Heart of Venom (Elemental Assassin Series Book 9)

ByJennifer Estep

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark crockett
Loved it! Jennifer cannot write fast enough, I just want to gobble them up! It's so action-packed I guarantee you won't be able to put your book or ebook down. I love the character of Gin, and so happy that her and Owen have found their way back to each other. Great writing, great read! I would so recommend the series to anyone who loves urban fantasy. If you're not already a fan, you will be!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica haynes
Jennifer Estep never disappoints me. Her Spider books are always enjoyable to read. I love the depths that her characters have developed through this series and the pace of the action is always perfect. I can't wait for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read all of the elemental assassin series, and can't wait for more. This book had none stop action and had me biting my nails wondering what was going to happen next. Thanks Jennifer for another awesome book!
A Life Of Shadows (The Redemption Saga Book 1) :: A Coming of Age YA Romance (Pushing the Limits) - Take Me On :: Crossing the Line (Pushing the Limits) :: Red at Night :: Bitter Bite (Elemental Assassin Series Book 14)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
j l gillham
Originally posted at Fantasy Literature.

Heart of Venom is the ninth book in Jennifer Estep’s very popular ELEMENTAL ASSASSIN series. I skipped it a while back because I’m not crazy about this series and I didn’t want to purchase it. I had the later volumes and went on. (I’ve only continued to read ELEMENTAL ASSASIN because I already owned most of the books and I wanted to report on it for FanLit.) However, a copy of Heart of Venom fell in my lap recently, so I read it. I feel the same way about it as I do about all the other books in this series, so I’ll be brief here.

Gin’s friend Sophia (the goth dwarf) is kidnapped by the man who tortured her many years ago. Gin must get her back because she has a hero complex — she sees it as her job to protect everyone she loves. So instead of asking her sister Bria, a top cop in the Ashland police force, to call in her troops to raid the bad guy’s backwoods compound, which he’s styled in a kind of Old West theme, Gin decides to go it alone. (I really can’t figure out why Bria never calls in the cops.) But of course her friends won’t let her do this alone and some of them show up to help, including Owen, her ex-boyfriend who came off looking like a real dick in the last book. Interspersed in the story are flashbacks in which Gin shows us her earlier relationship with Sophia. (These flashbacks have now become part of Estep’s usual technique in the last few books.)

Fans of the series (of which there are many) will enjoy getting to know Sophia better and they’ll be extremely happy that Estep fixes the problem of Owen’s recent assholery. Other than that, though, Heart of Venom is pretty much the same as all the other ELEMENTAL ASSASSIN books. We’ve got Gin exhibiting her mother-hen tendencies by cooking huge meals for her friends and brooding about her inability to keep everyone safe. Finn worries about getting blood on his wardrobe and car. The villain is a cliché — an Old West outlaw type, this time. The sex is predictable and boring. The prose is uninspired and repetitive. The story is simply a narrative about how Gin kicks ass and there’s no beauty, humor, or thoughtfulness to it.

Lauren Fortgang continues to do a brilliant job with the narration of the audiobook versions. Her voices are completely convincing and I like her performances a lot better than I like the stories. But as much as I admire the audio versions, I think I really am done with this series now. I’d be happy to try something else by Estep, but I’m just tired of the repetitiveness of this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth sumner
Gin thought the past was finally done haunting them now that both Mab and Celina are dead, but then a terror from Sophia's past comes back to Ashland and wrecks the stability Gin has built with her family. Sure she's used to people trying to kill her left and right, but you don't mess with her family. So when Sophia is taken, Gin moves heaven and earth to get her back, even when that means she may have to sacrifice herself in the end.

It's funny, with each new installment in this series, and the new "big bad" it brings, I think to myself, that this villian tops all others and the next couldn't possibly be any worse. And yet somehow when that new book comes around I find myself loathing the new villian even more than the last, and HEART OF VENOM's villian is no exception. Harley literally made my skin crawl, not to mention the insanity that was his sister Hazel. Their perversion was just utterly horrifying. The way they reduced Sophia to a state of utter panic and fear was just heartbreaking, not to mention the state Gin was left in due to their ministrations. While neither one broke, the scars are there, and always will be. While the cause was unfortunate, I felt what they went through together brought them so much closer, which I really enjoyed as prior to this point, Sophia's past had only been hinted at. Suffice it to say all the old wound and some terrible new ones were ripped open, but it was nice to get a better look into why Sophia is the way she is.

Now onto the romance. I have to admit that here as of late I've had a love hate relationship with Gin and Owen's romance, or really the lack thereof recently. I understand that it wasn't easy for him to just accept Gin killing someone that he loved, no matter that she was doing it to protect him. But honestly I don't think it excused him abandoning her just like Donovan did when he swore never to do the same. So, I'll admit that I did start HEART OF VENOM with a bit of trepidation as I wasn't sure how much more wishy-washness I could handle from him, especially considering the fact that I wasn't sure if I even wanted Gin to take him back at this point. But as the description states, their relationship reached a real turning point, as Owen finally owned up to his actions, leaving the ball in Gin's court, and she's done playing games. While I won't tell you the end result, I will say that I really enjoyed seeing this all play out, especially as nothing was instantly turned to rose colored glasses.

It never ceases to amaze me just how much I enjoy these books. I can only think of a few series that I've enjoyed that haven't at least gone a little bit stale by the 9th installment, or at least suffered from a rinse and repeat problem. While Gin repeatedly gets herself into massive trouble, and almost dies at least once an installment, never once have I gotten that "been there, done that" feeling. Trust me, that is saying something when you consider just how much she has been through in a relatively short amount of time. The intensity has not lost its fervor one bit, and I couldn't be happier as each new installment pretty much guarantees me one heck of a roller coaster ride of entertainment, HEART OF VENOM included. Definitely a must buy for fans of the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
~Reviewed by ANN & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

In book nine of the Elemental Assassin series, Gin's past comes to haunt her and her friends, specifically her body-dispenser, Sophia in this latest installment. This makes it much more personal before and I felt as if readers got a much deeper insight into Gin's mind. Before this, I thought she was callous, a bit stoic when it came to relationships. Killing is her talent and because of this, she is so readily able to distance herself from her task. It what makes her a good assassin.

However, in this latest serving by Jennifer Estep, I felt Gin's fear for the first time. Her emotions are very much engaged and almost driving her to take down her enemies. As a result, I felt like I could relate to her more. Moreover, it kind of goes to show the development and growth Gin has made as a character over the course of this series with how much she has come to care about the people around her. She is no longer on her own but has built her own family around her.

Speaking of creating relationships, Owen comes back and well, I'm still not sure how I feel about him. I get excited when he's around but I'm still a little bitter about some of the things he has done in the past. Owen's presence brought up a lot of things that needed to be discussed between him and Gin and I think that it shows just how well they are together. Estep strings her readers along and it makes me wonder if a HEA if in the cards for them at all!

Meanwhile, there is a ton of action that you can expect in an Estep novel. I also loved learning more about Jo-Jo and Sophia, something we haven't seen very much of in this series.

Though not my favorite of the series, I do believe that fans will be pleased with the route Estep is taking with this book. HEART OF VENOM will restore faith in readers that this is where the series should be. It's another solid installment to the Elemental Assassin series. I only wonder where Estep will take Gin from here.

