A Rock Star Contemporary Gay Romance - Perfect Imperfections

ByCardeno C.

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lee anne coombe
The relationship between to two MC was so funny and real that I just had to keep reading to see where it was going and what they would say or do next. The way the author handled Jeremy coming to terms with his sexuality was new and explained very well. I loved how Reg was all on Jeremy's side, but never let him get away with anything, keeping him in line and grounded. I literally LOL several times in reading this over some of the things they said to each other. It was like sitting and listening to two friends talk mess to each other. This story had depth and the sex scenes were hot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
c blake
The official burb gives a pretty clear outline of Perfect Imperfections. Jeremy Jameson is Hollywood and rock royalty. When he sneaks off on his own one night for some private down-time, he meets a nice, easy going guy tending bar at a small town pub. A guy who doesn't seem at all star struck in his presence. More than this, he seems incredibly genuine and has the ability to make Jeremy feel calm. Jeremy ends up staying for six hours at the pub and he and Reggie talk for a lot of that time. Because Jeremy has had a few to drink, Reg makes sure he stays at his place the night. Jeremy soon discovers that Reg loves adventure and he wants to travel, he just doesn't have the funds to be able to do it. As it happens, Jeremy is about to head off on a world-wide tour and he would like someone to accompany him, no strings attached...except, well, Reg is perfect to be his "pretend boyfriend."

"You should come with me," Jeremy joked. "I'll tell everyone I stopped dating starlets, and you're my new arm candy."

Reg feels that Jeremy has had a few and when he wakes up in the morning the offer will be rescinded. But it isn't. Reg is offered the same pay he is on now, only with first class travel and being part of a tour thrown in. What starts out as Reg being Jeremy's pretend boyfriend, keeping him company on the tour and organising adventures in different cities between gigs, ends up as more. Before long, Jeremy finds that Reg is not only good company but he has the ability to calm him down and help him cope more. That he enables him to deal with other distractions in his life - like interviews that are more frequent than usual, and at the worst possible times, and the paparazzi that seem to know every single movement he makes on this particular tour.

This is a nice book, a character and romance driven story that has no dramas or miscommunications. It is very much about the development of the relationship between Reg and Jeremy. That Reg may initially see this as travel and an adventure, but soon finds a lot to like about Jeremy. That Reg is gay and that he believes Jeremy is at least bi, if not gay himself, but he will take his time and see where it goes without scaring him. That Jeremy has never thought highly about the act of sex before with women but he has this increasing friendship-cum-relationship with a man who sees him as more than a celebrity. Who he begins to see as more than just a friend. That there is a basis for the relationship that develops between the two men to beyond 'pretend boyfriend.'

I want to add this, I actually thought Perfect Imperfections was about a gay muso who didn't want to be 'out.' It isn't. I know it is fiction, and I get that, but I am really not big on GFY/OFY, I rarely read them. Mostly it's because I feel they play into the hands of people who believe that being gay is a lifestyle choice. But Cardeno C went to great pains to work with this in a manner that made me comfortable reading the book. When Jeremy tells his manager, Bill, that Reg is to be his new love interest, Bill doesn't like it much. He'll spin it for his client, but he also shares his feelings about it being used as a ploy -

"It means the homophobes are going to be pissed you're gay, and those of us who are actually gay, and have dealt with everything that entails, are going to be pissed when you change your mind about it as if your sexual orientation is a jacket you can take off and put on whenever you have a whim."

Not to mention several other points that were very well handled and respectful. I totally bought the fact that Jeremy was unsure of his own sexual fluidity and that he fell for Reg. Nothing felt forced or awkward.

My only niggles with Perfect Imperfections are that Jeremy reads younger than his age (thirty one turning thirty two) and that Reg says 'cool' and 'awesome' far too often for my liking. Hence the 4 stars.


I really enjoyed Perfect Imperfections because I liked Reg and Jeremy as a couple. They didn't shine individually for me, but together they worked very well, but, really, that was the whole idea. It was also the time taken by Cardeno C to work out their relationship - this book is over a period of a year - Jeremy's realisations, and the slow burn to them being together, that were particularly well written. Recommended for those who like rock star or celebrity stories (which is never played up to the hilt), a kind of GFY/OFY/sexually fluid storyline and a sexy, sweet MM romance with its fair share of 'aww, isn't that sweet moments.' Very nice, romantic reading.

