Captain (The Morgan Brothers Book 2)

ByLauren Rowe

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ryan Morgan loves his fair share of women no matter what shape or size. When his soon to be brother in law drops out of their plans Ryan is left at a bar but not for long. His life is about to change in a drastic way when the women of his dreams walks through the door.

Tessa Rodriguez has given up on men and their a** hole-ish ways. Abstaining from physical contact from any man for over 9 months has her best friend dressing her up and taking her out to a bar but Tessa is in for a real treat when the stunningly handsome man at the bar can't keep his eyes off of her.

As their story continues from that night in the bar Lauren Rowe gives us the chance to follow Tessa and Ryan throughout everything they encounter from the night at the bar to the Morgan wedding in Maui. We feel their anger, sadness, passion, happiness and so on. You're made to feel every single emotion these characters feel because you just can't help but invest all your time in them. They have so many ups and down and it's so incredibly unfair to both of them but I wouldn't change a single thing about their story.

Ryan is an amazing character to read about. He's charming and handsome and 100% loyal to those he loves. He sets his eyes on something and doesn't give up. He's funny and caring and will do anything in his power to help anyone out *sighs* he's the perfect man with piercings in all all the right places *wink wink*

Tessa is a beautifully strong woman. After every she's had to go through in the past she's not able to trust anyone easily. She has a wall built up around her heart but she's also emotional at times and it's heartbreaking to witness, she's a nut job but an amazing one at that!

Keane and Zander make an appearance in this beauty and as always made me laugh so hard, their bromance is one of a kind and omg I need friends like them, pronto.

The whole Morgan and Faraday clan were absolutely awesome secondary characters, it was a treat to see them all in it, especially my boy Peenie.

Oh and I should mention, I feel so incredibly happy right now that I'm a Morgan. I'm part of the family hehe.

I'm in absolute awe of this book and so happy to have had the chance to review Captain for this talented woman, the Morgan's will forever be in my heart, I love that family the most, all the live long day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lauren show us again a passionate heart shattering love story, full of fire, passion laugh and excitement.
It is amazing how a book can change so much in you. Your mood, your thoughts, your mind, words and just yourself.
Lauren is an one hell of an author with all the words. She has the power to makes you swoon and laugh with just one word.
This book is totally one of a kind. Lauren show us how powerful words can be by giving us Captain.
When I started to read Captain I was so in love with "The Morgan Mafia".
Ryan Morgan didn't have so much luck in love all his life or at least in what real relationships we can refer . But one night changes everything when he sees walking in the bar to the love of his life.
Tessa Rodriguez doesn't take nothing without thinking too much. Everything for her must be planned, even with love. And when she sees this gorgeous man sitting at the bar? Moving something that she didn't Knew she had,she knows that nothing would be the same.
Life can kick you in the balls, can show you to never take anything for granted specially when you are talking about a " soul connection".
It was amazing how you can't tell this type of connection a "love at first sight" but a chemistry out of charts, a connection out of this universe.
The chemistry between Tessa and Ryan was so unbelievable sexy that it made me feel so much inside and outside.
Losing the chance to look for his sexy flight attendant. Ryan puts his cards on the table, looking for a second chance at love. And all of this was part of the game.
One week in paradise, two connected souls one marvelous result. Ryan will show Tessa there more than just bodies knowing each other but an interconnection process between souls.
I might tell this book had everything, I couldn't stop laughing, feeling full of love, passion, fire and happiness. Lauren gave me everything, I loved the Morgans and Faradays, they were funny a bunch so full of passion and love. I really wanted more of this book, but now I say that i not only wanted more of Captain. I wanted more from Lauren. This books is excellent as a book can be, definitely more than 5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love, love, love Captain ❤️❤️❤️

Ryan Morgan is the PERFECT, swoonworthy book boyfriend. I need this man in my life. What is there not to love about an alpha male that talks dirty, pushes your buttons and has a heart of gold. This man stole my heart and set the bar pretty high for the rest of my book boyfriends.

Okay, okay...I have to admit I have not read the club series. I know we are introduced to the Morgan’s and Faradays in those installments, but trust me when I say this story is so seamless and well crafted, I did not once feel like I was lost in "who is that and how are they related to one another?!?" Needless to say, I'm now on a mission to backtrack and read the entire series so I can relish in everything Morgan/Faraday.

There are so many supporting characters in this story and it's impossible not to love each and every one of them. No one takes away from the love story between Ryan and Tessa, if anything it really enhances the whole experience. Not only did I fall in love with the main characters, I absolutely love their families. I want to be part of this big, crazy family unit that clearly loves one another and has each other’s backs.

Lauren has a fabulous writing style that has you hot and bothered one minute and literally laughing out loud the next. The banter between all of the characters is HILARIOUS. I can only imagine how much Lauren laughs when she is writing about these families. I love a steamy romance that includes characters with sass, wit and a sense of humor. Let me tell you, this entire cast of characters is full of all that and more! The chemistry between Ryan and Tessa is off the charts hot and sexy. It's impossible not to feel the passion between them. I'm fanning myself just thinking about it. This book has all the feels and you want a HEA for these two, but you just DON'T WANT IT TO END. You need more, you want more.

If you read and loved Ball Peen Hammer like I did, you will love the story of Ryan and Tessa, aka T-Rod. Rest assured this romance will capture your heart, as will the entire Morgan/Faraday clan.

Did I mention I loved this book?!?! Just wanted to make sure I was clear on that point.

Aye, aye Captain!
Being Brooke (Barley Cross Book 1) :: Miss Mechanic :: Lingus :: Sacrifice :: The Beau & the Belle
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laurie aho
Sometimes you find a unique set of characters or a book series that you just can't walk away from. They will always stay with you and you even find yourself going back for a visit from time to time.
This is exactly how I would describe the Faraday/Morgan family. They come from the mind of the brilliant best selling author Lauren Rowe.

