VLAD: A Mafia Romance (The V Games #1)

ByKer Dukey

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
johnny romig
Another amazing book by the deliciously dark duo of Ker Dukey and K. Webster!!!! 'Vlad' is a spin-off series from their 'Pretty Stolen Dolls' series. (Doesn't need to be read to understand or enjoy. But would recommend it). Vlad is apart of the most powerful Russian families, he is lethal, cunning, smart and vicious. Everything is planned out and is always 10 steps ahead. He is to wed, even though his bride to be is successful and beautiful, it's her younger sister Irina who lives in the shadows that holds his heart. He must decide whether to uphold his agreements or bring dishonour and shame to be with the woman he should never have.

There really isn't much that can be said about this dynamic duo, that hasn't been said before. These two ladies write effortlessly and create a vicious and secretive world, that the feelings are so tangible that I could almost touch them. The world of powerful Russian families are so intoxicating that I couldn't put this book down, I was completely engrossed and mesmerised. Vlad is ruthless and Irina is an enigma, together they could be unstoppable. I cannot wait for the next book, actually I want it now!!!! Lol.

~~ Reviewed by Lipsmackin Goodbooks ~~
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mitch johnston
Vlad is the beginning of another series from the dark and twisted duo of Ker Dukey and K. Webster. Those two authors make some very dark, delicious stories together! Here we have Vlad, a very powerful heir to the family (read mafia) empire. Vlad hasn’t gotten where he is by being meek or passive. He’s a hard, cut throat powerhouse. He’s betrothed (sorry I just like that word) to woman of another mafia family. They want to merge their families, their businesses. Unfortunately for all of them, Vlad isn’t betrothed to Irina; the woman who has awakened his cold, dark and shriveled heart.

I’m sure you can just imagine all the things Webster and Dukey threw at us with that for a storyline! Vlad was a super quick read. It was dark, like I expected. We also have some huge family dynamics in this story. The big sister and little sister dilemma. It wouldn’t be a Webster book if the sex wasn’t kinky and nearly weird! I gotta say, the romance was missing something for me… I was missing that real… click. However, I’ll still continue to watch this V book. What is up with all the V names though? Seriously? I need some type of Index for the names. I was lost a few times.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The story line is interesting and kept me reading. I was wondering how the relationship with Vlad and Irina would work out and was actually surprised by how it all ended up - kudos to the authors. I do wish there was more background on the V games and how they got started...did I miss that part? Overall, an interesting read.

My biggest gripe is the Russian translation, which really put me off but I wanted to finish the book. Couple of phrases were done correctly but the rest of them...sigh. No fault to the authors but whoever did the Russian dialogue is not a native speaker (Thread lightly cannot be translated word for word because we don't have a saying like that in Russian!!!!!).

Sorry, I digress. Anyways, I'd recommend this book if you want a fun read.
Peep Show :: His Doll: A Dark Bad Boy Romance :: Dirty Bad Savage :: Teach Me Dirty :: Dirty (Dirty Nasty Freaks Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve richardson
Rating: 5 stars

This book is all about Vlad. He is the bleeping king in this dark and twisted world that is the Russian mafia where everybody is just pawn on a board and there can only ever be one puppet-master. He had always wanted the forbidden and sweet Irina but his duty towards his family must come first, hence he will marry who he is told to so that the Vasiliev name can be brought higher. However when certain lies are brought to light, all bets are off. Vlad will play the dirty and deadly game with HIS rules and he will win. Irina will be his and he will be the king of them all; consequences be damned..

This is exactly why K. Webster and Ker Dukey are the queens- Vlad was everything and so much more! This new series is now my favorite and I can definitely say that I cannot get enough of these awesome characters. This story is not for the faint-hearted and was totally up my alley! This was a tale filled with angst that was dark and gritty. The bloodbath, drama and action was full-blown and I could not get enough of the sexiness that is Vlad! I cannot wait for what these authors are going to bring us next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy sokolic
What not love about these kind of books? Apart from tough alfa males, all brooding and demanding? EVERYTHING! I felted like I read this too fast, I jumped into a world that blew me away and now I want more. It wasn't enough to satisfy my crave. This story was absolutely awesome.

