Dirty (Dirty Nasty Freaks Book 1)

ByCallie Hart

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew lockwood
I think I have moved beyond my initial reaction of, mother f&#!er, but just barely. I knew this was going to leave me hanging, I expected to be left on-edge with a good dose of questions. Even while reading I was preparing myself mentally for it...and then it came...and I was not prepared...

Sera is on her way to her sister's wedding and finds herself stranded in Nowhere, USA, with closed roads and more rain then the town has ever seen. She find a place to stay for the night that is equally has nowhere as the town, where she just wants to get through the night and on the road the next day. And then in walks Felix and then things get really interesting. Sera is a tough cookie. She has deep scars both inside and out. She has this no-nonsense attitude and is full of pi$$ and vinegar.

Felix, Fix is in town for a job. The killing kind of job. He has planned the details and is confident that this will be like all the other jobs he has done and on his way he will be. Then he shares a room with the interesting character, Sera and she ends up being where she shouldn't, so on a complicated road trip they go. Fix is something else. He has this calm arrogance about him and a filthy mouth. He is just delicious. His moral compass might be slightly askewed and he is well and truly damaged, but he just works for me.

"Let’s be f&#king make-believe together.”

Fix and Sera together are explosive. They fight with each other with brutal truths, they clash but come together in this crazy way that makes sense. This book was gritty and fascinating. These characters are interesting and complicated. This is not my first by this author and while not quite as dark as some of her other books, this had just the right amount of darkness for the story and it was dirty in the best of ways. Now I will be nursing a serious hang-over while dying for book two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4.5 Stars

Driving through flood conditions, Sera Lafferty is doing everything she can to make it to her sisters wedding in time. Unfortunately, her road trip problems are insignificant compared to all the other complications she is going to have to face soon...

Felix Marcosa is very straightforward about his job. He's a hitman, even if he is using his job trying to rid the world of evil... there still happens to be a lot of killing involved.

Thrown together for a night, Sera and Felix can't keep their hands off of each other, but what happens in the harsh light of day when Sera realizes just what she is dealing with...


Felix makes no excuses for his chosen career, with some very valid reasons for doing what he does, he is not changing it anytime soon. He recognizes something in Sera that makes them too alike for him to walk away from her, even though she deserves a life without living on the fringe of society. He can see the fighter in her, and there's nothing that will stop him from tying to get her to share that strength with him... preferably in bed.

Sera has been through a lot in her life, and she is painfully aware of how alone she is in the sometimes harsh and unhelpful world. She is also immediately wary of Felix. He's too handsome, in a dark and dangerous, don't mess with him type of way. Horrified about his chosen career, she also realizes that she isn't as disgusted with him as she should be...

This book was fantastic! Yes, it was deliciously dirty and incredibly sexy. And Sera and Felix are an unconventional couple that you have to meet. With twists and turns and a heart pounding cliffhanger, this book is one you don't want to miss.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anita golzar
4 Cranky Stars

Holy smokes I think my kindle needs a break after the off the charts chemistry between those two. Between Fixs dirty mouth and Sera take no crap attitude it was bound to go up in flames. I will hold a funeral for it later.

Sera is the product of one very depraved man. She has made a life for herself despite it all. She is all fire and brimstone and take-charge attitude. When her sister is set to marry she heads out on a road trip. When she is stranded in a small town with a very small rundown hotel to sleep at she has to share a room with a mysterious stranger. Let’s just say when tequila gets involved that’s when my kindle started smoking. Tequila is a tricky mistress.

Felix “Fix” is a former priest. Now he’s a hit man with a list a mile long. No, he isn’t killing random folks for the heck of it he targets people who have harmed others in atrocious ways. When one his marks takes him to a tiny rundown town he is forced to bunk with Sera. Tequila becomes a spicy romp in the lumpy hay. He is a smitten kitten with Sera and when she discovers his secret he has no choice but to grab her and run.

