A time-travel vampire romance (Resurrection Book 1)

ByElizabeth Davies

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremy smith
This book implements a different take on the time travel trope. Grace travels backwards and forwards through time, at seemingly random times, and completely out of her control. The truly different part is that her body does not travel with her. She remains in her (modern) time and simply ‘blacks out.’ Once she arrives in the past she is given an identical body, and so there is the paradox of her being both in the past and the present at the same time. How this works has not yet been explained, but what we do know is that whatever damage happens to her in the past follows her back to her present...

This is an unusual tale in many respects. Grace not only time travels, but she is terminally ill. She only starts to travel once she returns home after all medical treatments have failed. It can be deduced that her ability is a result of her illness and her location, but this has yet to be confirmed.

So, we have a terminally ill woman, who travels back to the 12th Century, leaving her physical body in her present but obtaining an exact replica when she arrives in the past. Does it get more unusual? Yes. Who does she meet in the past? Vampires, of course!

I’m making light of it, but despite having a somewhat unusual premise, it is really very good! The author has a very nice writing style; she has written well developed characters where you can see the potential for growth. The author has done a very good job of describing 12th Century Britain. She provides enough information that it feels gritty and real without getting bogged down into too many details.

My only real negative is the sudden miraculous ability for Grace to not only understand and communicate with Roman, but society as a whole. In the beginning of the book our hero & heroine have a very serious communication issue. Apart from a ‘you Jane, me Tarzan’ moment they cannot communicate as there is no common tongue. I think the author realised she had written herself into a corner and was desperate to write herself out of it. The solution? Our hero suddenly declares ‘she speaks Saxon’ and they immediately begin to converse in an almost modern tongue and then everyone in the book universe starts speaking this same semi-modern tongue. This is not only historically inaccurate (any language of the 12th century would be so different from modern languages a normal person with no prior knowledge wouldn’t be able to understand it), but it defies logic. This dramatic ability to communicate happened so suddenly it sort of makes your head spin. This is really the only major flaw in this book and it is only really obvious at the beginning of the book, you can sort of forget it once you’ve had a ‘what the..’ moment.

Despite the above, I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I read it in one sitting, it was a page turner and I just didn’t want to put it down. This is a continuing story so it doesn’t have a HEA (yet), it just ends at a logical point and picks up in book two. I’ve already purchased the second book and I’m really looking forward to diving in.

I recommend this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathy barnett
This paranormal romance is an emotionally gripping and intriguing adventure through time. With only a few months left to live, 27 year old Grace returns to her home town of Brecon and suddenly finds herself catapulted nearly 1800 years in the past where she becomes involved with the wickedly handsome vampire, Roman.

This steady paced and smooth flowing plot keeps readers on shivering in suspense throughout the story as Grace tries to determine whether what she experiences in the past is indeed real or just a hallucination. The author describes the scenes with well written details that capture the imagination and has the reader feeling as if they are indeed returning to the past with Grace. The characters are strong, compelling and easily related to.

The attraction Grace feels for Roman is complicated because she’s not sure he’s real but as the story progresses so does her feelings for him and now she’s determined to love him even if it is only in her mind and the passion and sex is hot and steamy whether it is imagined or not. The reader can’t help but get caught up in the story as Grace’s situation emotionally grips the heart and the drama and suspense draw them deeper into the story and well Roman certainly arouses curiosity… among other things.

The author has created a fascination time travel romance with some novel vampire elements that adds some spice to the story. The author blends the 12th century in with the present making the transition easy for the reader to follow and while the story is not fast paced it keeps the readers enthralled and determined to find out what happens. Grace also finds herself in some complicated situations due to the time period that provides some humor and excitement. Being the first in a trilogy, this story ends on a cliff hanger and I can’t wait to find out what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeremy kane
PS Naughty Reviewers ~ Suzy
This book received 3.5.

State of Grace was a book filled with mystery -- so much so that sometimes the going back and forth (and I don’t mean the actual time) left me confused. The conversation would start, and the first person would drift in internal though that would distract me. The beginning took some time to warm up.

That being said I enjoyed the story a lot. It was a very different read of time travel and vampires that intrigued me. I enjoyed Grace and Roman’s exchanges. The first time she met him I was like…aghhhh! as she returned to her time. I was just getting into it, which is much the same as a person feels in a dream they are awoken from I suppose. Their tension was fantastic. Her questions for him were that which the reader wondered.

The sex scenes were heat level of warm and sexy. But one left me rather cold.  “He took me in the snow. [It was great].” Then later this scene was referred to. I wish I had more insight into it. I can deal with the non-explicit; I loved that aspect in fact. I embrace all sexual descriptions.

