The Money Answer Book (Answer Book Series)

ByDave Ramsey

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura ann
I have just finished reading "The Money Answer Book" by Dave Ramsey. I absolutely love this book and would recommend it to everyone. Our culture has come to accept the "spend now, pay later" philosophy and that is why millions of people are in dept and living from pay check to pay check. This simple book goes through various steps to help a person in any financial situation get started on the right foot. It also address questions about how to build credit, consolidate accounts, set up a budget and think wisely about financial issues.
Through the course of this small books, Dave Ramsey addresses issues like debt, credit and bankruptcy, budgeting, saving and investing, college loans, stewardship, insurance, retirement, automobiles, and real estates. There are also "workbook" type pages where you can make a plan or make notes about how to make changes in your current spending habits.
Ramsey also includes the "laws of money" which follow...
1. Don't borrow money.
2. Give a tenth of my income to the local church.
3. Have an emergency fund for 3-6 months of expenses.
4. Don't spend over $300 without asking your spouse
I really loved this book and think everyone should at least take a look at it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Dave Ramsey has been on so many TV interviews and has been profiled so often in newspapers, there just isn't much new left for him to say about his ultra-conservative approach to money management. So it is, then, that The Money Answer Book gives an easy-to-read distillation of all of the key Ramsey commandments for financial success. You can read the entire book in 90 minutes, even with time to pause occasionally to weigh a matter he is discussing. There are checklists to fill in for budgeting and goal setting; there are little hotboxes offering pithy quotations ("Well done is better than well said" - Ben Franklin); and there are biblical references within the text and in sidebars.

Whether reading this 160 mini-book, listening to Ramsey on his radio show, or attending one of Ramsey's workshops, his bottom line always comes down to some very basic premises: (1) all credit cards are harmful; (2) people are in financial messes because they overspent, didn't plan, and lacked discipline; (3) everyone needs a fallback position of three to six months of reserve cash, food, and other necessities; (4) the outside economic picture has little influence on individual households that have learned to save, invest, budget, and tithe; and (5) there is nothing wrong with being incredibly wealthy so long as one uses his or her wealth appropriately.

Sections of this book deal with brass tacks issues such as bankruptcy, divorce, estate planning, saving for college, and contract negotiations (don't become a co-signer is his main point on this last issue). However, to delve deeply into these areas Ramsey has longer, more explicit books, such as his best-seller Total Money Makeover. -- Dr. Dennis E. Hensley, Christian Book
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer jones
I reviewed the 2010 revised edition. There were several part which I skipped (College and Student Loans, Mortgages and Real Estate) but I found situations in the rest of the book which were relevant to me and my money. I do disagree with Mr. Ramsey on one point (which I think Ms. Orman gets right). I do not think you should do his debt snowball as he tells you to. He says to pay off the lowest balance first and she says to pay off the highest interest first. I guess it doesn't matter what you do, just get it paid off! I like that he gives quick and simple answers and spells out his "baby steps" and envelope system. This is a quick reference. I do wish the questions weren't printed in green ink. It made it kinda hard to read. (I know, picky.) I also wish the questions were in an index somewhere rather than having to find the section you need and thumb through it looking for your question. I do like the resources pages in the back.

