A Dark-Hunter Novel (Dark-Hunter Novels Book 7) - Sins of the Night

BySherrilyn Kenyon

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoy Kenyons works and I so look forward to the rest of the Dark Hunter series. the store is the best place, in my opinion, to get all of her titles as well as any other author that I'm intersted in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Good story about Alexion and Danger. Now that I have read "Acheron" I know a lot more about things in this book and read it again! Awesome story. Made me cry at end first time I read it. Good read!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ella griffin
When I ordered these books I thought they were just fantasy. I didn't realize they were romance and gratuitous sex. Please the store if I order other books like this please let me know so I won't . You should really put a warning on your books . I dislike romance novels. I like mysteries. I like L J Smith. Medical mysteries etc.
A Dark-Hunter Novel (Dark-Hunter Novels Book 10) - Devil May Cry :: Kiss of the Night (Dark-Hunter Novels Book 4) :: Night Embrace (Dark-Hunter Novels Book 2) :: 90 Recipes for the Ultimate Comfort Food - From a Polish Country House Kitchen :: Time Untime (Dark-Hunter Novels Book 16)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
dwayne trujillo
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi

Alexion is the one that’s sent in when things go incredibly wrong. He’s Acheron’s right-hand man and even lives with him and Simi. However, his existence is a secret. When the Dark-Hunters go bad, Alexion is Ash’s judge and executioner. And, when he leaves the Dark-Hunters, none of them will remember he was ever there, well those that are left alive anyway.

Stryker’s newest plot to eliminate Ash is to convince a group of Dark-Hunters that Ash is actually a Daimon and that he devoured their souls. Stryker is using Kyros to call the Dark-Hunters together, and many are believing Stryker’s lies. And, our female lead, Danger, was close to believing it herself when Stryker described Ash’s destroyer and Alexion was at her home when she arrived, matching the destroyer’s description down to the white coat he wears.

Danger was less than pleased when her possible executioner informed her he was staying at her house and that she was going to have to introduce him to the Dark-Hunters for him to try to save them and to ultimately pass judgment and possibly kill her friends. She didn’t know who to trust, but after she spends time with Alexion, she realizes he is truly there to help and they grow close. But it turns out that Kyros was his friend when he was human. Kyros is so hurt to learn that Alexion has been alive all this time while he felt insurmountable guilt for his death, that he can’t trust him now. Can Alexion and Danger sway his way of thinking in time to save him?

I wanted to like this book, but all in all I was pretty disappointed and rather bored throughout. The relationship between Alexion and Danger came about rather slowly. And, even the action in this book seemed to run into slow motion. This book was just way too easy to put down.

I actually did like Alexion. His attempts of getting in Danger’s pants was most pathetic and funny at the same time … well until she finally decided she wanted a piece of him just as much as he wanted her. However, there wasn’t nearly as much steam between these two as I had expected. Their sex life was about as bland as the rest of their relationship.

Danger did not live up to her name. I was expecting her to be a total badass, but she came off as a plain Jane that didn’t really bring much to the story.

There wasn’t a lot of Ash in this story as he was trying to keep himself from interfering in Alexion’s fate, and honestly, I greatly missed him.

This book just didn’t do it for me so I hope the next installment in the series is more impressive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marie willett
Alexion is sent in when Dark-Hunter’s go rogue. He and Danger meet when he arrives to stay with her in the execution of his duties. Danger is not too sure about Alexion when he shows up after she asks Acheron to check out someone she thinks may be going against his oath. She trusts no one after being betrayed by the person closest to her in her human life. Alexion has felt his humanity slipping from him as he goes about his existence, feeling nothing much anymore. That is until he meets Danger, and she brings feelings forward in him that he hasn’t felt in centuries. Will they be able to save the Dark-Hunter’s in Mississippi or will they be past the point of no return? Another enjoyable read by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cynthia ekren
Alexion “Ias” is Acheron's right-hand man and enforcer. When Dark-Hunters step out of line, Alexion is sent in to kill them. He wants to intervene to save an old friend of his from making a terrible mistake and if there is no chance to save him then he will carry out his orders.

