The Beau & the Belle

ByR.S. Grey

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meredith merryliterary
Still reading this book (due to work being in the way), but so far it's off to a great start and I know that there'll be more to come! I highly recommend anything of R.S. Grey's work and this is one of them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
majid tehrani
RS Grey does it again with this beautiful RomCom!!! I’ve always loved a second chance romance and this one tops the cake. It is completely swoon worthy and will leave you wanting more of Lauren and Beau!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This entertaining story goes out to all the women who had an unrequited crush on an older boy when they were in high school. I include myself in that illustrious group.

17-year-old Lauren has a massive crush on Beau, a law student renting out her parents’ pool house. Obviously, she’s too young for him—jail bait and all—but she’s not yet mature enough to navigate her tidal wave of emotions. As if being socially awkward isn’t enough, Lauren is also a late bloomer. Every moment of embarrassment and frustration she experiences is simultaneously funny and cringe worthy. It’s all very reminiscent of a John Hughes film, and I mean that in a good 16 Candles way.

When they meet up again a decade later, the attraction between them is strong and it’s no longer pervy for Beau to pursue Lauren. It’s a little silly that Lauren could hold a grudge against him for so long, but I really enjoyed seeing how their relationship progresses once they are on equal footing.

I love a slow burn romance because it feels more real and builds anticipation. This one is almost too slow for me, though. Is it too much to ask to get a little somethin’ somethin’ by the halfway point? However, I loved them together as a couple, and I liked that they have similar views about family and social status, as well as a shared devotion to their hometown of New Orleans. I especially appreciated how supportive Beau is of Lauren’s dreams.

The Beau and the Belle was a relaxing weekend read, and I’m looking forward to reading even more romantic comedies by R.S. Grey.
Captain (The Morgan Brothers Book 2) :: Being Brooke (Barley Cross Book 1) :: Miss Mechanic :: Lingus :: The Plan: A Standalone Off-Limits Romance
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 stars — This is the first time I have listened to an audiobook where I haven’t read the book before, because I have the attention span of a fruit fly…wait, do fruit flies have low attention spans? Anyways, I was always concerned that I would get easily distracted and miss part of the book, and truthfully that did happen a bit. So prior to this book I’ve only listened to stories I already knew and loved so I could stress less. But in anticipation of meeting Ms. Grey at Book Bonanza, and trying my darnedest to get as many books in as possible before then, I decided to try listening to a new to me book and I COULDN’T have picked a better one. I listened to this one during my morning walks, so I was less likely to be distracted, and I found myself LAUGHING AND LAUGHING out loud so many times, I’m sure if people had been nearby they would have thought me crazy. I think I now understand the value a good narrator can bring to a story…because this story on its own was probably 4.5 stars rounded up. But the narrators made this one a full 5 stars for me. Especially Luci Christian — she made Lauren COME ALIVE. I couldn’t imagine a better narrator for our neurotic heroine.

I remember reading the blurb and cringing at the concept of their age gap in the past. But after reading a few of Ms. Grey’s stories, I decided I wanted to see what she would do. And I’m not sure if it will work for everyone, but I thought she did an excellent job of showing a connection, but not making it creepy. Sure, I suffered terrible bouts of secondhand embarrassment at the hands of teenaged Lauren and her massive crush…but she was just so freaking lovable, I couldn’t help but fall in love with her crazy self.

And that’s the thing that made this book full 5 stars — LAUREN. I have the biggest book girl crush on her imaginable. She was sweet, and sassy, and hilarious, and ridiculously neurotic. I want her to be real. I’m not saying she was perfect, but I just loved her and felt all for all her vulnerable moments. I felt like her teenaged self was authentic and real and relatable. And I loved that she didn’t lose that spark as an adult. She was a very young 27 year old, but it worked for her. I saw myself in her — how you’re an adult, but you don’t really feel that different and you still feel like you don’t know anything.

My only real complaint about the book is that I wish we’d gotten more chapters from Beau. I felt like I didn’t really know him as well, we didn’t get to dive into his head and really understand his hopes and dreams and what attracted him to Lauren. What I saw (heard) I loved. He was sort of closed off at times, but you could feel that underneath he was just reserved and cautious in his love. I just wanted more. Obviously, not enough to lower my star rating, but it was still a desire I had by the end of the book. It felt like this could have been a single POV book and I wouldn’t have lost too much.

I LOVED their interactions with one another though. They were delightful, and charming, and hilarious, and snarky, and just…heart melting at times. I LOVED them together. They were like book couple gold.

I also LOVED both of their mothers. I mean, a lot of the secondary cast was fantastic, but their mothers in particular stole the show. You could feel how much love they each had for their children and vice versa. And they kept it real…they made me laugh at their teasing.

So yeah. I actually ended this one with a few happy tears, and cheeks that ached from grinning. I absolutely LOVE when a book just works for you, you know? This one was tailor made for me, and Lauren is now on my top book girl list. Highly recommend listening to this one if you get the chance, it totally enhanced the experience for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
palatable adonis
Overall Rating: ★★★★★
Performance (Luci): ★★★★★
Performance (Joe): ★★★★★
Storyline: ★★★★★

Narrators: Joe Arden and Luci Christian
Audiobook Length: 8hr 59m
Release Date: 04-25-2018
Type: Unabridged

Narrator Review (Luci):

Luci narrates like a boss.

Let's just say that now so there's no confusion later.

