The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster-in Just Two Weeks

ByDave Asprey

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another winner from Dave Asprey. While the book definitely gets into the weeds on mitochondria, it is fascinating to learn how important they are to almost every function of the body. I read the Bulletproof Diet a couple of years ago and while there are many similarities it is great to get the latest information and continue to work on a healthier life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Yes, it has MANY references to promote his company and his products; but the information is easy to digest *drum hit* and well organized. There is some geeky info for people who like to know the scientific workings behind some of the advice, and there are easy-to-follow breakdowns at the end of each chapter for those who just want the meat and potatoes.

I've started to implement, or at least be mindful of, the things I eat/drink throughout the day. I have noticed when my energy has slumped, and try to note what it was that 'got me'. CONSUME QUALITY. It makes SOO much of a difference in your day.

Overall, it's an easy read with some really good pointers. I met an old lady a few months before I read the book that had spouted on about avocado toast, alkaline water and butter in her coffee. I took it with a grain of salt. NOW I'm very mindful of my grains of salt(and sugar), and I now I want to see her again so we can geek out on brain fuel together!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lisa konietzko
This book is a surprisingly quick read, especially if you focus on the advice sections and skim through the science explanations.

The book is well organized, and each chapter ends with a nice and short summary. The advice is simple and most of it was known to me from other sources. E.g. blue light and sleep / stress, avoid EMF, eating fat is good for you, etc. The author also includes a refreshingly short and well organized chapter on supplements. A novel angle is that he relates most of the advice to mitochondrial health, which other sources of similar advice did not mention (at least from what I have read before).

My main beef with this book, and most other "biohacking" is that it is very person-specific. The author had some serious metabolic and brain abnormalities in his youth. Through a long journey of various bio hacks, he was able to put those problems behind him. However, you and I may not have the same issues that he started with. For example, he is preoccupied with mycotoxins, which are also the premise behind his Bulletproof Coffee business. I think this is irrelevant for most people. Just like a minority of people are sensitive to gluten, an even smaller minority is probably sensitive to the mycotoxins supposedly present in coffee. Becoming dependent on coffee or getting too wired to sleep are probably more common coffee issues than mycotoxic shock :)

Recommended, esp. if it is one of your first books on healthy living. If you have been immersed in this field longer, it may not add much new information.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is Dave Ashley's best book, helping you understand how to super charge your energy through optimizing mitochondrial function. This is done using simple diet, lifestyle and supplement hacks, not too much ground breaking information but well explained
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackson childs
If you want a comprehensive manual to take your health and energy to levels you didn't think possible using simple mostly fairly inexpensive methods and want to understand the basics of energy production and root cause of most health ailments this is the book for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marc cappelletti
Dave Asprey is a true humanitarian with an INFP personality type. (Google it - it will inspire your trust) Buy this book with confidence! Your time and money will be well spent with the investment. Having watched some of his great pod-casts, and studied his material - I pre-ordered this new book with excitement. It did not disappoint! Dave is just way ahead of his time. I actually had a minor brain injury and went to the Amen Clinic in 2002. (Daniel Amen praised Dave's book) But, I wish that I had Dave's information back then. This guy will give you the tools to find healing. I have waited for a long time to find someone of his moral character and intuitive intelligence to pave my way back to health. This stuff works! I just wanted to say thank you. In fact, I wish that I could work for someone like him. I believe in this guy - because his techniques succeed where other things (I have tried so many) have failed. Dave will have a legacy and make an impact that others can only dream of. Buy with high expectations!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
holly lu
Highly recommended!!
Thank you so much for the hours put it to write this book for us and share it with the world!
If you follow the protocol you Will get the results, is that simple! just do it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In Head Strong, Dave Asprey carefully describes what mitochondria are and the role they play in our brains and bodies. The book maps out all the ways that these incredible elements of our micro-biology play a major role in our brains, life style choices and decisions, performance and even our overall levels of happiness. Concrete evidence is given to provide a solid foundation for Dave's insights and personal expertise as he reveals all the ways he's been working on and with his own mitochondria for enhanced performance and longevity. His desire to share his successes is what this book is all about. A clear road map is provided in order to easily translate the powerful information from the book into practical ways to apply the ideas in your own life to immediately start feeling the major benefits of improved and improving performance.

Having found Dave's work through a random try at Bulletproof coffee several years ago I knew instantly that I could trust the information he was offering. The coffee alone began to drastically change my relationship to and the functionality of my own brain; something I thought impossible given the significant history of Alzheimer's in my family. The more I drank the coffee with butter and Brain Octane Oil, the more my memory improved and the more stamina I began enjoying. In pursuing a Bulletproof Diet and lifestyle I've had the opportunity to steadily increase my overall health and performance. Now with Head Strong, a most readable book, the directions for even more improved performance are made super simple to follow.

