Shepherding a Child's Heart

ByTedd Tripp

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Whether you are a believer or not, this book give you down to earth practical advice to raise your child by treating him or her as a spiritual being and not as an animal would it's offspring. We are intelligent, rational creatures, and should think of our children in this light. I give this book out to all new mums and dads.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brianna andre
Great for those of us out there that struggle with getting angry , being impatient and expecting our toddlers to act like well behaved adults at all times. This book helped me to view my children for what they really are , my inheritance from God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book changed the way we discipline our kids, and we have seen a dramatic difference in their behavior! It's all about attitudes. Our relationship with our children has become so much stronger since we applied the knowledge we gained from Shepherding a Child's Heart!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
helen michelle
This book is the best book on raising children out there. God has blessed the Tripp brothers as well as those of us who read them. If used as is, this book will help you deal with any child God will give you. Some shy away from this book, because it does not have a five step method or system. It is work. Just like raising children. This book is not a system or a method, it is a lifestyle. The lifestyle of the Godly parent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
audrius matiki nas
This book is very helpful for parents to focus on cultivating a godly heart in their children instead of just focusing on their behavoir. It's important to train them how to be godly first before disciplining their behavoir.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book should be required reading for all parents. Wouldn't hurt for anyone working with children to read it also. Tedd Tripp gets right to the true heart of the issues. Teaching our children to have good behavior for the sake of good behavior or for the sake of "getting along in polite society" isn't enough. If their heart is rebellious we have to address that and carefully train it to not be. He has "break their will (disobedience/defiance) but not their spirit" down to a science.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brittany mccloskey
Purchased this book in the past and shared with many. Godly wisdom and puts child rearing in the proper perspective. Humbling as a parent and grandparent, and a great reminder to keep the focus on the child's heart and thinking rather than mandating behavior changes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
francois van
First - if you are NOT a Christian, a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, you will NOT like this book....BUT if you ARE a Christian and follower of Jesus Christ and know that God's Word is Truth - this just might be the book for you.

I found this book so helpful as I found myself constantly correcting behavior all day long and getting more and more discouraged as there was little to no "core" change in my little ones (5 and 3 yrs) - this book, as stated in the title, helps you train your child's heart - as the foundational verse of this book points out, "Guard your heart, it is the wellspring of life". My husband and I found that our children's behavior (honestly, be ready because you will need to address your heart issues too, God's Word does not return void) was not changing because we were missing the "heart issue" - as we have been training them to "Guard their hearts" it has been a humbling and amazing thing to watch the Lord work in our family.