Dangereuse St. Richard is a Dark-Huntress that has been betrayed by man she loved that destroyed her and her family. Trust does not come easy when she meets Alexion and she does not want to see any of her fellow Hunters come to harm.

Danger learns the true identity of Alexion being a Shade and what happened in addition to some facts about Acheron. Alexion and Danger know there can be nothing between them after his assignment is over. Danger has brought life back into his heart and Alexion has brought love back to her……will they be able to beat the odds.

You will get a glance at some of the other Dark-Hunters who are covering the Mississippi area. The fate of Alexion and Danger being together after the battle with Stryker and his Daimons....you will have to read this book to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
derrick bowker
** spoiler alert ** Once again, a very good read. It wasn't one of my favorites but the story gave more insight to Acheron's world in his own realm Katoteros.

If you read the story "The Beginning", you will remember how the first Dark Hunter came about and how one of the three (Ias) just wanted to go home to his wife and kids. So Acheron got his soul from Artemis and took Ias to his wife and gave her his soul so she could make him mortal again.

However we know that ias wife didn't truly love him and couldn't go through with the ritual and in return Ias became a shade because as we know part of the deal from Artemis is only a true, pure Heart can release the sould back into a body. The one person who loves the Dark Hunter above all others. A person they love and trust in return.

Acheron blamed himself for this disaster and as we find out in this book, Acheron took Ias Shade into his own realm and made him the Destroyer of the Dark Hunters that went bad - he is known as Alexion. Not only that, he was so angry with Ias wife that he turned her into stone and took her statue into the realm and place her outside Ias room so when he came out he could laugh at her stupidly.

The Dark Hunter "Danger" and Alexion find themselves in love when Alexion comes to earth to give his friend (Kyros, one of the first DH that was made along with Ias) a chance to change his ways before Alexion had to kill him for preying on humans and going against Acheron.

Xirena, another Demon like Simi is intorduced and turns out to be Simi's sister. Xirena becomes bonded with Alexion and is reunited with her sister Simi.

"Danger" is killed by Styker - by his deadly personal knife. Alexion is heart broken and angry at Acheron, but deep down he knows why Acheron couldn't interfear with the free will and fate of the ones he cared about and loved.

Once back in their realm Katoteros, Alexion goes to his quarters and is surprised to see "Danger" there, Acheron had come to the rescue again, he couldn't change the fate that happened on earth but he could bring her shade to his realm. So Alexion and Danger got a happy ending to be together for eternity.

Now Acheron not only had Alexion and Simi living in his home but Xirena the demon sister to Simi and Danger, Alexions love. Ash's family is growning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have the Audiobook version. I loved this book. I’m not going to go into the breakdown of the story… everyone else seems to have done that. I will just say that this whole series is addicting and each book brings a new level to the overall story. My only complaint is that the narrator kept getting he/she mixed up. A women might be talking and instead of saying “she” he would say “he” and vice versa. It was very frustrating. Even though I knew by the context what he meant it was still very distracting. Now it’s possible he was reading the book exactly and the mistake was the authors (since I was listening to it and not reading it I don’t know). But other than that I LOVE the series. It’s an amazing story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Alexion has spent centuries working as Acheron's executioner, it is his job to make sure the Dark-Hunters don't step out of line and he is the one who carries out the punishment for any of them who fail to follow their code. He is forced to live separate to the others, unable to spend long in the human realm and wary of making friends that he may be forced to judge in the future. In fact to most of the Dark-Hunters he is just a myth - the ones who do see him rarely live to tell the tale. Now he has been asked to pass judgement on a friend he knew in his human lifetime, someone he hasn't seen since his early years as a Dark-Hunter. He owes it to his friend to try and save him but can he find a way to bridge the centuries old gap between them? Danger is a female Dark-Hunter who is incredibly loyal to her friends, she would never allow Alexion to hurt them but she can see they are on a slippery slope, one that it will be hard to come back from even with her help. She will do whatever it takes to make them see the truth but their enemy is an expert at spinning lies and turning the Dark-Hunters against everything they should be standing for. Danger knows that Alexion has been sent to kill them all but her only choice is to work with him if she hopes to save any of the people she cares about.