I have so many darn answers and I need book two soon….please. The fire between these two was crazy. Her ex-boyfriend is a tool who deserved more than he got. I can’t even begin to touch on her dad who was a deplorable human being who deserved to be staring down the barrel of a gun but I digress this book left me with so many answers. Dirty is a quick raunchy read with some mystery in it. I would totally recommend this story.
VLAD: A Mafia Romance (The V Games #1) :: Peep Show :: His Doll: A Dark Bad Boy Romance :: Dirty Bad Savage :: Hate F*@k (Forbidden Bodyguards Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abnel lluberes
Felix and Sera's story is just really starting in the twist and turns of this book and I cannot wait to see where it will go. In the first part we have had shock and awe and enemies were made and in the next book we have even more enemies to discover. This book was undeniably hot and it was also undeniably dark in many spots. I knew it was going to end the way it ended and I did not mind. I wish the next installment was up sooner though. I loved both the H/h of this story. I have one small problem with the story--Would you allow the man who cheated on your sister--the person who has taken care of you the most to be at your wedding? I don't care if he is friends with my fiancé he would not be welcome. My big day. My rules. She should have had Sera's back on that one.
As I read this book I realized what a sucker I am for the assassin trope. While you are waiting for the next part of this series to come out might I suggest the following: My fav dark comedy movie is Gross Pointe Blank--if you have not seen it--watch it. The deadpan delivery of I am an assassin for higher and no one believes it is something that Martin Blank and Felix/Fix share. Also the wonderful Joan Cusack plays the office administrator opposite her brother John as Martin the assassin-- she is like Monica in this book. Then there is the tv show Good Behavior which the main character Letty reminded me of Sera in that as messed up as she is she knows that murdering is wrong and still finds Javier insanely hot. I suspect if you liked this book you will like this movie and this tv show as well.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I waited until all 3 books published and then read them back to back. Having read it that way, it was pretty apparent that it should have been written as one tightly written book - there were so many long, repetitive sex scenes that I started skipping them. The editing got better as the series progressed, but typos, missed words, and British English from American characters' mouths littered the first book pretty significantly.

The premise was good - ex-priest searching for meaning in life became a hitman to avenge the innocent and a self-made woman with a traumatic childhood who managed to overcome her past fall in insta-love after drunk sex. The rest of the series was about keeping Sera alive. To add interest, Zeth was introduced as a rival hitman, but by this point the reads had descended into a cartoon like quality, so it was hard to remember why I liked him from the author's other books. By the climax in the third book, I was rolling my eyes at how OTT the bad guy was.

I'm not sorry I read this series, but it isn't her strongest work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
james layton
Callie Hart gives me a hard-on. This deliciously dirty treat was exactly what I've been wanting lately.

The characters were the best part of this book. The banter and wit had me smiling from ear to ear. It's like peeling layers of your favorite fruit, when you just want to eat it. Fix, I love the name by the way, it's unique, he's a hitman with a mouth that could rip your clothes off. No hands needed. Pure desire and need.

Sera, another name I really liked, she was a breath of fresh air, I love a heroine with fire, she stood on her own in this story. I actually love her a little bit. O-kay, maybe a lot. I mean, she's not one of those, who make you want to slap her, she's strong yet refreshing.

The story could have been more mysterious, IMO. I had the big twist figured out pretty quickly. But, I was too busy enjoying the antics and raw material between the characters to care. I think this one is labeled Dark Romance, I think Romantic Suspense is more like it. There's darkness, but it's not in vivid detail throughout the book, there's a particular flashback that is disturbingly dark, but it's not between the two mains. All in all, I want more from Sera and Fix! I want it all.

I can't wait for the next fix! <-- ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ahmed ezz
Wow! Callie Hart's novels are always intense, explosive and so sexy. The minute I read the blurb to Dirty I knew I had to read it. Sera and Fix were steamy, hot AF and had the most fiery banter! I could not get enough of them!

