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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
genevieve angelique
I despise reading, but this book has made reading fun to me! I really enjoyed this book from the beginning. Unlike many books that are slow and have a lot of talking in the beginning I was glued to this book by the first page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Classic, quirky Zindel. A handsome but troubled guy named John and his somewhat dumpy, overweight friend Lorraine are passing time by making random, prank phone calls and end up meeting one of their victims, the elderly and lonely Angelo Pignati. Pignati ("The Pigman") has just lost his wife and befriends the teens by taking them to the zoo, buying them roller skates, and giving them a place to hang out away from their strained relationships with their parents. The novel is told through alternating perspectives, through the conceit that John and Lorraine are typing the story of the Pigman as they sit in the school library. The book is very much of its time--setting bombs in the school bathroom is viewed as a harmless prank, the kids spend their time smoking and drinking in cemeteries, they make prank calls on rotary phones, and use typewriters. But that only makes it more charming. The voices of the characters are very distinct and believable, more so than a great deal of YA literature today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
<a href="">OUaT's Review</a>

I am not sure if I was ever assigned to read The Pigman during my high school years, but I think this is very appropriate to read this book while in high school. And with this in mind, I was hesitated to read this. LOL, you know you’re guilty as well. No one wants to read books that are required to read during high school, so do don’t blame me. Anyway, I would consider this book as a classic. And well it has been re-released with an adorable cover!

So I’ve mentioned I hesitated to start this book but the moment I started reading, I couldn’t put it down! The story is just plain adorable. Anyone ever watched the animated movie “Up” by Disney? If you have, I’m sure you felt in love with it because it’s that type of movie that you have to fall in love with. I mean, who wouldn’t fall for a grumpy old man but then he warms your heart with his dorky-ness as time passes by? Well, this is the same type of feeling you get while reading The Pigman. It just felt right and it was simply a wonderful story to read.

The Pigman start off with an oath signed by John and Lorraine. Then, the story alternates between the two because they both start telling you the story of how the meet Mr. Pignati. It started as a game, which the object was to keep a stranger talk on the phone as long as possible. When Lorraine first speaks to Mr. Pignati, she pretends to be from a charity. Mr. Pignati, lonely and good-hearted agrees to make a donation. The only thing is – they have to go to his house and actually get the money. This is how their adventures begins.