I adore this woman's voice. I will admit that I fall asleep when she reads to me...but what's better than listening to an audiobook twice?! Nothing. Don't tell me you wouldn't fall asleep with the voice of an angel in your ear.

Here's your math lesson for today: Luci = LIFE

Her ability to hone into emotions is just unreal. We follow her character, Lauren, through teenage years and then adulthood and MY GAAAWD I was the shadow to Luci's Peter Pan. I live vicariously through each of her narrations. She's in my hall of fame. She's on my auto-buy list.

My favorite part (yes, there is more) about The Beau and The Belle is when Luci—I mean, Lauren—tries to convince herself that she's "protecting her heart." Gah! Denial is my favorite delusional state in characters and Luci nailed it like a carpenter.

Narrator Review (Joe):

Joe Arden makes me numb. This man can do no wrong. He can read me a bedtime story any. freaking. time. I’m picking up what Joe’s putting down and I’m rowing down his stream of smooth words to audiobook heaven.

Once you have a listen to The Beau and The Belle, you won’t ever go back to—gasp!—actually reading. Pretty soon, I won’t have to SPEAK to anyone because Joe will do that for me, too.

Joe Arden is flawless. He’s immaculate. He’s adaptable (I almost wrote “edible” there LOL). His ability to add a current of passion to a text is why I keep coming back to him. I'm tethered to this man's voice. Listening to Joe is, without a doubt, my favorite hobby. My fitness tracker doesn’t seem to know what the heck “Listening to Joe” is, but someday technology will get on board.

Book Review:

Lauren LeBlanc was in love with Beau Fortier at first sight. Beau had all those classic, sexy features and broad shoulders—and was wa-a-ay too old for her.

Well, there goes our sweet Lauren's crushed teenage dreams.

What can you expect when you fall in love with a twenty-four-year-old law student who is renting an apartment from your parents?

I glance back over his suit. The fitted pants stretch over his muscular thighs as he walks. Don’t look there, you idiot! I turn back to the path that leads from the house toward the apartment. “For your job?”
“Law school.”
So he is a lot older.
“I’m a junior,” I say, as if to emphasize that I’m on my way out of high school.

Had Lauren even hit puberty yet? I mean, Lauren was classically cute but completely off limits. She learned the hard way that teenage love cannot conquer all.

But times have changed, my friends. Lace up your big girl panties, Lauren, because fate has a way of making dreams become a reality for those who wait!

Ten years later, Lauren and Beau are both in New Orleans. She is a young woman, and Beau sees her in an entirely new light. ? Lauren sees Beau in a whole new light as well, but this time without the tingles of love in her stomach...

Gag! Okay, this is not how we imagine rekindled love. We want sparks to fly. Instead, we get...nothing.

Years before, Beau told Lauren to guard her heart. She took Beau's advice...and then some. She not only guards her freaking heart, but she also wears a bullet-proof vest. Heck, girlfriend's got a chastity belt on for all we know!

Now that Lauren has this second chance to get Beau to notice her, she intends to take advantage of it. But this time, she resolves that she will not be the one with a broken heart. Can Beau get through her defenses? *eyebrow waggle*

Err merr gurrd this is my favorite R.S. Grey book to date and believe me when I say I'm binge reading them all. We are set in the Garden District of New Orleans (one of my favorite backdrops for romance) and R.S. Grey’s standalone novel explores the awkward teenage years and the difference a decade can make when it comes to affairs of the heart.

First of all, bring me this man because he needs a lesson in how to talk to young women. When I think of his character, I love him, then I hate him. He is missing an eau de R.S. Grey that's present in all her epically swoony gentlemen, but for this book it worked. He is a "meh" book boyfriend.

Lauren on the other hand is my absolute favorite heroine this year. She MADE this novel.

Perhaps Beau is still epically hot, but Lauren just out-hotted him. Either way, the combination of these two is liquid magic. I practically broke my wrist fanning my face. If I could summarize this book in three lines, I'd say:

1. The tension is off. the. charts.
2. Lauren is my favorite heroine of 2018
3. R.S. Grey is undeniably fantastic

*FTC Disclaimer: I received a review copy of The Beau and The Belle from AudiOMG! in exchange for an honest review. I have in no way been influenced by the author, narrators and/or publisher’s generosity.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
eli denoma
To dragged out. Very boring.
Lets build some strong likable characters.
And better endings.
I think this author has the potential to write. If only her characters wasn't so annoying.
It is hard to enjoy a book, and stick it out from beginning to end, when the character annoy you so much is really pisses you off.
It is hard to enjoy a book when it completely drags , it makes it to boring and I just kept swiping hoping it would pick up.
Then when an ending sucks it ruins the whole thing.
Build better characters, stop making them so darn annoying. Not just this book, --Anything You Can Do -- was the same.
Work on character development, growth, Chill out with the back in fourth, Make them likable, mature and lovable!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
olivia trevino
A feel good romance, The Beau & The Belle was exactly what I was craving to start this year off. R.S. Grey is THE BEST at such a story line. Inviting without being forceful, she coerces the best kind of laughter that bubbles from deep within right out for the world to hear—snorts included. I loved that the book was broken up in two parts—the past and the present. It gave tangible proof to what the characters were feeling the moment they reunite ten years later and their feelings? Well, they somehow became my feelings too.

