Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together

ByNancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
briana garza
20 Reasons Every Woman Should Read Adorned

Even if I wasn’t a fan of Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth . . . even if I thought you weren’t a fan of reading . . . even if you told me that you already know Titus 2 inside and out . . . I would still urge you to utilize Nancy’s latest book, Adorned: Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together.

This is the discipleship resource that every woman needs.

If you’ve never had the privilege of being discipled by a spiritually mature woman, here’s your chance. The best form of discipleship is life-on-life, and that’s what this book prepares you to do. But if you’ve never had a woman serve as a truth-speaker in your life, let Nancy speak into your life through Adorned.

I have at least 100 reasons that every woman should read this book, but I’m only going to give you my top 20:

1. Adorned lays out the incredible journey of womanhood and explains how to present Christ’s love and truth in a way that is beautiful and visible to those who know you.

2. Adorned is a woman’s hands-on-manual for doing life, no matter your age or your marital status.

3. Adorned dismantles the idea that biblical womanhood is a legalistic, joyless, fault-finding, narrow-minded prescription for women.

4. Adorned doesn’t leave you feeling condemned or defeated, but graciously inspires you to “teach out of what God showed you when you messed up.”

5. Adorned is written in a way that feels like you’re sitting in Nancy’s living room and she’s answering every question you’ve ever had about relationships and biblical womanhood.

6. Adorned motivates and inspires women to live out the gospel “together” by explaining and emphasizing the need for sisterhood within community.

7. Adorned is full of practical content to use in coming alongside another woman as a truth-speaker in her life—even if you’ve never had a woman personally disciple you.

8. Adorned provides the biblical template for establishing long-term and fruitful discipleship relationships between women.

9. Adorned isn’t a boring book of theoretical propositions, it is packed full of real life stories of women who are living out the truth and beauty of the gospel.

10. Adorned hands you a road map for navigating the terrain of Titus 2 in our own era and cultural context, without a one-way-only approach to living out womanhood.

11. Adorned is the resource you will turn to repeatedly, through every season of womanhood, to refocus and realign your heart with God’s calling for your life.

12. Adorned gives practical instruction for bringing eternal realities into your daily activities.

13. Adorned is the resource you’ve been looking for, if you desire to learn how to live out the beauty of the gospel with others.

14. Adorned effectively tackles tough issues that every woman grapples with: sex, love, self-control, relationships, and pretty much anything you’d want to ask a spiritually mature woman.

15. Adorned presents a countercultural curriculum for women that is meaty and inspiring, by covering every aspect of the instructions to women in Titus 2 in a theologically sound and spiritually motivating manner.

16. Adorned is the fruit of one woman’s life-long pursuit (including her struggles) to faithfully apply God’s truth and the lessons she’s learned along the way.

17. Adorned challenges us with the truth that: “The woman you will be in ten or twenty or fifty years is being determined by the woman you are this week.”

18. Adorned reminds you that you’ve been “set apart by God for sacred service” and stirs your desire to live that out!

19. Adorned will challenge your thinking patterns and motivate you to live for God’s glory in all areas of your life.

20. Adorned contains the message that I am praying the daughters of our generation will pass on to their daughters!

The Miriam Webster dictionary defines “Magnum Opus” as a “great work; especially the greatest achievement of an artist or writer.” I would define Adorned as Nancy’s Magnum Opus . . . at least so far. This is her twentieth book, and there are more to come (hopefully), but this is indeed her legacy work; her gift to her global sisterhood.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cecily paterson
Saying “I do” at any age carries a freight of challenges and adjustments along with the joy, but a 57-year-old newlywed, married for the first time, brings a unique perspective to marriage. Using the parable of her wedding preparations, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth begins Adorned: Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together with a challenge to adorn the truth of the Gospel in our manner of living so that the beauty of God is put on display. Since this is best accomplished in the context of relationship, Nancy turns to the truth of Titus 2: 1-10 with its wise and wonderful game plan: the sound doctrine and skillful living that are indispensable to godliness are best learned “woman to woman, older to younger, day to day, life to life.”

