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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
k e douglas
For Gerald, life is a nightmare that he can never wake up from. When Gerald was just beginning to forget all of his painful memories, his loving aunt dies. Gerald is forced into living with an abusive family that he cannot seem to get rid of. Jordan, Gerald's stepfather, abuses Gerald and his little stepsister, Angel, and even sometimes, Gerald's mother. Gerald and Angel become closer together and help each other through the hard times. It is hard for Gerald to keep up with Jordan and his substance-addicted mother around. With all of the things, Gerald is preventing Jordan; he has enough hard times, as he gets older. Soon enough, Gerald will painfully learn that sticking up for his little sister was always the right thing to do.

When you read this heart-warming book, the tears can never end. When I read Forged by Fire, it was an amazing story that I just did not want to put down. It is the kind of book that can make anyone have sad emotions for Gerald's unsuccessful life. It has a great theme and taught me a lot about what can happen if you do not have the best parenting skills. I think that many people that like action, sad stories, and a happy ending, this book is a good choice for them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chi wai hui
Why did Gerald's mother burn him with the lighter on his hand?

Forged By Fire is a fiction drama by Sharon Draper. Its about a young boy named Gerald and he gets abandon by his mother. Gerald's mother is a big time drug dealer and she leaves Gerald in the house by himself all alone while playing with a lighter. Then all of a sudden the house is on fire.

I like this book because it is very interesting. However it tells you about how a young boy named Gerald that survives and tries to keep to his little sister from getting sexual harassed by her father. It also encourages you to do the right things no matter what the problems are.

The type of person I would recommend to read this book is anyone because this book could inspire you and give you great tips on what to do if you or whomever get abandon and they will love this book cause its based on life.

This book has a lot of problems that children would not want to have or be in like being abused, betrayed, sexually harassed, and last but not least abandonment. So please take the time and read this book it could help you in a long run. This is the second series of Sharon Draper and you should read them all!

Review By: Donnetra
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolee lee
Gerald was trapped in an abusive family since the day he was born. His mother, Monique, was sent to jail when Gerald was three. Gerald then lived with his aunt for the next six years. When Monique was let out of jail, she wanted so badly to see Gerald but all Gerald could remember about Monique was that he hated her.

It was close to Gerald's birthday and his aunt told him that Monique would be coming back for him on his birthday. Gerald was horrified. When Monique came on his birthday, Gerald found out that he had a new step dad and a little sister named Angel. Gerald did not like the look of this. Gerald's aunt died on his birthday so he has no choice but to go and live with his family. Gerald and Angel grew very close and they all sorts of things to protect each other from danger. All Gerald has been doing is trying to protect Angel from their nasty step dad, Jordan. Gerald is disgusted when he soon finds out about Angel and Jordan's secret. This book is like a roller coaster because there are so many twists and turns. Forged by Fire, written by Sharon M. Draper, is a great book for people who like sad and teary-eyed books.
Heart on Fire (The Kingmaker Chronicles Book 3) :: A Temple Verse Series (The Phantom Queen Diaries) - Phantom Queen Book 2 :: A Temple Verse Series (The Phantom Queen Diaries) - Phantom Queen Book 1 :: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Tom Sawyer's Comrade :: A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shai stanton
Forged By Fire
Forged by Fire by Sharon M. Draper is about a boy by the name of Gerald who was abandoned by his mother, Monique, at the age of three. He was later adopted by his Auntie. They faced a major tragedy when their house was engulfed by fire.
This book had a good pace, everything seemed to go steady . The book also had descriptive details and interesting characters. It described the way the people felt and acted. It sometimes felt as if I was in the book. Overall Forged by Fire is a good book that did not just focus on style, but also focused on description and action.
The main character of this story is Gerald, who is the brother that protects his sister, Angel. Angel is Gerald’s younger sister who is abused by her father and she is always sick because of it. Monique is Gerald and Angel’s mother, who is also abused by her husband, Jordan, and she does not do anything about it. Jordan is very abusive because he hits on everyone and he tries to molest Angel.
In the conclusion the problem is solved when Jordan is killed and everyone is happy. Forged by Fire is a very good book, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes heart-felt novels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When three-year-old Gerald accidentally sets his apartment on fire, his abusive mother goes to jail and he goes to live with his aunt Queen. When aunt Queen dies, he goes and lives with his mom again. She has a new Husband and Gerald's future best friend Angel, Monique and her new husbands daughter. Monique had said that she had been released a year ago but she said, "she wanted to get back on her feet again".