*ARC provided by publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Reviewed by Jen
Book provided by Edelweiss for review
Review originally posted at Romancing the Book

I’ve had the pleasure to read this entire series and was thrilled when this book was released. I was lucky enough to receive an advanced copy and devoured the book. But I have had trouble putting my thoughts of the book on paper.

I enjoyed this book. But it was a little darker than past books in the series. And while that’s not a bad thing, sometimes it was just a little too much for me. In fact, there were a few times and I just said “Ew!” out loud and wondered what the heck was going on. I wanted more lighthearted moments. And while this book can stand on its own and Ms Estep does a little recapping, it’s going to make a lot more sense if you read earlier books.

So, on to this story. We have a new bad guy (Grimes)… and what a sadistic dude he is. And his sister is just as insane. Both of them got off on torturing others, including Gin and her friends (Sophia in particular, which was bumped up to a main character for this story). They were exactly what you’re looking for in a pair of villains, although maybe a little over the top for my tastes.

We got to learn more about Sophia and then some more background on Gin, Finn and Fletcher and their pasts come back to haunt them as Grimes comes storming into their lives. And Owen is back and determined to fix his relationship with Gin.

So as you can see, I have mixed feelings about the book. I liked it and it was a good installment in the series. But too dark for my tastes and honestly, I probably won’t pick this one up again. However, if you’re reading the series, I’d definitely read this one… but if you’ve not started the series, I wouldn’t recommend starting here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kandi west
Heart of Venom is a bloody fast pace ride through the backwoods of Ashland with a heroine that shows no signs of slowing down.

I'm a HUGE fan of the Elemental Assassin series. I love how we are 9 books into the series and Estep still manages to deliver great storylines. Books 1-5 has one story arc about Gin's past and the person that was responsible for the death of Gin's family.

The second half of the series has more wiggle room for other storylines and we are slowing building to what could be another arc with a new evil on the rise. But before we get there we take a side trip to deal with a story that has been building for a while about one of the beloved secondary characters, Sophia Deveraux.

I have always wanted more info on Sophia's history. Estep has teased us here and there about how she got her ruined voice. Now we finally get the whole story on Sophia and it gives Gin's back story a run for it's money.

Several years ago a brother and sister, Bonnie and Clyde act kidnapped Sophia after the brother, Harley Grimes became obsessed with her. The part did horrible things to Sophia, leaving her with the ruined voice. All those years ago Jo Jo went to a little known assassin called The Tin Man. That's right Gin's foster father and mentor, Fletcher is the one that rescued Sophia. Now with Fletcher out of the way Grimes thinks it's safe to take Sophia again.

Heart of Venom follows Gin trying to save Sophia after Grimes grabs her during a by a person a girls' day at Jo Jo's salon. Gin is always cool and collected when it comes to being The Spider. But she loses it all when Sophia is taken. She tries to run off with guns knives ablazing until her friends make her see that it would be suicide to go up on Grimes' mountain alone.

Gin gets unexpected backup from Owen, her estranged lover. Gin agrees to let Owen come along with her. leaving the rest of the group to protect an injured Jo Jo. But it's not just Gin and Owen to the rescue, they pick up an guide for the mountain hike. And of course Gin and Owen get a little time for an heart to heart between all the killing. ( I highly recommend you read the short story, Kiss of Venom that's told through Owen's POV which takes place after Deadly Sting and Heart of Venom).
As Gin and her small crew make their way up the mountain we get flashbacks about Fletcher (I love these) like it other books in the series, along with flashbacks on how Gin and Sophia interacted in the early stages of their friendship.

Heart of Venom is fully charged with emotion and adrenaline. Gin really is a one woman killing machine and I loved every bloody moment of it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin ryan
This is the ninth book in the Elemental Assassins series by Jennifer Estep. I was lucky enough to get this via Netgalley while I await my local bookseller to get this in stock (and since that is a large retail chain store, I'm not holding my breath.) I have been a huge fan of this series, ever since I came across the first book, Spider's Bite in 2010. I was hooked from the very first sentence, "My name is Gin and I kill people." It was such a pleasure to find a dark female character as an anti-hero.

Gin makes no apologies for who and what she is. If you are looking for a book that has a lot of breast beating and 'Woe is Me', this is not the series for you. Gin is a very self aware character with a lot of heart, who happens to be an assassin. She is funny and would go to the wall for her chosen family, but don't ever forget that she can also kill you where you stand if need be. This is a woman who has made a place for herself in the world and asks no pardon for who and what she is.

If you haven't read any of the previous books in the series, you really, really should. There are several supporting characters with 8 books worth of back story and history. I'm not saying DON'T pick up the series at book 9. But seriously, WHY would you do something like that? The first 8 books are awesome. Go read them first!

This books starts off with Gin and her foster brother Finnegan Lane arguing over why he can't come to Girl's Day at Jo-Jo's salon. They are currently in the process of moving a giant who has had the misfortune to try and take on Gin, into the big freezer that Sophia had placed for just such an occasion. Of course, while they are moving him, another couple of goons decide to take on Gin - to their combined detriment.

Several days later, while just beginning to enjoy the day of pampering that Jo-Jo has planned, Sophia comes stumbling into the house, shot and collapses. Jo-Jo rushes to her, and Gin and Bria, her sister, rush for their weapons. Unfortunately, before they can get to them, gun toting thugs burst in. They grab Jo-Jo and keep her from Sophia. The head thug then comes in and shoots Jo-Jo and takes Sophia for himself. Little does he realize that he is messing with the wrong family. Jo-Jo and Sophia have been Gin's family for a very long time and she will stop at nothing to get Sophia back.

If you have been reading this series, you know that Sophia has an unknown back story that explained her goth appearance and husky, raspy voice. This is the book where we find out all the nitty gritty details. Gin once again demonstrates why she has survived all the attempts on her life. We do find a few more details about the mysterious M.M. Monroe that we learned about in Deadly Sting, book 8, though there is still nothing concrete. Owen and Gin's relationship has been rocky since her actions in Widow's Web, book 7, but if you read Owen's POV novella, Kiss of Venom, you won't be surprised by his actions in the book. Basically this was an awesome addition to the series and totally deserves my 5 star Goodreads rating.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
At A Glance
Despite the melodramatic dialogue, I think Heart of Venom is bringing the series back into it's original glory. The last few books have just been good, but this one was great.

The Good
So much feels right now. Just wow. Heart of Venom felt like the first few books of the series. With Gin's friends, Sophia and Jo-Jo, in trouble, all the action was so much more personal. I like Gin when she becomes cold and cruel. She has no limits when it comes to these bad guys. They messed with the wrong women, women Gin considers family.

We finally get to learn more about Sophia and Jo-Jo. I am still dumbfounded by how Sophia became the quiet Gothic dwarf she is today. The different hells she has known is unspeakable. I never expected to see her so vulnerable and scared. I didn't think it was possible. And she goes through the same hellish experience again in this book. So heartbreaking. But I loved seeing the bond Sophia and Jo-Jo have. It goes beyond the sisterly bond, it's a bond of past horrors and nightmares. Where one look says it all. No need for words.

