A Sci-Fi Space Opera Adventure Series (The Ascension Myth Book 1)

ByEll Leigh Clarke

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brenda lowder
I enjoyed it but it's a typical contemporary suspense action novel with a coating of SF. Needed more of Clarke's third law to be visible. There's hints of that at the very end. I'll definitely be getting the next one.

Highly recommended to everyone already immersed in the Kurtherian Gambit Universe.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
michael stainbrook
Would you wait until I read the freaking book. For crying out loud. You keep all these records and can tell every move I make and every product I view. It seems you could know when I read and finish a book in your feverish attempt to sell and squeeze every penny you can out of customers.
Makes me rethink my relationship with such a mercenary company. Get your nose out of my Wallet and give me some breathing room.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The time is centuries in the future, and there has been some technical progress (e.g., there are space ships), but the way people live hasn't changed in any meaningful way. The place is another galaxy. Our heroes have stumbled upon a sinister plot to make healthcare mandatory and then jack up the price, to the benefit of the evil Syndicate.

Molly is a genius nerd with poor judgment. She gets herself discharged from the armed forces to conceal the fact that she is carrying Oz - a newborn AI. Oz is the deus ex machina. Although 'he' is only days old, the fact that his intelligence is artificial means that he can crack any encryption, defeat any security measures, and read and understand any database, whenever the plot requires it. Once Molly is discharged she goes to Joel for work. Joel is a free-lancer. We are told that he is highly competent, just as we are told that Molly is intelligent and has great promise. Their actions and behavior do not demonstrate this.

They are hired to save a whistle blower, and the plot consists mostly of our heroes trying to dodge the minions of the Syndicate. Having more interesting character, characters about whose success and survival it was easier to care, could have made this book work.
A Fable About Addressing the Three Root Causes of Job Misery :: The Miserable Mill (A Series of Unfortunate Events :: Books 4-6 (The Miserable Mill; The Austere Academy; The Ersatz Elevator) :: The Prince (Penguin Pocket Hardbacks) :: The Life Engineered (World Engineered)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
viktoriya maslyak
Good points:

- The protagonist is a moderately interesting character.

- This author, unlike Michael Anderle, has fairly good grammar skills, at least self-edits proactively. I'm not entirely sure I found even one error throughout the novel!

Improvement points:

- Dialog generally felt forced, to me, and sometimes a bit awkward.

- Pacing wasn't handled well. There were many times when I wondered how the current details were moving a story along. Reminded me of a Rifftraxed movie I watched where the main character was shown to be walking, and then walking more, and then walking yet more, and the Riffers were wondering how these scenes contributed to the movie. An example, in this novel, was when supplies were to be delivered to a spaceship. For a moment, I thought there would be an actual plot point regarding the supplies being late, but...they were just late, lol.

- This may just be a matter of style and personal opinion, rather than technique, but I thought views were switched out too fast and easily. There were many scenes where Molly and Joel would be in a room together and the points of view would switch between them every other sentence or two. To me, this is jarring, and I have to scramble to keep up with where I'm at in the story. This style makes perfect sense in a MOVIE, but not in a novel, where we are, essentially, living in the character whose point of view we are using. Having definite starts and ends for each character's point of view makes it easier to transition. I hated fast point of view switching when the Dragonlance authors used it, decades ago, and it still bothers me. One point of view, one scene.

- Character motivation... I think the author, here, was attempting to set up a Batman style motivation, but kinda missed on it. I'm not sure that ONE event where she screwed up and got her parents into trouble, and almost killed, equals a crusade motivation against people like those that came to kill them. It was one event, where she believes SHE was responsible. I think the protagonist would be more motivated to NOT get involved in the world's troubles, for fear she'd screw it up further (I may be projecting, heh). I don't believe parental death would be required for a Batman style origin, but perhaps years of being cheated by those in power should have been presented, or something similar.

Other comments:
- Not sure why this needed to be presented as a Kurtherian Gambit related novel. Barring a couple of off-hand references, this could have been in anyone's universe.

