Wise Words for Moms
ByGinger Hubbard
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ami rojkes dombe
I'm completely baffled by the negative reviews on this chart. Almost every negative review talks about how terrible it is to hit your children, so I went back and looked again at my copy of Wise Words for Moms. It isn't in here. This is a fantastic chart that lists undesirable behaviors then CONVERSATIONS you can have with your child and scriptures to use in TEACHING and REDIRECTING your child. This tool has NEVER pushed me in the direction of "hitting" or "spanking" my children. I believe it has given me tools to AVOID spanking. In fact Before you even get to the the lists there is a "warning" that says "REMEMBER: Wise Words are to be spoken with a loving heart and a gentle voice. 'If someone is caught in a sin you who are spiritual should restore him gently.' Galations 6:1a"
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Nice cheat sheet of verses and encouragement. Not fancy or splashy. Very modest-looking calendar-style leaflet. The negative reviews about her saying anything about physical abuse are all false regarding this product. Of all the verses she provides, Proverbs 13:24 is not to be found anywhere in this leaflet. Unless the negative critics are basing their criticism from another product or source, their criticism is unfounded.
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ari elf
This is a really useful tool for tapping into the riches of scripture with my kids and seeing how the Bible has something to say about the things they struggle with. However, I feel like it could be improved in helping parents point their children to the MAIN PERSON and THEME of scripture: namely the finished work of Christ on our behalf to accomplish our forgiveness and redemption. The scripture references are good and are an essential tool in showing our kids what is God's standard for our conduct, but I would caution parents to not just quote these verses and feel like you've done a good job as a parent, rather I would encourage parents to use this guide and the corresponding verses to springboard into discussions about our inability as sinners to do what God requires apart from the Holy Spirit...to point them to their need for the atoning work of Christ and His perfect sinless life that can be credited to us if we put our trust in Him. THIS is the goal of Christian parenting, not just raising compliant children who can outwardly mimic biblical behavior. So overall: very useful resource IF used within the broader context of the Gospel.
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crystal flannery
This calendar style chart is easy to reference and gives a scriptural solution when dealing with all common childhood issues, including blaming, complaining, fighting, giving up, disobeying, lying, revenge and arguing. I highly recommend this affordable product to anyone interested in Biblical Parenting.
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andrea smith
It is obvious that those that have chosen to leave negative and nasty reviews have NEVER read this book or any of her books. There is NOWHERE in the book that she promotes "beating" children or babies. She uses scripture to get to the heart of the issue with children and realizes that there are some issues that require CONTROLLED spankings. I just told my husband this morning that the book, "Don't make me Count to Three", is the BEST book I have ever read on training a child's heart. I just wish it was out in audio form so he could also benefit from her God-given wisdom. Please don't allow the negative/nasty reviews keep you from something that could change you and your child for the better. If for no other reason, BUY THE BOOKS and see it for yourself. If you are looking for a CONTROLED Biblical way to train your child's heart and not just his behavior, I promise you wont be disappointed!!
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lindsey schroeder
I think this chart helps parents to see more ways to use scripture and heart probing questions when they are helping their children see what is in their hearts. It is worth the $4.00 to purchase and have it to help you be effctive in your discipline.
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brandon monk
I absolutely love this chart (yes, it is a chart...not a book). It hangs on my fridge and I use it daily. It's a wonderful way to have a 'quick' reference for biblical guide to reaching matters of the heart....I bought it for teaching my children, but I've found it's just as wonderful for myself and my husband!
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A must!!! Especially when reading the bk, read my review on the book.
Like fuel is to a car so is this to parenting. It's your road map for directions as you navigate through the attitudes of the heart which leads to the behavior. Did I say how much I love this lol
Like fuel is to a car so is this to parenting. It's your road map for directions as you navigate through the attitudes of the heart which leads to the behavior. Did I say how much I love this lol
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megan dukett
This useful booklet gives parents helpful questions to ask their children as they encourage them to put off bad behavior and put on good behavior. Ginger encourages parents to do this gently and wisely. As she says in the introduction, "Wise words are to be spoken with a loving heart and gentle voice." There is nothing whatsoever in this helpful booklet about physical discipline of any kind. Those who assert that there is have clearly not read it.
