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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jojo z
I thought it would be impossible to love Remy more than I already did.....but this book proved me wrong!! He truly is an amazing character....

I cannot thank Katy Evans enough for giving us Remy's pov. I usually avoid the books rewritten in the 2nd person's pov...they tend to let me down. This was not the case with Remy. Being in his head was like reading it for the first time.

The characters are amazing and impeccably written, and I found myself trying to slow down my reading, because I simply just didn't want it to end!

Anyone who hasn't read this missing out!!

Thank you for writing Remy so Real, I wish he were Mine!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abby foley
This was an excellent end or beginning to Brooke and Remy. From Remy's point of view was enlightening. It was not repetitive like some male POV's are. This was not word from word as it happened in Real and Mine. I love the fact that it covered both books and that it covered important areas in each book. I look forward to the other books in this series and more from this author. Five stars because I love Remington Tate!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved every single word sentence in this love story it's so beautiful romantic caveman real love re my is fabulous mating with Brooke delightful sexy a pleasure to read I recommend to and for all real lovers husbands wives and everybody in love
Ms. Manwhore (Manwhore series) (Volume 3) :: Playboy :: Filthy Rich (Blackstone Dynasty Book 1) :: After We Fall :: #1) (Checkmate Duet Series) - This is War (Travis & Viola
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
miguel rodriguez
Wow. Simply wow! This might be my favorite book in the series. I am so happy with this book. I loved how Remy focused on very different aspects of the Real and Mine books. I loved how different it was from the others without being too different. I hope we catch glimpses of the Tates in her next books in the series. I'm not ready to let go of them just yet. A re-read is in order!! My new favorite books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
haley sullivan
Dare I say this particular book might be the best one of the series so far?! I LOVE all 3 but being inside Remy's mind just stirs something different inside that just grabs your emotions and your feelings and twists! Not to mention it's Remington "sexy as hell" Tate! It's really a different journey seeing everything Remy and Brooke go through in his perspective and it's absolutely wonderful!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read and absolutely loved all three books in this series. The story is engaging, sexy, well-paced, and the characters are so well written and emotionally charged it sucks you right in. Especially Remy! And, I have to say, I loved being able to get into his head in this book and that made it my favorite of the series. It really tied them all up nicely. Love, love, loved it!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After Real and Mine, there were no surprises but that wasn't what this book from Remy POV was about. It's his intense thoughts from both books, from an intense character who LOVES hard, LIVES hard, and will die protecting what's his. I loved it, it was only that I wished there was more bits of the future story along the way (I'm greedy to find out more) but it was still very good. Only lovers of the first two books will enjoy REMY.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Real Series is exceptional! I highly recommend reading the whole series. Remy just happens to be my favorite because I know all about the ups & downs of bipolar disorder. Katy Evans has a way with telling a story that draws you in and shreds your emotions, you come away from reading her books still trying to get your bearings back. Love every minute of this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne mary
Let me say first that I absolutely LOVED REAL & MINE but REMY was by far the best book in the series... To say I loved this book would be an understatement... Getting into Remington's head was something I've been looking forward to since Katy announced that he was getting his own book. She covered all the right moments.. A lot of the past & just enough of the present. Katy you're amazing & I look forward to all of the books you write in the future!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason demchock
I loved getting into Remy's thoughts as he struggles with so many things in his fight to overcome bipolar. ths story is almost exclusively about his feelings and thoughts about Brooke. And yes, we do get a lot of "I want her" moments but put in context of an obsessive personality it makes sense. I know I married one. Ms. Evans has delivered another winner... patiently waiting for the next story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carrie o dell
Love this book! It is raw, emotional and almost painful at times. This is Remy's story and it is beautiful and super sexy. You feel how much he loves and also how hard he tries. You understand better the fight he has within himself and why he fights so hard for love.