I loved how dark Gin got this time around. She threw the rules out the window and did anything and everything to take down the bastards who tormented Sophia. She had a goal and accomplished it by any means possible, and I mean ANY means. I love the Gin that would do anything for her family, even possibly forfeit her life or do unspeakable evil herself. Then again, it's not evil if the person deserves it. *laughs evilly*

The action and detail were awesome. I loved reading about the blood dripping, flesh ripping, bodies falling. Estep knows how to create a descriptive scene that will give you the chills. Being inside Gin's head as she thinks through her plans of action and how detailed she is when deciding how she's going to kill each person just fascinates me.

Oh boy, what can I say about Grimes and Hazel without giving too much away? Oh, I got it. Psychopaths. Pure unadulterated evil. Scums of the earth. That's all you really need to know about them.

The story arc of M.M. Monroe is going slow, but it's still going. I can't wait for this mysterious person to be revealed. I am getting nervous already.

We get to see all our favorite characters again, which was nice. But what's important is that I couldn't put this book down. Each chapter left me wanting more. The action was nonstop. The bad guys were horrible, beyond even my imagination. I am excited to see what Estep has for us next.

The Bad
I did want to mention that I understand what other reviewers are saying when they mention the repetitive storylines, and predictable plot and action scenes. I see it, I just don't care. I love this series, and always will. I see past these things. So yes, taking these into consideration, Heart of Venom might be around a 4 star book (or less), but I loved it 4.5 stars worth.

The only bad thing that actually bothered me was the melodramatic dialogue. I was rolling my eyes so often I got a migraine. Gin shouldn't be saying and thinking such cheesy (though still hardcore) things.

The Snuggly
Woop, woop. Finally. Finally some things are moving forward with Gin and Owen. I have to admit, I still haven't forgiven Owen. I think less of his character because of his whining in past books, but I do love Gin and Owen together and am happy to see them making headway in their relationship.

And, OMG, that sex scene. I about melted on the spot. It's not over done but definitely hot.

Final Thoughts
Heart of Venom isn't perfect, but I focus more on the enjoyments factor. And this book was amazing when it came to awesome action, fighting, and character development. I think it put the series back into a direction I love. Gin is hardcore in this book, and that's how I like my Gin served. hehe. I'm funny. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Heart of Venom is a heart stopper! It was definitely the most disturbing of the books so far. Gin is up against her most demented foe yet. Seriously, this guy is sick. Sophia is kidnapped right in front of Gin by the same man who tortured her many years ago. It's her worst fears realized, so Gin is going to stop at nothing to get her friend back and make sure he never hurts her again.

I found the opening chapters of Heart of Venom to be a bit questionable. Gin is at Jojo's salon with Bria when Sophia runs in clearly injured and frightened. I do not believe for a second that Sophia would have ran home with horrible men following her. There is no way that she would lead them to her sister or anyone else that she cared about. Yes, I believe Sophia would run away from them, but I know she could not think she had a great enough head start to beat them to the house, warn Gin and Jojo, and have them get out in time. There is no way. It felt like this was forced just to amp up the emotions by having Gin witness it and not be able to stop it.

Other than that, Heart of Venom is great. I was disturbed and sickened at times, because what Henley Grimes does to his victims is just way out there. And, of course, his obsession with Sophia is beyond disturbing, too. So while he's not the strongest villain Gin has had to take out, he definitely posed some new obstacles for her.

Heart of Venom ends with another hint at this mysterious M.M. Monroe, but no one can figure out who that might be. This seems to be the new overarching plot, but I expected it to be more developed by now since the series is almost over. I'm just left wondering where this is all headed.

*Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley for review. No compensation was offered or accepted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chrissie smith
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: Gin Blanco is an assassin named Spider when she is not running her restaurant the Pork Pit or hanging with friends. Because of this many people would like to see her dead. So when men break into her friend Jo-Jo’s salon she believes they are there for her, but she is very wrong. Instead they are after Jo-Jo’s sister Sophia. Harley Grimes, a sick and twisted man has returned for her and it is up to Gin to save her friend and kill her tormentor for good.

Opening Sentence: What do you mean, I can’t come?

The Review:

Gin Blanco, also known as the assassin Spider, would do anything to protect the ones that she loved. That includes rescuing one of them from a psychopath gun dealer. When Gin’s friend Sophia is kidnapped by Harley Grimes, Gin swears that she will stop at nothing to get her back and to make sure the man who took her does not live to harm anyone else ever again. This is the ninth book in the Elemental Assassin series, but thankfully it gives you enough information that if you read this one first you will understand what is going on.

The heroine, Gin Blanco is amazing. Her family was murdered when she was younger and for a long time she lived on the street surviving anyway she could. Then she meets Fletcher, also known as the assassin the Tin Man. Fletcher takes her in and teaches her how to defend herself and those that she loves. This is how she becomes a famous assassin called the Spider. She is feared all over because she is good at what she does. So good in fact that people try to kill her all the time to prove they are big and bad. Too bad for them they never succeed. She is also extremely loyal to those she calls friends and family. She is loyal to the point that when her friend Sophia is kidnapped by Harley Grimes who has been obsessed with Sophia for years, Gin would do anything to get her back, even if it means dying for her friend. Gin is a rare elemental. Most elemental’s can only control one element but both Gin and her only remaining sibling, Bria, can control both stone and ice.

Jennifer Estep did a good job when she describes the antagonists. Harley and his sister Hazel are complete psychos. They have repeatedly kidnapped college men and women to take to their camp in the mountains. When they get them to their camp, these victims are raped and tortured before they are killed. The siblings enjoy using their fire abilities to put the fear into people. From the beginning you dislike them. They believe that they are unstoppable and can do whatever they want to do. That may all change after they kidnap Sophia and make Gin mad. The most annoying thing about them is that they fancy themselves old time gangsters, wearing fedoras and suits. Hazel even wears old fashioned wrap-around dresses. Out of the two siblings, Hazel is the more powerful and sicker of the two. She enjoys the torture more because when she can break the girls, she stays the queen of the mountain. I disliked these two so much, I couldn’t wait to see them meet the fate they deserved.

I really enjoyed this book and I would recommend reading it. If you haven’t read the others, it would be worth probably reading the others, but is not absolutely necessary. Jennifer Estep is a wonderful writer who really gets you wanting to keep reading her stories to find out how it will end.

Notable Scene:

“Sophia?” I asked.

Her black eyes met mine, and I saw something there

I’d never seen before: fear.

“Run,” Sophia rasped in her low, broken voice.

Then she collapsed without another word.

FTC Advisory: Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster provided me with a copy of Heart of Venom. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gail towey
Read from September 27 to 30, 2013

Listened/Read for Review (Brilliance Audio/Edelweiss)
Overall Rating: 4.50
Story Rating: 4.50
Character Rating: 4.50

Audio Rating: 5.00 (not part of the overall rating)

First Thought when Finished: Heart of Venom ended with me going "Now that is what I am talking about!"

Story Thoughts: Heart of Venom was really the story of Sophia which made me happy. As much as I love Gin, Owen, Bria and Finn- I have to admit I get super excited about learning the back stories of the rest of the characters that I LOVE! Sophia and Jo-Jo are staples in Gin's life and she wouldn't be the assassin she is without them. Sophia's story was heartbreaking, nerve-wracking, and brutal. The fact that she literally has to relive parts of it made me want to reach out and hug her. The action in Heart of Venom was well-paced and brilliant. Each outing has Gin testing her skills and her heart more. All around this stands out as one of my favorites in the series.

