Among the Impostors (Shadow Children)

ByMargaret Peterson Haddix

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tara f
This second book of the Shadow Children series is just a good as the first. In this book, we find Luke Gardner registering into a school for boys under a false identity. Luke is his family's third child in a world where third children are illegal. At first, Lee has trouble coping in a school, as he has never attended one before. Having lived in hiding for years, his new life living among others and never having a moment alone, feels impossible. He also struggles with his false identity; the hunger to be himself is so great. The advice of his mentor, the man who got him his false identity, is to blend in. He lives in constant fear that his difficulties will give him away, and he will be killed. One day, everything changes for him. He finds an unlocked door in the windowless building, and he escapes into the outdoors. Each day, he begins to look forward to his excursions.

Ms Haddix write so well that the reader forgets she is reading! The reader is immediately immersed Lee's world. Her characters are vibrant and her settings have impact. This is another winner!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon murphy
"Among the Impostors" is Margaret Peterson Haddix's second installment in what is known as her Shadow Children series. Usually sequels do not live up to the standard set by the first one, but "Among the Impostors" faithfully carries the story begun in "Among the Hidden" and adds to the suspense and tension of Haddix's totalitarian world. It is a fast-paced, satisfying read that will leave readers anxious for the next installment.

For most of his life, Luke Garner has been hidden away from the world as an illegal third child (after families were limited to two children due to the Population Law). Little did he know that there were others like him, until he met his new next door neighbor Jen, who was full of plans to bring the shadow children into the light of the rest of the world. Picking up where "Among the Hidden" left off, Luke is now living under the assumed identity of Lee Grant at Hendricks School for Boys. His hopes are to find a way to help other third children like him, but he has a hard enough time trying to figure out how the school works, since he's never been to school before. Luke is lonely and constantly afraid that his secret will be discovered. His loneliness is somewhat cured when he finds an open door to the outside, only to discover that the woods behind the school might hold something more dangerous than a rest from the indoctrination happening inside.

"Among the Impostors" is a well thought out continuation of "Among the Hidden". Haddix reveals more of the scary policies of her created totalitarian world, but leaves much still in secret. I look forward to reading more about Luke's struggles to fit into his newfound role and his quest to overthrow the laws that keep third children a dirty secret.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine klingel
This amazing sequel to the powerful book Among the Hidden shines!

Now that Luke has his new identity, he is off the prep school. But never having been to school before, he'll find it far more difficult and dangerous than he imagined.

I loved everything about this book. It kept be turning the pages as I finished it in one sitting.

This is a must read series and I can't wait to dive into the 3rd book!
The High King's Golden Tongue :: A Primer on the Future of PR - and Advertising :: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy - A Guide to the Good Life :: Touch of Power (The Healer Series) :: Among the Betrayed
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
norhan mohammed
Margaret Peterson Haddix presents topics and situations that really get kids thinking. Not just about the story at hand but also what would happen if that situation was in real life. Her books are well written and provide an excellent springboard for classroom or small group discussions not just about the book but the subject matter. With this book as with the whole series, the topic was population control. Luke now has a fake id and is living in the open but that is still dangerous. My kids were full of ideas about what they do in that situation. I love that my kids were hooked with the first book in the series and there were more equally interesting and enjoyable books. To me this (along with her other books) is a must have book for all classroom libraries.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tim byers
The sequel to the first book in the Shadow Children series picks up where Luke Garner is now known as Lee Grant and is sent to a school called the Hendricks. There, he learns that there are others like him, a third child who doesn't exist according to the Population Police.

In this totaltarian government, they outlawed anybody to have only two children. The Population Police reminds me of George Orwell's book, 1984. They are seeking out the Shadow Children or illegal children to execute them for their existence. This world is where a massive food famine allowed a totaltarian government to come into existence.

At the school, I felt the chapters about Luke's adjusting there were too long at times and repetitive. The action didn't move fast enough as it had in the other part of series. Once at the school, he learns about social interaction with others out there who are his age. Remember, he only interacted with about 6 people in his life--his mother, father, 2 brothers, Jen, and Jen's father, Mr. Talbot.