The characters, both the primary protagonists and the secondary roles were extraordinary. I enjoyed every morsel of what they added into the mix. However, I have to give most of this love to Lauren LeBlanc. You guys, she is ALL OF US! At one point in our lives, whether it be our “no longer a girl, not yet a woman”, insecure, hormone filled seventeen year old selves’ or the more polished, career oriented, more secure selves’ now. SHE IS US! Every. Single. One. Of. Us. And OMG, OMG how I ADORED her. Like, totally, majorly adored her. Born with a surname that is respected and adored in New Orleans, Lauren attended a prestigious all girls’ school and of course participated in long standing traditions like a cotillion. Even though she comes from “old money,” she is still your loveable, awkward, and funny as hell girl. Something that she really never out grows. Beau Fortier however, is the “who” she never quite out grew as well.

With something to prove, Beau is determined, smart and polished. But behind all of that, he’s as warm and as sweet, and utterly delicious as what I’d imagine beignets from Café du Monde would be. You see, Beau’s family were once part of the prestige of New Orleans too but with a reckless great-great (not sure how many greats) grandfather, their branch fell off that money tree. What he sets out to do is to make the Fortier name mean something again and getting tangled up with his landlords’ seventeen year old daughter wouldn’t make the best sense. So while an inexplicable connection is there, Beau pushes Lauren’s advances away. In turn breaking her heart. A heart that has been trained with ten years’ worth of pep talks to harden around Beau. But hey, as Selena Gomez said—the heart wants what it wants. And Lauren LeBlanc’s heart only truly beats when it comes to Beau Fortier.

The Beau & The Belle needs to be picked up by Hollywood because ya’ll…. This was pure entertainment. 100% gold with clusters of diamonds all around it. With its delightful characters and their witty banter, you will find yourself much like I did—holding on to your bellies, howling with laughter. I’m addicted to R.S. Grey’s writing. She is sugar that I can’t ever quit. Sorry Keto, sorry no sugar diets—we will never be. I wholeheartedly and thoroughly enjoyed every moment with Lauren and Beau and with Ms. Grey’s writing. This will leave you with a softened heart and an even bigger smile when it is all said and done. Another five star read to add to my list which most definitely has my bookshelf-worthy stamp of approval.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jonathan slate
Beau Fortier is studying law in New Orleans. He’s in his mid-twenties, has a ton of ambition and is determined to make something of himself for he and his mom. Years ago, his family had money, but then fell on hard times. Once you lose money, the old guard in New Orleans can close ranks quickly. He’s renting some living space on the grounds of the LeBlanc family, one of the oldest families in New Orleans.

I have a singular goal: to restore the Fortier name to what it once was.

The LeBlanc’s have a daughter, Lauren, who is the apple of their eye. She’s a junior in high school and she’s gorgeous, smart and currently obsessed with Preston Wescott. He’s the heartthrob at her school. He’s a player and Lauren wouldn’t mind playing with him.

But once Lauren lays eyes on Beau she has a hard time thinking about anything else. For Beau, she’s forbidden fruit. She’s 17, he’s a grown man. He might feel an attraction for her and he comes to value their friendship, but he’s not going there.

A natural disaster comes between them and their lives follow separate paths. Lauren doesn’t hear from Beau for ten years. She goes to college, moves to New York, dates a few guys and decides to return to New Orleans.

Beau is no longer the struggling student. He’s 35, is the cofounder and CEO of Crescent Capital, a New Orleans based investment company. He’s wealthy and the darling of New Orleans. He’s aware Lauren is back in town. It’s game on!

My parents are throwing a 12th night party that happens to coincide with my being back in New Orleans.

Beau knows Lauren won’t exactly welcome seeing him with open arms.

The rules have changed. Back then, her beauty was irrelevant, like a delicate work of art tucked safely behind museum glass. The thought never entered my mind to cross the velvet rope-she was too young, I was too old…
Lauren sees the ghost of her past when she looks at Beau. She knows she was young and he was a man, but that didn’t lessen the hurt any.

But when it comes to him…I’m still the same emotional teenage girl I always was.

Like every RS Grey book the Beau & The Belle is funny and flows so quickly that you can’t stop yourself from reading it in one sitting. The characters are intelligent and snarky and loveable. Ms.Grey has another hit on her hands!

“Did you think about me in the decade we were apart?”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Reviewing on behalf of Relentless Book Chics Ramblings and Reviews

An angst filled romance that will warm your heart.

I’m a huge fan of this author and her stories are always heart warming so I was looking forward to this story as the blurb was intriguing. The book is split into two parts, the past and the present so we get to experience Lauren’s teenage crush and her attraction to Beau as a woman.
Lauren Leblanc is from a privileged family and is a typical teenager filled with hormones and angst. She’s interested in boys and likes one of the popular boys amongst her peers but those feelings pale in comparison to how she feels about her parent’s new tenant, Beau.

Beau Fortier comes from a rich background but due to some bad decisions by his grandfather, their family lost their fortune, including the family home and he’s determined to make his family’s name mean something again in New Orleans. He’s a law student and in need of somewhere to live so when he finds out the family who live across the road from his family home are looking for a tenant, he moves in.
While he recognises their teenage daughter is attractive, she’s underage so when she makes it clear she’s attracted to him he brushes off her advances. Lauren is left feeling rejected and when a tragedy happens in New Orleans; their lives go in separate directions.

