You Are Free: Be Who You Already Are

ByRebekah Lyons

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are interested, even a little, in living a more free life - this book is for you. Rebekah shares her own stories with transparency and you begin to feel like she's a personal friend sharing over coffee instead of from words on a page. She tells you the truth about the freedom that is available to anyone and how to live in more of it. She becomes a friend and the book becomes gentle hand walking you forward. I love this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
banan almass
Wonderfully personal enough to call me to action and vulnerability. Thankful for the chapters ending in questions and prayers that make the words sink in a little deeper. Thanks for sharing your story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Throughout reading the book "You Are Free", God was very obviously pursuing my heart and wanting to free me from bondage. Slavery to things I didn't even recognize in myself. Through stories of her own experiences and with supernatural wisdom and grace, Rebekah gently leads her readers to a humble place of asking God to help see our need for healing. She led me into confessing my need and inviting God to heal the broken places. God continued to whisper the word "surrender" as I turned the pages from chapter to chapter, surrendering my what if's, my comfort, my tendency to escape, and my constant striving. Was my longing for approval really an unquenched thirst for Jesus and his unconditional love for me? A longing only satisfied by drinking deeply of the water He provides? Rebekah continually pointed me to the foot of the cross, to the presence of God, humbly, yet boldly asking for healing and wholeness.

I am finding more and more of Jesus in the surrender, and although the work of healing will never be finished, this book has released in me a desire to allow God access to uncover wounds, seek healing, and lead others to the living water of Jesus. His presence IS freedom. I am free to be who I already am in Him. I highly recommend "You Are Free"!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
flora liu
This book is outstanding. Lyons shares narratives from her freedom journey and provides thought-provoking, not cheesy, questions at the end of each chapter for the reader to look into their own life. Every chapter is not going to resonate with everyone, but I think that's one of the pluses with this book: each chapter could be read on its own for someone struggling with that specific thing.

I feel like this would be an excellent book for counselors to use with clients as a way to explore life history and how the past is holding back their present
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pms mrsmoose
I highly recommend this book to anyone. Male or female. Everyone in some part of their life is not free. Rebekah lists different parts that can be evaluated in our life that may not be free. She is a wonderful storyteller. Honest, transparent, and ready to help you see that you, we, us are meant to be FREE. Ultimately, so we can be Free to help others be free. What is the great commission all about, but that? Thanks to Rebekah we are reminded of the grace that the Lord gives and then what the Lord has made us for. Go....get your self a won't regret it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First off, the cover is beautiful! I was so excited to read this book that I read through it the first time in two days. A few months later, I'm reading through it in hope of acutally letting the words sink in a bit, and actually work through the questions at the end of the chapters. Rebekah has a great writing voice, and awesome testimony of how God turned her life into one of freedom, purposeful living. While reading this book, God began showing me areas in my life that I needed freedom, that I had no idea of. I'm excited for Him to continue to work on my heart, and set me free to be who I already am. <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky turpin
I am honestly struggling with this book. From an outside perspective, her life has seemed wonderful. This is in no way speaking negatively about the author, but more a reflection of what is going on with my heart. I am approaching 39 years of age and I think of the awful struggles I have endured through the years, years of depression and anxiety, abuse, loneliness, etc. Never married and childless I felt a cringe of annoyance when I read she met the love of her life in college and proceeded to have children. I just closed the book and tossed it aside when I read she had an anxiety attack in the middle of the night but her husband was there holding her hand, praying for her....... I have been very close to the Lord and he has delivered me from complete darkness (Jesus and I have been through a lot together!), so I am shocked I had this reaction reading her book. I feel bitter it breaks my heart I feel this way. I am deeply sorry for my negative thoughts towards the author. I am sobbing as I write this. God obviously has much more work to do on my heart.....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rebekah Lyons shares her journey into freedom and all the steps it takes to really be set free. The way she shares her story and how she invites and helps us to go through the same process of confession and healing is very simple but also really strong. This book has opened my eyes and my heart to things I didn't know that was holding me back and it showed how to accept the freedom I already have. Excellent book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"You Are Free" is a beautiful, joyful, affirming, encouraging, anointed and inspiring "walk and talk" with Rebekah Lyons as she relates God's awesome, winsome and overwhelming goodness, mercy and faithfulness throughout her life of wonder, delight, struggle, hope, faith, love, praise, honor, devotion and glory to Him. Rebekah is exceptionally smart, funny, witty, engaging, thorough and uplifting, and I deeply and heartily thank God for her and this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eliza parungao rehal
I loved reading this book. Rebekah writes compelling statements about being free to be true to who you are in Christ. This book speaks to many struggles, but specifically to living with (and being freed from) depression and anxiety. Many Christians shy away from talking about mental health and I appreciate that Rebekah spoke so candidly about her struggle with anxiety. This book helps others to not feel so alone in their struggle, and gives hope.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Can't recommend this book enough. Rebekah shares her life with a message you don't want to miss. She's authentic with her struggles with anxiety. She is vulnerable, humble and so open and honest not hiding the raw truths of exactly where she was at through difficulties. Honest and raw about her true emotions. Her writing is full of true life stories and inspired me to look at life with a fresh perspective. Life is hard but there is always hope and something to learn and share. It's a book I couldn't put down and I've enjoyed the videos that go along with it. She's an incredible person and I feel like I know her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I liked how she shared her personal story while relating it all the way through to the Bible. Her writing was entertaining while teaching lessons at the same time. I liked it a lot. I appreciate that she was willing to share such a personal story with us.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
saleem malik
I enjoy reading books. This has not always been the case. In middle and high school, you would hardly ever see me reading anything. In college, something began to change. Maybe it was one of my professors that I admired sharing one of his little rhymes – “you must read to succeed!”