Mr. Talbot has helped Luke get a new identity and sent him away to school. Luke is determined to help himself and others be allowed to exist in a society that has outlawed it. It's a gripping drama and I'm hooked! It should be made into a movie!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marlene lee
Among the Impostors by: Margaret Peterson Haddix

Reviewed by: P. Luu

Period 2

Among the Impostors by Margaret Peterson Haddix is the second series of the shadow children. This book is about Luke Garner at his boy's school. He now had to change his name to Lee Grant because of the population police after him. Luke goes to his school and he has a rough time there. He doesn't make any friends and gets pushed around. One day he sees a group of kids together and finds out that they are third children. Soon they find out that Luke is a third child too and Luke becomes great friends with them. What Luke did not know was that one of the 3rd children is really a population police and is trying to catch Luke and the other friends. In the end Luke finds out that he is not who he says he is. The population police man is taken by the population police because the police think that he is a third child.

One part from the book that I liked was that when Luke did not have any friends, he planted a garden to make him feel better. Luke put so much effort and time into his garden and he was so proud of it. That made me happy for Luke but also sad for him, because he is so lonely.

Another part that I liked from the book was when Luke finally made friends. I was happy for Luke because finally he can now talk to friends and have fun with them. What made it even better for Luke was that his friends were just like him. They all had to move to a school and change their names because of the population police. Luke could talk to them about how it was when they had to be locked up.

My favorite part of the book is when Luke hits the population police man with his book. Then the man became unconscious and then the man's phone rang. It was the population police. Luke picked it up pretending to be the man. Then he found out that they are coming to pick up the 3rd children. When the population police came, they thought the population policeman acting as a 3rd child was an actual 3rd child, so they took him. Then in the end, the other 3rd children and Luke were safe from the population police.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
steve wiebe
Among the Impostors by: Margaret Peterson Haddix

Reviewed by: P. Luu

Period 2

Among the Impostors by Margaret Peterson Haddix is the second series of the shadow children. This book is about Luke Garner at his boy's school. He now had to change his name to Lee Grant because of the population police after him. Luke goes to his school and he has a rough time there. He doesn't make any friends and gets pushed around. One day he sees a group of kids together and finds out that they are third children. Soon they find out that Luke is a third child too and Luke becomes great friends with them. What Luke did not know was that one of the 3rd children is really a population police and is trying to catch Luke and the other friends. In the end Luke finds out that he is not who he says he is. The population police man is taken by the population police because the police think that he is a third child.

One part from the book that I liked was that when Luke did not have any friends, he planted a garden to make him feel better. Luke put so much effort and time into his garden and he was so proud of it. That made me happy for Luke but also sad for him, because he is so lonely.

Another part that I liked from the book was when Luke finally made friends. I was happy for Luke because finally he can now talk to friends and have fun with them. What made it even better for Luke was that his friends were just like him. They all had to move to a school and change their names because of the population police. Luke could talk to them about how it was when they had to be locked up.

My favorite part of the book is when Luke hits the population police man with his book. Then the man became unconscious and then the man's phone rang. It was the population police. Luke picked it up pretending to be the man. Then he found out that they are coming to pick up the 3rd children. When the population police came, they thought the population policeman acting as a 3rd child was an actual 3rd child, so they took him. Then in the end, the other 3rd children and Luke were safe from the population police.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book was amazing. It was very easy to understand whats going on. And you wont get lost of whats happening because it doesnt get off into another subject. There is a whole series on ttheses books. If you love to read books that are mysterious, then you will love this book. It starts with this little boy named Lee Grant, who's real name is Luke. He's a shadow child, an illegal 3rd child, that if he is found he will be sentenced to death. So Luke starts out in an all boys school with no windows which drove him nut's. It was called The Hendericks School for Boys. At the, first of the book luke hates it there. There was nothing to do until, one night he discovered that a door was open just enough he could get out. It lead to the woods luke loved the woods if you read the first book yuo would no that. So he went out a couple of times he started to go every night so he said why not make a graden so he did. But one night some comes and tears his garden up to pieces. It was a mess, come to find out it was his roomate and a couple of other kids. They were shadow children just like him "x-nays" what they call them. Luke was so happy he finally found someone like him but could he trust them with his secert now that he nows there's. So luke became good friends with them one of the boys names was Jason . So they started hanging out and stuff but by the end of the book evrything goes wrong. But you will have to read the book to find out what happens to them. So why did this book spark my interest well 1st of all its filled with mysteries that make's you want to worry what's going to happen next. Also this book has alot of action almost like there doing stuff so dangerious every chapter that can get them caught. So if you like so far of what i told you I truly recomend the rest of the book for you to read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leanne mitchell
AMONG THE IMPOSTORS (Shadow Children #2) is just as strong a read as the first, maybe an even better one.