Ten years pass and Lauren returns to New Orleans from New York where she plans to open her own business. She’s reunited with Beau and although she’s attracted to him, her inner teenager remember the pain of his rejection so she vows to heed his advice and guard her heart by rejecting him. Beau is now a successful and confident man and isn’t afraid to go after what he wants so with his sights set on Lauren, will her willpower be enough to resist the man who’s been in her heart for over a decade?

I really enjoyed this story and it brought up so many memories of unrequited love from my own teenage years that I hope never find their way into a book. Lauren and Beau were both really likeable characters and the journey they took together and apart was heart warming, I’d definitely recommend this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brennin weiswerda
AHHHHHHHH!!!!! I have a permanent smile on my face and there’s nothing anyone can do to take it away. Well, unless your grabby hands takes the last slice of pizza, then you’re in for it. No, you know what? Not even THAT can take this gigantic smile off my face, you want to know why? Because I just finished reading the most AH-MAZING RomCom’s ever! Yeah, you heard that right, I said EVER! Though it’s not surprising given that RS is the QUEEN of RomCom!!!!

I’m floating, I’m so giddy that all I want to do is go back and reread this and relive EVERYTHING I loved about this book! Honestly, there is not one thing I didn’t love. The prologue hooked me right from the beginning and I knew without a doubt I was in for that laugh-out-loud, swoony, I-desperately-want-the-Hero-to-be-real ride RS is well known to take her readers on. And the imagery, my gosh it was as if I was right smack in the heart of New Orleans. I was walking through the French Quarter and I could smell that deliciously fried beignet coated in powdered sugar just waiting for me to sink my teeth in it. And not only that, Rachel had me craving King Cake so bad and all I want to do is book a flight to New Orleans and experience everything this book made me feel, but see it and do it all in person.

The Beau & The Belle, what a great title, right? So good! Ok, so I'm sure most, if not some have experienced unrequited love. Well, Lauren LeBlanc is in this predicament. She finds herself with a crush on the college student who is renting her parents' apartment. She knows nothing can ever happen between them, with her being young and still a junior in high school, but there's nothing wrong with looking, right? Lauren was such a down to earth character. I loved how relatable she was. She was such a breath of fresh air. She encompassed many qualities I like in a heroine. I just loved her!

Beau. Beau Fortier. BEAU FREAKING FORTIER. I love, love, love, love, love BEAU FORTIER! I just want to keep saying his name in a French accent. Mon dieu, Beau was such a charismatic, charming, heavy on the swoon, intelligent, suave and hardworking man. My gosh I had so much heart eyes for him. He was everything a Hero should be. I want to click my imaginary ruby red shoes and wish for my very own Beau Fortier.

The Beau & The Belle had me smiling-so-much-I-couldnt-feel-my-face. It was filled with enough humor it's sure to leave you with tears in your eyes from laughing so much. It has you wishing Beau was an actual real person. Same goes for Lauren, I'd love to be her best friend. And it will most definitely make you want to take a vacation to New Orleans.

Rachel, what can I say? You've done it again, and it's not one bit surprising, I didn't want this book to end. I was chanting "just one more chapter" over and over. Your ability to capture the essence of the cities you write about is simply incredible. I want to live inside the pages you write. I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve. But one thing I know for sure, no matter what it is, I'm going to love it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan hanford
"How can he still keep up with our surroundings? For me, there's only him."

R.S. Grey is at the top of her game with this witty novel that is riddled with intelligent humor, and characters with sexy snark. Hands down this is her best novel yet, and, honestly, it's the best book I've read this year. The writing is phenomenal, and the storyline is comically heartwarming.

Meeting Beau when she was only 17, Lauren falls head over private school skirt the second she lays eyes on the 24-year-old law student. That feeling only intensifies as the months drift by, but her youth comes with naivety and is inevitably broken by the gorgeous specimen with gunmetal blue eyes. Fast forward ten years and the tables have turned. Lauren is no longer the inexperienced teenager begging for Beau's attention. She's grown-up, a woman, and a business owner, dang it, but her heart still holds a small spark for Beau, and he can feel it. And this time he's going to stop at nothing until she's his.

Lauren, though lacking experience, was bold as a teenager. Now, as an adult, she's feisty with a sophisticated, sarcastic humor. Her inner monologue left tears running down my cheeks from laughter, and her heart held fierce passion that had me rooting for her success. Beau's life was a true rags-to-riches story; he started from the bottom, worked his butt off, and built an empire. What I love the most about him, was that he didn't do it to better himself; everything was for his mom, to give her the life she deserved. Excuse me while I swoon. And that's just the beginning with him, his mind, his steadfast heart, and determination to do right by Lauren left me weak in the knees. He was truly a southern gentleman. However, he did turn up the charm when Lauren was around.

The two together ignited a blazing inferno. Their slow-burn simmered for ten long years, and finally, after being in the same city after a decade that slow simmer sparked into a raging fire. Their sexually charged banter, moves, and countermoves, and Lauren's hesitation to jump into anything only added sugar to the fire. The angst, the intensity, and Lauren's comic relief showcase R.S. Grey's talent as a writer. Also, I adore how she immersed the reader in the charm and history of the city of New Orleans. She painted the picture perfectly; I felt as if I was there walking along the city streets, eating the yummy king cake, and celebrating as the characters partied all through carnival season.

