The Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler - The Anointed (Volume 1)

ByA. G. Mogan

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The novel opens in November 1939 when Hitler, having narrowly escaped an assassination attempt after delivering a lecture at a Munich beer hall, is on a private train traveling to Berlin. Following his meeting with his war generals at the Reich Chancellery, Hitler falls onto his bed. Not having slept for two days, he is once again in a dreadful emotional state, and yet again begins to think of his deceased mother. To overcome this weakness or fear as a friend put it and on his suggestion, Hitler begins to write a journal as a release to remedy his deep sentiments. Ms. Mogan has thus skillfully presented a most plausible reason for writing this novel in Hitler’s first-person voice.
Although it is known that Adolf Hitler was close to his mother, in this novel Ms. Mogan has brought out their relationship vividly. Hitler’s love, care, and attention for his mother, and hers for him, is shown in numerous vignettes, and especially at a very young age he even wrote a poem for her. Among other aspects of Hitler’s early life that are portrayed in this volume, there are also some somewhat obscure facts, particularly about his disciplinarian father. Much like a tyrant, at the slightest disagreement with his commands or naughtiness, the father did not hesitate to use his belt or hands to punish his children. These frequent periods of brutishness even extended to Hitler’s mother. In one instance, Hitler watched covertly through a window as his father, following a minor disagreement, held his wife (and niece) by her hair and slapped and punched her weak and pregnant, fragile body. And, as if this wasn’t enough he started to kick her despite her pleadings: “Not the belly, Uncle! Not my baby! Please! Please!” When little Hitler couldn’t watch the beating and other indecencies on his mother anymore, he ran into the room and tried to punch his father with his small fists, only to have his face smashed into the stairs.
In this opening novel of her trilogy, Ms. Mogan had aptly accomplished her objective, as stated in the Author’s Foreword: to take you [the reader] through the intricate maze that was Adolf Hitler’s life, explaining everything from a psychological point of view. This volume fittingly illustrates Hitler’s early formative years, and we appreciate that he was not born the way he turned out in his later years. The subsequent volumes will cover Hitler’s later life, most likely, again based on similar painstaking research as this Volume I. Readers, such as this reviewer, would be anxiously awaiting those forthcoming books.

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The author does put skeletal historic facts in the work, but for the facts only serve to launch off into pages and pages of fictional dialogue. The author incorporates the most base myths about Hitler like the old war time "Hitler had one ball", etc. Then she has Hitler's known lover, Mimi Reiter, whipping him for at his request, and then Hitler hitting himself in a solo sexual context. There is certainly pure fiction. Why this is a young person's book, I don't know. There are many really good biographies of Hitler that are exciting and interesting. This is merely prolix fictional dialogue and monologue that would never enable the reader to know the real Hitler, just a really kooky soft porn version of him with very little history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth lundgreen
The Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler

I’ve wondered. Perhaps we all have. What could or would cause a mind to wreak havoc on half of the world? Occasionally, I would experience a blank stare which took me into the culture of Nazi Germany, allowing me to wonder what Adolf was thinking.

Author A. G. Mogan has eased my curious wanderings with sophisticated and brilliant connections into the persona of Adolf Hitler. Her concept is to take Adolf’s journal and present it as an open book. Ms. Mogan has superbly crafted the words, thought, and deeds of a small Austrian boy’s journey into becoming the psychotic messiah of the Nazi cult.

Imagine sitting back and reading The Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler. What will you find, Peace, love, joy? Or a bitter hell that warps a tender mind. But then again, was Adolf just crazy from the start? What dominant forces forged this prejudicial, misshapen soul? Well, author Mogan gives you a sobering interpretation into why Adolf became Der Führer.

This book is more than a story. It’s an analysis of an unscrupulous person. A psychological look at the burning question, “Why”. And today I feel I may, perhaps, know more about the inner sanctions of despot.