I feel like its not your normal mafia read. Yes you have the craziness that comes with mafias, but it was just so much more for me. There are so many characters, each with his role, which makes this story all the more alluring. Sine this is a Ker Durkey and K Webster story I was kind of scare of what madness I was about to escape to, but once I returned from my land of the V's I couldn't help but want to return and stay.

These two together always come up with such perfection. This book is beyond that. A true, well written book with just the right amount of crazy. I know these ain't normal things to enjoy, but when something is so perfectly done, you just cant help getting sucked into this world. There's death and love all in one, yet I can't wait for these games to continue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vivian carmichael
Ker Dukey and K Webster should definitely write together more often! This book was off the charts good, I could not put it down!
Yes, it is dark, delightfully so! I fell in love with Vlad! He was a dark, violent, domineering man, who always needed to be in control of everything, including himself. You definitely don't want to be on his bad side! Irina was the younger sister of the Volkov family. She was innocent in alot of ways, but she didn't hesitate to embrace her slightly darker side. Her nickname may have been Shadow at one time, but I think she definitely outgrew it! There was a magnetic attraction between these two characters that was always there.
I'm really looking forward to the next book. I hope we get a few more details of what The Games are really like, and how they work. I'm picturing Hunger Games for the rich and powerful. I hope Diana goes in there and shows them all up! I really hope we don't have to wait too long for the next one, I need it now!!
I would definitely recommend this to anyone who likes the darker side of romance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nichole cline
Ker Dukey and K Webster should definitely write together more often! This book was off the charts good, I could not put it down!
Yes, it is dark, delightfully so! I fell in love with Vlad! He was a dark, violent, domineering man, who always needed to be in control of everything, including himself. You definitely don't want to be on his bad side! Irina was the younger sister of the Volkov family. She was innocent in alot of ways, but she didn't hesitate to embrace her slightly darker side. Her nickname may have been Shadow at one time, but I think she definitely outgrew it! There was a magnetic attraction between these two characters that was always there.
I'm really looking forward to the next book. I hope we get a few more details of what The Games are really like, and how they work. I'm picturing Hunger Games for the rich and powerful. I hope Diana goes in there and shows them all up! I really hope we don't have to wait too long for the next one, I need it now!!
I would definitely recommend this to anyone who likes the darker side of romance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emily belsey
WOW.... these two authors are AMAZING.. truly! This book was a ‘trip!’ A ride you just don’t know how to get off of, i am addicted and can NOT wait for the next book...
I Loved these characters ..... Vlad (H) Love him and hated him, you will have to read to find out - it is just one messed up relationship i feel for him ... lol (guess you could say, i hate to love him or love to hate him.... hmm???? Either way, he is one powerful, cruel, messed up, yet also when he LOVES & trusts.... he keeps that close! Irina (h) I LOVED her and then i also began to dislike (not hate..) her as well... again, must read to see! She is one strong chic tho! No dang, ‘shadow!’ LOVED - Diana... oh i can NOT wait for her story.... holy cow!! The ‘Fathers’ ugh!! They all should be ‘put down!’ Ok... so, trying NOT to give too much away.. you MUST read this book.... it is ‘dark, erotic, can get a bit bloody & nasty -you have been warned! Not a light read - yet one i could NOT put down.... loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristy bowen
3.5 Stars
I love these authors they make a fantastic writing team and I was so excited to get this book to read. Perhaps was expecting too much but this story just it didn't wow me and keep me glued like previous books have by these authors.

I found all the families and who belonged to who, although there is a reference in the beginning to help, quite confusing, to begin with, and maybe this slowed my getting into the story. Although it didn't take me too long to get the gist of what was happening. I can see the series getting more exciting, I feel it was a good introduction to the series but it was just lacking a little something for me.