Women of all ages and stages of life stand to benefit when they dive into Scriptural truth and find that belief affects behavior, for the truth is that the kindness and self-control called for in Titus 2 flow out of a changed life. The sound doctrine Paul writes about in verse 1 is the mooring for good choices that result in the purity, composure, and sound relationships that characterize “Titus 2 Christians,” both male and female. In the process, our ultimate purpose — to make much of God — is fulfilled and the beauty of Christ is put on display.

Older women are uniquely equipped and qualified to take younger women by the hand and explore the riches of a reverent life. The energy and enthusiasm of younger women motivates older women to live into their calling and their experience in practical ways.

“To be reverent means living with the constant, conscious awareness that we are in the presence of an awesome, holy God.”
A Woman Under Control

Appearance, attitude, and life style work together to model the fruit of a genuine relationship with God. A life characterized by freedom from harmful speech and from the many forms of slavery (to food, exercise, shopping, television, work, prescription meds, to name just a few possible masters) demonstrates the overcoming power of the Spirit of God. The outcome is what Nancy refers to as a “Sophron State of Mind” (pronounced so-phrone). Derived from the Greek words soos, meaning “sound” and phren, meaning “mind,” it comes together to convey self-control, discretion, or good sense. Looking at life through my sophron lens, I am encouraged to ask myself probing questions:

The way just I talked to that person — was it sophron?
The way I ate (or exercised — or not?), or managed my time today — was it sophron?
Statistics that caught me by surprise here in my church-lady bubble indicate that 1 in 6 women regularly view pornography and 80% will eventually follow up virtual activity with face-to-face encounters. In a culture that fosters the exact opposite, purity and discretion require vigilance and accountability.

A Woman Under Her Roof

It goes without saying that it is so much easier to be pleasant and accommodating with people on the fringes of our lives. It’s those who are closest to us that receive (and endure) the fruit of our true character. Titus 2 calls women to genuine relationships and a love for home that puts those all-important relationships on the front burner. Together, we can train our hearts to cherish our husbands and to embrace the gift of motherhood. Anticipating objections to the counter-cultural notion of biblical submission, Nancy defines it by what it is NOT:

“1. A wife’s submission is not to men in general.
2. Submission does not mean a wife is inferior to her husband.
3. Submission doesn’t subject a wife to a life of forced compliance.
4. Submission doesn’t amount to slavish, groveling subservience.
5. Submission doesn’t minimize a wife into mindlessness.
6. Submission doesn’t mean husbands are always right.
7. Submission never requires a wife to follow her husband into sin.
8. Finally, a wife’s submission never gives license to her husband to abuse her.”
Studying I Peter 3 on submission with my Sunday School class, I read huge swaths of this chapter out loud to my class simply because it is so clear and grace-oriented.

Because everyone is on a learning curve, it is clear that older women will teach from what they have already learned, but we will also teach out of our failures, pointing to the days (or years) that “the locust has eaten” as proof that God is graciously in the business of redeeming failure and loss. Younger women play a necessary role in the adorning of the Gospel, for they bring energy and fresh perspective to the table, motivating older women to live up to their knowledge — and always mindful that everyone can be an “older woman” to someone.

Titus 2 calls believers to a life of practicing a costly kindness.
It lays the groundwork for partnership together in Truth that makes the love of God visible and the truth of the Gospel believable because it is being communicated by lives that are becoming more beautiful with every year.


This book was provided by Moody Publishers in exchange for my review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara pessimisis
This book could be divided into two key thoughts: how to live as a Titus 2 woman (kind, submissive to husband, loving husbands and children, self-controlled, etc.) and how to mentor others in a Titus 2 relationship. The book is packed with insight on how to live out each phrase of Titus 2--I went through with my pencil for brackets and underlining as I read.

