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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed the entire James Patterson Maximum Ride series. It was fast paced and gripping. The storyline is perfect for young adult readers as well as adult readers. Each book left you wanting more. It would be great to see another book down the road showing how the characters have grown up and continued in the world they live. All in all, a fantastic series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
teto rero
First I got to say. The repetition was agonizing! Yes Max we know about the School, we know you are on the defence. But do we need to hear that in almost every chapter? Hell no! Second, the book was way too quick. I thought that since this book was going to be an epic finally, so I thought it would be longer. Third and last, the ending. Seriously? Seriously?
All in all this was a great book. If you've read all the books so far you have got to read this book. It's not as bad as these other reviews people are giving it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leah gaye
I've followed these books from the start havinmg picked the series up in the middle. I'm not always crazy for a female hero since too many of them seem to be near hysterics most of the time. But Max is different. She not only cares, she is going to do something about it. She is what I like in a hero; determined, strong and loving even if she won't always say it. She is what the real deal is in a hero; she makes the mistakes but she learns and grows. She is awkward and messy and brave and smart and honorable. That is what's good about Max. Maybe there is the second series about her as an adult or maybe I have to imagiine it. The material is there to do it.
MISS NELSON IS MISSING BY HARRY ALLARD :: Predictive Analytics For Dummies :: Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics :: Statistics For Dummies 1st edition by Rumsey - Deborah J. (2003) Paperback :: Manga Volume 9 (Maximum Ride Manga Edition) by James Patterson (2016-08-04)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
s ren
I had really been looking forward to this, unfortunately it did not live up to ky hopes. The end had almost nothing to do with everything that led up to it. I was disappointed after all the time I invested in the series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rachel laramee
This is the final instalment of James Patterson's epic saga,Maximum Ride.
All together I'd rate this about 3.5 stars.
1.The plot was the bones off the first book with a few changes.
2.The ending was a cliffhanger,and this is the last book of the series!James has made a lot of his fans VERY disappointed with his flat falling ending.
But it's not all bad!Many of the characters had a LOT of development.
Many fans I've talked to say that this book has a bit a anticlimactic ending.

But that's just my opinion!Go ahead and look at all the other reviews and get a balanced opinion.
Alex.Age 12 yrs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abdullah farhat
This book arrived quickly and in excellent condition. It was for our granddaughter, who simply loved the series and was thrilled to get it. The cover art was exceptional. I have read excerpts from the books, and thought that they were well written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fran ois
This book is awesome if you love high paced action that will have you flying off the pages
This book is more for young adults and should not be read by younger than 12
I loved the hole series but this book was my favorite

Xoxo Miranda
Ps I highly recommend reading it
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chuck lowry
I think the story was pretty fulfilling but it still left slot of unanswered questions but in overall the book and series has been good ..... don't want to go into alot of detail but they should've explained the ending better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chuck ford
Nevermore of the Maximum Ride books brings all things together. That is if you're a fan.
If your a person who likes to read the last chapter of a book first. I suggest you try to curb that habit here. As the last three chapters were my favorite.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
corey howe
The ending of this series was really disappointing. I had come to expect greater things of James Patterson. If you want to read this book, either borrow it, or get it in Kindle form so it doesn't cost too much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lorenza beacham
It's nice that this series of books revolves around a strong female character. So many times women are portrayed as weak and needing protection but it wasn't the case in these books. As a mom, I read the series to make sure the books were appropriate for my 9 year old daughter. I don't have a problem letting her read this series and since I have read all the books we can discuss the characters and make sure she is comprehending what she has read.

I enjoyed these books and hated to see the series end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah husein
This is a great finale to James Patterson's Maximum Ride series. I didn't want the series to end but, this book ends it well.I think most that have been along for the ride will feel that this is a good place to move on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
micha szyma ski
One of the greatest stories I have ever read. From book one to . The last sentence of the this book, I was surprised, shocked, horrified, and literally jumping for joy. Recommended for anyone who falls in love with or hates characters in a book, and get excited about what happens or is going to happen to the characters. Truly the Maximum Ride.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a very good book, hoping James Patterson will keep writing more of Max.
Enjoy the beginning and the ending, in between I was really getting angry at James Patterson that he would let Fang die or any of the bird children.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a great story. R
Cheering for the bird children, hoping for Angel....
Interesting ending......hummmm food for thought.
Wondering if James Patterson has another idea for Max later?????
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ismail zahirovic
Have always enjoyed Mr. Patterson's books and the Maximum Ride series is especially entertaining. The physical enhancements don't seem that far-fetched (well, maybe the wings are a bit far out) but who hasn't dreamed of flying? Each character is unique and well-fleshed out, the relationships are compelling, and the situations keep me coming back for more. Can't believe this is the "final adventure" and this 50+ woman will miss the ride.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I enjoy reading Pattersons books so I ordered this book without knowing that it was not a "thriller" as he usually write. It was a poor writing of science fiction. From now on, I will read the sample of his books before buying.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I thought the finale to the "Maximum Ride" series would have been a little better. I felt like it was more of the same stuff, back to complete the series. It was, however, very thought provoking and it tied up most loose ends from earlier books. I was once again captivated by the detail in which James Patterson writes. I wasn't impressed with the end, though, as it left too much open and unsaid. I think a little better conclusion would have made an even better book to end the beloved "Max".
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah o brien
***** Hmmmm... lets see... horrible plot, no action, lame love triangle, only focus on like four people, and hastily killing of the people that don't matter. What's wrong with Patterson! OH, and I forgot... THEY DON'T SAVE THE WORLD! THEY JUST SIT THEIR AND WATCH!