"You break my heart sometimes," Reg whispered. "Kills me how alone you've been." He pulled Jeremy down, tucked Jeremy's head under his chin, and squeezed him close. "So glad I found you." With Reg's muscular arms around him, Jeremy felt safe, like nothing and nobody, himself included, could pry him away from this man.
"And don't worry," Reg said. "If you try to push me away, I'll remind you why you need to hold on tighter instead."

Review also at On Top Down Under Book Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Have you ever thought, ‘this person was created solely to love another’? As I was reading, or listening in this case, it struck me; Reg was made to love Jeremy. To be honest, I can’t think of another couple that hit me with a similar realization. After countless love stories this was a first and did it ever rock my world.

Jeremy Jameson is a true blood rock star. He was born into the life and has lived up to his expectations. He is amazing on stage and happiest when he is performing. His professional life is the stuff dreams are made of. His personal life has not been as lucky. His father has passed and his mother has many priorities, none of which include him. He’s had many relationships but not a single one has lasted. After he meets Reg, he discovers that he hasn’t ever actually had a real relationship. He’s lonely. He’s starved for affection, which is duly ironic because he is adored by millions. As we learn, sometimes only one person matters.

What's to like: Rock stars are so entertaining and I enjoy peeking into their posh world. Jeremy has his diva moments but…he is a diva. He also has a persistent neediness but…the man is making up for lost time and frankly, he is needy. My favorite part is how Reg loves loving Jeremy. He relishes in stepping into the vacant caretaker role. Jeremy’s entire life is full of intense demands. He longs for the simplicities that you and I take for granted. Reg does his best to give him these simple pleasures. When Jeremy asks Reg to accompany him on tour and play the role of his pretend boyfriend I knew we were in for a good time. Reg is easygoing and honest and doesn’t fake anything. I really like Reg, Jeremy too but Reg stole my heart.

What's to love: Reg quickly falls in love with Jeremy and makes it his mission to open Jeremy’s eyes to the same acknowledgment. He knows that his superstar loves him too and he is patient enough to wait until he recognizes the truth for himself. His hand is forced and he begins to play dirty and Jeremy quickly catches up. With Reg, sex is a completely different animal. It’s not an obligation but a burning desire. It’s a hunger he never knew he had and he simply can’t get enough. No one is more pleased with this than Reg and he is rewarded greatly for his patience early on. Once the sex begins, it hardly stops…but seriously, who is complaining? Ummmmm, not me. They are SO insanely hot together but what really seals the deal for me, is their undying love. J.J. does not scare easily but he is terrified that he will lose Reg. And if there’s one thing he knows for certain, he doesn’t ever want to be without his greatest fan.

The narration was smooth, seamless and easy to follow. Mr. David’s performance was outstanding with especially hot sex scenes. The music at the beginning and conclusion of each chapter guaranteed no heavy eyelids. Ha! No sleeping or drifting with this audiobook.

Beware of: Strangers in a bar become quick friends making rash decisions…rather unlikely rash decisions. Their romance may appear off-balance at first but when it levels out, Jeremy is determined to keep it that way. And a sexual discovery awakens curious and fierce desires promising lots of erotica.

This book is for: I’ve never been a Cardeno C. fan before and now I’m questioning why? This story snagged me early on and never let go. I loved the writing, characters AND the narration and I’m willing to bet you will too. Join me in my new fandom, I’m stoked for my next Cardeno book.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin pope
I really enjoyed Perfect Imperfections. I almost thought Jeremy was too naive for a rock star, but he really did lead a sheltered and controlled life. The story is fairly angst free, with very likable characters. The camaraderie between Jeremy and Reg is immediate but their friendship really develops when they go on tour together. The more they are together, the more Jeremy looks to Reg for comfort and support and Reg is wonderful in that role. The friendship to romance is slow to develop but evolves at a nice pace, and once they make the decision to take it to a more intimate level – it is hot. Reggie IS the Bomb (you have to read the book to know why). I thought the way the author handles a character not realizing he is gay until age thirty-one is well done. The way Jeremy’s manager viewed Jeremy and his relationship with Reg was annoying at times but also felt realistic for the circumstances.

