One Entrepreneur's Take on Leadership - and Self-Awareness

ByGary Vaynerchuk

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter gulliver
He did. But, hey, I really enjoyed this book. So, Gary. Here you go.

I've never watched his show on YouTube, nor have I read any of his prior works (definitely going to now, though), but this came highly recommended through a good friend of mine. I'm not gonna do an extensive review since plenty have got it covered already.

If I could summarize the overall takeaway from the book, I would say that it's "You can build something really awesome online and be successful if you're willing to take the time to learn how to do it properly. Stop making excuses and spend every waking hour going for it."

The chapter that stood out most to me was the 'Education' chapter. In it, Gary states he doesn't believe that our higher education model (universities/colleges) will even exist ten years from now (while pondering about his daughter's future). It really is amazing what we can learn nowadays just by using the Internet. I'm sure plenty of professions will likely still require higher education (STEM, in particular), but this belief really resonated with me.

I built my own brand from nothing over the course of the past year and taught myself as much as I could about marketing/social media. I worked my way into a career that's rapidly growing and expanding, couldn't be more excited about it. I agree that the information is out there for you to be successful in whatever profession, you just have to have the drive to keep learning, the patience to accept setbacks and failures, and the passion to make a difference.

Thanks for writing the book and being an inspiration, Gary
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren regenhardt
haven't read it all.... apparently I become illiterate after some drinks,
with this being said the first 100 pages read them in about a day - good insight/(s) from mind/(s) that are in the marketing game.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan mayland
Worth the wait doesn't even cover the actual worth that is in this book!

I first caught Gary Vee on Diggnation and immediately thought "This guy is a nut!" and went away from the episode thinking "This guy is awesome!"
I wasn't into wine but followed him anyway and over the years would check in every now and then to see what this guy was up to because his attitude and drive really stuck with me. I would watch Gary's video here and there and loved them all but never with any consistency.
I heard about his first book Crush It long after it had come out, added it to my Audible shopping cart and listened to the entire thing the next day and said out loud "I effing love this guy!" and I have been hooked ever since. I finished that book and gathered everything I could that was Gary Vee and absolutely everything was gold.

I have been watching the #AskGaryVee Show for quite some time and I tell everyone I know they NEED to watch this guy!
I pre-ordered this book the day it was available and it is beyond words worth the measly $18 and the several month wait.
The book is great and answers not only any question you would have for business but even crosses over and provides answers that can help you in anything dealing with life. The guy has such an amazing outlook on life I would support him in anything he does just to see more content from him.

I cannot recommend this book enough. And get the audio book as well, Gary's enthusiasm is absolutely infectious. Gary Vee makes me want to create and conquer!
Self-Publish Your Books on Kindle and Promote them to Bestseller Status :: 77 Instant-Action Ideas to Boost Sales - and Crush Your Competition :: The Thank You Economy :: King of Sword and Sky (The Tairen Soul Book 3) :: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life's Work - Turning Pro
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathie mcfadden
Bonus Points:

1) Gary Vee - Star Wars Fan. Check.
2) Gary Vee - Doesn't like Jordan but seems to like Kobe. Check
3) Gary Vee limiting the F bombs was nice (sometimes there in other formats).

Kind of like comparing all of the Star Wars movies, I am trying to decide if better than Thank You Economy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
haley campbell
Dear interested buyer,

I could not recommend the master entrepreneur and motivator, Gary Vay-ner-chuck's ;) latest business book more easily:

-The collection of questions and answers (from the man himself) extracted from the #AskGaryVee shoooow along with introductory writings and extras (to help the writing flow) cover a large array of topics so you will easily find content matching your interests. Staying true to Gary Vee's message - the book delivers spades full of quality content and story telling. Quality over quantity.
- It distills much of the show's content into an easy to read format, saving you hours of watching multiple episodes of #AskGaryVee recorded up to the date of this publication. Most answers are concise and Gary's spicy yet humorful attitude comes though great in the writing. Conversational, honest, passionate (and then some) in tone and style kept me engaged.
-Those interested in receiving inspiration from the lessons & advice of a social and business icon will thoroughly enjoy this work. Those with the guts to apply some of the pearls of wisdom offered here and make them their own will live much better lives for it. Die hard fan of Gary Vee or casual, I dare say even hater - you will find value here.