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chloe red
This chart Ginger has put together is easy to use. Great way to get to the heart of your child. We don't want children who just obey, we want them to obey from the inside. Ginger has heart probing questions to help you and your child get to what is going on in the heart, a bible verse to show WHY not to do this behavior, then an encouragement, a bible verse with WHY to have positive behaviors. I like to use the encouraging verses when my children are behaving well to praise them when caught doing good. It is God's will that you be thankful and joyfull in all circumstances. 1 Thes 5:16-18. I love to see you joyfulling helping your brother......quote the verse... I want my kids to not think only of the scriptures as admonitions, but blessings, and encouragement. THis is a must-have chart for parents who love the Lord and their children!!
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hoang quan
This should be a gift for all mothers and fathers who want to raise godly children in an ungodly world. This is the "how to" book to do it. A great gift for all new mothers and fathers to guide them with the "Why I obey question" before it becomes a teenage rebellion situation. This book is the guide to do it by a mother who is living it! As a grandmother I can tell you...she is right, godly learning is all about the heart! Your child can do what they have been taught to do, but until their is a heart change, learning did not take place!
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braxton bauzon
This is a great resource for quickly dealing with behavior issues. It opens like a wall calendar and I keep it on the fridge. While dispensing ice or water I read the information for each behavior (lying, whining, etc) to help me internalize it so I can recall it when necessary. If my memory fails me I can quickly pin point the verses and advice for the offense. Each behavior includes probing questions and Bible verses to help train the child's heart and not just his outward behavior.
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heidi kenney
I have used this help for disciplining a child from a bible perspective in a class teaching from the book "Shepherding a Child's Heart". It helps you to ask the proper questions to help your child to understand what heart issues are causing the problem.
It helps to dig deeper to allow your child to learn that there are problems we all have to face in our relationships with others and God.
It helps to dig deeper to allow your child to learn that there are problems we all have to face in our relationships with others and God.
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kathy kosek
When this author addresses the subject of fear, she woefully neglects to address the horrendous fear that is inflicted into a child's brain, body, and soul by any cruel, violent attack against the child, be it physical, through beatings, verbal, emotional or sexual. People with sincere interest in a small child's well-being and upbringing must go to the Child Trauma Academy and inform themselves and learn all they can about a child's vital, essential need and right to feel safe, protected, welcome and nurtured. The violence of beating a child has nothing to do with love, but everything with passing on the abuse and hatred once suffered in one's own childhood that one is not willing to see through and discard. Read about the roots of violence in "For Your Own Good" by Alice Miller and on her website.
Fear and terror elicit the fight and flight and/or a dissociative response in human bodies, harm the healthy development of children's brains, cause brain lesions and change the brain structure and brain chemistry, which has grave consequences for the child's and adult's health and self-confidence. The brain is not a fully developed organ at birth and the synapses between the neurons (the brain cells) are built mostly during the first 4 years of life. As the human brain is an historical, use dependent organ that learns through experiences, violence and fear do terrible damage to a child's developing brain and a human being's potential.
Bruce Perry and Martin Teicher have written much about their discoveries and research and are spreading this scientific knowledge. Nobody today can ignore these facts and recommend violence to "raise" children. The chances of children who were beaten, frightened and terrorized to become healthy and well-developed human beings are greatly affected and diminished as they learn violence as their parents' tool for terrifying attacks against them.
