Into the Fire: A Night Prince Novel
ByJeaniene Frost
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is my favorite series by her. It was fun and I love me some Ian but I was disappointed that there was no growth for Leila. It's the last book yet she doesn't come close to resolving anything with her family. Just kept stuffing everything and tabling it for later. If anything I think Vlad is starting to drag her down. It felt like Frost was rushing to end this and is passing off one of her cookie cutter books. Reminded me a lot of her earlier Cat & Bones books where the characters were more caricatures than complex beings. A little disappointed but still glad I read it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
dara wilson
A rush-job that turns interesting characters that I cared about into flat, unlikeable people. Basically a set-up for other books to come, but I don't care enough to read about them either. First of all, they go to all theses trippy places for no good reason. Then Vlad kills all these people he doesn't know with no remorse. So basically, I'm supposed to be impressed with his willingness to murder everyone for Leila. Instead, I find him very shallow and unappealing, and evil, and uninteresting. I'd feel sorry for Leila, except she's turned into a non-person who hardly has any feelings, too. Maybe vampires do lose their souls? No growth takes place in characters or relationships, instead they shrink. It's like one of those action movies with lots of special effects, but no suspense because you don't care what happens to the characters. Stop amping up the violence, and sex, and "special effects"! A good story always is about the people. The last book in this series was not satisfactory either, human people becoming less than, but this was the worst. I deleted it permanently and I'm done with Ms. Frost. Thinking of what I DID like... the basic plot was pretty good. Except that scene with the imploding party, which made me dislike everybody. A hero can't kill off people who don't seem to deserve it. But this story lacks heart-big time.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
emma watson
A rush-job that turns interesting characters that I cared about into flat, unlikeable people. Basically a set-up for other books to come, but I don't care enough to read about them either. First of all, they go to all theses trippy places for no good reason. Then Vlad kills all these people he doesn't know with no remorse. So basically, I'm supposed to be impressed with his willingness to murder everyone for Leila. Instead, I find him very shallow and unappealing, and evil, and uninteresting. I'd feel sorry for Leila, except she's turned into a non-person who hardly has any feelings, too. Maybe vampires do lose their souls? No growth takes place in characters or relationships, instead they shrink. It's like one of those action movies with lots of special effects, but no suspense because you don't care what happens to the characters. Stop amping up the violence, and sex, and "special effects"! A good story always is about the people. The last book in this series was not satisfactory either, human people becoming less than, but this was the worst. I deleted it permanently and I'm done with Ms. Frost. Thinking of what I DID like... the basic plot was pretty good. Except that scene with the imploding party, which made me dislike everybody. A hero can't kill off people who don't seem to deserve it. But this story lacks heart-big time.
Happily Never After (Night Huntress) :: Chained by Night (The Moonbound Clan Vampires Book 2) :: Home for the Holidays: Night Huntress, Book 6.5 :: Wicked Abyss (Immortals After Dark Book 17) :: Up from the Grave (Night Huntress)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
darth vix
This book was fine. It wasn't great. It wasn't bad. It was fine. Admittedly, I have never much liked the Vlad and Leila branch. As usual, they have almost no dialogue that's not of the I-would-kill-everyone-for-you variety. They're not particularly interesting, they're both pretty selfish, and biggest sin of all, they're not funny or snarky. Reading this novel felt like a job. I didn't want to, but I had to go back to read some of the previous novel, and then I found myself skimming this one. In a way, this was the last task before finally being done with Vlad and Leila. So, while neither of them makes me smile, I love almost every other character in this world--give me more Gretchen, more Veritas, and a whole lot more Ian. I've been waiting since Mencheres's story for Ian's and it looks like that's finally coming.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
peta farrelly
I wanted to like it. But, the characters were less than 3 dimensional and frankly annoying. The smex was interrupting and just not interesting. Sorry folks, the joy and passion behind the series just seemed to be missing. For fans and series-finishers only.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The previous book in this series came out in 2015 and I found myself having the same difficulty with this book as I’ve had with so many others. Not enough recap and I just didn’t recall enough of the overall story. It was hard for me to get back into this world without having more of a refresher.
The story was fast-paced and loaded with action, however, I also found it got bogged down with too much stuff that just had me scratching my head. Ani-kutanie and the trueborn witch stuff felt so forced until I realized that it plays into Frost’s next series. But until I realized that I was like “WTF”.
The dedication and love between Leila and Vlad was sweet and a bit twisted at times but, these two never got into my heart they way Bones and Cat did. I am looking forward to Ian story.
The story was fast-paced and loaded with action, however, I also found it got bogged down with too much stuff that just had me scratching my head. Ani-kutanie and the trueborn witch stuff felt so forced until I realized that it plays into Frost’s next series. But until I realized that I was like “WTF”.
The dedication and love between Leila and Vlad was sweet and a bit twisted at times but, these two never got into my heart they way Bones and Cat did. I am looking forward to Ian story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Unlike other fans of Ms. Frost's books, I have never been a Vlad fan. I just don't like him, sorry. So I had marginal expectations. However, this story was great. I was especially happy when a character said, "you need help from someone you like even less than Bones." I thought PLEASE let it be Ian! There were surprises and twists and turns, but it was also great to see characters that I knew and loved...I even began to feel slightly better about Vlad. I cannot wait to read the Night Rebel series and get more of my Ian (he needs a HEA). And Ms. Frost's acknowledgements were beautifully written. She is a wonderful example of how it's ok to be a strong Christian and still write/read a book that appeals to the masses. Her mom was proud of her - and deservedly so.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashlea ramey
If you liked the others by this author you will love this one too! I love Vlad's story. Buy this book you won't be disappointed. Can't wait for the next book. I hope Vlad and Leila make an appearance in the next story!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
david poon
I was counting down the days for this book to be released and have read all of Jeanine Frost's books. This one was such a disappointment. Not at all how I expected to end the series. Vlad deserved way better!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is such a wonderful series that has action and love. I love the characters and can't wait until the next book comes out! I was sad when two of the characters were killed off, but still love the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rasha soliman
This is one of my favorite authors, absolutely love her Night Prince series, although the final book, I'd have to say was lacking in the end.
I fell in love with Vlad and Leila from book one, this book was just as good, until the end. I felt was rushed and left a lot of unanswered questions, which this being the last one, seems unfair to me being a big fan.
The villain mage, in the end wasn't really explained well at the end, Leila's sister was turned vampire, but no explaining, just left at that, Maximus was back, but hinted at possible feelings for her sister. There were several new characters introduced, but not much to tie together with Leila and Vlad. Instead of a conclusion to their story, I felt cheated and wanted more from them, but left with nothing to end with. For a long awaited book, I expected more closure, and especially to main characters we have got to know and love from the three books prior to this one.
I fell in love with Vlad and Leila from book one, this book was just as good, until the end. I felt was rushed and left a lot of unanswered questions, which this being the last one, seems unfair to me being a big fan.
The villain mage, in the end wasn't really explained well at the end, Leila's sister was turned vampire, but no explaining, just left at that, Maximus was back, but hinted at possible feelings for her sister. There were several new characters introduced, but not much to tie together with Leila and Vlad. Instead of a conclusion to their story, I felt cheated and wanted more from them, but left with nothing to end with. For a long awaited book, I expected more closure, and especially to main characters we have got to know and love from the three books prior to this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maureen clark
So, while I loved Cat and Bones and the other spin off books, I've struggled with Vlad since his first Night Prince book. The impaling and amorality of him have made him into an antihero in my book. I've like Leila all along, but he rubs me the wrong way, and she seems amenable to his way of thinking. Only their own tribe of loved ones really matter to them. Even there, that love is cold-bloodedly weighed and measured and quantified for the odds of sacrifice and betrayal. This final book had a serious body count, with many innocents caught in the cross fire. At some point towards the middle of the book, I started thinking that the world would be better off without these two, who seem to only weigh lives against their own desires. Things evened out by the end, but I still struggled to like such a self-centered pair.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
maria isabell
Was anyone else annoyed by Leiha mentally blaming herself or being woo-es-me?
At certain points throughout the book I wanted her to actually just be killed just to shut her up.
Then her forever taking the choices away from her sister. Yes you are now in a dangerous world. But come on get over it. I was irritated while reading and I am def irritated by how it ended. The time period between books can go for much longer for all I care. The ending sucked and I was not impressed. Will I read again? Hell No. Do I recommend? Absolutely NOT. Very Disappointing. If it was not for the secondary characters this book would of gotten 2 stars. As for Vlad. Arrogance in main hero can go only so far. This one so has gone out the ball field.
At certain points throughout the book I wanted her to actually just be killed just to shut her up.
Then her forever taking the choices away from her sister. Yes you are now in a dangerous world. But come on get over it. I was irritated while reading and I am def irritated by how it ended. The time period between books can go for much longer for all I care. The ending sucked and I was not impressed. Will I read again? Hell No. Do I recommend? Absolutely NOT. Very Disappointing. If it was not for the secondary characters this book would of gotten 2 stars. As for Vlad. Arrogance in main hero can go only so far. This one so has gone out the ball field.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I preordered this book literally One Full Year before I got it. I must admit, more than once, I was tempted to cancel the preorder, since there were, if I remember correctly, three pushbacks on the original release date. I am glad I didn't. Wow, that's one of the best series endings I've ever seen. Enough loose ends to start a new series, but all the essential elements wrapped up, and enough surprises to keep you reading half the night just to finish up a little bit faster.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was looking forward to reading the last of the Night Prince series, but this book was very blah! The characters did not develop or grow in this story, but instead seemed rather diminished. The tension was lacking, and the resolution was boring. Even when Leila discovered she had magic she was unaware of, she did not develop into something stronger or better or more powerful. Gretchen made a brief appearance, but I'm not sure how she added to the story at all, since she was immediately whisked away and forgotten, and Ian, who I've always had a bit of a soft spot for, came across childish, petulant and perverted. It felt to me that Ms. Frost was churning out this story to get the series finished, and was no longer interested in these characters. I won't be rushing to read this again any time soon.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I love Jeaniene Frost' s books but this one did leave way to many things undone and she killed off Marty it always Pis###s me off when an author kills one of the many close characters to the point I will think before I buy another book from them. Another thing that upsets me is I didn't want Lelia to have to sacrifice her magical powers and so far at the end she hadn't but and this is a big but neither did they separate the link between her and Mirc## the necromancer (my kindle will not let me spell his name as it is in the book). At the end of the book they were still connected so if one dies the other dies. I do not understand why she left that undone and many other things to its not like her but there you have it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie kratz
Ok - I LOVED IT! I loved the characters brought into the story too. It is hard to write this review without spoilers lol! Just know this book is work the $6.99 I paid for the kindle edition over and over again. I love all 4 books in this series as well as the Night Huntress series!