- The author is doing well for a first start and had the guts to put a novel out there. With a bit of tuning, this novel could be a fairly good one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I find myself struggling to figure out how to start this review. Maybe I should be giving myself a chance to digest this book first, or wait until I've reread it three or four times like the main TKG books, but I really feel this book deserves feedback at the earliest possible moment.

Initially, I felt like the story got a bit of a slow start. I wasn't bored, by any stretch, but I wasn't feeling that wonderful "hooked" feeling, either. That changed somewhere in the middle of the scene where Joel was waiting out the bots while Molly and Oz were back in the vehicle. You'll see...it isn't all that far into the book!

From that point on, I felt like I'd just hopped on a fantastic ride at an amusement park, and I sort of resentfully watched the percentage left to read decreasing, far too rapidly.

I'm guessing that for many TKG fans, there's a bit of trepidation each time a new author or new arc joins the universe. Michael Anderle is good at giving his readers a sense of ownership over the stories and the people in them. We have high expectations of those who want to write in our favorite Universe... thankfully, Michael is an attentive guardian who picks no one but the best. And Ell Leigh Clarke is definitely one of those!

I still can't believe this is her first foray into writing fiction. She is a natural!

I adore her main character, Molly. As much as I love Bethany Anne from the main TKG arc, I can't truly relate to a tail-kicking superhuman with stunning good looks and a penchant for expensive shoes. But a geek, who is broken and socially inept, but smart enough to know those things about herself? Well heck, I've known her for most of my 46 years on this Earth.

What I'm left with, just a few short minutes after reading the author notes in the book, is a simple question...who do I have to bribe to get the sequel in my grubby little mitts? By yesterday would be good!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jennifer baxter
So I really wanted to like this - I was searching for female sci-fi authors and this came up. I had not read any of the other stories in this Kurtherian series, so I really struggled with what was going on in this first book. Honestly, I didn't like it. But I kept at it because my experience has been that new authors will get better and that's what happened here. I was intrigued by the somewhat damaged main character so I downloaded the next book. It was better. And by book 5, I am all in. While this one is a struggle, if you get through it the rest are much better as her 'tribe' comes together and the story and the writing gets better, more polished, though there are still amateur moments. Try it - great female lead and heroism abounds.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ronnie craft
This new series is off to a rollicking Good start. The minimum rating (in mine own eyes) is a FIVE STAR!!!!!!!
This series is comprehensible to anyone over the age of 15. The ethics and morals are SOLID!!!!!
Poor Molly, she gets infected by a project of her own and winds up with an AI in her brain and holo.
It gets her into trouble right away, and then gets her out of the Military on 4077 discharge(which is a discharge on psychosexual grounds). This places her in a uniquely weird circumstance where she doesn't quite know where to turn. She hooks up with a discharged Space MARINE she used to work with and goes to town on the bad guys. She and her friend Joel start to help a political operative by the name of Garet Beaumont who is being chased by his bosses goons to be killed. Garets girlfriend
Paige Montgomery is his bosses office manager that gave Garet access to dirty files on their boss, thereby causing him to go to the head of the SYNDICATE to stop him. The real problem is that the head of the SYNDICATE has decided to kill Garets boss(Mr. DEWITT) this story is too well written to follow through with EVERY DETAIL, YOU GOTTA READ IT FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!!!
The beginning I have given should pique your interest if you have half a brain cell still working, so get the book and READ IT!!!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A well written book that fits somewhere in the Kurtherian timeline, just not exactly sure where. I enjoyed the characters but would like to get to know a few of them better. It was a little abrupt (throughout the series actually) introducing new characters but then not letting us know a little more about their background. Also, supposedly there is a lack of actual information about Bethany Anne but Molly gets all the Earth culture references from around 200 years ago?

My biggest gripe isn't about the book at all butt (misspell on purpose) with the cover. As a female reader, I understand that most likely men read these books however, do the covers constantly have to be of the protagonists backsides in leather? You don't show the men's posterior in skin tight leather, so why be completely sexist?