The time travel descriptions were deliberate and precise. I can only imagine the time it too to take to create that world. And the editing was perfect as well. There were some words I didn’t know or understand due to differences in culture, but I got the gist of it.

The ending of this extremely long book left me with a feeling of despair. The title seems strange to me as the does the cover, as neither scream what the book is about. The book is not a novel, yet is spans only a few days. I’m hoping for…well--hope for Grace in the next book. And of course more Roman. Something about a dangerous man. Yum!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The author of this book messaged me through Goodreads inquiring if I would review her book. I took a look and thought about it for the better part of a day. I was on the fence. Sure, I am passionate about paranormal romance books, but not always a fan of ones with historical elements to them. Also the lead female is dying, how is that going to be anything but sad and depressing. In the end I went ahead a took a shot, most of the review were positive, so I agreed to try the first one. I am SO glad I did, my assumptions were way off (taught me a lesson didn’t it). If I had gone the other way, declined, I would have missed out on the beginning of a beautiful story. The book does have a different feel to it and has a fresh approach to the paranormal genre. I think this is one of those paranormal stories that could appeal to a broader audience than just vampire fans.

The story started off a little slow for me, hence the four star instead of five star rating, and the first few chapters we jump back and forth between modern times and Grace’s episodes or visits to the past. The writing is beautifully done, descriptive (but not too much) and paints a vivid image of the setting, characters and the world they inhabit. Much of this beginning deals with Grace’s prognosis and that she came home to die. It is a little heavy/sad, and I tried to keep Grace at arm’s length and not get too attached to her. The flash backs were very intriguing and I would get frustrated when they ended, I wanted to explore this world that Grace was being pulled into. I wanted to know more about this mystery man she kept being drawn towards.

After a few chapters the author rewards us and much of the book is spent with Grace stuck in the past. The story becomes much brighter here as Grace stops focusing so much on the fact that she is dying and wants to learn more about this ‘dream’ world she has created for herself. The story is quite humorous at time and I loved the fish out of water feel to it. There are elements of danger, after all Grace has entered a much different world filled with unknown elements and a much harsher people inhabit it. Roman becomes her protector and is intrigued by this unusual woman that keeps popping up in his life. The chemistry between them is really well done along with the feel this ‘dream’ world Grace has fallen into. The author took the time to research the time period and the story feels authentic to me.

This is not a terribly long story, only 208 pages, so before I knew it I had reached the end. Right in the middle of action we are ripped back to modern times and like Grace we feel a sense of loss. The last pages continue to captivate me and I find myself to have completely fallen for Grace. I could not keep from becoming attached to her and a bawl along with her of the injustice of her death sentence. I have added the next two books to my to-read shelf because I simply must see how this story plays out. I am so rooting for a happy ending for Grace and Roman.

Like I stated in the beginning this is a beautiful story that should have broad appeal to many different readers. There is a paranormal element, but it isn’t too heavy and kinda takes the back burner to the time traveling parts of the story. Fans of historical books should also give this one a try too. And finally lovers of a good romance might also want to add this to their to-read list as well.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amy gilchrist thorne
*I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review *

I actually give this book 3.5 stars. I really enjoyed it, once it going. That is where it fell down for me. I must have been 25% in before I became invested enough in the story to carry on. Once I had though, I was really glad that I did. This is a well written book and a good start a series. The author creates a very vivid world, without being overly "wordy" about it. This is a good solid paranormal love story without it being gratuitous, with a great historical aspect and good characters. The character of Grace is an interesting one, having visions or time travelling when she returns home to Wales to die, and Roman is quite the mysterious and sexy vampire that she appears to be connected to over the centuries. The ending left you wanting more, but wasn't a cliffhanger as such. I look forward to finding out more in the second book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
c m gray
The story follows Grace, a twenty-seven year old dying of cancer. She begins having "visions" due to her brain tumor but really she is time-travelling into the past where she repeatedly comes across the same mysterious, gorgeous man by the name of Roman.

Now, now. I know what you are thinking. Time-travelling? Really? How do vampires and time-travel go together?

Well, cast those horrible thoughts away. Seriously. Throw them aside. Because this plot works. For real. I don't know how it works. I'm still stunned with how well it worked together, but it did. And that's all that matters.

First line of the book: I came home to die.

Bam!!! If that doesn't draw your attention there must be something wrong with you. I was immediately drawn in.

Admittedly, it took me about twenty-five pages to truly get into the book, but once I did, I was hooked and the plot just got better and better. I know that was due to the "time travel" or whatever you want to call it. I mean, Grace's life in the "real world" was interesting enough, but her traipses back in time were even more fascinating what with all the mystery as to how it was occurring and who she was seeing...Roman to be exact. He's like this scary mysterious guy who is both frightening and beautiful at the same time. And you know what happens when a girl meets a hot guy...