I felt that I didn't really have time to connect with the characters I don't think there was enough background on them to get to know them and really feel what they were feeling. It did pick up for me and I will definitely be reading the next book. I do think this has got a lot more to offer and it was a good read but just not the gripping read that I'm used to from these authors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
wendy davis
These 2 Queens of darkness have done it again!!
This is not your typical Russian mafia story!
Oh no...it's much more.
A complex, gritty story of family devotion and betrayal. What are you willing to do out of desperation and love.
Raw, brutal and sinfully crude this book was a real page turner.
A twisted and seductive story of Vlad, the great Russian monster, the V games, an arranged marriage, his bratty, meddling sister, and power hungry families.
Then there were the strong women and sisters Diana and Irina aka "Shadow."
This read was one of those stories that had me dropping my jaw with WTF moments.
My only problem with this read was, I found re reading some passages to understand who's who and what was going on as some scenes felt rushed. I thought there too many characters and too many named with a V. This is why I didn't give it 5 stars.
We really don't found out what the "games" were but after the ending I suspect it was all done deliberately. I cannot wait for the next book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a crazy, complex, rollercoaster of a ride story! Trust no one! These characters are ruthless and I loved it! There was so much drama and suspense in this story to last me a lifetime! This is a story you need to pay close attention to because there are a lot of players in the game and you need to keep up.

I liked how the authors included a cast of characters in the beginning of the book. I found this to be very helpful and would have been completely lost without it. Like I said, there are a lot of names and there were a few times when I had to stop and think of who was who. Sadly, that did interrupt the flow of the story for me but I was easily able to pick right back up and get lost in all the words once again.

I thought the story was really well written. With two authors writing together everything seemed seamless when put together. I loved the crazy story. It was one that had me on the edge of my seat! And to add a love story inside all the craziness was fantastic! I am looking forward to what will happen next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marilyn mann
Yup, there must be something very wrong with me. My favorites books are always those that offer obsessive, dark love with an unapologetic monster who enjoys delivering pain with pleasure. These two ladies always deliver and this book tics all the boxes for me. I'm a little conflicted about how I feel about it though. While I do love all of the above, nobody is truly innocent, there is a lot of killing, and you're still supposed to root for Vlad and Irina. But even innocent Irina doesn't flinch to much at death or the sex workers (slaves?) she is training. Vlad is just not a good person, in any way. Yet monsters love, darkly and obsessively, and need love in return. So, the plot is far-fetched, but frankly I don't hang with a criminal element in what I think is supposed to be Russia, so I don't know maybe that world really is that bloody and competitive? No matter, because like I said, there is something wrong with me and I loved it!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alison hale
This book was so dark and delicious. It’s chocolate on the tip of your tongue. One little taste and you can’t get enough.

I love when these two write together. The last time they gave us Benny and now we have Vlad. Vlad will be much better to dream about then Benny.. maybe?

I don’t what it is lately but I’ve been drawn to books about a strong female lead and this book didn’t disappoint me. At first you think Irina is weak but she’s anything but. She watches and learns. She’s smart. Intelligent. So strong. Her sister Diana is no joke either and I can’t wait to read more about her.

I honestly didn’t like Vlad (the man) at first. I thought he was arrogant, abusive and a bully. He grew on me throughout the book even if I still question some of his morals.

Vlad (the book) is perfection. It’s a dark night with the glimpse of a perfect sun rise on the horizon. K. Webster and Ker Dukey can do no wrong when they write together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ibrahim al assil
I recieved a complimentary copy of Vlad for an honest review through the Crazy Cajun Book Addicts.

OMG I didn't think you could do a better book than the Stolen Dolls series but Vlad absolutely showed up and rocked my world! What a force that guy is he's sexy! Super hot! Dominant and utterly lethal! Throw in little Irina and he's unstoppable.

I loved his relationship with Irina it was a bond like no other and even though he was to marry her sister Diana you just knew that he's have to have Irina one way or another and she can see past the killing machine and hold onto his darkness.

I'm really looking forward to Diana's story and seeing what her outcome will be in the V games, she needs redemption for losing her sister Irina to her ex-fiance and get her place back in the family business.