Fear and terror elicit the fight and flight and/or a dissociative response in human bodies, harm the healthy development of children's brains, cause brain lesions and change the brain structure and brain chemistry, which has grave consequences for the child's and adult's health and self-confidence. The brain is not a fully developed organ at birth and the synapses between the neurons (the brain cells) are built mostly during the first 4 years of life. As the human brain is an historical, use dependent organ that learns through experiences, violence and fear do terrible damage to a child's developing brain and a human being's potential.
Bruce Perry and Martin Teicher have written much about their discoveries and research and are spreading this scientific knowledge. Nobody today can ignore these facts and recommend violence to "raise" children. The chances of children who were beaten, frightened and terrorized to become healthy and well-developed human beings are greatly affected and diminished as they learn violence as their parents' tool for terrifying attacks against them.
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ann eckfeldt
I bought this "book" for my wife and we discovered it isn't a book at all, but rather a fold out paper poster. I should have been tipped off when I saw the price was $4.00. It truly isn't worth the 4.00 I paid for it and it should NOT be described as a book.
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siavash nazerfasihi
When this author addresses the subject of fear, she woefully neglects to address the horrendous fear that is inflicted into a child's brain, body, and soul by any cruel, violent attack against the child, be it physical, through beatings, verbal, emotional or sexual. People with sincere interest in a small child's well-being and upbringing must go to the Child Trauma Academy and inform themselves and learn all they can about a child's vital, essential need and right to feel safe, protected, welcome and nurtured. The violence of beating a child has nothing to do with love, but everything with passing on the abuse and hatred once suffered in one's own childhood that one is not willing to see through and discard. Read about the roots of violence in "For Your Own Good" by Alice Miller and on her website.
Fear and terror elicit the fight and flight and/or a dissociative response in human bodies, harm the healthy development of children's brains, cause brain lesions and change the brain structure and brain chemistry, which has grave consequences for the child's and adult's health and self-confidence. The brain is not a fully developed organ at birth and the synapses between the neurons (the brain cells) are built mostly during the first 4 years of life. As the human brain is an historical, use dependent organ that learns through experiences, violence and fear do terrible damage to a child's developing brain and a human being's potential.
Bruce Perry and Martin Teicher have written much about their discoveries and research and are spreading this scientific knowledge. Nobody today can ignore these facts and recommend violence to "raise" children. The chances of children who were beaten, frightened and terrorized to become healthy and well-developed human beings are greatly affected and diminished as they learn violence as their parents' tool for terrifying attacks against them.
Fear and terror elicit the fight and flight and/or a dissociative response in human bodies, harm the healthy development of children's brains, cause brain lesions and change the brain structure and brain chemistry, which has grave consequences for the child's and adult's health and self-confidence. The brain is not a fully developed organ at birth and the synapses between the neurons (the brain cells) are built mostly during the first 4 years of life. As the human brain is an historical, use dependent organ that learns through experiences, violence and fear do terrible damage to a child's developing brain and a human being's potential.
Bruce Perry and Martin Teicher have written much about their discoveries and research and are spreading this scientific knowledge. Nobody today can ignore these facts and recommend violence to "raise" children. The chances of children who were beaten, frightened and terrorized to become healthy and well-developed human beings are greatly affected and diminished as they learn violence as their parents' tool for terrifying attacks against them.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I bought this "book" for my wife and we discovered it isn't a book at all, but rather a fold out paper poster. I should have been tipped off when I saw the price was $4.00. It truly isn't worth the 4.00 I paid for it and it should NOT be described as a book.
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jarrett heatherly
It's always been the favorite sport of the Religious Right to hit children. The younger the better. This allows the hitter to feel authoritative, righteous, powerful, omnipotent, and firmly in control. The problem with this book is Jesus. In nothing that Jesus of Nazareth did or said could there be any grounds for hitting (abusing) children. It just isn't there! Children are the persons, according to Jesus, in whom the Kingdom of God is most apparent. But this book isn't for Christians, or, for that matter, people of conscience. It's rather for those who just love to hurt children and feel good about themselves. Signed, The Rev. Thomas E. Sagendorf.