That should sum it up but i feel obliged to give you more details. First of all, we start off our little story with Max and the flock going to school (nothing the didn't do before). Of course, Max has to get jealous of Dylan and the other school girls (predictable). Then out of nowhere (but, Not out of nowhere at the same time) Max starts liking Dylan and makes out with him.

In the beginning of the story with Fang, his group basically either: a.) gets killed off OR b.) become traitors. This is all in like one chapter too! Now what I don't like is how Fang kicked the remaining gang members to the curb. Fang is totally better than that. That scene downgraded his status, in my opinion. Then Fang by his lonesome, hears a voice that tells him to go to max. My thoughts: HOW ORIGIONAL ITS NOT LIKE HE'S GONNA GO ANYPLACE ELSE IS THE LAST BOOK, HOW PREDICTABLE ARE YOU MAKING IT!!!

In addition, throughout Fang's voice, the others get voices too. Nudge: videotaping.. ok that's strange. Gazzy and Iggy: protect Max at all times...something is going down. And Dylan: to make Max love him, which we know isn't going to happen.

Oh, but here's the best part of Patterson's subtleness. Ok, so they found out that Fang's DNA holds the key to immortality, yet fang is not immortal himself. But the part that I am so very confused on is in the scene when Fang gets through off a cliff and lives. WHAT!?!?!? To make it worse they don't say how. He had a broken wing (so he couldn't fly away) and hes not immortal, so what happend their!!! Even when Max asked him he just kept us in mystery saying something along the lines of, "you don't wanna know". I think the facts point that Patterson made an error. But if I overlooked something please feel free to comment about this scene because I don't get it.

Then Fang comes back..and Max likes him again..yeah, yeah...spare me. They save Angel (which obviously was bound to happen). Though my all-time absolute favorite scene is when Dylan saw Max and Fang together and went into suicide mode and trashed a town. That made me laugh. But twist, Dylan voice says to kill Fang (I knew that would happen eventually). Then the Ari comes for the third time and they fight. After the fight Dylan in heroic mode goes,"Forgive me Max", and proceeds to choke Fang. But one plea from Max stops him and he runs away.

Now the flock goes to some Paradise (as if) with other mutants. Then the next day Dylan comes back to save MAx when the sky catches fire (yes you heard me right). Max though, being stubborn doesn't believe him. Dylan then goes into Hero-Mode and saves everyone by putting them in caves. Angel reveales she is the voice, which I was not surprised at all. and Max dies with Fang in a tidal wave. But twist... they have gills -remember- so they live, along with everyone else, including Dylan and Angel,

I have a theory that Angel was a double agent to someone- maybe Dr, Hans? Because obvoiusly she wanted to kill of fang and use his DNA and wanted Dylan to be with max when she didn't like him. After all Fang did to her, not to mention saved her life... She wants to kill him.

I also have improvements to make this book better. First I think it would be funny if Fang saw the video of Max kissing Dylan. Second, I think that they should've got rid of Fang's Gang in like an escape type envioronment. For example, the gang wanted to find out more about the 99 percenters so they infultrate their hide out place as someone finds them pulls an alarm and as they try to escape Maya dies, and Fang gets separated from the rest. Something along those lines.

Lastly I think this book was so cheesy that all it needed was some nachos...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca jaramillo
Well never more really was a perfect ending to the maximum series. I gave this book five stars because well it has morals, action, romance, and different kinds of responsibility. I love when max is as you can say reborn and finally allows herself to truly love fang. I don't like that Dylan is all by himself I think and hope he gets something that comes before max and gets a life outside of her. I would recommend this book and series of books before to young adults to adults.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica steffes
After having enjoyed all of the previous Maximum Ride series stories, this final one had been greatly anticipated, and we were not disappointed. We only regret that this will be the last one, maybe!? There still seems to be additional areas that this concept could and maybe should move on to. Perhaps another generation of winged youth who grow up and have families of their own and so on...............
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
julie chickering
Does James Patterson even bother to read over what his ghost writers produce? How could he let his series turn into this? Nevermore is a HUGE disappointment to fans of the series. Everyone is better off just making up their own ending to the series. At least that would be better than the ending they are forcing on us.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
James Patterson is one of my favorite authors. I am an adult, and I didn't feel that this series should be classified as being written for teenagers just because it was from a teenager's point of view. I had read "When the Wind Blows" years ago, and I was greatly interested in the series, although the Max character was not the same person.

I found the books to be too short - rather expensive to own them all. For reasons of economy and lack of interest, I didn't read "Fang." I enjoyed the story overall, but the final book seemed as if JP was grasping at straws for a way to end it.

Like other reviewers, I found "Nevermore" to be confusing. Many things didn't make sense and the ending left the reader hanging. There was no explanation as to why the whitecoats made Angel think they'd operated on her eyes and clipped her wings. I was thinking, "No! Don't let her be blind!" Then, she wasn't blind. Dr. Martinez blows off her betrayal with an oh, well, I was brainwashed by a cult. Dylan's and Maya's characters were pointless. Ari and Jeb came back - why? I'm so confused and disappointed that I can't even form coherent criticism!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elisa marchand
I chose this rating because I love the whole series, the flock. Romantic, action packed, funny and super awesome. My words for this book and I will always be with Max, the flock, and Total. No matter what haters say I'll be a Maximum Ride fan, cause the haters have no imagination what so ever. Sounds mean and sorry but that's what I feel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim hibbert
This is my favorite In the series because of fang and the awesome action!!! Then I really liked it because it ends things sooo well and not to sad of making you made it end nice and I really enjoyed the detail they used and it had its funny parts it wasn't all sad or serious
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