When Darkness Comes (Guardians of Eternity Book 1)

ByAlexandra Ivy

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
chad jordan
It's not that there aren't some redeeming qualities about this book. The idea for the plot is good...a vampire protecting a girl who embodies a force of good...but to me the action lagged and there were other things: the heroine, Abby, is not described well ("honey curls" just doesn't do it), but her horrible family is described too many times (I got it the first time); the lovemaking between her and Dante is not as good as it could be. Although described as amazing, the actual scenes described were pretty ordinary. If you like paranormal romance, try Kresley Cole instead. She knows how to write it! [Post review author note: I continued to read this series and it got better...more toward the 4 star level.]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ash 360
This book is AWESOME!! I cannot wait until the next book comes out!! What an amazing fun and erotic story. I loved the interaction between the two main characters Dante and Abby had amazing chemistry. Their personality quirks and banter made the story even that more fun! I cannot wait until Viper's story comes out! I was not a big paranormal, Vampire book reader, read some of Maggie Shayne's stories, but I absolutely LOVED this book and have recommended it to many!!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
There was little development with the main characters. We're briefly informed that Abby and Dante have been attracted to each other for some time, and then, WHAM!, they're bumping uglies. Dante's a vampire? Coulda fooled me. Maybe I've read too much Christine Feehan, but Ivy's hero seemed nothing more than a regular dude with fangs. No special tricks or powers made for a dull vamp.

And, OMG, how many times do we have to read about Dante's arched raven brow and beautiful visage, or Abby's honeyed curls?? Adjectives are usually a good thing when there's a little variety to them.

For those of you who are looking for good paranormal should give Larissa Ione's Demonica series a go.
Hunt the Darkness (Guardians of Eternity Book 11) :: Bayou Heat Collection One :: Embrace the Darkness (Guardians of Eternity Book 2) :: When Darkness Ends (Guardians Of Eternity) :: Burned by Darkness (Dragons of Eternity) (Volume 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sue harper
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sean mooney
Bottom Line: Try before you buy
Okay, I finished the book so that says something. The story was just okay, and the characters were good, not great...but it didn't make me want to read the rest of the series.
It felt a little, predictable, and a little corny. The book didn't make me laugh out loud or cry or cheer on the main characters. It was just okay. There was nothing incredibly unique or fascinating.
Perhaps because I just didn't connect enough with either the characters or the story? Or maybe it was the style of writing?
I'd recommend Laurell K. Hamilton, Keri Arthur (Riley series), Sunny (Monere series), J.R. Ward, Patricia Briggs (Mercy series), Kim Harrison, for hot vampires.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
devon steven
I thought this book was good and kept my interest but I would have liked Dante to be more Alpha like the BDB series. I enjoyed the storyline, its different. I was interested in the secondary character, Viper, so I ordered book 2.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
xin cai
As someone already mentioned the endearment lover was used and every time I read it it felt wrong. The endearment Love would have worked much better.

I have no idea who these characters. We get a whole bunch of awful stuff from Abby about how horrible her life was, but nothing in how she acts is really influenced by her past. I have no idea how she came to work at the mansion for Selene. I have no idea why should would be attracted to Dante after initially being introduced to him as an irritant. I have no really good idea why he is an irritant. I have no idea what this world is? Does everyone know about the paranormal or is there and underground of it? What is this clan that Dante belongs to? What does it consist of? Who is the head of it and if Vampires are a solitary lot why is there a Clan? is there more than one clan?

The writing is subpar. The descriptions of scenes are usually very difficult to figure out.

In the beginning we meet Abby wondering wondering what to do about a broken Ming vase. She's on the ground getting ready to hide the pieces when Dante enters the room. She turns around and blocks the view of the broken vase. How she can block the view of the broken vase from someone who is standing, I don't understand, but she does. In that same scene there is a mention of her not backing up because she will back into the broken pieces then then a big bang and she's knocked onto her back. But she doesn't land on the broken pieces.

