Confessions of a D-List Supervillain
ByJim Bernheimer
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yael wagner
Love, love, love this book! Not your typical story line, creative and fresh. I couldn't put it down and I couldn't wait to buy and read more titles from the author. So far I have enjoyed every single book. It has been a long time since I have liked any new authors, I highly recommend Jim Bernheimer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mr. Bernheimer is definitely my new favorite author. This is a great story that never stops moving. It has a relatable protagonist, great character development, and tons of fun. Mr. Bernheimer is a very skilled wordsmith and the book is edited very well. This book is just good old-fashioned fun and I can't recommend it strongly enough.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The author does not spend horrendous amounts of time on details regarding the powers and technology. Its actually rather nice to get into the story and not be washed away in the details. Instead, the reader follows Cal on his journey of survival and a little insight into the gray the world of the "good" guys.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ava taylor
An entertaining and fun read from someone who was obviously not as enamored as most by Robert Downy Jr's portrayal of a different (but similar) rich man in an armoured suit. The hero in Iron Man but not that here. Nor is this just a bland pastiche of familiar tropes but a different (villainous) take on things told with some humour.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a fun romp through the adventures and misadventures of MechaniCal - the counterpoint for everybody who ever thought Iron Man was kind of a prick.
There are a lot of gripes about the book (and it is book length) being written in first-person. I think those people are missing the point of the immersive perspective, and frequently humorous, it brings knowing how the outsider looking in sees things
Loved it - hope there is a sequel.
There are a lot of gripes about the book (and it is book length) being written in first-person. I think those people are missing the point of the immersive perspective, and frequently humorous, it brings knowing how the outsider looking in sees things
Loved it - hope there is a sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Not great literature, but an excellent fun read. I read it in one sitting. The plot is predictable, but the climax and how it played out still surprised me (which is good!). I'm not generally a fan of the whole superhero genre, if you are such a fan, you'll like it even better. Similar in some ways to Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat books. If you liked those, you'll like these, and vice versa.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cameron mackinnon
Never knew this author before and bought the book on a whim.
10 rereads later, I still can't get enough of the world and the wonderful, pleasant and very realistic main character.
Dear author: sequel? Pretty please?
Never knew this author before and bought the book on a whim.
10 rereads later, I still can't get enough of the world and the wonderful, pleasant and very realistic main character.
Dear author: sequel? Pretty please?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lora schilder
These are really funny stories that can still be serious at times. They're well written and clever, and is from the perspective of a regular guy (albeit a very smart guy) who was pushed/put in a lousy situation and made the best of it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate hagerman
A fun read from start to finish. Not blessed with any special powers, Calvin Stringel is a superhero everyone can root for. He uses his brains and guile to battle the good guys, the bad guys and everything in between. He approaches the challenges of being a superhero exactly like we all would, imperfectly but with the best of intentions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nikki culpepper
Typical archetypes with a superhero novel - don't expect anything groundbreaking. But the protagonist, world and story are entertaining and engaging.
I'm not going to claim this is amazing but I enjoyed it enough to read through it in one day.
I'm not going to claim this is amazing but I enjoyed it enough to read through it in one day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jacqueline wells
Very fun read. First person story telling done well. The words disappear and you are in the story rooting for"Villain". Highly recommended. I hope I am not gushing but to put my review in context, I have suffered through some bad ones lately. So a well told well edited story where the good guy wins and the bad guy loses is exactly what i needed. Thank you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This novel by Jim Bernheimer has the ingredients I love in a novel. Irreverence, intelligence, humor and even some romance. All in perfect balance and its unpredictable! Loved it! Can't wait to read more. Thanks, Mr. Bernheimer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Superheroes are tired and super villains are just more fun sometimes. I cranked through this short story in a couple of hours and had a blast doing so. It's a quick read about the every day villain and the trials and tribulations that go along with it. Lots of action and some very interesting ideas keep the pages turning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer whitcher
The story in "Horror, Humor, And Heroes" ($0.99) is only part of this kindle book ($2.99). This book includes what happens next. Those looking whether to save a couple of bucks and buy the short stories to get this will be losing out on the other half. But if you want to see if you like the writer's writing, that might be a good route to take.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juan carlos
Good action. Believable characters. Interesting names and a well constructed world, though it's in the middle of a doomsday scenario and the protagonist, a D-list supervillain, is about the only one who can save civilization. His mechaniCAL super-suit makes him immune to bug-based organic mind control, and it's starting to stink because he hasn't taken it off in weeks...
Only flaw? Too short. I wanted a couple more sentences of emotional reflection or setting description here and there. This isn't huge, and my imagination came through for me on the re-read. The pacing is great, but I still loved the story enough to wonder about certain, omitted details. Not going to nitpick here, because I recommend you buy this book.
"Confessions of a D-list Supervillain" is a keeper, and I'll be checking what else this author has done.
Only flaw? Too short. I wanted a couple more sentences of emotional reflection or setting description here and there. This isn't huge, and my imagination came through for me on the re-read. The pacing is great, but I still loved the story enough to wonder about certain, omitted details. Not going to nitpick here, because I recommend you buy this book.