Into the Fire: A Night Prince Novel
Into the Fire: A Night Prince Novel
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Not her best work. I loved books 1&2 of this series (and all the night huntress books). I'm not a fan of the main character of the book being endlessly tortured, book 3 had plenty of this, and in this final book it's almost unending. Got to the stage where I didn't care if the main character died to put her out of her misery. And then you get to the end, and the book just stops. A shaggy dog ending to what was one of my favourite series.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
graham petrie
After waiting a fairly long time for this book to be released (The release date had been changed at least once) I was hoping for a fantastic finale to this series. Vlad & Leila have been one of my favorite book couples, so I was disappointed when they didn't get the ending to their series that they deserved. The entire book just felt like it was there to setup the next book for Ian and his story. I also did not like how unresolved it felt at the end. There was no reason for this book to drag on as it did, it could have been wrapped up in the third book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was looking forward to reading the last of the Night Prince series, but this book was very blah! The characters did not develop or grow in this story, but instead seemed rather diminished. The tension was lacking, and the resolution was boring. Even when Leila discovered she had magic she was unaware of, she did not develop into something stronger or better or more powerful. Gretchen made a brief appearance, but I'm not sure how she added to the story at all, since she was immediately whisked away and forgotten, and Ian, who I've always had a bit of a soft spot for, came across childish, petulant and perverted. It felt to me that Ms. Frost was churning out this story to get the series finished, and was no longer interested in these characters. I won't be rushing to read this again any time soon.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I love Jeaniene Frost' s books but this one did leave way to many things undone and she killed off Marty it always Pis###s me off when an author kills one of the many close characters to the point I will think before I buy another book from them. Another thing that upsets me is I didn't want Lelia to have to sacrifice her magical powers and so far at the end she hadn't but and this is a big but neither did they separate the link between her and Mirc## the necromancer (my kindle will not let me spell his name as it is in the book). At the end of the book they were still connected so if one dies the other dies. I do not understand why she left that undone and many other things to its not like her but there you have it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt hempey
Ok - I LOVED IT! I loved the characters brought into the story too. It is hard to write this review without spoilers lol! Just know this book is work the $6.99 I paid for the kindle edition over and over again. I love all 4 books in this series as well as the Night Huntress series!
Into the Fire: A Night Prince Novel
Into the Fire: A Night Prince Novel
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
edwin b
Not her best work. I loved books 1&2 of this series (and all the night huntress books). I'm not a fan of the main character of the book being endlessly tortured, book 3 had plenty of this, and in this final book it's almost unending. Got to the stage where I didn't care if the main character died to put her out of her misery. And then you get to the end, and the book just stops. A shaggy dog ending to what was one of my favourite series.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
neha banyal
After waiting a fairly long time for this book to be released (The release date had been changed at least once) I was hoping for a fantastic finale to this series. Vlad & Leila have been one of my favorite book couples, so I was disappointed when they didn't get the ending to their series that they deserved. The entire book just felt like it was there to setup the next book for Ian and his story. I also did not like how unresolved it felt at the end. There was no reason for this book to drag on as it did, it could have been wrapped up in the third book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
corrine frazier
Overall I enjoyed it, but if this is the last book their are some major wholes. The book did not end like it was the last, but it also did not end like it was leading to something else. I felt like it should have because I HAVE QUESTIONS!!! I went into this book thinking "OK This is where they get the curse off..." I ended the book with the thought, "You can't be serious! That's it!?" Frost left me wanting more, but not in a good way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Into the Fire is book four in the Night Prince series. This is the last book in the series and I couldn't wait to see how it wrapped up. This series is a spin off from the Night Huntress books and the lead characters are Vlad (don't ever call him Dracula) and Leila. The previous book had a lot of big things going on and left a few things to be tied up in this novel. I thought it wrapped up everything well and can't recommend this series enough.
We start off with Leila and Vlad hunting down Mircea, a necromancer that linked himself to Leila with a spell in the previous book. The spell is quite powerful even though it backfired and now anytime Leila or Mircea is injured it happens to the other. We see Mircea toying with Leila by cutting himself and linking to her so they can have chats. It's all fun and games until someone takes Mircea prisoner in order to play on Vlad's one weakness, his wife Leila. He'll do anything in order to protect the ones he loves and they're counting on that. Vlad and Leila have to figure out where Mircea is being held before it costs them her life. Their leads are all seeming like dead ends and left me a bit worried for our leading lady.
Into The Fire is a great conclusion to a series I couldn't get enough of. I'm sad to see it end, but thought it wrapped things up nicely. There isn't a whole lot going on in this novel since the main focus is finding Mircea and figuring out who captured him. We do get some face time with character both in the Night Huntress series as well as the previous books in this series. I always enjoy seeing those cameos. All in all, I've adored this series and highly suggest it if you enjoy Urban Fantasy with vampires. While you don't have to read the Night Huntress series before you start these I'd suggest it since they're a fabulous read!
We start off with Leila and Vlad hunting down Mircea, a necromancer that linked himself to Leila with a spell in the previous book. The spell is quite powerful even though it backfired and now anytime Leila or Mircea is injured it happens to the other. We see Mircea toying with Leila by cutting himself and linking to her so they can have chats. It's all fun and games until someone takes Mircea prisoner in order to play on Vlad's one weakness, his wife Leila. He'll do anything in order to protect the ones he loves and they're counting on that. Vlad and Leila have to figure out where Mircea is being held before it costs them her life. Their leads are all seeming like dead ends and left me a bit worried for our leading lady.
Into The Fire is a great conclusion to a series I couldn't get enough of. I'm sad to see it end, but thought it wrapped things up nicely. There isn't a whole lot going on in this novel since the main focus is finding Mircea and figuring out who captured him. We do get some face time with character both in the Night Huntress series as well as the previous books in this series. I always enjoy seeing those cameos. All in all, I've adored this series and highly suggest it if you enjoy Urban Fantasy with vampires. While you don't have to read the Night Huntress series before you start these I'd suggest it since they're a fabulous read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
eileen griffin
What should have been a fiery finish to Jeaniene Frost’s NIGHT PRINCE series was a bit of a dud. INTO THE FIRE was all about Ian which made Vlad & Leila the protagonists of this story in name only. Per an FAQ on the author’s website, there’s a spin-off in the works for the former, and I get the need to propagate that message, but this could have been done in a more tasteful manner rather than hijacking Dracula’s happily-ever-after.
I still got a fair amount of enjoyment out of this novel including some good laughs. We learn about the origins of the heroine’s powers, and Mencheres makes an appearance, although the shock factor in relation to his character was a bit of a joke because I didn’t believe for one second that that thing that happened actually did, there’s just no way. That being said, I did get a kick out of the male cast sprouting boobs and totally owning their glamoured disguises.
Vlad & Leila’s fairy tale ending lacked passion—the token sex scene notwithstanding—there were too many secrets between them for a couple who’s supposedly embracing forever together, and the resolution vis-à-vis Mircea was so corny. Frost could have made this into a killer trilogy, but instead book 4 came along, and crapped the bed. This is the lowest rating that I’ve ever given something that was written by this author, and it really makes me sad.
I pre-ordered this audio months before its release because Tavia Gilbert is an experienced narrator whose familiarity with this universe and its inhabitants is beyond measure. She reads Dracula’s parts well without falling into the stereotypical trap that would be all too easy to adopt, and the energy that she brings to the love making bits will leave you blushing and a little jealous. Her voice was the saving grace of this audiobook.
INTO THE FIRE is where your paperback copy should go. However, if you really must, listen instead. ~2.5 Stars
I still got a fair amount of enjoyment out of this novel including some good laughs. We learn about the origins of the heroine’s powers, and Mencheres makes an appearance, although the shock factor in relation to his character was a bit of a joke because I didn’t believe for one second that that thing that happened actually did, there’s just no way. That being said, I did get a kick out of the male cast sprouting boobs and totally owning their glamoured disguises.
Vlad & Leila’s fairy tale ending lacked passion—the token sex scene notwithstanding—there were too many secrets between them for a couple who’s supposedly embracing forever together, and the resolution vis-à-vis Mircea was so corny. Frost could have made this into a killer trilogy, but instead book 4 came along, and crapped the bed. This is the lowest rating that I’ve ever given something that was written by this author, and it really makes me sad.
I pre-ordered this audio months before its release because Tavia Gilbert is an experienced narrator whose familiarity with this universe and its inhabitants is beyond measure. She reads Dracula’s parts well without falling into the stereotypical trap that would be all too easy to adopt, and the energy that she brings to the love making bits will leave you blushing and a little jealous. Her voice was the saving grace of this audiobook.
INTO THE FIRE is where your paperback copy should go. However, if you really must, listen instead. ~2.5 Stars
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mark marchetti
Fourth and last in the Night Prince series (and thirteenth in the overall Night Huntress Universe) and revolving around Prince Vlad Tepesh and his vampire bride, Leila.
My Take
It's all about the fear and the love — and how that love can drive your fear. And can Leila ever tell you about how it manifests from that sneaky scene in Las Vegas — majorly tacky, and I think I'd be even more furious than Leila over Vlad's highhanded tactics — and the climax…hoo-boy… Talk about heated!
Yeah, she's telling it from first-person protagonist point-of-view, so you'd think you'd feel it, but no. Frost is mostly telling us what's happening. Well, not that I actually want to feel as though I'm burning up…! I do wish that Ian's manipulating had been more drawn out, more obvious, for the tension it would have created, but oh well.
I know that Vlad is a domineering chap, forceful, and quite willing to take someone down, but he felt too out-of-control in this. I suppose Frost intended for us to see this as his fear for Leila, but it felt more as if Frost had been in a hurry to finish this up. More evidence pops up in the lack of concern for names for that fancy "hotel" or the last bar or even Ian's last name… Nor was Frost too concerned about background on any number of characters. I'm glad I've been tracking the characters for past stories, so I'd be able to reference that anyway. Probably wants to get on to that new series.
"Luckily", getting rid of the connecting spell requires a lot of minor conflicts that open up so many possibilities for Frost's next spin-off, Night Rebel, with Ian and Veritas. Odd, but I didn't get a sense of Veritas being a recurring character for Night Rebel, although I do have that impression about Ashael and Dagon…eeek… It should be quite the humorous series.
Ian is taunting, secretive, and seems to have screwed over anyone with whom he's been in contact. He's also a lot of fun, lol. I think it was that first moment Vlad and Leila met him at the front door of his manor *more laughter*
Frost was too eager to set us up for her next series and did not make that encounter between Ian and Dagon realistic. No, I take that back. The exchange was realistic, but the scenario Frost used to set the encounter up was not. It was too quick.
There was a lot of action and a lot of trauma in what was actually quite the mid-level story. Characters "tidied" up or set up for future stories. I'm glad this series is over with, as I've not been impressed.
The Story
The spell connecting Leila and Mircea has backfired on Mircea, for his enemies have kidnapped him and are using that connection to torture both of them.
It's become imperative that the connection is destroyed, lest Leila die.
The Characters
Leila Dalton Tepesh is Vlad's wife ( Bound by Flames , 3) who has psychometric abilities which makes her the best lie detector on the planet. Gretchen is Leila's jealous sister. The retired Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Dalton is their angry father. Aunt Brenda and Leila's mother had spent their childhood on the North Carolina Cherokee Indian lands. Marty is a father figure for Leila, a dwarf vampire, and her best friend with whom she'd done a circus act.