This book states the perfect example of how being kind to other will impact others. Mr. Pignati was sweet, pure and a kind hearted. I loved his character so much. And even though he was betrayed, he stayed true to himself. The Pigman is such a heartwarming story and people of all ages would easily fall in love with it.
Pigman (1978-11-16) [Mass Market Paperback] - By Paul Zindel :: Desert Heat (Joanna Brady Mysteries Book 1) :: Honor Among Thieves :: A Brady Novel of Suspense (Joanna Brady Mysteries Book 11) :: School of Deaths (The Scythe Wielder's Secret Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
juanma santiago
The Pigman; a book about two teenagers and the way their lives are affected when they befriend an older gentleman. The book is told from the perspective of John and Lorraine, each of them sharing their own sides of the story. The first thing about this book that I enjoyed was the way in which the chapters were organized. Each chapter switches from John's naration to Lorraines, and back again. This gives different insights to the same events being discussed by both characters. The second aspect of the book I like was the relatabillity in the storyline. It does a good job of encomposing the realities of adolesence, and the struggles that most teenagers endure. In nearly every event that occured, and every adventure the characters embarked on, I could relate something back to my own personal experiences. Finally, the storyline as a whole was exciting, especially in the beginning, I didn't want to book the book down, and I thought about the things I read inbetween actually reading the book. However, for me, the second half was not as good as the first, and this is where my criticism stems from. I was unhappy with the ending. There was a lot of context and build that allowed me to understand and connect with the characters, which I think was excellent writing, but the ending came around so suddenely. It was a long build up that sort of just fizzled away and left me with an "oh, well okay" kind of feeling at the end. I wouldn't say it was open ended, just a little anticlimatic. I was expecting an epic adventure tale which I don't believe I received. Another criticism I have, which is probably down to my personal views, but the way the character John was presented. It was almost as if he was created in a way that tried to hard to be that stereotypical troubled teen. He fit the story well, but it felt forced in a way. Despite my criticisms, I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to other adolescents. I wouldn't suggest this for an adult because it has a youth feel to it, but if you enjoy that, then go for it, I doubt you'll be too dissapointed.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
(This review is from a teenager's perspective)
The Pigman by Paul Zindel is a fiction novel about a teenage girl and boy named Lorraine and John, and a person called Mr. Pignati who they referred to as "The Pigman". In the book, Lorraine and John become very attached to Mr. Pignati, who they first met by a prank call, and eventually he becomes one of their good friends. I think this book is a good book, and recommend it for a lot of reasons. I think it was a very interesting book; it was different than other books that I have read.
The book had a lot of good things about it that I liked. First, there were no parts where I got bored of reading it. It was good throughout the book, and the book was not too long either. Another thing I liked about the book is that the book was told in two different perspectives. I like how the author switches the narrator every other chapter between John and Lorraine. This way the reader hears two sides of the story instead of one.
The book had a lot of good things to it, but it also had some bad things about it too. First, although the book was told from two different people, the people who told it were both teenagers and were friends, so it was sort of biased. Another thing is that that the book had a terrible ending. I did not like it at all, I think it ruined the book for me. If the book had a better ending, it would have been much better. I just think that idea and story of the book was good, but it could have been better.
So overall, I would recommend this book if you do not mind the horrible ending. The book was always interesting, it was a quick read, and it is told from two different points of view. It is sort of biased, and there was a really bad ending, but the rest of the book was great. For the most part, I enjoyed it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ginger gower
How would you feel dwelling into some lonely man's personal life unexpectedly? That is exactly what best friends John Conlan and Lorrain Jenson ended up doing after a little phone prank created a relationship with a stranger. The Pigman is written from both John and Lorraine's perspective, written as a life record of these events. John and Lorraine are both sophomore students in Staten Island, New York, in the mid-1960s. John and Lorraine both dont have the best life, considering John's parents are money-hungry, while Lorraine's mom is single, trying to make a living. John and Lorraine faked being charity soliciters when Mr.Pignati agreed to give ten dollars into their "fund". Mr.Pignati, also called the Pigman, then enters thier life as a friend, and as a father-like figure.

I thought Paul Zindel did a fabulous job of making me love the Pigman, and love the book. I think this book is for anyone. Paul Zindel combines two great elements, lonelyness of the Pigman, and mystery, as readers try to discover the death of his wife, and other secrets along the way. This produces a sad but great outcome of the book.The Pigman is a fiction book. The theme of The Pigman is dealing with parents, and the relationship with them, considering that John and Lorraine both don't have that great of parents.

I think Paul Zindel did a great job in writing The Pigman, and is by far anything but controversial. I am really looking forward to reading Paul Zindel's other books such as My Darling My Hamburger, and Miss Reardon Drinks a Little. This book has affected me a lot, and taught me not to take things for granted. I have learned something from this book, and I think everyone who has read this book have as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
suzanne del
How would you feel dwelling into some lonely man's personal life unexpectedly? That is exactly what best friends John Conlan and Lorrain Jenson ended up doing after a little phone prank created a relationship with a stranger. The Pigman is written from both John and Lorraine's perspective, written as a life record of these events. John and Lorraine are both sophomore students in Staten Island, New York, in the mid-1960s. John and Lorraine both dont have the best life, considering John's parents are money-hungry, while Lorraine's mom is single, trying to make a living. John and Lorraine faked being charity soliciters when Mr.Pignati agreed to give ten dollars into their "fund". Mr.Pignati, also called the Pigman, then enters thier life as a friend, and as a father-like figure.

I thought Paul Zindel did a fabulous job of making me love the Pigman, and love the book. I think this book is for anyone. Paul Zindel combines two great elements, lonelyness of the Pigman, and mystery, as readers try to discover the death of his wife, and other secrets along the way. This produces a sad but great outcome of the book.The Pigman is a fiction book. The theme of The Pigman is dealing with parents, and the relationship with them, considering that John and Lorraine both don't have that great of parents.

