Searching for Someday (Searching For series Book 1)

ByJennifer Probst

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although the storyline was a little predictable, it is a well written, sweet story. A beautiful matchmaker who can't get herself a date and an alpha male who she has nothing in common with. But bring in the dog and you sold me. It ended to quickly and I would read it again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris j mears
Just finished Searching for Someday by Jennifer Probst - fantastic read with great characters and a dog that you will fall in love with! The banter between Kate and Slade is witty and very funny. You'll root for them for their happily ever after. Can't wait for the next book in the series! Bravo Author Jennifer Probst!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book and every tear of heartbreak and happiness can attest to that. Probst wrote a beautiful book that was heartfelt and meaningful. It had a great twist that has been missing in a lot of the new contemporaries lately.

I'd suggest it to all the true believers out there... Oh and all the dog lovers!
Kissing Jenna (The Big Sky Series Book 2) :: Beyond Me: Sex on the Beach :: Then Came You (Love Everlasting) (The Youngers Book 1) :: Eight Keys :: All The Way
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric hora
I love the book. I am fascinated with romance books. I love the up and down with Kate and Slade.
I read nearly all of Jennifer books and she always makes me get that butterfly feeling in my chest.
Keep up the good work Jennifer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolyn hastie
This is one of my favorite Jennifer Probst novels. I could really connect with the characters. I love the nods she game to a certain match maker show, I happen to watch on occasion. Great love scenes!!! Love the mom.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kate Seymour is epitome of a romantic comedy heroine, she’s beautiful, confident, headstrong tries to ignore her heart, cares more about others than herself, and she’s classy but sassy.

"My name is Kate,"
"It suited her. Strong, classy and full of punch. Simplicity on the outside and complexity on the inside."~Slade

Her romantic life has been put on hold after countless failed dates. She has pretty much given up searching for a match for herself. Rather, Kate with the help of her two college friends, Kennedy and Arilyn, they organize and run a matchmaking company—Kinnections. Kate dedicates herself to helping others find their match. With an ability passed along down her family line, Kate has a gift or “the touch” that evokes a sense of an electrical spark that indicates when two people are meant to be together. (While this may come off a tad farfetched, the way Ms. Probst intertwines this gift throughout the story line, it is so adorably romantic you too wish you could feel this connection when you met “the one”). Although she has stopped trying to find her mate, Kate is still one helluva of a love optimistic, she believes there is one person out there that she is meant to spend forever with.

Enter in Slade Montgomery, devastatingly handsome divorce attorney whose profession has made him skeptical and cold toward love.

"He didn't just walk he prowled. His tawny locks were a mess of thick messy waves her fingers itched to touch, and those jungle-green eyes pinned a woman to the wall and did bad things to her."~Kate

Where Kate is all fairytales and happy endings, Slade believes in the statistics of relationships which shows half end; he isn’t convinced to take that risk. Slade may not worry about the woman he sleeps with, but he sure as hell cares about the well-being over his sister and making sure she is not broken by her love life. Slade is already swoon worthy attractive, but the way he acts all protective brother hear him roar, is utterly heartwarming. When Slade’s sister, Jane, signs up for Kinnections, he is convinced it’s a con, appeal to women’s vulnerability looking for love then take their money. Slade does not believe a matchmaking service can find people a match, offer them heart break; ache that he does not want his sister experiencing. Slade signs himself up as a client 1.To look over his sister’s participation in the company 2. Prove the company is a bust. Slade is the ultimate challenge as a client for Kate.

Slade also turns out to pose a challenge to Kate’s ability. When the connection is sparked between them, Kate is dumbfounded and concerned her ability is going haywire. It can’t be, she can’t be attracted to him not only is he her client but they are as polar opposites as the north and south poles. Although cynical when comes to love, Slade is still able to recognize the chemistry between himself and Kate and damn if he doesn’t work his charm to convince her to give him a shot.

