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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
felice m vega
Loved the way the book brought so many mysteries to a close and had a very fulfilling ending. I truly enjoyed the way it brought closure to all the different characters ending. Didnt like the constant switchbacks too terribly much but it did help with the origins of the "Gods". I wait with baited breath the next adventures of the Sanctuary crew and what trials they will be facing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chelsea cole
It was simply astounding

I couldn't have asked for a better ending and the only disappointment I have is having to wait until 2018! I love these books and will continue to keep reading Crane's books in the future. Great characters that you can connect with easily and the humor alone between the characters feel like some of my friends and I arguing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG! Crane didn't disappoint with this book. I was dreading reading this book because I didn't want the Sanctuary world to end but, I am glad I finally got over that feeling. What a great book! Definitely a series that I will reread (and I dont ever reread). LOVE LOVE LOVE
The Man from Stone Creek :: Twenty-fifth Anniversary Edition - Young Men and Fire :: Sex Tips For Straight Women from a Gay Man :: The Wars of Gods and Men (Earth Chronicles) :: Legend (The REAL series)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy craft
Great ending to a great series. Watched Cyrus as he had to battle enemies, gods and deal with losing loved ones. Then you get the unfolding story of how santuary came into being. Really liked how the two stories intertwined, then came together at the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
don low
This last book of the series was simply amazing. The best one yet. Fast paced and didn't leave anything unanswered. By far one of the best books I have ever read.
If your looking for a great series that mixes action with fantasy and intriguing plot twist, loops and folds you couldn't possibly ever guess, the get this series. Best money spent to this seriously. You need this series
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin pope
The finally of the Sanctuary series is a bittersweet farewell that will fill you with a plethora of emotion. Putting it down to go to work, or hang with friends, or pay attention to your children, will be nearly impossible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
peter gulliver
Great read as usual with Crane. Ending was too drawn out for me. I got the feeling he wanted to "wrap-up" as many loose ends as possible. For me, as a reader, it's better to leave some ends open that way our minds can continue to wonder, "what if?"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joanne monte
Robert Crane amazes me. He churns books out so quickly you would expect hack writing, but no! All of his worlds are well crafted, his characters engaging and fleshed out, and his storylines convoluted and layered. Fully enjoyed this pensive ending and looking forward to the rebirth!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa koberlein
Where should I start? Well first wow and wow again, I have never written a review for a book before this, but in reverence to this masterpiece, I see no reason why I shouldn't start now. This review is not only for this book but for the series in its entirety. The Sanctuary Series is a stunning piece of art that acts as a portal to whisk you away to the land of Arkaria among many others where you'll follow the non-mundane life of Cyrus Davidon and his companions. I must say, bravo! bravo! Robert J. Crane you have created something that has resonated in the heart of the reader, I did not feel as if I was just reading a story, no I did not. I believed that I myself was on their many adventures, I shared jokes with them, I cried with them and I fought with them. To start from book one and follow all the way through was quite the journey. The character development was absolutely flawless, bereft of nothing that a book would need to make it a class 'S' stunning piece of work. Suspense, grief, mystery, action, comedy, you'll find all of this and more in the series. I would remember many a sleepless nights where I would stay up and keep telling myself just one more chapter, and I think many of us knows how that goes :) As I closed in on the final chapter I felt my heart creating a hole I know would not be filled in an easy manner, and to stave this off, I actually gave it a break and reminisced on everything thus far, and used the expertly woven words of Mr Crane to bringing to life in my mind the strength of Cyrus the black armoured warrior, the wit of our favourite troll Vaste, the sharpest sword in the form of her tongue belonging to none other than Vara, the wisdom of Alaric, the growth of Terian, the humility of J'anda and so much more that if I was of a mind to bring them into account I don't believe I would be able to contain myself and ever stop. Nonetheless the last book does a nice job of tying up some loose ends rather nicely, well not just some but all. It is not possible for me to recommend this book enough, give it a read you will not be disappointed, in this I know.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series has got me hooked. More action, adventure, and magic then you can handle. Crazy twists and turns have pull you in and keep you there. All set in a world some of us would rather live in. I highly recommend this series for anyone who likes magic and adventure you won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee bowser
Where should I start? Well first wow and wow again, I have never written a review for a book before this, but in reverence to this masterpiece, I see no reason why I shouldn't start now. This review is not only for this book but for the series in its entirety. The Sanctuary Series is a stunning piece of art that acts as a portal to whisk you away to the land of Arkaria among many others where you'll follow the non-mundane life of Cyrus Davidon and his companions. I must say, bravo! bravo! Robert J. Crane you have created something that has resonated in the heart of the reader, I did not feel as if I was just reading a story, no I did not. I believed that I myself was on their many adventures, I shared jokes with them, I cried with them and I fought with them. To start from book one and follow all the way through was quite the journey. The character development was absolutely flawless, bereft of nothing that a book would need to make it a class 'S' stunning piece of work. Suspense, grief, mystery, action, comedy, you'll find all of this and more in the series. I would remember many a sleepless nights where I would stay up and keep telling myself just one more chapter, and I think many of us knows how that goes :) As I closed in on the final chapter I felt my heart creating a hole I know would not be filled in an easy manner, and to stave this off, I actually gave it a break and reminisced on everything thus far, and used the expertly woven words of Mr Crane to bringing to life in my mind the strength of Cyrus the black armoured warrior, the wit of our favourite troll Vaste, the sharpest sword in the form of her tongue belonging to none other than Vara, the wisdom of Alaric, the growth of Terian, the humility of J'anda and so much more that if I was of a mind to bring them into account I don't believe I would be able to contain myself and ever stop. Nonetheless the last book does a nice job of tying up some loose ends rather nicely, well not just some but all. It is not possible for me to recommend this book enough, give it a read you will not be disappointed, in this I know.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series has got me hooked. More action, adventure, and magic then you can handle. Crazy twists and turns have pull you in and keep you there. All set in a world some of us would rather live in. I highly recommend this series for anyone who likes magic and adventure you won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an absolutely amazing adventure!!!! I have read all the books in this series and each one was great. I feel like I know everyone in the book. Every death pained me. I am feeling a little sad that it's over but im looking forward to the spin off series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was far and beyond my expectations and that is saying something because Robert J Crane has made me come to expect a good bit from his novels. The best book in the series as the final book should be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey stec
As with the seven books before this one, the world created by Crane is wonderful in detail. The epic conclusion to the story is well told without feeling rushed or cut short. Truly an enjoyable series from beginning to end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann kuhn
This series has just the right amount of everything! The character development is wonderful. You real feel like you know them and would like to be in the Council Chamber for a meeting. Bravo Mr. Crane!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series turned out to be better than I expected. This last book wrapped things up in a neat, tidy little bow. I recommend this book for anyone who enjoys the genre. You should definitely give this series a try.
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