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Readers` Reviews

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
alf mikula
Foul language, violence - both can be used to produce great things. This is not one of them.
It is a collection of ugly words with out any meaning. I read it, thinking that it was building to a meaningful conclusion, however... it does not.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cylon mistress
This book is completely out of my comfort genre! That being said, I found story brilliant! Yes, the horns were the result of an act of abuse and cruelty but it also symbolized the internal destruction of self esteem. His parents conditioned him to believe he was not good and I felt as if the horns were a physical and emotional self reflection. He could not hide this remnant of his abuse until the painful end when he was able to have the horns torn off.
I work with kids with deep issues and this story really spoke to me. There were so many times in the book where the main character lashed out, pushed pp away and everything always came back to the horns. He goes through phases whereby he hates the horns, uses them to excuse behavior, accepts them and finally eliminates them. I would recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I like Anderson Pruity's writing style, but this was not my favorite of his. The best way I can describe it is a combination of " Slingblade" and "Precious" with punk rock existentialism and idealology.
I don't recommend this for teens because of a couple of rated x scenes and because of how women are regarded/ which is a bummer since I would have otherwise let my son read it because I know he would have really loved this book.
Cujo :: The Regulators :: The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Carson - 2011] Hardcover [Hardcover] :: The False Prince (Ascendance Trilogy Book 1) :: Mommie Dearest
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liberte louison
Interesting story. For a short book it does seem to ramble through parts without purpose and the use of the Title word got a little tedious, but cant complain too much. Entertaining and quick. Enjoyed it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex templeton
Andersen Prunty tells the tale of a young adult who exists in a living Hell. The book tells a story but simultaneously dissects our culture. This is the first book I've read by this author and now I'm hooked.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This one kept me interested from start to finish. I really enjoyed how colorful the characters were. In addition, I never felt as though I knew what was going to happen next. The narrative voice was fresh. I will continue to read more from the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mon ca jean
This was an interesting dare I say intelligent story. Young mister Black was an intriguing character, one whom stirs empathy in the apathy that surrounds him. The moral of the story is nothing new, but the context of the parable is entertaining, in a black way. I admit I laughed out loud at points and cheered for him on more than one occasion. It was a simple page turner I couldn't put down. I ended up reading it in a lazy flu stricken Saturday. Just what the doctor ordered.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jane yu
I read this purely because it kept popping up the stores recommended list for me. This time The list did me right. Dark and awkward and deeply bizarre. A strange mix of humor and tragedy that works well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trish lindsey
I was captivated by the absurdity of the main character. The more I read, the harder it was to put down. Could have left off the horns, but now, after completing the book, I now understand his reasoning - Yes, read it, read it, read it
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
peggy goldblatt
This book started strong, reigned me in. I gotta say I only finished it because I'd gotten too far when I realized I wasn't that into it. It ended well too though, just like it started. It was alright.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
larry rosen
The only reason I even made it through the entire book was the assumption that the story itself couldn't be so meandering and seemingly pointless without some kind of payoff in the end. The characters are poorly constructed caricatures, and the protagonist's actions seem more like a bullied teenager's consequence-free revenge fantasy than anything else. Honestly just awful. I want my $2.99 back.
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