House of Light- The True Story - Vol. 1 - House of Darkness
ByAndrea Perron
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
patricia theinfophile
The story was disjointed, bouncing around in time. Evidently the Wardens did wrong, but it was only hinted at. The quotes at the beginning and end of each chapter did not add anything. Lengthy expositions on topics that were obliquely related in many cases did nothing to enhance the story. This story needs to be rewritten in chronological order putting the reader in the experience not wondering why the author is taking the reader through a labyrinth that obscures the gist of the story. I bought it to find out what happened, not to be awed by the author's grasp of crafting artistic sentences with nothing to do with the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pedro hessl
Although a bit wordy in places, this book is exactly what the author says it is in the beginning. Not an attempt to convince but rather an entertaining attempt to document experiences. Job well done! I feel like I know the family and wish them well after this awakening that happened over a portion of their lives. Written in such a way that conveys real emotion and SPIRIT!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book is interesting but the writing is so over blown that I can imagine many readers pulling their hair out. There are literaryisms and witticisms gallore that just detract from the story. Its like the Author sat down with a Dictaphone and just let her rip! And speaking of a story that's just what you are going to get. A STORY! This memoir read like witnessing a woman's mental health break down. Obviously there were some kind of pschological stress dysfunctions occurring in the house regardless of "The Haunting!" This book or novel strained my incredulity at times about what really happened to this Family. Enter at your own risk.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kourtney w
Despite more than a few luke warm or downright unpleasant reviews, I decided to read this book because I wanted very much to distinguish the fact of these events from the sensationalized fiction presented in film. While the book doesn't follow a logical chronology and is somewhat repetitious, what Andrea teaches us is that these events are relived and remembered at random. Just because one event is more significant than another does not mean that it will be remembered first, last, or at any other given time. By repeating herself, Andrea helps us to build a mental chronology, and offers us the opportunity to understand the relevance of single events in relation to one another. One thing I truly appreciate about this book is that Andrea gives us an objective look at the phenomena, offering us the opportunity to determine what may or may not be benign for ourselves. This book presents the philosophical question of the existence of spirits after death, and lets the reader make his or her own choice about how they may come to be. Many readers find that this book poses a daunting task, but I look forward to reading the second and third volumes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrew houck
Andrea Perron is an ambitious writer with a delightful sense of humor. Her word play and use of song lyrics and catch phrases have a sweet charm. She tells her truth honestly and guilelessly and does hold a reader `s attention. As the daughter of the literary woman her mother (the key figure in this memoir) is on record as being, it is surprising that the author has no working knowledge of participles, the meaning of the word "tandem" or how to employ an effective editor. At a certain point, the suspense of when another ghostly manifestation would occur became equal to that of when another grammar infraction would or when another repetition of the phrase "speed of light" would. Eventually it was surpassed.
Since there is no one else to tell it, and it is a compelling story, I do look forward to Volume 2, with more dread of distracting language, composition and grammar glitches than of scary spirits. When a tale becomes secondary to the way it`s told, there is counter productivity.
Since there is no one else to tell it, and it is a compelling story, I do look forward to Volume 2, with more dread of distracting language, composition and grammar glitches than of scary spirits. When a tale becomes secondary to the way it`s told, there is counter productivity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erica neely
Honestly, not much scares me, except the nightmares I had while reading this book!! More than half-way finished reading, stopped after having some really strange, weird nightmares. Yes, like other reviewers, the writing repeats itself over & over & over, kind of like a chanting. Subject matter, I think this is up to the individual whether to believe or not. Myself, I believe these things happened to the writer & family etc. Some folks are more sensitive than others and more open. My Mom used to say, "If you go looking for something it will find you or you'll find it". Over all I like the book, but the repeating nature I had to subtract a little. Also, the book is more a therapy for the writer, that's just my opinion.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I enjoy reading true accounts of hauntings and things of this nature. I have read MOST of them cover to cover and some even 2 or 3 times. This book I can't even get past the first 75 pages. It is completely disorganized, confusing and then sugar coated with ridiculous terminology to show that someone with an education wrote the book and received no help from an editor. End result is a poorly written book. Note to self- when writing a book please have an editor rewrite your nonsense. This book takes all the excitement of whatever happened here into a confusing mess with terminology that even the most educated person couldn't follow. I wonder if the author had a thesaurus next to her when writing this. Not interested in your level of education or your pretentious terminology. I just want to read a good page turning book based on true events and this IS NOT IT. I will just watch the movie and hope they covered everything in it. I'm sure they don't overplay the word ETHER in the movie. Thank god.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
When looking to read a true story, one expects chronological order with concise descriptions of the happenings. This book obviously does not follow that frame. The order is scattered, the events are mish-mashed in no particular arrangement and the author was very habitual in giving glossed over descriptions of the happenings repeatedly. Working through the end of the book was trying at best. The phrase sinister showed up so commonly that it detracted from the description and in no way could I describe this as a true story when events were peppered between poems, spiritual movements that the living
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
robyn cole
I was so full of hope and so quickly disappointed. While reading this it occurred to me that there's a strong chance that the author is schizophrenic. The whole part about this psychic connection with the crows just screams schizophrenia. Seriously this was perhaps the most poorly written, rambling garbage I've ever read. I kept hoping it'd get better but it only got worse. It ruined the movie for me too. Don't waste your money on this poorly written gibberish. The only ghost she should've considered was a "ghost writer".
