The Trouble With Valentine's Day

ByRachel Gibson

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Nothing special, either.

Like many of her contemporaries who I enjoyed reading (Julia Quinn comes to mind), Rachel Gibson is either being rushed by her publisher to quickly produce her next book; resting on her laurels with the false assurance that those who enjoyed her first books will continue to come back for more; or both.

The book, while not as terrible as Lola Carlisle, Daisy, and Jane, still isn't up to the caliber of her first books. There's a bit of her old humor, but the overall attempt seems slapdash.

Hopefully, reality - in the form of declining book sales - causes Ms. Gibson to take more time with her future books.

Until then, I'm looking for other authors when I want a dose of lightweight escapism.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
'The Trouble with Valentine's Day' by Rachel Gibson tells the story of Kate Hamilton who is PI in Vegas and moved back to Gospel, Idaho after she helps a man find his family and he kills them all. Rob Sutter an ex-NHL hockey player moved to Gospel, Idaho after a puck bunny shoots him after a one-night stand. Rachel and Rob have a memorable first meeting on Valentine's Day and humor and chemistry continue to flow until the last delightful end. I would also suggest Body Check by Deirdre Martin and Hot Number by Carly Phillips.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael shaw
I probably would not give this book five stars if I didn't love the characters so much. I love the strange people in the town. Rob is not the normal hero but he is more realistic than the usual male characters. The only part of the book I didn't care for is the part where she was a PI that lead a man to his family and then killed them. If you are going to have that be in a book then you need to explore it more. I would have liked it better if Kate had been visiting as a break from bad relationships or burnout on her job.

I think Kate brothers would be interesting to read about also. And even though I don't follow hockey, I love stories about it. Deirdre Martin has written several very good book involving hockey players also.
Truly Madly Yours :: What I Love About You (Military Men) :: Crazy On You (A Lovett, Texas Novella) :: Just Say Yes (Escape to New Zealand Book 10) :: Simply Irresistible
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Having read See Jane Score and True Confessions, it was great to have passing references or brief encounters with characters from those great romances. Rob Sutter was a secondary character in See Jane Score. This was a heart warming romance between two main characters at a crossroads in their lives after run-ins with psychos that effectively ended their previous careers.

Kate and Rob had a chemistry that lured me in (no pun intended)and which made it very difficult to put the book down. This is the true test of a romance novel. If the characters would have shown more of the depth of their feelings, it would have been 5 stars like some of Rachel's previous novels.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
katherine diantonio
Rachel Gibson takes us back to Gospel, Idaho where we met Dillon and HOpe from TRUE CONFESSIONS. Rob Sutter is a minor character from SIMPLY IRRESISTABLE. You would think this familiar location and character would make a great book. Not so. It started out fine and I kept waiting for it to get better, it never did.

Kate Hamilton is a former P.I. from Vegas. She is burned out over the outcome of one of her missing persons cases. The man seeking his wife kills her and his children after Kate finds them. She travels to Gospel, where her grandfather owns a grocery, trying to take time to reflect on her life.

Rob Sutter no longer skates for the Chinooks. A one night stand, while he was married to the mother of his child, led to his being stalked and shot 3 times. Once in the knee. His opinion of women did not seem to include respect. Kate who wanted to be respected, seemed a little to easy.

When she finally decides she needs committment and respect, Rob withdraws. He never really seemed to understand. Even at the end of the book when he says he loves her and wants marriage, I just didn't feel that he could be trusted. Maybe this is just me, but read it for yourself and make your own decision.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alison hale
Don't be put off by other readers' negative reviews!!!Most of the criticism that was given for the book wouldn't necessarily apply to all readers. I personally found the Fu Manchu thing a turn-on. Yeah, Rob was a real dipstick during his NHL days and though I don't necessarily agree with adultery either I don't think the hero of the book should be condemned to hell for it especially if half the premise of the book was based on how he suffered for it and then redeemed himself. Kate was great. Even though some might say she was ANNOYINGLY independent (i.e. arguing about having car doors opened for her) I could definately relate to her and shrug it off. I like how Rachel Gibson makes you feel like her books are relevant to your current life and helps you laugh about how pathetic you (and the characters)are instead of making you get all ticked off at the main characters for acting like idiots. I know what it's like to feel like I deserve more from guys than the usual B.S.! Rachel Gibson's books won't save the world but they sure are a pleasant escape from the real world. Can't wait for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
HOt and Steamy, that's what I thought about reading this romance book about a woman who tries to proposition an ex-hockey player who is ditching relationships after a bad encounter gets him shot and ends his hockey career.
This is a funny story about two people who despertly try Not to fall in love with each other.

I recieved this book as a Secret Santa gift. It was such a great read I passed the book on to a co-worker who I am sure will enjoy this story too.

