The Librarian (The Librarian Chronicles Book One)

ByChristy Sloat

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicole cheslock
At first I was a little disappointed by the simplicity of the prose and dialogue, but as the book went on and the main character matured as a result of her experiences, I grew to appreciate her. She had a mixture of sense, impulsiveness, caring, and self absorption that rang true for someone her age. With her losses and mounting responsibilities, she needed to grow into the person to handle them (and who doesn't make some mistakes along the way). Her unique ability and responsibility to be a "preserver" of history gave her an unusual way to work through what she needed to in the end. If her supporting characters had been a little more layered with more details and background given to them, I think this would be 5 stars, but it still earned a respectable 4 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jodi sh
When I first started reading this book I thought
I just bought this book for nothing, but I was wrong! I could
not put it down!

I liked it because the author kept the chapters so
intresting and the main character is funny, lazy, confused and struggles with what path she wants to follow. It's a must read.

Every 10-15mins I would read and read, thats why it
only took me 3days to read this enjoyable book!
(note to author: never stop writting books so enjoyable to read!).

Written by Sabrina
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jamie callaghan
Interestng concept but the author knew absolutely nothing abou Maine (I'm a New Englander ) and absolutely nothing about how long it really takes to become a cardiologist. The characters were shallow and the plot weak. I couldn't even finish it
Book 1 in the History Mystery Series - Time and Again :: The Unusual Second Life of Thomas Weaver - A Middle Falls Time Travel Novel :: A Time To Change :: A time-travel vampire romance (Resurrection Book 1) :: The Time Travel Trailer
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
vicki cohen
Time travel is never an easy concept to tackle in a book. Someone, usually the reader, tends to end up with a headache. In this case the heroine ended up with one as well. In every time travel book, movie or show I’ve experience where the past is involved there is always the concept of not disturbing the present time because if they did then the future would be changed. It takes Emme a long time to grasp this. And I couldn’t understand why – especially since she mentioned it herself when she’d initially woken up in the past.

There were quite a few things I couldn’t understand in story. I wasn’t clear about the purpose of the Librarians – history had been recorded for years without their observations and I’m still boggled as to how they could go back in time and observe the past without influencing it.

Emme seemed like a nice young woman, but I couldn’t relate to her. At least not until she started behaving in a sensible manner. I wasn’t a fan of the insta-love that took place between the hero (one of them) and heroine. One minute she’s meeting Jack Ridgewall, and the next she wants to stay in his time period, forgoing everything she knows for a man she’s met a few times for a few hours. I wasn’t buying it. And there were a few scenes in the book where I had to wait in order to understand the purpose or meaning. I’m still waiting.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Overall, I truly enjoyed the concept of time-traveling through the pages of a book. However, I really wish the characters were more multi-dimensional, and the book would have been vastly improved by a thorough copy-editing. There were grammatical errors, factual errors (referring to 1892 as the "late twentieth century," and at least one gaping plot hole (a 19-year old being lifelong best friends with a woman who was a full-fledged cardiovascular surgeon) that really needed to be fleshed-out. Even with these, though, it was a fun and fast read. With a little re-working, this could be a very enjoyable book and has the potential for an enjoyable series of books.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lori goldman
This book had so much potential. The writing lacked so much, sentence composure, wrong word usage, misspellings, just too distracting. Now to the story, it could have been amazing. Emme was a character that I wanted to like so badly, but the romance was just way too quick and not formed, then those "strong emotions" were just thrown away, no matter if lives would have been effected this was just not thought out well at all. THe characters were cheated in this book, they could have been more developed and that in turn would have given depth to the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Emme comes home from college when her grandmother gets sick and quickly passes away. Her grandmother told her things as she passed that made no sense. Magic, books, special blood...all these make no sense to Emme until she finds herself reading a hidden book of her grandmother's. When she opens this book it lands her in 1892. A great adventure follows. They always say books can provide you an escape and this rang true for Emme, literally. She has a special job to do and she expects to do her best here and then.

If you know me as a reviewer then you know I love books, obviously, I am a book blog reviewer. This book popped up on my Kindle as an advertisement and I just knew I had to read it. Time travel, magic library, books...this book has all the things I love. If I was going to travel back in time, reading a book would be the way I would want it to happen.