I, seriously, cannot say enough good things about this novel. But all you really need to know is that The Beau & The Belle reigns supreme over all her books, and it's a definite must-read for 2018!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ahmad hachem
Beauregard Fortier moves into the LeBlanc guest house while he is finishing up law school at Tulane. He is focused on his future and has very little time for noticing Lauren LeBlanc... and the major teenage crush she is harboring for him.

Lauren LeBlanc is your typical 17 year old, floundering with her self-confidence and teeming with teenage hormones. She knows Beau is too old for her, and too good of a person to even think of her that way...

When the hesitant friendship they were forming is unraveled by distance and time, the two grow into strong and successful people... separately.

When they meet again, ten years later... we find Beau and Lauren are both back in New Orleans... to stay. Suddenly their age difference isn't so substantial anymore. But, if Beau thinks Lauren is going to come running with open arms after he obliterated her teenage heart... well, she might be persuaded... with lots and lots of king cake...


This book was such an outstanding read! The author brings the city of New Orleans to life on the pages of this incredible book about a second chance at love in the wake of rebuilding a city, and in growing up and becoming who you are meant to be.

I adored Lauren. She was funny, lacking a filter, and a little awkward. She openly admits to her faults, and her cringe worthy teenage moments, but approaches life with a humor that you simply love her for.

Beau was perfection. He was just the right mix of edgy and sweet, coupled with his drive to succeed and to be an upstanding man, above all else.

This slow burn romance was sexy and fun, I enjoyed it immensely and was so sad when it ended. I could read many more books in this setting, R.S. Grey not only captured a city unlike any other, but she painted the characters within it so well, I hate to see them go.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily shay
Ahhhh, sigh. Now that was a great read. Rachel has this beautiful and eloquent way of creating such wonderful worlds for her characters. This one is truly one of my favorites. Beau and Lauren have love in spades and their story was beyond captivating. Definitely another 5 Star read from the amazingly talented, RS Grey.

You know what I loved about Beau? He is exactly the type of man that I would be attracted to in real life, his personality is the total opposite of mine (and Lauren’s for that matter) and he would fit with me like a crazy puzzle piece. He’s serious and stern, often coming across as distant but really he’s burning with all the things he wants to do and say. He’s the strong quiet type, handsome and unforgettable and he’s basically my dream man. Back off ladies, this one is mine!

I have zero doubts that Lauren and I would be best friends, we are essentially the same person. She’s a hot mess, crazy and impulsive and filled with a thousand quirky thoughts at any given moment. Her awkwardness is contagious and people find her hilarious because she’s so real. I love every single thing about this character. Lauren had me laughing throughout the entire book and it was so refreshing to be inside a head that was as nuts as my own.

I am completely smitten over this story. It made me laugh and got me a bit choked up, it definitely had me falling even more in love with New Orleans, and truly it just made me happy. How crazy, right? This adorable story filled me with real joy, made me wish that I could visit these characters and drink coffee at NOLA. Thanks a lot Rachel, I’m now busy checking out airfare and planning my next trip to Louisiana. Anyway, this story is everything you could ever want in a romantic comedy, don’t hesitate for a single second before you one-click your own copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david lowe
Grey returns to the romantic comedy genre with a deliciously fun, cute and sexy read. I was in stitches holding my side half the time and smiling like a loon the other.

The Beau and the Belle introduces us to Beau Fortier and Lauren LeBlanc. Ten years ago, Beau was a driven law student looking to finish school and a place to rent while Laruen was a junior in high school trying to figure out about boys and flirting. Beau was nothing like the guys her age. He was intriguing, mature, HOT! She wished he’d see her as more than a girl but he needed to focus on school, make something of himself and try his hardest to ignore his attraction to the underage beauty.

Time moves on, life happens and people grow up. He’s achieved the success he was after, she’s a confident business owner and there’s nothing holding them back.

I just love jumping into R.S. Grey books, they’re so much fun to read as I laugh and swoon over the characters antics. Both young and older version Lauren was a charming heroine. She’s a tad innocent and a lot sweet and funny while Beau was pretty much perfect. A loving son, respectful of the fact that Lauren was too young when they first met, and a determined man on a mission when they were older. They were pretty much perfect for each other with delicious chemistry, an engaging back and forth and a romance that had me glued to me eReader from start to finish.

Grey wonderfully fashions this sweet, sexy and lighthearted romance with the beauty and vibrancy of New Orleans as its backdrop. I must say I enjoyed reading the descriptions about its round-the-clock nightlife during Mardi Gras festive spirit almost as much as I enjoyed Lauren and Beau’s delicious romance.