Vlad Tepesh is Dracula, a pyrokinetic vampire, who had been born in the 1400s; he's madly in love with Leila and is as cruel as he needs to be. Radu is his brother and Mircea's father. Samir is the captain of his guard. Maximus had been a friend before he betrayed Vlad. Henri works with Isa in the kitchens at Vlad's castle in Romania.
The manipulative, conniving Ian has a manor in Cheshire, England.
Mencheres (Menkaure is his birth name) is Vlad's honorary sire with a deep knowledge of magic and his own power of telekinesis. Kira is his wife ( Eternal Kiss of Darkness , 2). Bones (in the Night Huntress) is Mencheres' co-ruler. Patra had been Mencheres' wife.
The Eastern Band of Cherokees, North Carolina
Leotie Shayne has been a vampire for centuries and a true-blood Ani-kutani. Lisa is a teenager staying with Leotie. The Ani-kutani were Cherokee priests with great powers who became corrupt.
Ashael and Dagon are demons.
Mircea is Vlad's unhappy nephew/stepson and a necromancer who is cruel for the fun of it. Branson is in league with him. Ilona had been Mircea's cheating mother. Mihaly Szilagyi, Mercia's sire, had been Vlad's bitter enemy for centuries. Until Bound by Flames , 3.
The Acolytes of Imhotep are…
…a cult once based on the teachings of Imhotep, an Egyptian vampire who taught Mencheres. He believed in using magic for knowledge, healing, and protecting his country. Neryre knew Mencheres back in the day.
The Law Guardians are…
…the ruling body for the vampires which has outlawed the use of magic. Veritas is a Law Guardian with some mad skills and secrets.
Selenites is a members-only bar for the magically inclined elite. Elena is its sorceress owner. Klaus is her lover. Blackstone is an earth mage with a major grudge against Ian. Marie Laveau, a.k.a., Majestic, is voodoo queen of the ghouls ( Bound by Flames , 3).
Demons invented magic. Legacy magic is passed from one relative to another and changes according to the needs of the person who is receiving it.
The Cover and Title
The cover is dark with a bare-chested…woohoo…Vlad in black pants, poised to attack, vibrant red flames flaring and purple-gray smoke twining in the background of purple-black arches. The author's name is below center with the title below that with both in white. A reddish pink colors the info blurb and series information nestled between the two.
The title is all about Frankie heading Into the Fire to rescue Vlad.
My Take
It's all about the fear and the love — and how that love can drive your fear. And can Leila ever tell you about how it manifests from that sneaky scene in Las Vegas — majorly tacky, and I think I'd be even more furious than Leila over Vlad's highhanded tactics — and the climax…hoo-boy… Talk about heated!
Yeah, she's telling it from first-person protagonist point-of-view, so you'd think you'd feel it, but no. Frost is mostly telling us what's happening. Well, not that I actually want to feel as though I'm burning up…! I do wish that Ian's manipulating had been more drawn out, more obvious, for the tension it would have created, but oh well.
I know that Vlad is a domineering chap, forceful, and quite willing to take someone down, but he felt too out-of-control in this. I suppose Frost intended for us to see this as his fear for Leila, but it felt more as if Frost had been in a hurry to finish this up. More evidence pops up in the lack of concern for names for that fancy "hotel" or the last bar or even Ian's last name… Nor was Frost too concerned about background on any number of characters. I'm glad I've been tracking the characters for past stories, so I'd be able to reference that anyway. Probably wants to get on to that new series.
"Luckily", getting rid of the connecting spell requires a lot of minor conflicts that open up so many possibilities for Frost's next spin-off, Night Rebel, with Ian and Veritas. Odd, but I didn't get a sense of Veritas being a recurring character for Night Rebel, although I do have that impression about Ashael and Dagon…eeek… It should be quite the humorous series.
Ian is taunting, secretive, and seems to have screwed over anyone with whom he's been in contact. He's also a lot of fun, lol. I think it was that first moment Vlad and Leila met him at the front door of his manor *more laughter*
Frost was too eager to set us up for her next series and did not make that encounter between Ian and Dagon realistic. No, I take that back. The exchange was realistic, but the scenario Frost used to set the encounter up was not. It was too quick.
There was a lot of action and a lot of trauma in what was actually quite the mid-level story. Characters "tidied" up or set up for future stories. I'm glad this series is over with, as I've not been impressed.
The Story
The spell connecting Leila and Mircea has backfired on Mircea, for his enemies have kidnapped him and are using that connection to torture both of them.
It's become imperative that the connection is destroyed, lest Leila die.
The Characters
Leila Dalton Tepesh is Vlad's wife ( Bound by Flames , 3) who has psychometric abilities which makes her the best lie detector on the planet. Gretchen is Leila's jealous sister. The retired Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Dalton is their angry father. Aunt Brenda and Leila's mother had spent their childhood on the North Carolina Cherokee Indian lands. Marty is a father figure for Leila, a dwarf vampire, and her best friend with whom she'd done a circus act.
Vlad Tepesh is Dracula, a pyrokinetic vampire, who had been born in the 1400s; he's madly in love with Leila and is as cruel as he needs to be. Radu is his brother and Mircea's father. Samir is the captain of his guard. Maximus had been a friend before he betrayed Vlad. Henri works with Isa in the kitchens at Vlad's castle in Romania.
The manipulative, conniving Ian has a manor in Cheshire, England.
Mencheres (Menkaure is his birth name) is Vlad's honorary sire with a deep knowledge of magic and his own power of telekinesis. Kira is his wife ( Eternal Kiss of Darkness , 2). Bones (in the Night Huntress) is Mencheres' co-ruler. Patra had been Mencheres' wife.
The Eastern Band of Cherokees, North Carolina
Leotie Shayne has been a vampire for centuries and a true-blood Ani-kutani. Lisa is a teenager staying with Leotie. The Ani-kutani were Cherokee priests with great powers who became corrupt.
Ashael and Dagon are demons.
Mircea is Vlad's unhappy nephew/stepson and a necromancer who is cruel for the fun of it. Branson is in league with him. Ilona had been Mircea's cheating mother. Mihaly Szilagyi, Mercia's sire, had been Vlad's bitter enemy for centuries. Until Bound by Flames , 3.
The Acolytes of Imhotep are…
…a cult once based on the teachings of Imhotep, an Egyptian vampire who taught Mencheres. He believed in using magic for knowledge, healing, and protecting his country. Neryre knew Mencheres back in the day.
The Law Guardians are…
…the ruling body for the vampires which has outlawed the use of magic. Veritas is a Law Guardian with some mad skills and secrets.
Selenites is a members-only bar for the magically inclined elite. Elena is its sorceress owner. Klaus is her lover. Blackstone is an earth mage with a major grudge against Ian. Marie Laveau, a.k.a., Majestic, is voodoo queen of the ghouls ( Bound by Flames , 3).
Demons invented magic. Legacy magic is passed from one relative to another and changes according to the needs of the person who is receiving it.
The Cover and Title
The cover is dark with a bare-chested…woohoo…Vlad in black pants, poised to attack, vibrant red flames flaring and purple-gray smoke twining in the background of purple-black arches. The author's name is below center with the title below that with both in white. A reddish pink colors the info blurb and series information nestled between the two.
The title is all about Frankie heading Into the Fire to rescue Vlad.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I had no expectations when I started this novel and that helped this book somewhat. Maybe it was me, but almost everyone (specially Vlad and Leila) came off as annoying and dramatic. The only saving grace was Ian's raunchy humor, but the author found a way to ruin that too.
I despised Leila this time around. All the secrets and the drama finally caught up to me and at one point I wished she would die just to get it over with. Her sister Gretchen was also very irritating and seemed to be there just to add more drama on top of everything.
Vlad was still too domineering and I still don't understand why all the secrecy. He and Leila seemed to have no chemistry. I don't care enough about him as a character to bother getting angry.
What got my emotions high was what happened to Ian. WTF was that about? He was one of the few characters that were actually entertaining in this book and he gets that for trying to help?
This is a conspiracy theory of mine: I sincerely HOPE that Veritas isn't Ian's love interest in his story. I do intend to read Ian's story to see who he ends up with and how he stays alive.
The ending didn't do anything for me either. People died and cliché things happened. Vlad and Leila were happy once more and everything was right in their precious little world while Ian suffers the consequences to Vlad's actions.
The Audio Book:
I adored the narrator. Tavia Gilbert is incredible. I loved her realistic screams and crying dialogue. This is the first audio book that I listened to that felt like I was almost listening to a movie because of how realistic everything seemed. She also had a large range of male voices which helped me differentiate who was talking without it being specified. Tavia Gilbert was this book's saving grace.
I despised Leila this time around. All the secrets and the drama finally caught up to me and at one point I wished she would die just to get it over with. Her sister Gretchen was also very irritating and seemed to be there just to add more drama on top of everything.
Vlad was still too domineering and I still don't understand why all the secrecy. He and Leila seemed to have no chemistry. I don't care enough about him as a character to bother getting angry.
What got my emotions high was what happened to Ian. WTF was that about? He was one of the few characters that were actually entertaining in this book and he gets that for trying to help?
This is a conspiracy theory of mine: I sincerely HOPE that Veritas isn't Ian's love interest in his story. I do intend to read Ian's story to see who he ends up with and how he stays alive.
The ending didn't do anything for me either. People died and cliché things happened. Vlad and Leila were happy once more and everything was right in their precious little world while Ian suffers the consequences to Vlad's actions.
The Audio Book:
I adored the narrator. Tavia Gilbert is incredible. I loved her realistic screams and crying dialogue. This is the first audio book that I listened to that felt like I was almost listening to a movie because of how realistic everything seemed. She also had a large range of male voices which helped me differentiate who was talking without it being specified. Tavia Gilbert was this book's saving grace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chase steely
I want to start off by informing you that I am totally a Jeaniene Frost fangirl. I really do enjoy her books a lot and I can't put my finger on the exact reason why I just overall love her writing and her characters. The narrator for this audiobook did an amazing job. She was able to put the feelings into her voice so good that it blew me away. It has been a while since I have listened to an audiobook too so maybe I didn't pay attention to those things before. I don't know.
This is the finale to the Night Prince series in the Night Huntress World. These books featured Vlad and Leila and their romance. Over the four total books, you get to see Leila transform into a strong badass woman. I suspect Leila and Cat (The OG Jeaniene Frost badass chick) will be best friends in no time. Vlad has also changed a little but really he is always angry and ready to kill anyone in an instant. This definitely doesn't change in this book as they search for a way to remove the spell that is linking Leila's life to Vlad's nephew. Mircea has also been trying to kill Leila and is Vlad's enemy. With Vlad's tendency to kill first ask later, this has forced Vlad to have a little patience.