This book was awesome. It was full of action, drama, emotion, romance, history, and MAGIC. The characters were easy to love and relate to. The story started off a bit sad, but it became a book of captivating magic. I absolutely loved it and was hooked on the first page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Fun, quick read. Drawn in by the gorgeous cover (admit it, most of us here probably read it for the same reason) and the intriguing blurb.

I'm not typically a romance reader, and there was a lot of romance here. Nineteen year old, heady, obsessive, first time instant love which had major affects on the couple involved. My favorite parts were the humor, the friendships, and the background explanation of the Librarians.

Enjoyed the ending, which showed major main character growth and development. Appreciated the growth arc of the main character, because--seriously--nineteen is pretty young, and many people make many mistakes at that age. For those who wrote the other reviews criticizing the main character, I wonder if they themselves remember how they acted when they were nineteen? Older and wiser is how life goes, but it's not how it starts.

Loved the idea of the Librarians and their method of time travel. (Can't say more without making this into a spoiler.)

Fun read. Enjoyed the ride!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura anne
the store recommends books based on my past reading choices, usually they are way off base and I ignore them. I admit that I skipped this recommendation multiple times, but since I'm a fan of the Librarian movies, I finally decided to check it out.
It drew me in immediately. The characters and the story were so well crafted that I couldn't stop reading until i had finished it. I was disappointed that we weren't given a glimpse of Jackson's life after Mrs.Bailey reset the pivotal event. I couldn't help but wonder if that would alter Jason's future as well. I would really like to read about Jenny's & Grace's adventures. I do have a question, did Mavis travel? I had a sense from Emme's overheard conversation between her Grandmother and Mr. Lockhart and the photograph that maybe she had at one time. Surely this will not be Emme's only history to record.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I started the first chapter of The Librarian at 11pm, once I had finally gotten into bed, as a way to wind down and go to sleep. All of a sudden I am finished the very last page and it is nearly 3am. WHAT? I was so engrossed in the story that I read it cover to cover in a bid to know how the story unfolded.
Christy Sloat takes us readers on a journey through time with a love story for the ages *sigh*. It took my breath away, completely and utterly. Imagine being in a relationship with a fictional character...Emmeline gets this opportunity *sigh* again lol.
A unique concept, I fell in love with this story.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah spy
After reading the prologue, I thought this would make for an interesting read, but I was wrong. Upon reading the first chapter, the protagonist all ready revealed that she is not a good role model (she enjoys shallow relationships with hooking up). After reading that, I thought it might get better. So wrong! I was turned off by the swearing. I'm not finishing this book and will be returning right away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
frederick warner
Great time travel novel not you're usual setting or theme. Emme Grammy passed away leaving a puzzled final wish. Upon finding the books her Grammy told her she learns of the family magic in her .Upon doing her destiny she falls in love burglars she has to put her love aside and do duty. The ending wasn't what no expected. I wish at end the re written of emme job of recording history showed Jack happy instead of bitter but author never said his outcome after emme removes herself from his memories great read i will be checking this authors other books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book had so much potential. I liked the main character but hated some of her choices. But, I understand the lack of maturity at this age. I always like a book that doesn't quite go the way you expect it to. I thought she would find a way to be with Jack and not alter time or that she would be meant to be a part of his life. It didn't go that way and I appreciated that this helped her grow. However, I saw the whole Jason thing coming from the moment I read JR builders. I liked that she found a way to be happy anyways but I almost felt like that was the only reason she was able to let Jack go and help him move on. Would she have been able to if she hadn't met Jason? I almost wish there had been no Jason. Mostly because I think the whole I had sex with your great great grandfather conversation would be awkward.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kirk carver
So well written I couldn't stop reading. Somehow plausible, woven with just enough historical data. The bewilderment and loss of a cherished grandmother thrusting duties and emotions. The story contains the perfect blend of fact and fantasy, humor, compassion and mystery. A wonderfully mythical tale. Was compelled to reach for the next book in Ms. Sloat's series immediately.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This could be a timeless book suitable for all ages if the profanity and sex were edited. They cheapen the story, rendering it inappropriate for a broader range of readers. The overall plot of traveling through a book is interesting and would appeal to upper elementary and middle school students, but the adult content is unsuitable for readers in that age range. It has a cute story line that I would love to have a "cleaner version" to share with middle school students, but as it is, I will not be reading this book with my children or students.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris pippin