The Beau and the Belle is standalone contemporary romance by R.S. Grey. Told from both points of view with a happy ending. A must read for any romantic comedy lover.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely adored this book- I loved the banter between the characters, I loved the back story, and I loved where the book was set- my favorite and only Crescent City! I will also say that I have never highlighted passages in a book as much as I did this one! The attention to detail of the city and area were also a pleasant surprise and you can really tell that the author did her homework on getting it right. From the all girls school to the neighborhood names and debutante balls- this book was a straight home run!
I loved Lauren and Beau's story and I loved how the stage was set from the very beginning. It's a hard to be raised in the South and especially hard if you fall from grace- trust me you will never live that down. But when Lauren and Beau first meet, the circumstances aren't right and a storm separates them for a long time. When Lauren decides to move back home - because trust me you always end up back home at some point!- she never expects to see or even feel anything for Beau. Little does she know that he has just been waiting and working towards being everything she could possibly want. Because now the circumstances are right, and he isn't letting her go this time.
This book was funny and a true Rom-Com! "My blonde curls are cooperating for once in my life, so I take a second and shoot a quick thank you up to the savior, Paul Mitchell, that is." I mean, if you live down South, you know ALLLLL about good hair days (and how rare they are thanks to the wonderful humidity!). It was these sorts of sayings scattered throughout the book that not only made the story fun, but also showed that the author really understood the setting.
I give this book 5 stars because it was such a good book! It wasn't overly sexual and it didn't have to be. It was a good book on its own. It has great writing, I loved each and all of the characters and I felt like I was back home reading a story about one of my high school friends. I feel like when you have a connection with a book, you just do, and this book was definitely one of my favorites of 2015 so far! I would definitely recommend it and cannot wait to read others by R.S. Grey!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, that was so good!
I hate it when I say in a review that this is the best book I have read from this author because it changes every time I read the next release! But this is the best book I have read from RS Grey to date.

Lauren starts out being a sweet and innocent teen of 17 years old having a huge crush on Beau. He is 8 years her senior, so he knows nothing can come about between them. Doesn't stop him from not only finding her attractive but a beautiful person on all counts. Except.... she might be a little sensitive and earnest - which comes across as endearing. The bond of the friendship that is forming is strong and only a hurricane can divide them.

Fast forward 10 years and Lauren is back in New Orleans. She is older and wiser but still holds that bewitching quality that captivated Beau all those years ago, and she is still impetuous. Her younger self may have jumped into Beau's arms straight away, but she is not going to waltz into something without a clear head. Which makes for a dreamy and funny slow burn.

This novel is told in dual POV but Beau is not much of a talker. He is an action man, and OMGosh when he does say things to Lauren..... swoon...... he had me transfixed as much as she was. His confession about how long he had feelings for her was delectable. Lauren is hilarious. So many funny lines between her and Beau but my favourite might be the phone messages, or the liquor / lick her line, that cracked me up too. I was engrossed with the whole book and was saddened when it was finished. Especially with no epilogue, I love an epilogue. My only hope is that maybe the bestie, Rose, is getting her own book and we will hear more about Beau and Lauren because they are a couple I just adored.

*I am extremely grateful for the copy provided by the author for my honest opinion.

** Reviewed by Monique for JoandIsaLoveBooksBlog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tina bykowicz
The Beau & the Belle was a perfectly paced novel with a slow burning romance that charmed from the start. Its characters were enticing and realistic, two people brought up on differing sides of the New Orleans society and driven to find their piece of it by their own right. And while Grey excels at Rom-Coms, this one being no different, she also nailed the teenage persona of the heroine and the historical context of the era with stunning accuracy, all of which carried the evocative nature of their lives and their relationship with ease.

With a seamless blending of humor and wit, it was altogether too easy to find myself laughing or smiling while reading. There wasn’t any heavy angst, instead just a true connection that rooted deeply and managed to grow even while they spent years apart with nothing to water it but reminiscent thoughts of an inopportune age difference. Both past and present parts of the book gave insight into Lauren and Beau as individuals as well as the direction they were each headed, but still managed to find ways to circle it back to what’s invisibly tying them together. That connection of theirs became its own beating pulse, increasing in strength as each page unfolded until it gloriously imploded with desire and affection. Watching their love story unfold was a pure delight

It isn’t often that an author can authentically and organically capture humor and complement it with the right style of romance that’s steamy and poignant, but it’s something Grey can always be relied on to carry out. Not only was The Beau & the Belle entertaining, but it was substantive and filled with the depth of the lively city and the complex characters within. In what I label as a one-sitting read, this love story is one not to be missed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alyssa heinze
Another fantastic story from R.S. Grey!! I'm always astounded when I find authors that write consistent 5-star reads. I don't give 5 stars unless the story REALLY deserves a perfect rating... and again, R.S. Grey has written a book that deserves nothing less than the very highest rating from me.

I went into The Beau & the Belle completely blind. Let's face it, when you find a favorite author, you know you're going to enjoy the story, regardless of the subject matter. Amirite?! Whenever possible, I like to go into a read knowing as little as possible. I'm confident enough with R.S. Grey's writing to do just that. Completely blind paid off too, since I had no idea what I was in for with these amazing characters.

Second chance romance is one of my very favorite tropes. This one was done so well too. I've actually thought about this type of story before... the older man with the younger girl, holding back merely because of her age and immaturity... only to run into each other again at a later time in their lives when it's more appropriate and "right" to see if there's a relationship there. It's similar to a brother's best friend type of story. Forbidden to a certain extent, but only until the time is right. I loved the slow burn and torturous wait to see what would happen between Beau and Lauren.

I can't adequately convey my love of R.S. Grey and her amazing books. From lovable and relatable characters to entertaining and unique story lines, R.S. Grey's stories are some of my absolute favorites. If you're a romance reader, this is definitely an author to add to your auto-buy list!

(Thank you to R.S. Grey and InkSlinger PR for the free copy in exchange for my honest review.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abdul manan
Beau, Beau, Beau! All the heart eyes for Beau!

Beau is a college student trying to get through law school. Lauren is a 17-year-old high school student. There isn’t much Beau can do but stay away.

This book is set in the past 10 years ago and the present. It begins showing how their friendship was formed. The present show how that bond has changed and not changed in the last 10 years they were apart. It is told in dual POV so you get to see the struggle these two went through to do right by each other.