I do not want to spoil what makes this a great read any further. I rather challenge you to discover why for yourself by giving this a read. There is much to learn from the family man behind the brand, business, and persona. Best you get started, go for it!
'Let's start the boooook! ;)'.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katherine wyvern
This book is amazing. Gary provides amazing information across a lot of channels. This book is the cap of excellence to all the channels he distributes on. I love everything Gary does. Gary speaks the truth to everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tammy richards
Today I finished the 11 hour and 38 minute audible version of #askgaryvee. I am blown away by the level of entertainment, thoughtfulness and effort that went into this audiobook. True to Gary's authentic, off the cuff personality, his audiobook delivers. This is an incredible resource for learning the 2016 landscape of branding, sales and digital media. Like Thank You Economy, this book's practical advice will likely provide value and context for the next 5 years of digital media. But even better are the evergreen ideas akin to Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, including the theory of clouds and dirt, reverse engineering his and his employees' goals and lots more.

But my favorite part of this book is Gary's vulnerability in sharing the deepest part of himself: his feelings about family. His realization that every day without tragedy is a day to be thankful for is a heartwarming, sincere and wonderful takeaway.

And of course, who doesn't love a guy that given the choice between being a dragon or having one as a pet, would choose the former so he could blow fire on the Patriots. GaryVee may be a Jets fan, and myself a Dolphins fan, but mutual disdain for the Patriots can conquer any great rivalry.

So in response to Gary's question of the day (How did I do?), the answer is: "You CRUSHed IT."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michaela ward
This audio book is AMAZING! If you have not bought it yet I 100% recommend it, even if you have seen/heard everything Gary has ever made. The organization of the chapters and questions is wonderful. Great work Gary! Home-run work. Thank you for all you do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
naomi gross
Gary another awesome book!!! This one encapsulated all the books, Crush It, The Thank You Economy, and JJRH combined. I loved the way that the book brought a lot of the material from "The show". For those that have never seen "The Show", you have to go check out the episodes on YouTube or Facebook. You will learn more from watching the episodes than you will ever learn watching other video's on how to grow your business. If you are working on growing your social media platform, this is the book for you. #AskGaryVee covers a lot more material than just social media, marketing, and growing your business. Gary lets you in on his life and family, you won't find other authors being that open and willing to expose their everyday life. Like Gary explains, you must learn to "Hustle" your face off...and this book explains what it takes really takes. One last thing, if you really want to see what it means to Hustle, watch Gary's "DailyVee" episodes to see what it really means when he say's he puts in 18hr days. They used to say "Want to be like Mike" entrepreneurs "Want to be like GaryVee". Now let's get into "The Shooooowwwww."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
glenn fischer
Have loved Gary Vee's content since wine library TV (have been a loyal customer at the store for nearly 10 years too). Despite watching/listening to pretty much every single piece of his content online, including the shooow this book provides so much value and a ton of new information. A great business book, on an emotional and strategy level. The audiobook was fun to listen to, especially as he didn't go word for word from the book which felt like he was just talking to you. I highly recommend this book, to both fans and people who have never heard of him (the number of those must be shrinking by the day). I rarely comment on his videos which I know drives him mad so wanted to review the book ;) Great job GV and thank you for all the content you pump out to keep us inspired, informed and on top of our game!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yes, yes, yes! This is one business-life book you need to own. Whether you are looking at building your own business or just making the most of your current career, this is the book you need. Gary hits it out of the park again. #VaynerWorld
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My first Gary Vaynerchuk book and I am absolutely hooked! Been watching his YouTube videos for almost a year now and this book really sums it all up for me. As a Sales Manager, the realness that Gary brings to the table is both refreshing and inspiring.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary beth busby
Well worth the investment of time and money. Super relevant content for small business owners and CEOs of large companies alike. Gary always is ahead of the curve and it's smart to trust him and follow his opinions of trends. Get your hands on this!
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