I think Paul Zindel did a great job in writing The Pigman, and is by far anything but controversial. I am really looking forward to reading Paul Zindel's other books such as My Darling My Hamburger, and Miss Reardon Drinks a Little. This book has affected me a lot, and taught me not to take things for granted. I have learned something from this book, and I think everyone who has read this book have as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
How would you feel dwelling into some lonely man's personal life unexpectedly? That is exactly what best friends John Conlan and Lorrain Jenson ended up doing after a little phone prank created a relationship with a stranger. The Pigman is written from both John and Lorraine's perspective, written as a life record of these events. John and Lorraine are both sophomore students in Staten Island, New York, in the mid-1960s. John and Lorraine both dont have the best life, considering John's parents are money-hungry, while Lorraine's mom is single, trying to make a living. John and Lorraine faked being charity soliciters when Mr.Pignati agreed to give ten dollars into their "fund". Mr.Pignati, also called the Pigman, then enters thier life as a friend, and as a father-like figure.

I thought Paul Zindel did a fabulous job of making me love the Pigman, and love the book. I think this book is for anyone. Paul Zindel combines two great elements, lonelyness of the Pigman, and mystery, as readers try to discover the death of his wife, and other secrets along the way. This produces a sad but great outcome of the book.The Pigman is a fiction book. The theme of The Pigman is dealing with parents, and the relationship with them, considering that John and Lorraine both don't have that great of parents.

I think Paul Zindel did a great job in writing The Pigman, and is by far anything but controversial. I am really looking forward to reading Paul Zindel's other books such as My Darling My Hamburger, and Miss Reardon Drinks a Little. This book has affected me a lot, and taught me not to take things for granted. I have learned something from this book, and I think everyone who has read this book have as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erika holley
I recently finished the book titled The Pigman, by Paul Zindel. This book is about two kids John, and Lorraine. John is a trouble maker he has done many weird things like blow up 23 bombs in the bathroom and was not caught once. John is also involved in drugs and drinking because of his father. Lorraine who is John's friend is the smart one in the bunch. She is constantly trying to get John to stop drinking and smoking. Lorraine also is always regretting everything they do.

The story starts when they decide to prank phone call, it is a game they play and the person that can keep someone on the phone the longest wins. So they picked a random number and it happened to be on their street so they try to get ten dollars out of him and do it. But when they went to see him they saw how lonely he was because his wife went to California. Or did she? The Pigman then trys to show them Bobo. I won't tell you too much about him because I don't want to give away the ending. But I'll tell you he was the only friend the Pigman had until he met John and Lorraine. The main reason that John keeps coming back because the Pigman buys them stuff.

The story is set in the Pigman's house mainly. But every once and awhile the story will move to either John's or Lorraine's house. Each of them has their own problems. For instance John's father doesn't accept the fact that John wants to be an actor. It is also a little bit happens in school like when they started typing the book and the apples. I'm not going to tell you too much about the apples because it is very interesting and funny