Another scene that I still don't know what I missed after reading 4 times, Dante is giving Abby a bath in a, I'm pretty sure, sunken bath tub. I never read that he took his clothes off or that she was taken out of the bath or the water was drained. One minute she's lifting her damp arms to pull him closer and closer he comes. After that interlude he does dry her off and lifts her and takes her to the bed, that is covered in silk sheets and puts her to bed. She asks him to stay with her and he gets into bed. This whole scene I'm wonder how he's not dripping and how he manages to not make the bed wet.

This is a poorly written and poorly edited book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kirsteen mckay
This book was a big disappointment. It was poorly written, and the plot..which started out somewhat interesting...just fizzled. I have been reading vampire books lately, and this does not even come close to either JR Ward or Lara Adrian. Although this author has some good ideas, she fails to explore them more fully and give the reader something to enjoy. This was just painful.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I wanted to like this book because it meant another PNR series I could dive into. Right off the bat, I could tell it was not for me. The writing was poor, the story seemed to start almost in the middle, the characters were not likable. The writing was amateur and basic compared to the books I'm used to reading. There was no build up to the "action" of the story- we were just thrown into a scene with the two main characters, with no idea what their relationship was like. Immediately, Dante is calling Abby "lover" and to me, it seemed like the author took a cliche about a sexy, confident male lead and applied it to Dante for no reason that we, the readers, were aware of. Then Dante is described as tall, dark, and handsome (another cliche) while Abby is described as delicate and unknowingly sexy (cliche). During an action scene, Abby messes things up by not listening to Dante, who had just saved her from Demons (cliche). It was just one after another is a story that was disjointed and showed no promise of getting better. Sorry, couldn't finish.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen c
When Darkness Comes, the first book in the Guardians of Eternity series will not disappoint even the most die-hard Paranormal Romance enthusiast! Alexandra Ivy has a fantastic ability to bring her characters to life....so much so that they just seem to jump off the page at the reader! When Darkness Comes has something for everyone.....adventure, excitement, seduction, love and a battle for good and evil. I have read and re-read the entire Guardians of Eternity series (todate) many times and just recently added the series to my Kindle Fire! Absolutely loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katherine gardner
I’ve just discovered another world that is so amazing and intricate that it’s created a new addiction. Ms. Ivy’s When Darkness Comes delivers a hard to resist hook, a premise that is unique and fascinating and characters that come alive between the pages. I’m a happy reader.

The basic gist is the age old battle between good and evil. In this case, vampires and all sorts of paranormal folk are just variations of demons. I’m not into reading about demons per se, but Ms. Ivy has a clever twist that makes them not as one would expect. Like the heroine found out, demons can be beautiful and harmless as much as they can be harbingers of the end of the world. Sometimes humans can be just as bad, if not worse, than the worst demon. The heroine sure found out about that, too.

The very first chapter was intriguing. I met Abby, a sort of klutzy, sweet but very responsible woman who has had to struggle to survive. She’s got this great gig going on that is finally paying the bills. One day she breaks a priceless vase and she thought that was the absolutely most horrifying thing that could happen to her. Call it the calm before the storm. What happens after neatly and efficiently captured my interest, imagination and garnered desperation to read every page, chapter and scene where Abby and Dante try to not only stay alive but save the world from overambitious zealots. This book is a page flipper.

In between all the suspense and drama, Ms. Ivy has Abby and Dante falling in love. It’s rocky, passionate and hot. They are wonderful together and their chemistry is off the charts.

Secondary characters are not only important, they are vital. Every single one plays a role and they contributed to the feel of the community, the friendships and the sense of being players on a very large stage. A lot goes on in this book but it’s the hints of what is to come that tease the mind and senses.

When Darkness Comes is a must read. It’s on my keeper shelf and it’s a book that I can’t wait to read again. It’s infused me with the need to know more about Viper and just what kind of woman will be his downfall so I’m already primed to read the next adventure. I found this novel to be as gripping, exciting and fun as anything I’ve read in a long time. Not only that but I checked into the next book and was astounded to find out that there are a lot of books in the series. My bank account is going to scream but if they are as astounding and solidly well written as When Darkness Comes then it’s going to be money well spent. This book has made me an instant fan. I really, really count myself fortunate that I discovered this series especially because, with so many already written, I don’t have to wait. How awesome is that?!?

originally posted at long and short reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This review is about the 'Guardians of Eternity' series from books one through eleven. I just finished reading all of them in order, one right after the other.