This meant that he had to go live with his mom when he gets to the apartment he finds out that Jordan abuses Angel very hard, and soon he was "going to get it to". Gerald is now 16 and he protects Angel from Jordan, but he still Abuses both of them. One day Jordan had token it too far, and touched Angel in the wrong places. Gerald had found an adult to talk to and, took Jordan to court and won, Jordan is now in jail. Now that Jordan is released, will he come back to Gerald, Angel, and Monique?

I recommend this book to people that like to read sad, abusive stories about how some kids survive. This book is in a series of three, Darkness before dawn, and The Tears of a Tiger.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diesel pfingsten
In a split second, your life could change as Gerald's has. He was only three, when his choices changed his life like a rollercoaster changes course. Gerald had been Forged by Fire when he made a fire inside his apartment. This book has one hundred fifty five pages that show reality about troubled families in our world today. Gerald grew up in a loving family, when suddenly the most horrible thing happened. The life that he knew since he was three years old had gone down the tubes and he would never get it back. He was suddenly trapped in an unloving and abusive environment. He finds himself protecting his little sister that he did not know existed from an evil, evil man (Jordan). When Jordan disobeyed justice, he is sent to Jail. Gerald believes that he, his mom, and his sister are finely safe from Jordan and his evilness, but he was wrong. If you want to find out what happened to Jordan, Gerald, his mom, and his sister than pick up Forged by Fire (by Sharon M. Draper) at your local library today, and remember to always do your best and remember that good always defeats evil in the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I read this story as a required reading in seventh grade and I fell in love with it. I have always disliked reading, but this book sparked my interest in taking the time to actually read a book, but I think it was mostly because of the storyline that caught my attention. I was abused as a child, not to the extent that Gerald was, but in a similar way. I believe that this story reached out to me because of that, but mainly because Gerald had overcome the abuse and turned out to be above that rather than resorting to other paths like most abused children do. He became an important part of his school’s basketball team that helped him to stay distracted away from his hardships. I found it to be ironic that although he was fascinated with fire, that was what had taken the life of one of his friends and teammates. The horrific events described in the book, like when his friend was stuck in the car as it had become engulfed into flames, are events that some teenagers do experience through their adolescence – although it is not so much of an “ideal” way to grow up, I believe that people who grow up in tough environments learn a lot about how to determine their own character. I fell in love with Sharon M. Draper after this book and still have other books of hers to encounter; her writing style is realistic in a way where many people may not want to believe is appropriate for the younger audience, but I think that it is fitting for growing teenagers because it can shed some light onto the realities of growing up and being on your own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Hi and in advance, thanks for checking out my review. I being a little older than the targeted audience (I'm a 17 y/o {black} male in 11th grade who usually dosen't like to read unless it's for school) recently picked up this book at my local library. The book was not used for a school project but, I got it because I thought it would be interesting.
I will say that I would promote the book for classroom use for probably 6-9th graders. The book deals with very strong issues plauging the present time in a clear, contemporary style. The book is very fast paced.. (lightning fast, actually) which I think kids will like better than reading a full novel (I would) and with this fast-paced movement, it does get a tad confusing at times while dealing with multiple conflicts.
The main problem is that there are so many problems that are thrown out to the main character Gerald, (Who the book deals with through age 3-17) that not not one is comnpletely resolved before another occurs. (I still have a few questions myself after reading) The characters are very believeable but the problems that happen and mostly when they do happen are the things that bring the book down. I would recommend the book to any teen wishing for some good, heartfelt, fast paced reading.
I've seen a review that says the book deals with bulimia along with other issues... actually, it does not. It states that the character Angel throws up a lot but, that's mostly because she's so nervous around her father.
Oh, and if the Author is out there... Hear me out... Ever since reading the end, I would like to see a sequel. I don't know about the rest of you but, I'd pick it up. (No, I haven't had a chance to read "Tears of a Tiger" yet, but I will be soon.)
Thanks for hearing me out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy schapiro
Gerald was fasinated by fire when he was little. Because of his addiction to fire tragdey strikes. While his substance-addicted mother left to see "Mr. Leroy" Gerald is left alone in his small apartment. Since Gerald is only three he starts playing with the lighter. The apartment is set burning and Gerald is saved by a teenage boy from the next door. Gerald's mother is sent to jail and Gerald's aunt Queen takes custody of him. Aunt Queen dies and Gerald is forced to live with his mother,(whom just got out of jail), brutel step-father Jordan Sparks and his new sister Angel. Angel gets abused and touched by her father and Gerald's step-father, Jordan Sparks. Gerald is determined to stop this nonsense. He goes to a father on his basketball team for help. They go to court and Jordan is sentenced to jail time. Once Jordan gets out Gerald is afraid to let his little sister, the light of his life, in Jordan's hands. Has Jordan really changed? Read "Forged By Fire" By: Sharon Draper to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leandi cameron