Awesome book. I definitely recommend it to everyone. Just might be my favorite of the 3,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although it was mostly about the the events of Real and Mine. I just loved reading this story of Remy's point of view. Couldn't put it down just kept on reading and reading just eager to know what was going on in Remy's mind. I can't help it I already loved Remy in Real and Mine but I love him even more in Remy!!
In my pont of view A MUST READ!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben dewar
Great story. Really loved this version. Loved reading Remy's thoughts, hopes, dreams and worries. In Mine, there were times I wanted to shake Brooke. This story I wanted to shake Pete and Riley. I realized most guys would probably act the same way. I am such a girl :). You will not regret reading this story. Katy Evans has outdone herself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was exactly what I was expecting from Remy! I was not let down. It was raw, honest, sexy as hell, and all Remy. I loved Remy's point of view and I think it added so much more to the Real series. This series was truly my most favorite and after reading this book, I love it even more. I know I will reread this book and the rest of the series, many more times. Katy killed it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cara whalen
I absolutely loved Real, Mine and Remy. Katy Evans is a phenomenal writer, you feel yourself being pulled into the story and the overwhelming emotion that the characters feel for each other.
This book REMY, is Remy's POV as the story overlaps and continues. Remy is HOT!!!!!! I could not put this book down passion, perfection! Hope to see the story continue!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are no words!!!!! Remy is just simply amazing. I didn't think I could love a character anymore. Remy and Brooke are definitely my fav book couple. Such strong beautiful characters and just plain hot!! Reading this story from Remys POV was just perfect!!! Katy Evans knows what she's doing when it comes to putting so many emotion into words!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kay cooper
How can anyone not live Remington Tate whether he's black or blue. The animalistic nature he possesses is sexy as all get out! Brooke has become the luckiest woman in the world, between a husband that loves her more than his own life, and a sweet baby boy that is a combination of both of them, who could honestly ask for anything more?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the first book in the series. The second wasn't quite as void as the first. But this third one, Remy's view on everything that happened in the first two, totally redeemed my live for this series! I love how it goes back and forth between the past and present. We reread all of the events leading up to the wedding, and then get to read about the wedding itself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have enjoyed reading each book. After the first book, I couldn't get enough of Remy & Brooke. He is strong with what he goes through but, Brooke makes him stronger within himself to get through his darkness and she stays with him to bring him to the light. I can't wait for the rest of her characters to have their own say in their books. I have to say I am not at all disappointed in her books and look forward to many more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angelo haritakis
I loved the first book in the series. The second wasn't quite as void as the first. But this third one, Remy's view on everything that happened in the first two, totally redeemed my live for this series! I love how it goes back and forth between the past and present. We reread all of the events leading up to the wedding, and then get to read about the wedding itself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daisys tamayo
I have enjoyed reading each book. After the first book, I couldn't get enough of Remy & Brooke. He is strong with what he goes through but, Brooke makes him stronger within himself to get through his darkness and she stays with him to bring him to the light. I can't wait for the rest of her characters to have their own say in their books. I have to say I am not at all disappointed in her books and look forward to many more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved it! Thus was probably one of the best male POVs I've read. It didn't repeat the story but gave an insight to what he was thinking & feeling during important moments in REAL. I also loved hearing about his past. It gives the readers insight on who much he had to fight through life & what an awesome man he has become.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lynsey mize
Outstanding writing from Katy Evans. I loved every inch of this series. To not read this series would be a huge mistake. Love the characters an most of Remy. This is a true romantic story. Loved it loved it loved. It's been an honor reading such a great book. Only a few authors have reignited my passion for reading. Thank you Katy Evans for being one of those authors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
glenda carlson
Loved this series. Thanks katy evans for giving us remy pov and letting us get inside his head. I'm so in love with brooke and remy's love. I loved the way you portrayed bipolar disorder. It was so spot on. My father has this illness and I was very impressed with the way you showed it thoughout the book. I love Remy!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthias kretschmann
Reading anything that has Sexy Remington Tate in it is amazing. What I loved about this book is that you see a wonder, softer side to Remy. His thoughts and feelings through the first 2 books are explained from his side. It's amazing. Just when you think you couldn't love him anymore you do. Amazing book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ava petrash
Although the story has been told it was wonderful to see it through Remys baby blues. If you enjoy reading this love story told so brillAntly by Katy Evans then read Remy. I simply cannot get enough of this passionate and heartfelt story. So looking forward to Raw and will read anything this author writes. She really does an outstanding job of making the reader feel every word and that my fellow readers makes for an amazing author. Order and read this as well as Real & Mine and go claim your mate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margaret chind
I found myself swooning over how tender, vulnerable, and beyond deep Remy is! Swoon worthy! Remy helps open up the creative, compassionate, and strength of an individual with BD. Cannot stress enough how Remy will KO you! Moving, gratifying with the depth of characters love, friendship, family, and constant support.i love Evans work, a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this book! Katy Evans is an amazing writer and author. I loved this book because it's from Remy's perspective. I love knowing about him and his side of the story. What he is thinking about during fights and while looking at Brooke and Racer. I am so excited about this book this is a great series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna ellis
I enjoyed this story. It read like a diary entry, with Remy's brief recollections of events and the way they affected him. It was all in all a pretty good read. I like Katy Evans' writing style and they she makes you fall in love with the characters and feel what they feel towards one another.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick mugumya
After reading I felt an even better connection to Remy and how he thinks and behaves with his disorder. I work with people with a variety of disorders & Katy does a phenomenal job of accurately depicting this one. She also accurately portrays how people with these disorders are often treated by family,friends, and strangers that don't understand the challenges these people with disorders conquer on a daily basis just to exist among society.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann reiter
This book was freaking amazing. I love how it kept. Going back to big scenes from the last two books and giving you Remy's POV. I also love how they were finally able to be married and her choice of a wedding gift for him. Amazing book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian byars
Remy stole my heart since the first novel.

