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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karen hofstetter
I received a copy of VANISHING POINT by Lisa Harper from Revell IN EXCHANGE FOR AN HONEST REVIEW. This is part of the Nikki Boyd series.

I found this book to be incredibly interesting. Usually books about cases are quick. The mystery is solved within a few hours and a couple falls in love. Instead, this book takes place over years. You get to realize the ins and outs of law enforcement cases. This would be an excellent book for someone thinking about going into law enforcement to read.

Other than that, this is a fast-paced and heart-pumping adventure. It is truly gripping and you will want to read it in one sitting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate baird
This book spans quite a long period of time (years) in the hunt for a serial killer of young girls. You feel the frustration and fears of the law enforcement officers as they pursue the killer. Garrett and Jordan are both caught up in the hunt, plus their own personal emotional attraction to each other. This is a very good romantic thriller.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
w ganley
This satisfying, meaty conclusion to the Nikki Boyd Files begins in the painful past and ends in present-day Nashville to solve a string of long-term murders. We meet new additions from the TBI and FBI who struggle to apprehend the bad guys while dealing with the internal, emotional aftermath. It's a bittersweet farewell to the series and favorite characters: especially Nikki. Lisa Harris holds nothing back with tension and suspense while giving her readers hope and a refresher course on faith.

I received a complimentary copy of the book without obligation. This review is my own opinion.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
luke jahn
This is the conclusion to the Nikki Boyd series. If you like Christian suspense, you won't want to miss this one!
A serial killer, six girls missing. If you've read the earlier books in this series, this one provides the backstory.
FBI agent Jordan Lambert and TBI Garrett Addison have a history, but they called off their relationship and pursued their careers. Now they are both on this case, in a desperate attempt to find these missing girls before it's too late.
Exciting, tense, nail-biting suspense.
You won't want to put this one down until you've finished the last page!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth schurman
Lisa Harris weaves a spellbinding tale in the conclusion to this romantic suspense series involving the disappearance of six girls over several years. In the previous books we met Nikki Boyd, whose sister, Sarah, has been missing for several years when Nikki was late to pick her up from school. As the Boyd family searches for clues, Nikki leaves a teaching career for law enforcement in her endeavor to solve the mystery of not only her sister but other girls who were abducted by the one they call The Angel Abductor who leaves a Polaroid picture of each girl as a calling card. In Vanishing Point we finally learn the truth through a series of unexpected twists and turns, convincing characters, and a. timeless hope in God in a world filled with darkness and deceit. A page turner from start to finish. I read this book as a promotion and the words in this review are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are some stories that grab hold of our whole-being and live with us for the rest of our lives making them apart of us. I just found that with the latest page turner Vanishing Point by Lisa Harris. Now, I may be partial because of my absolute love for criminal justice and this story is a great example of the tolls it takes from all people involved. I loved all the high tense, nail biting situations and more importantly the re-attraction between Garrett and Jordan. So much good. I received a copy for this review and all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
regina nilsave
Having just read through the "Nikki Boyd Files", I was eager to read this book to see, not only how everything ended up with the notorious "Angel Abductor" and his victims, but also how it all began in the first place!
I was not disappointed! With a shocking twist-ending, and unexpected conclusions to some loose ends, I hardly knew which way to turn as the novel raced toward its closing!
Definitely, if your a fan of criminal investigation or mystery/suspense, you should read this book! (Especially if you've read the "Nikki Boyd Files"! If you've read that trilogy, then you MUST read "Vanishing Point"!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie murphy
I've enjoyed watching this series unfold as it takes part from previous books, but has a story of its own as well. This book will keep you reading and have you read the previous books if you have not done so as well. Garrett does not feel that he has done all he can in the case he is working on and gets discouraged. He pairs with Jordan, an FBI agent and together they find themselves working together to find out what happens before there is another victim.
I received a copy from the publisher, the review is my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another action-packed mystery from Lisa Harris. If you haven't read the Nikki Boyd books 1-3, you might not want to read the rest of my review.

I'm so glad that Sarah Boyd's case came to a resolution. I have to admit, I sped through the book hoping we would come to present day and wasn't disappointed. I would have loved to see a little more of Nikki herself, but realize this was really Garrett and Jordan's story.