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
nicolas st gelais
Well unfortunately, in my own opinion, I'd Have to say that I actually enjoyed the movie more than I did this book. Normally when I choose a book to read, I commit myself to five chapters. If the author does not catch & keep my interest, I will normally not complete the book. However, because I watched the movie before reading this book, I decided to complete the novel. If I'm honest, I have to say that the writing just drug on & quite frankly just bored me. In fairness , I do feel bad giving such negative comments because I'm not too sure of the authors history as a writer.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
leang ngov
This book could have been fascinating and captivating because it centers around a true story of an extremely haunted house. But instead it is way too wordy and becomes boring and tedious. There are far too many trite sayings, coming at the end of virtually every sentence. It would have been better is the author had taken the events in order and let the horror build. Instead Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 both cover the same period of time, the story jumps back and forth between; for that reasons, I'm not sure if I will buy vol.3. Will it end up being more of the same?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was a good insight into what really happened to the Perron family. I'm a big fan of the Conjuring and unlike some "true stories" this one wasn't boring! My only critique is that it had a ton of philosophical filler in every chapter and I was skimming pretty frequently as the book got closer to the end. Was also expecting slot more about the Warrens involvement but was vaguely mentioned. I'm not sure if the is covered more in the other two books but I'm not sure I wanted to purchase anymore....
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
naomi mendez
This was a good insight into what really happened to the Perron family. I'm a big fan of the Conjuring and unlike some "true stories" this one wasn't boring! My only critique is that it had a ton of philosophical filler in every chapter and I was skimming pretty frequently as the book got closer to the end. Was also expecting slot more about the Warrens involvement but was vaguely mentioned. I'm not sure if the is covered more in the other two books but I'm not sure I wanted to purchase anymore....
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Writing a novel is a huge undertaking and I respect those that try and manage to get published. Unfortunately I did not enjoy this book. Initially the story went in chronological order then began to jumped around without any clear reason. The author repeated thoughts as if she had come up with several ways to express one thought and couldn't pick which was best so she included them all. There were weird phrases and words scattered throughout that I assume were meant to create impact but lost their effect because they were used too frequently. I had other issues as well. I don't recommend this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
erin o brien
Whether or not you believe in the supernatural, stories like the one in this book are entertaining to say the least. Well, if they are written better. Let me re phrase that, if the storyline was linear or chronological.
This book is actually fairly well written, slightly redundant at times and somewhat entertaining but my God is it hard to keep track of the storyline.
I'm not joking when I say there is literally no order in this book. While chapters have been assigned it is as if the editor just threw the book together without regard for having an easy to read distinct plotline. Instead it's a mash up of random ghost stories that are so badly organized it makes this book incredibly hard to read.
The story is also horrifically long winded. To the point that I would skip whole chapters at a time and yet miss nothing of importance. Does it truly take 4 pages to describe condensation on water glass? Yes, it set the mood beautifully and was well written but Jesus h Christ.
There are more references to scary things than actually retelling of accounts. I didn't buy this book to read about someone slowly describe themselves recalling an "encounter" which is never fully explained.
The movie was fantastic. The author is very talented. This book is horrible.
This book is actually fairly well written, slightly redundant at times and somewhat entertaining but my God is it hard to keep track of the storyline.
I'm not joking when I say there is literally no order in this book. While chapters have been assigned it is as if the editor just threw the book together without regard for having an easy to read distinct plotline. Instead it's a mash up of random ghost stories that are so badly organized it makes this book incredibly hard to read.
The story is also horrifically long winded. To the point that I would skip whole chapters at a time and yet miss nothing of importance. Does it truly take 4 pages to describe condensation on water glass? Yes, it set the mood beautifully and was well written but Jesus h Christ.
There are more references to scary things than actually retelling of accounts. I didn't buy this book to read about someone slowly describe themselves recalling an "encounter" which is never fully explained.
The movie was fantastic. The author is very talented. This book is horrible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book gives much more detail than the movie, "The Conjuring" did. I liked the fact that it was a first hand account of the haunting from one who actually lived through it. However; the author too often uses large, unfamiliar words that distract from what she is trying to say.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Book was poorly written in my opinion. Too much randomness and too often out of sequence. Would not recommend. I finished the book but only because I refuse to start and not finish. Even though I purchased book 2, I will not waste my time reading it, not even going to start.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
peggy martinez
The author is too "prosey." Lots of needless adjectives describing, well.. nothing in particular. No noticeable chronological continuity. When there is a bit of a storyline, it is interrupted by random paragraphs of nonsense that alight on it out of nowhere. A story that should take one volume has now moved into three volumes, merely by the author's inability to focus and discipline her tangential flights of fantasy.
The author is too "prosey." Lots of needless adjectives describing, well.. nothing in particular. No noticeable chronological continuity. When there is a bit of a storyline, it is interrupted by random paragraphs of nonsense that alight on it out of nowhere. A story that should take one volume has now moved into three volumes, merely by the author's inability to focus and discipline her tangential flights of fantasy.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
la fay
This book is overwrought with melodramatic phrasing, it's actually exhausting to read. Where ten words will do, the author uses fifty. The story takes WAY too long to start, and the last chapters are just anecdotal snapshots taken out a context of time and continuity. We never know if the father Roger is just a bastard or unduly influenced by the negative forces. Anyway, don't bother reading this, the movie was tons better.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was extremely excited to read a first hand account of the incidents the Perron family witnessed, however, I could not wait to finish the book...just so it ended. I don't doubt their stories, my issue is with the writing! No structure! We went from just moved in to several years down the road. Andrea in college, no wait, she's back in high school. Clearly Andrea is an intellect, but, let's face it, this book is not being nominated for any awards. Why so wordy? I found myself simplifying sentences just so I didn't lose myself in all of the unnecessary words. I have no issue with expressing yourself eloquently and wanting to do right by your family, but next time, send me the cliffs notes version.
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