I liked the series and enjoyed the author's world-building. The setting was contemporary earth as well as several other dimensions, reached through various magical means.These places were populated with vampires, werewolves, fey, numerous other types of demons, supernatural characters, gods, goddesses and witches. The world remained consistent throughout the series, and adhered to the rules set in place in the earliest books.

Each book had a storyline revolving around one couple, with the next book's main couple introduced in the previous one. There were a number of continuing secondary characters and villains; although this resulted in a large cast of characters as the series progressed, it was not confusing or overwhelming, because they were introduced in manageable numbers. The heroes were alpha males, most with some sort of vulnerability and tragic pasts. The heroines ranged from spunky to alpha, also with tragic pasts and vulnerabilities. A theme throughout the series was characters coming from a place of loneliness and a feeling of not belonging, to finding friendship, camaraderie, a sense of family, belonging and love. The protagonists must learn to trust others and overcome life-threatening obstacles to achieve their happiness, but act with compassion and honour. Although each species has its own characteristics, there is enough individuality that the characters do not seem 'cut and pasted'. For example, the vampires share very distinct characteristics, but they stand out as individuals.

The author handled the sex well. There was a bit too much for my tastes, but there was definitely a lot more story than sex. The sex was graphic and well written; I found myself skimming over these scenes, but I can appreciate that they were well done and would appeal to the audience for this genre.

I think it says a lot for the author that I could read these eleven books in one marathon session and not get bored or find that the stories were all the same. The author included some information in each book, that gave a very brief explanation of what happened in the previous books, but did not rehash it to death. Each story could be read as a stand alone, but reading them in order would enhance the reading experience. There were no cliffhangers, but there were overarching storylines.

Anyone who wants a clean read would not like these books because of the sex and language. As paranormal romances go, I consider these to be moderate. They are not dark, like some in this genre, but there is violence. The couples are monogamous once they are mated, and in this sense feel like traditional romance books. The theme of good versus evil, with good triumphant also gives a moderate or traditional feel to the books. These books are not dark, edgy, urban paranormal romances. The author started off writing regency romances and has adapted her writing style to fit this genre and its audience's tastes, but the themes and relationships are universal. I recommend this series to anyone who likes traditional paranormal romance books and is comfortable with sex scenes and swearing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rita bettencourt
This book really surprised me it was a really good read, you couldn't put it down. There was never any dull moments and if you love a story about a sexy vampire and never ending love this book is perfect. It had great characters it was hot and funny and mysterious all at the same time! I'll definitely be looking toward to reading the rest of the books in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda hamilton
Abby has had a rough day after breaking her boss’s vase things just kept getting worse like the explosion that killed her boss. Or that fact that as her boss died she touched Abby passing on the phoenix that she has inside her. Suddenly Abby is thrust into a world she didn’t know existed where she’s hunted for being The Chalice by demons who want her for their dark prince. At least she won’t be alone because when she wakes up in Chicago with Dante her boss’s companion who’s determined to protect her at all costs. Dante divulges that he’s not human but a very old vampire which doesn’t surprise Abby because he’s a beautiful pirate.

As the two flee from the demons they hope to find the witches that will be able to remove the phoenix from her so she won’t spend her life hunted. Abby can’t deny her attraction for Dante and soon the pair find it hard to keep their hands off each other even when darkness is looming. Will they be able to save Abby from the mythical spirit of the phoenix who’s taken up residence inside her? Will Dante end up bound to the new phoenix even if his heart is with Abby? What about the dark prince who wants to sacrifice her?

I liked Abby she’s you typical I’m not pretty but in reality I’m beautiful type of character who had a hard life growing up. She has a lot to deal with being pulled into the paranormal world and overall she handles it well after all she does become the host for the mythical spirit of the phoenix. It’s hard not to like Dante he’s just a vampire with a good heart who’s just as enchanted with Abby as she is with him. While they do have a little insta love it works for them they both where needing something and in each other they find it.