Parenting is hard but this book has truly been a HUGE help to us - another good book, Parenting is Heart Work - you may or may not want to check out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I totally love this book. I needed help with parenting. I would yell at my 4&5yo boys and sometimes they got sillier. I did a lot of things that I knew were wrong, but did not know how to correct them. I'm only 20% in this book and already have made some major changes to my behavior and have used what I have learned. I can go on and on, but I really recommend this book for any parent. Especially as a baby shower gift. I wish I had this book years ago!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen miller
Some may not agree with the theology and instruction in this book, but it's straight from the Bible. Nothing but truth. I am persuaded that adherance to the instruction in this book will allow parents to lay down at night and confidently commit the lives and souls of their children to God, who by his grace may chose to save their souls and bring about a work of sanctification in their lives. In the end, it's in God's hands, but the Bible gives parents direct instruction on how to parent children.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bought this for my daughter and she loved it. Didn't agree with everything but the main point of the book is not to look at the child's actions but look at the heart. We can get so caught up in how our child is acting that we don't see the real reason behind the actions. Still some hesitation about the amount of discipline involved but would be a matter of prayer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kyo kagami
I first bought this book because I have the privilege of spending 2 days a week with my youngest granddaughter and felt the need to brush up on my parenting skills -- according to God's Word. This book truly gave me the Godly perspective that I needed. I am so grateful to have this opportunity with my sweet granddaughter and want to not only lovingly care for her but also train her to love, trust, and obey her parents as well as her Heavenly Father. I was surprised by the emphasis on discipline, but now am better equipped to care for her in every way. I am thankful!! In additiion, after reading the book, I bought 2 more copies -- one for each of my adult children.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is absolutely the best parenting book I have ever read. It is gospel-centered, and it exposes the many unbiblical ways we tend to raise and discipline our children in. It was a real eye-opener. The book teaches us how to raise our children to see their need for a Savior and to rely on the Holy Spirit for the ability to live godly lives; rather than relying on themselves. I cannot recommend this book enough -- I plan on giving it to every new parent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason millward
Bought this for my daughter and she loved it. Didn't agree with everything but the main point of the book is not to look at the child's actions but look at the heart. We can get so caught up in how our child is acting that we don't see the real reason behind the actions. Still some hesitation about the amount of discipline involved but would be a matter of prayer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I first bought this book because I have the privilege of spending 2 days a week with my youngest granddaughter and felt the need to brush up on my parenting skills -- according to God's Word. This book truly gave me the Godly perspective that I needed. I am so grateful to have this opportunity with my sweet granddaughter and want to not only lovingly care for her but also train her to love, trust, and obey her parents as well as her Heavenly Father. I was surprised by the emphasis on discipline, but now am better equipped to care for her in every way. I am thankful!! In additiion, after reading the book, I bought 2 more copies -- one for each of my adult children.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne bradley
This is absolutely the best parenting book I have ever read. It is gospel-centered, and it exposes the many unbiblical ways we tend to raise and discipline our children in. It was a real eye-opener. The book teaches us how to raise our children to see their need for a Savior and to rely on the Holy Spirit for the ability to live godly lives; rather than relying on themselves. I cannot recommend this book enough -- I plan on giving it to every new parent.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Mr. Tripp has some good advice for raising your child in a wholesome, Christian manner. However, as a child who was often disciplined but did not understand why and that the discipline was so that I would be raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, I feared my parents without understanding that they loved me and wanted me to have a heart for God. The emphasis here seems to be a bit too heavy-handed. You cannot spank the sin out of your child's heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book sums up the heart of parenting. It gently draws parents towards discipleship, communication, and discipline. Some of the reviews I read were concerned about his use of spanking as an abusive means to discipline. This book so clearly lays out a Biblical foundation for discipline. He calls out many parent's rash reactions (verbal, emotional, and physical) to behavior as the abuse that it is, while showing how discipline of any form must be guided by biblical purpose as opposed to parental inconvenience or annoyance at behaviors. I would highly recommend this book to parents and teachers alike who are striving to influence the children around them in a Godly way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For any Christian parent who has been looking for a book about child-rearing, this is the book. I'm amazed thus far (about 1/2 way through) with the suggestions... and I am already implementing some of them. I got the book on Kindle and my husband also wanted a hard copy, so we have both. I'm looking forward to having him read it, too - there are questions at the end of each chapter that I'm looking forward to discussing together. Everything I have implemented so far has given the results I expected - at least when I implemented them as outlined in the book. A few times I did things a little hastily and didn't follow the correct procedure, and the outcome was less desirable. Obviously, I can't peek inside my daughter's heart to see what changes are happening there, but I'm looking forward to raising her and her siblings with this method because I believe it truly does address the heart of the issue rather than just the behavior. I had no idea how much I was doing wrong - I just knew I wasn't confident in what I was doing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catherine wise
I'm truly amazed by the profound rendering of such simple truths. Tripp opens the Word to his readers and reminds us why we do every little tedious, glorious, parenting task. The "why" of parenting fuels the "how" of parenting, and to the open-hearted reader, these words of advice will confirm what we've always known intuitively, and challenge us to daily improvement and examination. A must-read for parents who aspire to godliness and take seriously the grave task of the stewardship of these little lives.
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