I've become a huge fan of this series over the last few months and Since of the Night is another fantastic read from Sherrilyn Kenyon. This story is such a fun read and it was so full of humour and it had me laughing out loud on several occasions. I loved getting to see another side to Acheron and any time spent with him and Simi is always time well spent. Alexion is probably the closest thing Acheron has to a true confidant, someone who knows more about him than anyone else and it was great to see that strong bond between them. I actually liked seeing that Acheron isn't infallible, he can and does make mistakes but it's the way he reacts to them and works so hard to fix things that make me respect him even more. Alexion is like an older brother to Simi and I loved their interactions too, he and Acheron are both so indulgent towards the demon that it is hilarious to see them all together.

Danger is the first female Dark-Hunter we've really spent time with and I really liked her character, she is a fierce warrior and can definitely hold her own against the daimons she fights. She doesn't trust people easily and keeps others at a distance but once you've earned her loyalty she will defend you with her dying breath. She is wary of Alexion at first, especially because she knows he will think nothing of destroying her friends if they go ahead with the rebellion they are planning, but as she gets to know him she sees that he does everything in his power to convince the Dark-Hunters that they are in the wrong. Alexion doesn't want to kill anyone if he doesn't have to but it is his job to make sure they stick to the rules and he can't allow Dark-Hunters to go around killing humans. The enemy they are facing is a clever one, someone who is able to twist the truth and make it look like Acheron is the bad guy when he has done nothing but protect them for centuries. Alexion has seen first hand everything that Acheron has done for them so he is livid that they are so eager to believe the lies and he won't stand for it.

In a lot of ways I think Sins of the Night was a lighter hearted story than some of the previous books in this series but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. The banter between Alexion and Danger is fantastic and I loved watching their relationship blossom but I also have to give a shout out to one of the new characters we are introduced to. Xirena was absolutely brilliant and I can't wait to see more of her as the series continues, I'm not going to say more about who she is or how she fits in but she was a fantastic surprise and I loved her. I can't wait to continue devouring this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
haley white
Started out and ended great. This is the first book that you will learn more about Ash and is secrets. Alexion is Ash's right hand man and sometimes is assassin to a few D.H. that start to go their own way and kill humans. Ash has Alexion step into Mississippi and find out is a 9,000 year old D.H. needs to be killed or see if Alexion can give him a reason to believe back in Ash. While in MS Alexion has to stay at a home of a D.H. but little did he know the one dark huntress that has she sights on for a while is the one he will be staying with. Danger finds a stranger in her home after coming back from protocol and meeting up with Kyros, that is scaring her squire and he throws her dagger in his chest and she dissolves but before she can get comfortable he reforms back into himself. She doesn't trust a man since her husband in the French Revolution killed her and her family. Now there is a man she has to trust or else she could die by his hands is he can get her to trust him and Ash. But before the 2 week period that Alexion is allowed on Earth away for Ash, he falls in deeply with Danger that he doesn't want to see himself away from her and its killing him. Also we find out the Simi has a sister and later becomes Alexion's demon like Simi is to Ash. I really liked this book, it was hard to put it down. Defectively 5 star rated.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pudji tursana
Reviewed by ANN & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

Her name is Danger and she is a female Dark Hunter. She used to live a life of sin when she first became a Dark Hunter, but now, her suspicious eyes land on Alexion, an unexplainable new pawn in this deadly game. All Danger knows is that Alexion is a major threat to her and her friends. It's very likely that he has been sent to execute them, but despite this threat, there's this inexplicable pull that lures her closer and closer to him. Will he strike or will he succumb to her desires?

SINS OF THE NIGHT seems much more lighter in tone than some of the other books in the series. Despite the dire threat of Alexion and what he has come to do, Danger's wit seems to really shine through and gives this book such a rich backdrop to explore Alexion's character and see what makes him crack. Danger lays on her charm thick and Alexion doesn't really stand a chance at stone-walling her. They hit it off and though this still isn't my favorite book of the series, it's still a solid instalment for the Dark Hunters.