Sera Lafferty is having a bad day. After roadblock after roadblock trying to get to her to her little sister's wedding she is now forced to share the only hotel room left with the tall, dark, gorgeous and mysterious Felix "Fix" Marcosa. The results: a drunken night of passion where her inhibitions let loose and the real Sera comes out to play. But when Sera comes face to face with the real Fix and sees the assassin come out and play, will she be able to handle the true killer when he makes it his mission to keep her quiet?

Gahhh!! This novel was fantastic! I loved the chemistry and the backstory and how Fix had an avenging angel streak. I loved how protective he was of Sera and despite his need to be there for her, she was so strong on her own. But that ending?! OMG!! Now I need to know what is happening!! Callie Hart hurrrry and write book two!!! Bravo! 4 stars! ~Ratula
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow Callie Hart knows how to get our motors running. She lured her readers in to this story introducing Sera a woman just trying to get to her sister’s wedding and Fix a man in a business suit. Of course all seams innocent, just bad luck or coincidence but as Callie unveils more to her readers we learn there are no such things in her stories. Everyone and everything is there for a reason. Add a little sexual chemistry and plot lines thicken. Fix was suppose to just be a fling but Sera doesn’t realize a first how much she is going to need him in and out of a bed. Fix is a simple man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to let his dirty mouth and mind take over. Sera thought is was just a trip to her sisters wedding little did she know her life was about to CHANGE in more ways than one. This is another must read involving a hot dirty alpha man taking what he wants but can he protect her from the forces that are coming!?? Suspense and hot romance if you like that combo this is the new series for you!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
HOLY HOTNESS!!!! This book had me from page one. Fix was captivating and sexy as hell.. And Sera was a survivor with a past that nightmares are made of but together they seemed to find a love that redeemed their souls and brought a promise of salvation. The ending was so unexpected....... I'm pretty good at figuring things out but i didn't see that coming at all. I won't give it away but I can tell you that I will be anxiously awaiting for book 2 since this couple has got my 100% attention. I'm practically drooling from wanting more of their story and wanting more DIRTY talk from sexy Fix. The things that came out of his mouth had me changing my panties!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina moss
Your mind racing, your heart thumping in practically a frantic state of what you just read! UGH ok YES there’s a cliff hanger, one hell of a stunning earth shattering revaluation. It’s not just the steamy erotic darkness that follows this story from the beginning to the very end. You are raptured into this sordid tale of bleakness & disparity engaging within such dark characters and their jaded lives & past. There are cringing moments, that the faint of readers may not be able to digest. But this is one heck of dark twisted novel filled to the brim with sinfulness, you cant stop reading more! Thankfully the next installment comes out soon & you may only need to refresh with a chapter or 2 to refresh your memory. I’m still shocked this was available via KU, there should be a hearty price tag attached to this well written novel & worthy of every penny. This a must read for erotica enthusiasts! CHEERS as I gulp more champagne to stop my soaring mind after finishing this one -purchased & read by French Sparkle with Pop Fizz Clink Read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason ray
Sweet Mother of God, this book is incredible. It is filled with rich detail, a lot of sexiness, and this intensity that will have you devouring this book from the start. Dirty is everything the title says so get ready for explosive action that takes place. I don’t want to give any spoilers away but just know after reading this and the epic cliffhanger that takes place, you will be left fighting a book hangover. Sera and Felix as the main characters will have you needing more of their love story and I cant wait for the next installment. This was such an amazing read and totally intense and hot.