I haven’t read a true Paranormal romance in a while so this was a refreshing treat. While When Darkness Comes is a vampire romance it has mixes of demons witches and even a phoenix tossed into the mix to keep the story unique. I love when the paranormal beings have their own community among the humans even though they are kept a secret. I’m such a nut for a powerful alpha male protecting the women he loves and thanks to sharing her body Abby isn’t so fragile anymore. For me it was a fast paced read with lots of action, mystery and steam chemistry between the two. I liked that the steamy romance wasn’t overwhelming and didn’t overpower the story which is my favorite part. It was a perfect mix of both for me. The writing style of the author flows smoothly it was easy to lose track of time. When Darkness Comes doesn’t disappoint it was exactly what I hoped for and I plan to read the rest of the series as well as check out the authors other series. I’ve become a quick fan of the Guardians of Eternity. I wonder what will pop up next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been seeing these books, this series, pop up in my recommended reads for ages. Because I am getting old, maybe, I had this author confused with another author whose work I did not enjoy. When I saw the cover for her newest title, which is set in a different world, I gave it a try. I then realized there was no way I had read anything by Ms. Ivy before, because her writing is exactly what I look for in an author. Clear, concise, descriptive without going overboard and funny. Win, win, win!

Very brief synopsis - Abby, by accident, becomes an ancient goddess type creature, whom Dante has been tasked with protecting for the last 341 years. The creature, not Abby. Abby was mortal until the previous host of the Phoenix immolates herself. Abby becomes a target for all things that go bump in the night. Dante and Abby search for a way to protect Abby, with some help from Viper, a friend of Dante's, and some other characters along the way. Unfortunately, there are zombies, witches, wizards and assorted demons who are determined to kill Abby while they have the chance.

What worked- Dante. Oh, yeah, Dante worked on every freakin' level. He and Abby have known each other for about 3 months at the time of her transformation, and they are attracted to each other. I love how Dante knows so much about Abby. He knows her favorite foods, and which ones she avoids. He understands her deep and abiding love of chocolate, he knows what she sings to when she thinks no one is watching...Most of all, he knows how lonely she is. The tenderness and longing, the sheer vulnerability displayed by Dante was so well expressed. Dante is a bad boy with a heart of gold. My favorite.

Abby is no slouch in the shero department, either. She has an understandable freak out moment when she realizes Dante is a vampire and especially when Dante breaks it to her that she, herself, is no longer exactly human. Our girl recovers, though, with some help from the Phoenix, and does not step down from a fight. She loves Dante fiercely, and is as determined to keep him safe as he is her. Also love the pop culture references as Abby struggles to assimilate to her new nonhuman status.

Great smexy times, so tender and hawt, all at the same time. Love how the author expressed Dante's yearning for Abby.

Viper and the Shalot(sp?) demon - their story is next, and I can't wait! Luckily, I don't have to, because I snagged that book from the library, too!

Bottom line - it is always exciting to me to find a new author, especially when there is a whole slew of already finished books to read by said author. When Darkness Comes was a complete win for me. Time extremely well spent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Dante is a vampire chained to Selena known as the Chalice created over 300 years ago by a coven of witches to protect the spirit of the Phoenix by residing it within a mortal woman. Abby is hired to be a companion to the eccentric Selena, Selena might be demanding and odd but she needs this job! It pays well, rent is due and there is the side benefit of being able to look at the arrogant Dante every day. Dante is drawn to Abby and has been trying to lure her into his bed for months. In the middle of what Abby considers a really bad day, from dropping a priceless Ming Vase, to Dante continuing to be well... Dante, oh yeah not to mention an earth shattering explosion in the house! When Abby runs to Selena's room (nearing the earth shattering part) with one action she changes her entire existence. As Selena is on the verge of dying she reaches out and touches Abby and now every demon (which she didn't even know existed) in Chicago is after her and Dante is now the only one who can protect her and hopefully get the Phoenix out of her, being a Goddess is highly overrated when you are trying to be killed every 5 minutes!