I liked this book because its main character, Gerald, fights for what is right and does not give up. He faces more problems than most kids his age, yet he stands up to his abusive stepdad to save his sister, his mother, and himself. You want to see Gerald succeed and just when it seems he might, something else terrible happens and he had to fight all over again. In that regard, it is a lot like the story of Job in the Bible, who never lost faith either. I know some readers say that too many bad things happen to Gerald for the story to be believable, but I think the author was trying to show that no matter how life beats you down, the strong do survive no matter what, as long as they keep believing in what they're fighting for. I also just finished An Audience for Einstein, another book about good against evil. It's science fiction but is another great story about doing what's right even though that might be very hard.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsey marshall
forged by fire is suspensful fiction novel. The first part of the book talks about this young boy who lives with his mother who is a drug adict. Gerald finds a lighter and he catches the house on fire. He's in the hospital and goes to live with his aunt. However the most suspensful part of the book is on his 11th birthday.His mother pops up with a daughter and a husband.something horrible happens to his aunt and he has to go live with his mother again. once he moves there,he finds out that his step father is a acholic. He abuses him,his sister,and his mother.Later on he finds out his step father is doing something to his sister.This book is intensed because all of this drama is going on and when everthing starts to get beter something happens.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jacky faber
Forged by Fire is a compelling story about a real life struggle of child abuse and how to escape it. The books chronological order was easy to follow and the character Gerald shows bravery, strength and courage. This book can help kids that have problems with an abusive father, by helping them seek guidance from an adult. I recommend this book for people that don’t like reading because it keeps your attention focused on what happens to abused children and what to do if you know someone who is abused
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kacey o
I first read this book during my sophomore year of high school and it was the first book I ever read by this author. It has since been one of my favorites! Normally with most of the books I check out from the library and finish reading I don't go out and buy them since I've already read it. But this book is definitely worth buying! Some may find the references of child abuse, domestic abuse and molestation depressing and too much to deal with, but the reality is, many kids witness and do go through these kinds of things! I agree with some other reviewers on here that you might not want your 12 or 13 year old to read about these kinds of issues yet, but still it is a great book and well worth reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andr wessels
I loved this book because it appeals to teens, especially ones in that situation. It reaLly shows what Angel and Gerald are going through. Just so that you know this is a mature subject and that's one of the reasons I liked it. It made the book real. It is a good way to show kids in that kind of situation that there is hope. You can turn a bad situation into a good one. It was hard to hear some of the stuff that the kids went through. It gave them hope to take abuse seriously. If you are looking for a good but serious book here it is. This is the best book I have ever read. READ THIS!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberly tobin
I remember reading this sequel to one of my favorite middle school books, "Tears of a Tiger"!!! I looooved growing up with characters as they faced new triumphs and adversities. This book is great for classroom discussion because it raises up issues that some children may not know too much about (substance abuse, child abuse, and unexpected death) Sharon Draper does a great job of going beyond a brief description of each character and truly gives us mental pictures of who each character is mentally and emotionally. This is definitely a book that will have you on the edge of your seat!!! Once you pock it up, you will NOT want to put it down.... (I know I didn't lol)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sharon Draper wrote Forged By Fire. She has written several other books in addition to this one. Sharon Draper was the 1997 teacher of the year. She is an African American who lives in Ohio. She used to be a teacher. Now since she started writing she stopped teaching at one school everyday. She no longer stays at one school but she teaches a little bit about herself and her books to the schools she visits. This is the second book in the Hazelwood High Trilogy. Forged By Fire was originally written as a short story. This book won 4 major awards, they are The Coretta Scott King Award for the best book written in 1998, ALA Best Book Award, Parents Choice Award, and ALA Quik Pik for Young Adults.
Geralds life gets changed forever while he is still a toddler at the age of 3. His mother leaves him alone in the house where Gerald discovers fire. Fire, that's what made his life change for the better or so he thought. From the time he was three till he was nine he lived with his loivng Aunt Queen. On his ninth birthday his life changes forever. Suddenly his mother reappears, along with her comes a sister and an abusive stepfather. This same day Aunt Queen has a heart attack, this ends her life and changes Geralds forever. Gerald is forced to live with his new sister Angel and also his abusive stepdad and careless mother. Gerald is constantly trying to protect Angel and is always battling his stepfather.
Angel struggles in this book through sexual abuse. Finally they get Sparks, his stepfather and Angels father, put in jail only to return years later. Gerald realizes that this is hurting Angel. He needs some time alone, his best friend just died, Angel is scared and he doesn't know what to do through any of this. This book takes place in a shanty apartment where they just barely make it by. Their life gets its fair amount of ups and downs but they all work out.