I request this book for anyone who likes sudden surprises around every corner. That's one reason I kept reading it, the other reason is I had to read it for school. At certain points in the book it gets pretty funny when it is John's turn to write the chapter. John and Lorraine switch off every chapter, and it was all typed in the library. The book was also a flashback. They wrote it from there point of view. Have fun reading this book. I did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Pigman
I would only recommend this book to you if you like interesting stories.This book was kind of confusing.Sometimes it took a little while to understand what I read.There are parts of the book that may need to read twice.The storyteller switches from Lorraine to John in each chapter. Lorraine, John and some friends have a game they play.Lorraine cheated once and called Mr.Pignati.She told him her and a friend were running a fundraiser type deal.Mr.Pignati offered ten dollars.Lorraine excepted and they met him.Mr.Pignati asked the kids if they would like to go to the zoo with him.They said yes.He has a friend at the zoo.His name is bobo.He is a primate but, a very cute one.The three become very good friends.Eventually they were an inseperable trio. Mr.Pignati takes the kids shopping.They get all kinds of neat foods and new rollerblades.Lorraine tried some wierd food and got sick.She went upstairs to vomet and got a little nosy.They then find out Mrs.Pignati is dead. Pigman has a heart attache and is in the hospital for a while.The night before Pigman came home the kids had a party.The house got trashed and all of the pigs were broken.(Mr.Pignati had a beautiful collection of pigs)He came home to see kids everywehere, a wrecked house, and John beating the heck out of the guy who broke Mr.Pignati's pigs. The cops took Lorraine and John home.Lorraine and her mother got into a fight.John and her talked to the next day.The kids called the Pigman from the payphone.The kids and Mr.Pignati went to the zoo.It was very cold out, it was winter.The first place they went was the Primate House.Only to find that Bobo died.Mr.Pignati died right there on the spot. As I said in the beginning I only recommend this book if you're good at comprhending things.Plus if you like interesting stories.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I found the cover of the Paperback version somewhat misleading,
claiming that the title character was hiding a "Terrible secret" and that society would be "shocked and hurt" by the revelations.
This was definitely a serious book, but Not the heavy mystery which the publisher (Bantam Starfire) proclaimed. The story is both humorous and pathetic--well worth reading, especially for
high school kids, who can relate to superficial conversations and disintegrating relationships with their parents.
Two sophomores who are misfits in some ways team up to play telephone pranks, which is how they meet Angelo Pignati (who
does not raise pigs). What starts out as a loony, harmless,scam changes into an important and fulfilling relationship for the three of them. One where it is safe and OK to do silly things--like roller skate through a department store--just for the the sheer joy of being alive and enjoying each other's wacky company. Emotionally-constricted at home, both John and Lorraine find exhilaration in the total acceptance of their personalities without criticism, reveling in this unexpected personal freedom.
Unfortunately they revel too much in the home of the Pigman (their private but respectful name for this gentle soul), who has been both liberal and trusting with his hospitality. The teenagers realize too late that things can go too far, when their adult friend pays the price for their selfishness and excess. This kindly middle-aged man helped set them free from social bondage--free to be themselves, accepted just as they are, but was the price too high for them all? Since when is Freedom really free? Liberty carried to extremes is License. A thoughtful read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melissa carstens schalk
This book is about two kids named Lorraine and John. Lorraine and John are best friends. A night Lorraine, John, and some other friends got together andd had a telephone marathon. It was Lorraine's turn to pick a number to dial out of the phone book. When she got the number she dialed the number and aasked for Mr. Pignati. They ttalked for about four hours, then John got on and told him that they were charity salesman aand was wanting to know if he could donate any money. He told John that he would give them ten dollars. When Lorraine found out about it she got mad because they were lying. The next day they went over to Mr. Pignati's house for the ten dollars. When they got there Mr. Pignati opened the door and was just looking at them weird. then John said we are the people you talked to on the phone. When the pigman heard that he got a huge smile on his face. He gave them the ten dollars and invited them to go to the zoo with him tommorrow. Lorraine and John agreed to it. Later on they became real good friens with the Pigman. He would take them out and go shopping, he even bought them a pair of rollerbaldes. Although the Pigman lived alone since his wife died he loved to go out and have fun. One night the pigman had a heart attack while walking up the stairs with his rollerbaldes on. While he was in the hospital LOrraine and John took care of the house. On night John got the bright idea to have a party and only invite two or three people, but it turned out to be the whole town. That very same nith the Pigman came home uninspected because he wasn't suppose to be home until the next day. I think that this book is good because the way I feel about it is that old people still like going out and having fun, not just sit at home watching t.v.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
syed umr iftikhar ahmed
The PigMan is a remarkable book. The book's characters are what bring this book to life. The books main characters are two high school students. One is named Lorraine. Lorraine is the quiet one out of the two. She is more understanding while at the same time very opinionated. She lives with her mom in not the best conditions. Her mom believes all men are bad news. Her mom feels this way because her dad left her mom for another women before she was born. John is Lorraine's best friend. John is more outgoing and thrives for excitement. John seems like the person I could get along with better. He is a troublemaker who smokes and drinks. I agree with Lorraine that these are nasty habits. Well anyway John also comes from a family with some problems. Unlike Lorraine John has an older brother who is on his own. John's parents are older and expect John to be just like his brother which bothers him. John has many ambitious ideas for himself like becoming an actor. While his dad feels he should work in the same type of work as he and John's brother. So why would these two be friends, you may ask. Well its simple they talk to each other and have fun when with each other. They are both somewhat outcasts. Even though their friendship is strong it becomes a lot stronger once the two meet Mr. Pignati. Mr. Pignati is an old man who lives by himself after his wife passed away. John and Lorraine meet him while prank calling and become friends with him right away. Mr. Pignati brings the inner child out in both of them and shows them they can have fun no matter what age you are.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
alka adhikari
The PigMan is a remarkable book. The book's characters are what bring this book to life. The books main characters are two high school students. One is named Lorraine. Lorraine is the quiet one out of the two. She is more understanding while at the same time very opinionated. She lives with her mom in not the best conditions. Her mom believes all men are bad news. Her mom feels this way because her dad left her mom for another women before she was born. John is Lorraine's best friend. John is more outgoing and thrives for excitement. John seems like the person I could get along with better. He is a troublemaker who smokes and drinks. I agree with Lorraine that these are nasty habits. Well anyway John also comes from a family with some problems. Unlike Lorraine John has an older brother who is on his own. John's parents are older and expect John to be just like his brother which bothers him. John has many ambitious ideas for himself like becoming an actor. While his dad feels he should work in the same type of work as he and John's brother. So why would these two be friends, you may ask. Well its simple they talk to each other and have fun when with each other. They are both somewhat outcasts. Even though their friendship is strong it becomes a lot stronger once the two meet Mr. Pignati. Mr. Pignati is an old man who lives by himself after his wife passed away. John and Lorraine meet him while prank calling and become friends with him right away. Mr. Pignati brings the inner child out in both of them and shows them they can have fun no matter what age you are.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
robert scheid
John Conlan and Lorraine Jensen are two high school sophomores with a knack for getting into trouble. Their favorite hobby involves making prank phone calls and seeing how long they can keep their victim on the line, an activity which leads them to meet Mr. Angelo Pignati. After a visit to “The Pigman’s” house, John and Lorraine become fast friends with this elderly widower. When Mr. Pignati suffers an unexpected heart attack, however, John and Lorraine volunteer to keep a close eye on his house. Unfortunately, they end up doing more a lot more harm than good…

