The Unusual Second Life of Thomas Weaver - A Middle Falls Time Travel Novel

ByShawn Inmon

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Well, that was interesting, and certainly unusual. Was it a waste to read? Not really, there were some interesting parts, but many occurrences in the book aren't really explained, at least in this novel, a First in a Series. But where and how could it end? You got me, I'm stumped as you are in figuring where this unusual life will lead.

Meanwhile, it'll go back into my Library, filed away on some back electronic shelf, where someday it will call out to be read once more. For reading these books actually keeps their stories alive. Maybe, perhaps; it is an unusual book you know....
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Finished the entire book from 0-100% via Kindle Unlimited.

A pretty good time-traveling story with a few interesting twists to freshen up the well-worn plot. Characters were interesting to read, especially the family dynamics of Thomas Weaver; he has a pretty chill mom and bro. However, the aforementioned twists introduced elements that weren't really addressed in-depth. They left plot holes that are easy enough to ignore yet leave you with questions that remain unanswered even at the end of the book.

I would have given the story 4/5 stars, but one particularly nasty decision by Thomas Weaver near the 60% mark of the book significantly hurts the cohesiveness of Thomas' character. His reaction to the moves of the chief antagonist is not only illogical, even by the loose standards of fiction, but it also betrays the character that Shawn Inmon has built up to that point. All I can say without spoiling the story is that Thomas comes out to be a massive hypocrite, but I am not sure if Shawn wrote this with ironic intent about how easy it is to justify bullying if given the right motivation to do so. Reactions by the main cast pass off this senseless action as a harmless prank worthy of a few good chuckles, so I am inclined to believe that no irony was intended.

This is why I give The Unusual Second Life of Thomas Weaver 3/5 stars instead of the original 4/5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
raffi bagdasarian
Well, this book would have been awesome, but there was a glaring mistake in the story line. With something the character desperately wanted to do, he had the perfect opportunity and did not. I wish that if authors reached a spot in which they'd have to adjust their story for the sake of it making sense, that they would take the time to do so. Instead what we have is something making no sense, I suspect so the author could just keep writing.

Aside from this, I very much enjoyed the book. It doesn't top The Thirteen Lives of Harry August, but is a good quick read if you like this genre.

Very likable characters, only a few typos. To Mr. Immon, at the beginning of one chapter, it says 'Zach' instead of Tommy'.
A Time To Change :: A time-travel vampire romance (Resurrection Book 1) :: A Gift of Time :: A Time Travel Romantic Adventure - Time Ship (Book One) :: Book 1 in the History Mystery Series - Time and Again
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A second chance to make it right; a second chance to screw it up again.

Tragedy is the name of the game for fifty-five-year-old Thomas. At least that's what he tells himself as he washes down the handful of little white sleeping pills stolen from his mother. Lying back on his bed, he waits for the reaper to take away the despair. Instead he is transported to a different kind of hell--puberty. Thomas wakes in his childhood bedroom, with his teenage body, and all his memories intact. With a new lease on life he has a chance to do it all right. He will save his brother, change the course of history, find love, and stop a horrific killer. That is, if he can overcome being a pathetic screw up.

The Unusual Second Life of Thomas Weaver by Shawn Inmon weaves together traditional science fiction themes with a healthy dose of philosophy. With this tale of time travel you'll find yourself asking, would I do it differently? If you enjoy Charles Dickens and The Mine by John Heldt then you'll enjoy this story that combines the best elements of their works with thought-provoking situations, unforeseen romance, and powerful twists that will leave you breathless. Pick up your copy and join Thomas on his second chance today

What did I like? First off, I love time travel stories so this was really an awesome read for me. I was really blown away with the storyline. I really liked how the author tied in the events from the future to the past. I have read lots of time travel books and short stories but never one quite like this one and I liked it a lot! Thomas had to have been the geekiest kid ever and to have to be brother to the coolest kid was really a great idea. The thing that I liked the most though was the connections between Thomas, his mother and his brother, Zack. Back in the seventies it was really hard to be a single mom and this story shows how it can be done and be successful at it.