Character Thoughts: I feel like a broken record but the characters in the Elemental Assassin series are some of the best in Urban Fantasy. I am still in love with Finn. Jealous of Bria and her Finn loving time. Absolutely adore Gin! Even the bad guys are engaging albeit nasty and mean. I love that we got to learn more about Sophia and Jo-Jo. I was already in love with their characters but it was nice to get to know them better. Especially Sophia who is so quiet and often over-looked. I wanted to sock the bad guy (sorry his name is escaping me) but more than that I wanted to club his sister. Though I think they were both well done bad guys and to me that is as important as the good guys. Alright, an Owen update--he can shed his Owen the Ass title once again. Though I am still working up to loving him again.

Audio Thoughts:

Narrated By Lauren Fortgang / Length: 10 hrs and 25 mins

Hands down, I can not imagine anyone but Lauren narrating Gin and the gang. At this point, she is Gin to me. She nails the nuances, emotions, and pacing of this series perfectly. I highly recommend this series on audio if you haven't given it a whirl. I just don't think you would be disappointed. Of course, always listen to a sample as everyone's narration preferences are not the same.

Final Thoughts: The next story is sort of a prequel and I am uber excited!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dotty dye
E-Galley provided by Publisher via Edelweiss for review on my blog from which this is excerpted. No remuneration exchanged. All opinions herein are my own except as noted.

It's fair to say that every experience I've had reading one of has been stellar. Her novels are so well crafted, so smart, and even nine books in, still edgy, seat of your pants suspenseful, horrific, heartrending and romantic. She's one of the writer's who is a natural at making a book easy to read and hard to put down. The magic, the structure of this created world, is absolutely fascinating and Estep has beautifully developed her rules and, as far as I can tell, sticks with them.

This book was especially horrific. It has some super nasty, and yet comic bookish, villains.

It's hard to believe that a cold killer like Gin Blanco, aka the Spider, is a sympathetic character. In this book alone she kills at least a dozen characters. It's never gratuitous; it's always a form of justice or defensive, but it is still horrifying. She is a killer for hire, an assassin but has "retired." It's not something she tries too hard to paint as a noble profession; in our world it wouldn't be. But this isn't our world. It's a world where magic is prevalent and corruption is rampant. It seems like most crimes won't go punished by a justice system, so this vigilante justice is actually all there is.

And, at the same time she's always taking care of people with food or putting them ahead of herself.

She is a paradox, a walking contradiction. It's amazing that she is this amazingly conditioned and skilled woman, and yet, I think she would love to have a boring, simple life. But, given the world Estep has built up around her it probably isn't going to happen.

Estep makes us examine all those grey areas in what we probably think of as cut and dried, black and white, good and bad. There's a lt of back story so it doesn't really stand alone, but you won't mind catching up. The books are just that good. If you like Paranormal Fiction that doesn't have to revolve around romance to be interesting then it is A MUST READ!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pilar rivett
*Genre* Urban Fantasy
*Rating* 4.0

*My Thoughts*

With the release of Heart of Venom, we actually get to see a part of Jo-Jo and Sophia Deveraux's past that they don't normally talk about: Harley Grimes and the kidnapping and torture of Sophia. We knew that Sophia suffered at the hands of the Grimes causing her to have permanent problems with her voice (raspy voice) because Estep told us this whenever Sophia speaks!

What we didn't know about was how involved Gin's mentor Fletcher Lane was or who helped him rescue Sophia from Harley's captivity or where the Grimes have been all these years. Fate is sometimes a nasty mother in that once a nemesis is gone, there is no stopping the evil minded from once again going after something that they truly want. In this case, Harley really wants Sophia back and truly believes that nobody can stop him since he and his sister are bad-ass Fire Elementals like Gin's former nemesis Mab Monroe.

Good thing Gin is around to fix that perception.

Sophia, aka the Goth Dwarf, has been a character that I've wondered about since the first time I picked up Spider's Bite and every book since. We know mostly about Jo-Jo because Gin, like Fletcher before her, uses the Air Elemental Dwarf to heal from the numerous beatings and other injuries that she's suffered in the course of being the Spider. As a reader of the series, you know that Sophia is the head cook at the Pork Pit and we also know that she handles the body disposal duties for Gin whenever she kills yet another threat to her well being.

Once again, Estep shows the extent by which Gin will go through in order to protect and save her extended family from harm which includes her sister Bria, Finn Lane, Rosylyn Phillips, and of course, the Deveraux sisters. Her motto is more or less you mess with one of mine, I will tear the world apart in order to find a way to destroy you.

Whenever I read a book in this series, I continually think of the song "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" by Drowning Pool. The intensity of the fight scenes always leaves me on edge of my seat because more times than naught, Gin walks away dripping in blood and in need of some serious Jo-Jo time. There is a level of violence and viciousness that we've come to expect from Gin's foes. There is also a code of ethics that Gin has tried to maintain since becoming the Spider. You don't expect her to throw that out the window, but, there are times when exceptions must be made in order to save the ones you love.

As we get closer, and closer to the release of The Spider, Book #10 in the Elemental Assassin series, we get more information about how Gin became the assassin she is today. We get glimpses into her past and Heart of Venom is no exception to that. Since the story is about Sophia, the flashback also includes a pretty violent scene that includes both Sophia and Gin. I have come to enjoy the flashbacks because we get a more in-depth look into Gin's past. I can't wait until December to learn more.

Now the obvious questions will be thrown my way. Yes, but what about Gin and Owen? Didn't we not just have a novella told from Owen's point of view where we all said, whoa, could we be headed for a reconciliation of sorts between Gin and Owen? What about the mysterious M.M. Monroe who we know absolutely nothing about? Will this MM be yet another nemesis to Gin?

In response to the questions above I say to thee READ THE BOOK!!!! No, really, read the book and you will find out your answers.

Heart of Venom starts out with action and violence and doesn't let up. It ends with questions as to where the series goes from here and whose next on Gin's hit parade. It is obvious to me that Gin has yet another nemesis waiting off stage but how we get from point A to point B remains in the more than capable hands of Jennifer Estep.

*Recvd via Edelweiss 05/13/2013* Expected publication: August 27th 2013 by Pocket Books
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
defi lugito
In Heart of Venom (Elemental Assassin #9) by Jennifer Estep, Trouble seems to find Gin Blanco at every turn. Good thing she's a trained assassin. Her predecessor Fletcher taught her how to make quick, deadly work of anyone who threatened the safety of her family or the town of Ashland, for that matter, when she became "the Spider". Feared throughout the area by those living a life of crime, Gin has earned a reputation as being ruthless and unforgiving. She's going to need that reputation to defeat a menace who kidnapped one of her close friends, Sophia.

Gin will have to call on all her strength and powers, plus some of her Elemental friends to bring down their foe. She isn't sure if she can count Owen as one of those people to help her as their relationship has been dealt several blows recently. (See book #8 Deadly Sting) This situation finds them at a crossroads with Gin wondering what the end result will be. As long as she can save Sophia, then she'll deal with all of the consequences later.

