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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Lord said ‘let there be angst.’ Carmen Jenner heard him and then sat down to write Harley & Rose. #TrueStory

I am the sort of person who watches a movies/reads a book and my mind is all over the place trying to figure out where the story is going and who did what. I can usually figure things out quite early on, it is not an intentional habit – it just happens. However, it did not happen with this book and I love that, I want to be blindsided by an author, predictable simply bores me.

Harley and Rose have been best friends since they were knee high to a grasshopper. They mean everything to each other. As teenagers they fell in love, shared many ‘firsts’ and experienced heartache – at the hands of each other. Life moves on though and Rose finds herself now comforting Harley after his fiance ditched him on his wedding day.

It’s a weird situation to be in, Rose should feel sad for him but it is hard to reconcile those feelings when she is still in love with Harley. Always has and always will be. She won’t be his rebound though. He needs to deal with his problems before she will even consider crossing that line again with him.

‘It’s why I call him Pan. He’s the original lost boy, and he’s always been so damn good at getting me to follow behind him like a lovesick Wendy with Peter.’

He just needs time to come to terms with what has happened and when he is ready maybe a second chance at love will happen for them? Time is a healer and these two share some moments that give Rose hope and then Harley throws his wall back up completely confusing her. Her heart has been battered enough and he needs to step up or step out of her heart once and for all.

‘I’d be his only one for the rest of my days if he’d let me. If he’d just open his damn eyes.’ - Rose

Carmen took me on a journey that I NEVER expected. I was cruising along thinking I knew what was to come and then I realised that I knew NOTHING. My happy bubble got popped, my heart got stomped on and I was reminded how important it is to live in the moment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
todd norris
This book. The feels. Harley and Rose was my first book by Carmen Jenner, so I had no expectations going in. None. I loved the blurb and thought it sounded good. Once I finished the book, I sat there emotionally spent. I felt every word in this book. And loved it. Even as my heart lay shattered.

Rose has always loved Harley. In her heart, he has always been hers. They were meant to be together, but somehow they went down different paths. When she thought she had lost him forever, she somehow finally gets the opportunity to try and get out of the friend zone. Or so she thought.

I loved Rose from the start. She thought she had lost Harley, but never lost herself. She was spirited, funny and likeable. At times I felt my heart breaking for her and at others I wanted her to just move on. She deserved to be happy. But to her, happiness was Harley.

What can I say about Harley? One minute I was loving him and the next I wanted to strangle him. He could be very harsh in his dealings with Rose and it broke my heart. But every once in a while, we would see a different side. It gave me hope.

While reading, we get flashbacks to their past and it gives us so much insight to their story and history. Carmen Jenner very beautifully told this story with a balance between then and now. It helped us understand what led to where they were now. And it also makes you fall in love with these two. Root for them and hope that in the end, they will find their way.

And then everything is shattered. The big twist/reveal at the end explained so much, but also left us gutted. You need to read this book and experience it for yourself. It is really hard to say anything else without giving away important details. Just know this is a very emotional read that will stay with you for a long time. It has angst, love, humor, and heartbreak. It will keep you captivated until the very end.

Harley and Rose was a 5-star emotional read for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gary bunker
Harley & Rose…..Harley & Rose is my favorite book by this author to date. I mean, I never saw this story coming. It was so unlike what I thought it was going to be. I didn’t expect it to grab my heart and put tears in my eyes….

From the moment I laid eyes on the cover of this book, I fell in love. The cover just called to me. It said, “Amy, you need to read this book.” So, I checked out the synopsis and decided to give this book a try. And let me tell you…….Best. Decision. Ever. When I picked up this book, I thought for sure I was going to be reading a friends to lovers romance. And if you know me, then you know that I am a huge sucker for those. But, Harley & Rose was so much more than a friends to lovers romance; so much more. Their’s is a story about friendship and love. A story of missed opportunities and a love that lasts a lifetime.

Harley and Rose’s story is not an easy one and at times, it is going to frustrate the hell out of you. The push and pull between these two is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. The chemistry is so undeniable. The connection that they share is one that just has you begging and screaming. You just know with everything that you have, that these two are destined for each other, if they could just get their timing right.

Harley & Rose captured my heart and took it on one unforgettable journey. Their story is very well written and is one of those stories that will just consume you. You can’t help but get lost in their story, and before you know it, you will have devoured the entire book and will be left with tears in your eyes.
On the Way to You :: The Problem with Him (The Opposites Attract Series Book 3) :: Ghosted :: Dreaming of You :: The Hookup (Moonlight and Motor Oil Series Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica anderson
Visceral. Heartbreaking. Beautiful. Intoxicating. Hands down, this is the best book that Carmen Jenner has written. Don’t let the cover of Harley & Rose fool you into thinking that this book is going to be one of those sweet friends to lovers romance book, because it is not. This book was MORE. So much more.