This book takes you through many twists and turns as Abby and Dante are chased through Chicago and surrounding areas trying to evade dark evil forces and at the same time find the coven of witches to try to find a new home for the Phoenix. The action in this book will keep you turning the pages as the smoldering passion between Dante and Abby, infuses with a dangerous journey into a world filled with never-ending peril! Abby is a character that any women can relate to; having a hard life and just trying to survive her existence. There is innocence and vulnerability about her yet at the same time a backbone made of steel! Dante is a male anyone would want, tall dark and gorgeous - a warrior who looks like a pirate with the soul of a poet, what's not to love!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
manar radwan
Abby worked for Selena, and Dante protected Selena. when Selena is mortally injured, Abby finds herself the unwilling host to the Chalice, the only thing that keeps the Dark Prince where he belongs. There are those who wish to see him return, and it is Dante's job to make sure that Abby is safe, and the followers of the Dark Prince do not get their hands on Abby. easier said than done, since Abby has been driving him nuts for the weeks she was in Selena's employment. Abby has been having similiar thoughts about Dante.

this is the first in the Guardians of Eternity, published some time ago, and ive read alot of Alexandra Ivy's newer stuff, and you can see the difference. THAT not to say this is bad, at all, just you can see the progressive writing skills in the newer books.

slight twist to the vampire lore, Dante cannot remember who he was before he was turned, and since being Protector to the Chalice, he has been unable to feed directly off of humans, using bagged blood to survive. i loved the interaction between Abby and Dante, espcially near the beginning when it was all kicking off. they are so funny together! lots of vampire sex, but not so explicit, and violent, but then again, facing witches, demons and lord knows what else, its hardly surprising!

the second book, Embrace the Darkness, appears not to be available on kindle, and i soooooo wanna read that one, as it involves Viper and the Shalott from this book. anyone know where i can get it??
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erussell russell
Review by Cassandra from Book Talk

My Thoughts
This is a fantastic start to this series. Abby is mortal who is struggling to accept the new world around her along with her new status change. She is strong and holds herself together better than expected as constant troubles and changes are thrown in her path. It helps that she has the sinfully sexy Dante at her side, determined to protect her at all costs. The path these two travel to ensure the continued safety of Abby and the Phoenix is full of constant danger and the journey of a love that can last an eternity. The fire the explodes between Abby and Dante doesn't come from the Phoenix powers Abby now possesses. Abby has never allowed herself to feel deeply for someone else and thanks to the childhood she has endured, she doesn't know how to open herself up. Dante has been enslaved for over 300 years and has hated every moment of it. That is, until Abby walked into his life. Now it's his job to protect this woman that has plagued him since the moment he first saw her. There are many players in this story with different agendas. It's up to Abby and Dante to not only survive but to save the fate of everyone. I love both of these characters. Their personalities make them unique and their relationship makes you feel their heat. This is a great first installment of the Guardians of Eternity series and makes you anxious to get your hands on the next. This is a must read for all paranormal romance junkies! Warning: violence and explicit content.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Review by Cassandra from Book Talk

My Thoughts
This is a fantastic start to this series. Abby is mortal who is struggling to accept the new world around her along with her new status change. She is strong and holds herself together better than expected as constant troubles and changes are thrown in her path. It helps that she has the sinfully sexy Dante at her side, determined to protect her at all costs. The path these two travel to ensure the continued safety of Abby and the Phoenix is full of constant danger and the journey of a love that can last an eternity. The fire the explodes between Abby and Dante doesn't come from the Phoenix powers Abby now possesses. Abby has never allowed herself to feel deeply for someone else and thanks to the childhood she has endured, she doesn't know how to open herself up. Dante has been enslaved for over 300 years and has hated every moment of it. That is, until Abby walked into his life. Now it's his job to protect this woman that has plagued him since the moment he first saw her. There are many players in this story with different agendas. It's up to Abby and Dante to not only survive but to save the fate of everyone. I love both of these characters. Their personalities make them unique and their relationship makes you feel their heat. This is a great first installment of the Guardians of Eternity series and makes you anxious to get your hands on the next. This is a must read for all paranormal romance junkies! Warning: violence and explicit content.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
charlotte eeles
Following an incident in her employer's house, Abby Barlow has become the Chalice. She and Dante (the Chalice's vampire protector) set out to discover how this has happened and if there is any way for this process to be reversed.