Join these two on a romantically heart fluttering journey that will not disappoint. Kate tries to fight the connection, Slade refutes her efforts. The secondary characters are a hoot. Kennedy, Arilyn, and bff Genevieve add wisdom and humor; best friends a girl could have. Kate’s mom gives insight to the gift as well as laughs; she is Grade A Hippie and I loved her. This is such a cute, classic and fun love story. Jennifer Probst does an amazing job keeping your interest as well as showing realistic character development. There is no insta-love, no insta-change. Hollywood or Lifetime you need to jump on this story and produce a movie. I will pre-order my movie ticket. Seriously could not stop thinking this is totally a Katherine Heigl romcom I want to see!

*ARC copy provided by Netgalley in exchange for honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Searching for Someday was a really cute read. It was the first from this author I have read, but won't be the last. It was just a really cute, fun, entertaining story.

Kate has a super power. She can tell when two people have a romantic connection. With just a touch she will know if things will work out with them or not. So she and her two friends start a matchmaking company and she can almost guarantee good results.

Slade's sister has not had the easiest time with love. He is definitely the overbearing big brother because of some things that she has done in the past. He just wants to make sure she is safe and okay. He doesn't want her to get to that dark place again, and even though she is much better and wants to go out on her own, he doesn't want her to. He was really cute. I understand why he worried so, but at some point you have to let people go and find their own way. When he finds out his sister is moving to a small town and signed up with this matchmaking service he is not happy. He goes up there to give them a piece of his mind. I mean of course they are just trying to scam money from his sister. He knows it, so he wants them to leave her alone.

When he storms in it is Kate that he is dealing with. Kate who knows what she does is good and right and makes her happy. She of course offers to help him find love so that he can see they are not there to scam anyone. He has to be open to it though or it won't work. Of course Slade is the one for Kate, but she doesn't want to believe it. She keeps setting him up on dates with other ladies and oh these two. I loved them together! And when Kate loses her magic touch, when she can't tell if people are right for each other or not, things start to get interesting.

I really loved this story. Kate and Slade were so cute together. Even if they tried to fight it sometimes you can't fight fate. It was a really fun read that kept me smiling from beginning to end.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kate Seymour is epitome of a romantic comedy heroine, she’s beautiful, confident, headstrong tries to ignore her heart, cares more about others than herself, and she’s classy but sassy.

"My name is Kate,"
"It suited her. Strong, classy and full of punch. Simplicity on the outside and complexity on the inside."~Slade

Her romantic life has been put on hold after countless failed dates. She has pretty much given up searching for a match for herself. Rather, Kate with the help of her two college friends, Kennedy and Arilyn, they organize and run a matchmaking company—Kinnections. Kate dedicates herself to helping others find their match. With an ability passed along down her family line, Kate has a gift or “the touch” that evokes a sense of an electrical spark that indicates when two people are meant to be together. (While this may come off a tad farfetched, the way Ms. Probst intertwines this gift throughout the story line, it is so adorably romantic you too wish you could feel this connection when you met “the one”). Although she has stopped trying to find her mate, Kate is still one helluva of a love optimistic, she believes there is one person out there that she is meant to spend forever with.

Enter in Slade Montgomery, devastatingly handsome divorce attorney whose profession has made him skeptical and cold toward love.

"He didn't just walk he prowled. His tawny locks were a mess of thick messy waves her fingers itched to touch, and those jungle-green eyes pinned a woman to the wall and did bad things to her."~Kate

Where Kate is all fairytales and happy endings, Slade believes in the statistics of relationships which shows half end; he isn’t convinced to take that risk. Slade may not worry about the woman he sleeps with, but he sure as hell cares about the well-being over his sister and making sure she is not broken by her love life. Slade is already swoon worthy attractive, but the way he acts all protective brother hear him roar, is utterly heartwarming. When Slade’s sister, Jane, signs up for Kinnections, he is convinced it’s a con, appeal to women’s vulnerability looking for love then take their money. Slade does not believe a matchmaking service can find people a match, offer them heart break; ache that he does not want his sister experiencing. Slade signs himself up as a client 1.To look over his sister’s participation in the company 2. Prove the company is a bust. Slade is the ultimate challenge as a client for Kate.