If you are familiar with a Carmen Jenner book then you are all well aware that she never fails to incorporate grit, sass, humor, and banter. Her books are overall highly entertaining and riveting. And so when I read Harley & Rose, I was greeted with Carmen Jenner’s humor and sass. I immediately was in love with the heroine, Rose and couldn’t get enough of her. I became her number one cheerleader as she tries to make her best friend see her. Like I mentioned earlier, this book was so much more and so Carmen Jenner had to bewitched us with a story that would steal our hearts when she slowly guided us to an emotional story about life, love, loss and happiness.

Carmen Jenner had my heart. This book was everything. It was funny, playful, sweet, heartbreaking, raw, emotional, and moving. With Jenner’s stunning prose, she captured every visceral moment in such a breathtaking fashion. Since I don’t want to spoil the plot and twist of the story, just know that Harley & Rose is a story about life’s journey. There was once a lost boy but know he found his Wendy in Neverland. So if you are ready to get lost and give your heart to Carmen Jenner, then be prepared to know that she will hold on tight to your hand as she guides you to her literary world of Neverland.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Carmen has written an epically amazing book with Harley & Rose. It is beyond good. It’s unbelievably good.

Oh my god, this book. I don’t even know where to start.

Harley and Rose have been best friends since childhood. But they have always been more. Their relationship is so full of ups and downs. They love each other. They hurt each other. They go back and forth. And they do it over and over again. They just can’t get it right a lot of the time. To be honest, sometimes I wanted to slap them both. Harley for the way he treated Rose and Rose for the way she couldn’t let go. But I say sometimes because there were so many times in their lives when they were good to each other and so great together.

I won’t give anything away but by the end of the book you will be a crying, blubbering mess. I actually had an idea of what was going to happen and I was right. But it didn’t matter. It still gutted and shattered me. My heart was broken. You will have tears running down your face. But it’s worth it. This beautiful story is worth it.

Carmen’s writing is absolutely flawless, perfectly paced and brings out so many emotions. And while it is emotional, it’s also witty and will have you smiling.

Harley & Rose is so much. So much of everything. It’s all the feels. It’s a beautiful, emotional, heart wrenching and tragic story of love, loss, heartbreak and pain. I loved this book. Every single word, every single chapter. It is now one of my top favs of all time. Go one click now!!!

An arc was provided for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Star Rating: 5 stars

Phew. Okay.

Deep Breathe.

Here we go...

Rose Perry didn't expect to fall in love at 5 years old and she sure didn't anticipate him becoming her best friend but that is what happened. Being friends with the person you love so much has it's complications thats for sure and rose was met with plenty.

Harley Hamilton had everything he could've ever wanted, but did he really. After being left at the alter by is fiancé he does the next best thing and that is to jet off to his honeymoon with his best friend except when things get complicated, they get really complicated.

When I first started to read this book i was thrown for a loop and the more i read the more I understood and then i was shattered. I never saw coming what happened at all. As i sit here and type this review i still have tears pooling and falling because it is a beautiful story and truthful. The whole subject matter of this book is so true. I have had my experience with it and recently it had the same outcome and it opened that wound back up but none the less i loved it.

You never know what is to come or what the future holds you can only live day by day and live it fully with no regrets. I will look at it from Pan and Wendy's view from now on because this book just made me want it more and more! Truly a lovely and heartbreaking read but i would read it again in a heartbeat ❤️

- Michele Y
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richie jay
This book was beautiful from the start to the point it has one of my absolute fav covers and I thought this was going to be such a beautiful story of best friends become lovers. Which don't get me wrong it was but I didn't expect to be ripped apart while this was happening.
Holy moly what a journey this book takes you on, you laugh, you get angry, you get frustrated and you lose yourself. This is the second book this year that has broken my heart, ripped it out, stomped on it and torn me apart. Warning make sure you have tissues.
I loved Rose so much she was an amazing character and was loyal and beautiful loved her. Harley I loved then hated, then loved and then hated and then my heart broke for him so I was in love him.
Normally I will write a review as soon as I finish the book I couldn't I needed to regroup cry myself to sleep and then write the review and I'm still crying writing the review.
Besides Nicholas sparks books I don't ugly cry and haven't for a while but I'm ugly crying all over the place and can't stop utterly destroyed in the best way. You can't not read this book
The was my first book by Carmen Jenner and it certainly won't be my last after that emotional whirlwind she took me on I can't wait to read more
If u feel like an emotional, heartfelt, emotional rollarcoster type of book then you have to read this book it was bloody fantastic. 5+++++ stars for this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Warning: Get a massive amount of tissues ready. As in go to Sam’s or Costco and get the biggest pack you can find. You will need every single one.

Best friends turned lovers then back to best friends then… lovers.

Harley & Rose aka Peter & Wendy.

Adventure after adventure for these two but time never seemed to be on their side. I found myself shaking my phone (I read via the Kindle app) and was screaming “Get It TOGETHER!!”

The love and frienship is there, always has been, always will be. They know each other so well and compliment each other in traits but it just seems to never be solid and for reasonings that are just dumb. This was before and shortly after Harley being stood up at the altar.