Everyone is so unique. They are laid back, fiercely protective and will do anything for you. This family has a thousand of hilarious stories. all are one of a kind and that includes Ryan aka Captain. who is without a doubt, my absolute favorite guy ever....SWOON!

Ryan is the one with the master plan. He has everything figured out and is just waiting for the right time to go forward. He's also the one to love with everything he has and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. He's pretty determined and maybe a little stubborn. Everything seems to be falling into place except for one thing. He hasn't been lucky in love. He hasn't found the one he's searching for. that is until he meets the one woman who makes him question if instant love actually exists. His soul and his heart are telling him they do but sometimes we have to down several paths before we end up right where we need to be.

Tessa has wanted to find love for her entire life. Every girl loves fairy tales and always wants her life to end up like that. but life and fairy tales are completely different. fairy tales don't have boyfriends who break their heart and make them lose all trust in men. so with love taking a back seat for a while tessa puts all her focus into work. that is until one night where she does something completely out of the ordinary. and you know they say sometimes its best to take the road less travelled..because you never know where you'll end up. fate and destiny have a tricky way of showing us exactly what needs to happen.

Lauren Rowe knows how to deliver a killer story! They are always far from the ordinary. Each one has something a little different. There are parts where you will laugh out loud, hold your breath, cry your eyes out but the greatest one of all is when everything comes full circle.

I am a die hard Lauren Rowe fan and I look forward to every single book she writes. i can honestly say captain is MY FAVORITE!!!!! it was amazeballs!!!!!
don't pass on this book and prepare your heart for the captain!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lauren has managed to catapult herself to another level with this book, her style of writing is so uniquely different with the Morgan's it's refreshing and I personally love this! Allowing her characters to speak and stay true to themselves.

If you have read Lauren's books before you would been swept up in the world of the Faradays and the Morgan's before. Captain can be read as a standalone with ease, but I guarantee that you will want to meg the rest of the families soon if you haven't already.

Each book sweeps you up into a world you want to be a part of, this book is no different, the pages kept on turning and it was like time stood still as I became fully submerged being back with my old friends.

Ryan Morgan, Captain, has always planned for everything in life and what he wants he gets, except for love he never planned for that and is knocked of his feet with Tessa.

Tessa, has wanted love her whole life, that all encompassing love, but has always fallen for the wrong ones, her heart has been broken, so she decided to concentrate on work and her career until Captain !

When Insta Love and connections becomes Insta hate, but the fickle hand of fate and your soul is pining for its mate won't let it go you can't stop destiny !!

The story Lauren has weaved had the perfect mix of everything you need from laughter to the angst you crave to keep those pages turning and although usually those moments are enough what makes this book push past those limits are the supporting characters.

The extended families, the Morgan's and the Faradays, the camaraderie, love, loyalty and respect you see and feel along with the Witt, banter and huge belly laughs had this book sky rocket for me.

All those hot boys in one book oh Lauren you spoil us and tease us ! Hotness overload !

Keane Morgan will always have my heart, but oh boy Ryan 'Captain' Morgan came so very close to stealing it

5 my kindle was on fire Stars



★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Captain by Lauren Rowe

When I first saw this book being promoted, I immediately requested an arc. I've only read Ball Peen Hammer by Rowe previously and I knew, well, I hoped, I'd be taken on a fun journey again. What I didn't realize that this was the story for Ryan - brother to Keane - from BPH! and I was thrilled to get back to the Morgan family!

Captain Ryan Ulysses Morgan meets the stunning, witty, sexy 'Samantha' at a bar one night and sparks are literally flying across the page at this first encounter. Unfortunately, Ryan's *very* recent (and slightly psychotic) ex gatecrashes the evening and spouts her poison and Samantha leaves believing the man of her dreams is an untrustworthy liar and master manipulator. While she spends the next few months wistfully thinking of Ryan, he wastes no time using his brother in laws' many connections to try and locate her and make her understand what really happened. He's absolutely floored when he spots her in the last place he expects to - Hawaii, at his sisters wedding where demands some answers.

While the characters were overall quite likable and easy to relate to, I really felt like giving them a smack or three throughout! All the secrets and half-assed truths drove me to borderline insanity. But still, I continued and thoroughly enjoyed. What I find I'm loving most about these books is the strong family and friendship connections. There's no bitchy best friend or family issues to add drama and I love that - frankly, the characters manage to create enough drama on their own. It's just good, honest writing. I mentioned Ball Peen Hammer earlier but you can read these as complete standalones and in no particular order. I'm definitely enjoying this authors writing style and would recommend both books. But I still need to go back and read The Club series!

*arc received in exchange for honest review.

**Reviewed by Melinda for Joandisalovebooks Blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
judith zvonkin
"Dude, stop being Forrest Gump about this girl. She's Katniss Everdeening you with her crossbow and you're sitting there with a hard-on talkin bout 'life is like a box of chocolates'. Well you know what I say to that Rum Cake? Run, Rum Cake, Run!"
This is the brilliance that is Lauren Rowe. Oh how I've missed the Faraday brothers, Sarah, Babybro, Cheese, Peen, Kum Shot, and of course Captain Ryan Morgan. As always, each and every single character (complete with nick names) in this book makes you laugh out loud with tears running down your cheeks at the pure hilarity of in their head commentary and conversations amongst each other. There truly isn't a boring part in this book-I only wish these characters were real and the stories were never ending.
Captain Ryan Morgan finds himself sitting by himself at a bar after the break up of his "bunny boiler" girlfriend (a hilarious fatal attraction nod) when the woman of his dreams walks in. Tessa, ready to be on the prowl after a horrible breakup goes under cover for a night of shaninanigans with her best friend as "Samantha the randy flight attendant"-costume and all. Tessa and Ryan have a jarring soul connection-but what seems to be going so amazing, gets interrupted by the bunny boiler. Without exchanging numbers, Ryan goes on a wild goose chase to find who he believes to be Samantha, a flight attendant for delta. Ryan comes to find out Tessa-Theresa-Samantha-whatever-her-name-is is actually Josh Faraday's personal assistant; the same Josh Faraday marrying his PG (partygirl) sister Kat "Kum Shot" Morgan. When Ryan and Tessa are forced together in Maui during the wedding-sparks fly but secrets are still what keep these two from fully committing. This story is an absolutely hot, witty, and swoon worthy Lauren Rowe classic! An absolute MUST read! - Victoria
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy harrison
Captain by Lauren Rowe