Definitely recommend this entire series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a fantastic edition to the Nikki Boyd Files series. This takes us back in time to learn more about how Nikki’s sister died and why Nikki became a cop. This shows the policeman and the FBI agent that work on the serial killer case that includes Nikki’s sister. I love the romance and the suspense. There is a great balance of both. I did not want to put the book down. I received a copy of this book from the author and Revell for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mark edlund
Vanishing Point is the fourth and final book in the "Nikki Boyd Files" series by Lisa Harris, a bestselling author and homeschooling mom who lives with her family in Mozambique, Africa, where they are missionaries. Based on my understanding, Vanishing Point overlaps in time and brings closure to the case that remains unsolved in the first three books, though Nikki Boyd is only a peripheral character and the two main characters are new; nevertheless, not having read the series, I found this book a clear and satisfying standalone.

Vanishing Point is a thrilling police drama about the "Angel Abductor" case, which is assigned to a team that includes Agent Garrett Addison of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation along with Agent Jordan Lambert from the FBI. The two agents know each other from their days at the police academy and now work together to track down an elusive serial killer who targets blonde-haired teenage girls (thus his nickname). While the case is admittedly tragic and there are various descriptions of abductions, murders, crime scenes, and other related content, I found it only detailed enough to be realistic and moving without being disturbing (as a disclaimer, though, I wouldn't recommend this book for younger readers or anyone for whom the subject matter may be a trigger).

I could hardly put this book down! The case itself is suspenseful with many dead ends and several surprises, and a unique aspect to this book overall is the passing of time, as it begins in 2004, and then continues in 2005, 2006, and, finally, present day (2017). This adds both intensity and realism: the case literally drags on, frustratingly taking years to solve and, sadly, costing more and more lives, punctuated every time Garrett and Jordan visit a victim's family to tell them their abducted daughter has been found, murdered. Similarly, two brief, chilling sections from the point of view of two victims (including the prologue, which immediately draws a reader into the story) give a face to the name, so to speak, and personal significance to the otherwise unknown victims.

As Garrett and Jordan are faced with the deaths of these innocent young girls, as well as hardships in their own lives, they wrestle with the age-old question of why bad things happen if God is good, which Harris tactfully addresses throughout the book (in the characters' dialogue), mentioning the "pat answers" that usually well-meaning people say but that are not helpful and/or not true, and then, in the last few pages, giving a thoughtful answer:

"I think I've found that asking where God is when something bad happened is the wrong question. [...] We ask that question as if we're surprised when evil surfaces. But in reality, I think we've forgotten we live in a fallen world. We've forgotten God gives us the freedom to make choices. And while he gives us free will, that freedom doesn't mean he stands over us and fixes everything. There are consequences that too often hit innocent people. [...] And what I'm realizing is that when he doesn't intervene, it doesn't mean he isn't there. I think it means just the opposite. He decided not to just sweep down and fix our problems every time something goes wrong. Instead he chose to redeem us eternally by sending his Son." (283-4)

This question, and answer, is a subtle yet significant underlying message in Vanishing Point.

On a different note, a downside to Vanishing Point's timeline is that initially there's somewhat of a disconnect from the characters, as the story pops in and out of their lives (*spoiler alert* for example, in the first "snapshot" in time, Jordan's sister explains their mom is sick, and then over a year later in the next snapshot, Garrett learns Jordan's mother died of cancer), which feels more like a news article than narrative; however, this improves about halfway through the book when the story catches up to "present day". Also, throughout the book (which spans over a decade, keep in mind), Garrett and Jordan, who quickly realize their past feelings for each other haven't changed (and don't think they could be happy with anyone else), and who are both single, nevertheless continually try to convince themselves that it's too late to get back together. (I just wanted to slap them both and tell them to get on with it already!) Admittedly, I couldn't decide if this seemed a forced part of the plot considering the timeline, or just real—because I suppose the love denial scenario is more common than I realize.

Overall, I really enjoyed Vanishing Point. It was the first true "page turner" I've read in a long time, and I appreciated the various realistic aspects, from the passing of time to the emotions, frustrations, and questions of the characters. I also applaud Lisa Harris for incorporating, and answering well, a more meaningful and serious topic (God's sovereignty and suffering in the world) than I typically see in Christian fiction. I recommend Vanishing Point for appropriate readers and would also be interested in reading other books written by Lisa Harris.