The points that resonated with me as I read Nancy's book are having a sophron (healthy, self-controlled) mind, living a self-controlled, godly life that isn't addicted to things, and making sure my interactions with men are pure. Nancy gives helpful tips and illustrations from her life and lives of other women. I was able to take small action steps as I read her book to apply more healthy living in some of these areas--and I hope to be able to take more in the days to come. Whether you are an older woman or a younger woman, a woman at home or at work, this book is full of grace and community for all of us.

Most of all, as I read chapter after chapter about how to live as a Godly woman, I appreciated Nancy's spirit of gentleness, of encouragement and compassion in attitudes that she recognizes are difficult to achieve. Biblical thinking and living often require spiritual battle--and she encourages us not to fall into the mindset that we have to live life with gritted teeth, somehow forcing ourselves to live out these things--but by the grace of the Holy Spirit, who helps us bear this fruit. That lifts a load off this perfectionists' shoulders, because my tendency would be to take these principles too far and rely on my own strength.

For those of you who have done TrueWoman 201, you know that that study also delves into Titus 2 line by line, with Nancy Wolgemuth and Mary Kassian. Fear not--both studies are complementary and worth pursuing as individual books. I was afraid they would overlap too much, but they are separate, each rich with insight and well worth the read.

On Monday night I finished reading Adorned, and on Tuesday I had the joy of meeting Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth at a ministry event and having her autograph my book. It was the perfect way to celebrate The End! But I hope, too, that it's only The Beginning of living out the truths in its pages. Adorned will be a book I want to return to again and again, as I seek to live out the beauty of the Gospel in different seasons of life.

I received this book from Moody Publishers. All opinions expressed are my own.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sofie de neve
In Adorned, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explores the concept of what it means to be a "Titus 2" woman. Why does God command older women to train younger women, what does that look like, and how can we as women build each other up and encourage each other in our daily journeys? What will our lives look like when we as older women draw younger women into our circles and seek to share our life experiences and our wisdom with them? What will our lives look like when we as younger women seek out older women to learn from and be encouraged by?

Living in community in this way may be a new concept for us but it is crucial to our growth as women, families, and churches. God in fact commands it, knowing how we need each other. Every woman has a purpose and a place in encouraging others.

I appreciated the focus in this book and I was certainly encouraged by it. I did find it grew slightly repetitive at times, but perhaps that was necessary to get the concept across in its entirety. I would rate it a four out of five stars. I received a complimentary copy of Adorned from Moody Publishers in order to give an unbiased review.

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth formerly wrote under the name Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

Adorned is a practical, down to earth treatise on living according to the scripture in Titus chapter 2. Discussing how both older and younger women can benefit from living according to the lessons Paul imparts to Titus, and how that calling relates to the wider narrative of scripture, Nancy Wolgemuth has written a wonderful treatise on what Christ has called us to be as Christians and as women.

I found plenty of encouragement in the pages of Adorned, but also plenty to challenge me. Nancy was careful to always draw attention back to scripture for every chapter - and not just from Titus. She shares plenty of personal anecdotes to illustrate the benefits of community, particularly a diverse community of women of all ages. All of her insights stay Biblically grounded. I especially appreciated that she began with a chapter on doctrine - and on why doctrine is important. "Doctrine is our what. Its application is our now what" (page 47).

There is a great deal of time spent on a concept called "sophron" - Greek for "sound mind" - and why it is fundamental to living the Christian life.

Instead of viewing Titus 2 (or Proverbs 31, for that matter) as a list of rules or a paragon to emulate, Nancy suggests that they are to help establish priorities, giving us a heart (or a sound mind) from which we can live the kind of life that will draw others to Christ.

I especially appreciated that Nancy's perspective is different than wife and mother. Married for the first time recently and in her 50's, she is still able to understand God's purpose for her life within the context of scripture traditionally interpreted for wives and mothers. She repeatedly draws those without husbands or children back into the community she describes and reminds all women of their value and purpose. I'd recommend this book for any woman looking to be challenged and encouraged in her Christian life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah lewis
Beautiful white hard-covered book loaded with the wisdom and revelation to younger women on Titus 2. Discover how to be beautiful through God's eyes, the beauty He created in women meant to be embraced and be the power line that will bring praise and worship to Lord Jesus. How to be adorned and to adore, a unique assignment and a call to the beauty gender... Titus 2 gives the beauty secrets that will actually work, not the weight loss nor the make up tips.