Since 2015 when Lauren Rowe first stormed onto the literary scene, I have looked forward to that time of the year when we hear Lauren say 'I am writing'. Because these 3 words mark the countdown to the release of a book that I know will undoubtedly become a favourite for the year as well as becoming a treasured part of my library collection.
Captain is Lauren's brand new STANDALONE novel and I first have to mention the cover...OMG! Favourite cover right there!
Those tattoos give a kickstart to the enquiring mind & allows us a sneak peek into the delicious character that is 'Captain' Ryan Ulysses Morgan.
This latest creation introduces us to 2 emotionally charged characters in Ryan Morgan & Tessa Rodriguez.
Lauren is a master at delivering characters that exude genuine feeling & emotion & the connection that burns between Ryan & Tessa is palpable & all consuming. Tessa & Ryan seduce us with the raw intensity of their passion & to say that their love is hot & explosive is an understatement.
Ryan's alpha tendencies will melt you & leave you thirsty to experience him in a very personal way. And Tessa...oh beautifully flawed, quietly dirty woman, you are a model for women everywhere to look up to & you are one of my fav heroines.
It would not be a Lauren Rowe book if it did not include Lauren's unique signature style & humour & boy did it deliver with this. I literally had a smile on my face for the majority of this book & her secondary characters ( who you will know & love if you have read any of Lauren's previous books....however, you do not need to have read any previously and I will guarantee you it will be a most entertaining surprise for you if you haven't) are some of the most endearing, lovable & downright funnist people EVER! I belly laughed so many times throughout this story.
Lauren puts as much thought into her supporting cast as she does in her main characters & the depth & sincerity that she delivers, is her major strength as an author.
I do love a good musical playlist that enhances my experience while reading & Captain has (although small) one of the most thought provoking & captivating playlists around. Lauren knows her way around music & this shows in her selection of songs....they are not random choices. The music, alongside her words, makes this story come alive.
Inside the pages of this book you will encounter the most entertaining group of characters you will ever have the pleasure of meeting and I promise you that from the first turned page, they will change the outlook on your day.
I loved this book & I guarantee that you will too.
5 HUGE stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
YES! YES! YES! Captain is SO MUCH FUN!! I desperately want to read it again! Do you want to laugh out loud? Are you ready to swoon? Looking for hot and sexy Hawaiian good time? Let me point you directly to Lauren Rowe’s Captain. Holy smokes!! This book!! The setting, the characters, the nicknames and the banter, (OMG the banter!!! )… the permanent smile on my face after reading this book should be testament to the magic that is Captain.

The chemistry between Ryan Morgan and Tessa Rodriguez is explosive right of the bat. When they first meet they have a nice, flirty back and forth with a shared connection that have both feeling it could lead to something more than just one night. Little lies and misunderstandings arise, leading to their separation; leaving Tessa hating the Ryan and Ryan completely obsessed with finding her. Three months later, at her boss’, Josh, week long wedding celebration. Tessa is reunited with Ryan only to discover that he is Josh’s soon to be brother in law. Now that Ryan knows where to find the girl he’s been obsessed with for so long he is determined to show a reluctant Tessa just how perfect they are together. If you are not charmed by Ryan Ulysses Morgan, than I can’t help you! I absolutely LOVE Rum Cake! He so sweet, funny, and swoony. Not to mention sexy as sin. Combined with the entire Morgan and Faraday clan (I may be just as obsessed with the Morgans as Tessa is) you have no choice but to laugh and love.

I cannot express enough how much I enjoyed reading this book. I lOVE IT!! Before Captain, I had only read one book from this author - Ball Peen Hammer (YEE-BOY) - but the second I finished Captain I immediately downloaded the entire Club series onto my kindle. I cannot get enough of these characters!! I need more!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Captain is Lauren Rowe's newest installment in her Club series world. Captain stands for and is the nickname for our hero, Ryan Ulysses Morgan, the older brother of Keane Morgan (Ball Peen Hammer) and Kat Morgan (the heroine from Josh's stories). Ryan is a total manwhore who is on the rebound from a "bunny-boiling" crazy girl. While meeting up with his bro at a bar, he meets the exotically beautiful Samantha aka Tessa aka T-Rod (and who funnily enough happens to also be Josh's personal assistant - small world right?). T-Rod is also on her own rebound of sorts and is out with her girlfriend to find a man to get under. To help speed the process, the two girls dress up like flight attendants and give false names to every man they meet including Ryan (you can see where this is going)? When T-Rod and Captain Morgan meet, sparks ignite but neither knows that the other is in their innermost circle of newly merged family and friends.
If not for Lauren Rowe's fabulous writing, funny as hell situations and lovable laugh-out loud banter; this story could have fallen to the same similar cliche plot lines; girl and guy meet under false pretenses but have explosive chemistry - they get separated - fate steps in to bring them back together - feelings hurt - misinformation - uncomfortable family/friend get-togethers' - and they figure it out in the end.
Lauren expertly takes these two wayward characters and turns a typical romance plot on its head to where you'll be laughing, wanting to drink some rum, slapping your forehead saying "doh!" and ultimately dying to become a part of the Morgan family at any cost.
On a side note: I'm still #teamjonas and #teamkeane, sorry Lauren there's just not enough rum in the world to replace my first loves but I think I can fit in a rum cocktail *wink*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bob simon
*This book was reviewed for Summer's Eve Reads*

Title: Captain
Author: Lauren Rowe
Genre: Contemporary
Rating: 5/5

OMG I have a new appreciation for rum and from now on whenever I see a bottle of it there's only one Captain I'll be thinking of and that is Captain Ryan Morgan.