I have found myself devouring books both physical and electronic since I got out of school. You will see authors of various kinds on the bookshelves in my home and office at the church. You will see men who see things very similar to what I do. You will also see men that I differ in viewpoints on. I believe it was Rick Warren who said something along the lines of “if you cannot learn from those you disagree with, then you are in trouble.”

I began to notice one troubling pattern developing: the authors I was reading were all men. As a man, I appreciate having other men speak into my life. I need that. But I also believe that God is using some women to speak into the life of the Church, and they deserve an audience. This is one reason that I signed up to review Rebekah Lyons‘ book, You Are Free and give my honest opinion.

The Book Itself

You Are Free is a book about experiencing the freedom that Christ died to provide each and every person that puts their trust in Him. Lyons shares a story of how she came to experience freedom in various areas of her life. She reminds readers often throughout the book, “Christ doesn’t say you can be or may be or will be free. He says you are free.” You Are Free contains fifteen chapters, each devoted to a specific area of freedom to experience.

My Personal Thoughts

I did not know much about Rebekah Lyons other than what my wife had talked to me about. I had read some of her husband’s work (Gabe Lyons), and was a big fan. With Ann Voskamp writing the forward, I thought that this would be worth the read. I was not wrong.

You Are Free is a great little read for those who are looking for a personal story of what freedom looks like in a person’s life. Lyons uses this entire book to walk the reader down the path of her life with each chapter setting up the next well. I really liked the personalness of this book. It was much more than just a “how to” book or an information dump… this was a woman sharing her story of what God had done in her life. The vulnerability that Lyons shows is refreshing to see/read.

Lyons makes sure to use Scripture well throughout this book. Most of the references are footnoted and gives the reader the opportunity to check what God’s word has to say on the various subjects discussed.

My Recommendation

I would say that if you are looking for a “how to” book, then you will probably be frustrated with You Are Free. It is just not that (and I’m so thankful that it is not). If you are more interested in hearing/reading the story of a woman’s journey to finding freedom in various areas of her life with some helpful tips along the way, then this book is for you.

I thought that You Are Free was a refreshing break from my normal reading. It was good to get the perspective from a God-loving female author. It is encouraging to know that God is still gifting and using ladies for His work to speak to and edify the Church. I look forward to many more in the near future.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
deb schell
This was my first exposure to Rebekah Lyons' books. This is the second book she has written. The first was Freefall to Fly. These books have also been made into Bible studies guides to help apply the ideas within the books. You are Free not only has a study guide, but also has videos to watch with it. Since I had recently done the study guide and videos online for this book through's free online bible studies, I decided to read the book too.
The study had some good things to say, but I am concerned that others may think that their depression or anxiety needs a "grand experience of healing" in order to be free from it. Or that they just aren't doing things right if they continue to struggle with depression. Experience can be misleading and God doesn't work the same way in each of us. Another thing that concerned me as I read the book, was chapter 5--Free to Thirst. In this chapter she describes a dream in which she has a clear random phrase as if God was directly speaking to her and the phrase sounded biblical. She then proceeds to back up her dream phrase with different passages from Scripture. In chapter 6--Free to Ask, she feels led to ask for the gift of healing. From my study of Scripture, I find these things disturbing. So while she has some good things to say in sections of the book, I cannot endorse this book at all or recommend it.