Sherrilyn Kenyon always writes one or two awesome scenes in each book and for this particular one, the Troy scene really made me laugh. I love SK's humor and it's nice to have a balance between all the action and the hot-and-heavy scenes. Something light to lift your spirits certainly makes a good book even greater.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robin schluter
Who does the fearless fear? Who can hunt the hunter? Who can punish those that have gone off the deep end? Let's say sucking human blood, human souls? Killing for no reason. Who comes to call for justice then?

His name is Alexion. He is such a quiet man who talks soft and carries a big stick. Never want to meet him face to face in a dark alley or in a crowded street. He is truly the Angel of Death. Lighting fast reflexes and never takes prisoners. Nobody would dare start an argument with him.

That is until he met Danger. Danger is that lovable girl next door, while killing daimons 6 at a time with no sweat. And she doesn't care for anyone to bully her. So when this handsome Alexion comes walking by every woman would start to drull while Danger would rather beat his butt to the ground.

Is Danger what Alexion is looking for for help? Or is she just someone else he is going to have to dust?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
erica conway
Basically, the plot was too predictable. Alexion was one of the first 3 DH's created. He is Acheron's 2nd hand guy. He is judge and executioner against any DH's that rebel against Acheron. However, he is not human, nor is he a DH or a demigod. He's kinda like a ghost in some sort of different way. Danger is our first female DH. She is tough and smart. Alexion is sent to stay with her and the story is pretty much predictable from there.

Again, we are reminded that after Alexion leaves Danger, Ash will erase her memory. We find out more about Ash but still the secrets are there. What bothered me was that Alexion is protrayed as being as close to Ash as Simi is but there was no mention of him in previous books. Then bam we have him in this book. The guy lives with Ash so why wouldn't he be mentioned a little ealier. Then lead into his own book. I guess because he's the destoryer for Ash that he would be dropped on us with no previous mention. But it just didn't seem to flow with me.

The best part of the book is slowly being introducted to Savitar who trained Ash and meeting Simi's sister Xirena. For me, this book was the weakest in all the DH books I have read thus far. If you are hooked into the series like I am, I still recommend reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alka adhikari
My favorite of the Dark Hunter novels are ones which give equal time to the hero and heroine and to Ash and Simi. The later in the series you go, the more apt you are to find this equation, and Sins of the Night is no exception. If you are, like me, a Simi fan, you'll be delighted by this tale and the facets of her race it reveals.

Not to take away from the main romance in the novel, although after referring to each other as infectious one too many times our hero (Alexion) and heroine (Danger) make the reader believe they're dealing with a plague.

Other than that small annoyance, the only detractors from their romance are the usual ones found in the DH series - namely, the couple are well drawn with very understandable reservations and yet fall into bed with each other without much backup story.

Aside from that, Alexion's story is a highly interesting one and like all the DH novels before it, reveals another small piece in the universe's pie.

As an added bonus, this printing includes the short story The Beginning, which tells the abreviated tale of the very first Dark Hunters and the bargain struck between Acheron and Artemis. Something not to be missed by fans of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
imen prima
Strap yourself in for another roller coaster ride into the Dark-Hunter universe. In this world, Daemons do their best to suck out your soul, and the only thing that can save you is a group of raucous, leather-clad immortal warriors with [...] attitudes. But what happens when lines are crossed and allegiances broken? There's trouble brewing with the Dark-Hunters in the Mississippi Delta, and Acheron Parthenopaeus, head honcho of the Hunters (and possibly the most intriguing character in romance fiction today), knows the time of the Krisi has come. Judgment Day.

In a world filled with amazing beings, Alexion is truly one of a kind. Born from the ashes of betrayal, Alexion owes his very existence to Acheron and thus acts as his defender and judgment giver, as well as a second father to Simi, Ash's infamous teenage demon "daughter." Bound by loyalty and necessity to his master, Alexion lives in Katoteros and can only emerge to mete out punishment to rogue Hunters. Of this creature of rumor and mystery, the Dark-Hunters only know that when the man in the white coat comes, heads are gonna roll. Literally.