Heart of Venom is a prime example of why I enjoy Urban Fantasy. It's gritty, smart, sexy. But most importantly it has a complex plot and characters. I have to warn you: this is definitely not a sweepingly romantic, touchy-feely kind of book. Nor is it for the faint of heart. The action scenes Jennifer wrote are graphic and our heroine is as badass, sarcastic and cynical as they come. And I loved every second of this story. Don't get me wrong...there are still moments of passion and love. They're just layered in with knife fights and stuff getting blown up. Simply. Awesome.

Gin is ruthless, making decisions that none of us want to be faced with and she does so with absolute conviction. The most important reason she fights is to protect her loved ones. She takes her anger and uses it to fuel her determination to rid Ashland of underworld scum and keep her friends and adopted family safe in the process. I got swept away in the epic action scenes, which were written so vividly it was like watching a movie. I could picture everything so clearly. The pace of the book was great, with action that just didn't stop. I love the Elemental aspect of the story as well, combining fight scenes with Air, Fire, and Ice abilities. It gives it that little bit of a fantasy twist that is so intriguing.

Don't be thrown off by the fact that this is book nine in the Elemental Assassin series and let it keep you from reading this amazing story. Jennifer did an excellent job including just enough of the backstory that you can read this as a standalone or make your way back through the series after reading this one. Which is exactly what I'm going to do.

This is an Urban Fantasy worth reading and rereading. Highly recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
paul l
HEART OF VENOM is the ninth book in the Elemental Assassin series by Jennifer Estep. I recommend reading the series in order from book one. I was given this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

As usual, Gin is minding her own business, trying to live a normal life. Trying to move on from the disappointment of Owen's rejection, when she and her friends are attacked by Sofia's tormentor. Gin gives it her all and nearly dies trying, but she must rescue Sophia and serve up a cold plate of revenge. Gin finds that she will need the help of her friends to accomplish this ultimate goal.

HEART OF VENOM has brought back the feel of the early Elemental Assassin Novels. After the demise of Mab, the next book or two felt forced. I was relieved to find the repetition of back-story is less than in previous books. In addition, the repeating of what it means to be an elemental was more present in prior books and I found it to be tedious.

Gin is strong, driven, and as always, puts family first. While dealing with past hurts, learning to forgive, and struggling to forget those past hurts, she rushes in without a plan and requires assistance to slow down and think. Although it is not her usual m.o., it speaks to how much she cares for Sofia, that without help, she is not able to step back and make a viable plan.

Estep describes the number two villain with her usual descriptive prose (also where the title comes from), "If Harley Grimes has any sort of heart at all, then it is a heart of venom---cold, cruel, and delighting in the suffering of others."

HEART OF VENOM will make you laugh, make you cry, and make you think. My favorite laughable line, "Okay, I thought the woo-hoo at the end was a little much, but I let the giant enjoy his moment of victory."

Summing up the end result of Gin and Sofia's ordeal Estep writes, ""Not Soft," Sophia rasped. "Neither one of us. Not anymore. Never again."" The wait of this statement is an adequate reflection of the trials both Gin and Sofia experienced.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary butler
Review Courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

HEART OF VENOM has some wonderfully intense and graphic fight scenes, a plot that doesn't slow down, and bad guys that bring new meaning to the word sadistic. This book follows a very similar formula to the plots in the previous books of the Elemental Assassin series and while I adore this formula I really come back for Gin's superb fighting skills and the relationship she has with her friends and family.

Gin's fierce loyalty to her friends and dogged determination is what makes her one of my favorite heroines in urban fantasy. In HEART OF VENOM, we get a glimpse into just how much Gin will risk her own safety to protect her friends when Sophia's traumatic past catches up to her. Every since Sophia appeared I've wanted to know more about this raspy voiced goth dwarf who stays mostly to herself. It was interesting to see how Sophia became Sophia as a result of her past trauma. The torture she goes through (both in the past and present) at the hands of the main villains, Hazel and Harley is a thing of nightmares. The villains in the Elemental Assassin series keep topping each other in evilness and after what they do to Sophia and other people (including Gin), these two definitely top the list of most evil characters in urban fantasy.

Gin and Owen's rocky relationship gets some closure in HEART OF VENOM and I was glad to see Owen finally fess up to his previous actions in DEADLY STING. He proves himself worthy of being with Gin by fighting alongside her and finally accepting her assassin life though I have to admit that I took some small glee in him getting beat up by thugs as a form of punishment for what he put Gin through. Gin and Owen have some good, adult conversations about their relationship and wounds start to heal which was nice though I didn't fully accept Owen's apology until I read his novella, KISS OF VENOM which gave important insight into his state of mind after DEADLY STING.

HEART OF VENOM continues the Elemental Assassin series tradition of high octane, heart pounding action with an expert assassin who will go above and beyond to protect those she loves. The tenth book in the Elemental Assassin series, THE SPIDER comes out December 24, 2013 from Pocket Books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Fletcher Lane, father figure and assassin mentor, took young Gin into his home after fire elemental Mab Monroe killed Gin's family. Elemental sisters Jo-Jo and Sophia Deveraux are also part of the adopted family. Silent Goth sister Sophia is Gin's aka the Spider's one person clean-up crew after each bloody mission, and Jo-Jo is Gin's healer. This time the sisters need Gin, and the Spider never turns her back on people in need, especially those she considers family.

What makes "Heart of Venom" such pleasurable reading experience is that the Elemental Assassin series returns to its roots as an action-packed urban fantasy. Fletcher Lane's murder in "Spider's Bite"(book one) added emotional intensity to Gin's vendetta, making her more than a killing machine. She's an assassin with a worthy cause. This time, Sophia's past is revealed. It's what has been long suspected, with added details to make it horrifying.

The loss of villain Mab Monroe left this series in need of a big bad villain. Each book that has followed the Mab storyline has had its villain, but no one long-term to roll tension into the next story. The drama with Owen distracted and irked some fans, but this time the romantic sub-plot is not the focus, which allows readers back on board for another kick butt ride with the Spider...and what a ride! There's plenty of emotion when the Deveraux sisters are seen at their most vulnerable. They've been Gin's strongest back-up team from the beginning of the series. This time their past returns to haunt them and rip them apart. Finally, the reader sees a different side to the formidable sisters.

"Heart of Venom" returns the focus of the series to Gin, the assassin. She's a wrecking ball to any villain's pipe dream of power. She takes her blows, sacrifices, and slashes viciously through her enemies - guts, throats, and all! Fans will also be pleased by the resolution of an ongoing story thread. There are also hints of something big and bad coming into Ashland...maybe by the next book.

Digital RC courtesy of Pocket Books via Edelweiss
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
reney suwarna
The 9th book in the Elemental Assassin series uses the same formula as all of the other books; Gin goes to take someone out, loses the battle, regroups and comes back to win the war. This time, though, the person(s) needing help are Sophia and Jo-Jo, the dwarf sisters that accepted Gin as family when Fletcher took her in. We'd been told in prior books that Sophia had been held hostage by a fire elemental and it was during this time that her voice became raspy after being forced to inhale fire. Well this guy and his sister are back and the psycho believes Sophia is his to do whatever he wants, including torture or having her killed. The stakes are raised and the emotions run higher as this one is very personal to Gin.