***I received this complimentary book from BookLook Bloggers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nick purvis
I purchased this from as a new release discount and loved it so bought another one for a friend from the store.
This books is amazing and really makes you think but I am disappointed in the way the book came. In a thin box that made the book damaged.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rebekah Lyons’ newest book is both a conversation, where she shares so truthfully the way God has met her over the years in desperate places, but also an invitation to you. Her story is a means to point you to the larger story of God in His redemptive work through time. The Gospel is the answer to all the ways we may not feel we measure up. This book walks you through areas of life, both declaring the truth that Jesus has already secured your place and giving you freedom to explore where you may not be living in the fullness and abundance Jesus has already secured. This is a book to read through, to go back and journal through and then to have as a resource to keep turning when you need a fresh voice around a specific season you may be walking. It provides much content to process in community and would be great to read on your own and discuss with others. Rebekah is a truth teller of our generation and her words point us back to Jesus. The beauty of walking in freedom is that we are available; available to love fully, without reserve and in obedience to all God puts before us. Rebekah’s words have been a sweet companion in my process of wanting to walk in the freedom secured for me in Christ. May it be so for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
constance lapsati
Scripture says we Christians are free but our everyday lives may seem anything but free. That was the case for Lyons who fought anxiety and had panic attacks. She takes us through her own journey to freedom. This is a personal account of her being healed from anxiety, finding her calling, believing and declaring she was free, thirsting for God's presence, asking God for anything, realizing God is her true home, resting, abiding, writing, grieving, being weak, celebrating, journaling, and sharing her freedom with others.

This is not a Bible study but rather a very personal account. Lyons has included thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter. The idea is that readers would read about Lyons' experience and then work though the questions with, perhaps, a similar journey to freedom. Lyons journaled and she recommends readers do the same and the questions would help stimulate thought for writing.

I found it interesting that Lyons mentions The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. Cameron recommends writing Morning Pages, three hand written pages every morning. Lyons found the discipline to be very rewarding and recommends it. I've gone through Cameron's book and also found the discipline to be very beneficial.

I recommend this book to those who respond well to personal accounts of transformation rather than a Bible study on the subject. The questions included are good ones and will yield much material for thought and writing.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hazal ilbay
I wasn’t sure, at first glance, whether this book might be a book of deep truth or shallow “Christian-esque" platitudes. It is definitely a book that speaks truth and I couldn’t be happier that I took a chance to read it.

This book is for the broken, the captive. Wherever there is an area of life holding you back, there you need the freedom only God can give. But if we are children of God then we are ALREADY FREE. That is the amazing message that Rebekah is sharing.

So what is in the way? Rebekah covers this though multiple steps. The long and short is that it is always US in the way of our own freedom.

The questions at the end of each chapter are just right, and I’ve typed up some of the prayers she’s shared to put on my own wall.

Here’s a great one:

“Heal me in places I don’t even know I need healing. Show me what you see. Show me what you want to set free."

This is one of those books where 1 copy simply is not enough. You’ll want more to give to friends and family, and then you’ll want to start a book club, etc. And you’ll want to notate and highlight your own copy. I know I am!

PERFECT FOR: Anyone who suspects there is even more freedom to be found in Jesus. Friends, siblings, parents. Small groups. Celebrate Recovery Groups. You and your BFF. Teens.

I received an advanced reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
For some reason, this book rubbed me the wrong way. I guess I was looking for more of a Biblical walk through the Scriptures about the freedom of Christianity. However, it was mainly about the author's struggle with anxiety and how she was healed from it. It seems that a lot of readers have been encouraged by her story-as evidenced by all the 5 star reviews here. I just didn't connect with it and worry that for some who-unlike Rebekah-were not healed of the burdens in their lives, may find it defeating instead of hopeful.