Captain is a standalone but if you've read The Club series and Ball Peen Hammer then you'll be familiar with many of the characters in this book.

Ryan 'Captain' Morgan is in a bar when he meets Tessa Rodriguez the first time round, they both spend some time chatting and flirting there appears to be a deep connection between them both and things are looking positive for a future date, it was all going great until well it wasn't.... Tessa ends up fleeing the bar leaving Ryan devastated at the thought of what could've been. The second time they meet is at the start of a weeks celebrations leading up to Ryan's sister's wedding, his sister is marrying Tessa's boss but things aren't quite so straight forward resulting in many of comical moments they develop a sort of love/hate, enemies to lover relationship. The chemistry they both have is amazingly off the charts hot and there's many a scorching moments prepare to get hot under the collar whilst reading this, also prepare to laugh and smile a lot and to fall in love with these two as they fall in love with each other.

I honestly didn't think I'd love anyone more than Jonas from The Club series but Ryan has well and truly stolen the crown. I had a great time reading this book it was like being at home catching up with faces old and new I can't wait to see what Lauren has in-store next for us love monkeys.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley myers turner
This was not what I expected, but so much better! I loved it! It was funny and sweet, and had the perfect ending. Yes, Ryan was a man whore, but he was so loveable and when he realized he had feelings for Tessa he immediately stopped whoring it up. He was a one woman man and I loved it. You could see how from the beginning they had this easiness around one another. I felt a wide variety of emotions while reading this book and I love when a book/author can do that to me.

Ryan instantly won me over. He was very kind to Tessa and so funny…Tessa on the other hand...I loved her character right from the start. She was smart, strong, independent and loyal… They were both such amazing characters. The insta-love fully worked for me, it didn’t bother me because the author created an actual bond between the main couple. These two went from being in love in no time at all.. They were just so freaking cute together!

And my god this book was sexy!!! There were scenes where I was just fanning myself and drooling lol. The lust was magnetic, the attraction was heart-stopping and the love was uncontrollable. If you want to read something refreshing, sweet, and really funny, if you crave the heart pounding and if you read to escape then I highly recommend this book!

In short:
Hero 5/5 | Heroine 5/5 | Plot (Point, Originality) 5/5 | Writing Style 4/5 | Steam 5/5 | Romance 5/5 | Angst-Suspense 4/5 | Darkness 0/5 | Humor 4/5 | Secondary Characters 4/5 | Drama-Conflict 4/5 | Mystery 0/5 | Twists 4/5 | Pacing Steady | Action 3/5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I for sure thought that Lauren Rowe wouldn’t come close to creating a better male than the Faraday brothers. She came close with Peenie but oh my goodness. She has given us book boyfriend gold in Captain. Ryan “Captain” Morgan is scrumptious. He’s a one woman type of guy looking for a future, sweet but has a dirty mouth. I literally had to wipe up my drool puddle after I was done reading this. Did I mention that he’s an inked hottie?

Theresa “T-Rod” Rodriguez is his perfect match. Everyone thinks so. She’s full of fire and stubborn but also sweet and loyal. This is one instance where insta-love in a full length novel didn’t bug me. Rowe was able to create a connection between them that sold me on the story from the beginning. And woowee, what a connection they have. Rowe is one of the best authors at crafting a sex scene that’ll make you want to call your significant other or break out your battery operated friend. I do have to say that at times I struggled with T-Rod. She annoyed me a bit when she got stubborn on Ryan. I don’t want to reveal more because spoilers.

This book is low drama but high entertainment. It was sexy, sweet, and definitely the perfect way to spend my Mother’s Day. If you like books that’ll make you giggle and go “aww” while simultaneously making your ovaries explode, definitely pick this one up.

I voluntarily read an advanced reader's copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
scott loftesness
There were certain elements to this book that I loved. I adore a man who treasures his family and has lots of banter with them. Even with the nicknames got out of hand, I still wanted to be a part of this family dynamic. I love when a book is in dual POV and when the secondary characters have a lot of action to the story. I also enjoyed the setting of the story from Seattle to Maui, that island holds a special place in my heart.

The two main characters, Ryan and Tessa, met in a bar when Tessa was out for a good time with her bestie, Charlotte. It takes a lot of searching on Ryan's part to finally catch up with Tessa again, but fate ultimately kicked in for him. For two smart people, I did find it annoying it took so long for them to connect the dots and this made for parts of the book to be a little repetitive. The connection between the two was extremely high, and I found at times I had to fan myself it was so hot. Although some of the name calling in the heat of the moment was a turn off.

This is my first book by Lauren Rowe, and certainly won't be my last. I have Keane's story on my kindle ready to go and I am looking forward to it. Even though this book is classified as a standalone, I did feel I was missing out on something..... like I missed a party somewhere along the way and didn't feel I was apart of the team. No biggie though, it only makes me want to go and read all her books.

*I received an arc for an honest review.
**Reviewed for JoandIsaLoveBooksBlog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 Stars

Captain by Lauren Rowe is a standalone novel that completely blew me away!!! I have been a huge fan of Ms. Rowe's since I read The Club and OH MY GOSH her writing keeps getting better and better! There were so many laugh out loud moments and swoon worthy moments that I don't know which ones I liked more. The amazing uniqueness that is Lauren Rowe cannot be duplicated. If you loved BPH you will fall in love with Captain!

When Ryan Morgan aka Captain and Theresa T-Rod Rodriguez meet there is an undeniable attraction between the two. Insta-everything!!! Their connection is out of this world but what happens when outside forces tear them apart? Will the universe lead them back to each other?