I was provided with a copy of the book courtesy of BookSneeze (Thomas Nelson book bloggers review site). No additional compensation was provided. I was not required to write a positive review. To join the review site, visit [...].
Raising the Next Generation to Win with Money - Smart Money Smart Kids :: A proven path to money mastery in only 15 minutes a week! (Simple Personal Finance Books) (Smart Money Blueprint) :: Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University - 91 Days to Beat Debt and Build Wealth! :: How to Manage Your Money When You Don't Have Any Workbook :: Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Got questions about money? The Money Answer Book probably has the answer.
Subtitled "Quick answers for your everyday financial questions", The Money Answer Book will be of great help for someone who is needing to find an answer to their questions about the day to day money matters.
Dave Ramsey has promoted the emergency fund, paying off debt via the debt snowball, and encouraged saving and investing for retirement for quite a while now. His hard-hitting, no punches pulled style of speaking is seen in this book. The answers are not exhaustive answers, but they are sufficient. They are true answers.
Is you question related to your mortgage? There's an answer. What about paying off debts by cashing in the 401K? Don't do it, Ramsey says. The 165 pages of this book are quickly read, and contain a wealth of wisdom born out of practical experience.
I would highly recommend this book for those interested in getting a grasp on their monetary situation in a hurry.
This review copy provided freely by Thomas Nelson with no expectation of a favorable review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Dave Ramsey has become a household name when it comes to personal finance. The Money Answer Book is rather short and small, but it does provide excellent advice and tips. The book could easily be read in one sitting, and it organized enough that you could reference it as needed while planning you financial future. Dave offers great advice and shows us how we can become debt free and save money with a little practice and by giving up some of our excessive buying. I agree with almost everything Dave says, with the exception of one. Dave seems to be totally against bankruptcy, and while I won't hold it against him that he personally filed years ago, I do think it is a good option for some people. My opinion on that aside, Dave presents valuable ideas and tips for getting out of debt, starting an emergency fund, and then saving for the future with investments. You will find Dave hates car payments, and recommends Mutual Funds. His advice is these areas is spot on. If you are looking for some help in getting out of debt, or you just want to give the book as a gift to a new graduate or friend, you won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dave Ramsey is a common sense money expert. It is kind of ironic that he has created an empire from simply giving us the advice our parents and grandparents gave us about money. His newest book is a quick reference book for every day financial questions. It is broken down into categories ranging from budgeting to insurance with specific questions addressed within each section.

For readers who "have their ducks in a row" financially, there is not much here for you. That being said, for someone who is trying to learn the basics of living within one's means, this is a great little reference guide. I particularly like the bevy of quotations included. Each subsection ends with a well chosen quotation that really reinforces the lesson being taught. Additionally, Ramsey's signature supportive but directive manner that you hear as he provides advice on his radio show comes through as you read the words on the page.

While this complimentary book was provided for review by Thomas Nelson Publishers, no other compensation was given. All remarks are my personal and honest opinions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
candy parm
I devoured The Money Answer Book by Dave Ramsey during one airplane flight, and upon landing I immediately sent a text message to my husband: "On the ground again. :-) Beautiful flight. Oh, by the way, I LOVE Dave Ramsey. Pretty sure after reading this book that you will too."

I had no prior exposure to Dave Ramsey (or any of his various programming), and I found The Money Answer Book to be a great starting point for someone wanting to get a broad introduction. The subtitle is 'Quick Answers for Your Everyday Financial Questions,' and with chapter topics ranging from Budgeting, to Automobiles, to Retirement & Estate Planning, he addresses a lot of subjects. Each question (such as "How do I get started on managing my money?") is followed by a one or two page discussion. He also offers several worksheets that will help you specifically target where your finances stand.

Ramsey is quite blunt, and does not skirt around the fact that solving tough financial problems is going to require some WORK! But he is also compassionate, understanding from personal experience that people make mistakes, and that the current financial society is NOT engineered to help you make wise choices.

At the root, he is trying to help people address and change the behaviors that cause financial distress - not just apply a band-aid to the symptoms. I found his suggestions and analysis to be accessible, understandable and applicable in the real world.

If you're already familiar with Ramsey or keep up with his other offerings, this book is probably a re-tread of material you have seen before (hence the 4 stars instead of 5). If you're looking for a primer or an overview to decide if Dave Ramsey is right for you - this IS the book you want to read. I'm not saying you have to buy it (check it out at the library!), but for a very short investment of your time, you may reap great rewards toward your family's financial health and your peace of mind.

