The Wars of Gods and Men (Earth Chronicles)

ByZecharia Sitchin

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The most confusing book of the Earth Chronicles series. It talks about a lot of gods/godesses with their alternate names and the reader ends up with a lot of complicated thoughts. Plus some stuff is repeated from the rest of the series.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This information is sold as fact, but in fact all of Sitchins translations have been double checked and proven to be wrong. Too bad I didn't find that out till after buying his books. I wish I could return them all.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ryan riggle
It seems that Earth has always been a battlefield, from today all the way back to the beginning of history humans have been fighting one another, or maybe we learned from others in prehistory? In the third book of his series The Earth Chronicles, Zecharia Sitchin examines ancient texts from cuneiform tables of Sumeria to Egyptian hieroglyphs to the Bible itself to reveal long memory and devastating results of The Wars of Gods and Men.

Sitchin begins the book going over the wars of the ancient world and how the chroniclers of those wars described that the gods intervened in those wars and determined the outcome, following this he went over the wars of the gods for supremacy of Earth from Horus against Set in Egypt, the generational wars of the Greek pantheon, and battles of the Indian gods. Sitchin then set about showing that all these tales of battles reflect events in prehistory of members of the ruling house of the extraterrestrial Anunnaki, fighting for supremacy of “heaven” (Nibiru their homeworld) and Earth, with the rivalry between royal brothers Enlil and Enki extending into their children and grandchildren. Soon these wars began to include the “gods” human followers joining them in battle after the beginnings of civilization in Sumer, Egypt, and the Indus valley. Sitchin details that some of the Anunnaki put their personal interests above their own families resulting in various alliances with cousins against their own siblings, and parents in some cases, which began a chain of events that led Abraham out of Sumer to Canaan and how Sodom and Gomorrah were obliterated by nuclear weapons.

This book began as a more academic read like its predecessor, The Stairway to Heaven, but Sitchin quickly switched gears to more engaging prose as he brought forth his evidence for and the explanations of this theories. Sitchin did not rehash his evidence and arguments from the previous two books, only alluded to his findings so as to allow the flow of the book to progress along the line of thought he had focused on. Yet even though Sitchin did not rehash his arguments, he did contradict some of his findings in The 12th Planet in this book—namely with the identity of “ZU”—but did not state that further research had changed his conclusions which would have made a better book. However, the most intriguing part of the book was Sitchin’s discussion about Abraham, his family history, and his journey to Canaan especially in light of his theory that extraterrestrials were the “gods” of the ancient world (though he does not specifically name which Anunnaki sent Abraham on his journey).