Slade also turns out to pose a challenge to Kate’s ability. When the connection is sparked between them, Kate is dumbfounded and concerned her ability is going haywire. It can’t be, she can’t be attracted to him not only is he her client but they are as polar opposites as the north and south poles. Although cynical when comes to love, Slade is still able to recognize the chemistry between himself and Kate and damn if he doesn’t work his charm to convince her to give him a shot.

Join these two on a romantically heart fluttering journey that will not disappoint. Kate tries to fight the connection, Slade refutes her efforts. The secondary characters are a hoot. Kennedy, Arilyn, and bff Genevieve add wisdom and humor; best friends a girl could have. Kate’s mom gives insight to the gift as well as laughs; she is Grade A Hippie and I loved her. This is such a cute, classic and fun love story. Jennifer Probst does an amazing job keeping your interest as well as showing realistic character development. There is no insta-love, no insta-change. Hollywood or Lifetime you need to jump on this story and produce a movie. I will pre-order my movie ticket. Seriously could not stop thinking this is totally a Katherine Heigl romcom I want to see!

*ARC copy provided by Netgalley in exchange for honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Searching for Someday was a really cute read. It was the first from this author I have read, but won't be the last. It was just a really cute, fun, entertaining story.

Kate has a super power. She can tell when two people have a romantic connection. With just a touch she will know if things will work out with them or not. So she and her two friends start a matchmaking company and she can almost guarantee good results.

Slade's sister has not had the easiest time with love. He is definitely the overbearing big brother because of some things that she has done in the past. He just wants to make sure she is safe and okay. He doesn't want her to get to that dark place again, and even though she is much better and wants to go out on her own, he doesn't want her to. He was really cute. I understand why he worried so, but at some point you have to let people go and find their own way. When he finds out his sister is moving to a small town and signed up with this matchmaking service he is not happy. He goes up there to give them a piece of his mind. I mean of course they are just trying to scam money from his sister. He knows it, so he wants them to leave her alone.

When he storms in it is Kate that he is dealing with. Kate who knows what she does is good and right and makes her happy. She of course offers to help him find love so that he can see they are not there to scam anyone. He has to be open to it though or it won't work. Of course Slade is the one for Kate, but she doesn't want to believe it. She keeps setting him up on dates with other ladies and oh these two. I loved them together! And when Kate loses her magic touch, when she can't tell if people are right for each other or not, things start to get interesting.

I really loved this story. Kate and Slade were so cute together. Even if they tried to fight it sometimes you can't fight fate. It was a really fun read that kept me smiling from beginning to end.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick doty
Kate owns her own successful matchmaking business in Verily. She runs Kinnections with her two best friends and going to work is a joy for her. Kate has a special gift that makes it possible to predict if people are each other's soul mates. Her matches are legendary, but unfortunately she hasn't found her own true love yet. A new client, Jane, brings problems on her doorstep in the form of an overprotective older brother. Slade is a lawyer and the only thing Kate can do to prove his sister's money is well spent is finding his dream woman for him. Slade doesn't believe in love and Kate has a difficult job to convince him she's the real deal. She will find Slade's match, but what's the price she has to pay for it?

Searching for Someday is a lovely romantic story. I immediately liked Kate, she's a smart and gifted woman and she gives people something very special, she finds them the person they're supposed to spend the rest of their lives with. That's an admirable skill and I really enjoyed reading about it. Even though Kate is great at finding other people love she isn't faring so well when it comes to her own love life. When she meets Slade it's obvious they have a lot of chemistry, but they don't have much in common. Slade is cynical and by trying to save his sister from getting hurt he's preventing her from living her own life. I kept hoping Kate would be able to break down the walls around his heart and read this book in one sitting because I couldn't wait to find out what would happen if she'd succeed.