What makes this series work is the relationships and in this particular book certain relationships become even stronger. Gin makes a promise to Jo-Jo to save Sophia, someone who Gin really doesn't know that well as the woman keeps to herself. We learn a lot more about that dwarf, so the emotions of the reader also run a little stronger when certain things happen. The battered relationship between Gin and Owen is also addressed.

When reading the final showdown, you'll be wondering why other obvious actions aren't taken. But for the author to pull off the outcome she wanted, the obvious had to be ignored; although that very issue is addressed later in an explanation between characters, even though the explanation was no longer necessary to us. But I was glad it was addressed.

I really wish the author would shake up her formula a little bit. For someone who boasted at the beginning of the series that no one gets the best of her, Gin has been bested in every book. I guess that makes her character seen a little more human and since she's not making that boast to the reader anymore, perhaps a little more humble. But it would be great to be surprised with a different story layout.

Read as an ARC for Edelweiss/Above the Treeline.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chuck wright
After the lukewarm performance of the previous book in this series I am happy to say that both Gin and Estep have got their groove back.
After the unfortunate demise of Mab, Gin has been in dire need of a worthy opponent. The psycho sibling villain combo in this book fit the bill quite nicely.
Gin has to settle an old debt from the Fletcher's past. She gets all gung-ho and forest ninja to try and save an old friend.
I liked the fact that the author took Gin back to her feisty murderous self in this story. She doesn't spend an entire book wondering about Owen or beating herself up about killing Salina. Gin goes back to her old mantra of some people just deserve to die and she is the one that should help them on their way.
After all the hardcore Spider action I wasn't overly keen on the way the book ended, but who cares Gin got her groove back.
It is a Gin with a huge slice of humanity bouncing round inside her though and I wonder whether that will have some impact on her insect antics further on down the line.
A cracking read.
I received a copy of this book via Edelweiss courtesy of the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Gin Blanco, AKA the Spider, is having a relaxing spa day with friends and family when it goes horribly wrong. Sophia's past catches up with her, and Gin and company goes after the man, who messed with her. Will she survive this encounter in this installment of the Elemental Assassin series?

Humor, particularly dark humor, is the hallmark of Estep's novels as well as references to her works of fiction. Always fun reads with lots of magic and sexy, strong women.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ben krumwiede
Previously Jo-Jo, who works miracles with messy hair and broken bodies, shared with Gin her sister Sophia's history with the thug Harley Grimes and the horrible things he did to her. It was Gin's foster dad and mentor Fletcher that rescued Sophia from Harley years before and scared him enough to make him stay away. With Fletcher dead, Grimes is back and his sick fixation with Sophia is worse. Well, Gin isn't standing for that and goes after Grimes after he kidnaps Sophia. While make her way through Grimes' mountain, Gin sees for herself how vile Grimes truly is and Sophia's rescue becomes more than just saving her friend but also getting revenge for the innocents that died at the hands of Grimes, his twisted fire element sister, and their goons.

Gin is an amazing character and is on a level of awesome few heroines have reached. In Heart of Venom she's kicking bad guy (and girl) butt and getting justice for those who cannot. Gin always puts so much of herself into each mission, or whatever you want to all it, but with the attack being against Sophia and Jo-Jo it becomes more personal and she pushes herself to the physical and emotional brink. This installment felt like one of the more personal books in this series and I was totally on board for the emotional ride the entire time.

Want to know about Gin and Owen? I'm not telling! Well, other than I finished the book with a cheesy grin on my face (I tried but I couldn't finish this review without saying at least that). My suggestion is make sure you read Kiss of Venom before tackling this book. The novella is from Owen's POV and really helps you understand his frame of mind in this book and if you're angry at him for what he did to Gin, it allows you time to forgive him so you can be ready for this book.

The mystery of M.M. Monroe, why Mab left all her things to him/her, and what he/she has planned for Gin goes unanswered but after learning this person has dealings with Grimes, it's not good. It has been easy to gobble up the last several books in the series. I love Gin, her supporting cast, and that each book has been its own tale and with the exception of Gin and Owen's relationship, the story is wrapped up by the end. Now I feel something big is on the horizon with M.M. Monroe and I look forward to the more substantial story simmering in the back ground, slowly developing while Gin continues to do what she does best. Heart of Venom is a bloody, emotional, darkly satisfying read and as usual, I'm ready for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lou cooper
Gin Blanco proves without a shadow of doubt that she’ll do anything to protect those she considers as her family. Taking on a long time sadistic fire elemental tests Gin’s ability to stay alive. Owen proves he can be trusted, at least for now. Relatable characters with a highly emotional and entertaining read. Borrowed the book from my public library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
terry barker
The ninth book in the Elemental Assassins series is, quite possibly, the bloodiest which, considering that this is a story about an assassin, is saying something. I think this might be the most violent that we've ever seen Gin but that's to be expected because when someone in Gin's cobbled together family is jeopardized, blood will flow. The story was full of tension early on with well placed emotional beats interspersed throughout. We meet some horrors from Sophia's past as well as get another glimpse of some future trouble for Gin. Owen is still in the mix and, having had his lightbulb moment in Kiss of Venom, doing his damndest to be the man we all knew that he was. All in all, this was a satisfying addition to the series and I'm looking forward to seeing Gin move forward to face the new challenge that seems to be lurking just out of sight
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5 Stars. The Elemental Assassin series has got to be one of the best kept secrets in the urban fantasy genre. Jennifer Estep consistently writes clever new adventures for Gin Blanco and her loved ones. Heart of Venom was such a fun read! Gin Blanco is a fantastic heroine, always protecting her family in a ruthless and cold manner - as the assassin known as The Spider.

Gin, Owen Grayson, and Warren T. Fox infiltrate Harley Grimes's mountain camp in the Appalachian Mountains to rescue their dear friend, Sophia Devereaux, from fire elementals Harley Grimes, and his sister, Hazel, and their gang of three dozen men. The action was nonstop in the ninth novel of this series! If you love an action-packed series that is fun to read, I highly recommend the Elemental Assassin series by Jennifer Estep!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sheri bates
4 stars: Enjoyed - strongly recommend (A-)
Originally posted at That's What I'm Talking About
Electronic review copy provided via Edelweiss

Looking for some downtime after the events in the previous story, Deadly Sting, and some female bonding with her friends, Gin Blanco (aka the Spider) retreats to the relaxing haven of her friend Jo-Jo's spa. Unfortunately, things turn ugly quickly with the appearance of Fire elemental siblings Harley and Hazel Grimes. Harley has dark history with Gin's close friend and Jo-Jo's sister, Air elemental Sophia Deveraux. The Grimes' attack Sophia and Jo-Jo right in front of Gin and her sister Brie, and then get away with Sophia in tow.

The opening scenes of Heart of Venom are extremely powerful and dramatically touching as Gin is almost helpless in her efforts to save two members of her "family." One thing we know about Gin is that she protects her own, and that is the message of this novel. I was moved at how deep that sentiment runs during the course of the story. It gave me new appreciation for Gin and all she does to help others.

I also admired the relationship between Sophia and Gin. We don't know much about Sophia or her history, and being privy to some of her life is a treat. There was more than one time the pair shared a few quiet moments or expressed their affection and appreciation for one another that moved me deeply. In addition, watching the entire scene unfold and play out gave Gin time for some touching self-reflection.