Picking up where AMONG THE HIDDEN leaves off, Luke Garner is off to start his new life as Lee Grant. Leaving his family (the only people he has every really known) to protect them from the Population Police, with the help of Jen's dad, Mr. Talbert, Luke/Lee is enrolled in Hendricks School for Boys. Excited and terrified, Luke finds that the outside world is not at all what he had expected. He is never truly alone, the teachers are awful and seemingly oblivious to the student, unless they are giving out demerits and the other boys are disregarding and or cruel. Just as Luke starts to feel he's at his breaking point, losing himself, the real him.. He meets Jason and everything changes. But who can you really trust when you're living a life that isn't really yours?

AMONG THE IMPOSTORS, Haddix second book in the Shadow Children series is another thrilling page turner that I challenge you not to be swept away by. Our hero grows leaps and bounds in this installment really finding his voice by the end. All I have left to say is... "Next book please!"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Among the Imposters
Among the Imposters is a great book that is filled with excitement and suspense. In order to understand this book you must first read the book Among the Hidden. Among the Imposters is the second book in the series. Among the Imposters captured my attention in the very first chapter. This is the absolute best book that I have ever read. Luke, the main character, has a lot of new and exciting things happen to him. In order to find out what happens to Luke you will have to read the book. My favorite part of the book is near the end of the book. Among the Imposters is a fictional book that will keep your eyes glued to the book at all times. Every time that I had to put this book down I would say can I please just finish the paragraph that I am on? Sometimes the teacher would say yes. Sometimes I would bring my book to my room to read it at night when I had to go to bed and then my mom would always come down and tell me lights out. I would wake up in the morning and start my day off reading this book. Margaret Peterson Haddix uses exquisite words to describe how Luke feels through out this book. For example: Luke longed to race straight to the woods as soon as he woke up the next morning. It was torture to stand patiently beside all the other boys, splashing water on his face. It was torture to sit still and slowly spoon in the lumpy oatmeal, when he longed to gulp it down and get out of there. That is one of the phrases that grabbed my attention now don't you want to read this book?
Sam C.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m helmy aly
Continuing the plot line that is almost too explosive for the suggested reading audience, Haddix delivers another gem in "Among the Impostors". I will grant that this book was a little too predictable for my liking, but there were still some twists that I did not expect.

After Luke flees his home, he is delivered to Hendricks School for Boys. Initially, the school seems to be a Kafka-like puzzle. But like any kid at a new school, Luke makes new friends. Friends become enemies and enemies become allies as the plot unravels.

Knowing the there are other books in the series, it is obvious that Luke survives this book. So it would not spoil much to say that this is a transition book in the series. Luke's character develops from the squeamish, scared boy into a character that has a sense of independence. Luke is growing into a leader.

Unlike some other young adult series that I enjoy, the plot does not appear to be running thinner in the sequels in this series. Instead, I am finding myself more interested in the rest of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Luke Garner is an illegal third child. Mr. Talbot gets Luke a fake ID and under the name Lee Luke attends Hendricks School for boys. However, Luke's first few weeks at the school did not go as planned. He didn't know where his classes were, and at bed time his bunkmates would push him around. Later in the book Luke finds a door leading to the outdoors from Hendricks. While outside one night he meets a group of third children all using fake ID's. However, one night just when things starting going good for Luke, he saw Jason (the group's leader) sneak out of bed. Luke followed and overheard Jason on the phone with the population police ratting out four of the boys in the group. Luke figured out Jason was an informer and knocked him out. Then he carried Jason down the stairs to the nurse's office and told her that he had delirium, and had a seizure, thrashing around ranting and raving. Luke still had to save the other four boys so he quickly thought of a plan and called Mr. Talbot. The next morning Jason was arrested instead of the four boys (the work of Mr. Talbot).

I really enjoyed this book it was thrilling and suspenseful. With all of the twists and turns in this story I couldn't put the book down. I believe many others will enjoy this book as much as I did, and I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberly cole
Among the Imposers

This by named Luke is using a fake identity and going by the name Lee Grant he is going to a school now and is out of hiding since he has his new identity but he can't see his family anymore because the population police could catch him and they would be kill. So he is in hiding. He seas the door open and is missing his home so much that he runs out the door and into the woods and starts a garden but later on it gets trampled and he finds out that there are other third children out their and that they all meet in groups and practically rule the school so they can do what ever they want to do.