Without giving away any of this awesome story, it’s important to know in advance that “The Pigman” is a very sad, realistic book. Many libraries still keep it on their list of “banned” books due to its depictions of underage drinking, drug use and sexuality. It’s kind of remarkable that this book was actually published back in 1968 since its themes are way ahead of its time, but I think that “The Pigman” will quickly become a favorite to any young men in search of a haunting, mature read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The book The Pigman was written by Paul Zindel. This novel is about two high school teenagers, John and Lorraine, that did unusual things like prank phone calls with their friends. They end up meeting a man named Angelo Pignati, nicknamed the Pigman.
John and Lorraine don't have the best families in world. Lorraine only has a mother, who never pays any attention to her, and John has great parents, but it seems like the family is falling apart. While John and Lorraine are at their friend's house, they decide to make prank calls. Lorraine made a prank call to Angelo Pignati who sounds to be a very happy person. John and Lorraine went to visit the man and found out that he was happy because he is a lonely man and is never around many people. When they went to the zoo and found out that he named a baboon Bobo, and that his wife was dead they started to hang out with him. Later they become friends with the Pigman and that brought out the inner child in him. However, not for long does John and Lorraine betray Mr. Pignati.
I thought this was an okay book because not only is this book written good to keep you reading, it also relates to what teens are like. The only part that I didn't like about the book was the beginning because it kind of gave away how the book was going to end and because some chapters were boring and didn't want to make you read on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
baobhan sidhe
The Pigman
I would only recommend this book to you if you like interesting stories.This book was kind of confusing.Sometimes it took a little while to understand what I read.There are parts of the book that may need to read twice.The storyteller switches from Lorraine to John in each chapter. Lorraine, John and some friends have a game they play.Lorraine cheated once and called Mr.Pignati.She told him her and a friend were running a fundraiser type deal.Mr.Pignati offered ten dollars.Lorraine excepted and they met him.Mr.Pignati asked the kids if they would like to go to the zoo with him.They said yes.He has a friend at the zoo.His name is bobo.He is a primate but, a very cute one.The three become very good friends.Eventually they were an inseperable trio. Mr.Pignati takes the kids shopping.They get all kinds of neat foods and new rollerblades.Lorraine tried some wierd food and got sick.She went upstairs to vomet and got a little nosy.They then find out Mrs.Pignati is dead. Pigman has a heart attache and is in the hospital for a while.The night before Pigman came home the kids had a party.The house got trashed and all of the pigs were broken.(Mr.Pignati had a beautiful collection of pigs)He came home to see kids everywehere, a wrecked house, and John beating the heck out of the guy who broke Mr.Pignati's pigs. The cops took Lorraine and John home.Lorraine and her mother got into a fight.John and her talked to the next day.The kids called the Pigman from the payphone.The kids and Mr.Pignati went to the zoo.It was very cold out, it was winter.The first place they went was the Primate House.Only to find that Bobo died.Mr.Pignati died right there on the spot. As I said in the beginning I only recommend this book if you're good at comprhending things.Plus if you like interesting stories.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kristen taylor
It starts by these kids telling about an important part of there lifes.It starts by playing a game were you call someone and try to talk to that person as long as you can.John and loriene dialed MR. Pignati and told him they were from a foundation and asked if he would donate any money.He said yes and asked John and Lorine if they would like to go to the zoo.And they said yes.MR.Pignati had a pet baboon there that he visited every day.After that day John and Lorine would skip school to go to his house.They found out his wife was died.MR Pignati bought them roller skates.When they were roller blading he had a heart attack.While MR. Pignati was in the hospital John and Lorine had a party and trashed the place.They apoligized to MR. Pignati and asked if he wanted to go to the zoo.When they got there something tragic happened.
I liked this book because the auther makes it so you can imagine what is happening.I also liked how the auther wrote the book on how some kids tried to get a lonely guy feeling better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Paul Zindel beautifully comunicates the moving gift of life in this novel, "The Pigman." From the way he knits the teenage anatomy into his characters lives and personalities, to the way he shows problems in a realistic aspect, the book just shows the beauty and complications of life as an everyday person. No one in this novel has the same problems, yet they all can come together and fill in the holes in eachother's lives. In this novel John Conlan and his best girl friend Lorraine Jensen decide to make some phone pranks. They leaf through the phone book and come up with a random number - which just happens to be Angelo Pignati's (the Pigman). They pose as members of a charity and convince the yearning and lonely Mr.Pignati to donate ten dollars to their make believe charity. They follow through with the prank and end up being swept up into a wonderful and full of life friendship with Mr.Pignati. It is a must read - from the bottom of my heart I truly enjoyed this book. It may not have you on the edge of your seat racing to the next page 24/7, but it is a touching and amazingly written novel. Paul Zindel weaves the sorrows and joys of a strange friendship into the prolonged woes of life. This story proves that nothing lasts for ever, and urges people to live for the now. Enjoy the people you love, be tolerant of those you don't, and make the most of every moment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kimberly chapman
The book, the Pigman, isn't an eye-catching book. Although, after I read the first few pages, I knew it was going a very, very good book and would be one of the few really well written books that I would ever read. The Pigman is about two teenagers, John and Lorraine. John and Lorraine meet the Pigman, Mr. Angelo Pignati, after prank phone calling him. After a while, they see that this old man isn't just the Pigman, it's their new best friend. The chapters were altered between John speaking and Lorraine speaking. It was really interesting how they both interpreted things, and to see how different their personalities really were. The book made me go from laughing out loud to having a tear roll down my cheek in seconds. With good parts, exciting parts, heart wrenching parts, this book is definitely a sore thumb, and sticks out above other books because it is such a great book and is a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eliana barrenho
I picked this booked expecting a bad book or that this book is not for me, but when I kept reading this book it really described me in way.