I can't even begin to tell you how much I ADORE Ms. Rowe! Her writing is top notch and her imagination is incredible! Her ability to tell a tale and make you feel a part of it is extraordinary. Ok if you can't tell by all of that I have a huge girl crush on her… Anyway, Ryan and Tessa’s story was perfect! It was hot, hilarious, and I fell in love with the both of them. Ryan was delicious-with his beautiful heart and all the ways he was ready to prove to Tessa that he was the one was amazing! And my girl Tessa-a fellow Virgo through and through. With her guarding her heart, she couldn't see what was right in front of her. Captain was hands down one of the best books I've read in 2017! I cannot wait to see what's next for Ms. Rowe!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim rueb
When I received Captain, I had a lot of expectations for what was going to happen. Let’s just say that it didn’t live up to my expectations … it exceeded them. Ryan Morgan is from the Club Series, but you definitely don’t need to be an expert to enjoy this book. I, personally, have never read that series and SERIOUSLY enjoyed this book!

This book has a bit of everything. At the beginning there is that insta-love, hot, fire connection — the kind this girl dreams of feeling❤ But then … well, it doesn’t exactly stay that way. The story takes a turn more towards hate, rather than love. Now, deep in my heart I just knew they HAD to find their way back to love, but the story definitely runs the gambit of emotions while taking you down that road.

Let’s talk feels. I had EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. I laughed OUT LOUD (like deep down in your belly laughs), swooning, butterflies, aggravation, hotness, passion, and a smidge of aggravation (I truly wanted to knock some sense into them!). Overall, though, this book delivered all the things I wanted. I’m pretty new to Lauren Rowe, but each time I pick up one of her books, I’m always awed by the story, characters, and feelings she is able to create with her words.

This is definitely a must read for 2017. If you’ve never tried Lauren Rowe, you could definitely jump right in. You might even be tempted to try more ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura haven
Ahhhh Lauren Rowe! Again you leave me laughing, horny and satiated with another one of your books. Captain did not disappoint. I loved it from start to end.

A standalone. Though I advise reading the Club series and Ball Peen Hammer first so you have a little familiarization with the characters that pepper this book. Plus, those are great reads also.

This book centers around Ryan Morgan, on of Kat's brothers [from The Club series] and the gal with many names, Theresa, Tess, T-Dog, Etc. This isn't the way you want to meet the one person who completes you. The one who you are drawn to with more than just lust. A connection you can't put words too.

One night Ryan is meeting his future brother in law, Josh, at a bar. He gets a call that Josh can't make it. As he is about to leave he sees a stunning beauty walk in. Dark skin, dark hair, gorgeous. They meet, get to talking, connecting, and just when things are at their brightest his recent ex, the bunny boiler [that will make sense when you read this book] enters the bar and ruins everything.

From here we follow a lot of near miss reunions of sorts, the initial reconnect and then the fight to be together and stay together. What. A. Ride!!!!!!

You MUST read this book to feel good, get a laugh, and enjoy a story that has you hooked from page one till it ends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim rible
Lauren Rowe is simply amazing at what she does! I think the book that came out is my favorite but she then goes and writes another and I'm truly captivated and the next book rises to the top of my all time favorite books I've ever read! I LOVED the Faraday men in The Club series but Ryan "Captain" Morgan literally stole my heart! I was insta hooked and totally mesmerized by this story! The chemistry between Ryan and T-Rod (Tessa) is page turning can't get enough!
I just wanted to crawl inside this book and be right there in Hawaii with my favorite families! I kid you not!

Here I am, going thru this game we call life, reading books that well simply just pass the time by. Lauren's books truly are wrapped in this magical power to just teleport a person to this crazy beautiful place!

I'm simple captivated! Mesmerized and read this book crazy slow because I wasn't emotionally prepared to handle this game we call life knowing the ending of this book. I just didn't want it to end! Ever! It's like taking a journey back through the best times / adventures of my lives with my best friends ... yes, they're my besties! Being able to to be back in the moment with all of them is truly magical. The Faradays, the Morgan's and all their friends.

I don't know how Lauren Rowe does it. But woman you're the most amazing author this side of the sun!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Captain and T-Rod are one steamy hilarious couple who are not a couple. The way the relationship began and progressed in this edition of the Morgan clan was a drag race! I loved their first encounter until the Bunny Boiler showed up. Tessa is then so focused on her job and preparing for her boss Josh's upcoming destination wedding all the while trying not to focus on Ryan. Ryan is searching everywhere with desperation for an elusive woman who does not exist. When these two finally meet again it is rip roaring fun! Anger, mistrust and so much passion they explode making you sweat, swear and laugh all at the same time. From there the laughs continue, the heat rises and you are just begging them to say the things that will change it all and let the love flow. Lauren Rowe nailed it on this one!
Captain (The Morgan Brothers Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shelly sexton
Captain was such an amazing book! Ryan and Tessa have this insta-love type of connection, that is until Tessa thinks he is a lying a-hole and wants nothing to do with him because she thinks he's a cheater. Without giving Ryan a chance to explain himself they don't see each other again until three months later at Kat and Josh's wedding. Ryan of course has an immediate eye for Tessa and these two wind up giving into their attraction for one another. The one thing I truly love about Lauren Rowe books... they are completely unique and you can't compare them to anything else you have ever read. All of her books have humor throughout and all have very strong characters. This book was no different in that aspect but the story itself was a rollercoaster that I totally didn't want to get off! A five star read for sure!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jason powell
Captain is a standalone by Lauren Rowe.

I’ve read Lauren Rowe’s previous series "The Club" and so I was super excited to read a standalone. Mainly because I wouldn’t be able to wait almost a year for the next book. Captain was a rollercoaster between loving the storyline and other times just not feeling it. What I mean is that in the beginning, I enjoyed the flirtation that happened between the main female and male character, however later on I found the story to be a bit repetitive and the main male character seemed to be a bit passive, when I would have liked to see more of a cocky approach. Although, when you read further it make sense why he was passive with the main female character.