As time goes by for them in the present it seemed like it was going to work. Then BAM. And what a BAM. You heart just sinks and weeps for them. It is finally their time, truly and really but life isn’t always easy for them. In turn it brought them closer and face their fate.

There is no doubt that this is a true love story. Love is not always easy. Love is not always on our sides. But love is love.

There are just so many feelings that you are going to go through and that is a credit to Carmen. We get the wit, the drama, the hurt and the love and wrapped in a pink bow.

I still am not over this story. I have called Carmen a sadist and she just winks at me. This does not call for winking! She asked, “Where is the love, ladies?” My response, “on the floor with the rest of my emotions cause you RIPPED THEM FROM BODY AND SOUL.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick von hoene
Harley & Rose…..Harley & Rose is my favorite book by this author to date. I mean, I never saw this story coming. It was so unlike what I thought it was going to be. I didn’t expect it to grab my heart and put tears in my eyes….

From the moment I laid eyes on the cover of this book, I fell in love. The cover just called to me. It said, “Amy, you need to read this book.” So, I checked out the synopsis and decided to give this book a try. And let me tell you…….Best. Decision. Ever. When I picked up this book, I thought for sure I was going to be reading a friends to lovers romance. And if you know me, then you know that I am a huge sucker for those. But, Harley & Rose was so much more than a friends to lovers romance; so much more. Their’s is a story about friendship and love. A story of missed opportunities and a love that lasts a lifetime.

Harley and Rose’s story is not an easy one and at times, it is going to frustrate the hell out of you. The push and pull between these two is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. The chemistry is so undeniable. The connection that they share is one that just has you begging and screaming. You just know with everything that you have, that these two are destined for each other, if they could just get their timing right.

Harley & Rose captured my heart and took it on one unforgettable journey. Their story is very well written and is one of those stories that will just consume you. You can’t help but get lost in their story, and before you know it, you will have devoured the entire book and will be left with tears in your eyes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Visceral. Heartbreaking. Beautiful. Intoxicating. Hands down, this is the best book that Carmen Jenner has written. Don’t let the cover of Harley & Rose fool you into thinking that this book is going to be one of those sweet friends to lovers romance book, because it is not. This book was MORE. So much more.

If you are familiar with a Carmen Jenner book then you are all well aware that she never fails to incorporate grit, sass, humor, and banter. Her books are overall highly entertaining and riveting. And so when I read Harley & Rose, I was greeted with Carmen Jenner’s humor and sass. I immediately was in love with the heroine, Rose and couldn’t get enough of her. I became her number one cheerleader as she tries to make her best friend see her. Like I mentioned earlier, this book was so much more and so Carmen Jenner had to bewitched us with a story that would steal our hearts when she slowly guided us to an emotional story about life, love, loss and happiness.

Carmen Jenner had my heart. This book was everything. It was funny, playful, sweet, heartbreaking, raw, emotional, and moving. With Jenner’s stunning prose, she captured every visceral moment in such a breathtaking fashion. Since I don’t want to spoil the plot and twist of the story, just know that Harley & Rose is a story about life’s journey. There was once a lost boy but know he found his Wendy in Neverland. So if you are ready to get lost and give your heart to Carmen Jenner, then be prepared to know that she will hold on tight to your hand as she guides you to her literary world of Neverland.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
geordie halma
Carmen has written an epically amazing book with Harley & Rose. It is beyond good. It’s unbelievably good.

Oh my god, this book. I don’t even know where to start.

Harley and Rose have been best friends since childhood. But they have always been more. Their relationship is so full of ups and downs. They love each other. They hurt each other. They go back and forth. And they do it over and over again. They just can’t get it right a lot of the time. To be honest, sometimes I wanted to slap them both. Harley for the way he treated Rose and Rose for the way she couldn’t let go. But I say sometimes because there were so many times in their lives when they were good to each other and so great together.

I won’t give anything away but by the end of the book you will be a crying, blubbering mess. I actually had an idea of what was going to happen and I was right. But it didn’t matter. It still gutted and shattered me. My heart was broken. You will have tears running down your face. But it’s worth it. This beautiful story is worth it.

Carmen’s writing is absolutely flawless, perfectly paced and brings out so many emotions. And while it is emotional, it’s also witty and will have you smiling.

Harley & Rose is so much. So much of everything. It’s all the feels. It’s a beautiful, emotional, heart wrenching and tragic story of love, loss, heartbreak and pain. I loved this book. Every single word, every single chapter. It is now one of my top favs of all time. Go one click now!!!

An arc was provided for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tadd farmer
Star Rating: 5 stars

Phew. Okay.

Deep Breathe.

Here we go...

Rose Perry didn't expect to fall in love at 5 years old and she sure didn't anticipate him becoming her best friend but that is what happened. Being friends with the person you love so much has it's complications thats for sure and rose was met with plenty.