What are you going to like? One of the most twisted, emotional, disturbing, crazy, enjoyable and some parts funny but overall great read. There are lots of emotions flying around in the story. I cried and laughed and even jumped for joy in some of the parts but it will keep you glued to the pages with a desire to get to the last page. The characters are very developed and creditable, to the point of love and hate. The storyline is fantastic, conceivable and very imaginative plus it is too bad that we all can’t have a second chance to make everything right the next time around. My kids grew up during this era and I can remember many of the events that made that time memorable. The author did a great job with the research and it really shows in the events and actions of the characters. I really enjoyed this book and I understand the author is doing another with one of the characters from this book. I will be looking forward to reading it also and hope that he will keep going; he certainly did a great job on this one.

“I received this for being an advanced reader for the author. Besides getting all the good books in advance of hitting the market and have the opportunity to share my remarks, I love being part of the team that works with authors as they share each new book that they pen”.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the book...enjoyed it immensely. I have read several others by this author, and like his writing very much. Very interesting concept and premise for the book. Took me back to my adolescence and revisited the difficulties (for me) of that time. Very easy to put myself in his skin. Thomas Weaver is an ordinary man, a good person trying to make sense of his life, which has been full of errors and failures.. When he reaches his limit, he ends his life and begins again as a fifteen year old on a mission to change his life. The plot was simple, yet complex, as is each of our lives. The characters were very believable, and well developed. I empathized with Thomas, and was frightened by Michael's evil.They rang true for the time and place. I do not recall any typos specifically, altho I have noted grammar or typos in many of the books I have read recently, both on line an in hard copies.
I was given this book in exchange for an honest review; I looked forward to reading it as I have read so many others of Shawn Inmon's. As the book was originally published in serial installments, I found it most difficult to wait for the continuing tale.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diarmid hurrell
Really enjoyed this book. Enjoyed the 2nd one even more. I scare easily , EXTREMELY EASILY, and there were a couple of places where I had to close the book and do something else to detach from the story a bit. Tommy definitely made a lot of decisions differently from what I would have done given a second chance at life, but it made it more interesting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maisya farhati
Thomas Weaver is a high school student who is driving when his brother Zack is thrown from the car and killed. Tommy never quite recovered and in his 50's he mixes pills and alcohol to end his pain. Strangely, he wakes up as a teenager back in his childhood bedroom. Now is seems like he has been given a second chance to live his life over. Will he be able to change what happened to his brother? And, now that he knows what has happened to others later in their life can he change things and make it better for them? I found the concept of this book very interesting and the characters are very strong. I couldn't put this book down and I hated for it to end!
* I received a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
naleighna kai
I was unsure when I started the book. I generally relate better to main characters I have something in common with & an old drunk who has given up on life because of poor choices & survivors guilt isn't it. That said, the story ended up sucking me in anyway. It was not just another groundhogs day do over till you get it right story. The book brought up Challenges one might face in a second chance at Life that I never would have considered. It was well written, thought provoking & I would read a sequil. My bigest dissapointment in the book was what I felt was too frequant use of crude language. There was enough cussing in the story to distract from the story for me. ( though highschool kids today probably hear that much in the halls at school, i think it fit in less in the time period he went back to.) Otherwise I'd have given it 5 stars. I really enjoyed seeing the characters growth throughout the book. I was given this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessi kindley
Shane Inmon is a wonderful author, and this book did not disappoint. Though it was a bit different from others of his I have read, it still kept me captivated from one chapter to the next. Each chapter left you wanting to read the next one as soon as possible. There is a bit of the supernatural in this story, but that does not take away from the story line. It was one of those books that made you think about your own life and what you might do differently if you had the chance. To say much more would give away to much about the story. If you like a story that you can enjoy and one that has a bit of mystery, please check this book out. I don't think you will be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacqueline silvester
Thomas's life is screwed up worse than most people's, then he gets the chance of more than a lifetime. It's not all roses this second chance. The problems are more than just keeping a secret, things branch unexpectedly as Thomas tries to do the right thing.
Years ago I read the book 'Replay' which was in a similar vein, it stuck with me and I imagine this one will too. Looking forward to reading the next one in the series. I recommend this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my first time to read anything from this author, but certainly not the last. The story of Thomas Weaver , and his unusual second life far surpassed my expectations. It's not simply a time travel story, or a coming of age, again story. The insights into the psyche of the time was oh, so accurate. It really took me back. So, if you're looking for a really good book this is it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
circe link
Great concept with a well thought out plot, complex characters and plenty of twists and turns. Loved this book!