I've been reading a lot of first books in a series, recently, and this (Book 1 of the Guardians of Eternity) is a definite improvement on most of them.

The book starts with a bang, and the plot doesn't let up 'til about page 180. Unfortunately because it starts at this breakneck speed it does have some uneven pacing, with the middle of the book lagging a little before picking up again.

The characters are well written and there is an undeniable chemistry between Dante and Abby. Dante has a dry sense of humour, with which he is only too happy, to provoke Abby. And the banter between the pair really brings them to life. Though I could have done without being constantly reminded how terrible Abby's early life was.

The secondary characters are well fleshed out, in particular Viper who on first meeting Abby practically oozes sex across the page. I wish we could have spent more time with him and also Troy and The Shalott. (But it isn't their book, fingers crossed we will be seeing more of them in the future). The bad guys are not two-dimensional and their motivations are well explained.

It's not perfect, as well as the above-mentioned pacing problem, there is a reliance on some coincidences to keep the plot moving and I noticed one slip in continuity.

However, it held my interest and I'm looking forward to picking up the second book in the series Embrace the Darkness which will feature Viper and The Shalott.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Alexandra Ivy (who writes Historials under the name of Debbie Raleigh) has penned a most delightful and intriguing new Paranormal series.

If Abby Barlow thinks she is having a bad day after breaking a priceless Ming vase, she I about to realize it is only the beginning of how her life is about to change - beyond drastically!

As she is trying to hide the evidence of the "accident" she is discovered by her employer's houseguest, Dante. Dante is an immortal - an ancient vampire bound to the owner of the house - Selena. After an explosion rocks the mansion, both Abby and Dante rush upstairs to find Selena dead.

Selena and Dante have been bound together for centuries by a coven of evil witches. Selena was the carrier of the Chalice and Dante her protector. Now, with Selena's death, Dante thinks the spell has been broken and he is finally free. He cound't be more wrong! When Abby touches Selena the Chalice is transferred to her and now Dante is forsworn to guard her.

Abby is thrust into a malevolent and dangeruous world she never known existed. She wakes up in a run down motel with Dante. Even after he explains what's happened - Abby is reluctant to believe him and thinks she has been abducted by a gorgeous guy who's sexier than hell and never has a hair out of place! No way she going to be putting up with an arrogant and cocky "do it my way or the highway" kind of vampire - not matter how delicious he might be. Abby's childhood has been a whooper. Putting up with a father who used his fists most of the time and a mother who lived at the bottom of a whiskey bottle - she's been taking care of herself most of her life.

Unfortunately, Dante's far-fetched explanations turn too real after zombies and demons attack them and they have to flee the motel. Its bad enough that she is very attracted to Dante, but as much as she might hate it, she has to depend on him if she wants to remain alive, as he has vowed to protect the Chalice with his life from the disciples worshipping the Dark Lord. For their Prince to rule the Chalice has to be destroyed.

Fighting the forces of evil fast on their tracks - Dante and Abby take refuge in Viper's mansion, an Ancient Immortal and Dante's mentor. Eventually, they succumb to the desires they have for each other and it quickly develops into a magnificent and passionate love affair. Dante is shaken to the core by the feelings of protectiveness he develops for Abby. After centuries guarding a disdainful and selfish Selena, he is surprised to find that his lust and physical attraction go deeper that just the ties that bind him to protect the Chalice.

WHEN DARKNESS COME is the first book in the Guardians of Eternity series. Alexandra Ivy has done a masterful job at creating a very fresh new Paranormal series. I was captivated by the developing relationship between Dante and Abby. Dante's dead heart can't fathom why he is utterly captivated by her naïve yet refreshing demeanor and as you turn the pages you see how deeply he falls in love with Abby as well as how committed he is for her safety. Abby has been carrying emotional scars from her youth and is hard pressed to believe that this drop dead gorgeous vampire is now her vampire and wants her just for who she is!