Disclaimer: This book was received for free from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, in exchange for my honest review. Note as with all reviews and references, I do not necessarily agree with (or am even aware of) any or all of the beliefs, views, etc. of the author; please read my disclaimer here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great series! I loved that finally we have some closer on Nikki Boyd's sister's disappearance. Although this book was a bit slow at times going back all the way to the beginning of the Angel Abductor's story from the start. This was a mystery with many puzzle pieces trying to figure out who was the Angel Abductor. I have loved the Nikki Boyd series from the start and I 'm glad for the conclusion of Sarah's disappearance. Jordan and Garrison were great characters and enjoyed reading their story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Vanishing Point is an amazing display of Lisa Harris's ability to write a heart stopping plot and amazing details of each character. Yet this novel took me by surprise with a plot written in such a unique way and over a longer period of time than any other Harris novel. Harris also showed such a human side to the characters, bringing to light how officers really are affected by the cases they work, the struggles they have with faith, and finding justice in an unjust world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pavan gowtham
Wow! this was a great conclusion to the Nikki Boyd series. I loved the way they tied up the mystery of Nikki's sister's abductor . I didn't see the twist coming and won't say more so I won't spoil for any who have not read the book. This book can stand alone. It is powerful and I found it difficult to put down. It is well written and I can't wait to see what the next series this author writes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cristy carnes
I loved the characters and just had to continue listening. Many nights I was up much later then I was supposed to. I highly suggest you read this story. I now have to get the next in the series if there is. I also have a new author. Thank you so much Lisa Harris
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
antonia scholz
Having a fifteen year old daughter, VANISHING POINT is stuff nightmares are made of. Six girls missing . . . and every clue leads to a dead end. That pretty much says it all.

Ms. Harris is a stellar, award winning author and VANISHING POINT explains why. Well written, action-packed, and a hook on the first page. This is the fourth book in the series, but it stands alone. No need to read the others.

Garrett and Jordan knew each other in police academy, and dated, falling in love, until the FBI noticed her and she chose career over family. Literally. Garrett let her go, knowing it was the end, and didn't try to make a long distance relationship work. And now Jordan's parents and sister are begging her to visit -- something she hasn't made time for in years.

But with a case to solve before any more girls are killed, time is at a premium, especially when the killer seems to be playing a game with them.

At a surprise twist at the end and you'll be on pins and needles for this entire book.

Warning for the screamish: VANISHING POINT has a lot of dead bodies and Ms. Harris tends to be very descriptive, describing everything about the death, the body, the grave. Not a book to be read late at night unless you want nightmares. The book also left me feeling unsettled and creeped out. Maybe because my daughter was about the age of the girls murdered.

I was given a copy free. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been waiting for the conclusion to the Nikki Boyd series and while it was different than I expected I enjoyed the book. Kept me guessing and filled in lots of blanks. However, even if you haven’t read the other books in the series, while I would encourage you to do so, you can read this as a stand-alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pedram keyani
Vanishing Point by Lisa Harris is the 4th book in the Nikki Boyd series. The other books are Vendetta, Missing, and Pursued. This action packed book kept me on the edge of my seat, so to speak. I could not put it down. I like the way the chapters begin with the date and time, because it adds to the intensity of the mystery. This is a must read if you love mystery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
synthia parveen mallick
I liked the unique twist that this book took following two other characters Garret and Jordan from the beginning of the Angel Abductor case. I just wish there was more about Nikki Boyd herself in the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everything in this book radiates the frustration, anger, and sadness when a serial killer is at work. I really like Lisa Harris's books. They are well proofread, good characters, and storyline outstanding.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rhys clarke
The long-awaited story of what happened to Nikki Boyd’s sister has arrived. Hopefully you have read the three books in The Nikki Boyd Files series because they lay some groundwork for this story. You can read it as a standalone if you wish but you will be the loser if you skip them. The main characters, Garrett and Jordan, became close friends in the police academy but she left for Quantico to join the FBI while he remained in Nashville and became a Special Agent with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. Now they are brought together to work the case of a serial killer who has been dubbed the Angel Abductor because of his affinity for teenage females with blonde hair. The abductor not only seems unstoppable but has yet to leave any trace of evidence that might help identify him. For some unknown reason, he always leaves a Polaroid picture of his victims, typically near their burial spot. Neither Jordan nor Garrett are willing to divulge their feelings for the other but the undercurrent flows through the book. The suspense becomes palpable as they continue scouring for clues and another girl turns up missing. Several surprises await the reader as the story continues. I especially appreciated a discussion between Garrett and Jordan about why bad things, such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, happen. They share some insightful comments on a subject with which many people have struggled. In fact, most of us have probably struggled with that one. In case I have left you wondering, Nikki Boyd does get into the action a bit later in the book but she has a lesser role this time. I received a copy of this book from the author. This is my honest review. All opinions are strictly my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pamela drapala
Vanishing Point has a different "feel" to the story in that it doesn't have Nikki Boyd as the primary character. The plot involves the total career of the serial murderer that caused the death of the sister of Nikki Boyd, Sarah. This book takes the reader back to the investigation of cases prior to Sarah's and then leaps to current time when another young woman is missing.