To Ker Dukey and K.Webster it's another excellent story made by your both I love your Dark stories, you're such a fab duo :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremy b
This is an amazing book. The realism is just... indescribable! The POV alternates between Vlad and Irina but you always feel as though it is happening to you. You can actually feel the physical heartache that Irina feels when she thinks that a future with Vlad is lost to her. You can feel the protectiveness and possessiveness that Vlad feels about Irina. this book has so may details of what's going on, how the characters feel, and their surroundings that it doesn't just feel as though you are watching a movie, it feels as though you are living the story.

This is not a short story so beware that you will not be able to put it down until your done, the storyline will not release its hold on you till the very last page so make sure that you don't start reading it right before bed because you will not get any sleep. K Webster and Ker Dukey did an amazing job with this one, I cant wait for the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerri anne
What I didn't love about VLAD, absolutely nothing. I enjoyed and love everything about this book. Holy hot furnace Batman, this story is scorching , spellbinding and entertaining.

The story catapults you into a world of drugs, human trafficking, arms dealing ; a violent , dangerous and dark world. Where the first families reign and on top of them all is Vlad Vasiliev. He is gorgeous, deadly, vicious, vile and unrepentant. With that being said, it is still a romance novel, yes it's dark but it's wickedly delicious.

I read this book through my KU subscription but I know, this is a book to be read again and again; so, I might as well buy it and keep it in my permanent library. Plus, this is the first book of a series of interconnected characters, that I very much want to get to know.

5 Characters-driven. Intense. Passionate. Page-turning. Stars for Vlad.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ahhh-Maaa-zinggg! This book was filled with dangerous, violent monsters, forbidden love, arraigned marriage, deceit, and an HEA that will leave you breathless! The writing from these two authors will have you squirming on the edge of your seat waiting for the other shoe to drop. This is a definite MUST read!
Vlad thought his arraigned marriage was going to be another victory in the game he was playing but he never expected his fiancés little sister to be an addiction his couldn’t break.
Irina has been in love with Vlad for as long as she can remember but she never thought he saw her. When her sister is suddenly engaged to him and she is forced to live under his roof, the lust and longing become to much to turn away.
When secrets are exposed and lives are lost, they have to find themselves out of the chaos, but will they be able to come out the other side intact?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love when two authors can write so seamlessly that you would never know it's two authors. The k's have done it again. Not only do they weave a tale that makes your heart speed up and takes your breath away but they also do it so intune with each other that you sit back and try to guess who wrote what. Vlad is my kind of alpha. Not because he's sweet actually it's the opposite. I'm so happy this is a book one because once you dive into this dark and gritty world you will be begging for more like I am. I couldn't put it down and I am still thinking about it days later. No spoilers from me so if you like the dark romance and dare to step into this duos intense world than I welcome you to one of the best mafia books I have read yet. But I can only imagine what these two have up their sleeves because it always seems to get better with each book they write together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
***ARC provided in exchange for a honest review***
Ever since the queen of masterminds announced they we’re writing this series, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I knew this one would be nothing but incredible. It wasn’t just incredible it was out of this world AMAZING! I gobbled this book from the very beginning until the last page and I’m still craving for more! If you haven’t met Vlad then you better get on it. Good lord, this man…I wasn’t the only one who was putty in his hands. I hope we don’t have to wait much longer for the next one. I can’t wait to see what’s next. Loved it! <3

“This girl rocks the entire foundation I’ve built and stand upon. She makes me lose focus on the world below me because I’m too busy staring straight into the sun. Irina blinds me. Weakens me. Destroys me with her sweetness. And I can’t look away.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan springfield
Another good book from two of my favourite authors and a decent start to a good series. Well written with great characters who were delicious, addictive, sinful and evil.

Vlad Vasiliev is the eldest son of the most powerful Russian family and to get even more power and standing with other mafia families he is to marry the eldest Daughter in the Volkov Family - Diana. Lots of lies, secrets, and problems emerge in the upcoming story that will have you holding your breath in anticipation.