For those waiting from some movement on the Owen and Gin front - Ms. Estep delivers, as she allows the pair to hash it out and speak the words that needed to be said. After "going on a break" with love Owen Grayson at the end of Widow's Web, and little to no progress made in Deadly Sting, readers are treated with discussion and movement on this front. Following on the heels of Owen's own POV novella, Kiss of Venom, Heart of Venom solidly addresses what has and hasn't been happening between the pair. And although I about tossed my Kindle across the room out of frustration at one point, there is definite resolution made by the end of the book. I am just thankful that they finally talked, and one of my favorite quotes in the books comes from Owen, explaining why he's going to fight Harley and Hazel with Gin:

"Because I've spent too much time lately not having your back, and you need that today more than ever. "

The action is intense and brutal. There are references to torture, but there isn't anything overly graphic. The scenes are well-choreographed and exciting to read. It is fantastic to have more of the gang than just Gin on the offense for this one. And while some of the actions taken are dark, I love that everyone supports one another in this tight-knit group.

All-in-all, another excellent book from Ms. Estep. There isn't anything in Heart of Venom that makes it stand out any more than the other stories in the series, because as in each story, this one is unique and fresh and more of what I love from the Elemental Assassin series. What I love best about these books is how much we get inside Gin's head and heart. I love how Gin's mind works... seeing how she outwits everyone around her. I love how confident Gin is... she knows she may not survive, but she knows she will kill Harley and Hazel. In Heart of Venom - it is personal because someone is out to hurt her family. And Gin ALWAYS protects those she loves. I admire how much she cares about those closest to her. Gin is amazing! Her character continually grows and develops, which is needed for a series to remain successful after nine books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
iyes with love
This is the 9th book in the Elemental Assassin series. The tenth book will be a prequel novel titled The Spider and is due to release in December 2013. This was an okay book but, like the last one, it was a pretty self-contained story and didn't do much to advance the broader story.

Sophia and Jo-Jo have some history with a brother-sister (Grime and Hazel) crime-lovin' combo team. When Grime and Hazel come to claim Sophia as their own, Gin will do everything in her power to get Sophia back.

These books have become very, very formulaic. Someone Gin loves gets hurt/kidnapped by someone else very powerful, Gin goes on a rampage to save them and almost dies, Gin regroups and enlists the aid of her friends and kicks butt. The last few books in this series have been exactly like that, it makes them very, very predictable.

There is excessive recapping of previous books (as there has been in every book in this series). This is something that has continually bothered me with this series. I like some recapping, but I don't need the same things recapped over and over throughout the book.

I am still enjoying the characters and the writing style is easy to read. Estep has continued the story arc involving the mystery of M M Monroe, although not much progress is made with that story in this book either.

All our favorite characters are present in this story. Fletcher, Bria, Gin, Owen, Jo-Jo, and Sophia all have a part to play. Fletcher and Bria spend a lot of time in the background. The story is mostly about Sophia, so we learn a lot of background about her and Jo-Jo.

Owen and Gin also feature in the story a lot. Supposedly their relationship is still on the rocks because of events that happened in the last book. Owen tries to make up for his mistakes in this book...it made him come off as kind of whiny to be honest. I am kind of sick of the on again, off again thing that has been going on with Owen and Gin. This is an issue we don't need to revisit in these books; they need to either get over each other or stick together...I am honestly sick of hearing about it.

While it was nice to hear Sophia's backstory, this was still one of the weaker books in this series. In my opinion the more recent books in the series have been weaker. I thought this book was slightly better than the previous book but still not nearly as engaging as earlier books.

Overall this book was better than the eighth book in this series but still not all that great. It was good to hear about Sophia's backstory, but the Gin/Owen stuff is getting old. The book followed the same formula as all the previous books in the series have. There wasn't much progress made on the M M Monroe mystery that started many books ago. I am still enjoying the characters and the awesome action scenes, but thought the plot was lacking.

I'll definitely read the next book but if it doesn't improve over these last couple books I think I will be setting this series aside. I still do recommend this series to fans of urban fantasy. The first six or so books in the series were really well done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gin Blanco keeps dropping the bodies. Blood dripping of the pages in Estep's Phenomenal Elemental Assassin Urban Fantasy series!
The hotly anticipated ninth novel in the hugely popular Elemental Assassin series finds Gin Blanco on a dangerous mission to rescue a friend.
Wow already the ninth book of this amazing Elemental Assassin Series. Jennifer Estep is on of the best writers in this genre. In this thrilling new book she keeps getting Gin to go through hoops. And just when you think you have figured it out, Jennifer comes with a new twist. With Gin and the returning characters from the other books from this series a joy to read and a terrible read to put down. Amazing world-building and fast-paced action. Gin is the Best!
When a terror from the past threatens one of Gin's best friends and body-disposer, Sophia. Its is nice to see more of Sophia, she is one of my favorite characters from this series.
"Hey!" I cried out in a mok-helpless voice. "What are you doing? Get your hands off me, you creep!"
"Oh, I'll be putting more than my hands on you in a minute. You go ahead and scream as loud as you want to, honey." The man sneered into my face., his breath smelling of sour moonshine. "We like it better when they scream, don't we, boys?"
"Really?" I purred. "That's funny, because I was thinking exactly the same thing about you. No, that's not true. I actually just like it better when you just die."
Gin will stop at nothing to protect her, even if it means walking straight into a killer's trap and maybe pay with her own life in the progress. Meanwhile, the rocky romance between Gin and Owen from book 8 of this series, reaches finally it's long waited turning point. Thank god for that because it was killing me. Now the only thing that is left is an emptiness ... waiting to be filled with book 10 of the Elemental Assassin #Series by Jennifer Estep!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
**Provided a copy via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

Heart of Venom is the 9th book in Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin series. I have been eying this series for some time so when I came across a chance to get an ARC I was beyond excited. I do have to admit I made a stupid mistake. When I received this book I didn't realize it was the 9th in the series and I started reading the book. To be honest it read just fine until I got to the part that Owen was mentioned and I logged onto Goodreads to see where in the series I was at. I continued to read the book and Jennifer's writing was really good and I really didn't have a problem figuring out what was going on. I do have to say I enjoyed this installment so much that I am going to read the entire series as soon as possible.

I liked almost everything about this book including the main heroine. Gin Blanco was a kick-ass lead character. She wasn't whiny like most book heroines. She was also an assassin. The whole way she dealt with this amazed me. I really liked her even though she was a killer. It was done in a way that you couldn't help but to like her. She was loyal and protective over the people that she loved .

This book sucked me in from page 1. In the first five minutes of reading Gin had already killed 2 people. What a way to start a book! I also liked all of Gin's friends and family. Her sister Bria is a (view spoiler). I know I couldn't believe it . What a great set up for an assassin to have a sister in law enforcement. Sophia, Jo-Jo, and Fin were also likable characters. Not only did this book have murder, action, and girl-time but also romance. The only complaint I have about this is I would love to see more Owen and Gin. More, more, more!! From reading the other reviews on previous installments and then reading this book I see that Owen and Gin's relationship is slow going. I would love to see that move along in future installments. They have great chemistry.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes paranormal romance or who is looking for an action packed original idea. I've never read another book with this exact concept. The book had some magic elements to it but in my opinion they weren't needed. I think the story was intriguing enough without the magic aspects. I would actually have preferred not to have them if it were up to me. This is a great book and I can't wait to read the rest of the series. I am giving this book 4 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mark ruddy
Ninth in the Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series revolving around Gin Blanco, an assassin and cook.