If you apply the principles laid out in the book and follow Dave's direction you'll join many others who find this lifestyle incredibly rewarding on so many levels. This is a stay up all night or pray for a rainy weekend to stay in and read it through kind of book!! Besides once you really see how cute mitochondria are you'll just want to take as good care of them as you possibly can. This book will show you how and your life and all those around you can only benefit!!

Thanks for such a great work Dave!! I look forward to many more years to come improving my life using the tools you provide so generously through your own discoveries.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I listen to Bulletproof podcasts obsessively, and thought “how can he tell me anything I haven’t already heard?” Ha! This book is incredibly relevant to the state of our world & bodies, from toxins to manageable workouts.
L❤️VE Dave & all he does!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne heiles
I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in boosting their performance, both cognitively and physically. I have noticed a significant change in the way I feel and how much I'm able to accomplish with each day. The science that Dave Asprey has unlocked and spelled out for you in this book is truly amazing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sheifali khare
If you have brain fog problems, you should read it. I will use some of the authors ideas and pass on most. His total program is too onerous for me.There are supplements that can reduce brain fog that he does not discuss, so it isn't an all inclusive list of fixes ( and it would be unfair and unrealistic to expect it). Be prepared for a lot of I,I,I, me, me, me, talk and a book long push of his company's products. A lot of his ideas are unique, so you need to read it if you are suffering.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan wolfe
Many thanks, Dave!! This is an awesome book!! I bought in on audio first then ordered the hard copy so I could underline and use it for easy reference. I am a Health Coach and I am using this info not only for my own health but am also inspired and eager to share it with my clients. Head Strong is packed with science but straight forward and easy to read. A real eye-opener to understanding mitochondria and how to support them to feel and perform better. I have a number of chronic health issues and since I've been paying attention to supporting my mitochondria I have felt an improvement in my overall health and energy. This has been an important part of my own healing journey. The book is full of practical, accessible, simple hacks that are easy to implement. I especially love that Dave included all the lifestyle pieces that impact our mitochondrial function, as well as the nutritional component. I really enjoyed this book and am inspired and grateful for all the new info and "tools"! I highly recommend Head Strong. As a health and personal development nerd I found this book full of new info that I haven't read/heard anywhere else. BUY IT and follow the protocols- you'll be glad you did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kurt driessens
If you are a regular listener to Bulletproof Radio, this is a nice way to pull it all together and have one place to go for recommendations and research. As a health care provider, it is great to see some of the upgraded hacks that I can do for myself or give to my patients. I felt like he made a good point to how important our mitochondria are to daily life and to being a better human every day. I made it a goal to myself 10 years ago to be healthier each birthday and books like this help me on this journey. I also really enjoy the recipes in the back. I have made them several times and have become a staple to my weekly meal plan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An interesting and somewhat compelling argument (many references to research articles) that diseases and other maladies arise from dysfunctional mitochondria which result from modern nutrition and the toxic chemicals and toxins that we ingest. The breadth of mitochondrial impairing substances prevent our completely eliminating all offending agents. I find the number of agents overwhelming and disheartening because there is no way that all can be eliminated. I imagine that we do this best we can, realizing that perfection is impossible. I would recommend this book to the paleo/primal follower in order to further refine nutrition guidelines.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A very informative book. Well written and backed by a lot of good, current research. If you want more energy, love your mitochondria. This book will help show you how to improve your body,heart and brain.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill millard
An interesting and somewhat compelling argument (many references to research articles) that diseases and other maladies arise from dysfunctional mitochondria which result from modern nutrition and the toxic chemicals and toxins that we ingest. The breadth of mitochondrial impairing substances prevent our completely eliminating all offending agents. I find the number of agents overwhelming and disheartening because there is no way that all can be eliminated. I imagine that we do this best we can, realizing that perfection is impossible. I would recommend this book to the paleo/primal follower in order to further refine nutrition guidelines.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cb davis
A very informative book. Well written and backed by a lot of good, current research. If you want more energy, love your mitochondria. This book will help show you how to improve your body,heart and brain.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny slattery
Awesome resource! I've been following Dave for about 6 months now. I love his Podcasts and now I'm sold on the Head Strong program. I'm an RN who has become extremely disgruntled with the current state of Healthcare (more like "Sickcare") I work in an major teaching hospital in one of the largest cities in the US. I am amazed at how ill informed, ignorant or downright apathetic the majority of physicians are about nutrition, toxic exposures, the role inflammation plays in your overall health and alternate modes of diagnostics/treatments that have been proved identify and reverse most chronic diseases killing us today. If you're dealing with and chronic illnesses or just plain feel worn out all the time, pick up this book. Even if you implement only the free or low cost suggestions in it, you're gonna feel tons better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbi mack
This book completely shifted my paradigm and got me hooked on biohacking. I just purchased my ticket to the 5th annual biohacking conference. Read this book. You owe it to yourself and those important in your life to start performing at a higher level.
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