Betrayed and killed by her own husband during the French Revolution, Dangereuse St. Richard sold her soul to Artemis for an Act of Vengeance and became a Dark-Huntress. Unlike the other Hunters, however, Danger prefers a quiet and solitary existence when not dealing with the few Daemons who come her way. That quiet is shattered when Kyros, one of the first Greek Dark-Hunters, tries to enlist her in a rebellion against Acheron. Horrified by his accusations about their leader and torn between loyalties, Danger is further alarmed when Ash's "squire" shows up...wearing a white coat.

With the clock ticking towards the Krisi, Danger agrees to help Alexion uncover the source of the unrest and to try and save her fellow Hunters. Soon their truce turns to passion, and passion turns to love. But what hope is there for a man with no future and a woman forbidden a family?

In a series filled with dramatic twists and turns, SINS OF THE NIGHT is the most extraordinary yet. In a masterful stroke, Ms. Kenyon has managed to provide a fitting ending for a character who, in any other case, would never have one. All the elements of an outstanding tale are here: the wry and funny dialogue, the nail-biting bursts of action, an unforgettable hero and heroine and, most important, the exquisite torment of not knowing HOW it could possibly end well. And you know what? Somehow it did. Amazing work, Ms. Kenyon.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Just when we thought that Acheron and his New Orleans Dark-Hunters have finally neutralized Stryker and his Spathi Daimons, we now see them wreaking havoc in Mississippi. Spreading lies about Acheron and Artemis, a few Dark-Hunters are falling for their vicious game leaving Acheron no choice but to send his own judge: Alexion.

A former Dark-Hunter turned Shade, Alexion is the one thing that even the most savage fear. Void of any feeling or emotion, he cares not whether the hunters lived or die. But while he exists solely for the purpose of doing his duty and upholding honor, everything will change when he meets Dangereuse St. Richard.

A noblewoman betrayed by her own husband during the French Revolution, Dangereuse sold her soul to the goddess Artemis to avenge her and her family's tragic death. For over two hundred years, she has lived the life of a Dark-Hunter, dutifully fulfilling her end of the bargain. But when a fellow DH turned rogue starts recruiting hunters to join in the rebellion against Artemis and Acheron, Danger is now faced with the problem of saving them. But is she right to put her trust in the man who claims to have been sent by Acheron himself to bring judgement upon those who refuse to be saved?

In SINS OF THE NIGHT, Sherrilyn Kenyon tells us the story of Alexion and his existence as a Shade. After dying as a Dark-Hunter, we see how he has lived an utterly lonely existence, unable to feel or even taste, but forever suffering from the hunger that could never be appeased. And this is why you can't help but feel for his longing when he meets Danger. She is a welcome change from a world of no color or emotion. The way he was drawn to her vibrancy and warmth, making him long for something he could never have, was sad to read about, most especially the part when he wished that he could have a part of her to take back with him to Katoteros. As for Danger, well, she's a real dynamite in a small package - brave, smart and sexy. I loved the interaction between her and Alexion. The exchanges are witty and the love scenes sensual.

Featuring Sherrilyn Kenyon's trademark humor and fast-paced action, SINS OF THE NIGHT is another fantastic addition to this popular series. Not only does she gives us another intriguing insight into the world of Dark-Hunters and everything supernatural, but by going deeper and deeper into Acheron's secrets, she taunts us and makes us crave for the next installment in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In this latest installment of the Dark-Hunter story we are not only treated to the "Beginning" but we are given a little bit more information regarding the legend of the Dark Hunters and we are introduced two amazing characters that will truly touch the reader. This is the first Dark Hunter story that made me cry!!!

Alexion has come to Mississippi to judge those Dark Hunters that are entertaining the idea of a revolt against Ash. Alexion has been sent to Danger, a Dark Huntress who still manages to retain a love of "life" despite the downside of being immortal. She makes Alexion feel "alive" for the first time ever. This man is different from any other man she's ever known. Who is he and what is he? Will she be able to help him at the same time protect her damaged heart from being broken yet again?