The main characters of Vanishing Point are a local investigatory, Garrett, and Jordan an FBI agent who is called in to help with the local investigation. And coincidentally, Garret and Jordan were once an "item." They both still have feelings for the other but don't act on them, moving on.

But another case investigation brings them back together years later. Following accumulating clues in a series of murders and juggling their feelings toward each other, Garrett and Jordan encounter obstacles that test their fortitude and problem solving abilities.

Thought provoking references to the age old question of "Where is God when bad things happen?" are raised and conclusions worth considering for resolution to this issue are pointed discussions and thought processes in the story.

While written in a slow, steady pace in the early portions of the book, a rapid, nail biting suspenseful end wraps up the four book series and places the culprit squarely in the hands of officials.

DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy to facilitate this review. Opinions are my own and are freely given. Giveaway is provided by the author or publisher directly to the winner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great conclusion to what happened to Sara Boyd! After reading all of the Nikki Boyd series, this book answers what happened to Nikki’s sister. Vanishing Point is a suspense filled novel with unexpected turns and twist throughout. This book was different from what I was expecting in how Ms. Harris provided the timeline of all of the events. This was beneficial to allow the reader to see the entire picture of what occurred. I highly recommend this descriptive novel!!! You will not be disappointed. I really like that Ms. Harris has Christian characters and themes to her novels. One of the main questions she asks in this novel is one that people ask all the time which is “Where is God when something bad happens?” If you have read any of her novels before, you will enjoy this one!
***I was given a free electronic copy of this book from the publisher. This is my honest opinion. Even though I received this copy free, I have purchased her books before.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah cp
The newest installment in the Nikki Boyd series is by far my favorite.
Garrett Addison has left his father’s law firm to be a member of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. He hasn’t ever felt like he belonged in that lifestyle and wants to make a difference with what he is doing in his life more than his father would have with their practice. When his team is called out to the scene of a murder of a young girl left with a Polaroid of her scared face just before being killed, they are able to tie her to a string of unsolved murders. The FBI is called in to help, leading Garrett to work with Special agent Jordan Lambert. Garrett and Jordan have a past. Before she went off to the academy they were in love and could have married each other if distance and careers hadn’t gotten in the way. After years of murders and unsolved cases, Garrett decides he can’t take it and leaves the task force. As time goes by, another dead girl brings the team back together. Garrett vows that this time will be different, he won’t fail this time. He is more determined than ever to get justice for the murdered girls and keep everyone else safe, including Jordan, who is quickly winning his heart again.

I have been a fan of the Nikki Boyd series since Lisa Harris started writing them and her latest installment doesn’t disappoint. While this is a Nikki Boyd novel, Nikki isn’t the main character. She is in the book, but more as a secondary character this time. The time line starts in 2004 and leads up to the present giving lots of information that wasn’t in the previous books, but adds to the story of Nikki and how she got to the point we see her at starting the series. With Garrett and Jordan as the main characters, we see more than one side to things. Garrett starts with the task force and then leaves to help others in a different way while Jordan is with the FBI. While she is not consistently on the Angel Abductor case, she can’t help but think about it at all times. Their being brought together is a natural occurrence of events and goes along with what the characters would naturally do. And while it is obvious they both have feelings for each other they don’t act on the feelings at inappropriate times that wouldn’t make sense for the story and take away from the suspense, a fact I appreciate greatly. I liked how everything wasn’t wrapped up in a time frame that wasn’t realistic as real life cases sometimes take years to solve and it can be messy.