Jennifer Probst's writing style flows easily. She writes about one of my all time favorite subjects, true love. It's what made me curious about the Searching For series straight away. Searching for Someday is fun, sweet and endearing. I loved that Kate has been touched by magic and has a unique gift, that made the story extra enjoyable for me. I highly recommend this wonderful, charming and enchanting story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Searching for Someday by Jennifer Probst
Series: Searching For #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Adult
Release Date: November 26th 2013
Length: 385 pages
Format: Paperback
Source: via publisher → Gallery Books
Review Date: December 27th 2013
Steam Rating: Hot
Overall Rating: 3.5 STARS

If you have read any of Jennifer Probst’s books before then you know she is a fantastic writer. In her marriage to a billionaire series, which I adored, she blended romance and steam with a unique touch of supernatural. She does the same thing in this new series Searching For.

If supernatural is not your thing, no fear it’s not steeped in it. There is no mystical creatures like vampires or warewolves. It’s just regular people that have an extra sense which always revolves around love. It adds to the uniqueness of her generally light-hearted romance novels. It’s actually more like a little “magic.”

Kate has “a touch” which basically shocks her if she touches two people meant to be together. She uses this gift to help her in her matchmaking business that she and two friends started after college. This is a gift that has been handed down from generation to generation in her family. At this point in her life she has accepted it, even embraced it, but it was not always this way. She had trouble relating to other people because of this and her stuttering for most of her life.

Kinnections her matchmaking agency is doing very well, she has terrific friends, and an amazing dog but her life is still missing something. Love. She has been on too many dates to count but none of them have shown any potential. In the beginning she is so desperate to find someone that she considers a man who lied to her about his entry level job, lives with his mother (and is a sloppy eater too), things she found out while on a disastrous date with him.

Slade is a jaded divorce attorney who doesn’t believe in love, and is definitely not looking for it. He has been burned in the past and has no intention in settling down again. His sister Jane has also been through a lot of disappointment with love, and he has seen her hurt very bad from this. So when she decides to go to Kinnections and give love another try, he is frightened for her. Believing that the matchmaking company is a scam to take her money. Because of this he decides to go there and give them a piece of his mind. Somehow before he leaves, he is a client too. He has decided to prove they are a scam firsthand so that his sister won’t get hurt.

He meets Kate when he first walks into Kinnections and “sparks fly.” Their attraction to each other is immediate and primal but they ignore it, and ignore it, and ignore it… *eye roll* This is where the story lost me a little. Kate is determined not to date Slade for a variety of reasons, but none really held to much merit in MY mind. I mean I understood at first, but after awhile I was frustrated and it got old. I mean she was so desperate for someone to share her life with she was willing to stoop pretty darn low in the very beginning of the book, so why won’t she even budge a little to see where this unbelievable attraction goes with Slade?? :-|

But even though they both frustrated the heck out of me, I did like both of the characters. I wanted them to have their HEA from early on. As for the follow up books in the series, I’m not sure who is next but I’m sure both of her college besties and co-owners of Kinnections will get a book.

I really like the touch of “magic” in these books. And I can’t wait to see where it leads next! If you’ve read her marriage to a billionaire series you will recognize a little something from them ;-)

Overall, I liked but not loved Searching for Someday. I think it was mainly because I am not a huge fan of lighthearted romance. I veer toward the heavy, emotionally intense romances that leave you with a book hangover. This one left me with a smile on my face, and a light heart. If that is what you are looking for, this would be a great choice!