The Wars of Gods and Men is a very intriguing, well written book with a theory and evidence that Sitchin lays out in an engaging matter. Even with the academic beginning and with some unacknowledged reversals in some Sitchin’s findings, this book gives the reader a worthy follow up to The 12th Planet that The Stairway to Heaven was not.
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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
david whovian
Sitchin ? Has a degree in Journalism , not ancient languages or history , there are many books and stories of Noah ,Metuselah or Masula all the names are just slightly different from the bible names as it is in many other religions , the Annunakis were translated by modern day Sumerians as "blood of the prince " not "from the heaven and stars they came" .
So many opinions and stories , there is no doubt ; Egypt was built by a civilization as advance as our modern day , I'm amazed how few people see these things from Egypt and it doesn't do anything to them ,like sheep and cattle herded by the government ,main stream archaeologist act like its no big deal and they don't want other people to notice how incredible the architecture is there in Egypt , I have a closed dimly lit brain and I've noticed those things in Egypt , lots of opinions from everyone , some how even with evidence for some reason their technology and advancements are some kind of secret that governments want to sweep under the rug .
The evidence of Baghdad batteries are there and the pyramids were power plants , evidence of hydrcloric acid found inside the walls of the
pyramids , the point is ; Sitchin has a vivid imagination with no evidence of the gold mining and a gold based atmosphere of Nibiru and gold as a anti aging DNA inhibitor , people think I'm a loony tune when I speak of these "theories"
You better believe I'm bitter .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kara leung
The prime focus of the third volume of Earth Chronicles is on Annunaki's dynastical relationships and with wars to gain rulership over certain lands and supremacy among them. Primarily exposed are Inanna/Ishtar and Marduk, which almost seem like they have blown up the whole "mission Earth" because of their struggle to became "The Mother/Father of the Gods". It is quite astonishing that Sumerian tablets, Vimana, Bible and many other sources report battles of unexplainable horrors, destructions and weapons. Who has shown them to the people, who has made them and fought with them? In the book there is an answer. People were at first only observers to this battles, but they were soon included to achieve goals of their God. The last scene (after which the Gods have deserted their beloved cities) should be nuclear explosion at the south side of Dead Sea and destruction of Sinai spaceport. Looks like people have copied the politics of Gods to the last detail, because such wars, destructions and sleazy politics can in similar extent be read anytime in daily news. Paradoxally weapons are the greatest developer of knowledge, but are so many times used to destroy it in reward...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julia hammerlund
This third entry in the Earth Chronicles series contains some of Sitchin's most interesting theories as to the history of mankind. Building upon his reconstruction of ancient history as espoused in the previous two books, the author now sets out to describe the evolution on warfare on earth. First, he restates his earlier theories which, in a nutshell, is that the Anunnaki, inhabitants of a 10th planet now on the far side of our sun, came to earth millennia ago and eventually created modern man by means of genetic manipulation. These "gods" were anything but divine, constantly fighting amongst themselves for power and prestige. Inevitably, the warring gods turned to man as new instruments of warfare against their enemies. Men such as Sargon the Great were granted kingship in Mesopotamia and surrounding areas and encouraged to wage war on whomever their gods commanded them to fight. With gods often fighting alongside men, brandishing powerful weapons of destruction, warfare became a common, increasingly destructive way of life.
Sitchin presents some eye-raising theories in these pages which bear mentioning. First, he virtually rewrites the history of the pyramids of Giza in terms of the construction and usage of the monuments, the sentence of a god to imprisonment in the Great Pyramid, and new thoughts on the real purposes behind the baffling shafts, rooms, and plugs found therein. Part of Sitchin's argument about the creation of the pyramids revolves around mathematics, and this part of the book does temporarily bog the reader down a bit. Next, he identifies Abraham of the Bible as the noble son of a Sumerian priest and not a Semite at all; more incredibly, he argues that the real purpose of Abraham's ordained trip to Canaan was to stop an invading army of eastern kings from capturing the Anunnaki control center and spaceport in the Sinai peninsula. Finally, Sitchin argues that Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as the Sinai space port, were actually destroyed by nuclear weapons and that the tragic disappearance of the ancient Sumerians is to be explained by the radioactive fallout of the explosions drifting over the area.
True or not, Sitchin's theories are fascinating. His ideas are not his own, they are his interpretation of the ancient writings of the Sumerians, Egyptians, Israelites, and succeeding thinkers and historians. While many would condemn Sitchin for challenging the truth of the Bible, he actually helps support the history of that document--much of the information he has discovered from Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, and other ancient sources actually matches remarkably well the facts presented in the Bible. Of course, one is hard pressed to trust Sitchin's data implicitly (unless one can translate diverse ancient writings), but he does succeed in presenting a unified, linear chronology of events. Whether his interpretation is correct or not, it does serve to explain a number of unsolved mysteries from man's past and makes for fascinating reading.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rahma elkwawy
Sitchin's work always make for exciting reading, but this one is a bit laboured and heavy on facts, so it doesn't flow as smoothly as the other titles in the series. I take his theories with a pinch of salt, as his Nibiru chronology doesn't make sense to me (If this 12th planet is supposed to come round every 3600 years and cause havoc on earth, it was supposed to have come round in 100BC according to Sitchin's own chronology). But there is no record of any such thing happening in 100BC! So perhaps Nibiru veered off out of the solar system and is now drifting aimlessly through the cosmos! Ha, that would serve the Anu right for having so selfishly interfered on earth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caitlin green
Sumerian scholar Zechariah Sitchen has opened up early human history with his series created by a blend of Middle-eastern mythology and Biblical reference. In this volume he deals with the roots of war, connecting it to sibling rivalry that repeats itself over many generations and cultures, even to this day. We meet,in detail, the characters of ancient myths, giving flesh to history of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Bible lands and even Mezo-America. He implies that war will never resolve old wrongs and that only forgiveness can hope to bring peace. A brilliant, readable, open-minded work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is the one that best answered the questions that came to mind after I first began reading the Earth Chronicles. After some independent study I had voiced an opinion online that I was convinced we were descendents of an angelic race, to which someone had queried, You've been reading Sitchin? Who? I asked. I did a web-search and found some critiques of Sitchin's reasearch, read them, and promptly went out and bought 12th Planet . Sitchin's scholarship and translation of the clay tablets provided the background and filled in the holes of my theory of man's origins. Like Sitchin, I too began my quest after pondering over the begining of the Noah chapter of Genesis that tells of the Sons of gods taking the daughters of man for their wives. Sitchin was way ahead of me, though. All of the Earth Chronicles provided new insights, with plenty of documentation to back up his theories. The Wars of Gods and Men was, to me, the most relevant for opinions to answers I was seeking. I have continued to read every other author I can find that tackles these subjects and have refined my own opinions about them. Zecharia Sitchin remains the vanguard in this quest, and I find his scholarship indispensible. For several years now I have been trying to find holes in his basic premise, only to find slight differences of opinions as regards minor points. Applying his translations of ancient wisdom, I invariably arrive at the most plausible answers to questions that seem to still evade modern scientists. When I read about a new scientific theory it is often laughable when I consider the most plausible answers can be found if only modern science and religion would shake their dogma and realize man has been in possesion of those answers for some 6,000 years. After Sitchin, I never feel I am any longer blind. He has assisted me in gaining my sight. If only the rest of the world could see so clearly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
krei jopson
To be honest, I have not yet starting reading this book. This is the 3rd book in the Earth Chronicle series. I am currently reading the second book and devoured the first book. The 12th Planet is the first book and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in ancient civilization and human culture, its art and deep historic meaning shed light where our current culture provides ignorant knowledge. Sitchin is classic within metaphysical circles and is essential in educating oneself about the 'Gods' and the truth concerning mythlogical origins on our planet. Sitchin's gift is his ability to analyse ancient text directly and logically and then take it to a much higher level than popular culture can even imagine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david a johnson
I love Sitchin. He delves deeper into these subjects than anyone I have found. In this book he looks into the wars that have taken place throughout prehistory and puts his god-like spin on it. It is a thoughtful, very deep, and boring book. Read it with a thirst for knowledge, but not when you are tired. I found his information about the pyramids of Giza to be interesting, and if you would like to read some great (non-boring) writing on that subject, I recommend Fingerprints of The Gods by Graham Heathcock.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I do agree with many reviewers that Sitchin's work provides a "new" angle, and for many, a new vision, to understand the mythology and religius theories of "beginning", history and "end". His premises might have been "mind boggling" for many a readers. There are, off course, good reasons for that. However, his having convincing reasons to establish new concepts while exploring and explaining religius traditions and myths, he has not been able to even slightly touch the most important questions asked by most curious human minds in all known human history. I would like to mention a few of them here in most simplest terms:

1 . (Lets start with Questions on Sitchin's own theory). If
humans were created by terrestrial gods from some other part
of the Universe, then who is behind all this Universe? Why
should'nt we start probing the signs of the most Ultimate,
behind the veil? Why should we repeat the same mistake as
did by our ancesters, by assuming those Terrestrial Visitors
on our planet as "gods"?
2 . On "what" those terrestrial gods used to fight? Why they
created such an imperfect creature as man, to be used as
pawns in their game of chess? Why not a better warrior
force? Why not something, some "technology" superior
than "Iron" and "Nuclear" power?
3 . How much of this "Universe" is the creation of those
terrestrial gods? (As far as God or "gods" is concerned,
Creation does not mean molding raw material in to different
shapes- Creation means creating raw material and all
its "working principles" out of nothing.
4 . In case those 'gods' were also creation of some other
'creator'then who was that "Creator"?
5 . Where should this series of creators end?
6 . Whoever is "gods", why they want to be "Believed" in to them?
7 . Can man someday become another god for the beings "created"
by him at another planet? If yes!, but why?
8 . Should man demand from those inferior beings to worship him?
For what?
9 . Did those gods perform some experiment on this planet and
abandoned it when it went wrong? What went wrong? In case
the experiment is still on-going then what kind of
"gods" are those who did not know the results of their
experiment, already?
10. Do those "gods" fix destiny?