Forged By Fire deals with many of the things teens' today face; abuse, death, drugs, all these are things most teens these days have to deal with. I think this book is hitting some of the bad points in life to show people what life is like for teens these days and how hard it can be.
The characters in this book are well defined. There aren't many other characters but the main characters. She defines them well through their speech. Her use of dialect to define the speaking nature of most African American teens improves the story greatly. She gives both the characters some kind of dream bringing even more life to the story. Her skills in character development stand out more than any other author I have ever read a book from. This is one of the many reasons this book was one of the best.
This book is VERY different from Tears of a Tiger. In this book she only uses one type of writing. Instead of switching from homework assignments and so on she stays on one thing the entire book. This changes the book a lot. This helps you to get a better hold on what they are going through, especially if you are a teen reading this book because you probably talk similar. This helps you relate to the book in many different ways, improving it overall.
I would recommend this book to anyone who hates poverty, who dislikes abuse and who, most of all, cant stand people on drugs. This will show you a different perspective. It will show you what you hate. I would also say if you don't know much about kids who go through this or you think someone might be to get a better perspective on their life read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tracy cutchlow
Draper, Sharon M. Forged by Fire. New York, NY: Simon Pulse, 1997.

The story of Gerald, who from a very young age learns to struggle to survive, moves into his aunt's house after a fire sends his mother away to jail for child endangerment and for being a drug addict. As his mother returns after leaving jail, Gerald finds out she is married to Jordan, a bad tempered man, and that he has a younger sister, Angel. He is forced to move back with his mother after his aunt abruptly passes away, where he is forced to be strong and protect his younger sister from his stepfather. He soon finds out that his mother does not have free will and is controlled by Jordan. He finds his strength to stay hopeful and struggle to survive for his sister, who is being abused by Jordan. He is able to send Jordan away once, but once Jordan returns again, he needs to find the inner strength to confront Jordan again.