Disclosure: I received this book for free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I recently received a free copy of the Dave Ramsey Money Answer Book for me to review.
I enjoyed reading this book alot. It is set up as a series of question/answers. This makes really easy reading especially if you are running in circles with small kids. I appreciated the straightforward way the book addresses each question and money issue.
I have to admit that I really didn't know much about Dave Ramsey's philosophy toward money. I occasionally listen on the radio and have heard a few things in church bulletins, but this was really my first in depth look at his money tips.
I love his concept of how to use money - "save some, give some, spend some". He feels very strongly that all credit cards are bad. For me personally, we owed the credit card companies so many years that I love the fact that those credit card companies are now paying us when we get points.
This book reiterates the importance of teaching kids at a really young age about how to handle money.
Great book - easy reading! Well worth the time!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melanie rucker
"The Money Answer Book" is the latest book from Dave Ramsey. In it he uses his experience and wisdom to answer some of the most common questions about money. These are the 100+ most-asked questions from his radio talk show. He gives short precise explanations to questions about debt and credit to insurance and retirement.

This book is very easy to read. Even if you aren't an avid reader (especially if you aren't an avid reader), this book is for you. Five minutes of time will get you through several questions and answers here. This book contained so many topics that are relevant to me right now. Of course there are things that I'm not ready for yet, like investing, but I do like to be prepared for when that day arrives. That left me feeling like the book touched on a little of everything for everyone.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book, and I know that you will too. It would be a great gift for any new couple, recent graduate, new parent, friends, family, anyone! Any adult who spends or saves money can use this book in some way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dave Ramsey has been the top financial advisor in the world for decades. Millions listened to his radio broadcasts or went to his organization to have help in getting out of debt.

In THE MONEY ANSWER BOOK, Mr. Ramsey has taken his most asked questions and addressed them. These include:

Debt, Credit and Bankruptcy
Relationships and Money
Saving & Investing
Retirement & Estate Planning
Real Estate & Mortgages
College & Student Loans
and more

This is a really helpful book that reads conversationally. I read through the book in a sitting, and found the advise is really common sense, but then--common sense isn't so common anymore. Bottom line? Debt is bad. Savings is good. But how do you get there?

Buy a copy of THE MONEY ANSWER BOOK and start reading it today. It will answer your questions and teach you how to manage your money more effectively so that your money works for you instead of you working to pay off others. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have never taken part in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University (FPU), but I have listened to his syndicated radio talk show and participated in other church sponsored financial planning programs (classes). I really believe that basic financial literacy programs like FPU and the financial literature that Ramsey has produced over the years is invaluable. The problem is that most people who need financial education are not those going out to buy Dave Ramsey publications (or others like his) or listening to financial talk shows on radio or television. I think Ramsey says it best, "Personal finance is 80 percent behavior and only 20 percent head knowledge."

His book breaks down into several sections, such as Debt, Saving and Investing, Budgeting, Retirement, and more, and he presents the information contained in each section through a question and answer type format. The information he provides is extremely basic, but it is straightforward and really is a good template for basic financial planning in 169 pages. There are specific questions and answers for more advanced financial concerns, i.e. should I use a 529 Savings Plan or Education Savings Account (ESA) to save for my child's college education, but the majority of the information makes up Dave Ramsey's thesis. He is essentially saying don't go into debt (except for a mortgage and even then he insists on 20% down on mortgage principal); if you are in debt, sacrifice and work systematically to get out of debt; tithe 10% and give to charity as you can afford; establish an emergency account; fully fund 15% into pre-tax retirement plans and a Roth IRA; get a will and term life, life insurance that is about ten times annual income. Of course, this is an oversimplification- the book says much more and in more detail.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
micki macdevitt
My wife and I attended Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University earlier this spring, and it transformed how we view our money. So when I had the chance to review his new book, The Money Answer Book, I was excited to give it a read.

There's nothing new in the book, if you've taken FPU. However, the format of this book, set up with questions and a page or two of an answer, is what make it so handy and appealing. He always shoots straight with his answers and gets right to the point. It has a logical flow and is set up to really be the go-to book for your money questions.