My Rating: 4.7 stars *****
“I received an advanced copy of this book from the author at no cost to me."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy young
On the way to her sister's wedding, while driving cross country, Sera is forced by a storm to look for a place to stay. A sexy hard looking man is also looking for a room and they are forced to share the last room. Neither expected the intense attraction nor did they expect Sera to witness something she shouldn't have.
Both Sera and Felix or Fix as his friends call him, are intriguing characters with backgrounds that made them who they are. This was just as good as the other books I've read by this book.
Plot: 4.3
Writing: 5
Editing: 5
Characters: 5
Heat index: 4
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth lohner
Well Callie has done it again! I expected nothing less as in the Blood & ?s series with Zeth and Slone this book has me captured from beginning to end. Fix is brutally honest (which I don't know makes him more real not more dangerous) and Sera is a wild ? (which either makes her fierce, wary, or just plain stubborn). Whatever it is that defines these two together they are liquid combustible ?! I won't give away any spoilers but it's a gripping must read, and I'm anxiously awaiting this next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sera and Felix....a match that doesn’t exactly match yet are perfectly made for each other. Fix was dark, yet he had an ease about him that was unexpected. He was cocky because he knew what he had going on. He was flirty which made him like-able. He was my next BB. (Book boyfriend)

Sera was damaged, strong, and took no crap. I loved her attitude and how even with fear taking over her and her past making an appearance, she held strong knowing what she needed to do. She was a perfect match for Fix...

Loved this story and the characters. Hate that I have to wait to see what he has to say for himself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heavens above! What a fabulously written book by a wonderful story teller. Drawing you in from the first page, Dirty brings you a strong, driven, witty heroine and a determined, driven, meltingly naughty hero. Sera and Fix become increasingly three dimensional as the book progresses with strong back stories that support the forward drive of the narration. This, along with great banter and twisty times makes this book an amazing, 5* read...and a question....where is the rest of the story Ms Hart?? Don't leave me this way, to quote the song!! Bring on the next book asap please x
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amr elbagoury
Felix and Sera, just WOW on the chemistry level. These two have it from the very start, and it just keeps growing. Our hero is a former priest, his lady has big time moxie, no shrinking violet here! These two damaged people compliment each other. They "get" each other. Get ready for the wedding reception...Got to admit I did not see the twist at the very end of the book coming. There was a foreshadowing now that I think back, but i totally missed it. I am SO hoping for a second book with these two. Sorry for being vague, but I do not want to spoil anything for anyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Callie Hart sure knows how to write about a super hot guy and a sassy woman.
Felix is one Dirty mouthed, smooth as silk, cocky, self assured man and boy is he a killer.
Sera on the other hand is reserved, keeping her secrets close to her chest but when Felix gets her to lower her walls and let him in they are explosive together. The sex scenes are off the charts and will make you all hot and bothered.
Major cliffs but I had it figured out early on but it didn't take it away from the story. Callie is a 1-click author for me. I'm super excited for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colleen thorndike
I absolutely love Callie hart I fell in love with her writing with the Blood and Roses series and every since then her books just keep on getting better and better. The thing I love the most about her books is you never really know where she's going with them until the end. Fix and Sera met while trapped inside by the storm from hell. Sera is in lust with Fix body, but definitely not his attitude. Fix wants Sera but is not about to give into her too easily. I absolutely love this story and I can't wait for the next one in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy elizabeth
Wth.... You can't leave me hanging like this ?
This was one wildly entertaining and emotional ride that ends on a he'll of a cliff hanger
Sera... Bomb @as he'll lead character -witty and stubborn to the core
And Fix - the lollipop ? scene *sigh* Such a refreshing change for a dark lead character - perfect mix of dark and light
"Let's be fracking make believe together "
If you want a suspenseful steamy fun and entertaining read with a touch of darkness this is it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily craig
Callie Hart has brought new meaning to the word DIRTY!!!!
The sizzling chemistry between Fix and Sera will leave your Kindle on fire! If you love Zeth you will be head over heals for Fix he is one sexy, badass!! Sera is a woman who is fierce, smart and strong as can be. But sometimes it is nice have someone in your corner, even if you are not sure you should. Is it wrong to want someone you know is bad.....do you say who cares and get Dirty anyway.....
I am in need of more Fix as soon as possible;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wayne hancock
Oh my goodness. That was freaking oh so hotttttttt!!! I don't even know where to start. I really wish I could give this 10 stars instead!
Felix aka Fix has this aura about him that draws Sera in plus the reader. He is mysterious yet honest and kind of weird. He always says he is exactly where he is supposed to be yet we never fully understand what he is saying.
Sera just wants to get to her sisters wedding. She doesn't mean to witness the Hitman murder someone or become his prisoner or fall for his hotness.
This storyline so freaking captivating that is will literally leaving you gasping at air with the last words. I'm seriously drying for more!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leang ngov
On the way to her sister's wedding, while driving cross country, Sera is forced by a storm to look for a place to stay. A sexy hard looking man is also looking for a room and they are forced to share the last room. Neither expected the intense attraction nor did they expect Sera to witness something she shouldn't have.
Both Sera and Felix or Fix as his friends call him, are intriguing characters with backgrounds that made them who they are. This was just as good as the other books I've read by this book.
Plot: 4.3
Writing: 5
Editing: 5
Characters: 5
Heat index: 4
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn d