My Take
I love the start. It's so ho-hum, business as usual as Gin and Finn haul a dead giant off to a dumpster while she reminisces over their actions. Oh, well, just another day at the stove with all the ways assassins have tried to take Gin out. LOL.

We get a recurring flashback of the day Gin and Sophia bonded, but Estep never says that the boy whom they protected was Owen. Another bit of back history is the tale of how Fletcher came into the Deveraux sisters' life and the bond that grew between them.

Loose threads in here: why was Grimes allowed to continue for so many decades, why didn't Fletcher end him before, why weren't they shooting at the Grimeses during the final firefight?

Oh, please, I get why Gin is upset about what Sophia has done for her, but must she whine on and on and on about it? Especially when she had no idea about Grimes or what Sophia had to face? Why did it take so long for Jo-Jo/Sophia to make that final connection?

I would have thought Gin would have had a much better range of weapons and firepower than she did. She should have had a much better plan. This one? This one simply wasn't a Gin-type plan. It didn't ring true. She only relies on the backup of the one ring? Sloppy.

I do like how Gin keeps taking them by surprise, though, LOL.

Arghh, that felt so phony! Estep's getting sloppy. Owen made this lovely speech, and yeah, I can understand Gin not wanting to forgive him too soon, but her reasons were lousy. Estep was not putting the effort into this encounter that it should have had. It felt contrived.

I suspect my wanting to give this a "4" is simply because I love the resolution in this story. I probably should have given it a "3" for all the annoying bits I've whined about.

The Story
A nightmare from Sophia's past kidnaps her again and Gin sets out to get her back. It'll cost Gin, but she'll gain as well when Owen insists on watching her back.

The Characters
Gin Blanco, a Stone and Ice elemantal, has retired from her assassin career as the Spider and wants to concentrate on her restaurant, The Pork Pit, for she dearly loves to cook. Detective Bria Coolidge is Gin's sister with a Gift for Ice, no longer the long lost one. She's come to terms with what Gin has done to survive. Roslyn Phillips is their friend and a vampire who owns and runs Northern Aggression.

Finn, Gin's foster brother, cracks me up. He's so dapper and self-assured, worrying about his manicure as he stands over dead bodies by night and playing investment banker by day,. His father was Fletcher Lane, an assassin/chef who taught Gin everything he knew before he was murdered.

Owen Grayson is a Metal elemental, and the man who shut Gin out of his life in Widow's Web , 7. Warren T. Fox runs a general store up in the mountains and is a good tracker. He was also a friend of Fletcher's back in the day. Violet is his daughter and Eva's best friend.

The Goth-dressing Sophia Deveraux works at the Pork Pit as chef by day and body disposer by night. Her sister, Jo-Jo, is a talented beautician whose services are fought over. Both dwarven sisters have the Gift of Air, but each wields it differently. Rosco is Jo-Jo's lazy basset hound.

Cooper Stills is an Air elemental who works as an artist/blacksmith. He's also Jo-Jo's gentleman friend who is about to learn how to use his power to heal. Phillip Kincaid is human and in love with Eva Grayson, Owen's sister. He is one of the major underworld bosses in Ashland and runs a riverboat casino.

Harley Grimes is a Fire elemental who has been kidnapping and torturing people for decades. Hazel is his wicked sister with a love of watching people burn from her Gift—she does love to toss those fireballs around. His men do benefit from his actions, or rather his leavings, as they also enjoy rape, torture, and beating defenseless people to death.

Mason and Zeke were the giants who came after the young thief.

The Cover
The cover is prophetic in its lurid yellows and gray browns. The kneeling Gin, in her jeans and burgundy tanktop with a belt to hold her knives, is holding a shovel, for she intends to bury those who harm her family.

The title is the brother-sister team, for they have a Heart of Venom.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mark johnson
Heart of Venom
Jennifer Estep
Pocket Aug 27 2013, $7.99
ISBN: 9781451689006

In Ashland two giants attack Gin Blanco and Finn Lane, but the former assassin and her friend kill them. Finn suffered some bruises to his ribs so he plans to ask the Air-elemental dwarf Jo-Jo Deveraux to help him heal; Gin will use the disposal services of Jo-Jo's sister Sophia the cook to get rid of the corpses.

Two days later, Gin and others enjoy a day at Jo-Jo's salon when Fire-elemental siblings assault the establishment. They nearly kill the owner and snatch her sibling. Raging Gin needs to control her "Spider" as she needs to identify who the kidnappers are and why they obviously targeted Sophia. Although her estranged lover Owen Grayson understands the risk as the odds are humongous that they will die, he insists on having her back. Meanwhile Gin learns the details of Sophia's first torturous abduction by Grimes.

The latest Elemental Assassin dark urban fantasy (see Deadly Sting) is a grim thriller with a mounting death toll as no one harms one of Gin's buds and lives very long afterward though the Grimes may prove the exception to the rule. The plot enables the audience to learn what Grimes did to Sophia the first time she was held captive and fills in more of the protagonist's past. Although the overarching premise fails to move forward, fans will enjoy Spider's revenge.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved it. Could not stop reading and proceeded to finish it in one night of reading.

Heart Of Venom moved along at an amazing pace, has characters that you fall in love and want to see overcome anything that gets in their way and an awesome story. As soon as you start reading you cannot put it down and when you get to the end you need more.

Jennifer Estep is an awesome author and I cannot wait to read the next amazing book in this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
atta verin
Leave your squeamishness at the door, because Gin takes no prisoners and makes no excuses. Her job is dirty, deadly, and wears on her heart when this time around it is her friends that are in trouble. She and Owen make a great team, even if they are often hit and miss, yet for once they seem to finally be facing the problem head on. Gin's impulsiveness is somewhat tempered by Owens' steadfast belief in her, which adds some much needed maturity to her character.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Just got finished reading the book. I loved it. It is in series. Can't wait for next book. This character goes thru so much and still stands. Constantly learning the craft she does so well. I cheer her on each task.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katharine grubb
Good filler book that continues the series. Just like with all Elemental Assassin books, this one is filled with action, bloody knives, and bad ass Gin taking down the bad guys with the help of her friends. Some major things happen between Owen and Gin, and we get to understand more of why Sophia is the way she is. There's a slight progression to the M.M. Monroe plot and sets up the plot which will conclude the series. I think only one or two more books left :( I'm so sad knowing one of my favorite series won't be around much more.

Once again, family and protecting those that are yours was a main driver to this book and gave Gin the strength to continue to do what she has to do.. and survive. One of the things I love about this series are the characters, the loyalty, the family setting, and how protective they are about each other.

Not as good as the past books.. but hey, come on now, the past books were phenomenal, and this one is pretty good. Finished it in one sitting and will definitely be reading the next books.

Don't know how to hide spoilers on an the store review, so see my profile's website link for spoilers.
Please RateHeart of Venom (Elemental Assassin Series Book 9)
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