This really does finish off the series good. I feel like it is a good ending and a good HEA. You see just how far Vlad is willing to go to save his wife. It also completely sets you up for Ian's book coming this fall. So I would read this for sure just so that you can see the events that lead into Ian's book properly. Will I be getting Ian's book? Yes, I already pre-ordered it because I have wanted Ian to have his own book forever. Fangirl...
This is the finale to the Night Prince series in the Night Huntress World. These books featured Vlad and Leila and their romance. Over the four total books, you get to see Leila transform into a strong badass woman. I suspect Leila and Cat (The OG Jeaniene Frost badass chick) will be best friends in no time. Vlad has also changed a little but really he is always angry and ready to kill anyone in an instant. This definitely doesn't change in this book as they search for a way to remove the spell that is linking Leila's life to Vlad's nephew. Mircea has also been trying to kill Leila and is Vlad's enemy. With Vlad's tendency to kill first ask later, this has forced Vlad to have a little patience.
This really does finish off the series good. I feel like it is a good ending and a good HEA. You see just how far Vlad is willing to go to save his wife. It also completely sets you up for Ian's book coming this fall. So I would read this for sure just so that you can see the events that lead into Ian's book properly. Will I be getting Ian's book? Yes, I already pre-ordered it because I have wanted Ian to have his own book forever. Fangirl...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary gilbert
What a JOY getting the final installment in the Night Prince series. I waited for this one SO LONG, and it was SO worth the wait! Not only that, the ending brought with it an announcement I'm also pumped about (but I'll get to that later ;)). I grabbed this book Saturday afternoon, and put my kindle aside only when I finished. ~sigh~ how I missed Vlad and Leila, and also Jeaniene writing. Getting sucked into the Night Huntress World again was everything I hoped it would be. I actually liked we didn't get more of Cat and Bones, but we DID get a lot of Ian and Mencheres.
The plot continues where we left off, frankly I didn't really remember where THAT was, but Jeaniene did a good job of reminding us the main things. First the fact that Leila is connected to Mircea - a necromancer who is also Vlad's stepson and nephew. His wife at the time, betrayed Vlad with his brother Radu. Mircea's magic backfired when he tried to harm Leila resulting in the bond they now share - if he is harmed, she feels it on her skin, and vice versa. Mostly meaning if someone killed Mircea - Leila would die, which also means no matter how much Vlad wants to kill Mircea, he can't do that before he breaks the spell.
That's where Mencheres and Ian comes into the picture. Mencheres used to practice magic YEARS ago, but it seems Ian has his connection to the world of magic himself. So Mencheres offers Vlad Ian's help, though both aren't really into working together. Ian is always fun to read, but his silly behavior is not something the serious Vlad has any tolerance to.. and moreover he doesn't trust him because Ian is known for playing tricks that makes HIM laugh and others? Ian couldn't care less if they survived the joke..
Finally, we get the backstory of how Leila acquired her special powers and through that a way for Leila to break the spell - with a great price to be paid.. I gotta say that in the end, there were things left unsaid and unresolved, I wonder if it means we'll get another "Night Huntress World" novel of two who deserves a HEA after everything they endured (alone and together). Also the resolve with Mircea was somehow weak. I actually liked the way it was handled and yet I needed even one more chapter to SEE what it means.
I'm not really complaining about anything because I LOVED the whole novel, the dynamics between all the characters, the way Leila and Vlad WORKED. I mean, they have so many disagreements, and yet what rules it all is an unyielding and consuming love. It's more than the fairy-tale kind of love, it's something powerful and demanding. Leila is so much more than meets the eye, Ian has a beautiful saying about that. She might be young and inexperienced about many things, but she shares so much of Vlad's passion she also understands him and truly accepts him with his many flaws. I couldn't have asked for someone more perfect for either one of them.
The ride was filled with action, fire and lightning, but once it was over I was happy for Vlad and Leila for making it out not only "alive and well" but also with a stronger love and a deeper understanding of each other and a commitment to envy.
One last thing that actually has very little to do with this one and EVERYTHING to do with what's next - Ian! Many fans (me included) waited for Jeaniene to announce a Night Huntress World novel about Ian finding his HEA and yet it never came.. now we know why! Ian won't be getting a single novel, like Vlad and Leila, he's getting a spin-off of his own called NIGHT REBEL. Not only that, the heroine next to him is Veritas (The Law Guardian) - YIKES! We find many interesting hints about Ian and his enemies and a glimpse into HOW powerful Veritas is. Can't wait to get their story and so happy Jeaniene isn't leaving this world behind - I loved it and missed it so much!
Tags: Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance
More @ Ultra Meital Reviews.
The plot continues where we left off, frankly I didn't really remember where THAT was, but Jeaniene did a good job of reminding us the main things. First the fact that Leila is connected to Mircea - a necromancer who is also Vlad's stepson and nephew. His wife at the time, betrayed Vlad with his brother Radu. Mircea's magic backfired when he tried to harm Leila resulting in the bond they now share - if he is harmed, she feels it on her skin, and vice versa. Mostly meaning if someone killed Mircea - Leila would die, which also means no matter how much Vlad wants to kill Mircea, he can't do that before he breaks the spell.
That's where Mencheres and Ian comes into the picture. Mencheres used to practice magic YEARS ago, but it seems Ian has his connection to the world of magic himself. So Mencheres offers Vlad Ian's help, though both aren't really into working together. Ian is always fun to read, but his silly behavior is not something the serious Vlad has any tolerance to.. and moreover he doesn't trust him because Ian is known for playing tricks that makes HIM laugh and others? Ian couldn't care less if they survived the joke..
Finally, we get the backstory of how Leila acquired her special powers and through that a way for Leila to break the spell - with a great price to be paid.. I gotta say that in the end, there were things left unsaid and unresolved, I wonder if it means we'll get another "Night Huntress World" novel of two who deserves a HEA after everything they endured (alone and together). Also the resolve with Mircea was somehow weak. I actually liked the way it was handled and yet I needed even one more chapter to SEE what it means.
I'm not really complaining about anything because I LOVED the whole novel, the dynamics between all the characters, the way Leila and Vlad WORKED. I mean, they have so many disagreements, and yet what rules it all is an unyielding and consuming love. It's more than the fairy-tale kind of love, it's something powerful and demanding. Leila is so much more than meets the eye, Ian has a beautiful saying about that. She might be young and inexperienced about many things, but she shares so much of Vlad's passion she also understands him and truly accepts him with his many flaws. I couldn't have asked for someone more perfect for either one of them.
The ride was filled with action, fire and lightning, but once it was over I was happy for Vlad and Leila for making it out not only "alive and well" but also with a stronger love and a deeper understanding of each other and a commitment to envy.
One last thing that actually has very little to do with this one and EVERYTHING to do with what's next - Ian! Many fans (me included) waited for Jeaniene to announce a Night Huntress World novel about Ian finding his HEA and yet it never came.. now we know why! Ian won't be getting a single novel, like Vlad and Leila, he's getting a spin-off of his own called NIGHT REBEL. Not only that, the heroine next to him is Veritas (The Law Guardian) - YIKES! We find many interesting hints about Ian and his enemies and a glimpse into HOW powerful Veritas is. Can't wait to get their story and so happy Jeaniene isn't leaving this world behind - I loved it and missed it so much!
Tags: Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance
More @ Ultra Meital Reviews.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julia dvorin
3.5-4 stars
"It appears you're right --- I simply can't go an entire day without murdering someone.”
Gosh I wanted to love this book so bad, the first three books in the series were amazing, and while this one was enjoyable.... I merely liked it instead of loved it. I remember getting a newsletter about Frost's family, I felt so much for this author. Her mom dying then repeated issues with her dad's health, that's more than anyone should have to take in. Knowing this, as a true fan would do, I understood and knew she needed to take her time to write this book and I think the wait was worth it. (FYI, this is all mentioned in an introduction of the book as well).
I had to reread the entire series before picking up this final book, as I had picked it up and by page 3 I was terribly lost. Hence an epic reread of some of the best PNR there is. No author has the voice that Frost has. So much witty humor and so much emotion packed into her books. There's a reason I'll read anything she publishes.
This fourth novel involves Vlad and Leila working to destroy the link between her and a powerful necromancer. Their bodies and lives are tied together, so if one of them dies, the other does too. But finding the necromancer proves to be more difficult than anticipated.
My favorite part of this book was the crossover of the character Ian. That man no doubt was the best part, bringing endless comic relief and making me laugh my ass off out loud in public. I swear this man needs his own spin off-ASAP!
The flawed aspect of this book is it's almost information overload and focuses more on action than the romance and relationship between Leila and Vlad. I can understand why fans were let down by this book.
The Night Prince series is one you must read! Look past the god awful covers and you'll discover one of your favorite romance couples!
"It appears you're right --- I simply can't go an entire day without murdering someone.”
Gosh I wanted to love this book so bad, the first three books in the series were amazing, and while this one was enjoyable.... I merely liked it instead of loved it. I remember getting a newsletter about Frost's family, I felt so much for this author. Her mom dying then repeated issues with her dad's health, that's more than anyone should have to take in. Knowing this, as a true fan would do, I understood and knew she needed to take her time to write this book and I think the wait was worth it. (FYI, this is all mentioned in an introduction of the book as well).
I had to reread the entire series before picking up this final book, as I had picked it up and by page 3 I was terribly lost. Hence an epic reread of some of the best PNR there is. No author has the voice that Frost has. So much witty humor and so much emotion packed into her books. There's a reason I'll read anything she publishes.
This fourth novel involves Vlad and Leila working to destroy the link between her and a powerful necromancer. Their bodies and lives are tied together, so if one of them dies, the other does too. But finding the necromancer proves to be more difficult than anticipated.
My favorite part of this book was the crossover of the character Ian. That man no doubt was the best part, bringing endless comic relief and making me laugh my ass off out loud in public. I swear this man needs his own spin off-ASAP!
The flawed aspect of this book is it's almost information overload and focuses more on action than the romance and relationship between Leila and Vlad. I can understand why fans were let down by this book.
The Night Prince series is one you must read! Look past the god awful covers and you'll discover one of your favorite romance couples!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy felt
Into the Night, whilst set in the Night Huntress World , is in fact the forth and final book in the “Night Prince” series about Vlad Tepes who many fans of the series, like myself, have come to know and love during previous Cat and Bones escapades.
Whist this series could probably be read as a series in their own right, I personally would recommend reading them in conjunction with all of the other Night Huntress books. Without leaving spoilers there are references that may be confusing without this knowledge.
I have to say that with this being the conclusion to the mini series my hopes were high, especially after how amazing book 3 was, but for me in places this fell a little short resulting in it not reaching the perfect 5 stars from me, although the great stuff in it - was so outstanding - it boosted it up to 4 1/2.
There is a LOT of magic in this book, more so that in any of the previous installments, and I really enjoyed the peek into that side of the world, which as fans of the series will know, is generally forbidden,
That being said, in places, especially towards the end, this felt a little rushed. When Cat and Bones wrapped I felt complete, yes the door was open for more if she chose to revisit it, but I felt their story was done. Here I felt, I don't know, almost robbed of that finalizing conclusion. Perhaps the answers will come in later books? I know the tag at the end told of Ian's story to be told, although there were plenty of clues in this one to show what that will be about and I am already not a fan of who I think will be the new leading lady, but that is my personal issue and will be reserved for that review, once the book is live.