Vlad was the most sinful exciting sexy alpha man and I LOVED him so much.
I feel there is a lot more excitement coming further on in the next book which I am looking forward to. This book didn't wow me as much as I was hoping. I felt it was a little slow and could have had more angst, more gore, more oomph for a Russian mafia book but I still enjoyed it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matias corea
Wow this book sure give me book hungover,this one is intense,captivating and so damn addictive.

Vlad(our hero)is harsh, powerful, unforgiving, violent, calculating, and always several steps ahead from all.Every move from him is calculated and always with purpose until Irina come into his life.Vlad is definitely going on my shelf with my favorite heroes.
Irina(our heroine) is always in the shadow of her big sister,but in the end she took it all.I liked her she is innocent,strong,brave .
The story plot is fact-paced and in the begging i though i will be lost because it have so many characters but the authors really managed to keep the attention on the main characters.I m satisfied with how the book ended.This series is far from over,but it have a proper epilogue.Overall it's a definitively a must read.
Highly recommended
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was beyond excited to see that Dukey and Webster were teaming up yet again to write this series. I was anticipating Vlad to be some seriously dark stuff, and boy was I correct. Vlad is a ruthless man. He has no shame in killing those that cross him and taking the things that he wants, even if it's his fiancée's sister. Vlad consumed me in one sitting. At times I wasn't sure how to feel about Vlad or the circumstances that Irena found herself in. Of course this is a sure fire good sign of a gritty dark romance. Vlad is as hot as you can imagine, even if at times I kind of disliked him. He definitely has some demons and the only thing that can pull him from the darkness is his sun...Irena. If you want a book that may push your limits, then Vlad is it. I loved this book ,and cannot wait to see where Dukey and Webster take us in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Vlad is everything he says he is. Vile, Vicious, Villainous, and definitely a Vasiliev. This book is a great start for this series. Vlad has his sights set on winning and being at the top of the mafia pile, but there are others who work against him and he doesn't know who to trust. His father has decided that Diana Volkov is to be the woman that he courts and marries. Too bad for Vlad it's Diana's little sister, Irina that melts the ice around his heart. Grab this book today to find out what happens when both Volkov sisters end up in Vlad's home. This dark romance is exciting and I can't wait for the next book in this series. Although this book gives you a partially HFN ending, these books look like they will be interconnected and continue the story throughout the series for each couple.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! So no spoilers. Just read this ultra sexy book now...A hot russian and sweet but strong heroine? You cannot ask for more. There's a lot of background at first which felt like it slowed down the story, but it's necessary and then when it picks up it picks up like a tornado. Just when I was going to put it down i got caught and had to tell my husband to make dinner tonight. I wasn't stopping until I was done. Amazing and I can't wait for the next. Meanwhile I'm going to explore her other books because her word flow is so eloquent and beautiful i was highlighting so many lines i just had to stop and embrace it. It's that good. A little dirt but so much sexy. And love the burn down the world for you love....that's my favorite. So enjoy!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bei en
Mafia ✓
Irresistible Russian Hero ✓
Chemistry that is off the walls ✓

K Webster and Ker Dukey's writing is always refreshing to read. And when I saw that Vlad is in the works...... My heart did a little pitter patter. My love for Russians..... oh be still my heart. This book is dark, gritty, and so sexy. You won't be able to control your hormones for this book, that is a FACT!

Irina is a young woman who sticks to her sisters shadow.
But she ends up holding the most power of all. Behind that mask of hers she wears.... she is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
And when she becomes Vlads lover.... these two will blow your mind.
Enough said.