Learn to be a woman under God, empowered by the sound doctrine as a shield from all the filth that enemy shoots. God called women to stand as model especially through the passing time, embracing each year to be the beautiful model at all ages. To teach others, especially younger women to be all that God called them to be is one of the commands given from the Lord Jesus... Learn to live a sacred service life is a privilege, not deprived and mundane tasks that steal your time and strength and sanity, sucking out the joy and life... There are rewards waiting on the compassionate, selfless, serving mothers. Jesus on Earth showed how to be the King with the servant heart, and that's what He called his disciples to model and do.

Learn to be a woman under control, removing all the slander from the daily language, and giving thanks to God daily that will lead heart into the true worship. Develop self-control, and perusing holiness and purines with all the heart and soul...

What does it look like a woman under her roof, a woman who creates heaven in her home, nourishing and loving her man, even when it's hard. Discover an unexpected blessing through submission to the husband the way Jesus spoke through the Scripture... A godly submission that will elevate the husband as the head of the household....

And, yes, to learn to be a mother that will tenderly love and show kindness to her children, a guardian on the Earth for each child which God will place as little bundles of joy, but with humongous demands on attention... The precious presents right form the Father's hands...

Great for the women's ministries and small groups studies.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joannie johnston
A thought-provoking consideration of the Titus 2 passage that entreats older women and younger women to live in such a manner that they adorn the gospel. It's not really a book to read on your own, although I'm sure there would be benefit in that. I think it's more a book to read as a group, with some blend of older and younger women, and it's packaged in a way that makes that easy. Each chapter has discussion questions at the end, some for each age group, and when I went through it with a group of women we ended up having some great conversations about women's roles and interactions with each other, both inside and outside the church. I'd highly recommend it, as I would all of the author's book -- but I will note that it had a bit of a different feel than her previous works, partly due to the subject matter (a "community" topic rather than a personal/introspective topic) and likely also due to her own reflections on her recent marriage. It was great to hear some of her experiences as a newly-married older woman, and learn from the example of her and her husband.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andy edwards
Although I grew up in a Christian family, going to church every Sunday, youth group every week, and a week of church camp every summer, I don't know that I've ever had a close "discipling" type of relationship with another woman (with the exception of a fellow missionary woman when I was a 2-year missionary several years ago). The rest of my spiritual growth has been through listening to sermons and reading books by such women as Amy Carmichael, Elisabeth Elliot, Susan Hunt, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Wolgemuth, especially, have been consistent influences in my life, and I'm so thankful! Mrs. Hunt helped Mrs. Wolgemuth understand what authentic Titus 2 discipleship looked like, and now Mrs. Wolgemuth is sharing that vision with us.

I found this book very soothing in that Mrs. Wolgemuth's words were truthful, and though not always easy, they were always gentle. I found it satisfying in that Truth meets a need in my soul like nothing else can. I'm an introvert, so forming relationships isn't easy for me. I work outside the home in a situation that I don't get to often talk to adults, let alone adult women, and even more rarely, Godly adult women. I also homeschool our two teen daughters, one of whom has special needs. I feel like I'm barely hanging in there with all the responsibilities God has put on my plate. In other words, I feel like I have no margin and no time for developing relationships. But this book has helped me see how necessary such relationships are and how maybe my schedule and life might not seem so hectic if I have some close, Godly women friends to pour into and who pour into me. A close discipling relationship is something I long for every day, and this book shows me how beautiful it could be. This is definitely something I'll be working on in 2017.

