A History of Deceit in the Kennedy Assassination - From the Warren Commission to Bill O'Reilly

ByDr. Lance Moore

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
coral manson
Okay, putting this one down after the first page. The claim here is that the finger was pointed at Oswald 24 hours after the killing after LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover talked about it. I'm here to tell you I was 12 years old and confined to a hospital bed on 11/22/1963. There was a built in radio in the wall. Around 12 noon some woman popped her head in my room and said "They've killed the President!". I turned on the radio and never stopped listening to it until 10:30 that night. The name OSWALD was first broadcast no more than 3 hours after the event. No more than 3 hours later we were being told that "this man has been identified as the killer"...."this man has been sought" and so on, although now we know that he was picked up not later than 1:30PM in the Texas theater. So this book goes off the electronic device.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wow. The implications of this book are deeply disturbing if true. As a citizen of the US, I'd much rather believe that the Mafia did it or Castro did it or Russia did it. Maybe they all were involved in some way. Lance Moore makes a very credible case that someone did it other than Oswald. I have a hobby of pistol shooting and I know that drawing a handgun and getting an accurate shot off in under 1 or 2 seconds is expert caliber so Oswald getting off 3 shots in 3 seconds with a slow bolt action rifle at a moving and distant target has always been very suspect. This book is full of details that Oswald was just a "pawn" as he claimed. It also details Jack Ruby's role and life much more than many other books have. There were just too many witnesses, too many suicides, too many murders, too many strange situations after Kennedy's death to believe that one person was involved and only one person. The only complaint I have in this book is that it could be more concise. Maybe the author felt he needed to go into all this detail to convince the public what he thinks happened, but at times it is overkill. Don't expect a gossip story about John Kennedy's affairs with women or Jackie's smoking habits in this book. It's just the facts, at least as Lance Moore see's them. This is a good effort in connecting all of the dots.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda sidebottom
The most frustrating part of studying this assassination is the huge amount of facts that have surfaced over time in spite of government and media deception yet the denial by so many of the obvious fact that more than one person participated in the crime. Those who support the Warren Commission findings just rule out any difference of opinion deciding that a witness or piece of evidence is unconvincing. For those who are open to an examination of the facts, it is very helpful to see the compendium of relevant data to support the author's basic point that a conspiracy existed. I did learn a few points that I had not seen before, which is very helpful (such as the inexplicable behavior of JFK's Secret Service chauffer) and was reminded of a few more. Seeing the partial list of the many murders of witnesses is still shocking. One area that I was dissatisfied with was the focus on LBJ as the chief co-conspirator with very little mention of the overwhelming amount of evidence and motive for naming Carlos Marcello, head of the Mafia in the Southeast, as the most likely suspect. He was illegally deported by Attorney General Bobby Kennedy who also was hounding Jimmy Hoffa. Jack Ruby worked for Hoffa in 1940 in Chicago. Undercover FBI agents heard Hoffa put a price on Bobby's head before JFK was killed. There are many facts that support this alternative scenario.
The author spent a little too much time and effort pounding away at certain points, even repeating himself often. That was tedious but I can imagine that he felt it was necessary with the negation of obvious facts by his opponents. I also felt that the large amount of typos, including even missing words, was a distraction. I wonder why the proofreading and editing was so poor. Still, I highly recommend this book as a very well researched authority on the subject.
The Assassination That Defined a Generation - Kennedy's Last Days :: The Soldiers of Halla (Pendragon) :: The Rivers of Zadaa (Pendragon) :: The Merchant of Death (Pendragon) :: Being and Time (Harper Perennial Modern Thought)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book. It is full of details and written very well. it is my second favorite Kennedy book. I enjoyed Dr. Moores writing so much I would also like to read some of his fictional work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sabine scholz
The author clearly outlines what many of us have known but did not want to believe about people who have been entrusted to lead this country. Though I was not a Kennedy fan, his death definitely defined the direction and downward decline of this once great nation over the last fifty years. We are living in a country that I no longer recognize. I highly recommend this book. Its format makes it a very easy, though detailed, read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
alistair collins
Awful book, full of suppositions, twisting (and inventing) of facts and so-called facts, too many "irrelevants" (many, many! is nothing relevant to this "author"?), and on top of that, very poor writing style and grammar. Bad, bad, bad, I've got nothing good to say about it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolyn martin
Fifty years after the fact, the interest in JFK's murder and blatant cover-up has remained a very hot topic and a highly questionable issue. Debunkers have done their job in that anyone denying Oswald acted alone and who thinks the 'official' findings of the Warren Commission was a sham are either nuts or stupid. The only ones who are stupid are the folks who still think their Government is 100% honest with nothing to hide from the public. WMD in Iraq? If you're not with us you are against us? Bush and Cheney lied. Nixon lied. Why not LBJ, Hoover, & Allen Dulles? The complacency of the gullible with possessing a closed mind is a folly to injustice?