Books Unhinged Book Blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vera holenstein
Title: Searching For Someday - Searching For Series Book 1
Author: Jennifer Probst
Published: 12-1-13
Publisher: Gallery Threshold / Pocket Books
Pages: 386
Genre: Mystery, Thrillers & Suspense
Sub Genre: Romance, Women's Fiction, Sagas
ISBN: 9781476744926
Reviewer: DelAnne
Reviewed For: NetGalley

Kate Seymour is bright, beautiful and a true believer in the magic of love. She is also a professional matchmaker and owns Kinnections along with her two friends. She is also a woman who has given up on the possibility of finding love for herself. Even though she has an amazing track record in fining perfect love connections for their clients. Riding high on her success Kate is challenged by Slade Montgomery when he barges into Konnections demanding Kate immediately drop his sister Jane as a client. Threatening to sue her and run her business reputation thru the mud, slandering her business if she refuses. Slade knows love does not exist and has watched his sister slowing recover from being crushed emotionally and refuses to have her hurt or used again.

After threats and intimidation fail to work Slade offers a challenge. Kate can prove love exist by finding a love match for him and he will back off. Kate accepts, but there is one small problem. She is attracted to Slade herself. Kate knows she can save her business if she can ignore her reactions to the bad tempered Slade Montgomery.

Funny and fast moving I enjoyed Searching for Someday. Kate instinctively pushes Slade's buttons. Ms. Probst has written romantic plot touched with humor and tension. The characters' bold and forceful personalities will keep you glued to the story as it unfolds. Slade's sister may appear a bit fragile at first, but shows a steely backbone as she learns her own worth. If you are looking for a romance that will make you chuckle and you swoon then Searching for Someday is the one for you to savor and enjoy.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kenneth aufsesser

****4 Snap, Crackle, Pop...Magical Stars****

Searching For Someday by Jennifer Probst is one of those light fun romantic reads. This book felt like I was watching one of those Romantic Comedy Movies with the Happily Ever After.

Kate Seymour is a successful business owner of Kinnection, a matchmaking service. Kate believe in true love and that there is someone destined for each other. She is a firm believer in soul-mates and posses a magical gift of touch. With one touch, she can determined if a couple is meant to be.

Slade Montgomery is a top NYC divorce lawyer. Having experience heart-ached and divorced, Slade is skeptical on love. He doesn't believe in the idea soul-mates. When his younger sister, Jane decides to be a member in Kinnection, Slade worries that his sister will fall victim to this hocus-pocus sham. Slade, being the ever protective older brother decides to enroll as one of Kinnection's client wanting to expose Kate's business as nothing as a fraud.

Well as Slade and Kate interact with one another, they both have this instant sexual attraction and connection. When Kate touches him, she felt a SNAP, CRACKLE, POP. It was a matter time before Slade and Kate made a love kinnection.

This book was fun, sweet, quirky and cute. Loved the banter, sexual chemistry, romance, friendship and the overall feel good vibe of the book. It was amazing to see two main characters figuring out and fighting for LOVE. As for the epilogue, that was one of the sweetest and cutest epilogue EVER!!! Jennifer Probst certainly casted a magical spell on me because I was left smiling after reading this book and eager for the next book, Searching for Perfect.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
SEARCHING FOR SOMEDAY is a refreshing contemporary romance with a charming magic twist.

Kate and her two best friends have built a solid matchmaking business by utilizing each of their individual talents and skill sets. One of Kate’s most unique talents is her ability to sense love matches simply by touching the individuals. But when she realizes her own soul mate is a divorce attorney who doesn’t believe in true love or marriage, she’s convinced her touch has gotten it wrong. Kate and Slade do everything in their power to deny the connection they share, but the closer they get, the harder it is to ignore.

Ordinarily I would say I’m too practical to enjoy magic unless its of the paranormal variety, but Jennifer Probst seemed to know just how to introduce something outside the realm of ordinary without making it corny or unbelievable. It still rang true to the story and to the characters and only added to the undeniability of their connection. Slade was the perfect combination of stubborn, opinionated, take charge, and alpha male. I loved how he could be so fierce and stern yet he’d be so reckless in his feelings for Kate. Every time he showed up at her door unannounced, I swooned. I was a little worried Ms. Probst would go too far in her efforts to introduce secondary characters in an attempt to build interest for future books in the series, but somehow she managed to straddle the line just enough to make the story more three dimensional without going overboard. I was unable to put SEARCHING FOR SOMEDAY down until I’d had my happily ever after and it made me want to read more in the series just to get another taste.