There are some major LOL moments as Abby is a no nonsense and smart mouthed heroine! Some of her commentary will have you rolling as to how she banters with Dante and the comic responses to her dialogue from his lack of understanding!

This is a beautifully sexy (very steamy love scenes) and tender story - packed with paranormal demons, vampires, fairies and zombies! I highly recommend it and cant wait to read Viper's story in EMBRACE THE DARKNESS.

***Spoiler*** The only thing that had me slightly annoyed is Dante's constant calling Abby "lover". That got old after a while.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
angela irvine
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
derek brown
This book is amazing. Is a "dark" story, with vampires, witches and what-not, but it also has a nice sense of humor and irony, coming from the mouths of the two main characters, Abby and Dante. I also like Viper, a very prominent secondary character (who's going to be the main character of the following book, yay!), who's a dark and powerful vampire.

The plot is a nice inventive, which I very much liked because it's very good and well-written, and I found it refreshing and new. And also the pasion between the two main characters is scorching!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephanie agren
I liked the unique spin on the vampire love stories. I also liked that the heroine was tough. the love story was sweet and the romance scenes were romantic. you could feel the love between them bloom. It was a good read just lacked...something.....I can't put my finger on it. I would still recommend this for paranormal lovers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
harry ramani
I finally got around to reading this series, and I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect much with all the vampire romance series out there, but the first few pages intrigued me enough to check it out. The banter between Abby and Dante is fun and refreshing, more like two people on the first few dates rather than ancient warrior and unwilling heroine. That's what I enjoyed most about the book: the characters. I'll continue to read the series for that alone. Ivy's Guardians are fun and tantalizing enough to make you go back for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A twist of fate makes Abby Barlow the Chalice, the only woman able to hold back the darkness. Dante is her vampiric protector. Together they must find out how she became the Chalice and how to reverse it.

Lots of other reviewers have summed up the plot better than I can do. I had this book sitting on my bookshelf and for some reason I just never got around to reading it. I pulled it off the shelf last week and decided to give another try. I'm glad I did. The plot is very engrossing and had me hooked from page one until the end. The heroine is likable and flawed, real. Dante is one of those heroes you want for yourself.

All in all, a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I found the premise and the characters intriguing, especially Dante. The author really brought him to life for me, more so than Abby.
I did get a little tired of hearing how crappy her life was and the continual references to her alcoholic parents. I thought the author did a good job introducing the characters of the next book. Viper sounds like a sex on a stick bad boy and the description of the Shalott made it easier to visualize her more than the main character.
All in all, I liked Dante and Abby and the chemistry between them as well as some of the other characters and beings introduced in this "world." Also looking forward to more on those exotic twin vamps!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
harshit todi
WHEN DARKNESS COMES is the first book in the Guardians of Eternity series and a lot happens in the first couple of chapters, maybe too much because I found myself going back several times, thinking I'd missed something. Abby Barlow is working in a mansion owned by an older woman named Selena. -I never did figure out what her actual job was but she seems to spend her days polishing (breaking) vases and flirting with Dante -I'm not sure that his job position was ever identified either? None of that matters though because before long there's an explosion, Selena is dead and Abby has been infused with the "Phoenix". As the physical holder of the chalice Abby now also has her own personal vampire bodyguard in Dante. He's willing to protect her at any and all costs, which is a good thing because Abby is clueless (see annoying) and demons are now trying to kill her.

Forced on the run it doesn't take long for Abby and Dante to start bumping uglies, (minus any form of sexual tension I might add) it does however take ages for Abby to come to terms with paranormal world she's been thrust into. Honestly by this point (other then the introduction of Viper) I had lost interest completely. Both the hero and heroine remained vague characters and the immature dialogue was driving me crazy. Dante as the "sexy" vampire just never did it for me, as far as vampires go he was very vanilla. And as I mentioned I had to keep backtracking, there were holes just left open in the story; Abby's terrible background which was mentioned over and over again but never revealed, why she was working for Selena in the first place. I think at one point Dante even says that's she was trapped or tied to Selena like he was. I never understood that, Dante was assigned to protect her Abby was what? A maid and she couldn't leave?