History buffs will enjoy this 5-star rated novel, but I highly recommend this artful creation for all those interested in what makes a monster tick.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diana oana
I found this a very interesting book. I definitely had sympathy for Adolf the child, who wouldn't? But as he grew older my sympathy lessened. Regardless of tragedy, misfortune, and bad luck, there is always right and wrong. I really enjoyed this book- always wondering what it would be like to know all of what really went on in that diabolical mind of Hitler's. When reading his feelings about the Jewish population of Vienna, I just couldn't understand how he could lay all that blame at their feet. I caught myself imagining myself in his place. It is normal to feel hatred for a parent that would abuse you as his did, but to allow hatred and blame to encompass your life and more... I am grateful that I am not like that and pray to never be. I feel the author did a great job with this piece of historical fiction and beg people to remember that when they are reading this. It is a fascinating story and very well written.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
pat bean
I gave this volume two stars because I appreciate its talented descriptions (the ones that are truly close to reality and decent art). However, I am quite amazed at the five star rating of this book. It is quite untruthful to the real Adolf Hitler and it sometimes sistematically twists the truth into an inappropriate way. I know this is fiction, but it sticks to the old, unreal stories about the man. Again, I appreciate the idea, but it really bothers me as a reader and a passionate history learner to see so many twists and turns that are practically not relevant at all to the Adolf Hitler I know based on my own research. I am skimming through the book, as I do not like the odd twists, but I like the way some words are used as in vocabulary. I hope I made my opinion clear and I strongly hope that one day, young authors will learn to write truthfully about a historical figure. Also, on a last note, a child of 3 or 4 years old is not mature enough to have, let's say, unusual thoughts. Yet, I hope my review reflects what I think of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cara mia
Anna Morgan is a gifted writer, who has tackled a difficult subject. Can one of the world's greatest monsters be humanized? Should he be? This is, afterall, a work of fiction so why should Hitler receive any type of sympathetic treatment? But at the end of the day, this is an interesting examination of how brutality can engender brutality. Despite Anna's way with words, it's still not an easy or pleasant read and it will no doubt be seen as inappropriate by some. But this book does make you think about what goes into making a monster.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler: Volume 1 – The Anointed goes where no other novel I’ve read has gone before: inside the head of the most notorious monster in the history of the human race, a man who either directly or indirecty led to the deaths of an estimated 50 and 80 million people.

A.G. Morgan introduces us to the four-year-old Hitler the day he is rescued from drowning, after he fell though the ice of a frozen river. It was impossible not wonder what terrors might have been avoided had Hitler the child perished that day.

That the boy is troubled is obvious. He paints his father as a sadistic brute and his mother as a saint. He is self-centered, devoid of empathy, and, as he grows older, his delusions of grandeur and the belief that he is anointed to save Germany become overwhelming.

Those around the young Hitler simply laugh off his grandiose claims and bizzarre behavior. Today, such a child would be sent to therapy in order to sort out their deranged and sometimes violent actions. What’s clear is that Hitler, a puny boy who felt bullied and betrayed by most everyone he came in contact with, would carry rage and insecurity throughout the course of his life.

I have studied a great deal about Hitler’s rise and fall and, as a teacher, have had the opportunity to share my findings with my students. I am also a former reporter. I mention these facts because I am extremely impressed with Morgan’s extensive research on the dictator and his times.

It must have been difficult for Morgan to insert herself inside the mind of such a repugnant individual. Hitler’s thoughts on race issues are noxious, and are rendered even more obscene when he shares them publically, giving voice to his dream of racial purity and his belief in the superiority of the Aryan people.

In a different time and place, Hitler might have died a homeless beggar, muttering to himself in the streets. In fact, for several years after his dream of becoming a famous painter dissolved when he was not accepted into art school, Hitler was starving and destitute. But he lived in post-World War I Germany, beaten to a pulp by the unyielding Treaty of Versailles, which left the country in tatters. Germany was the perfect breeding ground for Hitler. A nation of desperate people, distrusting of the establishment they blamed for losing the war, and eager for scapegoats they could condemn for their own failures.

The Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler: Volume 1 – The Anointed paints a chilling portrait of the molding of a megalomaniac. The book ends with Hitler in prison, following the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. Book two in the series is The Struggle. I plan on reading that one, as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
salsabila raniah
We all know how this notoriously hated man's life ended, but now the author using known facts about his early life and weaving them into a wonderful narrative has opened our eyes to what made him as he was. This is a very well written but it is not a book to read without an open mind.
A troubled childhood and adolescence gave rise to one of the most powerful men of the 20th Century. Could this happen again? It gives one the chills to contemplate this.
This is an easy and exciting read. I highly recommend it to any one interested in learning how Hitler came to power.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea arief
AG Mogan skillfully takes us into the mind of Adolf Hitler letting us glimpse the factors that created the man. Unlike most historical novels which only tell history’s story, AG opens the inner door to Hitler’s psyche that lets us peek into his dark, unhappy world—a world without love. It’s a cautionary tale that trumpets the need for us all to learn compassion and tolerance, not only for our children but ourselves, as well, if we want our potential to glisten with hopeful expectation. I enjoyed the read, despite the dark material, and look forward to reading the next in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erik erickson
What a fascinating read. This book is based the accounts of Adolf Hitler's associates and on Mein Kampf which was his political autobiography and gives a rare insight into his early years and his developmental rise to take his place in history as a despicable tyrant and mass murderer. The author makes the point that it isn’t intended in any way to dismiss his atrocities or to encourage sympathy for his early unfortunate life; it does explain where some of his lamentable traits took origin and even how he came to look in later years.
What intrigued me was his steadfast belief in his own talents, something I find difficult to comprehend in most people; there is after all confidence in your own abilities but for some there is an overwhelming justification that talent is inherent and it is ‘others’ who prevent it from being recognised. For Hitler it moulded his personality to irrational proportions and this book explains where the anger that we see in newsreel films of him comes from. Brilliantly written in exposing his character keeping you spellbound all the way through. I learnt things about him that I never knew from my own studies of this historical period. Looking forward to more! Pat McDonald British Crime Author
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathie h
Everyone know Adolf Hitler was a monster that brought ruination to his country and millions of deaths to the larger world. This book rally gets inside of his head and helps you to see what the sources of his manias and insecurities were. Fantastic read - highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
randy inman
A. G Mogan's book is compelling! As fictional history valuable and deeply thought-provoking. I have often queried, what makes a man hate so intensely and commit unthinkable crimes against humanity? My family history was deeply altered by Adolf Hitler, those who followed him, altering the profile of my beloved country, Hungary.
I have been unable to put the book down, the writing draws one in, and lingers long after the finished page, masterful and juicy It is a must read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I only gave it three stars because it was difficult to read. As a biography, if all of the author's fact finding is accurate, Hitler has an extremely horrible young life before he entered politics. That said, if Hitler had used his childhood and young life as reason to make the world a better place and life for people who grew up in circumstances as horrible as his instead of wreaking havoc on humanity, I would have felt compassion for him at the conclusion of the book. As it is, he was a horrible person who felt that all humanity should be punished in the most horrible ways because he had been treated so badly as a youth. I, obviously, felt nothing but disgust after reading the book. I knew it wasn't going to be a Sunday afternoon walk in the park when I chose to read it; however, I almost felt like the book gave the idea that his young life somehow exonerated his evil actions for the rest of his life. This is only my response to the book. It was well written and you may come away with a different attitude.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
rpeter brown
The subject of the book was a whiny, sick individual. I am not sure how anyone would be able to make the subject anymore interesting. I suffered through the book because I finish what I start. I did not enjoy any of it and felt it was a waste of my time!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There have been many historians who have tried to clearly explain the phenomenon that was Adolph Hitler. All will likely agree that he was a troubled, even demented individual. In this account, the historically dry explanation is given color and character making Hitler easier to understand. All the psychological terms used to describe his warped personality are as accurate as most of us have been led to believe. By focusing on the inequities of the Treaty of Versailles and condemnation of the Jews for their contamination of true Aryan blood, he amassed a following of nationalists as prideful as he and stirred the German people up as he led them down a self destructive path that history has long held up as evil defined. This is book one and it is no surprise that to understand the evil that followed, more than a single volume would be required. True, it is historical fiction, but the handling of the story is enhanced by those portions so fictionalized.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The writer has profound writing skills... I feel that I actually know what happened in Adolph Hitler's could actually see when different things happened to change his character, and how life traumas affected his thoughts. It shows you how someone can be anointed for good and influence, or also be anointed for evil and influence.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dianna weglarz
"The Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler, Volume I – The Anointed" presents the young Adolf Hitler as he grows up and gains his sense of his own identity.

The author has written that she spent many years of research in her effort to understand his character and the phenomenon of his rise and fall, and yet until I read her book I would not have believed it possible that anyone could actually bring him to life in a believable way. Yet A. G. Mogan has done so seamlessly and vividly, and so humanly that she makes it possible for others to understand him.

Her book is captivating—I could not put it down—and I consider her an exceptionally gifted author and human being. Through the honesty in her words you sense a deep intuitive comprehension of the young person Hitler was and how he gained the extreme and hateful attitudes he expressed as an adult.

I am full of admiration for this author and recommend her account of "The Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler" to anyone wanting to better understand the NAZI leader and how he managed to realize his dreams of mass murder in modern times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Please remember that this is a work of fiction." AG Mogan implores the reader in her prologue. Indeed we must, Adolf Hitler is one of the most hated men in history - Mogan should be commended for her bravery before anything else.