*I was given an advanced copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine chi
Reading Rebekah Lyons' writing is like having a conversation with your best friend. Laughter, tears, some banter, some diving into deeper subjects, and feeling more understood and fulfilled as a result. Many of her chapters describe paths I've already encountered. Others were areas that were never difficult for me. But others, speak to me where I am today. I am Free to Wait. Like the author, I, too, question "Could I wait on Jesus to meet our every need? Could I make Jesus my only source of security, comfort, and provision?" Similarly, I am Free to Thirst. I find my thirst for Jesus and His Word has grown exponentially. This thirst is summed up like this, "I'd known I wanted him to revive his church, but I now realized revival began in individual hearts. I asked him to revive me." Yes, Lord, revive me!! Thank you Rebekah for your transparency, your willingness to allow the reader a glimpse in your life, and an opportunity for us to emulate you in our quest for freedom!

I received an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In her new book You Are Free, Rebekah Lyons reminds us that Christ doesn't say we can be free or may be free or will be free, He says we are free. We are. We have freedom in our Father. That same sweet freedom I feel standing at the ocean. That freedom I crave.

Rebekah says, "From the beginning of time, all God ever wanted was our union with Him. He didn't create Adam and Eve because He wanted hep cultivating the earth or naming the animals. Believe me, God is capable of that all by Himself! No, He created man and woman because He wanted to offer companionship. They were the pinnacles of His creation.He delighted in Adam and Eve and wanted intimacy with them. His purpose for them -and us- was freedom to walk with Him."

We are free! God wants us to experience this freedom. He wants us to know this freedom from our past, our pain, our regrets, our guilt, our addictions, our schedules, our need to prove ourselves, our disease to please, from anything weighing us down and binding us up. This freedom comes from Him. The One who created us and made us free to walk with Him.

In You Are Free Rebekah invites us to:
•Overcome the exhaustion of meeting others expectations and rest in the joy of God’s freedom.
•Release stress and anxiety to uncover the peace that comes from abiding in God’s presence.
•Find permission to grieve past disappointments and find strength in your journey toward healing.
•Throw off self-condemnation, masks of perfection, and step boldly into God’s purpose for you.
•Discover the courage to begin again and use your newfound freedom to set others free.

Pick up a copy and learn to walk and live in freedom!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rebekah Lyons reminds us to realize & exercise the freedom Jesus has already secured for us.

With eternally good news & testimony laced throughout, Lyons encourages practical, simple, yet deeper endurance in walking in the faithful & finished work of Jesus on our behalf.

From defining Freedom in Christ
to relaxing into consistently
trusting & walking with Him...
as well as learning to recognize my reoccurring resistance.

Lyons offers accessible terminology.
For example, "Confession begins with repentance and ends with declaration."

How do we maneuver through life's pelting discouragements & outright disasters?

She also fleshes it out honestly... beautifully bold... and contagiously empowering.

Each chapter ends with contemplative questions. Truly transformational
for those of us willing to take the time
& to be introspective. The kind of change
that leads to praise, prayer, change
& sharing the Joy of walking with Jesus as we were created & redeemed to do so - freely.

I highly recommend grabbing a friend or two to digest & exercise this Truth-pulsing book together... watch & see how He relaxes,
reinforces & refines for Freedom.

This exercises are not difficult;
yet, they work tenderly, powerfully & personally.

But ultimately, our living free bolsters the Bride of Christ into a cohesive, collective dance...
a shiny, tasty consistent contagion of
"Freedom begetting Freedom."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When I first saw the title of Rebekah Lyons’ new book, You Are Free: Be Who You Already Are, I couldn’t help thinking about my trip to Italy. It’s the place where God most recently reminded me of this important biblical message – that we are all free. I was eager to read Rebekah’s book because this is a journey I was already on.

In You Are Free, I felt like Rebekah invited me to sit down for a cup of coffee to talk about freedom and all the many ways I need to walk in it. Rebekah tells her story of rescue from striving and approval, but she also invites me to reflect on my own story.

I heard Rebekah speak at the first IF:Gathering I attended in Fresno four years ago. She was one of the teachers who caught my attention with her vulnerable, personal story coupled with her passionate preaching. Rebekah overcame depression and anxiety to step into a new place of freedom in Christ.