Read the book and fall in love with these Russians.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This novel puts the devious into the madness that is family. Dark, old, intense family drama that is shoot first, ask questions later type. It's disturbingly too intoxicating to put down though.
'An angel giving a devil her wings for safekeeping.' Irina is her sister's Shadow and that is what most people call her. Yet Vlad notices her. The down side is he is engaged to her sister.
Vlad is the top dog for his family and as such he has to marry the chosen match. However he is drawn to Irina so much he forgets to watch those around him.
Sticky, sticky scenes that go on behind closed doors. Every player has this alternative motive that is not nice or so forthcoming. It's exciting madness that will leave the reader craving for the next page!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Ok I really liked this book. I loved how Vlad was so alpha and possessive. Irina was ok for me. She was a little bit of a doormat for my taste. I actually liked Diana a little bit better. She has more fight. There was some things I didn’t care for though. Although vlad loved irina it seemed like he was going to marry Diana anyway and the only reason he didn’t was because Diana was having her own affair. Why was it ok for him but not Diana? I suppose because women are treated as possessions and come second to men. That kinda made me mad. One other thing..... I thought Diana was a better sister than Irina. Definitely reading the rest in the series. I love K Webster.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gio clairval
K and K have out done themselves AGAIN. This writing duo are virtually unstoppable and for me they delivered another, can't put down, jaw dropping read.

I do like to get my rocks off with the brutal Mob stories and Vlad the Russian Mobster DID NOT DISAPPOINT. Even I wanted to be under Vlad a time or two or three.
Vlad, first family, eldest son in the Vasiliev family. He is brutal, takes no prisoners and asks question last kind of guy.

Irena. Sweet innocent Irena living in the shadows of her elder sister Diana. Both will do whatever is right for the family. Sacrifices will be made but just who is the strongest.

I'm excited to read the rest of the books in the V Games series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
terika brown
Dark, wrong and deliciously good! I love me some dark romances and this book fit exactly what i was looking for. It was Dark and Dangerous, full of moments that make you second guess your self, and question if you should be enjoying this as much as you are.
This book has notes of mafia but is not mafia at all. The V games are the dark and dirty hunger games basically. I loved the writing, when Ker Dukey and K Webster team up, you know you are in for a ride.
I loved forbidden and taboo relationship that starts with Vlad and his little sun. I loved seeing the change in their relationship and see how it progressed.
This was a 5 star read and cannot wait to see what the rest of the books hold!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely breathtakingly wonderfully sexy deliciously violent soul gripping attention grabbing read. Ker Dukey never disappoints. Always an enticing story with characters you love characters you lust and characters you loathe. Words on each page that may as well spit crazy glue because you become completely unable to put them down. This story grips you it's expertly written and deserves nothing but praise from an author who I swear writes in gold. The V games are something I will be attending as a fan till the very end. I can't wait to see who gets blood on their hands or drinks it with their wine. It's guts or glory....or should I say your guts for their glory. Amazing read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sofia flores
*****5 V Games Stars*****

I absolutely loved this book from the beginning. I was so caught up in reading that I didn’t realise when I got to the end. Ker Dukey is one of my new favorite authors; she gives you dark and twisted on a whole new level. K. Webster is one of my favorite she is my go to when I need something dark crazy and should I be reading this in public kind of books. So these two together they give something on a whole new level of dark. This book is oozing with seduction, twisted, dark, raw chemistry o and my favorite the mafia. This is definitely a MUST READ!

*****ARC from Indie Sage PR for review*****
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate goldyn
This story had all the elements of the perfect romance. There were Russian alpha males with strong ideas about how to handle their women and sassy, calculating women who allowed the men to think they were in charge. This was written by two of the most powerful authors combined and was incredible to read from start to finish. It was easy to get swept up in this world of Vlad and Iriana where Vlad was trying his best to please his elders while fighting his desire for his fiance's sister. There were unexpected twists and smoking hot sex that kept me glued to each page. This was book one in what I hope is another amazing series by these two incredible authors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angela sklar
The characters do not turn to mush and keep their sinister traits through out the book. You get over the top controlling families, hot men, strong women and I thought my Kindle was going to catch fire from some of the smoldering moments in this book, whew!! Cannot wait to see what Diana does in the next book. Wow, read this so fast and could it put it down!!!!!! Hell of a good Russian mafia read!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When Ker Dukey and K Webster come together beautiful, dark magic happens!

In this first book of the V Games series we get a closer look into the world of the Russian mafia and the crazy families involved.