I need the second book right now!!! Ahh!!

Just like every other book I have read by Callie Hart; this book is AMAZING! Sexy, Dirty, and Sinful! I can honestly say Fix is right up there with Zeth right now for me! (and coming from me that's saying a lot!) Sera, and Felix's chemistry is off the charts! The story line had me eagerly flipping the pages, but of course once I got to the end I wanted to throw my kindle because I didn't want it to end! UGH, and the ENDING! (Warning, this is a Trilogy, so it ends on a cliffhanger) Let's just say I can't wait for the second book to come out! LOVED THIS ONE! Highly Recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eugene wainwright
Well Callie has done it again! I expected nothing less as in the Blood & ?s series with Zeth and Slone this book has me captured from beginning to end. Fix is brutally honest (which I don't know makes him more real not more dangerous) and Sera is a wild ? (which either makes her fierce, wary, or just plain stubborn). Whatever it is that defines these two together they are liquid combustible ?! I won't give away any spoilers but it's a gripping must read, and I'm anxiously awaiting this next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
flynn meaney
Sera and Felix....a match that doesn’t exactly match yet are perfectly made for each other. Fix was dark, yet he had an ease about him that was unexpected. He was cocky because he knew what he had going on. He was flirty which made him like-able. He was my next BB. (Book boyfriend)

Sera was damaged, strong, and took no crap. I loved her attitude and how even with fear taking over her and her past making an appearance, she held strong knowing what she needed to do. She was a perfect match for Fix...