I have found some authors and books are enjoyable, but forgettable. I am happy to say Vanishing Point by Lisa Harris is not one of those. I recommend this book to those that love a good suspenseful novel with twists and turns throughout and just the right mix of romance to bring the characters together.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barb hope
Looking for a chilling suspense, faith, and a dash of romance? Look. No. Further. than Lisa Harris' latest novel because, wow, guys. Wow.

I was greatly distraught minorly annoyed when The Nikki Boyd Files ended without a satisfying conclusion to the Angel Abductor story arc. Then I was seriously pumped when I found out about Vanishing Point! I am pleased to report that at long last we have the answers to this mystery! But there will be no more on that from me. ;-)

Vanishing Point covers almost fifteen years, and you see Garrett and Jordan experience life changes, struggles, and triumphs. Though it makes my heart ache that it took so long for Garrett and Jordan to find their Happily Ever After, sometimes that's the journey - but it's always a rewarding journey. Lisa Harris also tackles difficult questions over the coarse of this novel, including the age-old question, "Where is God when bad things happen?" She lovingly reminds readers that even though we live in a fallen, broken world without all the answers, Jesus has saved us.

Four Stars ~ Vanishing Point is a must read for anyone who's read The Nikki Boyd Files! Due to the conclusion of the mystery started in those books, I strongly insist with all the self-appointed authority of a bookworm that you read The Nikki Boyd Files, Vendetta, Missing, and Pursued respectively, before reading Vanishing Point. However, if you stumbled on Vanishing Point first, you will find a well crafted, conclusive story within those pages.

I received a copy of Vanishing Point by Lisa Harris from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Garrett Addison has a new job as a criminal investigator for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and his first assignment is investigating the murder of a young girl. She is one of several young female victims that have fallen prey to a serial killer. To help with the case, his former girlfriend, Special Agent Jordan Lambert from the FBI has been called in to assist.

This investigation lasts more than ten years and the book in divided into sections by years. It begins in 2004, picks up again in 2005 and 2006 and then jumps to the present day. There is a bit of romance but I would say the majority of the narrative is about solving the mystery of the seven young girls that have been abducted. It is full of unpredictability and suspense and at times it became unsettling due to the nature of the topic. The characters displayed realistic and appropriate responses to the situations depicted in the book. Both Garrett and Jordan were bothered by not being able to catch the killer and took their jobs seriously. And the author described the grieving families reactions with sensitivity. Personally, I thought the romance was frustrating and didn’t add value to the story line. From a spiritual standpoint the book deals with the question; where is God when something bad things happen? It is a reoccurring theme for both Garrett and Jordan and a topic they struggle with throughout the novel.

This book is part of the Nikki Boyd series, of which this was the first book I read. Although I may have missed some background information, I was still able to track with the story and enjoy the book. What compelled me the most to read the book, was the mystery. I was trying to discern the clues and figure out the puzzle of who the killer was.

I would recommend this novel if you like mystery and suspense.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diarmid hurrell
This book spans quite a long period of time (years) in the hunt for a serial killer of young girls. You feel the frustration and fears of the law enforcement officers as they pursue the killer. Garrett and Jordan are both caught up in the hunt, plus their own personal emotional attraction to each other. This is a very good romantic thriller.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Having just read through the "Nikki Boyd Files", I was eager to read this book to see, not only how everything ended up with the notorious "Angel Abductor" and his victims, but also how it all began in the first place!
I was not disappointed! With a shocking twist-ending, and unexpected conclusions to some loose ends, I hardly knew which way to turn as the novel raced toward its closing!
Definitely, if your a fan of criminal investigation or mystery/suspense, you should read this book! (Especially if you've read the "Nikki Boyd Files"! If you've read that trilogy, then you MUST read "Vanishing Point"!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gretchen rotella
This was an exciting, never figured it out, end to the series. I had to keep reading to find out WHO DONE IT!!!! Finally know what happened to Sarah & who is the Angel Abductor. Didn't see that person as the one. Her books are always cliff hangers & page turners till the end. Love her books. I was given a copy in order to give my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerry price
I loved the characters and just had to continue listening. Many nights I was up much later then I was supposed to. I highly suggest you read this story. I now have to get the next in the series if there is. I also have a new author. Thank you so much Lisa Harris
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