I will be looking forward to reading more books by Rachel Gibson in the future.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Where was the hero? Rob was an egotistical jerk who never grew as a character or had ANY redeeming qualities by the end of the book. In the beginning he clearly was not hero material, an adulterer and a swagging jock who thinks he deserves a bit of something on the side for doing a good job at work. There was a lot here for this so called hero to overcome but he never does. He doesn't seem to want to work at anything least of all his own problems; wait, he doesn't see that he has any problems. His relationship with his daughter was one Gibson could have used to make him appear human, yet it fell far short of anything closely resembling normal. The subplot with his exwife was so cliche and cluttered the book, which served little purpose, but to annoy the reader.

Kate on the otherhand was also extremely artificial and not very likeable. Who could believe she was a once a PI, she seemed such a whimp whinning about Valentines Day? She lacked any real depth of character, and made no attemp to grow from the conflict that put her in Gospel in the first place. She treated the people of Gospel as if they were stupid and she was there to redeem them. And this helps her through the conflicts of her job HOW?

She treated her grandfather as if he was someone to be tolerated rather than comforted and respected. There was never any growth where one protagonist might help the other get over their conflct and in the process resolve their own. In fact there was no conflict, just a desire for sex. Where was the sexual tension? None, just "fornication" as Stanley says. However on the plus side ( the only one in the book), there was Stanley and Rob's mom. Now that is a relationship that should have been celebrated and explored, a bit of the "real Gibson" shinning through here.

This book was a disappointment from page one and grew to a resounding wall banger at the end. Romance readers read because they want romance, not just sex; they want to see characters solve their problems in ways that are believable which gives the reader a sense of hope in the human condition. It is the journey toward a meaningful relationship of which sex is but one part. There was no journey of toward lasting love here, just sex. This is the kind of story/plot that gives romance fiction a bad name in mass market fiction; all fluff no substance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Two people, Rob and Kate. The trouble they have had in their life, and the trouble they still have when they meet.
They learn to live and to love, even each other.
A nice love story that makes you laugh and smile and nod your head at times thinking , yep. Give yourself a few hours
of light yet realistic reading and enjoy a love story that makes you feel good.
Thank you Mrs.Gibson for making my day not so gray!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I believe Rachel Gibson is one of the best authors of contemporary romances out today. I just loved her latest book. It gave her readers a chance to read Rob Sutter's story as well as visit Gospel Idaho (The town from True Confessions) again! I loved that - since that was the first book of Rachel's that I had read. I loved both Rob and Kate in this book. I could not put the book down and finished it in less than 24 hours. Now I am bummed because I will have to wait for a whole year for another new book to come out!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
marissa sammy
if someone else had written this perhaps i would've enjoyed it better, or i should say on a lighter less thoughtful level because i wouldn't have had particular expectations going in. but Rachel Gibson can and has done much better than this in my opinion. Rob's past was very unsavory and i found myself really disliking how he opted for self-exile and self-pity over any kind of regular involvement in his daughter's life. he did see her for a chunk of time each year so it's not that he was completely awol or anything but i guess i wanted him to care more about her (Rachel Gibson's book True Confessions featured a single dad who stole my heart he was such a great father). i will say kate and rob's first sex scene was very sexy but other than that their romance didn't really hook my emotions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eileen jacob
I think this story was very touching and it really made me feel a deep connection with the characters. The best part of this book was the humor. I found myself inwardly giggling and several times bursted out in laughter. If you want a sweet love story with a few good laughs..this book will not let you down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ryan heaven
After reading The Trouble With Valentine's Day I came here to write my review. I have to say I was shocked by the terrible reviews it received here. I thought it was an amusing, easy read. The comments here about Rob's facial hair made me laugh since this book was about fantasies. Rob (and his facial hair) fit the bad boy image Kate had in her head. It wouldn't have 'fit' if some clean cut, fashion model with perfect looks sat down next to her at that bar.

I enjoyed Ms Gibson's witty writing style. I found myself laughing out loud at parts (which is rare, usually only Janet Evanovich can get me to do this). I look forward to reading her other books.

I recommend this book to anyone looking for a fun, light read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lex ruggiero
I love anything by Rachel Gibson and this book is no different. Loved the story between Kate and Rob as I do with all of the main characters in Rachel Gibson's books. The only thing I don't like is that the stories have to end.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have to agree with the reader that states: this book lacks the heart and emotion that her other books have, though I must say even after reading some of Mrs. Gibson's other books, none of them hold a flame to "Truly,Madly, Yours". That book, is by far, her best work, so if you're looking for a good read filled with heated chemistry, lots of heart, and a true page turner I highly recommend "Truly, Madly, Yours" as I already have in one of my other reviews. I must admit, while the fu muncha wasn't that much of a turn off for me as it was for others, the thing I couldn't get past was the disgusting 5 foot snake tatoo referred to throughout the novel a few times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I just finished reading this book and I really enjoyed it! The only reason I am giving this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I thought the end kind of dragged on. I would recommend this book to a friend!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have read every Rachael Carson book. Always bought them without giving it a second thought. Well, "The Trouble with Valentine's Day" will have me giving future Rachael Carson books a second, third and fourth thought.