Reading this book was truly a complete experience for me.

As I understand, a writer pull out the ether a idea, then gives it form, then a name, and then write about it.

I complete understand this is a fictional character. But some how " Remy" has crash landed into my heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series is absolutely amazing! I loved getting to see Remy's point of view! I was so enthralled by this book and couldn't put it down! I am SO glad we got to see the characters get their happily ever after that they totally deserve. If you haven't read this series and are on the fence, start reading immediately!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison grindle
This was a beautifully written view from deep within Remy. I am in serious need of a Remy intervention so I ate this book up! I loved getting to see how he felt about all the events that took place in Real and Mine. He is a beautiful man and I think a piece of my heart will always be with Remy. Well done, Katy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Remy is a wonderful conclusion to the Real Series from his point of view. Remy is one of my favorite characters and I was not ready for his story to end! A beautiful love story between 2 beautiful characters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jo costello
I really enjoyed Remy's version of their love story. Although I wish we could have seen more of his thoughts when he's gone black. When he wakes up and Brooke's not there. Or when his parents insulted Brooke and said mean things about him. Overall I loved it though.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What can I say except love, love, love this character Remy! Keep it coming Katy because I can't wait to buy book #4. and #5. You have become my favorite author to read. Thank you.

Now let me read them again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eman amanullah
I loved REAL, but reading Remy was amazing. It was great to get inside of REMY's mind. It made me heart ache with his tenderness, his need, and his hurt. He is an amazing man and I love seeing everything from his POV. Thank you Katy Evans for sharing REMY with us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely LOVE this series! Remy is alpha male all the way with an equally strong woman in Brooke. His point of view exudes a sexiness that only he can deliver; raw and sensual! This is a must have in your collection! Thank you Katy Evans, you ROCK!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt hutka
More Remy please please! I love this series by Katy Evans. Yes you do have some repeat of what you read in Real and Mine but you also get quite a bit more. Lots of steamy Remy. It's flashbacks of their life together and it is wonderful. I can't wait for more books in this series to come out.
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