So sadly this was a DNF for me. That's not to say at all that it's unfinishable because some reviewers really liked it. It was more ICBBTFT (I can't be bothered to finish this) when I have so many other books waiting for me that I know I'll enjoy more and won't have to force my way through.

I hate not finishing a book though (especially when it's been sitting on my shelf for 2+ years and I've already bought the second and third ones in the series.) But at 120 pages in I was still struggling to care about the characters and the weak plot, to find something engaging to stop my mind from wandering from the page. Even when I started skimming for the juicy bits I was left under whelmed. ("Youza" really?!) It was then that I realized even if I managed to slog through till the end this was only ever going to be a 2 star read, so I gave up.

Anyways I hope others have better luck with this then I did. Cheers
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa jakub
I really wanted to like this story. I really really did! But, the more I read the more I realized that I just could not go it. One thing I couldn't get past was the fact that the author made Dante's wordrobe consist entirely of silk shirts. That might be sexy to some, I guess, but all I could think of whenever he would change from one silk shirt to the next was the guys from 'A Night at the Roxbury' bobbing thier heads....which is not sexy. Other than that I just really couldn't get into it and finally just quit in the middle of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caitlin boyce
Alexandra Ivy is an amazing writer - I thoroughly enjoyed every line in this book. Dante - what can I say about Dante... hot, sexy, hero, lover, everything a woman could ask for. This romantic tale had all the elements and yet held its own above all others. Adventure, action, grisly creatures, lots of sex, and an emotional story that hits you in the core. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Dante was too much like every other vampire. Abby was too much like every other romance female with little to distinguish her except at the end.

On a scale 1 to 5, Five is Best:

Villian: 3.5
Plot: 3.5
Creativity: 3
Uniqueness: 3
Humor: 2
Bringing the sexy: 3
Passion: 3 stars
Laughs & Amusement factor: 1
Silly Whiners female character who get on your nerves: 3.5
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
milu aman
When Darkness Comes is one of the best vampire books I've read in a while! I absolutely loved the character of Dante (where can I find myself one!!!) and the byplay between Dante and Abby kept me chuckling all through the book. The world building was subtle, yet weaved so skillfully in it wasn't like a lesson. These two were HOT!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ahmad adel
I bought this book without finding many reviews, so I was skeptical when I bought it thinking it would be really bad or really good. It was really good. For once, we have a female character, Abby Barlow, that has intelligent, funny lines for a change. The male character, Dante, was wonderful and touching. I recommend this book to anyone that loves paranormal romance. It had a good plot, lots of actions, and a setup for a continuing series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
adam banas
....I must first admit I have always been a historical Romance reader, until I recently read Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series, and loved it so much, that I thought I would try other Romance novels with Vampires.

Well, so far, no luck for me. I will say the love scenes are really steamy and fun, right up my alley....but it was not enough to carry me thru this book with the rest of what goes on. I think I will stick to what I know and love.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tom fouche
I've been reading vampire books for years and some of them are quite sophisticated. This story has no character development except for Abby. What about Dante and Viper? No background at all about these vampires. Also, Ms. Ivy kept eluding to the power of Dante. He uses no paranormal power at all!!Nothing! Nada! All they do is run and run and run and hide in bushes! Sometimes they drive a car - then get out and run. BORING! I felt no connection at all to Dante or Abby. There was no passion, heat or spark created with these characters. Ms. Ivy's narration is very simple as she seems to lack a wide vocabulary of words. The plot was predictable. Her repetetive use of words and phrases was boring and the most descriptive word for Viper and Dante was 'they looked like predators.'I've seen more action on Buffy The Vampire Slayer in one hour than in this entire book. The writing was very juvenile and simple. I skimmed through the last half just to have done with it! Just read the synopsis, it is far more interesting than the contents of this story. Ms. Ivy does not have the imagination to write vampire novels. These were the dullest vampires and the worst vampire novel I have ever read!
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