This like every other DH read is very engaging. Ms. Kenyon though this time around has created characters that will truly touch the reader. You will feel their pain, happiness, and love. She has given us a little more insight into Ash, and still manage to leave an air of mystery. This is one series that I highly recommend. Each book is amazing and this is a fine addition to anyone's personal library!

Official Reviewer for Romance Designs
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marziyeh mirhadi
The Alexion. Judge, Jury, and Executioner of the Dark Hunter force. The Alexion is called in to determine if a Dark Hunter is salvageable, if not, to destroy the immortal.


1. If you are not a Dark Hunter fan, you should not read this novel without reading some of her previous work. There is a great deal of backstory that you must understand for this to make sense.

2. There is a foreward at the beginning of the book asking the reader to go to the end of the book and read the short beginning. Please do read that first.

That said, I loved this book. I stayed up all night reading the story of Danger and Alexion. Though most of Sherrilyn Kenyon's books are independent enough that you can read them alone, you won't want to. This story is not one of those. Dark Hunter fans have waited a long time for this installment, and I, for one, was not disappointed.

Dangereuse St. Richard is the firs Dark Hunter female we've really got to spend time with. While others have been mentioned, this is the readers first insider track, so to say. She is a petite thing created during the French Revolution, murdered by her husband. It is noted Artemis must have taken special liking to Danger, for Artemis' taste run to taller women who are more of the same stature of the Daimons they fight.

A rebellion is brewing in the backwoods. Dark Hunters are drawing together with restless thoughts and unease. A Daimon walks among them, sewing seeds of discord, and some of the Dark Hunters are buying in. Hook. Line. And Sinker. The Alexion is sent to save those who can be saved and judge those who cannot, and he's starting with Danger.

Kenyon weaves her magic spell yet again in this novel, touching the reader with the profound emptiness these Dark Hunters carry, the weight they bear protecting the humans who don't know them, who wouldn't believe them, and who live in blissful ignorance of the "other" things that live in their world. The humanity of the immortals is awesome.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lucas pinyan
Well, since the store for some reason decided to delete almost all of the less than four-star reviews of this book, I'm having to retype this review. Luckily, I always keep copies of my work so the store won't get rid of me that easily.

For the most part, I really enjoy Sherrilyn Kenyon's work. Certainly, the quality of some her other series has been really shaky (and there are a ton of them), but you can usually count of the Dark Hunters series to deliver an exceptional read. I have never been dissapointed with a true Dark Hunter book... until now. Such a shame as I was looking forward to the first book with a female Dark Hunter. It's not a bad book, but after such intense and well-crafted previous installments in the series this one just doesn't measure up. Not once was I particularly moved by the plight of the characters, even when they are dealing with some serious stuff. I'll explain in a minute.

In the last book, I complained about the messy loopy plot. Here, thankfully, the plot is much tigher, but as a trade-off, the characterization suffers greatly. Alexion is Acheron's, the Dark Hunter leader, "squire". When word reaches Ash that that Kyros, a Mississippi Dark Hunter, has struck an unholy alliance with daimon general Stryker, and is stirring up a rebellion with rumors of Ash being a daimon, Alexion is dispatched to diffuse the situtation. If that fails, he will execute all parties involved. Alexion is also a Shade, the ghost of a Dark Hunter who fell in battle and is cursed to live between life and death, meaning he can only live on Earth for a few days. He teams up with Danger, a female Dark Hunter who is initially suspicious of his motives. She's not sure who she should trust, if anyone, but eventually sides with Alexion and Ash. She and Alexion fall in love over the course of the adventure, of course, but how but can a Shade have a relationship with anyone... let alone a woman who is sworn to spend eternity battling evil?