Overall though this book is a great read. Jeaniene Frost can definitely write a tale, and had moments that shocked even me. I defy readers not to be at least slightly wide eyed at one specific turn of events. I don't think ANYONE could have seen THAT coming!
A 4 1/2 stars rounded up to 5 from me and yes it is a must read for anyone already in love with the series.
Whist this series could probably be read as a series in their own right, I personally would recommend reading them in conjunction with all of the other Night Huntress books. Without leaving spoilers there are references that may be confusing without this knowledge.
I have to say that with this being the conclusion to the mini series my hopes were high, especially after how amazing book 3 was, but for me in places this fell a little short resulting in it not reaching the perfect 5 stars from me, although the great stuff in it - was so outstanding - it boosted it up to 4 1/2.
There is a LOT of magic in this book, more so that in any of the previous installments, and I really enjoyed the peek into that side of the world, which as fans of the series will know, is generally forbidden,
That being said, in places, especially towards the end, this felt a little rushed. When Cat and Bones wrapped I felt complete, yes the door was open for more if she chose to revisit it, but I felt their story was done. Here I felt, I don't know, almost robbed of that finalizing conclusion. Perhaps the answers will come in later books? I know the tag at the end told of Ian's story to be told, although there were plenty of clues in this one to show what that will be about and I am already not a fan of who I think will be the new leading lady, but that is my personal issue and will be reserved for that review, once the book is live.
Overall though this book is a great read. Jeaniene Frost can definitely write a tale, and had moments that shocked even me. I defy readers not to be at least slightly wide eyed at one specific turn of events. I don't think ANYONE could have seen THAT coming!
A 4 1/2 stars rounded up to 5 from me and yes it is a must read for anyone already in love with the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
n ria costa
<<<<<My synopsis (Actual Review Follows)<<<<<
Vlad and Leila have been together under a year and the flames of their love seem to grow stronger with every day. If they had it their way they'd live together in peace, but the world of vampires and sorcerers just doesn't seem to want to let them. Leila is the victim of a spell gone wrong. A spell intended to kill her instead bound her to Mircea by both flesh and blood. If he feels pain, she feels pain. If he is killed, she'll be killed. As Mircea is the one who hexed them both you'd think he could fix things, but he insists he can't. While you might think the eye for an eye type of standoff would keep her safe, it doesn't. Someone has found out about the hex and has decided to use it to force Vlad's hand. Can they find a way to stop the spell without killing Leila or is Vlad doomed to become someone's puppet? One things for sure with these two nothing ever comes easy. They're constantly stepping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
<<<<<My Review: <<<<<
This is the fourth book of the Night Prince series and while you might get away with reading this one as a standalone, I don't recommend it. There is so much history with this group that you will lose some of the magic of the series if you don't read its predecessors first. While Jeaniene Frost claims to have no vampiric powers of her own, she manages to keep her readers in thrall with each new book she writes. She breathes new life into the classic story of Dracula by adding a sexy new twist and a romance that will curl your toes and melt your heart.
Vlad is a hard man to love. He's got a coldness to him that turns many off. Seeing him with Leila, however, one quickly forgets all that until his mate is threatened. Then there's no doubt who he is and fear is a common side effect of those around him. The reason for this is not only his fierceness on the battlefield, but his ability to set things on fire with himself remaining unaffected.
Leila has not had an easy life. She is smart, strong, sassy, resourceful, loyal and tells it to you straight. She acquired special abilities years ago when she came in contact with an electric power line that should have killed her. Not only can she see a person's past and future, but if she comes in contact with an object she can also find where they are at present or will be in the future. She also has a much more "shocking" talent that she picked up that day. She emits electricity when touched. She's the equivalent of a human taser gun and has only recently learned how to control her power. Before she shocked anyone who came into contact with her. This made for a very lonely life until Vlad came along and swept her off her feet.
Overall, I gave this one 4 out of 5 roses. There is plenty of madness, mayhem, and murder so strap your seat belt on because you're in for a bumpy ride. *smirk* In this book, the latter part of Vlad and Leila's 'for better or worse' marriage vow is getting a workout, and friendships and loyalties will be put to the test. Leila will learn more about her powers, and Ian and Mencheres both make an appearance. On the Lisarenee Romance Rating Scale, this one earned a STEAM rating--too hot for a fan, but you still have a handle on things. You should use extreme caution when reading a book with this rating in public. People may inquire as to why you looked flustered and flushed.
Notes: I received an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Vlad and Leila have been together under a year and the flames of their love seem to grow stronger with every day. If they had it their way they'd live together in peace, but the world of vampires and sorcerers just doesn't seem to want to let them. Leila is the victim of a spell gone wrong. A spell intended to kill her instead bound her to Mircea by both flesh and blood. If he feels pain, she feels pain. If he is killed, she'll be killed. As Mircea is the one who hexed them both you'd think he could fix things, but he insists he can't. While you might think the eye for an eye type of standoff would keep her safe, it doesn't. Someone has found out about the hex and has decided to use it to force Vlad's hand. Can they find a way to stop the spell without killing Leila or is Vlad doomed to become someone's puppet? One things for sure with these two nothing ever comes easy. They're constantly stepping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
<<<<<My Review: <<<<<
This is the fourth book of the Night Prince series and while you might get away with reading this one as a standalone, I don't recommend it. There is so much history with this group that you will lose some of the magic of the series if you don't read its predecessors first. While Jeaniene Frost claims to have no vampiric powers of her own, she manages to keep her readers in thrall with each new book she writes. She breathes new life into the classic story of Dracula by adding a sexy new twist and a romance that will curl your toes and melt your heart.
Vlad is a hard man to love. He's got a coldness to him that turns many off. Seeing him with Leila, however, one quickly forgets all that until his mate is threatened. Then there's no doubt who he is and fear is a common side effect of those around him. The reason for this is not only his fierceness on the battlefield, but his ability to set things on fire with himself remaining unaffected.
Leila has not had an easy life. She is smart, strong, sassy, resourceful, loyal and tells it to you straight. She acquired special abilities years ago when she came in contact with an electric power line that should have killed her. Not only can she see a person's past and future, but if she comes in contact with an object she can also find where they are at present or will be in the future. She also has a much more "shocking" talent that she picked up that day. She emits electricity when touched. She's the equivalent of a human taser gun and has only recently learned how to control her power. Before she shocked anyone who came into contact with her. This made for a very lonely life until Vlad came along and swept her off her feet.
Overall, I gave this one 4 out of 5 roses. There is plenty of madness, mayhem, and murder so strap your seat belt on because you're in for a bumpy ride. *smirk* In this book, the latter part of Vlad and Leila's 'for better or worse' marriage vow is getting a workout, and friendships and loyalties will be put to the test. Leila will learn more about her powers, and Ian and Mencheres both make an appearance. On the Lisarenee Romance Rating Scale, this one earned a STEAM rating--too hot for a fan, but you still have a handle on things. You should use extreme caution when reading a book with this rating in public. People may inquire as to why you looked flustered and flushed.
Notes: I received an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vinka maharani
Oh Ms. Jeaniene Frost how I love the way your wicked mind works. It never ceases to amaze me that this wonderful author never runs out of stories. Vlad and Leila continue there dark and dangerous journey to find Vlad's step son Mircea. The conclusion of book 3 left us knowing of Mircea's link to Leila, but early development in this new installment proves to be everyone worst nightmare. Just as Vlad has always predicted his enemies will always take advantage of weakness. Proven by Mircea capture, and the torture that Leila will endure as they convince Vlad to jump through hoops. As a deep lover of everything Frost; imagine new surprise to see the introduction of Ian in a Vlad story. I just love his player personality, and his overwhelmingly constant whorish mentality. A lot like Vlad, one has to see Ian's respect and loyalty through actions and gestures. This promises to be few and far between, and when we will see them the impact is so deeply profound. It was interesting to see the kinship develop between his character and Leila. I didn't really expect it, and it reminds me a great deal of the relationship that developed between Cat and Vlad. It was inevitable that as this journey continued relationships would be altering, and while I was impressed with Vlad's manipulation of situation it was not without cost. While understanding and acceptance is understood by all parties lines have clearly been drawn, and sides will have to be chosen. The conclusion of this story sheds light into a dim horizon, and I can foresee a battle on the horizon. Only this time I can see all of our beloved character of the Night Huntress and Night Prince Worlds in the destruction zone.
~BookWhisperer Reviewer Jax~
~BookWhisperer Reviewer Jax~
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Into the Fire is the last book in the Night Prince series. I seriously hope Jeaniene frost writes a spin-off series off of this spin-off series because I have crazy love for some of the characters, more on that later.
I didn’t really know anything about this series, but four days later I read the entire series back-to-back and I am happy and sad for the final book. I could have read Vlad and Leila forever and something tells me this isn’t the true end. I hope to get little glimpses of them in future books.
I felt like each book in the series was really different and it’s no surprise the final book was a little different too. At least in my opinion. Whereas the first books focused on the vampire world, I felt like this one focused on the magical world and I couldn’t be happier about that.
Into the Fire was fun, refreshing and I love the strong bond and relationship between Vlad and Leila. They are the unstoppable and unbreakable couple. YAY!
We know that Lelia is linked to the necromancer Mircea. If Mircea dies then Lelia dies. If Mircea get hurt so does Lelia. Vlad is doing everything and everything possible to capture Micrea and have him imprisoned in his dungeon until they can break the spell.
What I love best about this book is VLAD!!!! I know, no surprise here, but that man just melts my heart. Flames and all. As I said before Vlad will stop at NOTHING to protect Leila. Swoon eyes right?
The other part of the book I love is the side characters. I love the friends, the relatives and best friends. I want each of them to have his and her own book. I simply just want more.
Into the Fire will suck you in. From the first page you will not put it down, just like EVERY book in this series. I’m so surprised that the author can maintain the pace and momentum, but she does and that is why I LOVE this book and this series so much.
I know a lot of fans have waited a long time for this one and I can tell you this. You will not be disappointed!!!!
Into the Fire is the last book in the Night Prince series. I seriously hope Jeaniene frost writes a spin-off series off of this spin-off series because I have crazy love for some of the characters, more on that later.
I didn’t really know anything about this series, but four days later I read the entire series back-to-back and I am happy and sad for the final book. I could have read Vlad and Leila forever and something tells me this isn’t the true end. I hope to get little glimpses of them in future books.
I felt like each book in the series was really different and it’s no surprise the final book was a little different too. At least in my opinion. Whereas the first books focused on the vampire world, I felt like this one focused on the magical world and I couldn’t be happier about that.
Into the Fire was fun, refreshing and I love the strong bond and relationship between Vlad and Leila. They are the unstoppable and unbreakable couple. YAY!