Beaus is the most loving and caring hero ever. He will stop at nothing to prove to Lauren that they should be together. He doesn’t care who is standing in his way. He never acted on his feelings because of the age difference, and now nothing is holding him back.

I loved Lauren’s character because you got to see her transform from a shy, innocent teenage to a confident business woman. She still has her insecurities when it come to relationships, but she is always upfront and honest about her feelings. I think that is what I loved most about her. She was always willing to put herself out there even if it caused embarrassment or heartache.

Overall this was a great story. R.S. Grey really knows how to get the reader invested into the character’s lives as they go on realistic life journeys. I always know it is going to be a good read when her name is attached to it!

I rated this book 4 stars instead of 5 because of the ending. Nothing bad happened. It just ended. I have many unanswered questions. “What happened with NOLA?” being one of them. An epilogue would have given the ending more closure.

-An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review. –
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
val sprague
This book is divided into two parts—the past and the present. I will be talking about them separately since I have different opinions on them both.
First of all, I shall dissect into the first part which is the past.
This first part of the story felt a bit slow and draggy to me. Sure, I like it but I don't like it as much as I love the second part which we'll get into later. This part is a bit more melancholy since Lauren thought the she was having a one sided crush on both guys—Preston and Beau. I know its sad, isn't it?
Although, I understand where Beau is coming from. Lauren is after all underaged and it will be all sorts of wrong if they actually pursue this relationship.
I don't want to get too much into the first part because the second part is where all the magic happens. In other words, where it all gets interesting. So, here is what I think of the second part—the present.
Remember when Lauren thought that she was having a one sided crush on both Preston and Beau? Well, guess what? 10 years later, both those two gentlemen are pursuing her. Even to the extent of fighting to date her. Men, am I right?
But we all know which of the two has captured Lauren's heart for 10 years and has never left. The progress of their relationship is full of ups and downs—humorous, witty and sometimes stubborn. But after all it's the end of the journey that matters.
As always, I adore the cities of where the main characters live because even though I have never step my foot there, it feels like I have with the way the author has beautifully written! Reading R.S. Grey's is always fun and love circulating through the air and I always look forward to every story that she shares with us, readers next.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I adore R.S Grey’s romantic comedies, the heroines are so awkward, so cute, hilarious and their inner conversations?? Just priceless.

That time, we’re settled in New Orleans, where the warmth and hot weather couldn’t compete with the sexual tension and slow burn romance in here. Let’s get it on…

The author explores young crush love turning into unrequited love. Lauren is seventeen and Beau almost in his mid twenties. Talking about forbidden, right? Lauren was such a breath of fresh air, a bit clumsy, rambling a lot, totally off beat when it came to her friends.

Living her first experiences as a teen, with this recklessness, having all the future ahead of her. Beau was totally helpless about that girl who was unexpected, making him smile a little bit too much for his liking.

One declaration, a hurricane coming and a rejection, here we go, ten years later. Lauren is now back and definitely motivated to give a run for his money, to show him that she was strong now.

Game on… I lost count of how many times I laughed so hard thanks to Lauren’s antics, her epic ramblings. She was a heroine people can relate to, through her aspirations and her very imaginative thoughts. Beau was just as infuriating than charming. He knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to go for it. Lauren didn’t know what was going to hit her.

The chemistry was off the charts, the banter entertaining, witty full of sass and incredibly addictive. The Beau and The Belle put a huge smile on face, feel good story, just what I needed to be in a good mood. A marvelous trip to New Orleans so fun and swoony!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This slow burn second chance romance hit all the right spots for me-- a dash of age difference, a pinch of friends to lovers, and a splash of meddling moms, all wrapped up in a big box of chemistry...and King cake.

Part one (told in a flashback) brought me high school Lauren and sexy law student Beau. High school Lauren spoke to the emo lyric loving, unrequited love feeling, AIM addicted teen in me. I'm not a big fan of flashbacks, BUT those chapters give Beau and Lauren's story a good foundation, and I enjoyed every second of it!

Part two (flash forward 10 years into the present) brought the always sexy and a little more alpha Beau and the now filled out and still a bit awkward Lauren. YOU GUYS!!! I am obsessed with them! RS Grey knows how to write a freaking romantic comedy. I say that every time I write a review for one of her books, but it is so true. I am so obsessed with her writing, I'm afraid there will be a restraining order with my name on it. ?

The chemistry sparks off each page, I couldn't read fast enough. Her description of New Orleans brought back all the sights and smells from my vacation there last summer... btw, when she says Bourbon St. is equal parts thrilling and disgusting I just about died because it's true! The comedy doesn't fall flat and by the end of the story you'll keep swiping your finger wondering why your kindle won't give you more to read! I could read about Beau and Lauren foreverrrrr!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Beau And The Belle

*received an arc in exchange for an honest review**

5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Ready for your new favorite romantic comedy?! The Beau And The Belle is fun, sexy, flirty and a must read. R.S. Grey has outdone herself with this book and you will not want to put it down. The book is told in two parts, the past and the present, and really sets the stage. Beau’s southern charm and handsome good looks will capture Lauren’s young heart and when they meet again 10 years later she will be blown away by that combination again and so will he. If you are looking for your next book this needs to be it!!!

Beau needs a place to stay for his last year of law school and when a place in the city becomes available he checks it out and meets Lauren, his new landlord’s daughter. He knows he needs to watch himself around her.