"The Pigman" is about to normal teenagers John and Lorraine who find friends with this old guy who is fat and bold. He lost his wife earlier; he has all these things that remind him of her. Like her dresses and a lot of glass. Mr. Pignati starts liking these kids because he never gets visitors. John and Lorraine try not to take advantage of him but he is so generous.

I thought that "The Pigman" was a good book it was like what high school kids do. It wasn't as interesting as I would of though when I read the first page, but it was still interesting enough to keep me going. I don't recommended this book to people who are young but it is a good book for people who mature.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Recently I have just finished reading The Pigman, by Paul Zindel. It was about these two kids named Lorraine and John who became friends. Eventually, they started hanging out with each other. They enjoyed making prank phone calls and called random people. One day they called this guy who seemed quite interesting to them. They went to his house to collect the ten dollar donation he wanted to donate to their "organization." Soon they became friends with him and some very interesting things start to happen.

The characters John and Lorraine like each other. They are two teens who met on the bus. John is on drugs and doesn't care much about anything else. Lorraine cares more about her life and others. Both characters change a little bit throughout the book. The Pigman is a very nice, shy, lonely lonely old man who misses his dead wife. He desperately needs friends and treats people great. Lorraine and John start to take advantage of him. I think that the theme of the booki might be not to take things for granted. You will find out why when you read the book.