We know that Lelia is linked to the necromancer Mircea. If Mircea dies then Lelia dies. If Mircea get hurt so does Lelia. Vlad is doing everything and everything possible to capture Micrea and have him imprisoned in his dungeon until they can break the spell.
What I love best about this book is VLAD!!!! I know, no surprise here, but that man just melts my heart. Flames and all. As I said before Vlad will stop at NOTHING to protect Leila. Swoon eyes right?
The other part of the book I love is the side characters. I love the friends, the relatives and best friends. I want each of them to have his and her own book. I simply just want more.
Into the Fire will suck you in. From the first page you will not put it down, just like EVERY book in this series. I’m so surprised that the author can maintain the pace and momentum, but she does and that is why I LOVE this book and this series so much.
I know a lot of fans have waited a long time for this one and I can tell you this. You will not be disappointed!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi
This book picks up shortly after the last installment of the series, Bound by Flames, left off. A spell that Vlad’s stepson/nephew, Mircea, has set on Leila has backfired. Now Mircea and Leila are bound flesh to flesh and blood to blood, if one is injured, they both receive the same injury. This is the only thing that has kept Vlad from killing Mircea.
But when a coven of powerful necromancers capture Mircea, they quickly learn that they can control Vlad, by threatening Mircea and Leila’s lives. They have demanded that Vlad kill one of his oldest friends. Leila wants to find another way, but Vlad is quick to take action because nobody’s life is more important that Leila’s in his eyes.
Vlad and Leila must find where Mircea is being held, and rescue him before the demands from his captors become too much. They are also working with an unlikely source to help find a way to break the spell on Leila, once and for all.
This was another good book from Frost. But I’m devastated that this is our final book in the series! I love Vlad, fiery temper and all, and I will miss him greatly!
There is definitely a lot going on in this book and there is never a dull moment! There are a lot of things that Leila has to come to grips with, from Vlad being forced to kill, new discoveries about her family, and changes to her loved ones as well. Not to mention the going on’s with Vlad’s acquaintances!
And, I have to say that I never expected the rouse that Vlad planned toward the end of the book. I was shocked and then devastated by the consequences to one character, in particular. However, it gives me hope that maybe, just maybe, that character will finally get a spin-off series of his own! He would definitely be entertaining enough to keep me coming back and he needs a happily ever after of his own!
This was another great book, I’m just so incredibly sad to see the end of the series! I will miss Vlad dearly….. he is a smoking hottie after all :). If you haven’t read this series or the Night Huntress books yet, then you are really missing out and you should rectify that oversight right away! They are just too good to miss! I would definitely recommend reading these in order though!
This book picks up shortly after the last installment of the series, Bound by Flames, left off. A spell that Vlad’s stepson/nephew, Mircea, has set on Leila has backfired. Now Mircea and Leila are bound flesh to flesh and blood to blood, if one is injured, they both receive the same injury. This is the only thing that has kept Vlad from killing Mircea.
But when a coven of powerful necromancers capture Mircea, they quickly learn that they can control Vlad, by threatening Mircea and Leila’s lives. They have demanded that Vlad kill one of his oldest friends. Leila wants to find another way, but Vlad is quick to take action because nobody’s life is more important that Leila’s in his eyes.
Vlad and Leila must find where Mircea is being held, and rescue him before the demands from his captors become too much. They are also working with an unlikely source to help find a way to break the spell on Leila, once and for all.
This was another good book from Frost. But I’m devastated that this is our final book in the series! I love Vlad, fiery temper and all, and I will miss him greatly!
There is definitely a lot going on in this book and there is never a dull moment! There are a lot of things that Leila has to come to grips with, from Vlad being forced to kill, new discoveries about her family, and changes to her loved ones as well. Not to mention the going on’s with Vlad’s acquaintances!
And, I have to say that I never expected the rouse that Vlad planned toward the end of the book. I was shocked and then devastated by the consequences to one character, in particular. However, it gives me hope that maybe, just maybe, that character will finally get a spin-off series of his own! He would definitely be entertaining enough to keep me coming back and he needs a happily ever after of his own!
This was another great book, I’m just so incredibly sad to see the end of the series! I will miss Vlad dearly….. he is a smoking hottie after all :). If you haven’t read this series or the Night Huntress books yet, then you are really missing out and you should rectify that oversight right away! They are just too good to miss! I would definitely recommend reading these in order though!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erin m
Let me start out this review by raving about the narrator. Tavia Gilbert has done such a great job with this series. She portrays every character as a distinct individual and has no problem switching between male and female personas. The performance of this last installment of the series conveyed the appropriate emotions and held my attention for the entirety.
***Please excuse any misspelled names in this review. Listening in audio makes it hard to reference some of the unfamiliar/uncommon names/places/etc.*** Also - SPOILER ALERT - this review may contain slight spoilers for earlier books in the series.
Vlad and Leila are back and going strong in this final installment of the Night Prince series. Leila seems to have healed physically and emotionally from her capture and torture in Bound by Flames, and I think she is actually doing better than Vlad. Vlad was less of an jerk in this book, while still being the hardash tortured hero that we know and loved in the Night Huntress series. He still seems to be smarting from Leila's ordeal and all it entailed, especially that horrible video that Mircea sent him which caused him to burn down his castle. Leila character seems to have matured, and her painful experience seems to have caused some personal growth. While I would never wish that circumstance on anyone, I was happy to have a less annoying heroine. In the prior books, Leila and her condescending inner monologue got to me, and she was always running off to do things she shouldn't. But that was largely absent in this final installment and I was able to connect with her character a bit more, particularly when was worried about Vlad.
Now our fangtastic duo are on the hunt for Mircea as he is still bound by magic and blood to Leila, and seems to have no qualms about hurting himself to hurt her in the process. But things take a turn for the worse when more powerful enemies capture Mircea and threaten to kill both him and Leila if Vlad does not do their bidding. Vlad and Leila necessarily enlist help from Mencheres, Marty and my favorite vampire manwhore, Ian. I so loved having Ian in this book because it really brought back some of the humorous aspects that I enjoyed so much in the Night Huntress series. In fact, Ian generated my favorite quote of the book:
Bunch of sexual hoarders, the lot of you. Have you no pity for the last request of a dying man? Blimey, if I do live through tonight, I won't be responsible for what I do ot the next thing in my path that doesn't require consent. Take that chair over there. Mmm, looks soft, doesn't it? Sturdy, too. Why, if that were a La-Z-Boy, I might be pounding the stuffing out of it right now---
The humorous moments were balanced with some sad aspects, which drew me in and created an emotional connection with the story. I couldn't believe some of the stuff that happened, and it has made me extremely excited for the future Night Rebel series featuring Ian.
A new character connected to Leila's past was introduced in this book, and I hope to see more of her. Leoti seems to have interesting history and abilities that I would like to see explored more in the Night Huntress world.
Overall this was a nice end to the series, but I do hope that we continue to see Vlad and Leila in related and spinoff stories.
***Please excuse any misspelled names in this review. Listening in audio makes it hard to reference some of the unfamiliar/uncommon names/places/etc.*** Also - SPOILER ALERT - this review may contain slight spoilers for earlier books in the series.
Vlad and Leila are back and going strong in this final installment of the Night Prince series. Leila seems to have healed physically and emotionally from her capture and torture in Bound by Flames, and I think she is actually doing better than Vlad. Vlad was less of an jerk in this book, while still being the hardash tortured hero that we know and loved in the Night Huntress series. He still seems to be smarting from Leila's ordeal and all it entailed, especially that horrible video that Mircea sent him which caused him to burn down his castle. Leila character seems to have matured, and her painful experience seems to have caused some personal growth. While I would never wish that circumstance on anyone, I was happy to have a less annoying heroine. In the prior books, Leila and her condescending inner monologue got to me, and she was always running off to do things she shouldn't. But that was largely absent in this final installment and I was able to connect with her character a bit more, particularly when was worried about Vlad.
Now our fangtastic duo are on the hunt for Mircea as he is still bound by magic and blood to Leila, and seems to have no qualms about hurting himself to hurt her in the process. But things take a turn for the worse when more powerful enemies capture Mircea and threaten to kill both him and Leila if Vlad does not do their bidding. Vlad and Leila necessarily enlist help from Mencheres, Marty and my favorite vampire manwhore, Ian. I so loved having Ian in this book because it really brought back some of the humorous aspects that I enjoyed so much in the Night Huntress series. In fact, Ian generated my favorite quote of the book:
Bunch of sexual hoarders, the lot of you. Have you no pity for the last request of a dying man? Blimey, if I do live through tonight, I won't be responsible for what I do ot the next thing in my path that doesn't require consent. Take that chair over there. Mmm, looks soft, doesn't it? Sturdy, too. Why, if that were a La-Z-Boy, I might be pounding the stuffing out of it right now---
The humorous moments were balanced with some sad aspects, which drew me in and created an emotional connection with the story. I couldn't believe some of the stuff that happened, and it has made me extremely excited for the future Night Rebel series featuring Ian.
A new character connected to Leila's past was introduced in this book, and I hope to see more of her. Leoti seems to have interesting history and abilities that I would like to see explored more in the Night Huntress world.
Overall this was a nice end to the series, but I do hope that we continue to see Vlad and Leila in related and spinoff stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melanie deibler
4-4.5 stars
This was a really good story and conclusion to the series. I will say that I still love Vlad and Leila and I was so happy to see how things turned out for them.
Frost certainly came up with some twists in this story and there were a few moments when I was stunned and sure that what I read had to be a trick of some sort. Cat and Bones don't make an appearance in this story but Mencheres and Ian both do and there's a pretty serious setup for Ian's book (and maybe even a hint of who Ian ends up with...) that certainly perked my interest. Vlad and Leila were still great together, persevering even when things go off-kilter (particularly when Vlad over-steps things a bit). My only complaint was that the story seemed to falter slightly in the bad guy area (and maybe the Gretchen situation). When Szilagyi died at the end of book #3, I was happy that he was finally gone but Mircea wasn't a very good replacement, especially considering how his circumstances changed almost immediately. We're left with a somewhat unknown bad guy situation and a bit of confusion of what the heck was happening and who was trying to pull who's strings. The strings were still being pulled so don't think there was a lack of baddies doing stuff that caused Vlad and Leila drama and danger...there definitely was.
Regardless of the confusion over the bad guy situation, Leila, Vlad and their friends manage to work things out by the end, allowing them to proceed to a (hopefully less eventful) HEA together. The characters are still great and really sucked me into the story. The story was quick paced, interesting and kept me well engaged throughout....I'd definitely recommend the series. :D
* note - I listened to the audio version of this book and the narrator did a great job.
This was a really good story and conclusion to the series. I will say that I still love Vlad and Leila and I was so happy to see how things turned out for them.
