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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peyton rosencrants
I truly liked the old fashioned traditions blended with modern love which meets and creates a true and rich love. The fae folk being a part gave it that worry that something would go Down only added to the mystery.
I would like to see a continuation of the story what happens between rock and Cassidy where's their story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie donna
I really enjoyed this book! The idea of being betrothed to someone when you are a baby and yrs later you finally meet! I loved the characters and the setting. Wendy makes me feel like I am right there watching the story unfold. I loved this book and I am a huge fan of Wendy's !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I LOVE Wendy Higgins! Her stories are wonderful. See Me is a fun, quick read with lovely, well written characters. McKale is kind and sweet. Robyn & Cass are great sisters. And Rock's playful charm was my undoing. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS BOOK!
The Boy on the Wooden Box :: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth? :: Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds :: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman - The Pleasure of Finding Things Out :: Retribution: Psychological Thriller
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
hannah smith
Y’all this was just silly! Leprechaun’s really? I think the thing that bothered me the most was the sister story line! As a mom of 5 girls, I think it is an injustice for an author to paint teen sex with such casualty! Maybe I would have respected it more if she had been pregnant at least then there would be some real consequence but then again don’t we all just want to feel good?!? Yep this was just a NO for me and my daughters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy tucker
When I first heard about this story that Wendy Higgins had written, I was quite excited to read it, cause I love anything Ireland and so when she decided to shelve it for a while, I was quite bummed.

Imagine my surprise and happiness when she decided to finally go ahead and self-publish, on St Patrick's Day no less! I got it on my Kindle app as soon as I got a spare moment at work after midnight on the 17th, and started it right then!

See Me can be described as a contemporary romance with a healthy dose of fantasy, maybe magical realism? It is the story of a girl and a boy falling in love in the Emerald Isle, with the added bonus of magic, faeries and the fact that the boy is a Leprechaun!

Robyn has been bethroted to boy in Ireland since she can remember, and despite being a very modern girl she always understood it as her duty. Her family is one of those few given magic by the Fae and there's a lot of responsability that comes with it. She had always allowed herself some romantic dreams, imagining how McKale would be. So when she's told on her flight to Ireland that he's a Leprechaun... well, to say she's got a bad shock is to put it midly. We all imagine tiny men dressed in green that live at the end of the rainbow, and that's image that makes Robyn panic.

But as it happens McKale is not a 3 foot guy but a slightly taller than average human size, which in a funny lil twist is quite frowned upon on the Leprechaun society, so McKale has been quite unhappy with his size all his life. Apparently not even the jolly green men are beyond prejudices.

The romance is very sweet, adorable and cute! It started a bit on the wrong foot and soon enough we learn there's someone else that won't be playing fair for McKale's attention.

I really liked Robyn and Cassandra's interactions, a great sisters relationship, with plenty of banter and loads of support and friendship. And in fact, all the Manson's family interactions are fantastic. The parents are loving and a great example for Robyn to aspire to, and despite the great relationship they have with their parents, the girl still act like teenagers and sneak out on occasion.

I went through the book super fast, it was so much fun, even the moments when the FFG (you'll know what I mean if you read the book) start meddling and threatening Robyn & McKale. There are plenty of heartfelt moments, with fun ones, swoony ones and just plain adorable ones!

Very well deserved 4 stars to this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
betsy hail
Really enjoyed this book! What a magical and romantic story! If you like to get lost in the magical world of Leprechauns, Fae and human magic then this is the book for you! Robyn was just a few weeks old when her parents had to travel into the Faerie to give their report to the Summer King. The Fae woman in charge saw Robyn as a baby and decided that she would be the chosen one to marry someone that would be important to the King. As soon as Robyn graduated high school she and her family traveled to Ireland to meet her betrothed...a leprechaun!!!!! Poor Robyn!

Would all the American tales be true?! Would he be a little red headed man?! All these years of looking forward to meeting her man and now she learns he is a leprechaun!!! Will it work out?! Will Robyn fall in love?! I will say I was very impressed with Robyn's character! She handled everything much better than most American teens would have.
I give this book 4 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah bouchard
After Wendy Higgins' Sweet Evil series, I instantly fell in love with her books and her writing. I was so sad to see that series come to an end because it instantly and easily became an absolutely favorite. So when I got See Me in my hands I was so absolutely stoked to read something more by her and let me tell you it did not disappoint in the slightest! See Me is a fanciful story filled with all the elements I adore and I literally couldn't put it down.

Irish. Magic. Faeries. Oh yes, such an amazing combo! How often do we get a main boy who is not only Irish, but red-headed, extremely tall, plays a fiddle, and is adorablly shy and perfect in every way? Yeah, not so often, but that is McKale. I couldn't loved McKale more if I tried, I love how his shy demeanor morphed into strength, confidence, and sexiness. Oh and I forgot the adorable accent... unf! I want my own McKale! On his counterpart, we have Robyn Mason, who's family has been blessed with magic by the Fae. Robyn is forced to be McKales betrothed and for once, I was so happy to see a girl who is actually excited to meet her man versus rebelling. Robyn handles everything with strength and class and I don't think these two could have been a more perfect match.

More then them though, I loved all the characters we get to know... especially Rock and Cass. When I say Cassidy constantly had me laughing... it's an understatement. I just adored her and all of her outbursts and side-comments. Rock, whose real name is Ronan... like hello hotness all around. He just was another sexy and fun boy that I loved. These two together just made me smile. Then with Cass and Robyn's family I just loved them as well. The character cast was stacked to say the least.