I think that the book isn't too great but it isn't horrible. Some parts are a bit boring, but some parts are packed with action. You just have to be patient at some parts. I would reccomend this book to you if you are bored and have nothing else to read. I do like how realistic this book is though. It seems like real kids wrote it from his/her point of view. Overall I think that the book is not too bad.

This book has some great qualities. The following quote from the book proves that it seems realistic because the kids swear. It also shows you that there is some suspense in the book, which is fun to read. "I don't have any Marshmallow Kids for friends, you 3@#$%."The resolution of the book is great and very surprising. Some events leading up to it are also very suspenseful. Some chapters are not woth reading and are pointless. This review is based on my opinions. You might have a different view of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This books title is The Pigman by Paul Zindel. In the beginning Lorraine and John, two high school students, tell about themselves and the people around them. They also tell about the things they like to do such as make prank phone calls and hang around the cemetery with friends and drink. This book is about how the Pigman makes them realize that people they like will not always be around. In one part they are looking around the Pigman's house and they find the Pigman's wife's funeral bill.

The beginning of the book was very explanative but slow. In the middle it was still a little slow but the further I went the more it intensified. In between the middle and end the most exciting thing happened. I think the end wrapped it up very nicely. I would recommend it for 5th grade to 8th grade.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sharon wilson
The Pigman I would recommend this book to all ages because it is short of like a mystery.The pigman is a book of wonder.This book contains of good friens.They get into situations that they really dont like to be in. For example there's this guy Mr.pignati whom is a really nice guy but has a horrible secert!
To get get things started Lorraine mom and dad had got a devoice. but after about 1 year her dad died som that made the sepration permonitt! So lorraine and her friend John meet this guy called the Pigman .He takes them places like to the mall to buy a lot of stuff .In Lorraines place she dont want none of this stuff but Mr.Pignati pleads her to get things.
One day John and Lorraine find a funeral bill.To what Mr.Pignati wife.Whom he told no one about his wife's death. Lorraine thougt his wife was on vaction same with everyone eles.The pigman walk in the room just as they put the bill Lorraine does'nt feel really comfortable around him anymore.Lorraine wants to tell soeone but she keeps it a secert from everyone eles.
To find more about the ending of this book you will have to read and find out for your self.So I urge you to read this good book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Pigman is an intriguing novel thay had an important moral related to life. It is about two friends who are almost the opposite. One of them is lorraine, a well-behaved girl. On the other hand, there is john, a rebel who likes to cause trouble. He plays jokes on teachers, sets bombs off in the bathroom and many other wrong things. These two kids meet a man named Mr. Pignati. This is where the exciting part comes in. Ill stop there. I like the Pigman, because it uses many interesting events. For example, each chapter Lorraine and John switch being the narrator. Also, Paul Zindel, the author of the novel uses a talented sense of humor. For these reasons, the Pigman is a very wonderful book. It also is resourceful. Also, always remember to analyze what your reading when you are reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine hutch
This book comes off as boring when you first open it and start to read it. The only reason that I continued to read it was that my teacher was sure that I would love it. Boy did I. This was the first book that I actually enjoyed reading, because it related to real kids and the feelings that we have. Most books that we have to read have to deal with our history and they are really boring it was nice to read a book that I could relate to. I also found this book funny. The best part for me was that some of the pranks that they did My friends and I had done ourselves. I often found my self choosing to read before my basketball practices and after, it became a joy and kinda like a reward.What can I say this was a great book and I would defiently encourage YOU to read it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
anne muldavin
The Pigman

Paul Zindel reviewed by: Lauren, Hooksett, NH

Recently I read The Pigman, written by Paul Zindel. This book is about the two main characters, John and Lorrine, and their meeting the strange man known as the Pigman. It all starts when they prank phone call Mr. Pignati pretending to be from a charity and asking for money. Lorriane doesn't want to accept the money because it's like stealing, but John on the other hand is excited to take the money and spend it on beer and cigarettes.

When John and Lorriane get to the pigman's house he turns out to be a little out there. They first really get to know him when he invites them to the zoo, where they meet Bobo, the pigman's best friend who is also a baboon.they learn that his wife had gone to California to visit her sister, and Mr. Pignati misses her dearly.