I first read this in episodes (which I purchased), and then received an advanced review copy from the author in exchange for my honest review.

When reading the episodes they couldn't come fast enough, I NEEDED to know what happened next. I hope that the author delves further into this storyline with further books. Highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bryan schlundt
From the first couple pages this was one I couldn't put down. After the first few pages of Book #1, I quit reading and waited until the series was complete. Waiting for each installment would have been torture for me. This book held me captive on many levels. I like not knowing what's coming next and the author did a great job of keeping me guessing. Secondly, this was my era. I was a teen when Thomas was. The realities of the time were crafted so well into the storyline, I was easily transported back to my teenage years. Finally, having grown up with the author, it was fun trying to guess witch of our schoolmates lent some of their qualities, and quirks, into the characters in the book. That fun can be had whether you grew up with Shawn or not. Everyone has schoolmates they will see parts of in these characters. This was a great read. I can't wait for the sequel but I will satisfy my thirst with A Lap Around America.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana wu david
I had the honor of reading each installment before it was published. I waited impatiently to read the next part. I loved the characters and really cared what happened to them throughout the story. Shawn has an amazing way with words and the feelings they can evoke. I love reading his books and cannot wait for his next adventure. Thomas starts the story as a not very likable person but quickly the reader finds out much more and really can empathize and root for this character. I hope the all who read it get as much enjoyment out of it as I have.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha starsick
This was my first time to read anything from this author, but certainly not the last. The story of Thomas Weaver , and his unusual second life far surpassed my expectations. It's not simply a time travel story, or a coming of age, again story. The insights into the psyche of the time was oh, so accurate. It really took me back. So, if you're looking for a really good book this is it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great concept with a well thought out plot, complex characters and plenty of twists and turns. Loved this book!

I first read this in episodes (which I purchased), and then received an advanced review copy from the author in exchange for my honest review.

When reading the episodes they couldn't come fast enough, I NEEDED to know what happened next. I hope that the author delves further into this storyline with further books. Highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the first couple pages this was one I couldn't put down. After the first few pages of Book #1, I quit reading and waited until the series was complete. Waiting for each installment would have been torture for me. This book held me captive on many levels. I like not knowing what's coming next and the author did a great job of keeping me guessing. Secondly, this was my era. I was a teen when Thomas was. The realities of the time were crafted so well into the storyline, I was easily transported back to my teenage years. Finally, having grown up with the author, it was fun trying to guess witch of our schoolmates lent some of their qualities, and quirks, into the characters in the book. That fun can be had whether you grew up with Shawn or not. Everyone has schoolmates they will see parts of in these characters. This was a great read. I can't wait for the sequel but I will satisfy my thirst with A Lap Around America.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
maral sa bazar
The author a bit too literally wrote the main character to be not very smart. Some seriously dumb things happened that no intelligent person would do a second time around.