All in all, I thought it was a good, quick read even after just finishing up the FPU course. It's a great `first' Dave Ramsey book to pick up if you've not read anything of his before.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amber swinford
Dave Ramsey has become the master at money matters. Between his books and his radio show, you can get all the practical advice on how to spend (or save) your money that you want. His latest book "The Money Answer Book" is a great addition to your collection of "how to spend your money" books. Written in Question & Answer format - The Money Answer Book has taken the most common questions and put them in a "turn right to it" style. Dave has even categorized the sections (such as "Relationships & Money", "Stewardship", "Automobiles", "Real Estate & Mortgages", etc.) so you can turn right to the topic you need help with. He starts off with a section called "The Basics" which will help get you started with a written budget and also familiarize you with his famous "Baby Steps". He then goes on to walk you through the notorious credit card topic, and moves on to the other categories previously mentioned. Is this just a repeat of his other books? Well, yes, but in a very reader-friendly format. You could easily finish this book and keep it on your desk for future reference. It's small, but to the point and just as valuable as his bigger versions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I recently had the opportunity to read The Money Answer Book by Dave Ramsey. This book is what I would call a "must-have" for anyone just starting out in their financial life or who has managed to get themselves into a money-related jam.
Some of the information is basic knowledge but there are also a lot of little known tips even for someone like me who has worked in the financial industry.
It is written in a question and answer format which makes it easy to follow and find the information that applies to your situation. Dave Ramsey explains in everyday language what steps to take to pay down your debt, deal with debt collectors, save for a rainy day, plan for retirement and he provides answers to many other money-related topics. He provides a "Baby-Step" action plan, for achieving your financial goals, that breaks everything down into simple actions for you to follow.
Overall I found this book an interesting read and I have no hesitation in recommending it for someone looking for some helpful tips fro getting themselves on track financially. I enjoyed the way it's broken up into small segments making it less tedious than a lot of other financial books I have read.

Disclaimer: I was provided a a copy of this book by Thomas Nelson Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
natalie rasell
The Money Answer Book by Dave Ramsey

"God gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into the nest." - J.G. Holland.
This is just one of the inspirational quotes in this little book by Dave Ramsey, one of the nation's most famous voices in the area of personal finance. It's an introduction to Dave's basic teachings on how to get out of debt and live within your budget. It's also full of answers to some of the frequently asked questions on the call-in radio program, "The Dave Ramsey Show."
I would recommend this book to those who have not yet heard of Dave Ramsey and need a light introduction and inspiration to get started. For those who are serious about the nuts and bolts of doing money Dave's way, you may want to check out Dave's other books, The Total Money Makeover or Financial Peace Revisited.
My family is on Dave's plan and we are now debt-free except our house and our money has been freed up to give into the Kingdom of God. It really works!

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their [...] <[...]> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover: The Money Answer Book. If you have never read the previous one i would recommend it! If you havent, Dave goes over the steps and adds some nuggets of information that was left out of the previous book. Some of the questions I found irrelevant to my needs but at the same time it was good to know the answers to them. It was nice that some of these answers went in depth too. I would defiantly use this as a resource in the future concerning certain money matters. Dave has a very personable writing style that shines through. If you have never read any of Dave's stuff...get it. It may change or reaffirm your thinking on finances. Please note that the copy I have was provided by Thomas Nelsons' [...].
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Getting our finances in order wasn't always a top priority. My wife and I were spenders when we first met. We had a ton of credit and have since paid down the majority of it. With only one hanging on (plus some school loans, you know how it is) we're on our way to Financial freedom! Thank the Lord for that!

We've never read any of Dave Ramsey's other books. We haven't sought guidance from anyone but God Himself and have been faithful tithers since being filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time over a year ago. The one book we did get into was "Family Finances" by Joe McGee. We purchased that book when he came to our church and it helped us immensely. Looking into a book with considerably more polish, I was interested to see how someone who's nationally syndicated would hit the biblical points of family finances.