The 156 page book is very well written and has a strong storyline that will entertain many of the young adults who read it. The main character, Gerald, is a character to admire for his inner strength and will to survive in uncontrollable circumstances. He is an example of how to reach out to others who are in more of a need than you, through difficult circumstances in life. The book could be a very intense and at times feels very overwhelming and implausible because he faces the death of his teammate, his stepfather, Jordan, is attacking his sister, a confrontation with Jordan, and a fire that threatens the lives of everyone. Although at a fifth grade reading level, it does address many of the social issues young people have to face and experience in real life, such as physical, sexual and emotional abuse, drug addiction, eating disorders, and domestic violence. The story is about finding your inner strength and will to live not just for yourself, but for others who depend on you to continue to survive. Gerald is an example of a strong young man who is willing to go over any boundaries to protect those whom he loves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt kaye
Ashlie Roberts 01-10-01 3B In my sophomore English class we had to read a book that our teacher chose for us. I pick this one because it just seemed to relate to teenagers and some difficulties growing up. I read 'Forged by Fire' by Sharon M. Draper that is a well-written book. If I were Siskel & Ebert, I would give it two thumbs up! I got the book through an assignment in English class and read the whole thing in one day. I never put it down. It can really relate to life these days and how the world is so messed up. Just thinking about how those kids grow up makes me think of a life I could have had. It shows me how lucky we can be even we don't have a perfect lives. I can feel so much sorrow for someone I don't even know. Its plot and setting and everything seem to fit the problems of today's society. The first chapter shows Gerald, a three-year-old African American boy whose mother is addicted to drugs and leaves him alone all the time. After leaving him by himself one day, he gets a lighter and catches the apartment on fire. Luckily, a neighbor remembers to check for the boy. Gerald almost dies from smoke inhalation. His mother is taken to a drug rehab center; he goes to live with his Aunt Queen. After living nine wonderful years with Aunt Queen, he has a few surprises waiting for him. On his ninth birthday his life goes down hill from then. Gerald who takes responsibilities of his young sister who soon finds out about after living with his mom. For they have many obstacles to go through in life with only themselves to depend on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Forged By Fire is a very positive book because it is about a young boy, Gerald, 1-11-01 3B who never gives up. No matter what he has to go through he remains strong. When he was just a young boy, his mama abandoned him and he lived with his Aunty Queen. When he lives with her, she gives him the loving he never had, and the life he needs. She raises him until she died. Gerald moves in with his mom, stepfather, and his little sister Angel. Both of the kids had to put up with an abusive life. Jordan is a cold-hearted, evil eyed, strong-smelling, drunk man who beats on both kids and molests Angel. When Gerald can't take Jordan anymore he gets help from his friends' dad who was more like a dad to him than his own. Jordan goes to jail and the kids finally get to live a normal life. His mother, Monique, is mad at the kids for turning Jordan in because she just doesn't want to believe the things Jordan did. After he gets out of jail six years later, Jordan is fine, but Gerald still doesn't trust him. One night Jordan comes home drunk and molests Angel again. The house catches fire but everyone was ok, except for Jordan who dies. Gerald has to go through many difficulties: his mom abandoning him; his Aunty Queen dies; he gets beaten by Jordan; he watches his little sister get molested; he loses Rob in a car wreck; his Mom gets hit by a car; and his house burns down. Still, he is always strong and keeps going on without thinking about giving up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn huff
Forged by fire is a suspenful thriling book that just has you on a hook and won't let go. Forged by fire was the first book that I really fell is the best book ever made. This book deals with a baby named gerald and how his life change when he starts a fire when his mom is away from home. What happens after that is that he gets left with his aunt and is happy there and when he is nine years old his mom comes for him but he refuses to leave and stays with his aunt but after meeting his moms knew boyfreind and their daugther his aunt has a heart attack and dies leaving him alone with his mom and his abusive stepfather. When all is lost for Gerald he finds a reason to live, his step sister Angel, and continues on with his life but finds help with his problems when he meets a new freind and decides to help him out with his father issue. After they send him to prison gerald gets his life together and when all is good his abusive step father comes back to the picture and want's to move back with them and he really seems like his changed but at the end of the book he gets wasted and goes back to were gerald lives and starts raping his sister, Angel, and accidentaly starts a fire and this is all happening while gerald is playing basket ball and when he sees the fire he runs as fast he can to their house and tries to protect his sister but his step father is to strong and he ends up.... sorry but im not going to tell you the end your just going to have to read and and find out but for reals this book is true for some kinds and its really hard to picture that parents would actually do that to their kids but it happens anyways to almost everyone. Well enjoy this book peace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marjorie towers
When "Forged by Fire" starts off you get a picture of how bad life is for young Gerald. His mother is a drug addict and is somewhat abusive when punishing him. When his mom leaves him home alone at three years old, Gerald discovers his love for fire. Before he knows it, everything is on fire. The young boy is terrified but ends up getting rescued right before his drugged up mother returns. Disgusted, social services takes Gerald away from his neglecting mother and gives him to his aunt Queen, while Gerald's mother serves her prison sentence. Gerald's life takes a good turn when he is living with Aunt Queen. Happy and safe, Gerald is finally in the setting he feels he deserves. His happiness is short lived when on his ninth birthday, Gerald's mother returns bringing a husband and a daughter. Back in this dangerous setting, Gerald learns a dark secret about his stepfather, Jordan. Jordan molests Angel, Gerald's stepsister, physically and mentally. Things finally erupt when Gerald confronts Jordan while he is molesting Angel. To make matters worse Jordan's neglect has also caused a fire. Furiously Gerald attacks Jordan but cannot stop him. Without thinking about the kids Jordan rushes out of the room leaving the two to die. Facing fire one more time, Gerald leaps into action. He grabs his sister and begins to run, hoping he will reach the door. He stumbles but ends up getting himself and Angel out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie nord
This book was an excellent book. No wonder it won New Berry Award. Even though the story was told in third person, it was a lot better that way. Gerald had to move in with his mother, Monique, his stepfather, Jordan and his halfsister, Angel. Though he hardly knows Angel he feels he needs to protect especially Jordan who for some reason Gerald can't trust. THe book had so much detail and it makes you feel like your there. I reccommend this to all who are looking for a good book to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rofayda khaled
This book is recommend to a person who loves reading the kind of books that deal with child abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. I love reading books that have a serious topic. These stuff is happening in the world and I really think teens these days need that kind of advice. They also need a role model to look up on, because some kids don't have there parents to take advice so that kind of book is perfect for any one who needs advice or who just want to read it. God Bless You!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fjon klein
The story "Forged by Fire" is an excellent story about a low-class family and a struggle between a boy, Gerald, and a ruthless stepfather, Jordan Sparks. In the beginning a boy is taken from a home of a drugged up mother who went to jail for child andangerment and abandonment, to a home of a great aunt, Queen, who for 6 years, has taken care of a boy, Gerald, her nephew. When Gerald's 9th birthday roles around he is faced with an old face and new additions. His mother Monique, a stepfather-Jordan Sparks, and a stepsister-Angel. Angel is a child who is abused every day of her life till Gerald takes a stand and tells someone of the trouble they are having in the home. Years go by and the now more stronger and in-charged family, Monique, Gerald, and Angel, face up to the man that hurt them in the past,8 years ago. More anger and more hate grows in Gerald when he thinks of this friend and aunt died and the family that will never be the same, that all spark a fire in his eyes and in his heart, for the name that would soon find out you don't mess with fire. It all turns out for the better in the end, when Jordan finally meets his match and an ultimate end. This is an excellent book for anyone who is into books with family problems and putting up with life in general. If you are into these books I suggest reading this book, its excellent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sue lee
Forged by Fire is the third Sharon Draper novel that I read for a Young Adult Literature class that I am currently taking. Of the three, this one is my favorite by far! There were several parts of the story that evoked tears from me as I was reading. Gerald's story could be the story of any teenage boy in this cruel and increasingly harsh world. Certain episodes, like the one from Chapter One or the very last instance, are the stuff of today's news headlines. Unfortunately, Gerald's story happens all too often, and that is what brought me to tears while reading. Some of the reviews complain that Draper appeared to cram too many events into the end of the story. I think that this was one of the most endearing features of Forged by Fire. Think about it: Would you really want an author to go into superfluous details about drug abuse, untimely death, depression, and child molestation? I think Draper did an excellent job of accelerating the plot, so that the reader could get a true sense of what Gerald was dealing with both throughout his young life and all at once. I would definitely recommend this novel to a more mature young adult or any person who is interested in experiencing young adult literature.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dear Mrs.Draper