SEARCHING FOR SOMEDAY was such an endearing romantic story with a chick-lit feel and I would highly recommend diving into the Searching For series!

**Complimentary copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
paulaletsympatico com
Searching for Someday was a rare snag one night while shopping in the romance section. I am always hesitant on purchasing a new to me romance author but I remember seeing some of my closer friends reviewing at the end of last year, so, I knew I would at least like it.. But I didn’t just like it, I loved it. I will definitely be reading more of Jennifer’s books.

I devoured this in one day. I loved the characters, the writing was smooth & engaging and the plot was entertaining and very unique. I loved the magical elements thrown in. It doesn’t consume the plot, just a perfect touch to mix things up and make it different. Told in both Slade and Kate’s POV, we get the story from both sides, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Able to touch and feel when two people are soul mates, Kate hasn’t experienced the touch for herself. That is, until she meets Slade. Slade, a cynical but sexy divorce lawyer, heads into Kinnections with plans to expose Kate and the others at Kinnections as frauds. Unhappy that his sister has signed up for services, and in turn feels that Kinnections would break her.

Although Kate is sweet, she is such a strong, confident woman. It was easy to relate to her. She loves her job and is very driven in her work and really, has done a lot to get to where she is. She’s compassionate too, and watching her with her dog was honestly, heart breaking. But she wants more in her life. A husband and family. She has her friends sure, but she was so lonely.

Initially, Slade wasn’t aware of Kate’s unique gift, but he was well aware of her. Even though Kate continuously sets up Slade on dates with different woman, he can’t stop thinking about – and wanting – Kate. Although he came off really strong (almost Ass quality) I warmed up to him real quick. I honestly believe his jaded and cynical thoughts were justified. it’s really difficult to pick yourself back up from what he did, and then to have to witness other couples destroy each other.

Ah, these two. It was obvious from the beginning that the journey of these two was going to be fun. Both have very different views on love and relationships and both are equally stubborn. Kate is in denial about her reaction to Slade and honestly, I couldn’t blame her. She is the opposite of what he said he wants in a woman and he is very blunt about his thoughts on love. Who wouldn’t be put off by that? But on man, they are so good together, constantly, it’s very encouraging.

I also want to mention Kate’s friends. I loved how close they were. With Jane coming into the fold too, it was so fun to see a bunch of girls together and getting along. And her Mother. *Dies* Her mom was one of the funniest parents, ever.

Overall- I really loved this. I loved the relationship development between Kate and Slade; as well as them as individuals. Hilarious, sweet and a touch of magic – and definitely one of my new favorites. I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura murray

I just finished this book, and I have tears streaming down my face. I am trying not to sob like a baby!!! That Epilogue KILLED me!! BEAUTIFULLLLL Jennifer Probst.... Smiles and Tears!!!!

Now.. Kate and Slade!

This author.... I don't really have enough words to say how captivated I am by her words!!! She writes some fierce characters that you can't help but love!!! And sometimes grumble at their antics, they can be stubborn!!! But that's what makes the journey so incredible, and sexy, and fun, and heart-wrenching! I loved how tough and vulnerable both characters were. This was a really fun, heart-warming journey with incredible chemistry. I ate this up in one afternoon!

I found this series because I DEVOURED the Marriage to a Billionaire Series, and we were introduced to some really great, fun couples. And we met Wolfe (in The Marriage Merger)... sigh! He tugs at your heart-strings!!!! I messaged Jennifer Probst and asked about his story, she told me it was coming!!!! May 26th, YaaaaY!!! And that we get to see him in the Searching for... series. I snapped up this book and the next! He does make a couple of appearances, just to whet our appetite!!! I was VERY impressed with his mature attitude and control he demonstrated in a certain situation. :) To say that I REALLY CANT WAIT NOW would be an understatement.