Harley Hamilton had everything he could've ever wanted, but did he really. After being left at the alter by is fiancé he does the next best thing and that is to jet off to his honeymoon with his best friend except when things get complicated, they get really complicated.

When I first started to read this book i was thrown for a loop and the more i read the more I understood and then i was shattered. I never saw coming what happened at all. As i sit here and type this review i still have tears pooling and falling because it is a beautiful story and truthful. The whole subject matter of this book is so true. I have had my experience with it and recently it had the same outcome and it opened that wound back up but none the less i loved it.

You never know what is to come or what the future holds you can only live day by day and live it fully with no regrets. I will look at it from Pan and Wendy's view from now on because this book just made me want it more and more! Truly a lovely and heartbreaking read but i would read it again in a heartbeat ❤️

- Michele Y
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather porter
This book was beautiful from the start to the point it has one of my absolute fav covers and I thought this was going to be such a beautiful story of best friends become lovers. Which don't get me wrong it was but I didn't expect to be ripped apart while this was happening.
Holy moly what a journey this book takes you on, you laugh, you get angry, you get frustrated and you lose yourself. This is the second book this year that has broken my heart, ripped it out, stomped on it and torn me apart. Warning make sure you have tissues.
I loved Rose so much she was an amazing character and was loyal and beautiful loved her. Harley I loved then hated, then loved and then hated and then my heart broke for him so I was in love him.
Normally I will write a review as soon as I finish the book I couldn't I needed to regroup cry myself to sleep and then write the review and I'm still crying writing the review.
Besides Nicholas sparks books I don't ugly cry and haven't for a while but I'm ugly crying all over the place and can't stop utterly destroyed in the best way. You can't not read this book
The was my first book by Carmen Jenner and it certainly won't be my last after that emotional whirlwind she took me on I can't wait to read more
If u feel like an emotional, heartfelt, emotional rollarcoster type of book then you have to read this book it was bloody fantastic. 5+++++ stars for this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
♡♡♡♡♡ 5 STAR REVIEW ♡♡♡♡♡

Harley and Rose, Rose and Harley. That is what this two were never one without the other. Best friends since childhood, soulmates for life. Harley and Rose were in each others lives since day one. Peter Pan and Wendy, that is what they called each other.

We plan our future but not always our plans go the way we wished, and we have to change them to fit our needs and that is what Harley and Rose did for one another. Their love was so strong that no matter what happen Rose was there for Harley as Harley was for Rose.

Are you ready to faced a heart wrenching, ugly crying, book hangover for days? This book will leave you a permanent mark in your heart. For me I have only read two books similar to this one yet believe this one takes the cake. If you read it be ready to feel every single emotion Harley and Rose share with you from a candid smile, to a passionate kiss, to a gut wrenching sob like no other.

If you are looking forward to read a book so unforgettable that you still thinking about it days after you finished it then this book is for you. Honestly you do not want to pass this book, you will want to read it over and over again.

I voluntarily read an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jay buys
Harley & Rose

My heart is hurting so much right now and I am a sobbing mess.

This book was not what I expected - in a good way and in a not so good way. I was expecting a friends to lovers slash second chance romance and what I got was soooooo much more. I really don't want to share the content of the book, but I will say that I wish I hadn't read it but at the same time, I'm glad that I did. It's been a long time since I've had my heart ripped out and stomped on and not quite put back together and the reason for that is simple; I'm not in an emotional place that really allows me to read such a book. Jenner took me on quite an emotional and unexpected roller-coaster ride and while I can't say that I wholly enjoyed it, it has certainly served to put life into perspective and remind us of what's really important.

Edited to add: I understand that it is certainly the authors choice as whether or not to include trigger warnings. I feel as though this book has more than one trigger and I believe it's extremely unfair for readers not to be warned prior to purchasing.

*arc received in exchange for honest review.

**Reviewed by Melinda for Joandisalovebooks Blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There were points in this book where I was actually felt like I had little option but to put it down and step away, it was so emotional that I had to give my heart the opportunity to get ahead of my head again. I felt almost broken at times, it was so much more than I had anticipated.
I could bang on about the book but I actually don’t think that I am capable of saying the right thing, this left a hole, a gaping wide chasm of pain that had me crying ugly more often that I would have liked.
I thought the book was beautifully written, it was evocative yet not sappy, it held my heart in the palm of its hand and every now and again this very clever author gave it a gentle squeeze just to make sure I was paying attention.
And boy way I! I couldn’t take my eyes of the page.
The story was exactly what it should have been, these childhood friends being there for each other, there was nothing that they wouldn’t do for each other, support each other through and stand by each other’s side but were they going to be able to see their bigger picture when it really mattered?
This is a story that will hold you captive and rightly so…one not to be forgotten in a hurry this was superb!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erich scholz
Rose has been Harley's best friend since they were five years old. She has been in love with him since then and she wishes to get married with him one day. She is his Wendy and he is her Pan. Fate has other plans for them. Especially when he is getting married with another woman and she meets another man. But Fate has not finished with them. Plenty of stuff will happen since his bride to be abandons him and they take off to his honeymoon together.