Book was very good, hate the cover.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen mccarthy
you have any outside life commitments: you know, things like work, family, eating, sleeping, showering. This series is so entertaining that those other things will just naturally fall by the wayside. I started this series after the sixth book had come out and read all six books in only five days. The series is now up to 8 books in the series and 1 related book that you have to read. More are on the way and you will join the multitude of Ellie's fans who are anxiously awaiting the next book in the series. I want to note that this book is a part of a larger universe of books and that this was my first exposure to this universe. I have since gone back and read almost all of the other books in the series (which was founded by the co-author of this book, Michael Anderle, or as Ellie calls him, Yoda! Ellie has a wicked sense of humor that really comes across in these books. These books, to be honest, have moved into my top 5 favorite series, ever. If this sounds like a ringing endorsement of the Age of Expansion series, then I haven't been clear, you need to drop everything and read this series right now! You will thank me for it. Oh, and while you are at it, read the other Kutherian Gambit books too. They are all great as well, but don't blame me that you think Molly and her team are the best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I am looking forward to seeing where this series is going. I enjoyed some of Molly's internal conflicts, especially in understanding HOW something could be wrong even fir the right reason. I also find Oz to be a surprisingly well-developed character.

That being said, this book received 4 stars because it is still developmentally challenged. The characters are somewhat juvenile in nature, with their actions and responses lacking something in accordance with both their intellect and their experience. The four stars is given with the hope that, as Ell Leigh continues to write, she will be able to correct this issue and write fabulously.