I thought this was a pretty good book over all but there are some things I would add to make the story more interesting, like more suspense and detail. I couldn't picture most of the things going on in the story, and it wasn't very good because you could predict most of the things that were going to happen.

I would recomend this book for people that can pay attention easily, but not for those who have a hard time paying attention.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Two bored and lonely high school sophomores from dysfunctional, apathetic families are searching for acceptance, attention, and contentment. They find that for which they yearn in each other and in Angelo Pignati, a lonely, unusual, gentle man who collects ceramic pigs. Upon encountering the pigman, as they referred to him, by randomly calling people in the phone book, John and Lorraine are bewildered by his kindheartedness, candidness and attentiveness to them. The three atypical friends share simple pleasures, including visits to the zoo to feed Bobo, the vicious baboon that the pigman had previously been visiting and feeding on a daily basis. Sadly, in an effort to maintain the approval of their peers, John and Lorraine violate the pigman's trust. The pigman does forgive them, but the disappointment he feels lingers until it is exacerbated by the additional devastation of Bobo's death.

Although long-winded and slow-moving at times, Zindel adds realism to his characterizations by writing this story in the first person. He begins his story with a signed pact between John and Lorraine and continues the story in the first person, alternating between chapters narrated by John and others by Lorraine. The use of typical teen dialect makes the characters very appealing to young adults, although the subject may not be of much interest. Zindel effectively uses the repetition of the theme of pigs throughout his plot, a strong archetypal symbol of the selfishness that is the demise of the teens. The integral settings, from the exotic atmosphere of the zoo to the eccentric home of the pigman, fill the reader with intense images that reinforce the impact of the story. Although the style, characters, and settings are intriguing, the weak denouement lacks the impact that would make for a more memorable impression.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Way to go,Paul Zindel! He's written another extraordinary,humorous,original book. Three misfits met each other and became good friends. They didn't need anyone else. My favorite part was when John,Lorraine,and the Pigman went shopping and rollerbladed in the stores. Another good scene was when Lorraine and John dressed up in Mr. and Mrs. Pignati's clothes and...I won't give it away. The part about John making bombs is a gray area. Back when this book was written,kids never considered actually blowing things up. Now,it may give some readers bad ideas. Still,the book shouldn't be banned. Books and bombs aren't to blame for these problems,people who really make explosives are. Otherwise,though,this book was great. The ending affected me the way no other book has. "The Pigman" shouldn't be read by everyone,but I'd reccomend it to some.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
carol costley
If you like reading about characters that prank phone call people then this is the story for you. If you enjoy a more intense read like I do, then you'd be happier reading a different book.
The Pigman kept my interest for a few chapters, only because I was curious as to the type of read it would be. I noticed that after a few paragraphs the story got tiring and quite boring. You want a book that you would like to read and you cannot put down. This read for me was difficult, as it was a book that I did not enjoy reading and I didn't wish to continue.
So, if you're like me then The Pigman is not the book for you especially if you are trying to enhance the level of your reading. This book seems to me like it was supposed to be on an elementary school level of reading and that I did not enjoy at all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laurie morando
The Pigman

The Pigman is about a man named Angelo Pignati who meets two high school sophomores John and Lorraine. John and Lorraine learn about Mr. Pignati, or the Pigman's, whole awful, sad, and zany story. This book may shock and hurt many people, but still shares a good message. The book sends out the message of friendship, love, and compassion. The friendship between John and Lorraine itself is so strong, and passionate that it can never die. Then when John and Lorraine meet the Pigman their friendship grows so much, that when it comes to an end it is hard to let go. Therefore, The Pigman does teach a heartwarming lesson that should be read by children all around the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sherra welch
John and Lorraine are two high school sophomores when they meet Mr. Pignati while playing a phone game. I said it was a thought-provoking book because the author lets you imagine a lot of the details of the book, because, really, the Pigman was not very deeply described. And his life was not really fully described, either. I rate this book overall with 4 stars because I enjoyed the realistic parts of the book. They all have problems, physical or mental or emotional. This is very realistic and even John and Lorraine lying to their parents is pretty realistic. I recommend reading this book, because it kept me interested, but I was kind of disappointed at the end for some reason.
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