"All I know is that there isn’t a Rose without Harley or a Harley without Rose."

The story was probably the best I have read this year it's definitely listed as one of my top reads and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves a good friends to lovers story. I'm still dealing with a book hangover and I can't get it out of my mind. I haven't been able to pick up anything else to read since I finished it. It was that good and it shook me to the core. It's a devastatingly beautiful story between two human beings who grew up together. I loved the writing, the flashbacks, the thoughts and the emotional torment that provoked me. I know that I won't be able to forget this read and it will stay with me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gibran graham
Okay so let me preface this review with saying that I didn't realize what I was getting myself into with this book. This is the very first story I've delved into from the author. I'd heard great things about her, saw great things about her work, and when the opportunity came up to review her recent novel, I took the plunge. And if you know me well, you know that I typically don't invest in stories that aren't paranormal or supernatural in nature (and certainly not to the point of committing time to review one) unless I feel like it's worth my precious time. I'd bore you with the details of my oh so busy life, but you all get it because we're all busy, and I'm knee deep in writing my last novel of my current series, so time. is. precious.

So what made me commit? I kept hearing how this story would tear my heart out, and how wonderfully strong and broken the heroine (Rose) is, so I knew immediately this story had the promise of depth. And that's something, whether paranormal or not, that can make anyone appreciate the ride, so I thought "why not? I'd love to see what this is about."

And I'm glad I never looked back.

There aren't many stories out there that make me cry, but holy cow, did this one achieve that. Again, Rose is so beautifully broken and strong (which someone could only be after being so broken), and she shares a relationship with "Lost Boy" Harley that most people long for their entire lives, but yet... they can't ever seem to quite get in sync (despite their sizzling chemistry), and so the story spirals them into a roller coaster of hurt and desperation. I had an idea of what I thought this book was going to be and left it completely shattered. Despite how much I was rooting for them, this is not a happy, feel good romance. This is real. This is LIFE, people. But Carmen also knows how to weave a story with just enough humor to keep it balanced.

And because I don't want to give ANY part of this book away, I'll have to stop there, but I beg you... read this book!

PS - LOVE all the references to Peter Pan! It gives it that extra layer of magic that makes it so special.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
suzanne hill
I can understand why this story rips out readers hearts. It was a beautiful friends to lovers read. My heart did ache by the end of the book for the injustice that they had to go through. I’m not going to spoil it but it is one of those reads that makes you like “what the heck!!” By the end. I do wish we would have seen Harley and Rose together more. The flashbacks were great but at times it was hard to see them in a more romantic light. I have a feeling that’s what the author was going towards, but at the same time it wasn’t. I’m glad I read this. If you a fan of non typical type HEA then this book is perfect. 4 stars #2OCCJD
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rose Perry has been in love with Harley Hamilton for so many years now. When they were 18 they dated but unfortunately life got in the way and they split but somehow made it back to being best friends again.

When Harley is stood up at the altar Rose agrees to fly with him to Hawaii hoping that maybe they can make it past the friend stage once again but somehow life just doesn't always go the way we want it to.

Yet there's something that seems to bring them back together and when Rose moves on will she finally find out the truth?

Wow!! This book was not what I was expecting and it definitely took my heart for a ride! I was so mad at Harley for much of this book and what he was doing to Rose and her poor heart.

But what the heck!! It's hard to write a review without spoiling anything which I can't do as I was so surprised and I truly thought at the beginning of the book I knew what was going to happen. I hated and loved the ending at the same time which you will understand when you pick up this great book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kindle Copy for Review

They have been best friends since childhood. Even dated during high school but broke up in college since they went to different places as they remained friends. They even did the friends with benefits but it was never enough.

For Rose it was always more as she fell in love with him as a child. She dreamed of marrying him and Harley carrying over the threshold. But it is not her honeymoon and she is only there since he was dumped at the altar as he begged her to go on his honeymoon with him. Rose knows it is a bad idea to go since she still has feelings for him but cannot say no to him.

Things gets in the way as Harley hides a secret from her complicating their relationship with each other as they bury their feelings. Whenever they get close Harley suddenly disappears on her. When Rose decides to move on knowing she cannot live like this, the truth comes out but will they have a future together? Will they have used up their time together? A love that is bittersweet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ron houseman
Carmen has always been one of my favorite authors so when I saw her reveal of this cover for the first time, I was awed. When she revealed the blurb I wanted to read it even more! It sounded like it would be an angsty read with one of my favorite themes to read, best friends turned lovers.

This book while incredibly angsty was nothing like I thought it would be. In fact I'm writing this with tears rolling down my face right now. I think Carmen has outdone herself with her writing once again!

Even though I thought the writing was amazing I don't know how I feel about the characters. All of them made me so mad most of the time! Because of them I was only going to rate it three stars, but then I got towards the end and it bumped up to four stars. The beginning and the ending have to be my favorite parts. I did highlight and bookmark what seemed to be the whole book. I wished there was more flashbacks of Rose and Harley when they were younger.