The visits back in time were my favorite part about the book. I thought I didn't even like time-travel! Go figure.

I am now totally excited to read the next book! Can't wait to find out what happens next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
thiago de bastos
Grace Llewellyn lives in Brecon Beacons and has inoperable tumor near the brain stem. She returned to her family farm where she's pretty much a night owl. Then crazy dreams in which she ends up naked with no memory of how she got there in the person. She sees tall, dark, and deadly stranger. Deadly stranger is named Roman but has no way to communicate with Grace. Grace gets very little warning before the dream happens. Grace is startled to back in the same room as deadly stranger. Deadly stranger calls Grace "Eryres". They soon discover a way to speak with one another. Can Grace figure out what is going on with her? Will she be attracted to Roman? What will Roman do? Your answers await you in State of Grace.

I loved that this wasn't the traditional vampire story! I loved Grace's interactions with Roman! Roman is super sexy and total alpha male. I thought the characters were rich, bold, and imaginative. The story was well written. I definitely want the next book in this series. I gotta know what's next for Grace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was impressed that I was approached (on-line) by Elizabeth Davies to read this book and write a review for her. Having never read anything that she has written - I said SURE!!

Now I can honestly say that Elizabeth Davies is an awesome author!! I loved this book and loved this story!!! The way that she moved us back and forth between present time and old time was amazing. Now, I'm ready to read the next book in the series.

When the story starts, Grace has been told that she only has a few short months left to live, so she moves home to be with her family for her final days. She is heartbroken that she can no longer be a pilot as a result of her illness.

I'm not one to post spoilers - so I don't want to say too much about what takes place in the book. I do admire Grace and the courage she show with handling her illness and I love Roman - a part of her dreams that really brings the story to life.

I will warn you that this is definitely one of those books that you will find hard to put down!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
d g chichester
Well written, with excellent descriptions and riveting details, State of Grace should be read by all that are drawn to fantasy fiction with a twist. Grace, a terminally ill young woman, while trying to come to terms with her mortality and how to cope with those around her, finds herself inexplicably transported to a different time. She doesn't stay, however, and is bounced back and forth, with seemingly no rhyme or reason. Her experiences in the "other time" soon lead her to understand that she is actually in the past, in the same geographic area she exists in during her normal lifetime. The differences between present and past are not easy to overcome and she relies on the help of the only constant in her visits elsewhere, Roman. Discovering the truth of his existence, as well as the truths of life in the past, are both intriguing and frightening for Grace, so much so that she wishes for her difficulties in her present. Will she remain in the past or face her end in the present? Only the rest of the series will tell...

Having the second book on hand is a must; I'll be finishing it before week's end...and then on to book 3. Knowing what happens to Grace, Roman, and the cast of characters accompanying their journey is mandatory to my sanity:-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marko ruostetoja
I loved it! Its a beautifully written historical romance with a paranormal/time travel twist. I was drawn into Grace's world from the first page, and felt for her having to deal with a fatal illness. I love Ms Davies writing style - it painted a clear, detailed picture of Roman's world - the beautiful countryside as well as the harsh and often brutal lives of its people. I am so pleased that the next book is published as I desperately need to know what happens to Grace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annaliese dorame
Although this book would fall within two subjects I normally avoid, Vampires and Romance, I found State of Grace a wonderful read. Elizabeth Davies contacted me and I agreed to read and review it for her. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the story and characters. The writing is so descriptive you can see, feel, hear, and taste everything the characters do. State of Grace is far more than the usually dry and predictable Romance/Vampire story. Elizabeth Davies has created a journey through time the past and the present, emotions love and fear, amid the specter of life and death, that, like a runaway train carries the reader from the first line of the book; "I came home to die."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was intrigued after reading the blurb, and I stayed that way throughout the entirety of the story. Grace, Roman & Viktor were all interesting well written characters. The story was written in such a manner that you felt as if you were truly there for every sight, sound and smell. I will be moving on with this series soon to see what happens to this interesting couple. What I enjoyed the most in this story was Grace, and her initial struggle to adapt to what she assumed was tumor associated hallucinations., she was witty and I found myself immensely enjoying her. I am normally not much into historical stories but this is woven in such a way it didn't bother me.
I received a complimentary e copy from the author in exchange for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maryam hany
Well written, with excellent descriptions and riveting details, State of Grace should be read by all that are drawn to fantasy fiction with a twist. Grace, a terminally ill young woman, while trying to come to terms with her mortality and how to cope with those around her, finds herself inexplicably transported to a different time. She doesn't stay, however, and is bounced back and forth, with seemingly no rhyme or reason. Her experiences in the "other time" soon lead her to understand that she is actually in the past, in the same geographic area she exists in during her normal lifetime. The differences between present and past are not easy to overcome and she relies on the help of the only constant in her visits elsewhere, Roman. Discovering the truth of his existence, as well as the truths of life in the past, are both intriguing and frightening for Grace, so much so that she wishes for her difficulties in her present. Will she remain in the past or face her end in the present? Only the rest of the series will tell...