Thank you, Ell Leigh for showing us what happens a few hundred years after BA leaves a settlement and what follows in her wake. It seems short term memory is a failing that species all over the galaxies experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katayoun masoodi
Love it! :)
Love Molly's interactions with everyone and trying to figure out how to adapt, establish her own system for morality with checks and balances, learning how to interact with new people and become a leader for her new team.
I like that she doesn't do everything perfectly and she struggles. It makes her real and like I can relate to her awkwardness (even though I'm not a genius! Which, her genius is the only thing I think could have been played up more, actually).
I really like all the characters, and even though there are a few awkward writing places that won't be there in later books, it doesn't detract from the story at all.
I've read all the books in a chain reading frenzy and can't wait till the next one comes out! (I hear it's soon! Yay!) :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OK I like most TKG readers am voracious about reading anything to do with the wonderful Universe MA has created for us. That being said this series was a unique surprise in that I really wasn't worried about following TKG Cannon, what I was was so engrossed in the story that I forgot to eat, and even became annoyed when I found I needed to stop reading long enough to take a drink of soda. This book is a tease, exasperating, intense, and I want the next book in this series almost as much as I want the next Bethany Anne book. The characters are introduced​ to us in a way that, for me, constantly kept me intrigued and wanting to know more about them. The story plot line is wonderful as well, I couldn't read the pages fast enough to find out what happens next, and yes I growled when this book ended cause I WANT MORE!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric baehr
Enjoyed this one, good addition to the Kurtherian universe. Ell did a good job of showing Molly's outcast feelings, and growing into the team. Although I will admit to some prurient curiosity on the 4077. I enjoyed the bits with Joel agonizing over his attraction to Molly. It'll be interesting to see how team dynamics develop in the future. I kept wondering when the taxi driver was going to show back up, so I'd love to see how things with Garret and him go next book too. Good job overall, although I got to the end, and am jonesing for more. What's in the basement? Better not take too long for that next one to come out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karin tracy
It may seem unfair to punish for such endings but at my age, back when the cat execution was cutting edge Quantum Mechanics, you don't have a promise of being alive for the next book. Otherwise this is a good first book. It may be that my review is skewed because cardiology hospital wings have issued with Kindles in patient space. My impression was that I was supposed to lie there and die, not snicker at book pun's. Given the quality of her writing in the third 'Judge Bean' book, this is a great book with the promise of greatness. Give it a try. Who knows, it may cure AFib.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
betsy blanc
Love Molly with all her quirkiness. Love the AI {Oz} so many original idea's mixed with the familiar {Kurtherian Gambit series} fast, and smooth reading. I didn't stop until it was done. Very well written. Characters are 'real' Imperfect but striving to be better. Human yet... smarter. I enjoyed every page. Laughed out loud, gasped with worry and thought about it after. Where would she take us next? Would everything work out or would Molly wind up in the asteroid alone and lonely? I love books that make me feel like their 'world' is real. The characters living breathing people that I care about. This book {all three so far} does all this and more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cody w
Glad to meet our newest genius! Literally! Love Molly, and hey geeks are sexy now. But you know why this book is baddass? The Author (MA) can probably guess why...NIETZSCHE.!!! It's ABOUT TIME these humans and aliens learn how to properly worship their Feline Overlord! Bow to the mighty Sphinx you lowly two leggers! Love the picture of him, purrfectly done I may add. I love the New Age and whether or not it connects directly, or indirectly to The Empress, it stands along as a winner! Thank the Overlords I already downloaded the next book! It would have been Hell To Pay.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
justin wolf
I so enjoyed this book. Delightfully funny and leaves you anticipating the next book. If you have not read any of the Kurtherian books, do so. Then join THE HORDE of fans on The Kurtherian Gambit facebook page and join the fun. Michael adds new authors and expands the world to the delight of his fans. When he chose this author he certainly picked a winner. She did a surperb job adding to the world. Loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shawn may
Well Ellie, for someone who never wrote a book before, it was a fun read. Can not wait to see were the basement, I mean story, travels. I do not like critiquing stories, I just enjoy the places they take me. If it is a well written story, I will disappear into the book just another character in the tale. This is my only way of judging if it stays in my collection. I would have been doomed in a verbal society, or maybe I would have been the one to invent sign language. I certainly can speak fluent dohicky, whatchamacallitz and gestures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly mccubbin
Pretty good sci fi. Wish there was MORE science and less arse, Oi, and other British phrases. Good story to start, including gravity manipulation, AI, space travel, other dimensions, strange cats with abilities, and being in another galaxy, and other stuff, but I'm skeptical if they can keep the story going. There are 3 more books at the time of this review. I'll continue reading hoping for more science fiction. That's what I read (and live) for. All the best to the author. Good crack at sci fi writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thomas vaultonburg
Another interesting and entertaining branch to the Kurtherian Universe. There seems to be no end to the talented authors Michael has co-opted into the fun and action filled worlds and times of the KGU. Each has made character development a priority and this branch is no different with Molly being an interesting enigma that She has to deal with just as much as those working with her must. And Oz looks to be another look into the AI world. Great job here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kayla logan
WOW! The latest author in Michael Anderle's Kurtherian Gambit stable may be the best! Since he has so many phenomenal authors already collaborating with him, I didn't think that was possible. Ell Leigh Clarke has introduced our newest heroine Molly and I can't wait to see what more trouble our socially inept protagonist can get herself into. Excellent character development and plot twists make this a fun and engrossing read. Welcome Ellie and bring it on!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria julia
The author has chosen a place and time unoccupied by any of the other Kutherian Gambit series. The characters are refreshing and have plenty of room for development. It's another "can't put it down" story, well worth the read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margaret wappler
These stories are the reason Kindle Unlimited exists. They are great quick fun reads that engages you withou LABORING you to "just keep slugging through it". I devoured this series and am now quickly reading the related series while impatiently awaiting Molly and crews next move.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linus kendall
WOW! Great characters, fun story line, sense of humor, love it. Been reading sci-fi for 50 years, always have a space opera open on my phone. Can tell I may as well stop picking up books from other authors, there are too many by these two. I can't wait to read them all. I love how new interesting and characters are introduced along the storyline. They all bring something new, and open up the plot to more adventures. Keep 'em coming. Thank you for bringing these characters to life.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
renee bowser
Very well done, especially seeing as this is a first time author... looking forward to more books from her. Love Molly, I completely get her. Like Oz and can't wait to see him interact with those that came before him. Hope somewhere down the line Molly meets BA... or a major player in TQB, but not too soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Surprisingly good series of stories with a growing cast of characters. The protagonist is both strong and vulnerable and becomes the leader of a group dedicated to making a positive contribution to their area of the galaxy. And she acquires an AI by accident, which further enriches the story.