I can't wait to see what Carmen does next!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm broken. Completely and utterly broken.
Carmen has come along and ripped my heart out of my chest and left me a blubbering mess.
Only 3 books have ever had this kind of reaction from me and this book; Harley and Rose is one of them.

But she doesn't rip your heart out the beginning and then help you to heal...oh no. Carmen butters you up, makes you fall in love and then BAM!!!!! She strikes. Leaving you with a torrent of tears a cloudy head and a ripped out heart.

This book has killed me. I loved it. I really really loved it, but holy wow!! it's killed me. I can't stop the tears. I can't stop the soul destroying heartache, but I don't want to.
This book was real. On so many levels. It's now rainbows and unicorns.
It's pain. It's heartache and its everlasting love.

I can't do A hearts and flowers review for this. I just can't. It's beautiful. But just know it hurts. It destroys.

Get your tissues because believe me you'll need them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thomas o connor
Ive been sitting here looking at this review box for about 15 minutes trying to figure out how to put into words what this book did to me and words are failing me, i had heard so many great reviews for this book i also got warnings like make sure you have tissues. So i figured this book was a little heart breaking i was so wrong this book will make you ugly cry, i mean red puffy eyes, blocked nose, headache the lot and even though my heart has been ripped out of my chest i would read it again in a hot minute.
Carmen Jenner is an amazing author who knows how to suck you in and keep your attention with the way she brings her story together and this book is now one of my favourites, its the kind of book you will want to read over and over again and still hope that it may end differently or something may change.
Harley & Rose were friends from 5 years old, together until 18 then a whole lot of complicated after that. This book has Love Hate and Heartbreak. It will make you smile, make you go awww then in the same breath makes you want to slap someone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 Pan and Wendy Stars.....

Review **5 Pan and Wendy stars!! Second star to the right. Gah!! **

I wanted to put this book down so many times. I went in reading think I was getting friends in denial about loving each other and so on, I got so much more. This is my 2016 best read so far.

I don't know if I will ever be the same or can pick up a book again. I fell in love with Harley and Rose. As I read it started to unfold and when it did I could not have imagined where it was going. When I got there I think I got dehydrated from all the tears. It was building. There was big blinking, flashing lights going off. Caution, caution. This has not happened to me in forever. I have only ever snot sobbed ugly cried over one other book ever. This book is number two. My heart will never be the same. Oh god, writing this review is making me tear up.

Love you ... Wendy, he whispers, when I think he is asleep. From now until ... the end of forever. Forever is an awfully long time. Yes, it is.

I have warning systems in my books. I can't read certain things happening in books. Yes, this book contains it. It was personal to me. It gutted me. I did not use a box of kleenex, I used a roll of toilet paper, and a new pillow case. How the hell could you so this Miss Jenner? I think I need ice packs for my swollen red eyes. I loved Harley and Rose. His reasons. Their friendship, their love, it was so true. I just can't, I just can't write anymore

This book was beautifully written. I was not let down it was an amazing read. I wish I could give it more than 5 stars. Beautiful heartbreaking story. Please excuse me while I try to glue back my shattered heart. Amazing job Carmen Jenner, just amazing. Peter Pan is my favorite Disney as well.

I will admit the above quote has something missing from it. I did not want to give anything away, I had to put it, its their love and friendship.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
WOW! Even though I finished this book five days ago, I still can't formulate words to describe this amazingly good book!

I love Harley & Rose, my favorite Carmen Jenner book by far! Jenner shattered my heart into a million tiny pieces which I'm not sure will ever be whole again! I'm not really complaining except I'm not sure how long it will take to get over this hangover! I haven't been able to get into a book since reading this.

Rose is in love with her best friend Harley, has been since she was five. They were more than friends for awhile until they couldn't anymore.

Harley came home from college engaged, ready to marry someone who wasn't Rose. Rose, the perfect best friend was there when Harley was left at the alter.

I can't wait to see what Carmen Jenner gives us in the future! I'm not sure she will be able to top this book, its that good!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alex popa
OMG what can I say about this story without giving the plot away. It is definatey emotional, it’s a tear jerker and oh I definitely cried buckets but its got so many parts to it that make you root for the MC to get their moment in the sun and find happiness and get their HEA.
This book is told in mainly in Rose’s words, and we get flashbacks to the past, so we see as to when she fell in love with Harley, the boy next door. From Past to Present, we see their beginnings to their end. At times I grew to hate Harley and despair Rose would ever find happiness since it seemed Harley couldn’t ever make his mind up BUT when a certain chapter comes up, we get to see Harley’s POV. Ahh, then I understood their story so much and oh how I cried and wanted their love to win. Harley was like this ball, one minute he bounced from being nice , sweet and great to horrible and nasty to Rose. Oh how I wanted to see Harley pay for how terrible he was being to her; Ms. Jenner knew what she was doing when she wrote this tear jerker, angst ridden emotional roller coaster of a book.
Each word, each page, each chapter totally did me in. I went thru so many boxes of tissues and by the end, my heart bled for Rose. There is a wonder though if there will be another book for her. I would love to see something good come out of it all for her. Not in the gift left for her but actually for once, seeing her with some true happiness. Gah, this book just did me in. I just don’t know how to explain without giving the storyline. If you love books that give it all to you, then you will love this book and Rose and Harley’s love story, their friends to lovers story.