Overall, I enjoyed the story and liked how it switched between both point of views. On a side note; even though it states that Captain is a standalone, I didn’t get that impression considering Ms. Rowe’s previous characters from her other books are prominent in the story.

Tempting Sexy Thoughts
**ARC for Honest Review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paulo renoldi
Ryan Morgan, aka Captain, was first introduced in the The Club series. (If you haven't read should!) You don't have to have read The Club series to read this book, though. Ryan is a bit of a manwhore (like his brothers) and has recently (and I mean real recently) broken up with his latest girlfriend.

Theresa (or Tessa as she is known by her friends) has been on quite the dry spell since breaking up with her boyfriend 9 months ago. She has also recently moved to a new city where she doesn't have many friends. Her friend from L.A., Charlotte, flies up to visit and convinces her to go out on the town and flirt with some guys.

The story that follows made me laugh, made me swoon, made me frustrated, and made me hot and bothered. There are some super sexy scenes, and some scenes where you want to slap some sense into both Tessa and Ryan. I found myself falling in love with the characters, and the entire Morgan family! An entertaining read with plenty of drama and no cliffhanger ending!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james edward mills
4.5 "Morgan Mafia" stars!! Lauren Rowe has done it again!! She has made me fall completely in love with Ryan Morgan (tho Keane still has the top spot in this reader's heart)!! Ryan is deliciously ALPHALICIOUS and OMG his pursuit of Tessa was downright insane yet sweet and swoony!! I loved the smouldering chemistry between Ryan and Tessa, and the love/hate chase had me glued to the pages!!

There are so many things that I loved about CAPTAIN: the witty banter between the characters; the quirky jokes that had me LOLing; the schmexy dirty talk and sexy times; and of course the brah-hood and family bond between the members of the Morgan family! Seriously, I finished this book and wanted to be part of this crazy, fun and loving family!! Ms. Rowe's narrative is highly addictive and unique - it's something that I can imagine being turned into a movie one day! In a nutshell, CAPTAIN delivered on the laughs, gave me goosebumps inducing FEELS, and had my heart aflutter!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Tessa's refusal to listen to Ryan, her repeated insistence on calling Ryan by his brother's names while giggling and her continual use of the word "crotch" while inner-monologuing during sex and when thinking about sec, ruined the story for me. I'm on chapter 36, they're in Hawaii, and at this point, I just want to punch Tessa.

Also, not super into Ryan's running dialogue about the sex they've had and the sex they're going to have pretty soon is tiresome. I am actually listening to the audio book, narrated by the author and John Lane, and I am not sure I'm going to make it to the end. If I do, and if the story gets better, I will come back and amend the review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Are you kidding me?

The passion in this book could melt a frozen heart. ❤

First off, when Lauren Rowe finally released who she was writing about, I was thrilled. I enjoyed the glimpses we got in Ball Peen Hammer of this Morgan boy, and wanted more. And did Lauren ever deliver.

Ryan is deep, AND funny. He's a little bit of everything, and is definitely that full package. The lengths he goes to to find what he is searching for is something you can only find in a book. Do men like this exist in real life? Lauren sure makes you think so. If not, Ryan is perfect book-boyfriend material.

And Tessa. T-Rod. I cannot talk about this book and not talk about her, but I can't say too much without spoiling. She's wonderful. she's confused. She doesn't want anyone to get hurt. And she's loyal.

This will be one I read again...and soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sky thibedeau
Oh My Gosh!!!! Lauren Rowe you have knock this one straight out to Sea!!!! I want me a Captain, so I can fly on his plane or cruise on his ship!!!
I love everything about this book! I honestly can just sit a stare at the cover of this book for hours on end. Honestly, my husband caught me staring and ask, "Are you going to just stare at the cover or read the book?" I just can't take my eyes off this cover.
The thing is the words in this book are just as beautiful and touching. I am just so in love with this book. I laughed, cried and sighed throughout this whole book. So, what I am trying to say is the words are just as captivating as the cover.
This love story will just melt your heart and make you feel all warm and gooey inside out. It is absolutely breathtaking.
You will never find an author that writes like Lauren Rowe. The women has the midas touch when it comes to writing. She is simply the best!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie murray
First off this book will spoil aspects of The Club series.  So if you have plans of reading/listing to that do it first.  Unlike me who is working backward.  
This is the first book I have read/listened to by Rowe and OMG it was so funny.  The characters were so developed that I felt like I could insert myself into the book and just be apart of the action.  I could not believe the horrible luck that Ryan and Tessa kept having with their misunderstandings.  It was crazy!  But oh boy howdy their chemistry was off the charts and OMG this book was burning up the pages.  I had so much fun listening to it that I immediately started The Club series when I finished. 
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
candido hernandez
Omg CAPTAIN Morgan was soooooo hot and steamy! I love the Morgan boys but damn Captain aka Ryan Morgan was every girls wet dream. Ryan is a hot, confident, sexy and has a dirty mouth and he definitely meets his match when Tessa an Argentina beauty with her own spit fire personality rocks his world!!! They meet at a bar one uses a false name and it ends in flames but fate has its way of bringing them back together and Ryan knows he wants Tessa without a doubt but Tessa has her guard up and her walls are thick! Can Ryan get Tessa to see he's not a douchebag like most men??? Will insta love, sexy hot chemistry be enough to make both of them dive in????
I highly recommend Captain and Ball Peen Hammer (if you don't know Keane you gotta read this one). Thanks Lauren Rowe for another sexy, hot and exciting read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely loved this book and highly recommend it! It certainly will not disappoint:-) Super easy read and hard to put down-read the whole thing in one sitting! Not only will you love the book, but you will fall in love with the entire family!!! Love how new family intermixes with the existing family and how they support each other in the upcoming bar adventures-without overtaking the idea. Also, love how steamy the "adult" scenes are without being a turn off. Now I am waiting to learn about the next brother and how the saga continues (note: Does not leave you in a cliff hanger-you just want to know each brother's journey).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sometimes life just drags you down, and you find yourself in the "depths of despair"... at least I do. I was in a dark head space when Captain popped up as a suggestion on my Kindle. I one-clicked, and I'm so happy I did! It was everything I needed in that moment, and a true delight to read. This was my first book by Lauren Rowe, and it has some of my very favorite things... fantastic, witty banter and hilarious supporting characters. Seriously, the ridiculous nick names alone had me grinning like a loon. Ryan is a sweet and sexy Hero, and I loved all the hoops he jumped through to win Tessa's heart. This book has so much more than just laughs, but that was just what I needed at the time. It left me smiling and searching for more books from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Best Book Boyfriend EVER! I loved Ryan and Tessa! They were super hot and each had great personalities. I wanted to be friends with both of them or at the least, say I knew them. I even daydreamed about Ryan a few times while reading this - a first for me in a very, very LONG time! Lauren Rowe's writing was addicting! The characters great love and support of one another, the nicknames of family and friends, and the passion of all of these characters was addicting. The sex was intoxicating and Ryan's quest for Tessa only to find she had been right under her nose for months was exhilarating! I want more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I popped my Lauren Rowe cherry with this book and let me tell you its one first time I'll gladly remember. This book was fantastic from start to finish. It made you laugh until you wet your pants and then it got you wet in a whole other way. The sex scene were beyond hot, hands down some of the best I've read.