Lauren can’t believe Beau is the new tenant for her parents. He is older, handsome and there is something about him that she is drawn to. And one night when he helps her out they both begin to feel something for each other but a 7 year age difference will be their biggest obstacle.

Now 10 years later they are both back in New Orleans and this time Beau is ready to fight for her the question is, is Lauren ready to let him back in after all that happened?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yulia nurul ma rifah
At seventeen Lauren is the quirky southern belle who falls in love with the lodger in her parent’s guest house. At 24 Beau is driven and worldly and nothing like the boys at school. As much as he appears to try to keep her at arm’s length, they always seem to find themselves in situations lead to Lauren falling for him more. Annoyingly for her Beau is the perfect gentleman. He’s patient and respectful, and no matter how much she hopes, he won’t step out of the boundaries of friendship.

Ten years later and Lauren is back with her ego semi intact. She’s not the lovesick girl she was back then. She’s a career woman and an honorary New Yorker and won’t be shaken by the likes of still-fine-as-hell, Beau Fortier.

Ambitious Beau has made a success of himself as he had strived to do all those years ago. He has never forgotten sweet Lauren. At seventeen she was off limits, but now she’s back and grown up, Beau won’t hold back in winning her affections.

This latest novel is another string to R.S. Greys’ talented bow (see what I did there?). I can’t seem to get enough of her books lately, and I’m putting it down to their addictive unputdowanableness (it’s a word). THE BEAU & THE BELLE is a hilariously-adorable second chance romance that was a pleasure and a delight to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ana maria
I read this book through kindle unlimited. There were so many romantic moments in this book and I really liked the two main characters and the premise of meeting " the right one" at the totally wrong time when it just isn't possible to be together. I would have given this story five stars but it sorta felt incomplete to me. I felt that it just sorta ended and I couldn't understand the need to throw the red herring out there that the physic gypsy told Lauren she would die young and unmarried. That happened early on in the story so literally the whole time as I read I thought it would be a reverse "Beauty and the Beast " thing where his kiss/ love brings her back to life. So maybe it was just me waiting for something that was never ever in the cards but then why refer to all Lauren's near misses like the plane microburst she survived and all her references that she would "die" ( at least two come to mind). Like I said I really did enjoy this story and I have loved other books by this author but I just felt it ended abruptly and I personally was confused with all the near misses and dieing references when nothing was coming. Maybe others will not agree with my personal assessment that the last chapter is inadequate to wrap up Beau and Lauren's story.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
the tj
This started great, although I felt some of the details dragged on and got a little boring. The second part when they met again as adults in present time just went downhill. She moves back and is interested in dating. She meets the H again, turns him down and from there is just an immature, annoying, shrew to him. He's seems to be a nice genuine guy and wants to date now that they're older, but she won't for whatever vague reason. I didn't really get why she wouldn't. He never did anything mean to her, he only rebuffed her at the time because she was UNDERAGE. She acted like a brat and more immature as a 27 yr old than in the first part as a teen. I just completely disliked her in the second half and would have just walked away if I were him.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david b
Rachel’s books are always a favorite and I couldn’t get my grabby hands on this story fast enough.
When I read Scoring Wilder in 2014, I knew I’d end up a lifelong fan of her storytelling with perfect comedic timing.

This checked so many boxes of my favorite elements in a book.

Loved both characters – no bitchiness or assholeness necessary
Smart dialogue
Witty banter
Clever random internal thoughts
Entertaining secondary characters
Slow burn romance
No horrible pasts/childhood (fine in some books, but not necessary in every book)
I loved we were able to experience teenage as well as 27-year-old Lauren
Descriptive setting – the magical feel and history of New Orleans was captured perfectly

I found myself either wanting to be Lauren, her best friend or even friends with her mother.

You need this sweet, funny romance in your life.
I found myself foolishly smiling at my Kindle.
I highlighted so many funny quotes and will definitely buy the audiobook in the future for a re-read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It downloaded, I read it immediately, I could'nt put it down. In Typical Rachel Grey fashion. I absolutely love her location stories. Much like A Place in the Sun, that had me thinking I was there, only to finish the book, and feel the mortified dissapointment, that in fact I hadnt been there. She paints vivid pictures of the places and events and streets, and trees, you can almost smell it. The story was also beautiful. They are both such lovely, funny characters, that you laugh out loud often. She is so quirky and he is so dry, Its such a beautiful combination. Also what he goes through and what he achieves, you cant help feeling like his mother and being incredibly proud of him. Thank you for another unputdownable book. High 5? No? aaah....fuggedaboutit. :)xx

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer romolini
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of the book.

The Beau & The Belle is my first R.S. Grey and will definitely not be my last! This was everything that I love about romance - it was so well written and well rounded - the perfect mix of emotion, humor, and heat. There is so much trope-y goodness - a 10 year age difference (love me some older man/younger woman action), second chance, and a slow burn - the book was utterly delicious. I fully understood why Lauren fell for Beau; hell, I fell for him too! And R.S. Grey's method of story telling, with both a dual first person POV and flashbacks, was perfection. I also really loved the secondary relationships - between Lauren and her bestie Rose and Beau and his mom. I was truly blown away by the book and now I have to read the rest of her catalogue - and purchase them all in paperback because she has the cutest covers! 5 out of 5 wine glasses.
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