From the beginning, "The Money Answer Book" touts itself as an easy to use book where you can find answers to any questions you might have about money. The trouble I've always had with books like this is "What if I don't fall into any of the categories that are in the book? Within the framework of ten basic areas of finance, Ramsey brings a very broad brush to the notion of money and how it effects one's life. Since budgeting is something that my wife and I have worked on most recently, I turned to that section and began reading. That's one of the beauties of this book. You don't have to read from cover to cover (unless you want to, obviously) and you can quick reference as you go.

Something I find as I get deeper into scripture is that when someone comes to me with advice, I want to see how it ties into God's word. That's an element that I didn't get with this book. Not that EVERY piece of advice needs an accompanying scripture, but taking the time to mention that you should give a 10th of everything you have to the Lord is a given for a true believer. Those who know Ramsey, like my Mom for example, aren't believers. They see him as a "religious" person who is good with money. Sure, he's a fine person with a good head on his shoulders. I've seen signs about his simulcasts outside of churches I pass by all the time, but the fact of the matter is that when it comes to matters of money, God is the one who has already given us everything we need to know about everything we could ever experience.

Dave Ramsey puts things in a fine perspective when it comes to matters of money. The format of "The Money Answer Book" fits into the bustling world of the current American family. It's a super quick read that answers a lot of questions using little bits of information. It's definitely a great jumping off point for further discussion and reading of other books, especially in the area of Budgeting. Pick it up and browse through it before you buy. If something raises up and smacks you in the face, spend some money and buy it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erica franz
Most everyone has come to know the financial advisor, Dave Ramsey. Churches have adopted and offer classes of his Financial Peace University. We have come to love his tact, and rational answers to our everyday financial questions. This book is an overview of his best advice given to get you on the track to financial peace. The main goal that he preachers is to live like no one else, so you can one day live like no one else.

This book is divided up into essential steps. This first section deals with the basics offering seven baby steps to give your finances some structure. The rest of the book deals with the following topics: debt and bankruptcy, relationships and money, budgeting, saving and investing, student loans, stewardship, insurance, retirement and estate planning, automobiles, and finally real estate and mortgage. If we are honest with ourselves, we can each admit to not being where we need to be financially. I had a professor in college that said that if each of us wrote down everything that we spent;we would all realize that we were killing spending all of budget through a few nickels here and a few dimes there.

I would recommend this book for anyone that wished to have control over their finances. "Get smart. Get motivated. Get Going!"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth glassman
Dave Ramsey's "The Money Answer Book" aims to help you answer specific questions you may have about your finances in short, one or two page responses. This book is a quick read, with real world questions regarding real world problems. It provides answers to common problems in such a way as to make the reader believe that changing their spending behaviors is possible. Having already read two of Dave Ramsey's books previously (Financial Peace, Total Money Makeover), I didn't find much in the way of new information provided. With that being said, I would wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone who is not ready to dive into the "deep end" of the literature on handling finances that is out there. The advice given is fundamentally solid and will help someone get out of debt, set up a budget and learn to live on less than they earn. This would also be a great high school graduation gift.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A small, but informative book that gives quick answers to some very popular financial questions. The book answers questions covering debt, budgeting, purchases and investments.

Reading The Money Answer Book was a real good starter book for someone wanting some quick answers regarding their finances. While it certainly doesn't get in depth of any one topic, it answered a lot of topics that most people are wanting some information on. It gave me an incentive to keep working on getting ourselves to a point where we could be 100% debt free, including our house payment. It shares how much of our spendings are behavior, not knowledge. Just reading the book isn't going to help your finances, you must take it into action.

There were some things in the book I didn't care for. While the book did talk about being financially free no matter how much money you make, I felt the book really focused on a lot of areas that is geared for those who make more money or have two incomes. Where we have very little debt ourselves and don't spend a lot of money on the unnecessary things, some of the investments they were mentioning we could not come close to obtaining. That said, they still gave a good order of what is important to save first.

Overall I think it's a book that should be read by anyone looking for some quick answers and have a good base of knowledge concerning their finances already.

Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review. My opinions and views expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Money Answer Book by Dave Ramsey

The Money Answer Book sets out to get the reader to confront the myths about money and credit. Through Dave Ramsey's in your face confrontational style; Dave answers questions to motivate the reader to change their behavior when it comes to dealing with finances.

When I opened up "The Money Answer Book", I was shocked because I was not expecting a Q&A style book. This shock helped me to review the information a little more open minded because I've experienced Dave Ramsey's style through "The Total Money Makeover" and Financial Peace University. Even though the book is a relatively easy read, I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of information that was shared with the reader. Dave deals openly an honestly with things like finances, credit, debt and loved ones; while weaving biblical truths throughout his presentation of information. This book is a must read for singles, married couples and those who are engaged. Great book!!

Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for advanced reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Quick read. Daves concise book helped clarify questions I had about investing and other financial areas. Would highly recommend for those with fundamental questions about insurance, saving for retirement, saving for education, estate planning, etc
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It would seem that while Dave Ramsey is trying to help us dig out of debt and build up good spending habits, he is also building up a large money-making machine by selling the same message over and over again in different packages. If you've read either Financial Peace Revisited or the Total Money Makeover, you probably don't need this book. This item almost appears to be another cash cow for him.

It's not that this item is without worth. (Actually, I found the simplicity of this book more appealing than his other works -- he's concise and to the point, but for those who like stories, this book is probably not for you.) Only the Dave Ramsey devotee would really want this if he or she already has other Dave Ramsey works, and if you really are a Dave Ramsey devotee, you probably would skip this work to save some money anyway.

Another option to consider would be Phil Lenahan's 7 Steps to Becoming Financially Free: A Catholic Guide to Managing Your Money Workbook, especially if you are looking for instructional sessions with grouping/faith sharing. Both the group leader and participant materials are less expensive than Financial Peace University (though you don't get the extras found in the FPU membership kit) and Mr. Lenahan's main sessions only take 6 weeks. Both of their books cover much of the same material. Mr. Lenahan's book has a Catholic flavor to it, but a couple of non-Catholics I know got a lot out of Mr. Lenahan's materials. If you get "7 Steps" from the store, make sure you first get the hardcover version -- the softcover is the workbook.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Money Answer Book

The Money Answer Book is a question and answer book to financial freedom by famous Christian author Dave Ramsey. He promotes having no debt, and financial freedom.

This guide gives you a plan of action to get out of debt and stay out of debt. Some of the questions asked are, "What is the envelope system?", "Should we have joint or seperate accounts?" and "Can someone just take over the payments on a car loan?"

Dave gives easy and clear answers to these questions and explains in detail the envelope system and paying off debt using the snowballing effect.

Easy to read and easy to apply, I recommend this book!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jacqui titherington
Like he said: "Personal finance is 80 percent behavior and only 20 percent head knowledge!"

This money answer book really only give me 20% answers to many money questions.

I still try to find out his mutual funds that give him 12% returns (especially last 5 years.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a quick read with helpful information. I recently finished reading the Total Money Makeover book and thought this was a great supplement with condensed information. I found the part discussing savings plans such as 401 k to be a very helpful introduction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kylara lore
I highly recommend this book for young adults just starting out building their future. A book of common sense that will help young adults make an outline of what they must do to succeed in managing their resources.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan schwake
This book is a wonderful tool for everyone to use. It has answers to questions regarding what to do about purchasing vehicles, saving money, budgeting...etc. I will probably have to buy another one becuase this will be worn out from using it so much.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
candy o
This book doesn't give you a strategy for building wealth. It is just a series of answered questions that don't add up. All the advice that Ramsey gives is information you can find on the internet. 1. Credit Cards are bad. 2. Spend less than you make 3. Invest. Mr. Ramsey also says that you can find 12% returns on your mutual funds, really, please tell me where and average investor can get that....that would be advice I would pay for!

It is a very short book that will take less than an hour to read, however it is not worth the $13.00 price tag.
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