Frost certainly came up with some twists in this story and there were a few moments when I was stunned and sure that what I read had to be a trick of some sort. Cat and Bones don't make an appearance in this story but Mencheres and Ian both do and there's a pretty serious setup for Ian's book (and maybe even a hint of who Ian ends up with...) that certainly perked my interest. Vlad and Leila were still great together, persevering even when things go off-kilter (particularly when Vlad over-steps things a bit). My only complaint was that the story seemed to falter slightly in the bad guy area (and maybe the Gretchen situation). When Szilagyi died at the end of book #3, I was happy that he was finally gone but Mircea wasn't a very good replacement, especially considering how his circumstances changed almost immediately. We're left with a somewhat unknown bad guy situation and a bit of confusion of what the heck was happening and who was trying to pull who's strings. The strings were still being pulled so don't think there was a lack of baddies doing stuff that caused Vlad and Leila drama and danger...there definitely was.
Regardless of the confusion over the bad guy situation, Leila, Vlad and their friends manage to work things out by the end, allowing them to proceed to a (hopefully less eventful) HEA together. The characters are still great and really sucked me into the story. The story was quick paced, interesting and kept me well engaged throughout....I'd definitely recommend the series. :D
* note - I listened to the audio version of this book and the narrator did a great job.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike shelton
I am both happy and sad to see this series come to an end. Honestly, I had some big issues with Vlad as a main character, so it was only really Leila that kept me reading. This book also had the most wonderful entertainment in the form of Ian. Who knew that I could eventually grow to love a character that began in this world as such a bad guy? Don’t get me wrong – he’s still a bad guy, he’s just infinitely more lovable (especially in comparison to Vlad, in my humble opinion).
So, back to the story. This book continues the ongoing saga of Leila and her magical link to Mircea. Unfortunately for her, Mircea ends up getting captured and put in harm’s way. This, obviously, ends up threatening Leila’s life, which pretty much puts Vlad at the kidnapper’s disposal. Vlad would do anything for Leila, you know, except actually be honest with her, tell her his plan, or include her in decision making. This high handedness drove me absolutely INSANE, especially when it began to impact my new favorite- Ian.
All of the usual suspects spend most of the book trying to hunt down someone to break Leila’s magical tie to Mircea, or, if that fails, find Mircea to rescue him. We even get some really good Gretchen time thrown in, too. While this is certainly the end of Vlad and Leila’s standalone storyline, we definitely get more than enough of a hint at where future spinoffs will take us. I would absolutely love to see Ian get his happily ever after, no matter how reluctant he might be to have a monogamous relationship.
So, back to the story. This book continues the ongoing saga of Leila and her magical link to Mircea. Unfortunately for her, Mircea ends up getting captured and put in harm’s way. This, obviously, ends up threatening Leila’s life, which pretty much puts Vlad at the kidnapper’s disposal. Vlad would do anything for Leila, you know, except actually be honest with her, tell her his plan, or include her in decision making. This high handedness drove me absolutely INSANE, especially when it began to impact my new favorite- Ian.
All of the usual suspects spend most of the book trying to hunt down someone to break Leila’s magical tie to Mircea, or, if that fails, find Mircea to rescue him. We even get some really good Gretchen time thrown in, too. While this is certainly the end of Vlad and Leila’s standalone storyline, we definitely get more than enough of a hint at where future spinoffs will take us. I would absolutely love to see Ian get his happily ever after, no matter how reluctant he might be to have a monogamous relationship.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Let’s start by saying VLAD!!!! I could just stop right there with this review and everyone would be happy. Because, well VLAD!!! I mean come on who doesn’t love this guy? Well maybe not his enemies or anyone that pisses him off or looks at Leila wrong or well pretty much anyone outside of his tiny little bubble of important people. But still it is VLAD!!! So we will just look past all the rest of that.
I really enjoyed this last book in Vlad & Leila’s series (although I can always hold out hope that there will be more. Just like I have not given up on more Cat & Bones). In Into the Fire we get to see Vlad at his best and worst. We learn a WHOLE lot more about Leila and her abilities. We also get a few cameo’s of one of our favorite English bachelor vampires. :D
While Ms. Frost said that this is the last book in Vlad & Leila’s series I felt that there are a lot of unanswered questions. I don’t want to say what those questions are for fear of giving away anything important. But I hope that this means that we have not seen the last of Dracula and his bride!
If you have read book 1-3 you will really enjoy this final book. If you have not started this series yet. You really need to read this series in order (at least the Vlad books, but I would suggest reading the whole Night Huntress Universe. I really can’t wait to see what is next in this world.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from HarperCollins in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review
Let’s start by saying VLAD!!!! I could just stop right there with this review and everyone would be happy. Because, well VLAD!!! I mean come on who doesn’t love this guy? Well maybe not his enemies or anyone that pisses him off or looks at Leila wrong or well pretty much anyone outside of his tiny little bubble of important people. But still it is VLAD!!! So we will just look past all the rest of that.
I really enjoyed this last book in Vlad & Leila’s series (although I can always hold out hope that there will be more. Just like I have not given up on more Cat & Bones). In Into the Fire we get to see Vlad at his best and worst. We learn a WHOLE lot more about Leila and her abilities. We also get a few cameo’s of one of our favorite English bachelor vampires. :D
While Ms. Frost said that this is the last book in Vlad & Leila’s series I felt that there are a lot of unanswered questions. I don’t want to say what those questions are for fear of giving away anything important. But I hope that this means that we have not seen the last of Dracula and his bride!
If you have read book 1-3 you will really enjoy this final book. If you have not started this series yet. You really need to read this series in order (at least the Vlad books, but I would suggest reading the whole Night Huntress Universe. I really can’t wait to see what is next in this world.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from HarperCollins in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
peter pier
**Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy**
After reading INTO THE FIRE, I was convinced that there would be further books in the Night Huntress/Night Prince world. While I enjoyed INTO THE FIRE, it had a few downsides, and feeling like setup for further spinoffs was one of them.
Like Kristina, I enjoyed the expansion of the magical aspects of the world - they were done in a way that totally made sense and were intriguing, making me want to learn more about them. The giant crew of characters was only missing cameos by Cat and Bones, which did leave me a little disappointed! All the other characters were amazing though, and I really enjoyed seeing some characters more and meeting new ones.
INTO THE FIRE seemed to be less about Leila and Vlad, and more about resolving Leila's problem. While this wasn't an issue for me, it just meant there were less sparks between Leila and Vlad than in previous books, and more dramatic, emotional moments. We get to see more into Vlad's character, and as Leila learns more about herself, she grows quite a bit, emotionally and in her powers.
All in all, an excellent conclusion to the series. After this book, I am definitely look forward to future books set in this world, especially after the drama that happened with Ian. With all the setup, the world is getting more and more exciting, and I can't wait to see where Frost takes her story next!
After reading INTO THE FIRE, I was convinced that there would be further books in the Night Huntress/Night Prince world. While I enjoyed INTO THE FIRE, it had a few downsides, and feeling like setup for further spinoffs was one of them.
Like Kristina, I enjoyed the expansion of the magical aspects of the world - they were done in a way that totally made sense and were intriguing, making me want to learn more about them. The giant crew of characters was only missing cameos by Cat and Bones, which did leave me a little disappointed! All the other characters were amazing though, and I really enjoyed seeing some characters more and meeting new ones.
INTO THE FIRE seemed to be less about Leila and Vlad, and more about resolving Leila's problem. While this wasn't an issue for me, it just meant there were less sparks between Leila and Vlad than in previous books, and more dramatic, emotional moments. We get to see more into Vlad's character, and as Leila learns more about herself, she grows quite a bit, emotionally and in her powers.
All in all, an excellent conclusion to the series. After this book, I am definitely look forward to future books set in this world, especially after the drama that happened with Ian. With all the setup, the world is getting more and more exciting, and I can't wait to see where Frost takes her story next!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
elsie doubl
Sadly I was disappointed in this one. I normally love Frost’s writing and am a huge fan of the Night Prince series. Into The Fire fell short for me though and I found myself really bored during most of it. There was a lot of brooding on Vlad’s part and a lot of angst on Leila’s part knowing that she’s Vlad’s “greatest weakness.” It’s a point that is made over and over again and I just got sick of it. I didn’t feel the spark of chemistry that I usually feel between Vlad and Leila. The search for the big bad from the last book was also unsatisfying and I didn’t really care about any of it.
I am bummed that I didn’t love this book but that’s just how it goes sometimes. The bright spot is that it seems to be leading up to Ian’s story, which I can’t wait for.
I am bummed that I didn’t love this book but that’s just how it goes sometimes. The bright spot is that it seems to be leading up to Ian’s story, which I can’t wait for.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
brook stargazer
I struggled to get through the last book. This one is worse. Vlad has turned into just an angry vampire who growls and threatens to kill everybody. And he does kill a lot for no apparent reason. I like his character when he was interacting with Cat in her series. Now, he is just unlikable. Lela, the heroine is mainly a whiny brat. It could be because I listened to the audio version and I couldn't stand listening to her high pitched voice. I couldn't listen to that voice more than 15 minutes at a stretch and had to put it down. It took me a long time to finish.
I am looking forward to Ian's book which is coming out in Oct. But, if it's the same narrator, I will read the book instead of listening to audio.
I am looking forward to Ian's book which is coming out in Oct. But, if it's the same narrator, I will read the book instead of listening to audio.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
isaac bridges
Into the Fire: A Night Prince Novel
Into the Fire (Night Prince, #4) by Jeaniene Frost (Goodreads Author)
bookshelves: jeanine-frost
Adult Mystery/Suspense Paranormal Romance
Very well written.
Fast paced and a lot of fun to read.
New dimensions given to Vlad and Leila's characters. New characters brought in. We get to meet an ancestor of Leila's and learn more about her ancestry.
Some old ones make appearances. Ian is one of the key backup characters and I loved his parts in this story. There are some humorous situations (how can there not be when Ian is involved!) and a lot of suspense, action and romance.
There is one part that me sad towards the end. I can't tell you what it was since I don't write spoilers.
It seems to me there are still a few questions left unanswered about certain characters. Hopefully that just means there will be more books in the future about those characters.
May 27, 2017 – Finished Reading
May 23, 2017 – Started Reading
Into the Fire (Night Prince, #4) by Jeaniene Frost (Goodreads Author)
bookshelves: jeanine-frost
Adult Mystery/Suspense Paranormal Romance
Very well written.
Fast paced and a lot of fun to read.
New dimensions given to Vlad and Leila's characters. New characters brought in. We get to meet an ancestor of Leila's and learn more about her ancestry.
Some old ones make appearances. Ian is one of the key backup characters and I loved his parts in this story. There are some humorous situations (how can there not be when Ian is involved!) and a lot of suspense, action and romance.
There is one part that me sad towards the end. I can't tell you what it was since I don't write spoilers.
It seems to me there are still a few questions left unanswered about certain characters. Hopefully that just means there will be more books in the future about those characters.