I gratefully received this book as an eARC from the author, publisher, and NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth might be better known to you as Nancy Leigh DeMoss, writer of Lies Women Believe, Choosing Forgiveness, and the Revive Our Hearts series, among others. I admit that it is hard for me to be objective about a new book by her, because she has been perhaps the most influential woman teacher of the Word in my Christian life. So I opened Adorned with high expectations, and it did not disappoint. Titus 2:10 says the purpose of the instructions in the chapter are “so that in everything they (those that learn them) may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.” Wolgemuth describes “adorn” in the opening chapter as a showcase of the loveliness of Christ. As we are adorned by His love and the beauty of the gospel, we reveal it to a world that desperately needs to embrace both.
Careful exposition of Titus 2 combined with gracious application make for a solidly biblical look at a passage that women of every age need to consider in a serious way right now. Confusion and contention reigns far too much among women who say they love God but can’t seem to get along with each other, let alone build each other up. Adorned explores why women need each other, the way we can and should build these relationships and what happens when women of different generations minister to each other.
Part of the sweetness of this book is the authors own discoveries of being an older woman, in her late fifties, as a first time bride. The opening story of the late Vonette Bright, sharing as a momma with the about to be wed Nancy on her wedding day shows how we are all older, and younger, than someone else in the Lord. Her transparency of her own continued growth in the Lord throughout the book make these encouraging and relatable lessons.
This is a book about doing more than women’s Bible study together, it’s about the need and the biblical command to do life together. Adorned contains three sections: A Woman Under God, A Woman Under Control (some of the best writing about self-control I’ve read in a long time) and A Woman Under Her Roof.
In the first section, the chapter titled “Doctrine, You and Titus 2” is worth the price of the book. Starting with Paul’s opening verse in Titus 2, to “teach what accords with sound doctrine”, she makes this statement “But the fact is, every one of us and every situation we encounter in life is fueled by some kind of doctrine. It is the ground we stand on as we build our lives.” Everybody, even the atheist, lives by a doctrine, a teaching. Before Paul, (and this book) get into the practice of one-anothering, the foundation of right teaching (doctrine) has to be in place in our lives. I was challenged by this statement she makes-“I have come to believe that every failure and flaw in our lives flows out of some sort of doctrinal deficiency.” When I struggle, or fail, what teaching is influencing me? Biblical doctrine is critical.
Don’t let my personal love of the nuts and bolts of scripture scare you off, this isn’t a dry and scholarly read. In fact, as she progresses into the more practical aspects of what the Titus 2 model looks like in real life, there is an easy flow of encouragement and exhortation that lead you to consider prayerfully how it applies to you. If you’re a bit weary (or a lot weary, like me) of the mommy wars, social media feed spamming alarmist posts of women telling us how we’re getting it wrong, this book will be a sweet breeze of reason and inspiration for you.
Every chapter applies to both the woman in the younger woman season as well as the older woman, and ends with reflection questions for each group. To the younger women Wolgemuth says throughout that the type of older woman you will be begins with the choices you make today. Look for the women ahead of you who have spiritual lives that reflect the joy, peace and purpose of the gospel and find out how they got that way. Older women, what would you tell your 20 or 30 year old self, in encouraging biblical terms, that you wished you knew then? Find those women and help them navigate this season with some of the wisdom the Lord has taught you. This book will help each age group on the path to fulfilling their respective Titus 2 roles, as we learn what it is to be Adorned.
Read well, friends
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. A free book could never make me tell you to read it if it wasn’t worthy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Mentors are people who are sought because of their wisdom, expertise, and availability. A mentor is someone who can guide and be a resource to those who are looking to avoid mistakes, grow, and potentially be a mentor in the future.

In the book of Titus, Paul mentions that older women are to be examples to younger women and work with them to grow in Christ; i.e. act like a mentor. Paul then gives some guidelines on how older women and younger women should work together.

In her book, Adorned, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth takes Titus 2 and writes to both older and younger women challenging them to be more like Christ. Wolgemuth highlights key parts of Titus 2 and expands on them on how it may look to live out what the author of Titus is communicating.

At the end of each chapter are a few questions to reinforce what was learned and to spur an older or younger woman to rid herself of what can weigh down her spiritual growth and adopt the mind of Christ to live out her femininity in each season of her life.

