James Herriot's Favorite Dog Stories

ByJames Herriot

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
anna marie
Nice looking book. Originally bought this as a gift for my 9-year-old granddaughter who loves dog stories. After skimming a few of the stores, I decided that the language and content would not be very appealing to her so I decided not to give it to her, at least not yet.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
James Herriot's Favorite Dog Stories is a short but delightful book written by the world famous veterinarian. It is beautifully illustrated by Lesley Holmes.

This book consists of ten stories from Herriot's previous books that feature dogs that he has treated over the years. It's difficult to pick a favorite as they all have amazing personalities. There is Brandy, who is such a scrounger that he gets his tongue stuck in tin cans that he digs out of the trash can. TrickiWoo, a Pekingese, picks winning horses at the races. And Gyp, an epileptic sheepdog, only barked once in his entire life. Although all the dogs have special characteristics, it is obvious that it would take a veterinarian with compassion and humor to see that these animals are more than just pets.

I truly enjoyed Favorite Dogs Stories. However, if you've already read Herriot's other books (which I haven't), you will find that they're repeats.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a prospective dog owner, I noticed this book and decided to buy it. I had never read James Herriots books before, but as a child I remembered my parents reading his work. Perhaps I had always associated his writing as belonging to the generation preceding my own - I was not disappointed. This is one of the finest books on dogs (or any animals for that matter) I have read for a long time. By no means is it outdated.

We live in a time when we seem to be exposed to the worst of humanity and humanitairan crisis' so I found it somewhat refreshing to read the recollections of this fine veterinarian - Herriot is humourous, compassionate and kind. The book is made up of short stories covering (I imagine) most of Herriots career and centers largely around his canine patients. Some stories are extremely funny, whereas others have a tinge of sadness - dogs having to be put to sleep, abused or lost. Regardless, the articles are well written and I loved it. I hope to find a vet just like him...
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cristina tudor
In has been roughly two decades since I read James Herriot's salubrious "All Creatures..." series, yet when I picked up this "best of" concoction, many of the dulcet vignettes were as fresh in my mind as if I had lived them last week. Although trained as a vet, James Herriot had a true gift with the written word. These tales about pets and their two-legged counterparts shine a light deep into the mechanisms of human nature.
While he succeeded admirably as an honorable animal doctor and found worldwide fame as a late-in-life author, perhaps he missed his true calling as a psychologist. The humor, heartbreak, and humanity that he so eloquently captures in these stories shows a sagacious mind. It's no wonder that his time on earth brought many smiles and caused many a tail to wag.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My hubby and I have enjoyed James Herriot books, in fact, we read them many times. When I saw this book with just his dog stories, I knew it would be perfect for my hubby because he is a huge advocate and a volunteer for dog adoption. I was right! He LOVES it!! (I would love to read it when he is done, but the print is WAY TOO SMALL for me!!)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
amy lynn ferguson
The information indicated that it was a new book for $8. But, when I received, it was an old book and had a sticker in the back of the shown it was $5.60. I can not believe it. I wish I can give it zero rating. But, I can not. It is really bad.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
hunter dennis
The author of the book Favorite Dog Stories, James Herriot, is from Yorkshire, Scotland. This is not the only book Herriot has written. In fact Herriot has written many books. All Things Bright and Beautiful, Lord God Made Them All, and All Things Wise and Wonderful are just to name a few. All of Herriot's books are based on his veterinary practice. Herriot doesn't just write about everyday things, he writes about strange and unusual things that happen to him, his patients, and the patient's owners. Dr. Herriot lives in a very beautiful place in Yorkshire. He lives in the countryside where everything around him is bright and green.
One of the strangest stories in his book, Favorite Dog Stories, to me is in chapter seven, Gyp Only One Woof. In this story a dog named Gyp had never barked in his life. Herriot had diagnosed him with epilepsy, but he didn't see why that would cause him not to bark. Dr. Herriot knew the dog wasn't mute so he just waited to see what happened. One day, at a dog show Dr. Herriot saw Gyp and his owner watching the show so he went over to see them. When Gyp saw his brother in the show he so got excited that he barked for the first time in his life! He only barked that one time and never barked again.
A story that was sad at times and happy at times happy was in chapter eight, Roy From Rags to Riches. An old woman named Mrs. Donovan who always walked with her beloved dog, Rex, believed that when it came to cats and dogs Herriot wasn't very good at helping them and that she could cure anything with powders and dog shampoos. One day her precious little dog was run over and she called Dr. Herriot, but the dog had been hurt too severely to help and he died. Mrs. Donovan vowed that she would never get another dog. Later on, one of Dr. Herriot's friends found an abused dog that was very sickly. When Dr. Herriot saw the dog he immediately started hinting for Mrs. Donovan to take care of the dog. She accepted taking the dog and cure it after not very coaxing at all. Mrs. Donovan named the dog Roy and took care of him to the point that he recovered fully.
In conclusion, Dr. Herriot's books are very popular because he makes his books interesting by telling strange and unusual tales of his veterinary experiences in Yorkshire. Dr. Herriot describes where he lives and his experiences with great detail. For those of you who like animals I would suggest this book. You can tell that Dr. Herriot loves his work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dana mcilwain
This book is a collection of his many dog stories from other books of his. However, this does not take away from the fact that it is indeed a wonderful edition to the Herriot fan's library. If you love dogs, or people, or humor... this is the book for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maryam f
This collection is just as good as his others. And, for those who are wondering, it does have additional stories from his primary set (All Things Great and Small - The Lord God Made Them All) - there is some overlap, but there are enough additional stories to make it worth reading. Definitely recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe montana
This collection is just as good as his others. And, for those who are wondering, it does have additional stories from his primary set (All Things Great and Small - The Lord God Made Them All) - there is some overlap, but there are enough additional stories to make it worth reading. Definitely recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brittni lundie
If you like stories about dogs you will love this book. James Herriot writes with warmth and feeling. The seller we bought this from was outstanding. We received the book within a few days. The book is in like new condition.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
roy macaraig
Out of all the shopping I have done through the store, this is the only thing I will be returning! The book only measures 6 3/4 x 4 1/4, has very small print and obscure black and white illustrations at the beginning of each chapter. In the same order I received James Herriot's "Treasury for Children" which, for the same price, is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL, and what I also expected from this book!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
anita harrington
This book puts me to sleep with its extremely large print and outdated stories. Writer goes on and on and wasn't at all what I expected by all the rave reviews. I'd much rather read Wesley the Owl, Marley and Me, Dewey the Library Cat, or Merle's Door. Save your money if you want to still read this and just check it out from the library.
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