The plot actually makes for a compelling story, as does the side plot about Simi's relatives, and brings to light some interesting facts about the mysterious Acheron, but characterization of the main characters is where Kenyon falls asleep at the wheel. Usually, she is very good about slowly revealing the character's histories, playing her hand close to the breast and giving relevant and often suprising facts with perfect timing. Here she takes her bucket O' characterization and just dumps everything at the readers' feet. Before the fourth chapter you will no everything there is to know about these characters. I mean Alexion already knows Danger's entire history and is infatuated with her before he ever comes to Earth. Kenyon has been trying to build up the mystery about Alexion's true identity for several months on the website that serves as a supplement to the series, but completely ruins it by giving it away before the first page of the story is turned in the novel's preface. That's not the characterizations only problem, as Alexion is by far this series most lifeless and bloodless hero. His flat personality doesn't do much to infuse him with any sex appeal, and sometimes he even comes across as downright unsexy. He's kind of like a Ken doll. Great physique, but still plastic and artificial at the end of the day. Danger isn't much better. She reads exactly like the heroines who have come before. Shouldn't someone whose lived as long as she has and experienced what she has have well... a little more meat to her? And as for her battle prowess... Tabitha Deveraux came across as tougher and more impressive. When these two are together without anything plot related together, the story is dead in the water.

I have to concurr that the book feels like a stepping stone to Ash's story as he feels like the main character at time and he rarely even appears in the book! His novel can't come soon enough, because though I'm sure it'll be a good read, he's starting to feel like a deus-ex-machina plot device that becoming an albatross around the series neck. After what happened at the end of Seize the Night where he turns a dark ending into a they all lived happily ever after- well except for Nick ending, I could never take the grave and mortal peril Alexion and Danger were experiencing seriously. Even though they do the "this love is impossible" song and dance, never once did I believe Asheron wouldn't come in and make everything better. In earlier books, being a Shade was said to be just about the worst thing that could happen to a person, so the consequences were dire if a Dark Hunter failed a his mission. Here it's revealed that Ash fixed it so the penalty for becoming a shade is actually very mild. Well, since I think fiction is much more exciting, and I don't think ANY genre ever should get a pass on this, when there is an element of uncertaintity to it. The characters can succeed or fail, and they experience the consequences of what happens to them. With Acheron here to play Cosmic Lifeguard for everybody, it just sucks out that element of uncertaintity or even the need to make sacrafices to reach the goal- such as having to choose between love and eternal life and ultimately having to lose neither. No matter how much these characters fret and assure me that the situation is dire, I can't take it seriously.

I eagerly read this book in two night, but it is a weak entry into the series. It's interesting plot and revelations about Ash make it a must for long time readers, but the tepid leads make it a poor choice for newbies to start with.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bath sheba lane
SINS OF THE NIGHT by Sherrilyn Kenyon is the eighth full-length novel in the Dark-Hunter series, which are paranormal romances that feature hunky undead men who fight otherworldly bad guys and serve Greek gods. This novel is set in modern-day Mississippi and involves Alexion, a new character whose job is to kill Dark-Hunters who turn evil. He enlists the help of Danger, a female Dark-Hunter, who falls in love with him. The problem is that Alexion is not human, and once he kills the rogue Dark-Hunters, he will never see Danger again.

When I first began reading this book, I was uncertain if I would like it because I couldn't recall reading about Danger or Alexion in the other Dark-Hunter books. If anything, I'd rather read about Fury or Fang or the Peltier clan or Nick or any of the Dark-Hunters ever mentioned. At the same time, I wasn't all excited about reading about a female Dark-Hunter. To me, the appeal is that they are gorgeous bad boys, emphasis on boys....

Anyway, I found I actually enjoyed this novel. It was one of Kenyon's more focused works, and she spent a lot of time writing about the couple versus writing super-long sex scenes or other scenes featuring bad guys, etc. Plus, she was able to provide a lot of detail about Acheron without making him the most important character in the novel. I appreciated that.

While I would have liked more background on both main characters, I thought Alexion and Danger made a well-matched couple, and they were easy to believe in and to see together as lovers. I was a little disappointed that Danger didn't seem to have any special abilities, but oh well. The conclusion of the book especially pleased me because it didn't involve the typical "Acheron saves the day" ending, and the epilogue featuring the two demons was cute.

Overall, I enjoyed SINS OF THE NIGHT, as it was a little different but it still satisfied my cravings to know more about their world, especially Acheron's secrets.