A book like this is needed more and more. It seems that fewer people have that grandma in their life who is that voice of reason and wisdom. The older generation is seen as archaic and are often ignored when it comes to navigating life and its rough seas. The Bible speaks differently to this view and Adorned is an excellent book to show that old does not mean worthless.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Adorned by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth is easily the best book in my reading selections recently. I often use sticky notes to highlight thought-provoking sections of a book and the amount of sticky notes is usually indicative of a good read. Adorned is no exception! My copy of Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth’s latest book are laden with sticky notes! She is an extremely talented writer, gifted with the ability to write cleanly, concisely, and honestly.

However, not only is the book well-written and well-edited, the subject – of intergenerational women mentoring one another – is highly needed and sorely absent in many churches and Christian communities. Nancy leads the reader in a solid study of Scripture, specifically Titus 2: 1-5, 10. I particularly appreciated Nancy's thoughts on alcohol and submission; although some readers might not agree with her position, the sections provides thought-provoking comments in a non-threatening way.

I am challenged to reread Adorned with another woman or several other women, and to look for the mentoring relationship that can help me to grow to become a Titus 2 woman. I highly recommend Adorned to other readers, as well!

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in order to write an honest, unbiased review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
nada taher
I had never heard of Nancy DeMoss before my church offered a small groups discussion on her book. The idea of the book seemed solid and I decided to purchase the book and attend the small groups discussion. I wish I hadn't. This book, while solid in some points such as gossip; is grounded and biblical based; other issues such as "slander" are used to perpetuate abuse. Telling women to keep silent so they don't slander their abusers. Even going so far as to us Jesus as an example.
I do not recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In this book, discover how the book of Titus teaches women how to mentor and how to be mentored. Older generations have much to offer from their treasure troves of wisdom and experience. Younger women offer fresh perspectives and new energy.  Both generations of women sharpen and strengthen one another’s faith walks as they share honestly and seek each other’s company.  As a Gen X gal, I liked this book because I have learned so much from Christian women in the baby boomer generation, and I want to learn to mentor the millennial women who are following me.  This book is written with depth, richness, and solid biblical teaching, which what I expect from Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. She gently but firmly encourages women to engage in community, take risks, and shed wrong perceptions so we can work together to build up the body of Christ. This book would be an ideal gift for a mom of any age.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heartwork in progress
'Adorned' is such a beautiful book based on 'how' to disciple others by setting a live example in 'how to live out ' the gospel at home, community, work and Church. I truly enjoyed reading about the author's wedding ceremony and 'being' the most beautiful bride of Christ and how Nancy has reflected the Gospel in her personal life! She is a genuine inspiration. 'Adorned' has inspired me to dig deeper in doctrine, be transparent with self and others, grow spiritually and disciple others by living life with them... thanks to Nancy, I've been inspired to read doctrine on a daily basis and apply truths to ordinary circumstances. I want to be more like Our Savior, and be an example to others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria gram
Based on Titus 2, where the older women are instructed to teach the younger, author Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth does a wonderful job of bringing this teaching to the current times. She encourages the older women to invest their time into the younger women, and the younger women to learn from the wisdom of those older than they.

This book is broken down into three main sections, each encouraging us to be the women God intended us to be, aging beautifully, having our life under control, and being a loving woman in the home. Fundamental teaching in how to live life to the fullest, I highly recommend every Christian woman read this.

I received a complimentary copy of this book but was not required to leave a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kenghis khan
The back cover says it well, “Woman to woman, older and younger, side by side, life on life. This is God’s good and beautiful plan.”

Adorned is a clarion call to genuine biblical womanhood as described in Titus 2:3-5. Nancy’s warm and winsome words will captivate hearts as she helps women see the exquisite plan God has for His daughters. Theologically sound, but never dry, this book has rejuvenated my heart for Titus 2 lifestyle and ministry. True to her customary style, Nancy is neither narrow or legalistic in her approach, but leaves room for God to speak to each reader regarding her own walk with Christ and with other women. Nancy leads readers to examine three areas, our beliefs, our conduct, and our influence. This book is inspiring and practical, with questions at the end of each chapter to help women put into practice what they have just read. A small group study guide and additional resources (all free) are available online (see inside flap of dust jacket).