If you are looking for a light, sweet, romantic story this would be one I would recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexandra kaae
This is a fun story, well-structured with tons of sexual tension. I couldn't wait to find out how the characters managed to get together, given where they started out. The plot was well-crafted and well-paced, so the reader's interest never lagged. I loved the humor of these characters, such as Reg's flair for irony. He could make fun of Jeremy's situation without making fun of Jeremy himself. That's tough to pull off. The characters were completely believable and a perfect match for one another. It was interesting how Reg seemed older, even though Jeremy was older, but that also seemed right for the two of them. Reg has been on his own for a number of years, while Jeremy has always had handlers. People are always telling him what to do and where to go--so in many ways, he has no more control over his life than a child. This novel really captured the emotional truth of the characters' experience. Setting in this story is interesting, because they're on the road and most of the scenes take place in hotel rooms. But that's the reality for this couple. Descriptions of the rooms don't matter much, and time wasn't wasted on them. Instead, the focus was on the mood and atmosphere, the feeling of being on the road, the sweat of being onstage under the hot lights. The physical reality for these characters was captured effectively without needing a strong sense of a place. A few small things: - The premise of Jeremy inviting a complete stranger to go on tour with him pushed the bounds of believability, but I was willing to go along with it because the characters had such great chemistry. - Sometimes I had trouble keeping track of whose POV we were in. - The ending, while it was sweet and right for the story, didn't have as powerful an emotional hit as it might have otherwise, because the marriage proposal came earlier. These are all really minor, and didn't negatively impact the enjoyment of the story. This is a well-written, funny, heartwarming, sexy story.

For me, this book was perfect. The development of their relationship - a joy to follow along. Yes, the whole thing might belong to ‚Fairy Tales for Grown-ups‘ but I was in the right mood for such a slow-moving, sweet story.

Such a pleasure to read this book. It was funny and warm and wonderful, with dialogue that sparkled. Jeremy should have been annoying, and yet Cardeno C crafted a wonderfully complex man who is part diva, part wise, part naive, part full of sadness and part full of joy. Reg is his perfect foil, warm, loving, and not willing to put up with his crap in a way that is strong and tender. The patience and love Reg has for Jeremy is only overshadowed in the story by Jeremy slowly learning about himself as he's finally slowed to just be. Hats off. An excellent, lovely romance.

This was an excellent book. Great, engaging writing style that kept my attention riveted throughout the novel.