He gets to be friends with these other third children and he starts to fit in and now he has lots of friends but he finds out that two of the people in the group are betraying all the third children in the school and are in touch with the population police then he beats this kid down and knocks him out and some more happens and that's about it. I really liked this book. It was a good book.

I heard about this book from a friend and decided to read it. I'm really glad that I decided to read this book it was good. I would recommend anyone that has spare or that is bored to read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kyla mason
In among the imposters Luke has to figure out how to be Lee Grant who died in an accident just weeks ago. As he was just aimlessly wondering the classes he noticed that the teachers did not check to see who was in the class but just went on with class. He also noticed that there were no windows at all. Later he found a door by accident that lead outside. He stayed out the rest of the day. He started to plant a garden but it was pulverized by others that aparently alredy knew about the door. He finaly got up the courage to follow them. when he got out from behind the tree there was an ocwerd silence. Later they accepted him into there group. He also found out that pretty much all of the other kids were in hiding as well. He follows one of his new friends and finds out that he was going to betray them all. This ends up being a fight for life or death. Luke takes the unconcous boy to the nurse and comes up with a pretty convincing story. Then the police orrive in the morning every one was frozen in fear because if they had there reel names and knew where they where they would be killed. But in the end only the traters were taken ayway. This is a very exiting and suspensfull book and I highly sugest you reed it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz bc
The book Among the Imposters by Margaret Peterson Haddix is an amazing, intense sequel to the book Among the Hidden. It is about a boy Luke who gets a new identity, and is enrolled into Hendricks School for Boys. During his first few months at school, he notices many sstanrge things. After one night when he follows some boys out of the school into the woods, he listens to them talk and finds out they are also shadow children. This goes through his adventure trying to keep it a scecret that his really name isn't Lee Grant.

This book is an amzing book that takes you on a wild adventure through Luke's life at school. He has to handle a lot of rude people at first, but after a while he makes friends. I like the way the author made this book, so you would not be able to put it down. I loved that Luke risked almost everything to find another shadow child at his school. It was kind of scary when he thinks that he has lost everything and is caught. Will he get caught or not? It makes you really wonder how life would be if this were real. When you read this book, you will not be able to put it down. I can't wait to find out what happens in the following books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book Among the Impostors is written by Margaret Peterson Haddix. She writes about a boy named Luke who has taken the secret identity of Lee Grant, because he is an illegal third child and is hiding from the population police. When he arrives at Hendricks School for Boys he thinks that this will be a new adventure for him. After he meets Rolly, and a bunch of other boys he knows that he will be in for a lot of trouble because they are mean and secretive. After the weeks he had been there, trying to figure out his schedule and trying to make a friend, he still didn't get it. One day, he was wandering to find his class when he found a door that was cracked open ajar. There was a bright light shining through the door. He decided to sneak out. It was like heaven to him. He hadn't been outside since he lived at home and the woods were behind his house, but then they tore down the woods and he wasn't allowed to go outside anymore. After that day at school since he had been outside and he hadn't gotten in trouble, he decided that he was going to do that every day. You will have to read this amazing book to find out if he gets discovered by the population police or if he will be continuing his little visits outside in enjoyment by himself.
This book catches you in the decisions that Lee has to make. You travel with him and see what being a third illegal child would be like. I recommend this book to any reader who is looking for a book that has a weird twist in the end and is entertained by jam packed action books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The second book in The Shadow Children Series, Among the Imposters, by Margaret Peterson Haddix, is a book full of suspense. In it, Luke Garner a Shadow Child, or illegal third child, is given a fake ID, under the name of Lee Grant. He attends the Hendricks School for Boys. While there he meets some very crude classmates and careless teachers. In the beginning, his roommates (mostly this on he calls jackal boy) torture him by making him say stuff like I am your servant and making him do hundreds of pushups. After about a week, he realizes there are no windows in the school. So, one day he sees an open door, and walks outside. He decides to stay outside and plant a garden, to keep his mind off his brutal classmates. On other days, while outside he meets some friendly and some unkind people. I loved this book! It kept me reading, because Luke or "Lee" is always doing something new! Like, planting a garden or doing hundreds of pushups. So, go ahead and read Among the Imposters, it is an amazing book, about a kid with a cause.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rollifr ulein
Among The