Overall, I absolutely loved See Me and everything that came along with it. I got my fantasy world with Fae that I love getting lost in, sexy fellas, family, time to let loose, a girl I love to hate, romance, and overall a story to get lost in. Cannot wait for whatever Wendy Higgins next project will be!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
raid hosn
This YA Contemporary Fantasy busts a couple of tropes and contributes to a couple of others.

See Me by Wendy Higgins, read by Chris Dukehart, pub by Tantor Audio (2014) / Length: 8hrs 21min

This book is standalone. There may or may not ever be a sequel featuring her younger sister.

Lately my biggest bookish pet peeve has been parents etc. who keep really life changing (and even life threatening) secrets from their children. I'm also a bit tired of kids who have been told things but refuse to believe/prepare. So this book gets kudos for going in a completely different direction. Add in the fact that her parents have a bigger role in the book than many YA parents manage and I'm sold.

Although Robyn's parents haven't told her everything, which does cause some drama, they have done their best to prepare her for her faerie mandated wedding and to make her see it as something special rather than something awful. (I do think that they should have been able to make arrangements for them to meet at least once before the time came, Ireland isn't the moon after all.) And she has accepted it, and is excited as well as understandably nervous.

Please see below for a note about the subplot, which I really wish had been left out.

Robyn: She is a tomboy who prefers to hang with the boys, but isn't afraid to put on a skirt and some makeup when she's feeling feminine. For the most part she is very sensible but she does let her sister push her into things that might not be wise.

McKale: His family didn't do as well by him as hers. I really wish we would have gotten a bit more character development for him. We know he plays music and has been emotionally isolated by his differences, but I want to know more.

Robyn & McKale: The book takes place over the course of a summer, so I would have liked to see some more direct interaction. I loved the "dates" and the efforts she made to see that they truly got to know one another. I wasn't pleased that his response to the constant groping & pinching from his kin was amusement and tell her that that's just the way they are and she should get used to it.

This is a world where the capricious, and often cruel, faeries of legend are real. We also have versions of leprechauns and other similar peoples. There are humans from bloodlines with fae gifted magic, and they are required to serve and obey those fae.

Regular humans remain unaware of this, and if a fairy crosses their path, there are people whose job it is to wipe their memories.

The book begins with a prologue, that gives the backstory to how this arranged marriage came to be. (I still really think I would have found someone else to watch the baby)

The subplot is not resolved at the end and there may never be a sequel. The main story is complete however.


--When he wants to try painting her toe nails (his people don't have such modern fripperies) and then freaks when he gets some on himself
--Everything to do with the bin of gifts, and most especially the scenes where she gives it to him.

I COULD HAVE DONE WITHOUT: The whole subplot involving the "cousin" clan, especially the stuff with the sister. A 16 year old foolishly reckless virgin (I call her that because she makes decisions she isn't emotionally prepared to deal with) and a ?? decades old magical bad boy don't appeal to me as a couple. Plus, I have never liked the "Puck" archetype and don't think drunkenness, groping, irresponsibly impregnanting humans (in the past) and other such things are funny.

OTHER CAUTIONS(?): One swear word (which was used a number of times) / There are a few very warm scenes, and Robyn is not committed to waiting. / A different couple sleep together after only 2 days, and with no expressed commitment at all. / There is a lot of drinking (it's Ireland) and age isn't a factor. / Note: because they are magical, the age differences between the couple is large enough that it may be disturbing to some.

Character voices differentiated = Enough / Opposite sex voices acceptable = Yes / Accents good = I liked her mother's Irish accent. The others were weird, but were supposed to be, since they specifically called out as being different. / Phrasing, Pacing & Pronunciation = Good. I heard one mispronunciation (but maybe it was a foreign way of saying it) / Emoting = Good / Speed = listened on 1.25, my usual, and it was just a touch slow
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy Leprechaun! "See Me" was positively fantastic, and is a new favorite of mine. Seeing as how I myself am part Irish, I enjoyed this story immensely. Wendy Higgins never ceases to amaze me with her creative and fascinating stories, and this one was no exception. Everything about it was amazing and thoroughly entertaining. The characters were totally awesome, and I loved them - they completely held my interest throughout. You will absolutely NOT regret reading this extraordinary tale of Leprechauns, Faeries, Clourichauns, and so much more! Even if you're not Irish, I believe you will still enjoy it!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tim o shea
Imaginative, well written with good themes; didn't put it down! Though I have to give one less star for the predictability, I did cherish the characters! Anyone interested in Fantasy Romance Young Adult Dramas would love this story & I would highly recommend it to anyone that needs a fresh (& welcoming) perspective on Faeries!

I personally dislike feel good stories, however, I would definitely read a sequel to this novel as I love the characters so much! I would love to see more of Robyn & Kale's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anne gomez
What another great read from Wendy!! I completely fell in love with all the characters, well and especially Kale. Each of them added so much to the story. One of my favorite things about Wendy's writing is you really feel like you are apart of the journey. I was right there in the "Shire", the plane ride, the car ride and of course the waterfall! This was such a fun and endearing read. I would recommend it to anyone who loves a good paranormal romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john mccreery
A charming, tickle your heart with a tale on the art the Love, in Ireland ...but remember you ARE living around the relm of the powerful, demanding Fae...Fae TAKE what they want as playthings...mere toys..even if Bethrothed!!! Magic, a hidden glen where the Leprecians are at the mercy of the underhill Fae?! A Fae requested bonding to take pace in a Shormakers' village...being upset, maybe ruined by a "stray Fae" .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theresa kalfas
Such a magical story. SEE ME is a fresh, compelling tale filled with romance, mystery and intrigue. But it also has humor. I laughed out loud several times! The characters are real and stick with you days after you read the story. I could read it again right now! Easily five stars.
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