your book forged by fire is one of the best books i have ever read.when people ask me my favorite book i have to say Forged By is a awsome book i have read it about 6 times since i have turned 12.I love that book very much.i also like your other 2.i hope you keep on writtingin that seriouse withanother really cool name like brandy or somethin.

well i have to go .

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Like I said this book is good. It helps teenagers cope with problems they may be having. A lot of kids think they're the only ones who could have problems and if they tell someone, they'll end up getting hurt. But that's not true. People want to help you. You just have to find someone you trust like the charcters in this great book. I recommend this book to anyone who likes action. And by the way this is the best book I've read yet !!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I liked the book, Forged by Fire, because its exciting and real. I think its exciting and intresting how Gerald deals with Jordan. I like how this book is real. The characters go through real problems and solve them real ways. I think it was a good idea for Gerald to tell his friends father and to have Jordan sent away. I also like how protective Gerald is of his younger sister,Angel. This is why I like the book, Forged by Fire.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trish chiles
"Forged by Fire" is a good book because where they grew up, it shows how young kids serve in life. When people read this book it shows what drugs can do to a family. It shows how much pressure a father can put on young kids and what it will do to them. It shows what young kids grow up to be today. That's why I picked "Forged by Fire" because of it's realistic description of what goes on today
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mohammed ahmed
I like this book a lot actually because it reflects what is going on in the real world. I like fantasy and science fiction, but sometimes I just want real life and this story had it. I have friends like Gerald who go through it and have a hard life. The drug addiction is real and a lot of my friend parents do drugs and they come to me to talk about it. The same with the physical or domestic abuse dished out by the stepdad and the author does a good job of writing this in a way that is real. But it's not a happy story if that's what you're looking for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy pflasterer
Abuse, Drugs, and a bond like no other, Forged by Fire is definatly a 5 star book. Gerald a little 3-yr-old African American child has been through more pain then one person can expireience in a lifetime. As Gerald strives to surivive with his crack-addicted mother, he finds himself behind a couch, crying and hoping that the fire would go out and his mother would come home. Once authorities find him, Gerald lives with his Aunt Queen for 6 yrs and his life was almost close to normal. But his happiness was soon to go away. On his 9th birthday Aunt Queen dies, and he sees his mother for the first time in 6 yrs. His mother (who had been out of jail for a year now) had a boyfriend, Jordan, and a daughter Angel. Jordan mollested Angel and hit Gerald all the time. As time goes on Gerald must protect his little Angel and face Jordan for one last time...
This book is one of my favorites. It shows the things that can happen, and makes you look at life in a completely different way. Buy this book, read it, and share it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book Forged by Fire by Sharon Mills Draper is about a boy named Gerald whose mother Monique is on drugs and she never stays at home with him. She leaves him in the house by himself with no one to look after him. One day she was in the kitchen cooking for him and he was playing with a lighter she caught him and made him put his hand over it to teach him a lesson. Monique met a man named Jordan, they lived in Atlanta and had a daughter named Angel. The story continues but if you want to find out what happens next you will have to read it.