I am a big fan of this author and loved this story. The characters are great; I loved how they met and the way Jeremy and Reg form such a close bond so early. I also love the way Reg is so protective of Jeremy, especially when it comes to those trying to take advantage. Great story to start with if you have not given this author a try yet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alyssa isakower
Cardeno C Audiobooks and I, have a great work ethnic – I do the decorating whilst the Author keeps me entertained with the latest release on Audiobooks – my house has never looked so good!
Normally, I always read the book first, decide what’s needs decorating and then we are off! However, this didn’t happen for me this time, I went straight to the Audiobook, so I only knew what to expect from the blurb (which immediately appealed to me). Now I have to say that Cardeno has this amazing knack of picking the right actor for narrating the books, Charlie David had a great, clear voice. The timing was perfection and managed to convey the correct emotions when called to do so.
But I had a slight problem and I have to tell you that it was my problem not the Author’s. I’ll try to explain and what my solution was to arrive at the 4.5*. I wasn’t feeling the normal “fluffiness” that I always associate with this Author and the reason, in my opinion at that time, was Reg. I originally thought that Reg was manipulative, he used Jeremy’s lack of affection from people that should have loved him, but basically couldn’t give a dam! and used it to his own advantage. He instilled himself in Jeremy’s life and became indispensable.
Would Jeremy have fallen in love with Reg without his machinations? I truly didn’t know!
Jeremy is a Super Rock Star, like all Rockstars, he’s unpredictable, moody and demanding – boy, is he demanding! Though straight, he needs someone as a “pretend boyfriend” (read or listen to find out why) and we are introduced to Reg and as I have already said, he becomes indispensable, but did he really love Jeremy? When I was listening, it felt a bit creepy! and there was one particular scene that really felt “ weird” because I was still hung up on the whole “does he truly love him thing” going through my head. Cardeno only ever writes HEAs, I knew that I should have more faith, but my heart said Yes! my brain, said No!
So I ended up replaying the whole Audiobook again! Listening for clues – had I missed something the first time? Was Reg a scumbag or a saviour? And my verdict? on listening the second time? Reg is Jeremy’s saviour! It was me, I really should have had more faith, listening again was wonderful, it all made sense now, I was a happy listener!
I hope this review hasn’t confused you, but I had a need to try and explain, in case any other listeners were confused, as I was at the beginning. But I have to tell you, Reg does love Jeremy!
****I would like to thank the Author for the privilege and opportunity of reviewing this ARC. My review is an honest opinion of the audiobook****
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alden jones
Perfect Imperfections was a really great read. It had enough romance to keep you interested but it was short and sweet at the same time. This book is M/M and I think the author did a great job with her characters. Jeremy Jameson is Hollywood royalty not only because of his fame with his music but because his family also came from Hollywood. After an unsatisfying sex life with women he just wants something normal; a connection with someone who can actually put up with him and his prissy ways. Enter Reggie Moore, the bartender who treats him as a person instead of the music star he is. Reggie is quick to call him out on his stuff and take him in when Jeremy is too drunk to walk. Back at Reggie’s place Jeremy starts to realize that it’s been a long time since he has had a conversation with someone who wasn’t just talking to him for the press, someone who he actually enjoys shooting the s*** with. When Jeremy throws out the idea that he could use Reggie as his “pretend” boyfriend on tour, Reggie informs him that if he can remember the idea in the morning then he would jump at the chance to travel the world. When Jeremy wakes up the next day feeling like crap, he brings up the idea again and is happy that Reggie agrees. What neither one of them realized was that this would be the start of something incredible for both men. While Reggie is there for Jeremy emotionally, he also starts to be there for him physically. Little by little Reggie starts to realize that no straight man would be okay with the amount of affection Jeremy needs without being gay, so Reggie decides that he will let Jeremy figure it out himself and be there for him once he comes out. As emotions and desires start take over the men, outside problems start to arise and they will need band together and decide if staying together is worth it or if the world Jeremy knows will destroy it. I highly enjoyed this read and would definitely recommend this read as a quick and sexy read.

A gifted copy was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review by Vanessa.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tams e-book review June 2014…

Jeremy Jameson is tired of having women hang off his arm simply for the status or fame it can bring them by being the girl that is dating THE Jeremy Jameson. When he meets a Reggie Moore, the two click instantly. Jeremy can be himself around Reg and not feel like he’s being used or criticized, so he decides to take Reg on tour with him and pass Reg off as his boyfriend.

As days turn to weeks and then months, Reg begins to realize that he is the only thing keeping Jeremy sane. He also begins to develop stronger, deeper feelings for his super star. As you listen to the story progress and get to hear things from Jeremy’s POV as well, you know that he too is developing a stronger connection to Reg than is usually acceptable between friends. Innocent flirtatious comments turn into gestures and eventually, a bit of heavy petting. Until Jeremy finally admits not only to himself, but out loud, he may not be so straight after all.

Cardeno C took the getting slightly over used 'gay for you' storyline, and gave it her own unique twist. The story is passionate and beautiful; the characters grow tremendously throughout, both as a couple and as individuals. And a title has never been more fitting! The imperfections of the people in this book are perfectly placed and balanced. I absolutely loved this book, a must read if you read in the genre.