"Confessions of a D-list Supervillain" is a keeper, and I'll be checking what else this author has done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A terrific read featuring one of the best, most likable anti-heroes since Ash. For anyone who likes a good underdog story featuring a likeable @$$hole, you should give any of the books in this series a chance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the main character, sorta what happened to the greasy kid in high school with a petulant look on his face all the time scenario. Loved how it played out, loved the almost karma-like way things turned out. One of my favorite finds this year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mikah young zeller
I first read this in Horror, Humor, and Heroes and there it was a good little short story. Now that it's on its own, it has grown up nicely. The main character was a "villain" and was developed very nicely and very believable. I really like how the first ending was changed to show the aftermath and the recovery.
It begins with the main character Cal in a fight with the "Olympians" (a group of college kids who were bestowed powers from the gods of Olympus) while this might be a normal villain vs. heroes battle we quickly find out that it's not. Since The Evil Overlord was hiring geneticists last year and now there are grasshopper sized bugs attached to everyone we quickly find out that Mechani-CAL (Cal's name) is probably one of the few people who is still "awake." After "rescuing" Aphrodite it continues on as it did in Horror, Humor, and Heroes.
The changes happen in the aftermath when Aphrodite gets memory-wiped, she doesn't immediately get her memories back and we get to see how Mechani-CAL deals with the trials and tribulations of "playing nice" with the good guys all the while dealing with real world issues of financing his suit legally, a megalomaniac out to get him, and the "fun" of having a memory-wiped superhero girlfriend.
It's a great read that interjects a little real world issues into the superhero genre.
It begins with the main character Cal in a fight with the "Olympians" (a group of college kids who were bestowed powers from the gods of Olympus) while this might be a normal villain vs. heroes battle we quickly find out that it's not. Since The Evil Overlord was hiring geneticists last year and now there are grasshopper sized bugs attached to everyone we quickly find out that Mechani-CAL (Cal's name) is probably one of the few people who is still "awake." After "rescuing" Aphrodite it continues on as it did in Horror, Humor, and Heroes.
The changes happen in the aftermath when Aphrodite gets memory-wiped, she doesn't immediately get her memories back and we get to see how Mechani-CAL deals with the trials and tribulations of "playing nice" with the good guys all the while dealing with real world issues of financing his suit legally, a megalomaniac out to get him, and the "fun" of having a memory-wiped superhero girlfriend.
It's a great read that interjects a little real world issues into the superhero genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For me this was a little different from those typical hero vs villain stories... It was one of those rare page turners that kept you hooked, making it nearly impossible to put the book down. I really look forward to reading more from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelsey bertels
I read the prequel "Origins of a D-List Supervillain" first. This made some of the back story review in this book some what redundant. However, it helped make the main character even more believable. By the time I was through the first third I was had to decide to whether to finish or try to get a few hours of sleep before the new day began. I was glad to finish the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ryan neely
I love the toned down life of a superhero/villian. They are more like cops and robbers that do what they do because its their job, but with powerful abilities. I would have liked it a bit tighter with narrower focus on the plot, but I guess thats real life. Life isnt just a oversimplified conflict with clear goals and focus, so I guess this does make the characters seem more real. Reminds me of I, Zombie that you can find here on the store.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a very entertaining book. I really enjoyed reading it. Cal's a great, misunderstood villain who really steps up when called. This reminded me a lot of Soon I Will Be Invincible: A Novel, another great book told from the villain's point of view. Good stuff.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erik erickson
One of my favorite books. Takes the timely subject of superheroes in a different direction, leaning on a very well-written main character. I highly recommend to anyone who likes graphic novels, movies and books about superheroes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed the book. The characters where realistic and well thought out. A lot of modern superhero novels tend to set their heros up as unrealistically good and pure or depressing dark and morose. The author manages to avoid both these extremes with a genuine human being who just happens to run around in a suit of powered armor. The other characters in the book were equally down to earth and genuine making it very easy to be drawn in and empathize with them. The book had more than a few pleasantly surprising twists and turns keeping you wondering what's next. All in all Confessions of a D-List Supervillain was a good read and a book I'll definitely recommend to my friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I stumbled onto this book and saw the reviews. Thought I'd give it a try since the reviews were good and the price was right. I'm so glad I did. This was one of the most entertaining and enjoyable books I've ever read. Couldn't put it down once I started reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After buying and reading Wearing the Cape, the store suggested Confessions Of A D-List Supervillain. I'm so thankful for that suggestion. This book was not only a very fun read, but it was super funny. I can't even count the number of times I laughed out loud while reading this. I would highly recommend this book (like five stars kinda highly).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
olivia bean
The world is screwed. Enter Mechani-Cal, a slightly bitter, cynical, broke, and somewhat pissed off minor villain.
Who better to save the day?
Vivid characters, great humor, a love goddess, pompous heroes, and a planet that needs to be saved. The only thing missing is a sequel.
Who better to save the day?
Vivid characters, great humor, a love goddess, pompous heroes, and a planet that needs to be saved. The only thing missing is a sequel.
Please RateConfessions of a D-List Supervillain
This, along with The Skinwalker Conspiracies, has catapulted Jim to my top 5 authors.