By: Taylor Bedar

In the beginning of this story Luke Gardner is in a car going to a school for boys. He is just now coming out of hiding because he is a third child. Being a third child is illegal. When he gets to this school no one pays attention to him, he doesn't even know his classes. The only person who pays attention to him is a boy that picks on him every night, before he goes to bed. He calls this boy "Jackal boy". This boy is been going outside which they are not suppose to do. Luke finds out that he is a third child and has been going outside with other third children. At the end of the book Luke finds out that Jason "jackal boy" is really working for the population police. End the end Jason really gets killed instead of the third children.

Luke has light hair and has very pale skin. I have a medium skin tone and my hair is brown. Luke does every thing his parents say. I on the other hand do not do everything my mom says. Luke dose not like the food at his school, and I don't like our school's food.

I liked this book a lot, it was very exciting and had a good story behind it. My favorite part of the book was, when the population police raided the school. They thought that they had found all the third children in the school but one of the officers betrayed them. I would recommend this book to a friend. Because it is a very good book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan gierman
Haddix has created a fascinating character in Luke (now named Lee Grant), who is a third child and thus not allowed to exist according to the government. Thus, Luke/Lee must remain a shadow (shadowchild) for discovery by the Population Police can result in death.

Luke has been put in a boy's school by Jen's father (Mr. Talbot). Mr. Talbot cannot even tell Luke what he needs to do there because all his conversations are bugged. All he can do is hand Luke a note.

The school is totally weird, with boys kind of walking around like zombies and the building itself has no windows. Luke has to endure torture from his roommate (who Luke calls Jackal boy) to even be allowed to sleep. A long time passes until Luke is finally able to read the note. It does not say what Luke expected.

Eventually, Luke discovers he can sneak outside and he makes it a normal routine until one day he discovers some of his schoolmates, led by Jackal Boy, have the same idea. Luke discovers some of them may be Shadow children too. Luke has a dilemma. Should he open up to them as to who he really is or continue to hide his identity?

Great story and intriguing characters! For adults these books are super-fast reads. This is book 2 of the series and I understand Haddix has already published book 5. Worth getting all of them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joel nelson
In Among the Imposters Luke Gardner is an illegal 3rd child. He is illegal because there is a food shortage and the population police will kill him if he gets caught by them. His friend Jen has her dad help him get a fake ID. He gets Luke enrolled at a new school. The school is called Hendricks school for boys. First of all at school he does not get to the right class on time. He keeps getting lost. Then he has a roommate named Jason that makes him do embarrassing things. He makes Luke sing stupid songs or if he doesn't do what he says he will hurt him. Then one exciting day Luke finds a door to the outside world. But when he goes into the outside world he goes into the woods. He is out of hiding and into danger. His roommate Jason who was doing such horrible things to him is also a 3rd child like Luke. But one night Luke finds out that Jason is on the bad team. Jason has been talking to the population police about Luke. Then Luke's friend Jen has her dad step in and arrests Jason. Luke goes and talks to Mr. Hendricks who is the owner of the school about what all just happen and the problems he has been dealing with at the school. Mr. Hendricks takes care of the problems and Luke then gets to all the right classes and on time. Luke continues going to school there with no problems.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Luke Garner is a third child, but third children are illegal and have to stay hidden. But Luke doesn't think it is fair to have to stay hidden, so he gets a fake identity and goes to a school for boys. There he finds that maybe he isn't the only third child.

This book is the second book in the Shadow Children Series, so reading the first book before reading this one would be a good idea. The Shadow Children Series is amazing, and if you haven't read them you should. In the books characters have hidden identities, and they change into someone you never would have thought from the beginning. They can go from being the good guy to being the bad guy. They are very intense, and I really got hooked on them.

Margaret Peterson Haddix is a wonderful author, and I have loved all the books I have read by her. Among the Imposters is my favorite of all of her books, but I would recommend any of them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abe kazemzadeh
Among the Imposters is about a boy, Luke, who lives in a time and place where families can only have two children. Third children are killed if found, so they have be kept in hiding. Luke is one of these children. All his life he has hid, but now he has a chance to go into the world. He has been given the identity of a dead boy and is aloud to attend Hendricks School for Boys. His one piece of advice is to blend in. He tries to do this, but he often gets lost, and the older kids pick him on.