Loved this story and the characters. Hate that I have to wait to see what he has to say for himself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heidi corcoran
Heavens above! What a fabulously written book by a wonderful story teller. Drawing you in from the first page, Dirty brings you a strong, driven, witty heroine and a determined, driven, meltingly naughty hero. Sera and Fix become increasingly three dimensional as the book progresses with strong back stories that support the forward drive of the narration. This, along with great banter and twisty times makes this book an amazing, 5* read...and a question....where is the rest of the story Ms Hart?? Don't leave me this way, to quote the song!! Bring on the next book asap please x
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karis bouher
Felix and Sera, just WOW on the chemistry level. These two have it from the very start, and it just keeps growing. Our hero is a former priest, his lady has big time moxie, no shrinking violet here! These two damaged people compliment each other. They "get" each other. Get ready for the wedding reception...Got to admit I did not see the twist at the very end of the book coming. There was a foreshadowing now that I think back, but i totally missed it. I am SO hoping for a second book with these two. Sorry for being vague, but I do not want to spoil anything for anyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
austin conley
Callie Hart sure knows how to write about a super hot guy and a sassy woman.
Felix is one Dirty mouthed, smooth as silk, cocky, self assured man and boy is he a killer.
Sera on the other hand is reserved, keeping her secrets close to her chest but when Felix gets her to lower her walls and let him in they are explosive together. The sex scenes are off the charts and will make you all hot and bothered.
Major cliffs but I had it figured out early on but it didn't take it away from the story. Callie is a 1-click author for me. I'm super excited for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jewelissa rief
I absolutely love Callie hart I fell in love with her writing with the Blood and Roses series and every since then her books just keep on getting better and better. The thing I love the most about her books is you never really know where she's going with them until the end. Fix and Sera met while trapped inside by the storm from hell. Sera is in lust with Fix body, but definitely not his attitude. Fix wants Sera but is not about to give into her too easily. I absolutely love this story and I can't wait for the next one in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sheila voss
Wth.... You can't leave me hanging like this ?
This was one wildly entertaining and emotional ride that ends on a he'll of a cliff hanger
Sera... Bomb @as he'll lead character -witty and stubborn to the core
And Fix - the lollipop ? scene *sigh* Such a refreshing change for a dark lead character - perfect mix of dark and light
"Let's be fracking make believe together "
If you want a suspenseful steamy fun and entertaining read with a touch of darkness this is it
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah is
Callie Hart has brought new meaning to the word DIRTY!!!!
The sizzling chemistry between Fix and Sera will leave your Kindle on fire! If you love Zeth you will be head over heals for Fix he is one sexy, badass!! Sera is a woman who is fierce, smart and strong as can be. But sometimes it is nice have someone in your corner, even if you are not sure you should. Is it wrong to want someone you know is bad.....do you say who cares and get Dirty anyway.....
I am in need of more Fix as soon as possible;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jelisa sterling smith
4.5 STARS!!

Mind-Blowing!! What a rollercoaster ride of emotions!!
Author Callie Hart's writing and memorable characters never cease to amaze her readers, and here she has done it again!!

Dirty is intense, naughty, sizzling hot, emotional and deliciously dirty. The characters chemistry is of the charts. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop until I've turned the last page.

Can't wait for the next installment!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hesham amin
Fantastic, fabulous, and first-rate! Callie Hart has hit another book out of the proverbial ballpark with Dirty!

Dirty is book one of her new Dirty Nasty Freaks series! It centers around the dark, daring, and dangerous Felix "Fix" Marcosa, and Sera Lafferty.
I won't go into any other details to avoid spoilers. Just know that it's a hot and scorching read!

This story ends in quite the suspenseful cliffhanger! I can't wait to read the next release!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cindy shea
This book had me hooked from the beginning. Although it started a little slow for me, I loved the storyline, the banter between the MCs, and the sexual tension was through the roof!! Sera is a strong take-no-crap female lead and Fix just ticks all those boxes for me in a male lead and OH THAT MOUTH!!! I would let him talk dirty to me any day!! The book ends with a HUGE cliffhanger that leaves you wanting book 2 immediately and I cannot wait until it comes out!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Callie Hart creates the most hottest bad boys, and the strong woman that captures their attention.

Her cliffhangers are killers! I can't wait for a new Callie Hart to become available, then I think I'll wait until I know the release date of the next book, but it's impossible, I just have to start reading as soon as possible.

Dirty is another Five Star read, and I can't wait for the rest of Fix and Sera's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy freaking.....wow! What did I just read??? I freely admit that Callie Hart is my favorite author ,but she just blew me away! Fix is rivaling my love of Zeth and I didn’t think I would ever say that! And Sera is one tough lady. Together they are perfection. I can’t say more because I don’t want to give anything away. All I can say is read this.....NOW! Also there is a brutal cliffhanger but even saying that I must insist you read this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seriously this book. Holy crap. Lets talk Felix or fix gah that man he was everything. He is a hired killer and when you read why and how youll be saying What! Sera is trying to project shes pk but her childhood was horrible the horror she went through was just that horror. But her and felix connection was just short of amazing they need eachother to heal. But that ending I need more, im dying here!
Please RateDirty (Dirty Nasty Freaks Book 1)
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