Folks, this was just plain bad writing made even worse by the lack of either a proof reader or an editor. I got it the first time she described Rob as having "too much testosterone", I got it the second, fourth and TENTH time she said it too! I also understood that he had a Fu Manchu and a soul patch (ick). Again, caught it the first time round, didn't need to be told over and over and OVER.

Here is a perfect example of how sloppy the writing in this book is. On page 196, 10th paragraph "She moved into the house and shut the door behind her. She felt a little flushed as she set the tray on the counter and hung up her coat".... Page 197, paragraph 2 " Kate set the hors d'oeuvre plate on the counter, then hung her coat by the back door"... ONE PARAGRAPH separates these two passages!!! For heavens' sake, I expect more than that from a published writer!

Ms. Carson, if your heart is not in it, save us BOTH the agony. Please.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
chira teodora
I agree with the criticisms posted on this site. There wasn't much to the book -- the hero wasn't too likeable, and the heroine didn't have much substance. Two things that particularly annoyed me: the Fu Manchu mustache (not only is it unattractive, but the term is horribly culturally insensitive), and the fact that the name of Dylan Taber (from True Confessions) was spelled Dillon throughout this book. Shouldn't an editor be able to fix these types of mistakes?
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Yuck! I totally agree with the reviewers below, the FUMANCHU and the soul patch - what is going on? You think an owner of a HUMMER will have some money to buy a razor? Too much information for the reader, kept throwing me off track. Sorry, this is not a keeper. I'll go back to reader Gibson's earlier novels.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
nml dc
I have read every Rachael Carson book. Always bought them without giving it a second thought. Well, "The Trouble with Valentine's Day" will have me giving future Rachael Carson books a second, third and fourth thought.

Folks, this was just plain bad writing made even worse by the lack of either a proof reader or an editor. I got it the first time she described Rob as having "too much testosterone", I got it the second, fourth and TENTH time she said it too! I also understood that he had a Fu Manchu and a soul patch (ick). Again, caught it the first time round, didn't need to be told over and over and OVER.

Here is a perfect example of how sloppy the writing in this book is. On page 196, 10th paragraph "She moved into the house and shut the door behind her. She felt a little flushed as she set the tray on the counter and hung up her coat".... Page 197, paragraph 2 " Kate set the hors d'oeuvre plate on the counter, then hung her coat by the back door"... ONE PARAGRAPH separates these two passages!!! For heavens' sake, I expect more than that from a published writer!

Ms. Carson, if your heart is not in it, save us BOTH the agony. Please.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
aleksandra trzeciak
I agree with the criticisms posted on this site. There wasn't much to the book -- the hero wasn't too likeable, and the heroine didn't have much substance. Two things that particularly annoyed me: the Fu Manchu mustache (not only is it unattractive, but the term is horribly culturally insensitive), and the fact that the name of Dylan Taber (from True Confessions) was spelled Dillon throughout this book. Shouldn't an editor be able to fix these types of mistakes?
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
joseph pappalardo
Yuck! I totally agree with the reviewers below, the FUMANCHU and the soul patch - what is going on? You think an owner of a HUMMER will have some money to buy a razor? Too much information for the reader, kept throwing me off track. Sorry, this is not a keeper. I'll go back to reader Gibson's earlier novels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
paul mcgee
I don't know bout all the "dissappointing" reviews I saw here. I absolutely loved it. I started reading it in the afternoon on a Thursday and could not put it down. I finishied the enitre book that night. Stayed up til 330am and finished it. I loved how Gibson wrote the passion and connection between Rob and Kate. I am definately going to read more of her books; this was my first one by Gibson and certainly not my last.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly korby
Nobody writes fun sexy men like Rachel Gibson. In The Trouble With Valentine's Day, Gibson introduces us to sexy hockey player Rob Sutter. This is a fast past book, filled with Gibson's tradmark humor. I read it from start to finish in one night
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
While Rachel Gibson has always been one of my favortie contemporary romance novelists, this book is one to skip. The story is forced; it has no natural flow. Unlike others from her that have kept me up at night until finished, this one put me to sleep - several times before I finally completed it. Also, I read romance novels to escape the stress of a hectic worklife and the craziness of our country's current domestic and foreign policies that are destroying our international reputation and leading us to moral and financial bankruptcy. I do not want to read about a principal character using voting for the first Bush as a timeframe in her life. Please, I know the author is from Idaho, but can we skip the red state/blue state intrusion into what should be relaxing literature?
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