This book was full of family. It was so refreshing to have see such a tight knit family unit that loved and supported each other in all things. No drama just lots of love and laughter. Plus the nicknames were off the charts!

This book wouldn't have been as amazing without Ryan. That man ruins you for all other book boyfriends. He was everything wrapped up in a deliciously tattooed package.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
brooke moncrief
This question is important. If grammar errors bother you at all this book will make you cry or cuss or wonder if it was ever edited. If you like tropes and authors using parentheses in dialogue this isn't a bad book.

It does have some positives. Its female protagonist isn't a complete idiot. She has a real job, it is stressful but she is good at it and she works hard. The male love interest, although horribly bumbling, is good with kids.

If you are looking for an incredibly light read where the conflict completely arises out of a single misunderstanding and you don't abhor uniquely poor grammar and ubiquitous tropes this book will satisfy your needs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather smith
Lauren Rose gives us - yet again = a story which steamy and characters who captivating. We met Ryan Morgan, one of the raucous Morgan crew, who is not looking love but fate finds him when a gorgeous but guarded woman captures his heart and soul. A series of missteps finds Ryan searching for this woman, with the help of friends; she flies back into his life and then the story really soars.

Lauren makes me want to be a part of this family and to know more about Ryan and the woman who changes his life. The writing is wickedly naughty and smart, the dialogue (both verbal and mental) compelling and the outcome is worth cheering for.

Give us more Morgans, Lauren!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh how Captain makes my heart race. I would share a bottle of rum with him any day. This was definitely not a fast read. With 69 chapters and an epilogue I was so happy Lauren didn't try to rush through this book.
Ryan know what he wants and doesn't let up. His family calls him Captain Ahab and he's found his whale so to speak. Not that Tessa enjoys being called that. Tessa and Ryan have such a big connection right away but unfortunately Captain has a crazy ex that ends things before they start. But then when Tessa's boss is marring Ryan's sister things start to turn. Tessa is so funny and her comebacks are hilarious and she definitely keeps Ryan on his toes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed this book. The two main characters Tessa and Ryan were easy to love even though they were both stubborn and acted childish at times. I loved all of the characters in this book, but the nicknames for each kinda got out of hand for me and took away from the story. This book had me laughing out loud a lot of times and other times I would be yelling at characters. Although I really enjoyed the story overall, there were some parts that made me feel like I was hearing the same story or part over again and I had a hard time staying connected to the book. I did love how the story played out and the wonderful sexual chemistry Ryan and Tessa have together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved Ryan Ulysses Morgan! His initials spell rum and he has a penchant for pirates! He breaks up with his psycho girlfriend, Olivia, and goes to meet his soon to be brother-in-law, Josh, at a bar. Josh backs out. Enter Josh's assistant, Tessa, and her best friend, Charlotte. Charlotte gives her a stewardess uniform and Tessa becomes Samantha, slutty airline stewardess. Only she meets Ryan and there is instant chemistry! She flees and disappears like Cinderella and Ryan is obsesses with finding her. Can Ryan find his soulmate? Loved all the Morgan brothers hard! Including Keane the Peen Morgan from Ball Peen Hammer! Another 5 star read from Lauren Rowe!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sexual chemistry, palpable electricity, hot sensual encounters and deep soul stirring love. Just a few phrases I would use to describe Lauren Rowe’s latest book CAPTAIN. How does it feel to meet THE ONE you are destined for, lose touch and through a series of events, your worlds collide again? This beautiful love story about Ryan and Tessa incorporates multidimensional emotions, situations and people that will make you swoon and melt.
Ryan, is a grounded, successful commercial real estate agent looking for the woman that was meant for him. Tessa, is a highly organized personal assistant that has been burned several times that has somewhat lost her faith in finding true love. Theirs is the love story where you are hurled into an orbit where your worlds inevitably intersect and boom – fireworks are ignited and no amount of resistance could stop it. This book has moments of humor that makes me laugh out loud and some good all fashioned “awww” moments.
For those who are new to this author, take a leap of faith and you will not be disappointed. This is a stand alone book and I guarantee you once you read the other characters in this book, you will want to read the other works of this author who are indubitably fantastic
For those who are already fans of Lauren Rowe as I am, (I have read every single work of this incredible author), this is another fantastic read that is certainly worth the wait. All your favorite characters from the The Club Series and Ball Peen Hammer are beautiful participants in this story as well. I love love love this book and highly recommend it as a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angelica pavelock
I read all the freaking time and just recently found my way to an incredibly talented author, Lauren Rowe, that has instantly made her way to my TOP 10 list!