I hadn't imagined myself reviewing a fictionalised account of Hitler's life. One of the strongest points of this book is it's not cheap fanfiction, it is literary fiction and of good quality. We learn about this young boy who we could call Adolf, as he grows up in a family dominated by his father's violence and the deaths of his young siblings and we leave him as a young man. AM Mogen doesn't simply list what we know about Hitler she provides us with the [fictional] details of his life that show us how he develops into the man that the world came to know. My favourite of these details is his response when his sister is given a black doll for Christmas. Of course my reading of it was affected by the knowledge of Adolf's destiny.

At times the language is halting "Have you forgotten what happened the last time you had the idiocy to curb me?" for instance, but overall it is well written and edited. I'd recommend it to readers of who clearly understand that this is fiction; it a reader wants to be outraged and declare that Mogan's description is pat times too tender and too humanising he or she will find plenty of fodder here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A madman. A psychopath. The greatest villain of our time. All words that we use to describe Adolf Hitler, but how did he become all of these things? In “The Anointed”, A.G. Mogan takes the reader from Hitler’s childhood to his early popularity as the leader of newly formed Nazi party. Told through the eyes of Hitler himself, we see the effects of growing up with a dominating, abusive father, the delusional belief of his own talent as an artist, and his belief that he was the next messiah. Mogan’s writing is wonderful! She is able to bring the reader into the mind of Adolf Hitler and to make you sympathetic to his early struggles, while at the same time reveal his explosive temper and twisted beliefs. This book will intrigue you and at the same time make you uncomfortable as you work through the emotions it incites.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I wish that I could review this book as eloquently and lyrically as AG Mogan's writing. She conveys Hitler's energy, passion and self-delusion brilliantly, whilst providing a fascinating insight into the many reasons that drove him towards his disastrous mindset, decisions and actions. One gets the feeling that, with a different upbringing, his undoubted talents could have led him to be a force for good rather than evil. This book is powerful and insightful whilst, at the same time, providing an immensely absorbing and enjoyable read. I am really looking forward to the next volume in the series, which I am sure will be just as compelling a read as this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler: volume 1, is a compelling book from start to finish. Author, A. G. Mogan is an extremely talented writer that captures a period in history – that takes the reader deep into Adolf Hitler’s psyche with an uncanny realism that sets the stage for what came to be. Her writing has many moments of brilliance, as she strategically builds upon Hitler’s paranoia and how one can become so evil - yet still be human! I highly recommend this book to anyone that has an interest in WWII history or in the psychology Adolf Hitler. This is an insightful and extremely compelling rendering of his early years and rise to power.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
morgan davis
I found this book hard, no... make that very hard to read. Full of anger and madness. But that's what Hitler was, a man driven by anger and madness. The author has set out to give us a view of Hitler that most of us won't have heard/read about, that is his childhood and his formative years and how he came to believe what he did and she has done a superb job. Like I said, the book wasn't easy for me to read, but it was well written. What surprised me most is that this is a novel not a history book, but has obviously been very well researched. Well done A G Mogan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josiah goff
The book is a masterpiece in terms of interweaving historical research with psychology. The author's exceptional writing skills take the reader to a realistic journey inside the head of the devil, from childhood to adult life. She skillfully shows how early mental and physical wounds can have long time repercussions on a man, leading to poisoning his spirituality and the way he regards mankind. My take away: when a child realizes that "a man's true strength lies not in his fist but in his words," his educators must ensure he makes good use of the revelation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arwen davis
The writing is brilliant!! I couldn't put the book down and am really looking forward to the release of books 2 & 3. I have no idea how much factual information Mogan is working with but to spin, whatever the amount is, into such a captivating and emotionally charged rollercoaster ride of a tale is an amazing gift of talent. Wow!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book this very inspired author wrote about the not so well known life of the controversial figure of Adolf Hitler takes the reader into a world of both history and strong emotions, which makes you, at times, put youself inside the skin of the main character and even try to understand his inner struggles and sensitivity. Hitler was a man who left his print deep on modern mankind and, as we very well know that everything and everyone has its good side as well as a dark one, the opportunity to discover them both about Hitler it, more than fortunate, even a moral duty for everyone of us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ana anderson
A.G. Mogan’s Secret Journals of Adolf Hitler, Volume I – The Anointed is a masterpiece! It enacts history and brings Adolf Hitler back to life again from a psychological perspective. I am really intrigued by A.G. Mogan’s creativity and quest to make sense of the hardest puzzle. A good read and I would highly recommend.
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