May 27, 2017 – Finished Reading
May 23, 2017 – Started Reading
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
frances thomas
Into the Fire is the fourth installment in the amazing Jeaniene Frost's paranormal romance/urban fantasy series titled: Night Prince. For fans of her Night Huntress collection, this spin-off series has been quite the treat. We still get to see most of our favorite characters in a new setting which keeps things lively and fresh. Into the Fire offers Vlad in all his severity which was a welcomed change from the surprising but nonpreferred softness in a few of the others. Vlad's love interest (and wife): Leila keeps growing and growing in her strength which again is a very welcomed addition. As you can tell, I am thoroughly enjoying staying in this engaging world Ms. Frost has so generously created. If you enjoy these genres, I recommend starting from the very beginning. You don't have to though. You can read this series on its own and be fine. Either way, check it out!
My favorite quote:
“There’s more to all of us. Yet most times, we still only see what we expect to see.”
My favorite quote:
“There’s more to all of us. Yet most times, we still only see what we expect to see.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All I can say is I love Ian! I know this is Vlad and Leila's story but Ian captured my heart. There is so much more to him that I can't wait to explore in his book. As for Vlad and Leila, we saw them reach new depths in their relationship and power. I only wish we had one more book for them. Not really one where they're fighting for their lives, but just a little more of their story (i.e. Leotie, Leila and Gretchen; Leila and Gretchen; Vlad and Menchares after the revelation; and Vlad and Maximus).
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tal hirshberg
Spoiler Alert:
From my perspective, this book is a far cry from the earlier novels in the series While I really, absolutely enjoyed the first three books this one is a sad addition. I really wanted something more from the characters and the author this final chapter in the series, but seriously it was boring.
Absolutely and completely boring. I had to force myself to finish the book and let me say I finished it as quickly as I could so I wouldn’t have to just have it hanging over my head like a dead weight just staring at me and daring me to pick it up again.
If you’re a fan of the series go ahead and read this final addition, but if you’re not a fan, then don’t bother. This addition is a waste of time.
End of story
From my perspective, this book is a far cry from the earlier novels in the series While I really, absolutely enjoyed the first three books this one is a sad addition. I really wanted something more from the characters and the author this final chapter in the series, but seriously it was boring.
Absolutely and completely boring. I had to force myself to finish the book and let me say I finished it as quickly as I could so I wouldn’t have to just have it hanging over my head like a dead weight just staring at me and daring me to pick it up again.
If you’re a fan of the series go ahead and read this final addition, but if you’re not a fan, then don’t bother. This addition is a waste of time.
End of story
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jack lynch
Well worth the wait. Vlad Tepesh (don’t call me Dracula) is a bad a$$. But now he has a weakness. He loves his wife and would raze the world should anything happen to her. His nephew/stepson Mircea is hellbent on revenge for perceived slights but goes wrong and now he and Leila are linked blood and flesh. Vlad can’t kill Mircea without killing Leila and vice versa. So now Vlad and Leila and friends are scouring the world to find a way to break the link. There are a lot of HOLY CRAP! moments in this book so watch where you put your drink. I look forward to seeing where we go next in this insane world the author has created.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I borrowed this book from the library and glad I didn't invest any money in this book. I am a faithful reader but to read over and over again about how much Vlad is in love with our heroine is a little much. I get it - the first 15 times was enough! I admit I didn't read the entire book, I quit half way through...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arash gholizadeh
After reading some of the reviews I wasn't sure what to think. Then I read the book and realized that the negative reviews were nonsense! This was the perfect ending to Vlad and Leila's story. It showed much more into Vlad story and we got to know some of his more complex feelings and emotions. We also learned more about Ian, but the stories main focus was still Vlad and Leila. One thing I loved most about this book was learning about the villain. Hearing his story and why he was so hurt by Vlad rejecting him as a child. It made for a believable character. This is been one of my favorite series and I highly recommended. You will walk away satisfied
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason dean
This was the final story in the Night Prince series and it didn’t disappoint. The entire series was a wonderful tale of love, loss, fantasy, pain, betrayal, friendship, the works. This book was full of action and romance, vampires and magic. It kept me on the edge of my seat and had me crying at the end. I hate to have this series end but it ended well. Kudos to Jeaniene.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tanya christensen
It took me a little while to get into it, but really, it's Vlad so how could I not love it. And Ian!! From the top of the book Vlad and Leila are fighter for there lives, so it was intense from beginning to end. But there were a few lighthearted moments, some fun, and definitely some smoken hot (literally) love! It was a satisfying end to the series. I'm just really hoping everyone shows up in Ian's book, because I already miss them all!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolyn abrams
I was so excited to read the next installment in this series. I will say that this book will live up to what we the readers expect and love from this series and give you more. You will laugh, love the action, thrill at intense the sex & attraction between characters, get misty eyes when serious things are discussed or revealed, and cheer. Just stop reading this and READ the book?.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
heather perkins
I hate to be a low rater, I really do. It pains me to do it.
And I waited so long for this next installment. And I'm disappointed. What happened with the characters? They seem dull and shallow.
Where is Leila's sass and Vlad's Alpha ?
I loved the first three books in the Night Prince Series. I read and reread them over and over. But Into The Fire is not my cup of tea. So, so sad.
3 Stars Jeanniene Frost.
And I waited so long for this next installment. And I'm disappointed. What happened with the characters? They seem dull and shallow.
Where is Leila's sass and Vlad's Alpha ?
I loved the first three books in the Night Prince Series. I read and reread them over and over. But Into The Fire is not my cup of tea. So, so sad.
3 Stars Jeanniene Frost.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
m t acquaire
I liked this finale. It was action-packed. I'm glad Ian was along for the ride. He always brings a lot of humor. I'm really looking forward to his series. Frost left us in a good place with him where I'm excited for more. I felt more heart between Vlad and Leila this time. In previous books they felt more like partners than lovers to me but Frost delivered this time. Nicely done.
*Purchased through iTunes*
*Purchased through iTunes*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4.5 stars for this one. I absolutely love Jeaniene Frosts' writing and the world that she has created. This is the conclusion to Vlad and Leilas story. There is a lot going on in this one and it is filled with a cast of characters we have come to love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
royanna willis
I fell in love with this couple with their first spinoff and even though this miniseries is concluded according to the author, I want to hear about them in the future. The story was full of intriguing explanations that begged further interesting exploration including Leila's heritage. So many new journeys could begin as a result of this story. Well done Jeaniene.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sue cccp
I admit, I started to like Vlad again but only at about the 80% mark. This book didn't pick up to me until about 60% and the story really took off. I actually enjoyed the last part of this book and how the story wrapped up. The snowball fight had me cracking up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book brings back the best of this series. We have the snark, action and twists running in this newest story. I found parts really romantic and beautiful written.
I also did not want the story to end. I want to know about Ian and the sister?
I don't want to give too much away.
I also will be picking up the audiobook!
I also did not want the story to end. I want to know about Ian and the sister?
I don't want to give too much away.
I also will be picking up the audiobook!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this series of A Night Price Novel. But I suggest you read them in order. It may even be better if you read some of the other books she has wrote first. You would need to go to her web site and see what order she suggests.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I discovered this author bc of her series with Cat and Bones, and have loved her ever since. I can't get enough of the characters she's created and this book was another good addition to her other works!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It took me a little while to get into it, but really, it's Vlad so how could I not love it. And Ian!! From the top of the book Vlad and Leila are fighter for there lives, so it was intense from beginning to end. But there were a few lighthearted moments, some fun, and definitely some smoken hot (literally) love! It was a satisfying end to the series. I'm just really hoping everyone shows up in Ian's book, because I already miss them all!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura leigh
I was so excited to read the next installment in this series. I will say that this book will live up to what we the readers expect and love from this series and give you more. You will laugh, love the action, thrill at intense the sex & attraction between characters, get misty eyes when serious things are discussed or revealed, and cheer. Just stop reading this and READ the book?.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I hate to be a low rater, I really do. It pains me to do it.
And I waited so long for this next installment. And I'm disappointed. What happened with the characters? They seem dull and shallow.
Where is Leila's sass and Vlad's Alpha ?
I loved the first three books in the Night Prince Series. I read and reread them over and over. But Into The Fire is not my cup of tea. So, so sad.
3 Stars Jeanniene Frost.
And I waited so long for this next installment. And I'm disappointed. What happened with the characters? They seem dull and shallow.
Where is Leila's sass and Vlad's Alpha ?
I loved the first three books in the Night Prince Series. I read and reread them over and over. But Into The Fire is not my cup of tea. So, so sad.
3 Stars Jeanniene Frost.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
snowfairy 33
I liked this finale. It was action-packed. I'm glad Ian was along for the ride. He always brings a lot of humor. I'm really looking forward to his series. Frost left us in a good place with him where I'm excited for more. I felt more heart between Vlad and Leila this time. In previous books they felt more like partners than lovers to me but Frost delivered this time. Nicely done.
*Purchased through iTunes*
*Purchased through iTunes*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hazem anwar
4.5 stars for this one. I absolutely love Jeaniene Frosts' writing and the world that she has created. This is the conclusion to Vlad and Leilas story. There is a lot going on in this one and it is filled with a cast of characters we have come to love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I fell in love with this couple with their first spinoff and even though this miniseries is concluded according to the author, I want to hear about them in the future. The story was full of intriguing explanations that begged further interesting exploration including Leila's heritage. So many new journeys could begin as a result of this story. Well done Jeaniene.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I admit, I started to like Vlad again but only at about the 80% mark. This book didn't pick up to me until about 60% and the story really took off. I actually enjoyed the last part of this book and how the story wrapped up. The snowball fight had me cracking up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the story of Vlad and Leila almost as much as Cat and Bones. The love, passion and pain that brought them together to be something pure albeit exasperating at times. Im glad they finished on a high note and i honestly am looking for a boom concerning Mencheres in the future. I am truly looking forward to Ians book the rascal that he is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen cheng
This book brings back the best of this series. We have the snark, action and twists running in this newest story. I found parts really romantic and beautiful written.
I also did not want the story to end. I want to know about Ian and the sister?
I don't want to give too much away.
I also will be picking up the audiobook!
I also did not want the story to end. I want to know about Ian and the sister?
I don't want to give too much away.
I also will be picking up the audiobook!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amir gadhvi
I really enjoyed this series of A Night Price Novel. But I suggest you read them in order. It may even be better if you read some of the other books she has wrote first. You would need to go to her web site and see what order she suggests.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
patricia caulfield
I enjoy this author's work but prefer Cat and Bones. This book seemed a slow start but the action soon picked up. There were parts of the book and things that happened to characters that I didn't like. Overall it was a good read though.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter laughlin
I discovered this author bc of her series with Cat and Bones, and have loved her ever since. I can't get enough of the characters she's created and this book was another good addition to her other works!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It's an okay book however the whole thing is forced and Leila is exceptionally annoying and her thoughts are repetitive as hell. I almost wonder if she's repeating herself so much simply to increase the word count of the book to give it length. Into the Fire simply doesn't hold up to many of Jeaniene Frost's other books.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Was so excited to see the next book about Vlad and Leila. Can't say that I really enjoyed it as much as the others. Totally disappointed in the storyline for Ian. Kissing with tongue with Vlad? Lusting after Marty? Returning the book.
Please RateInto the Fire: A Night Prince Novel