Forged by Fire really is a good book I like it because it keeps me wanting to read more. If you like suspenseful drama then you will like this. I like the book because it has a excellent beginning middle and end. However, there is also another book by Sharon Mills Draper called Tears of a Tiger is the continuation of Forged by fire and it too is a really good book. I think the book is a perfect ten. There is not a part in the book that bores me and once you start to read it you wouldn't want to put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ketil moland
This is an extremely well-written and exciting story about a young boy living a rough life. I couldn't put it down! Although fiction, this book touches on some very realistic subjects (i.e. love, hate, trust, betrayal). The story focuses on an African-American boy named Gerald. His Aunt adopts him at the age of three because his birthmother, Monique, is substance-addicted and is incapable of taking care of him. On Gerald's ninth birthday, something terrible happens and he is thrust back into the home of his mother and her current husband, Jordan, an abusive man. His mother also has another son, six-year old Angel. As the story goes on, Gerald and Angel stick by each other. As they grow, secrets unfold, and the plot thickens. This is a truly captivating story that anyone would enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katy parker
I first started reading this book because it was basically right in front of me...I never thought it would contain the details, and vivid imagination it did. This book is about a young boy named Gerald who has a drug atic, abusive mother. One night when their small apartment caught fire, Gerald was caught in the midst of it and is luck to be alive. His mother is taking to jail and to rehabilitate from using drugs. In the mean while, Gerald goes to live with his dear aunt who cares for him and healed him from his painful past. When the aunt dies, he is forced to go live with his mother who seems to have changed but Gerald won't change his mind about her. When Gerald first meets his mother, he sees a new addition. A young girl named Angel who is now her sister. Surprisingly, Gerald because very close to her and constantly protects her from his abusive step-father, Jordan. You'll see in this book, courage, love, and friendship, all unfold before your eyes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I recently finished Sharon Draper's Forged By Fire. Being a college student, at first I thought that this book was somewhat juvenile to be on my reading list for a Diversity in Education class, but I soon realized that I was wrong. Though the book is not by any means a hard read, it addresses some truly mature issues such as abuse, molestation, and death. Forged By Fire was written appropriately for its age group, considering that the age group it was designed for (6th-9th graders) has a shorter attention span than an adult. The book moves at a very fast pace, and definitely piques the reader's interest in what is going to evolve next in the plot. It does seem a bit rushed, where in the beginning the main character is only three and by the end he is nearly eighteen, but I feel that this is just the author's way of keeping the audience's attention, which she did very well; I could not put this book down. I finished it in two hours. Its syntax is easy to understand and it has clear and concise dialogue as well as implied meanings. As I mentioned earlier, though the writing itself was not challenging, the issues that were addressed in the book are definitely not your average easy read for teens. The characters face some real-life problems that may unfortunately be present in some of the reader's own homes. Though she didn't go into much detail about the abuse and molestation, she didn't need to. The implied thoughts and meanings were quite possibly worse than if the author had written them herself. This book opened my eyes to what some children go through and I feel blessed that I have never had to address the subject of abuse before, while many others, much younger than me, have. I hope that this book may aid some of its readers in understanding that abuse and molestation should not and cannot be tolerated and hopefully it has helped define a clear understanding of right and wrong. Though the writing style may be juvenile, the message is not: No child, or person, should ever be subject to abuse. The book served its intended purpose, which was to get the attention of the age group that seems to be under attack from predators. I liked the fact that at the end of the book, there were several help hotlines for people who may have been abused or have known of some sort of abuse to someone else. I hope that it has inspired some readers to take action and call those hotlines if ever need be. I recommend this book to anyone, especially to new teachers, like myself, who may have to face the horrific reality of abuse in a student's home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark christie
The book Forged by Fire by Sharon Mills Draper is about a boy named Gerald whose mother Monique is on drugs and she never stays at home with him. She leaves him in the house by himself with no one to look after him. One day she was in the kitchen cooking for him and he was playing with a lighter she caught him and made him put his hand over it to teach him a lesson. Monique met a man named Jordan, they lived in Atlanta and had a daughter named Angel. The story continues but if you want to find out what happens next you will have to read it.