My rating: 4.5 stars ****
"I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cameo rogers
I knew from the blurb that this book was probably going to make me cry. I got a hint from the teasers that it just might devastate me. This isn’t an ordinary friends to lovers story or even an ordinary second chance story…this is an extraordinary story about the beauty and the pain of love. But I was in no way prepared for the enormity of the feelings this book. This wasn’t even a rollercoaster of emotions; this was more like free falling off a cliff. I went through all the feels. My heart is completely shattered, my soul hurts. I just want to climb into my husband’s arms and have him hold me tight.

These characters are beautifully flawed and amazingly complex. Harley and Rose have been best friends from kindergarten, lovers at one time, and then friends again. She still loves him but keeps that hidden inside. But the timing never worked after their brief love affair in high school. Rose is a little bit broken and vulnerable but there’s strength there too. You can feel the pain laced within her. Harley seems a bit dense or oblivious. I hated him at times but then he would do something swoon worthy. Their lives are entertwined.

So many tears, I can’t stop them. I’m red eyed, blotchy and snot nosed while writing this. This is going to be a book hangover for the record books. And I thought I already had one of those this month. This beautiful, beautiful book needs to be in the hands of every reader. While I can’t exactly say I enjoyed the story, it was too gut wrenching for that. What I can say is that it kept me captivated from the very first page. This is a book that will stay with me long after I’ve finished it. Definitely one of the best of the year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Crazy Cajun Book Addicts for an honest review.

Wow!!! 5 stars are definitely not enough for this book.
This is my first read by Carmen Jenner and I seriously have to ask myself why have I not read any of her work before, Harley and Rose pulled me in immediately its beautifully written and at the same time totally gut-wrenching, you will definitely need tissues at the ready.

Harley and Rose have been best friends since kindergarten, but now their all grown up. Rose has always been in love with Harley if only he could love her back. When Harley is jilted at the alter Rose finds herself with Harley on his honeymoon, what will this mean for their friendship is there finally a chance they could be together or will Harley's secret tear them apart before they even get a chance to begin?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I came across Harley & Rose on the store’s Hot New Releases list and completely fell in love with the cover. Can you blame me though, it’s gorgeous. So I read the blurb and thought to myself, “I could get into this!” I love a good friends to lovers romance and it seemed like a second chance at love story as well. Harley & Rose had the makings to be one of my favorite books but … “it’s complicated.”

Ever since they were five years old Harley & Rose have been best friends. They do everything together and love each other to pieces. They were neighbors and their parents became close friends a well. You might as well have said they’re family, that’s how close they all are. At thirteen they shared their first kiss but nothing else happened until they were 17/18- they knew they had to act on their mutual attraction and started dating. But like all good things, everything must come to an end. So after a rather stupid fight, in my opinion, they broke up. But somehow through it all they remained friends.

Even if Rose was still in love with him and he with her.

Flash forward some years and Harley’s about to get married to a woman who is not Rose, much to her chagrin. But something amazing happens, he’s left standing at the alter when the woman decides to run off with someone else. Distressed, Harley asks Rose to go on his honeymoon with him. She agrees against her better judgement. This heat up and but then Harley runs hot and cold with Rose.

Let’s just say this is where it gets interesting and complicated. And I don’t really want to say much more because it’s very spoilery and I can’t get into it because I just can’t.

Rose… I didn’t like her. At all. I never once felt like Rose was truly in love with Harley but more obsessed with him. I think at some point she did love him but it morphed into something else, something more consuming. She was always there for him and he took advantage of that fact as well throughout their whole relationship. She was a bit of a doormat for him and she never even noticed. In the end I just found myself feeling sorry for her and not because of the story but because she’s just not a good character. She ruined other relationships because she was always hung up on Harley and compared everyone too him.

And Harley? I really don’t know what to feel about him because we only got one chapter from his POV and nothing about how he interacted with Rose gave me an indication of what kind of person he is. Sure, I said he used Rose but that’s all I can say with certainty. I don’t know if he really loved her but I would say he wasn’t consumed by her like she was him.

I wouldn’t even say Harley & Rose was written very well. Sure, I think Carmen Jensen can tell a story but it seemed a bit juvenile to me. I didn’t find myself wanting to turn the page because the story was engaging but because it was a train wreck.