Having the second book on hand is a must; I'll be finishing it before week's end...and then on to book 3. Knowing what happens to Grace, Roman, and the cast of characters accompanying their journey is mandatory to my sanity:-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sue sandelli
I loved it! Its a beautifully written historical romance with a paranormal/time travel twist. I was drawn into Grace's world from the first page, and felt for her having to deal with a fatal illness. I love Ms Davies writing style - it painted a clear, detailed picture of Roman's world - the beautiful countryside as well as the harsh and often brutal lives of its people. I am so pleased that the next book is published as I desperately need to know what happens to Grace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although this book would fall within two subjects I normally avoid, Vampires and Romance, I found State of Grace a wonderful read. Elizabeth Davies contacted me and I agreed to read and review it for her. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the story and characters. The writing is so descriptive you can see, feel, hear, and taste everything the characters do. State of Grace is far more than the usually dry and predictable Romance/Vampire story. Elizabeth Davies has created a journey through time the past and the present, emotions love and fear, amid the specter of life and death, that, like a runaway train carries the reader from the first line of the book; "I came home to die."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was intrigued after reading the blurb, and I stayed that way throughout the entirety of the story. Grace, Roman & Viktor were all interesting well written characters. The story was written in such a manner that you felt as if you were truly there for every sight, sound and smell. I will be moving on with this series soon to see what happens to this interesting couple. What I enjoyed the most in this story was Grace, and her initial struggle to adapt to what she assumed was tumor associated hallucinations., she was witty and I found myself immensely enjoying her. I am normally not much into historical stories but this is woven in such a way it didn't bother me.
I received a complimentary e copy from the author in exchange for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"I came home to die." The very first sentence reeled me in and it just got better from there. This paranormal romance has a unique mix of reality, vampires, time travel, and even a few steamy love scenes. I actually read very little historical romances, but surprisingly, I loved the time travel part of this story the best. Maybe because of the hotness of vampire, Roman! Elizabeth Davies did an amazing job keeping me on my toes, curious as to what would happen next and making me eager to turn the page. And I have to admit, I got teary eyed on a couple of occasions. I was so into the story, that when the end finally arrived, I wanted to scream for more. I will definitely be reading the next in this series, immediately!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hanna elizabeth
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
I really liked this book. I'm a person who needs to be drawn in early. this story did that. I have never read anything similar to it. It was such a nice change of pace.
I was impressed with the authors ability to create a split world and make each one captivating.
The characters were not the typical one sided flat personality. I enjoyed them or really thought some were swine. The way she words things like "we don't drink from the sick. we can smell it " Leaves you questioning many things and makes you want to continue the series.
There were a few editing issues that needed to be fixed. Overall I give it a solid 4 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
halsted mencotti bernard
From he moment I started reading, I was captivated by the tone that the author used for Grace. She may be dying of cancer, but this girl is still full of life. Grace is cute as she tries to rationalize what Roman really is. Roman comes to life, slowly showing that he still has part of humanity. I think that Grace is a strong character, doing the best she can with terrible circumstances. It is refreshing seeing a character that can deal with things like time travel. Vampires, and tumors with good humor.

I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review. No other compensation was received.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nate lahy
You better have the second book on hand. I normally don't like time travel novels, but this book was the exception. I loved the story and read the book in one setting. The story was fast paced and entertaining,it kept my attention from the beginning. I enjoyed the interaction between Roman and Grace. The ending of the book left me wanting more. I am looking forward to the second book. If you enjoy paranormal time travel this is the book for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beata bertoldo
This was one of those books I simply devoured. I'm so glad the other books in this series are already available. It was well worth its current $2.99 listing price. I started book 2 immediately upon completion. This is must read for paranormal lovers. It has it all and then some. I loved the originality. It definitely not your usual paranormal read that feels like something you’ve read before. This is in a class of its own! To say I'm impressed would be an understatement. It held me captive the entire read. The character depth was spot on, and the plot was fast paced and exciting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karla webb
If you are tired of all the different vampires and think never again (as was I), then Elizabeth has a surprise for you!
This story is so different and so great that you'll enjoy it immensely! Guaranteed!
Grab your book and enjoy!
Beware.. there is more of Grace if you love it as much as I did!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The romance between Roman and Grace is nicely paced, heating slowly through the first have the book. The historical accuracy is good, no anachronisms that make me want to cringe. There are nifty descriptions of Wales. Makes me want to visit.
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