During his stay he finds that there are other third children at the school who also have fake identities, and he becomes friends with them. He learns that being a third child isn't as a bad as he thought and that he can blend in.

Among the Imposters is a great book for all ages because it has a great message to it and teaches you to be yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tassy vasi
Among The Imposters by Margaret Haddox is a realistic fiction. Could you imagine being a third child where no more than two children were aloud in a family and having a fake id, and not knowing whom to trust? That is how Luke Garner feels. In this book Luke is disguised as Lee Grant who died. Luke is going to Hendrix school for boys. While he is there he discovers that Hendrix has no windows, so he goes outside in the woods. One day when he is in the woods he meets other illegal third children [shadow children]. Some of them are from Hendrix; some are from Harlow school for girls. The leaders of the group are Jason and Nina.

I would recommend this book to kids at ages 10-13. I read the prequel in the series and I think it helps. It was not too hard to read. I could connect this series to The Diary of Ann Frank because the Jews had to hide like the shadow children. I could also connect the book to holes with all of the flashbacks.

Will Luke reveal his real name to Jason, Nina and his other friends? Can he trust them all? Read the book to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sherry tucker
Margaret Peterson Haddix has done it again! Among the Imposters is an exciting book that refuses to be put down. As a sequel to Among the Hidden it rates very highly. Many sequels often lose some of the power that the original book portrays, however Among the Imposters not only is an excellent story in its own right, it also readies the reader for the next installment in the series. Third children in this future society are not allowed. In fact families are closely monitered by the Population Police. However many third children secretly exist. Luke,our protagonist in this story, is a boy that has lived in secret with his parents for all of his life. The discovery that other third children exist is new to him. He is helped by a neighbor and former father of a third child. Luke is given a new identity and is enrolled in a private school. At first Luke lives in terror that he will be discovered. But as time goes on he realizes that all is not as it should be in this school. The author surprises the reader with many suspense filled twists in the plot that keep you guessing until the end. Students and teachers in my school were so enthralled with Among the Hidden that they are lining up for the opportunity to check out Among the Imposters. As the librarian, it will be my challenge to keep this series current!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
beverly grostern
I will say again that people get killed and "tortured to death" in these books, so I do not recommend them for kids under 12. I know, I know, the series 'gets them reading.' But I can think of plenty of books that would get kids to read but wouldn't be appropriate in terms of subject matter, if you catch my drift.

Also know that Haddix slathers on the foreshadowing with a broad brush, so if you like mysteries, you're going to figure out who the traitor is in about 3 seconds--especially if you're a smart kid.

In the first book, Luke/Lee is 12 but sounds like he's 8. In this second book, Luke/Lee is 12 but sounds like he's 15. Maybe he just grew up really fast because of what happened to him....

The story line is intriguing. Thus, I know that folks far less nit-picky than I am will enjoy this second offering in the series. One last warning: Don't read the chapter of "Among the Betrayed" at the end of this book, because it's not the first chapter of the next book, and it gives away what the next book is about. (Who does that???) If you do read it, don't bother reading the next book, just skip to the 4th book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theo winter
Haddix Among the Impostors is the second book in the Haddix series of mysteries. The best age group for this book are children ages 10-12. There is a bunch of surprising stuff in this book. I would recommend that you read the first book in the series before you read the second one. The protagonist is Luke Garner and he is a third-child with a fake I.D. (in a place where families are only allowed two children). Luke is going to a boarding school where third children are hidden among the other students. The antagonist is Jason, who Luke believes is pretending to be a third child to figure out which students are third children so that he can turn them in to the government. Someone is working undercover for the Population Police and Luke has to figure out who he can trust. The main conflict is between Jason and Luke. I cannot wait to read the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Among the Imposters

This book about a kid named Luke that is a third child and third children are illegal. If the police find him he will be tortured to death. In this book he just got a fake id and his new name is Lee. Then he has to go to +- School for Boys and he gets in trouble because he doesn't know how to act like a baron. Barons are the rich people. In the end he starts helping other third children.

Luke's appearance in this book is a lot like what a rich person would look like with fancy clothes. His personality is nice and helpful to other children.

I liked the book because I have read all the books in the series and I just like the plot. Also I like it because of how he get in trouble and how he almost gets caught not being a baron.
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