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laura meyer
The author explicitly encourages parents to hit their children for every act of "disobedience". This is ridiculous. Would she have liked those family relations 100 years ago when she was her husband's legal property and he could paddle her like waves on in a deep lake from a canoe? Every act of disobedience? This lady is a violent hypocrite and I'd like to see her husband use some Old Testament "wife discipline" on her until she sees that constant beatings with "rods" are ridiculous sadism.
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p panther
It amazes me that raising a child is equated with making life easy for mom. How about the child feeling understood, welcome, and worthy? This book pretends that little children have all the faculties of older children and can be indoctrinated so as to be little automatons. They will fit in beautifully with manipulating demigods, and are being trained to not question authority at all. Not the citizens I want to inhabit this country. Why use this book when there are so many more balanced ones that truly use Christian and non-violent principles to raise healthy, respectful, welcomed, and happy children who will become our fellow adult citizens? Because it's cheap? Come on!
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melissa leath
Please don't buy this book! Using painful punishment to condition children is damaging to their well-being. I don't beleive Jesus would ever encourage a parent to strike a child. No matter how the hitting and punishing is sugar-coated it is still violence and it can create an internal emotional environment of tension, anger and fear; all negative and all conunter-productive to the long-range goal of guiding a child to become a happy, balanced, whole person.
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sarah pape
If you purport to love your children, why would you hit them? Hitting sends a message of anger, disrespect, and intent to do harm - - is that really the message you want your children to get from you? There is enough hatred and violence in this world - one's home should be a place of solace and peace - where problems are dealt with through words rather than violent acts. Pass this book by if you have any hope of having a loving, respectful, and rewarding relationship with your children. If the store allowed the option - I would have rated this 0 stars.
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breanne joy
I think most parents want advice on discipline that is effective, humane, and based on research. Ginger Plowman's book uses Biblical proof-texting to encourage parents to hit children for every act of disobedience. Why just hit children? In Deuteronomy, there is advice for parents on how to handle a rebellious son: have the elders of the city take him to the gates "and all the men of the city shall stone him with stones, that he die:" The Old Testament is not an appropriate authority for childrearing in the 21st Century. This is not a good resource for parents.
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ana meyer
It still amazes me that those who consider themselves to be Christians (after Christ; not Moses or Solomon, etc.)still keep some of what is "called" Biblical law. The Old Testament is a history book which is to lead a believer to the NEW Covenant which has put the Old Covenant (Old Testament) to rest. I shudder to think that the author of this booklet believes that Christ wants them to hit babies and children. Christ taught discipleship. The word 'disciple' means to bring one along side and teach them by instruction and example; not hitting or any other form of violence. I pray that the readers of such books and booklets will follow the example of Christ rather than an outdated, fulfilled, and cast-off Covenant which is no longer in effect. Jerry Townsend, Christian Minister (retired); School Psychologist (retired).
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peter allard
Plowman has again not done her homework. She take a transliteration and twists it into horrific child rearing practices. If she had done any research at all on child rearing practices, she would discover that hitting children expresses (turns on) the MAOA gene - a gene responsible for and linked with violent behavior in children and adults. In children raised with love, compassion, understanding and tolerance (something Plowman has neglected to consider), this gene does not express and children grow up with a greater sense of self, fairness and empathy. As a psychotherapist, I can attest to the life long damaging effects of hitting children.
We can see that violence has never worked because we are still at war. Who would Jesus hit? Anybody?
If you want healthy parenting skills, check out Parenting Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.).
We can see that violence has never worked because we are still at war. Who would Jesus hit? Anybody?
If you want healthy parenting skills, check out Parenting Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.).
