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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ibrahim idrees
This is an awesome novella involving a couple on two sides of bullying and how to overcome a traumatic experience. The heroine Stella has been bullied by the same group of friends since grade school. One of those friends is Jonah. As Stella and Jonah become closer can Stella let her guard down to help Jonah heal from something that has haunted him for months, and can Jonah confront his friend about bullying everyone around him?

I love this series and am so happy that I stumbled on this novella! It is a short but exceptional story!

This is a quote I love from this:

"I know who I want to be and I want you by my side as I become that person."

That is just one of several amazing quotes that I love in this book, and I am sure you will find some that speak to you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
m k graff
~Reviewed by ANN & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

In this freebie short story, Katie McGarry injects her sweet, melodic writing with a heady dose of angst. Stella is an outsider who enjoys spending time in cemeteries. As morbid as that sounds, she finds a certain sense of peace she is unable to find anywhere else.

Jonah, a far more popular guy at school, meets Stella at the cemetery and at first it starts off as awkward. Stella comes across as slightly crazy and it definitely intrigued me as a reader. I suddenly wanted to know more about her and why she was acting this way. Joanh’s friends, however, don’t want anything to do with Trash Can girl so Jonah and Stella keep their meetings a secret.

I’ve been a fan of McGarry’s writing ever since Pushing the Limits came out and I strongly believe that McGarry is one of those authors that continually put out good stories. Each of her characters are intriguing, making readers want to understand them and learn what those secrets are.

Jonah feels a sense of helplessness that I don’t think many people could say they’ve experienced before. However, McGarry makes it relatable to readers. Similarly, Stella comes off as a very weird character at first, but as you read you begin to understand her more and learn to love her like Jonah does.

If you’ve been thinking about trying some of Katie McGarry’s writing, I believe that RED AT NIGHT is a great one to start with.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nathan garcia
This review is on my blog:

This book goes to show that you don't always know who your friends are. As we see with Jonah and his friend, you don't know who your friends are really until something dire happens. His friends changed when he was at the car crash and we see that that really affected him and changed him for the better.

Jonah's character was well written and was sweet and I think that he was amazing in standing up for Stella whether she wanted him to or not.
Stella was a strong female lead, reminded me of many people I know wrapped up in one. It was amazingly sad what this girl went and goes through at such a young age!

I thought it was great that HarlequinTEEN did this collection of stories to help people be aware of things that really happen in the world. Katie McGarry did a shoe company that provides unfortunate kids with shoes for free. I think this is amazing and just loved everything going on in the story. However, I found Stella could be stubborn at times but it all worked out for the best!

Rating: 6.5/10
Parental Rating: 14+
Walk the Edge (Thunder Road) :: Flowers on Main (A Chesapeake Shores Novel) :: A Small-Town Christmas Romance (A Chesapeake Shores Novel) :: The Summer Garden (A Chesapeake Shores Novel) :: Crossing the Line (Pushing the Limits)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth kelley
This was a novella that packed a powerful punch. My only complaint would be that it was so good I wished it was a full book. Stella and Jonah met in the most unlikely of places, and I was immediately intrigued by both of them. I enjoyed watching how their relationship progressed from friendship to something much deeper. This story was very heartfelt. There were so many times that I honestly just wanted to reach into the book and give each character a big hug. The way they found hope and a future in each other brought tears to my eyes. Katie McGarry definitely knows how to write a poignant and meaningful story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Entrada completa:

Primero quiero señalar, otra vez, que esta historia es una inspiración, pero eso no quiere decir que sea la historia de la persona en la cual Katie se inspiró para escribirla.

Ahora sigamos, Stella es una chica con una vida muy pesada y que ha vivido demasiadas cosas para su edad, y su lugar favorito para estar es el cementerio, algo demasiado raro, pero eso me agrado (no pregunten porque, que ni yo tengo idea) y ahí es donde comienza a hablar con Jonah.

Me gustó que Stella a pesar de tantas cosas que le siguen pasando, es una persona fuerte y que no le importa lo que los demás piensen de ella, es como es y punto. También como se desarrolla su relación con Jonah y las conversaciones entre ellos.

Al ser un libro corto pues nos deja esperando muchas cosas mas, pero, comparándolo con otros, le faltó meternos un poco mas en la historia, si bien sabemos del accidente de Jonah y la culpa que siente, pero no terminamos de saber exactamente que pasó, llámenme morbosa o lo que quieran, pero sí quiero saber a ciencia cierta que es lo que le causa esa culpa, si no los dice pero no tan a fondo como me hubiera gustado.

Honestamente, me gustó, pero no estuvo increíble, estuvo bien pero hasta ahí. E insisto hay otros libros cortos que han estado muy buenos.

Dejando a un lado la historia, no sabia sobre este premio y las historias, lo cual me parece genial que se hagan y se trate de ayudar a estas fundaciones.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
pooja kumar
Felt like this would have been a really good read if it was longer and more details put into it. Totally my type of story too! It's the "girl and guy are too different for each other but somehow manage to make it work" type of read. Didn't realize this was going to be a short story/novella type. Things that were happening were missing details - felt like there were gaps in how thoughts and feelings evolved. It was just there all of a sudden.

Classifying this one as a "don't read" - try one of Katie McGarry's other works instead.

See my profile's website link for my reviews on other books.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
pam pearlman
It was good, but quite short, I thought the story could have been developed further.
The beginning of the story was a bit disorientating which detracted from the story in general. Her other work is MUCH better.
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