Perhaps the most impactful chapter for me was “Free to Grieve.” Rebekah shares about the birth of her son Cade, who had a traumatic birth and was born with Down syndrome. Her words pierced me:

“Something died in me that day: the controlled plan for my ‘perfect’ life. In return, something was born that day: surrender to an unchartered and forever-changing path.
As I have navigated my own grief journey after my husband was diagnosed with cancer and died four months later, I have found this to be true. That year there was a shattering of my dreams.

Rebekah’s perspective challenged me: “But here’s the truth I’ve found: we only find that wholeness, that unity, when we allow ourselves to mourn the death of our worldly expectations.”

She encourages all of us that we not only need to give ourselves permission to cry and mourn, but there is actually freedom and comfort to be found in grief. Jesus meets us there. This was a profound reminder. My own story serves as a testimony this is true.

I highly recommend You Are Free as a great Spring Break read or even a book to work through more reflectively with a journal in hand to answer the “Becoming Free” prompts at the end of each chapter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You are Free... to open your heart, soul and mind to a reawakening of the Holy Spirit in your life. Within each page and chapter, Rebekah's life-changing words encourage you to search every facet of your relationship with God - to be totally and unreservedly free to allow God to use you as the instrument that He has called you to be. No holding back, no excuses.... Just Letting go and Letting God.

This book has been a shining light in my world dimmed by my own short-sightedness; by my limiting how God could use me. Rebekah has lovingly shown me that I am free to just rest in God's presence, His wonderful freedom and know that He is in control of every aspect of my life and will use me for His purpose; even with my imperfections.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy cook senn
While I cannot say "You Are Free" by Rebekah Lyons is one of a kind I can say that it's message IS SO much more than its 231 pages. I believe this book is part of a movement. The themes of freedom, rescue, calling, confession, rest, grief, weakness, celebration, bravery... they are common themes among female Christian authors right now.

These women are sharing their stories and women are listening. I am listening. My criticism of the book is minute - much of this story overlaps with Lyon's last book Freefall to Fly. However I've come to find this kind of overlap endearing. Kind of like having an old friend who tells you the same story twice, or several times. You know... when your favorite author shares a story on social media that later appears in his/her book and you hear it again when they are on a book tour or interviewed by a podcaster. It's how it goes when you have a relationship with someone. Lyons is becoming an old friend and I guess that's okay with me.

The chapters are titled "Free to..." and each include part of Lyons story, quoted Scripture, stories from Scripture, and a great challenge "Becoming Free" page at the end of each chapter. Those sections include questions, things to consider, and actions you can take to move towards feeedom. I love those action steps at the end of each chapter and found the beauty of this book in Lyons literary voice to be reflected in the practical and challenging natter of these "breaking free" exercises.

I combined reading and listening to this book (I wish the audiobook was read by Lyons herself) and often found myself going back to the pages to record thoughts or to my journal to record quotes. So many good nuggets.

I so appreciated the voice and gentle storytelling manner of Lyons. I'm familiar with her style and story and ultimately still found so much fresh content in this book, especially in the second half.

I also see this book as part of something larger than itself. I recently read Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen and Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. I reference them here again because I see them as a team. God is moving in the hearts of women. He is calling them to Himself through the Spiritual Disciplines and by seeing God as enough.

There are so many lines from this book you can find in the other two. At first I almost questioned the necessity of all these stories.... how many times can you say the same thing. Then I came back to that "old friend" analogy. You get to know a friend through those repetitious stories and the things closest to their hearts. Whether it was parts of Lyons story and life, shared again; or lines from these books that overlapped I saw the power in it. I felt the power.

There is no way for me to avoid commenting on the beautiful cover of this book and the use of florals in the formatting throughout its pages. I am a firm believer that the cover should reflect the contents and also draw us in, and boy does this cover do just that. I actually feel like the cover art is a nice reflection of Lyon's personality. (After reading Freefall to Fly I had the privilege to sit in on a Skype interview with her, and love following her on Instagram where she really shares herself and her family life).

I am grateful Lyons shared her story, in her voice and from her perspective. I loved when she tied in her family - like her daughter's story in the "Free to be brave" chapter. I believe God is going to use this book. I hope you will grab a cup of coffee and dive in. This is one that I think is as powerful read and experienced solo as it would be in a group and I'm a huge proponent of "books are better with a friend."

Thanks to Booklook bloggers for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
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