And Robert. GOD!!! This gorgeous dog. Yes, he is a dog, and you will fall in love with him!!!!!!

Get this book, its incredible and sexy and heartfelt and not a waste of time!

LOVE Jennifer Probst!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mrs r

My rating: 4 of 5 ⭐️

The smartest thing Kate has ever done, was go into the matchmaking business with her two college friends. They each have their unique qualities to bring to the table and since Kate's extra-sensory 'gift' when it comes to romantic connections, seems to work on everyone but her, at least she can put it to good use. The business is a success.....her love life not so much......or rather, not. As in it doesn't exist and Kate is done looking.

When Slade finds out his sister, who hasn't had the best of luck with men, has signed up with a dating service, every protective instinct screams to life. As a divorce lawyer and from his own life experiences, Slade has lost all faith in a happily ever after, and he certainly had no faith in those money sucking matchmaking scams that called themselves businesses. He was not about to have them take advantage of his sister!

When Slade walks into the Kinnection offices and confronts Kate, accusing her of running a scam, he is surprised at her calm business-like demeanor. He can see there are moments he is able to rattle her, but she doesn't seem to be afraid of his legal threats, in fact, Kate accepts his challenge to find him 'love', when she knows full-well he is a non-believer.

It doesn't take long for Kate to wonder what she has gotten herself into. The annoyingly arrogant and extremely sexy Slade is starting to get under her skin with all his little come-ons and innuendo. She can't tell if he is toying with her or not. But one thing she knows for sure, there is no way she can let him touch her. She is afraid sparks may finally start flying for her......

Slade generally gets what he wants, and for right now, his focus has fallen on Kate, so he is not easily put off. But when it becomes clear that Kate thinks, feels and dreams further than just 'right now', it becomes time for Slade to reassess.....


A wonderful spirited and witty romance with a hint of magic!!!

A fresh light read by Jennifer Probst, pairing a hopeful romantic with a selfrighteous cynic. Or should I say 'pitting against', instead of 'pairing with'.....since the two go a fair number of rounds in this story, each doing their best to prove the other wrong.

Kate is a bit of a hopeless closet romantic. She has safeguarded a lot of herself, preserving it for the 'right one', just to be shot down again and again. Her 'gift' so far has only worked for others and never for herself. At twenty-six, she is ready and open to love in her life, but doesn't trust it is there. After all she grew up with a mother who, after loving and losing a husband, spent the rest of her years sexually 'healing and educating' a large portion of the male population, perpetually stuck in her role as flower child of the sixties.

Slade had one extremely sour experience and that tainted his outlook, not to mention every divorce case that has passed over his desk since. He sees every one of them as justification for his stance on marriage and long term commitment. Even wanting Kate the way he does, with the urgency he does, he still can't see anything beyond the here and now. He will learn soon enough that control is an illusion and avoiding happiness for the sake of control is a ridiculous proposition.

I love the atmosphere of the book, the way the three friends, all so different in make up and character, meld so well and make for an interesting blend that promises more delicious books in the future! I can't wait to see the savvy and sleek Kennedy or the earthy and insightful Arilyn hooked up with matches of their own.

But my favorite character of all is Robert, who shows impeccable judgement of character, a great appetite for life and an unconditional ability for love!!

✨A spunky, imaginative and sexy tale of an improbable match.✨

**ARC provided by NetGalley and Simon & Schuster in return for an honest review.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica braun
I found this a charming book from Ms. Probst. The set-up is great, what with the dating agency (in which business Kate has a decided advantage, given she can sense a soul-mate connection by touching two people who are meant to be together) and the cynical, overprotective brother/divorce lawyer.