We meet Vlad who craves the forbidden fruit yet will do anything he can to get ahead and win. We meet Diana who is so strong and will stop at nothing to boost her family name. And we meet Irina who is destined to watch her dream come true for someone.

This book was full of twists, turns, forbidden love, and of course ruthless deaths (hello it’s Russian mafia). I for one cannot wait for the next book in this series!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
V Is Definitely for Vlad Vendetta.

This was most definitely nothing what I expected…whoa!

Vlad was in command and control.  He may have been his father’s next in command, first born son but he was most definitely the one in control.  He stays 3-steps ahead and does not suffer a fool.  When the one person that he cares for is taken from him, he sets about a plan to exact his revenge and anger.  No one is safe.  Not even his own family. 

Irina has quietly been drawn to Vlad since she was a child.  But he’s never meant to belong to her.  Irina is from a powerful First Family and lives in her sister’s shadow.  Whatever her sister asks of her, she will comply.  Irina will do anything to protect her sister.  Even put herself in the eye of the storm known as Vlad.


The characters and background information regarding the Russian mob was very interesting.  Author led us down several paths in order to come to terms with exactly what circumstances would ultimately prevail. 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marisa labozzetta
I absolutely loved this soap opera of Russian mafia families and hot sex. Vlad is what you would expect of a Mafia prince claiming his thrown and living within the confines of family duty. The characters are dark, unapologetic and completely committed to the lives they lead. The dark and light of Vlad and Irina was quite a treat. Can’t wait to read the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy wilcox
Another great and twisted series by Ker Dukey and K Webster. I really enjoyed this series and especially the women who are strong and powerful in a world where they are not supposed to be. I can't wait to see what a twisted and crazy journey this series will take us readers on. I read this book through Kindle Unlimited.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
luke ivey
Good read. The men in this book are so controlling. I would not be heartbroken if some of the male characters died. As they deserve to with allowing human trafficking. My main interest is Diana. I pray that she gets sweet revenge in the next book and comes out on top. Look forward to reading the next book. P.S. No ill will towards Irena!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jorge gomez
This book makes for a very interesting series that I can't wait to read more of!! Vlad and Irina are off the charts smoking hot and naughty!!! Both are part of families deeply in the mafia and are expected to do as they are told and marry who they are told to but Vlad and Irina have their own agenda.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shae mcdaniel
Ker Dukey & K. Webster are two amazing authors who managed to bring an amazing story to life so seemlesly.
Vlad had incredible characters. Who were sexy, dark ruthless and shocking events that kept me turning page after page. I need more, of Vlad, Irina and of course of the promises Diana has made.
Happy Reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dan shamanbear
Do you hate yourself when you love a seriously bad boy? You will hate yourself for sure after you read about Vlad. I thought that the number of characters would be confusing in the story but it the story flowed and everything was easy to follow. This book was dark, twisted, hot and amazing! Cannot wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie bakken
Russian's my weakness for some reason! Lol. This book does not disappoint!! Its been a while since I've read a great Russian mafia book & I think what makes this book even better is the fact that it takes place n Russia, not that it gives details about being there but still!! Great book definitely one to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
VLAD was a dark, ruthless, violent, fearless, protective and sexy read. That also describes the hero. Irina being his only weakness, allowed me to see a side of him that wasn’t so monstrous. I’m very interested in seeing how this story continues. I can’t wait for Ven’s story. VLAD gets two thumbs up from me!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cristi b
I. LOVED.THIS.....After reading the doll series, I could not wait for Vlad's story. I'm gonna keep this short, to not spoil anything. Just read it! Read it! Read it! This was true dark romance at its finest. And if you're already a fan of these gals like I am, you will not be disappointed. Enjoy!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hunger Games Mafia style. I cannot even express how happy this makes me. I am always drawn to Mafia romance because of the viciousness and dark undertones that it has and these authors did a great job bringing both to the forefront. I look forward to what the next book has in store for this series.
Please RateVLAD: A Mafia Romance (The V Games #1)
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