Forged by Fire really is a good book I like it because it keeps me wanting to read more. If you like suspenseful drama then you will like this. I like the book because it has a excellent beginning middle and end. However, there is also another book by Sharon Mills Draper called Tears of a Tiger is the continuation of Forged by fire and it too is a really good book. I think the book is a perfect ten. There is not a part in the book that bores me and once you start to read it you wouldn't want to put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
crystal reed
This is an extremely well-written and exciting story about a young boy living a rough life. I couldn't put it down! Although fiction, this book touches on some very realistic subjects (i.e. love, hate, trust, betrayal). The story focuses on an African-American boy named Gerald. His Aunt adopts him at the age of three because his birthmother, Monique, is substance-addicted and is incapable of taking care of him. On Gerald's ninth birthday, something terrible happens and he is thrust back into the home of his mother and her current husband, Jordan, an abusive man. His mother also has another son, six-year old Angel. As the story goes on, Gerald and Angel stick by each other. As they grow, secrets unfold, and the plot thickens. This is a truly captivating story that anyone would enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
uvan tseng
I first started reading this book because it was basically right in front of me...I never thought it would contain the details, and vivid imagination it did. This book is about a young boy named Gerald who has a drug atic, abusive mother. One night when their small apartment caught fire, Gerald was caught in the midst of it and is luck to be alive. His mother is taking to jail and to rehabilitate from using drugs. In the mean while, Gerald goes to live with his dear aunt who cares for him and healed him from his painful past. When the aunt dies, he is forced to go live with his mother who seems to have changed but Gerald won't change his mind about her. When Gerald first meets his mother, he sees a new addition. A young girl named Angel who is now her sister. Surprisingly, Gerald because very close to her and constantly protects her from his abusive step-father, Jordan. You'll see in this book, courage, love, and friendship, all unfold before your eyes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
peg ward
I recently finished Sharon Draper's Forged By Fire. Being a college student, at first I thought that this book was somewhat juvenile to be on my reading list for a Diversity in Education class, but I soon realized that I was wrong. Though the book is not by any means a hard read, it addresses some truly mature issues such as abuse, molestation, and death. Forged By Fire was written appropriately for its age group, considering that the age group it was designed for (6th-9th graders) has a shorter attention span than an adult. The book moves at a very fast pace, and definitely piques the reader's interest in what is going to evolve next in the plot. It does seem a bit rushed, where in the beginning the main character is only three and by the end he is nearly eighteen, but I feel that this is just the author's way of keeping the audience's attention, which she did very well; I could not put this book down. I finished it in two hours. Its syntax is easy to understand and it has clear and concise dialogue as well as implied meanings. As I mentioned earlier, though the writing itself was not challenging, the issues that were addressed in the book are definitely not your average easy read for teens. The characters face some real-life problems that may unfortunately be present in some of the reader's own homes. Though she didn't go into much detail about the abuse and molestation, she didn't need to. The implied thoughts and meanings were quite possibly worse than if the author had written them herself. This book opened my eyes to what some children go through and I feel blessed that I have never had to address the subject of abuse before, while many others, much younger than me, have. I hope that this book may aid some of its readers in understanding that abuse and molestation should not and cannot be tolerated and hopefully it has helped define a clear understanding of right and wrong. Though the writing style may be juvenile, the message is not: No child, or person, should ever be subject to abuse. The book served its intended purpose, which was to get the attention of the age group that seems to be under attack from predators. I liked the fact that at the end of the book, there were several help hotlines for people who may have been abused or have known of some sort of abuse to someone else. I hope that it has inspired some readers to take action and call those hotlines if ever need be. I recommend this book to anyone, especially to new teachers, like myself, who may have to face the horrific reality of abuse in a student's home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gerald, a determined young teenager, faces a drastic change in his life. His aunt adopts him at the age of three because his birthmother, Monique, is substance-addicted and is incapable of taking care of him. He lives with his aunt Queen for about six years and then she dies, so he goes back to living with his mother, and also his sister, which he's never met, and a stepfather. He is suddenly thrown into a household that is filled with anger, abuse, and addiction. His stepfather abuses him, and he protects his little sister by taking the abuse aimed towards her. I really felt sorry for Angel and Gerald, but in the end he turns out to be a really brave kid. I think this was a great book because it shows how people can make it through all the pain and still manage to survive. I think that this was a very excellent book for middle school children and older readers to show what could possibly be happening behind closed doors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin rouleau
As a teacher of students who have seen their share of abuse, the devotion of Gerold to his sister touched me. I have seen may children stick by their siblings and mothers during times of abuse. It was good to see the role of Mr. Washington. So many people don't want to get involved. I thought this was a very realistic book and had a hard time putting it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very intense story and very well written. The main character Gerald and his step-sister Angel face verbal, physical, and sexual abuse but they find adults they trust and ask for help. Even though the themes are graphic and intense they are balances by the strength inside Gerald and Angel and the safety and stability they find when they reach out for help from trusted adults. When their parents let them down they get their role models from adults around them who earn their respect. I would recommend it for ages 14 and up although if you are thinking of buying this for pre-teen or teen I would recommend reading it first and judging for yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emily brown
This is a good read. It has something for everyone. There is a story to make you feel good with a teenage boy who is lovingly protective of his half-sister for the person who likes happy stories. For the person who like "overcome all obstacles" stories, there is a story about a girl who survives her father's continuous sexual abuse and her mother's unimaginable apathy with only her half-brother to help her. This is one Coretta Scott King Award-winning book that, in the literary sense, deserves the accolade it received. Good for all people of all races.
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