It's a decent exploration of living one's life again, and worth a read. It is a bit slow and wanders some, but not for long in any one place.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had the honor of reading each installment before it was published. I waited impatiently to read the next part. I loved the characters and really cared what happened to them throughout the story. Shawn has an amazing way with words and the feelings they can evoke. I love reading his books and cannot wait for his next adventure. Thomas starts the story as a not very likable person but quickly the reader finds out much more and really can empathize and root for this character. I hope the all who read it get as much enjoyment out of it as I have.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
arnold liao
First off this should have been labelled YA. I like time travel and replay stories and this is one of the most poorly plotted I have ever read. While it's a good story, unfortunately the author couldn't quite put it together. It suffers from a MC and the dialog of a preteen. The MC starts out as a loser and a doofus and pretty much remains that way, at least for the 3/4 of the story I finished.
Example? Who in their right mind would pull a prank on a serial killer? Yep, this MC does.
The author apparently felt the 54 year old MC should act and think like a 15 year old, the age he regresses to.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dawn hancock
The Unusual second life of Thomas weaver

I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review and an honest review you shall get.

For several reasons I give the story 3 out of 5 stars.

When I read the beginning of this book I almost closed it, had I read the story before? How did the guy from Rock N Roll heaven die? Didn't Shawn write this story before or did someone else publish one that was similar? Could This be a re-write of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol? Deja vu? Anyway, I decided to continue reading because I made a commitment to the writer when he gave me the opportunity to be one of the first to read his book, I would read it and review it as promised.

By chapter 17 I'm feeling, all- though Shawn Inmon will never be Dickens, he's done a great job of portraying a Scrooge like character. He’s added some great detail to an old story and made it fresh and relevant to the times. Shawn has referenced, books, music, political happenings, and even serial killers we have all heard the stories of.

While we do not see the ghosts of Christmas, there are angels that sound like aliens who's story is not only stilted, fragmented and uninteresting, it also makes no sense. The book would be much better without the chapters talking about them.

Overall the main plot is quite interesting and worth reading , yet the book would be much better without the chapters talking about the Angel/aliens. .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j l gillham
I loved this book from the beginning, to the end. As someone who has wished things were different, and wished I could start over again, this hit a nerve. And for all the wishing, here I sit. But no so for Thomas Weaver. He gets his chance to start over, and and he gets to do it right the second time around. And he gets to retain his memories of his first, failed, life. Read this book, and like all of Shawn's work, you will not be disapointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sukanya s
This trip through the wormhole of a middle age man getting to be a teenager again was a fantastic story. I didn't know D and D was out in the seventies as I played in the eighties. As I was reading this book, I was yelling at the protagonist that he was being stupid. Of course now I am going to go over some sporting almanacs just in case I go back too, just in case.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tommy was not a likable character at the beginning of the story -- but he comes to learn what he's made of when he awakens as a teen again and finds he was given a do-over of his life. That's when the story grabbed me and pulled me into Tommy's world. The premise reminded me a little of Our Town, in that Tommy sees what he couldn't see the first time around: that life in all its mundane details and interactions really is precious. This is some of Shawn Inmon's best writing. Add to that his ability to keep the twists coming to the very end of the book, and he's created a great grabber of a story. He is working on a sequel, and I can't wait to see the continuing story. I was given this book free in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill bunze
There is a theme that runs through Shawn Inmon books. Redemption. Second Chances. This strikes home with all of us.

I originally read this in the serial novel format and couldn't wait until the next one was available.
You will not be disappointed. This book as well as all of Shawn's books have great characters.
I also like unpredictability. Plot twists. Can't wait for the sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a wonderful thoughtful read. I enjoyed every page. The plot was interesting to say the least. I liked the characters and the flow of the story. This would be a good book for readers of adult sci-fi, crime or mystery novels. Enjoy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandra guillory
I had a difficult time putting this book down. 54 year old Thomas Weaver dies and gets to relive his life with all of his memories intact. How he handles all of his past mistakes kept me glued to the book. I can't wait to read the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathi herick
This book touches you deeply, depending on your age. Its a what if book that raises that so human question, "what if I could do it all over again." It also raises the question of different dimensions. Hope you all enjoy the book as much as I have.
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