I can't blame Slade for his initial anger and suspicions toward Kinnections, given the rough couple of years his younger sister has had (she tried to kill herself after a jerk of a boyfriend dumped her). He's definitely protective and that's a great thing. He goes to Kinnections, determined to prove they're frauds and just out for a fast buck from his sister (and other dupes). He makes a bet with Kate - if she can find him his soul-mate, he'll promote the business to everyone he knows. If not, she'll admit that Kinnections is a money-making sham. Ms. Probst doesn't force him to remain cynical long for a ridiculous amount of time, though there's definitely a rough patch for Slade when he finds out about Kate's gift.

Kate has made something of her life after a very rough start (she had a horrible stutter as a child that still comes out when she's nervous, and it made her a total social pariah until she was able to get some help for it). She's had a unique gift (passed down through her family) for sensing soul-connections, but she's never felt it for herself...until she touches Slade. And then wowser. Unfortunately, because he's a client (and because he's a cynic about love at all, thanks to his job), she dismisses it, fighting the attraction (which doesn't stop Slade and Kate from falling into bed, with disasterous aftermaths each time). This denial shorts out her gift (though she doesn't believe that until very late) and she is understandably dismayed, since she's built her livelihood on that gift working.

These two have a very rough path, especially when Slade finds out just how Kate achieves her matches. He's of course determined to avoid love for himself because he sees how marriage can devolve into two people despising each other. He's also chasing a partnership at his law firm, which leads to the first date between he and Kate.

Of course, this being a romance, everything works out for these two, but not without some serious snags. These are two very strong individuals who aren't willing to budge from their beliefs (her in romance, him in avoiding romance) who find their way to each other in a totally believable and loving ending. I was so happy to see Kate and Slade set things aflame between them.

Oh, and yeah. Hot sex. Plenty of that, which is a pleasure (no pun intended). But the plot really shines out over the sex parts, and I can't wait to see the next book in this series. 4.5 stars!

Book provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gabriel matthew perez
Searching for Someday was a cute, fairly quick read. Unlike Jennifer’s other books, this one had a touch of magical elements incorporated into the story and I found that it actually worked.

Kate Seymour runs a matchmaking company, Kinnections, with her two best friends. She has a special gift which assists her in telling which couples have a real connection – she feels a zap when touching them. Kind of silly, I know, but just go with it. It’s a cute story. This power has only worked on helping others, as she herself is fairly unlucky in love. Kate’s never felt a spark toward a man for herself until Slade Montgomery strolls into her office – a lawyer intent proving that she is nothing more than a scam artist. He even threatens her with a lawsuit. The only way out? Prove to him that her company is legitimate. Find him love and she wins; he’ll even become her biggest advocate.

“What do we have to lose?”

“How about my sanity and sense of humor?” she grumbled.

“Funny, I thought you lost those a while ago.”

I liked Kate. She was sweet, caring, and very down to earth. She was also able to verbally spar with Slade without any hesitation and I like that. She wasn’t one of those needy characters that tend to grind on my last nerve. Even when she felt the connection and began to fall for him, she still tried to do her job and find a perfect match for him. Someone that she didn’t believe was her.

“Are you that determined to send me to another woman? Ready to take such a risk? I’ll only take so much, and then I’ll go after what you’re offering. Then we both lose.”

Slade was arrogant, cocky, irresistible, and very cynical. He doesn’t believe in long term love that results in a happily ever after. He can thank his many years as a divorce lawyer for this one! However, the more time he spent around Kate, the more we were able to see past the stone wall that he had built around himself. There were times when I absolutely loved Slade, and then there were times where I would have liked nothing more than to reach into my kindle and smack the living crap out of him.

I didn’t much care for the prologue, as I found that it was a bit slow and didn’t really bring much to the story itself. Overall I would rate this book with 4 stars. It was an enjoyable story, and I’m looking forward to reading the second book in this new series!

<b>**</b>An ARC was kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.<b>**</b>
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