. I felt as though the author was at a loss at times as to what exactly she wanted Luke to be doing. When he finally does return to headquarters, he unwittingly stumbles upon yet another plot by the Population Police, but still he wavers on what to do. When he finally does make a decision, the action picks up but it suddenly seems so implausible based on his prior actions that Luke becomes a caricature of himself. The ending itself is very rushed and highly unbelievable, and it would have been nice to have more interaction with the other characters Haddix introduced during the series, as well as having Luke return to his family.

While the book does have its moments, overall this was quite a disappointing ending to a good series. I almost got the impression that Ms. Haddix just wanted the book to be done as the story was padded with scenes and people that just didn't matter. The action parts are what saves this rating from two stars. I hope the author decides to write one more book that covers the recovery process for these characters and does justice to a fine series overall.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth babson
I loved this one!!!!!!!!!!!! I had went to the barnes and noble about the first week or two after it had released, and they hadn't had it yet. So I went back a week after that and they finally had it! I don't want to give to much away, but lets just say a VERY good ending. This one is my favorite among the whole series and all of Haddix's other books. I just hope that Haddix decideds to right to write a second series like this, maybe off of one of Nina's children, or Luke's. I'd read those books if Haddix wrote them!! Anyway, very good, worthwhile and exciting. I recomend all the other shadow children and the harry potter series and Eragon and Eldest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mihai ionut
this book was my favorite in the series! that said, i do think they could have done a better job with some parts.

1. it lags. a lot. like, until the end. like i even freaking care about the guy in the shed, or the celebation or anything!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. the ending. i'm trying not to complain or anything, but we ALL expected Luke's freedom in the end. it wasn't a surprise at all!!! they need to make another book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
basab nandi
I loved this book because of the momentum that it has. A really great thing that happened was that Luke conquared his fear of hiding his identity to the public. I think that it is kind of funny that Luke talks to the horses and they act like they understand what he is saying.

Something that really disapointed me was the ending. It just left me hanging wondering so many questions. If I were to re-write this book I would have added some more detail that explains what happened.

I think I would have given this book a 4 due to the ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mika inamahoro
I've really enjoyed reading all of the shadow children books. This book was probably the best book I've ever read, it had alot of action in it and Luke was in alot more danger. Somehow Luke always seemed to do the right thing and got away with it. If you ever get the chance to read this great book DO IT! You'll be amazed at how awesome and exciting this book is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam jones
I've been reading this series since the first book. It never dissapoints. Each book is a pageturner, that I can't put down, and this one was the same. It focuses on Luke the boy who we were first introduced to on the first page of "Among the Hidden". It follows Luke through a fast paced adventure, exploring the nature of people, government, and righteousness. If you liked the other books, you will not be dissapointed by the thrilling finale to this seriously. I literally squealed as I read it and surprsing twists continued to be thrown.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cate collins
This thrilling story of adventure is one of my favorite books by HADDIX because it is when Matthias is put in perspective among the horrid Population Police, who would kill him on sight if it wasn't for his accidental role in "rescuing" tiddy, one of the decent "poppies" that aren't really into kiling "illegal third children".
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I really enjoyed reading this series until I bought book 7, Among the Free here on the store and was duped. I had to ask for a refund because the book shown here was actually book 6 Among the Enemy on the inside but a different cover. Now I want to find the actual book 7 so I can finish the series. If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated. I think the store and the publisher really need to fix this error. You would think I am not the only one that this has happened to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I recommend this book for people who like mystery and action
This series was really good, but at the last part of this book is sad. I wish there was more books in this series because Margaret Peterson Haddix is a really good book writer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you followed this series from the beginning this is a great ending for the story. It had adventure and sometimes it actually made me feel like i was in the book. Which i would say was a pretty good quality. Some parts kept me guessing which only made me want to read it even more.
But i do have to say i put this book on HOLD for a little. Cause personally the first chapter didnt get me as motivated as i wanted it to. and i am guilty for doing that. if i dont exactly like how it starts. but i am glad i finished it. and if you read all the other books. this is a GREAT finish and you should deffinatly get it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is great in almost every aspect of literature and entertainment. It does a great job at showing the human will to survive and basic morale and ethical principals established in societies in today's world. This book helps introduce younger readers and older readers to the world of politics in a strange way. It has many views on right and wrong and is just amazing. I suggest the entire series to anyone who wants a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher berry
Luke, a third child wanted the population law gone. It was that, because of droughts that nobody was allowed more than 2 children. When he figures out the population police were overthrown he goes to check it out.

What I liked about the book was that it was always exciting. It also had interesting settings. Also the characters were detailed descriptively. Another thing was the characters did things you wouldn't guess. What I didn't like about the book though was that it usually switched topics. Also the characters weren't doing things they liked so it was mostly sad.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book answered a lot of questions left hanging throughout the series. She did a wonderful job of bringing Luke out of his shell and making him a hero to the third children once again. With the help of his friends, this exciting book brings all the details of this world together to give a clear picture of this insane world that is based on ridiculous rules and regulations of the government who is definately not "for the people" regardless of how they choose to represent themselves. Great read, even better series. Haddix is AMAZING! Perfect for young readers and old readers alike to think of where they stand in their own society, and helps them determine what they do or do not believe in in their own hearts.
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