I hope Ell continues to write this well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mom2jngncna stephannie
I so enjoyed this book. Delightfully funny and leaves you anticipating the next book. If you have not read any of the Kurtherian books, do so. Then join THE HORDE of fans on The Kurtherian Gambit facebook page and join the fun. Michael adds new authors and expands the world to the delight of his fans. When he chose this author he certainly picked a winner. She did a surperb job adding to the world. Loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
r tyler
Well Ellie, for someone who never wrote a book before, it was a fun read. Can not wait to see were the basement, I mean story, travels. I do not like critiquing stories, I just enjoy the places they take me. If it is a well written story, I will disappear into the book just another character in the tale. This is my only way of judging if it stays in my collection. I would have been doomed in a verbal society, or maybe I would have been the one to invent sign language. I certainly can speak fluent dohicky, whatchamacallitz and gestures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Pretty good sci fi. Wish there was MORE science and less arse, Oi, and other British phrases. Good story to start, including gravity manipulation, AI, space travel, other dimensions, strange cats with abilities, and being in another galaxy, and other stuff, but I'm skeptical if they can keep the story going. There are 3 more books at the time of this review. I'll continue reading hoping for more science fiction. That's what I read (and live) for. All the best to the author. Good crack at sci fi writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard guha
Another interesting and entertaining branch to the Kurtherian Universe. There seems to be no end to the talented authors Michael has co-opted into the fun and action filled worlds and times of the KGU. Each has made character development a priority and this branch is no different with Molly being an interesting enigma that She has to deal with just as much as those working with her must. And Oz looks to be another look into the AI world. Great job here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda betts
WOW! The latest author in Michael Anderle's Kurtherian Gambit stable may be the best! Since he has so many phenomenal authors already collaborating with him, I didn't think that was possible. Ell Leigh Clarke has introduced our newest heroine Molly and I can't wait to see what more trouble our socially inept protagonist can get herself into. Excellent character development and plot twists make this a fun and engrossing read. Welcome Ellie and bring it on!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shani jensen
The author has chosen a place and time unoccupied by any of the other Kutherian Gambit series. The characters are refreshing and have plenty of room for development. It's another "can't put it down" story, well worth the read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
These stories are the reason Kindle Unlimited exists. They are great quick fun reads that engages you withou LABORING you to "just keep slugging through it". I devoured this series and am now quickly reading the related series while impatiently awaiting Molly and crews next move.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ambur b
WOW! Great characters, fun story line, sense of humor, love it. Been reading sci-fi for 50 years, always have a space opera open on my phone. Can tell I may as well stop picking up books from other authors, there are too many by these two. I can't wait to read them all. I love how new interesting and characters are introduced along the storyline. They all bring something new, and open up the plot to more adventures. Keep 'em coming. Thank you for bringing these characters to life.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very well done, especially seeing as this is a first time author... looking forward to more books from her. Love Molly, I completely get her. Like Oz and can't wait to see him interact with those that came before him. Hope somewhere down the line Molly meets BA... or a major player in TQB, but not too soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joan kilby
Surprisingly good series of stories with a growing cast of characters. The protagonist is both strong and vulnerable and becomes the leader of a group dedicated to making a positive contribution to their area of the galaxy. And she acquires an AI by accident, which further enriches the story.