In fact, if I had to rate my favorite Dark-Hunter stories, it would probably go #1) DANCE WITH THE DEVIL, #2) FANTASY LOVER, #3) "Phantom Lover" in MIDNIGHT PLEASURES, and a tie for #4) between NIGHT PLAY and this novel, SINS OF THE NIGHT.

However, if you are new to the Dark-Hunter series, I would not recommend reading SINS OF THE NIGHT first, as it gives away way too much info about Acheron, plus you'll be missing out on lots of back story and characters. Do yourself a favor and read the prologue to the series, FANTASY LOVER, followed by Dark-Hunter #1) NIGHT PLEASURES. If you like those, you'll no doubt be interested in the rest of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marcilia the plot bunny
I look forward to each book in this series. Kenyon faithfully provides steamy sex scenes and hunky men. This one had a bit of a twist on her "normal" paranormal romances. First off, the Dark Hunter is a woman ("Danger") and the hunky male is, well, Other ("Alexion"). Hey, I'll even give you a clue, Alexion is not a name, but a job title. Apparently, a revolt is happening among Dark Hunters in Mississippi and the Alexion is called in to either straighten them out or eliminate the whole lot of them. Only he had no idea just how difficult it would be to keep his mind on his job, especially when he meets Danger.

The reason why I gave it four stars instead of five was because it did not keep me hanging on the edge of my seat. Yet, I still wiped it out in just two nights. I think for those Dark Hunter fans out there, it would definitely be worth your time. Those of you who have not read any from the series. DO NOT begin with this one, you will only be completely baffled by what is going on. This is not a stand alone novel. Either way, happy reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sreepati das
Let me begin by reitterating what many other reviewers stated. If this is your first Dark Hunter book STOP and read a different one! It is NOT a stand alone.

As the book jacket tells you, this is the story of the Alexion and a younger Dark Huntress, Danger. I enjoyed finally having a female perspective on the role of the Dark Hunter and their lifestyle. She was not nearly as angry as any of the men and enjoyed her quiet time.

The Alexion was a very unique character with the ability to love and destroy in the same breath. His relationship with Simi was highly entertaining.

Though I enjoyed this book, I was a bit disappointed. It lacked the magic the others hold and felt a bit forced at times. I must admit I missed my other Hunters who at least make an appearence in the other books. I wished for an indepth account of Danger's life before committing her soul to a goddess for revenge like the other books have.

It was a good book overall since it has added yet more knowledge into Ash's true nature, I just wish he had participated more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda linehan
Sherrilyn Kenyon kicks out another great Dark Hunter Book. This time our Dark Hunter is a Woman, (Hurray finally) Danger and our Hero is Alexion, who can best be described as "other"

`Sins of the Night' follows what happens when Dark Hunters go Rogue or Bad. Alexion is the man who is sent to judge whether they can be saved or if they will die and become Shades. Obviously, this is a love story about Alexion and Danger but the underlying story is powerful and answers many of those questions DH fans have been screaming for.

We learn more about the Elusive Acheron and his 'Daughter' Simi. We also learn more about how the who Dark Hunter thing evolved. However, if you are looking for all those old familiar characters from other books you will be disappointed. A few are discussed but only a handful of secondary characters from previous books actually surface in this one.

This book had me riveted and I enjoyed it greatly but compare to her other DH books this one isn't one of my top three, but it's a definite keeper for my library one that I am sure I will reread again and again. This book made me laugh, grimace and I definitely cried at the end.

Now I can only wait, with baited breath, for the next one to be released.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
While this is nowhere near my favorite DH novel, it does a great job explaining more about Ash's past and the creation and evolution of the Dark Hunters. For one, I feel that it was an abrupt change in having it set in a totally different area than where most of the previous novels had taken place. I do like how it explaining more of the past, but did feel that parts of it were rushed and not written as deeply as it could have been. However, I LOVE all the DH novels and can't not give it anything but 5 stars, just to keep the overall rating of this novel up.

This series is one of my favorites, I LOVE them all - so pick up the first book that started it all, and get hooked!
Please RateA Dark-Hunter Novel (Dark-Hunter Novels Book 7) - Sins of the Night
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