Overall I don’t regret reading Harley & Rose but I do with there was more. It’s definitely a great book to read if you don’t want to think about anything or you just love bad books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another incredible find that broke my heart hard.  Harley and Rose have been friends forever and she has been in love with him as long, and dreamed of the day they would marry.The book opens with Harley's wedding not to Rose, but someone else and he has been dumped at the alter.  Harley and Rose take his honeymoon trip to Hawaii together as a time to hang out again.  Harley has a secret and once it comes out Rose has to decide how much he means to her.  This one left me a complete mess.  But so good. 
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I went in to this book without reading the reviews but just seen the rating. I loved the author's Sugartown Series so wanted to give this one a try as well.

I was a blubbering mess after reading Harley & Rose's story. We all know books may not always end how we want them too but still was a mixture of a little of everything. This is a best friend to lover's to second chances to life's choices. Read this book but make sure you have your Reese's & tissues on hand!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has broken me, but humbled me in reading it. This is the first book I have read by Carmen Jenner and I'm in awe of her writing that was perfection to say the least. The story is just wonderful - heartbreaking, funny, full of love, enough to make your heart burst and your eyes fill with tears.

I adored both characters, Rose is funny, sassy, lovable, and loyal and Harley stole my heart, but there were many a time I could have cheerfully shaken them both and told them to get their acts together and sort themselves out. But the camaraderie and the chemistry between these two characters was just beautifully written and never to be forgotten. This is their love story, a love that had grown since they were children.
Carmen Jenner takes us back to the past in intermittent chapters so we get to experience their relationship right from the start and what a treat you are in for.
I read this book in about 6 hours because it was just too good to put down, to beautifully to stop reading, it is too amazing to ever forget. Whenever I see the title and cover of this book I will always remember Harley and Rose and the wonderful journey they took me on, Just absolutely brilliant !!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john alderman

FLOVE IT!!! Wow! This story line has me hooked! My heart sunk when Harley gave Rose her "space" and cut off all ties with her. I was definitely rooting for Harley and Rose. As soon as I read one of the chapters as Harley's POV, I put two and two together. The ending in my head DID NOT match the ending of the book ::sad pouty face::
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jean decaro
The writing was solid. The characters well...I hate when a girl just keeps going back to someone who keeps treating her like sh*t, no matter if it's a good reason or not. The characters kept stringing each other a long and it got old. I'm in the romance section for romance, and the end of this was not the HEA I was looking for. If you're looking for back and forth people that can't make up their mind or tell each other the truth and then a super sad ending then this is the book for you. Wish they could have disclosed that beforehand.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erik mallinson
This is not a typical contemporary romance with some obstacle in the way of a couple's eventual happily ever after. It has well developed characters you want to root for even when they're being less than attractive. There is an unexpected complication as the story progresses. Never the less it delivers in the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carol goldstein geller
WOW!! Get your tissues ready for this one! You truly are a talented writer Carmen! Harley & Rose have been friends since they were little. With many up & downs you will be taken on a journey with this book. I don’t want to say much and give anything anyway but this is definitely a must read for true romantics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sally cummings
Well... where to start...
How do you put into words a story that is so beautiful, devestating and heartbreaking all at the same time?
This a story about a girl and a boy who have been neighbour's and best friends almost all of their lives. Theirs is a timeless love that survives being together and breaking up, the teenage years, young adulthood, seeing each other with other partners, romantic non honeymoons and the list could go on forever.. because that is how long their love lasts.

She is truly the Wendy to his Pan.
Rose loves Harley, Harley loves Rose but life just keeps getting in the way of them being together. When they do finally look like they are getting it together something huge is stopping them, but only one of them knows what it is.

These characters are both fantastic. I never at any time felt like I didn't like either of them. The way their lives progress as the story goes on is nothing short of amazing. They both forge ahead in their chosen career paths and even though something is always in the way of them being together their bond and friendship goes from strength to strength. It never falters. Neither can stay mad at the other for long and this is what gets them through some of their toughest challenges.
There isn't a huge support cast of characters in this story because quite frankly it doesn't need it. The story really revolves solely around Harley and Rose and their relationship. There are a couple of other people involved but none that really change the outcome of the story or the course their life journey is destined to take them on.

There is no cheating involved in this story line, there are no cheesy moments or anything that makes you screw up your nose in distaste, but, there is a bucket load of emotion backed up by a damn good storyline that will keep you enthralled and enchanted from beginning to end.
You will need tissues and possibly shed bucket loads of tears and you will have moments that have you laughing so much you start to look like a crazy person,but as we all know that is part of the attraction of sinking your teeth into such a fabulous story.

This book has all the feels and then some. If you like stories that draw out every emotion you never knew you had then you definitely do not want to miss Carmen Jenner latest release. It is well worth your time and money to grab yourself a copy and escape into the world of Harley and Rose for a few hours!

Reviewed on behalf of FMR BookGrind
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Good story line when it came together in the middle/end..... Harley and Rose was on a roller coaster than had me dizzy in what was going to happen next. There was a lot of half truths as well as emotions that were all over the place and expressed out of anger and hurt. In the end I found myself frustrated with Rose but standing by her 100%. Dang you could not feel the love that was there from beginning to end.
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