I hope Ell continues to write this well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer gray
Ell, you wrote a great story, this is perfect for the future line of TKG and the characters are fantastic. For fans of M. Anderle's Kutherian series and the related offshoots, this one was terrific and just buy it already...wasting time here won't get it read.
Every book should be 400+ pages and we should see them every two weeks...but, no pressure right?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jen wrenn
Loved it! My third favorite KG series after the main and the Reclaiming Honor series. While this book is within the larger Kutherian Gambit Universe, you dont need to have read any to enjoy this book. Molly is such a fun character, looking forward to Oz meeting ADAM at some point :) looking forward to your next book. And please please keep the sap to a minimum!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
karen dale
Expected more from a collaboration with Michael. The last 1/4 of the book is very week. Granted it is intended to lead you to book two, so lets hpoe that one is better than this one. For a first book author, I auplaud you, cause I can't write shit. I wish I could. Keep on trying in and producing. You will get there, especially with Michael and the Kutherian world of authors out there to help .
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
aviv zippin
I like the story line. But the language. It seems that the language of the future is very Foul. Every character seem prone too using foul words.
The story could have been written without and would have been a lot more enjoyable. (Foul language has been increasingly more prevalent in everyday use. That is very sad)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cely maimicdec ttrei
Well written and definitely NOT BA. A story of someone trying to find their humanity with sometimes humorous and sometimes sad results. This is a new journey, and I will be buying a ticket for the Ride! Awesome!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The way the book started, I thought this would be a repeat with a human/AI partnership. However, after a slow start, I was able to see the light. There was quite the different tack with the story line. I enjoyed the political intrigue along with the corporate ruthlessness. It will be fun to see where this goes!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jed james
New set of characters join the Kurtherian Gambit, and a what a ride it is! Join Molly and her "friend" on a mission to realise her full potential. With the help of some very memorable characters and villains we get the first taste of this this world and what Molly is willing to do to accomplish her goal.

Fantastic first foray into the Kurtherian gambit. Gives Bethany Anne a run for her money. If only MA could keep up with his release schedule.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Molly Bates is definitely my new favorite heroine! I love that she is more than a little bit 'nerdy', and that her thought paths remind me more than a little of myself. But - she kicks butt with the best of them. The addition of a growing and learning AI pretty much sealed the deal for me. Sci-fi, action/adventure, a bit of military, enough science to thrill my science-loving heart, and characters who evolve - perfect!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read and enjoyed all of the Kurtherian Gambit Novels and I must say this has been one of the best series to date. Molly is a great character and at the end of book 2 you will see there is some exciting s**t coming down. Good luck Ell I am eagerly awaiting book 3 and beyond.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
natalie tsay
So other than a prolog and several unrelated references to Bethany Ann and the enteric, this book is just a sci-fi book to me. Did I enjoy it? Yes I did. However it has no real bearing on what I'm used to in the Kurtherian world. I'll probably read the next book simply to see where it goes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed finding a story that is not only not about war, but is also well written. So of today's stories are really foul of errors. I am delighted to find one where I can write a good review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ell Leigh Clarke, great to meet you. Working my way through Michael's Kurtherian Gambit world. What a fun ride it has been. The cover grabbed me before I even realized the premise of the story. Downloading book 2 right now. Good going!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julia goldberg raifman
I enjoyed taking a break from the normal Kutherian attributes given to characters of the lineage and seeing how the effects of Bethany Ann can be far and wide in TKG Universe. Great read will keep on this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really liked this. Love Molly and her team. Love the mysteries that are hinted at. I love all Kutherian series being written now but this may be my favorite aside from Bethany Anne and Michael. Keep writing. I'm already anxious for the next eleven!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I must admit, I was a little disappointed. Not because the cussing was uninspired, and not because none of our loved Kurthian characters made even a hint of an appearance. But this side series is completely science fiction! Where are my werewolves, vampires, magic even?? Overall, well written with few errors, and a great story line, just not what I was anticipating.
Please RateA Sci-Fi Space Opera Adventure Series (The Ascension Myth Book 1)
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