There isn't even a word in Webster's to adequately define Rowe's grasp of #Humor #Love #Sex #Family #Friendship #Loyalty

This book is phenomenal!

If you have not met the Morgan's, what the he'll are you waiting for?

Captain Morgan is one of my favorites of the Morgan Mafia, but you can't stop with Rum Cake ?

But for all that is holy, read this book and venture into the sublime world of all things Morgan & Faraday
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sharla walker
What a fun book this was - Zany characters, a family you would trade your own to be part of and the most hilarious turn of events after Boy meets Girl, Boy loses Girl Boy finds Girl but she's not who he thought she was- Let the Games begin on the beautiful island of Maui. There are soo many characters in this book and if like me this is your first venture into Lauren Rowe, you may need a matrix to keep track of everyone. Good news is her Club series where a lot of the players are from are all free on KU at the time of this writing. Would love to read about Dax & Colby, hope they are on the horizon
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
galang syahya
Ryan-Rum Cake-Morgan is absolutely dreamy. T-Rod was helpless to resist his charms, but the real question was how would he get her there. Captain Morgan can make any woman's ovaries spontaneously combust, yet Tessa is so scared by her past the she is afraid to jump on the one-way train to baby-making town with him. Bacardi has to jump through hoops and show her his heart , along with his many piercings. The whole Morgan clan comes to the aid of Rum Cake to help him with his destiny. Besides, once T-Rod sees the plethora of sheet skills this pirate is packing she would be foolish to resist...right?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I listened to the Ball Peen Hammer audio first, and was told this was a definite necessity too. For hilarious banter, Lauren Rowe wins! But the audio was a little over the top for me, and the repetitiveness of some of the cheese factor is more apparent when you're listening. So I switched over to finish reading instead. I love the Morgan clan, so this was a fun read. If you're in the mood for rom com, read on. And name sure you read BPH when you're finished.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john lucky witter
Captain by Lauren Rowe is a stand-alone romance novel.
In Captain you'll meet old friends and acquaintances from The Club Series and from Ball P--n Hammer.
Meet Ryan and Tessa.
I greatly enjoyed reading how these two fall in insta-love, insta-hate and everything between.
Captain is a typical Lauren Rowe book.
When you liked her The Club Series and Ball P--n Hammer you will love this book.
There's a sassy feisty heroine, a handsome smitten hero, drama, love and much more.
5 Stars and Thank you Lauren Rowe!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn louise
Oh, Captain, my captain. You MUST read this book. I fell in love with this family of craziness. I love to learn more and more about each of the siblings with these books from Lauren. Two of my favorite lines are: "He often says he was 'born to love her'.".... and.... "I don't actually believe one person make another person happy long-term--true happiness is something a person's gotta find for him or herself. But I sure as hell promise to give you everything humanly possible to allow you to find your happiness".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kellie combs
Lauren Rowe is the supreme lord god master!!! Nobody writes a smokin hot love scene like this lady does. The hardest thing for an author has to be creating characters that people just connect with,fall in love with and want to be best friends with and this book is no exception. I loved getting to know Ryan Morgan and T-Rod and of course getting to read about all of my other favorite Club characters! The storyline was fantastic. You will laugh. You will cry. You will swoon. That is a book by Lauren Rowe in a nutshell. She NEVER disappoints!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
d u s child
Lauren Rowe has done it again! In Captain we return to the world of the Morgan clan, who are the most amazing group of people you'll ever meet!

Ryan is definitely my favorite Morgan since Keene, in Ball Peen Hammer. He knows what he wants and he knows just how to play his cards to get exactly what it is, and that's Tessa.

Tessa is the kind of person we all wish we had in our lives, trustworthy, dedicated, strong, reliable, and just all around awesome!

When Tessa and Ryan meet, there are instant sparks, throw in some miscommunication, incredible storytelling, and the hilarity of the Morgan family, and you've got another Lauren Rowe masterpiece.

You won't want to miss this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zack kahn
This book is endearing. It's a typical love story; guy meets girl under false pretense, guy loses girl, guy does some miraculous things (albeit some of them illegal) to get his girl back. Okay, maybe not a TYPICAL love story. I still loved Ryan and Tess. I loved Ryan's dedication, and Tess' willingness to throw caution to the wind if only for one night. Lauren Rowe has quickly become one of my favorite writers. Her style perfectly captures quick wit and dialogue without being too much. She really lets you dig into her characters even if you didn't read any of the other books in this series. Her character development is strong enough to make this a quality stand-alone.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kim forsythe
Captain my captain. They meet in a bar, she gives him the wrong name. Turns out she is the hot prized assistant of his future brother law. People gossip about them. No one really knows the full story. Bam they are in love. She worries what her boss will think. Can't say I absolutely feel in love with the characters or back story. I also can't find anything particularly wrong with the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ok, the whole freaking Morgan family is just fantastic. They're like the tribe of people you want to find and love hard. Keane Morgan stole my heart in Ball Peen Hammer, and Ryan did the same in Captain. There were so many parts where I was laughing out loud and dying to be in the actual book. Lauren Rowe has a gift with writing the Morgan family in way that makes you wish they were your family. Such a great book! I hope she goes on to write the reat of the brothers' stories, and Zander too!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Nothing makes me happier than a Lauren Rowe book and Captain was no exception!
Ryan and Tessa's story is a roller coaster ride of epic proportion. They meet, hit it off and by a freak of nature, and I do mean freak! End up in a whirlwind of miscommunication at its finest!
This is a fun read! You have it all, heat, laughter, and even a few choked up moments! You will love it. The best part is you are a part of the huge family reunion taking place and I really didn't want to leave!
Please RateCaptain (The Morgan Brothers Book 2)
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