To quote a section of this book: 'If the Kennedys had not been shot, it is almost certain that LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover would had been out of a job by 1964 -- and likely facing criminal investigations. The CIA would had been reduced in size, scope and secrecy. The mega-contractors and tycoons of Texas would had been poorer, and in jail. The Mafia would have been harassed further. The defense industry would had been shrinking. It was the "perfect storm." The very people who had the most to gain by Kennedy's death are the very people who left their fingerprints at the scene. Oswald, however, had nothing to gain. Fifty years later, fifty lies later, we have found the Patsy, the Sucker... and he is us.'

Even with the Government's later House Special Committee on Assassinations, their findings were that a 'Conspiracy' did take place in Dallas, but did not bother or attempt to take this finding any further with a more through investigation.

Too many discrepancies has followed that fateful day in 1963. This book lists 50 to study and investigate on your own. Read with a very open mind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly brown
Fascinating, up front, and written with a dry wit, Moore's book Killing JFK is timely and honest. Unique qualities for a fact finding truth seeking author.

It's informative and actually educating as he debunks some of the crap we've all been force-fed for years. He's not out to brainwash or impress. He's not overly wordy, instead he's clear and precise, and obviously put a lot of time and effort into the writing of this book.

My husband and i give it 4 thumbs up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anna leisa s
An interesting look at the conspiracies surrounding the JFK assassination. The "50 Lies" are a bit deceiving, considering how the book is laid out and several lies use four or five number slots, but this is a good primer for the subject. The book could use a proper e-book formatting though, as the entries run together at times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heba mohammed
No one who writes on this matter can be considered completely objective. However, many interesting and significant points are raised and discussed in this book. As national surveys have show, we as the public do not believe the Warren Report and the big question is why doesn't media in general want more answers? We will probably never know.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j l stewart
This book was a clear rebuttal of the Warren Commission's report on the JFK assassination. Even in the 60's, I can remember my mother saying that she believed Oswald was a patsy, and that there was much more to this sad chapter in history than the public would ever be told in our lifetimes. Dr. Moore has done his research, and it shows.

Thank you the store Prime, for the lending library. I borrowed this book, and recommend it to anyone interested in this subject.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The attempts by Buglosi, O'Reilly et all have failed in the public's opinion, and will continue to fail. The facts in this book will survive, and will need and probably get repeated exposition in various forms. This book is much too wordy and poorly organized, but I see no unsupported facts or claims. Someone , if not this author, should re-do it with heavy editing for conciseness, a table of contents, and perhaps a concise re-wording of some of the lies.

Thanks to the author for his impressive labor and courage. Keep the record alive, and the next generation may see and understand.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aarti yadav
I liked the book. It was packed with information but in some cases too much detail and found yourself reading the same information on several different pages. All in all a very eye opening book into the darkest secrets of an obvious conspiracy. Sometimes find yourself thinking who wasn't involved in this conspiracy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lyle scully
Dr. Moore has given us a thoughtful and well-documented look into one of the most glaringly important events in our history. He simply voices the question and concerns of thousands of people. Fiction writers such as David Baldacci andf Lee Child have reminded us that the "official" view of our government is not always totally correct. Memories of Nicaraugua, Persia, Chile, Mexico and too many other places attest to that rerality.

The fact that questions will not go away demand open minds.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although there has been an onslaught of books on the subject, one of the "must read" reviews piqued my curiosity enough to take a "sneak peek." I have never been good at getting facts, dates, places, names, etc., at one sitting, and usually have to re-read until I get it straight. Dr Moore's inexhaustible research,clarity of thought, credibility, and his innate gift of getting to the gist of what is relevant and leaving off the dross is no surprise, so I bought the book and have several others earmarked as gifts, to people I know who appreciate the proven truth at all costs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura meyer
Superb book! Posner, O'Reilly and Bugliosi need to read the true facts. Wait, they know the true facts. They are just Warren Commission behind kissers who are making money and still misleading Americans.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I'm sorry I wasted money on this halfbaked gibberish. There are provable errors in every one of the 50 sections I've managed to read. Wouldn't you think an "author" would actually CHECK the statements he makes, or the faux-facts he gets from other conspiracy kooks? Every copy of this ludicrous nonsense ought to come with a tinfoil helmet and a straightjacket.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ranjit patel
This book is FULL of lies upon lies. Shameful! Regurgitated myths, half truths and misconceptions. After 52 years can we please put the whacky conspiracy theories to rest? The author obviously has a personal beef with Gerald Posner, but has no answers for the work of Dale Myers nor Vincent Bugliosi.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
holli blackwell
How many writers and publishers have made money out of books claiming Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone?

How many writers and publishers have made money out of books which play on your fears and/or imagination, claiming there was a conspiracy?

There certainly HAVE been a series of conspiracies over the killing of JFK, mainly involving distortions of subject matter and primary source material in order to withdraw money from your pocket.
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