This book really resonated with me on several levels. I love history and really enjoyed the details from Jack's time period. I felt a real connection to Emme and her struggles to find herself while dealing with an overwhelming loss. I love the world that Christy Sloat has created in this book. She's taken such a unique idea and turned it into a delightful, charming book. The writing is fantastic and the story dances and weaves it's way along until the reader is left spellbound.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill timmons
So well written I couldn't stop reading. Somehow plausible, woven with just enough historical data. The bewilderment and loss of a cherished grandmother thrusting duties and emotions. The story contains the perfect blend of fact and fantasy, humor, compassion and mystery. A wonderfully mythical tale. Was compelled to reach for the next book in Ms. Sloat's series immediately.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ian o gorman
This could be a timeless book suitable for all ages if the profanity and sex were edited. They cheapen the story, rendering it inappropriate for a broader range of readers. The overall plot of traveling through a book is interesting and would appeal to upper elementary and middle school students, but the adult content is unsuitable for readers in that age range. It has a cute story line that I would love to have a "cleaner version" to share with middle school students, but as it is, I will not be reading this book with my children or students.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher fan
This book really resonated with me on several levels. I love history and really enjoyed the details from Jack's time period. I felt a real connection to Emme and her struggles to find herself while dealing with an overwhelming loss. I love the world that Christy Sloat has created in this book. She's taken such a unique idea and turned it into a delightful, charming book. The writing is fantastic and the story dances and weaves it's way along until the reader is left spellbound.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
george majchrzak
Even if the writting was awful, I would still love this book. Time travel in books: it is as though this story was written just for me. Happily it is easy to read although the plot unwinds in a very formulaic manner and I prefer to not read graphic sex scenes.
In time travel books, that to me are guilty hidden pleasures like boxed chocolates, this is a winner.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
allison mikulewich
The story plot had promise although I easily predicted the ending. I did not feel the love story at all and found Emme to be little more than an annoying teenager. In addition, the grammar and spelling errors were atrocious. It is BEET red not beat red. This and so many other things took away from my enjoyment.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
debrah davidson
I liked the plot concept. The writing even started out ok, but the moment the time traveling began the quality disappeared. It was like reading a never-been-kissed high schoolers take on historical drama. And it had a LOT of drama. .. again, kinda like in high school.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I gave it 3 stars for sexual constant. Not ultra explicit but enough if you are concerned what your child is reading. An adult may think it mild. Emeline travels back and forth changing and fixing timelines. Easy read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
north chatham
The ideas behind the story are good, the friendships with the female characters are solid, in saying that , the character of Jack does not ring true to the time. Some of the dialogue between Emme and Jack is filled with slang and current sayings that ruin the encounter. Also the ages of characters are not believable for the accomplishments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah apple
This was a delightful story with romance, magic, and an inner struggle about life's purpose. The heroine is relatable in so many ways and you can feel her emotions thru Sloat's marvelous descriptive passages. This is a story you truly get pulled into and don't want to leave.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Christy did an amazing job on this book. From the first page I was drawn into to Emme and Jack's stories. The relationship they formed and the choices they have to make. The characters are all relatable and loveable. My only complaint is it ended so soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sheryl murphy
I was totally surprised by the second half of this book, with many books and most especially romance you can usually guess what's going to happen or who did what. So I was both sad for Jack then happy for Emme and that how each ended up wasn't how I originally envisioned in the first half of this book...Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea mckenzie
First time reading this author but it will not be the last one. I highly recommend this book to everyone who loves time travel books. She writs wonderful storylines and great characters in this book. Diana Romano
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
karen bergkamp
The five star reviews had me looking forward to reading this book. Sadly, it was nothing but a disappointment. The main character was horribly shallow and selfish. She was very unlikable right from the start. The story itself had huge plot holes and was very poorly written.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Loved the concept and story line, the characters were very engaging. But it feels like a rough draft that desperately needs filled out. And there were correctly spelled words that were the wrong spelling for their meaning, an issue that is turning into a real pet peeve for me these days.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meghna gandhi
this book was amazing! I've always had the fantasy of owning my own library so having someone leave it in a will is a wonderful idea. emme is very relatable and seeing her go through everything and grow is wonderful! i fell in love right along with her! The story is so original; I highly recommend reading it
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