11. (Coming to traditional questions). What is Destiny?
12. Is it "all" happening in my mind or in God's/ gods' mind?
13. What is my experience, what is matter, what is time and
space??? What is Universe, anyway? Does it include my inner
universe? Who am I? Who "you" are? Do I exist? What is
14. What is "Knowledge"? What is the "Source" of Knowledge? What
is "Wisdom"? Does "Wisdom" include "Knowledge" and
15 . (Little of Mysticism) What is "Alive" and what is "Dead"?
What is "Soul". What is "Spirit"? What is "ecstasy", "Awe",
"revelation", "Nirvana", "Divine Unity", so on and so forth.

I have full respect for all such attempts that endeavor to explain the questions of creation and existence. However when one explains the fundamental questions by the logic whose own fundamentals are questionable then the matters are not solved, rather become even more complicated. If we really recognize lesser gods playing "God" on this planet, then lets find the "One" who is "Real" "The Greatest", the "Unique". "None" exists like "Him". His wisdom has created all that exists, has existed and will exist. Our whole thinking process leads us to one exhausted conclusion, that there can not be many "gods" who created everything. Creators of replica or molders of genes can not be true god. Besides its bold logical analysis of Religion, Mythology and History, Sitichin's theory leads ones world view to Chaos, which causes deep disturbing pain to the Believers in the Sigular Diety. General human tendency is that we can not live with chaotic common sense and voids in logic. Whole human struggle revolves around "putting meaning in to Chaos". The only meaning that man has yet been able to put in this Chaos of life and Universe is to attribute it to a most Original Creator who is beyond all understanding of His creation. He created us such that, we are bound to understand, with certain premises and under fixed boundaries. (As Emanuel Kant puts it), It is meaningless to say whether "outside" world exists or not. By our existence we are bound to think in a pre-destined "Format" of thinking. We are bound to think through Logic, Time, Space, Matter, Events, Causality, Beginning (Creation), End, Creator, Destiny, etc. God has created us such that we can only and always think through these formats of thinking. We are innately bound to have a "Universe" around us. We are bound to have "Beginner", "Creator" for "Everything around and within us", including our innate process of thinking.
Wisdom starts where our logic ends. Wisdom is to accept with pure submission that my "logic" can not "grasp" the "Real One". All my faculties of reasoning are not capable to comprehend him. They are not equipped with such tools and format of thinking.
My "format" of thinking leads me to a blind, exhaustive conclusion that "There has to be Someone who is the Ultimate Originator of All This".
"Why" did he do it?
Do not expect an answer, because, "Why" is the part of my format of thinking but the answer to this "why" may not be understandable for my "format" of thinking.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ancient mysteries present difficult and complex problems. But not for
Stichin... seemingly he has all the answers! Sitchin is a scholar, a
linguist, and an investigator with an unusual grasp of ancient
archeology and astronomy. Sitchin again posits a fantastic account of
alien intervention as the origin of civilization. However, he fails to
prove or even substantially advance his case that extraterrestrial
intervention and genetic mutation planted the seeds that would sprout
into the foundation of Earth's civilizations. His work is disguised as
science but it fails by most sstandards of scientific method,
documentation and proof.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie thrapp
There are many literary stars (such as Erich von Daniken, Arthur Vonshtain, Deepak Chopra) in the firmament of writers on culture and religion, and to a man they write with dash and persuasive logic Zecharia Sitchin is one such. Great book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cindy gelpi
Having read this book some years ago, i picked it up again recently to remind me of the nature of men! It did not change my mind about man's incredulous lengths to achieve self-glorification. It's an on-going thing! Girls, read this and dissipate the myth about MEN, if you can get your head around it!! HEEAAVVYYY!!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
chuck ryals
I was unhappy with this series of books. It just was not what I expected. Looking for study on Ancient Gods, not just a story. It seems to me, these books are no more than stories based on his opinion, not much history, that I noticed. Nicely written set for great imagination. It seemed more fiction, not actually any facts. Fantasy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Finally it's all comming together. The puzzle pieces of ancient history are fitting together and the full explanation is astounding. This book and the preceding books of the series are a must read for fans of ancient history.
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