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Yet another book from Plowman that insults Jesus and Christianity by using them as an excuse for the sadistic abuse of children. The author shows an astounding lack of Biblical scholarship, freely twisting passages and quoting selectively to make her case, presumably trusting that the reader hasn't actually sat down and read the book cover to cover. Plowman's vicious teachings are about as far from the teachings of Jesus as you can possibly get. It goes without saying that she also rejects everything that modern science has discovered about the harmfulness of her methods, a rejection as ludicrious as dismissing what modern medicine has discovered about how to cure disease. Willfully ignorant, sadistic and deeply UnChristian, this is a truly horrible book. Consult it only if you care nothing for the teachigns of Jesus and hate your children.
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devon ricketts
The author is a well known supportor of beating children. She continues to justify hitting little ones for any mistake or error children typically make while growing up. Smacking a child with any instrument is not only cruel and unusual punitive punishment, it is HARDLY GOD LIKE! Every verse she speaks of can be refuted in the new testament, where Jesus NEVER says to hit His children! In fact, read it carefully, he speaks harshly of those that would do harm to children. Ginger Plowman hides behind her so-called beliefs in the interest of selling books, nothing more. Do yourselves a huge favor, and, most importantly, your CHILDREN...run from this book, toss in the garbage or, better yet, get a refund from the store! Ginger..find another career, you have no business writing childen beating books.
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hugh y
This book promotes all of the things the author pretends to eliminate; fearfulness,lying, disobedience...and non of the cherished ideas such as "peacemaking." Christian parents should follow ONE biblical quote used by the author, "A gentle answer turns away wrath. It is your honor to avoid strife and to live in peace with everyone." There's no room in peace for violence, especially against babies and children. I am a living example of a nonviolent, Christian parent. If you are reading this, you are too intelligent to resort to violence as a so-called form of discipline.
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Ginger Plowman is a well-known child abuse author. She twists the bible's sayings into convincing her readers into beating their children. So buy it if you want to hurt your children, and their spirit, not just their backside.
Boo to you Ginger Plowman!!
Boo to you Ginger Plowman!!
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Zero stars from me. Ms Plowman ought to take some coursework in child development before she tries to write another booklet. Hitting children damages them emotionally and physically and, in fact leads to worse behavior. If she is really a Christian she would follow Christ's teachings. The truth is that Christ held children in high esteem and never advocating hitting them. Don't be duped by reading this drivel.
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ryan smith
The author promotes instant obedience, hitting infants, small as babies, with sticks (from the Bible "rods") in God's name. How sick can it get till the store stop selling such mentally ill "literature"?
My heart goes to each child being raised by such mentally ill "parents". Poor children having to be controlled and abused by people who don't even know God's word or what the "rod" means. Rod in Hebrew translates from "shebet" = the one you guide children with, NOT HIT children with.
My heart goes to each child being raised by such mentally ill "parents". Poor children having to be controlled and abused by people who don't even know God's word or what the "rod" means. Rod in Hebrew translates from "shebet" = the one you guide children with, NOT HIT children with.
Please RateWise Words for Moms
Wise Words for Moms was created by Ginger Plowman. (She is the author of Don't Make Me Count to Three, one of my all-time favorite parenting books as you can see in the linked review.) The chart includes topics under Child's Behavior such as bragging, bad friendship, tattling, and revenge along with many others. Next questions are suggested to get to the root of the problem-found in the heart. This area is called Heart Probing. The Reproof area provides Bible verses to help the child to understand what behavior needs to stop or "Put Off." Of course, when we stop one behavior we need to begin another in its place, so Encouragement ("Put On") verses are provided. In these two areas, the appropriate verses are written out or summarized. (I do wish it was consistent with providing the verse.) The chart also includes additional verse references for the parents.
I like Wise Words for Moms because it is a quick resource for parents. (I do wish that it was not just for moms in the title...) I'm sure that many parents have created a similar chart or have even used other resources. (For Instruction in Righteousness comes to mind, linked to my review.) Its calendar-like format makes it easy to tuck in a bookshelf or hang on a wall with a quick hole punch.