Church, we need this book. Our culture is isolating, many churches are segregated into age groups, and social media has left us more lonely than ever. Christian women are bombarded with the culture’s messages about how to live our everyday lives and the onslaught is overwhelming. Many women have grown up without Christian teaching and role models. This book helps us tune out the noise, narrow our focus, and connect with the women around us. Younger women, find a priceless source of wisdom and support in the older women around you. Older women, learn how to pass the baton of biblical womanhood on to the next generation. The process is simple, and both will find blessing beyond their expectations. How do God’s women live out the gospel? Together! Catch the vision and pass it on. God has designed women for deep and sincere relationship, and if His daughters will answer this call, the results will impact families, churches, and communities beyond our imagination.

As beautiful inside as it is outside, this book is one I will keep, re-read, and treasure. It is so packed full of Biblical wisdom, encouragement, and challenge, I know I can’t process it all in one reading. The elegant design is perfect for gifts, or displayed on a coffee table. A legacy work, Nancy has hit this one out of the park!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dawn schlauderaff
Adorned - I always get so excited when new books come out by Nancy Leigh Demoss Wolgemuth This beautifully written text focusing on Titus 2 is such an encouraging and challenging read. I look forward to implementing this in the mom's group that I lead - using the principles with our mentors and moms. What a perfect description of this Biblical model. I love this book. The cover even felt encouraging and restful.

I received this book from Moody in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria swailes
Listen up younger woman - older woman, because we really do need each other! I'm 5 chapters into Nancy's new book and page by page l've been both encouraged and challenged to build meaningful relationships with other woman. So be inspired by the Words of Titus 2 so aply shared in practical terms by Nancy in her newest book. Lets face it,this world is a tough place,but God in His goodness gives us older women in our lives to help us navigate over the bumps! He also gives us younger women to love and keep us inspired to keep pushing forward. And together we adorn the gospel and make it beautiful to a hurting world. Thank you Nancy for a timely message for our day!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
felipe proto
This is a fantastic book that challenges each of us to live as vibrant, viral, effective witnesses in our world @ home, our jobs, the kid's schools, the playground, the grocery store and on and on and on....right where we are. It asks "how do we make the gospel believable in a world that rejects truth, in a world that has little if any serious interest in Christ, in a world that rejects Christ as divine, as being Savior, the Messiah of the world? In that kind of world, how do we make the gospel believable?" And it walks us thru the answers found Titus 2:1-5 word by word, verse by verse. Encouraging, convicting and challenging me (you/us) to live out our faith. Revealing our love for our Savior in our interactions with each other and the world.
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christopher laney
Adorned was based on Titus 2. This book has taken me a while to chug through because it was convicting and thought provoking. Nothing like putting down a book, picking it up after a while and being very convicted about something that God is teaching you. And to think that some think God isn't real.

Thanks to Moody for a copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate ferris
Such biblical and practical admonishment from Titus 2. Often, Titus 2 is taught about an already perfect woman who goes about her Christian duties well. However, Titus 2 really presents a model for discipleship and multiplication among women who are seeking to know God and live in a manner worthy of Him. Nancy explains the Scriptures clearly and gives lots of helpful application. Highly recommended read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an incredibly well written and God inspired book. It is a MUST HAVE especially for women ministry leaders or anyone mentoring other women. It is also a great book for new believers to help them get grounded in their faith. Nancy has "done it again". Her writing is incomparable and I see the hand of God working through her books and ministry. Awesome book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rahul rao
Definitely a must-read for all women involved in women's ministry in their local church or wanting to start one. Every woman should read this. It is foundational to learning how to live out multigenerational authentic relationships with other women. This book applies to women, young or old, and perfect for a small group to go through together - or a women's ministry team. Thanks Moody for the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melodie m
Another excellent book by Nancy. The kind of book you can pick up, just start reading anywhere, and get something out of it. Full of truth, which is the case for all her books. She points you back to Scripture in a winsome way. The book is divided into three sections "A Woman under God", "A Woman under Control", and "A Woman under Her Roof" is applicable for whatever season of life you are in. While reading, each time I put the book down, I had a greater desire to live as God instructed women to live in Titus 2. The book gives practical illustrations for today, and encourages you to have healthy life-on-life relationships with Jesus first and then others, all for the purpose of putting Christ on display.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ali bari
I have followed Nancy and her teachings for 16 years. God had gifted her to explain the Gospel in a real, practical way. Nancy shares the adorning of her wedding so beautiful that it draws you into a vivid picture of what God wants in woman lives. She does not put herself about the teaching but shares her genuine self. Adorned is a book that helps me know that I must mentor the younger woman so they are able to mentor the teens and preteens. This book encourages you to have a greater, urgent desire to do this work. We need each other ladies so let us take the charge that God through the Power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus has called and equipped us for this task. I look forth to buy many copies for my daughters and daughters in Christ. It is so great to know that you have a partner to walk this walk and mentor to bring you along and you bring another along. Each one reach one sounds and is great discipleship and evangelism for the Kingdom of God and His Glory. I was truly blessed to received a free copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tina chiu
I just finished reading this book & highly recommend it to women looking for practical ways to share & live out the gospel together according to Titus 2 no matter what their lives look like or have looked like in the past. I loved the quote “We have a redeeming God who is continually in the process of making all things new and who is always working---even through our messy lives and stories---to write His story and to display His glory.” pg. 303. God works through each of us to display His glory and calls us to live out the beauty of the gospel together. What a timely resource for our day to counteract the cultural messages bombarded at us daily.
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nicole marble
What a wonderful book from a woman of integrity and one who loves the Lord and the Scripture. Every one of Nancy's books have pointed me to Jesus and this one is no exception. So beautifully and graciously written, it motivates me to go deeper into His words and share my life with others in a manner worthy of the gospel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have begun reading this book and it is amazing. It is born out a devotion to Jesus and a passion for women to truly follow Him. I would love to lead a small group study on this book, though I am by no means a leader. This message is something that the world truly needs. God bless you Nancy for your love of Christ and your passionate teaching for women to "swim upstream" and be true devoted follows of Him.
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noel miller
Nancy's deep understanding of the scripture, her rich personal walk with the Lord make this book such a blessing to me. The book points women to Jesus in a biblical practical way, weather you are in the peak or valley of your life, you'll get encouragement and practical tools how to walk with other women that the Lord put in your life, to grow together in knowing Christ.
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denise guinn
This book is simply beautiful!! It is refreshing and encouraging, as well as challenging and convicting. Learning the connection scripture calls us to as older women lovingly teaching what is good and younger women humbly learning.
As stated on the back of book, Woman to Woman; Older and Younger; Side by Side; Life on Life.
This is God's good and beautiful plan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liza h
This book is an excellent resource for the pursuit of Biblical womanhood, through God’s words from Titus chapter 2. It is very clear, practical, encouraging, and challenging. The study questions at the end of each chapter make it very good for personal as well as group study. I will be sharing this latest book by one of my favorite authors, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, with many!
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joanne isamuse
My sincere desire is that every woman will read this book.Its a book you have to nibble a little at a time. Its very challenging to live out the bibilical womanhood in today's culture but Nancy did a great job in reminding us that we don't have to do it alone. Thank you Nancy for being a willing vessel the Lord is using to call women back to order.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nancy has done it again. This book is easily read and applied to both younger and older women. It will be great discussion for small groups. It will remind older women why they need to mentor and encourage them with every scripture to live life for the glory of God in all areas!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a beautiful book! It is clear that Nancy has saturated herself in scripture to teach this valuable lesson to women. The book is full of sound doctrine and practical advice. Highly recommend to anyone in church, not just women's leaders. Older women, younger women. There are valuable lessons for everyone!
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