Tams audio book review September 2015…

Ahh the sweet, sweet tones of Charlie David; the man’s voice is just amazing. David is more of a storyteller than a narrator because he has this ability to bring a visual to your mind with his words. Subtle tone inflections and nuances, and oh my god, I thought I was going to crack a rib I was laughing so hard during the spider scene. He took a story that was already a great read and gave these characters a voice. Aside from the two main characters, JJ and Reg, there are several secondary and after thoughts in the story and David gave everyone their own distinct voice. And let me tell you, he can take something sexy and provocative and make it passionate and astounding, I think because he speaks from experience.

Definitely a must read and/or a must listen. I’ve done both and loved them both, and I’ll be listening to this one many more times I’m sure.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick waldmann
Jeremy was born to rich and famous parents. He always wanted to be a rock star. His father said he needed to wait till he was old enough because the life of a rock star was no place for a kid. When he was old enough he became a rock star. Jeremy had the life all rock stars wanted to have, an amazing career, traveling, tours, etc. Jeremy loved being a musician but he was lonely.
One night he was in a small town and got in his disguise and went to a little bar. He just wanted to go out and relax. Jeremy was worried about being recognized, but the bar was empty except for the couple that was there. The bartender came to him and asked him what he wanted and made small talk. Jeremy wasn't sure if the bartender recognized him or not but he chatted with him being cautious. Jeremy relaxed and was having a few drinks and didn't realize it was time to go. The bartender(Reggie) made him feel comfortable. Reggie told Jeremy it was time to go, but Jeremy took out his keys to drive Reggie took them and asked if anyone could pick him up. Jeremy told him he had no one, Reggie offered Jeremy his couch for the night. Jeremy accepted and off they went.

Once in Reggie's apartment they had a few more beers and just talked. Then Jeremy made Reggie an offer that he couldn't refuse, but Reggie didn't accept. He told Jeremy to ask him again in the morning. They were both drinking and he wanted Jeremy to be sober when he made the offer. Did Reggie accept the offer in the morning? What was the offer? This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. There is so many twist and turns in here with everyone. The story of Jeremy is exciting and amazing. You wont want to put it down.
I received this book as an ARC for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel bobruff
Jeremy was born to rich and famous parents. He always wanted to be a rock star. His father said he needed to wait till he was old enough because the life of a rock star was no place for a kid. When he was old enough he became a rock star. Jeremy had the life all rock stars wanted to have, an amazing career, traveling, tours, etc. Jeremy loved being a musician but he was lonely.
One night he was in a small town and got in his disguise and went to a little bar. He just wanted to go out and relax. Jeremy was worried about being recognized, but the bar was empty except for the couple that was there. The bartender came to him and asked him what he wanted and made small talk. Jeremy wasn't sure if the bartender recognized him or not but he chatted with him being cautious. Jeremy relaxed and was having a few drinks and didn't realize it was time to go. The bartender(Reggie) made him feel comfortable. Reggie told Jeremy it was time to go, but Jeremy took out his keys to drive Reggie took them and asked if anyone could pick him up. Jeremy told him he had no one, Reggie offered Jeremy his couch for the night. Jeremy accepted and off they went.

Once in Reggie's apartment they had a few more beers and just talked. Then Jeremy made Reggie an offer that he couldn't refuse, but Reggie didn't accept. He told Jeremy to ask him again in the morning. They were both drinking and he wanted Jeremy to be sober when he made the offer. Did Reggie accept the offer in the morning? What was the offer? This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. There is so many twist and turns in here with everyone. The story of Jeremy is exciting and amazing. You wont want to put it down.
I received this book as an ARC for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian I Dig Good Books. I was gifted the kindle copy of this book in exchange for my review.

Every time I read a new Cardeno C book, it becomes my favourite one. This is no exception.

It has a beautifully love story, of getting to know someone before jumping into bed with them. It has witty one liners, humour throughout the book. It has angst and passion, it has sex and sorrow. Basically, it has everything, all wrapped up in a neat little package of 205 pages.

I LOVED JJ and Reg, I really did. Their meeting was in the very first 3 pages was sweet. And that filtered through the whole book. Dont get me wrong, it is HOT in places, but Reg is such a sweet person, and he doesnt change in the book, at all. Once JJ and Reg make their decision for Reg to accompany JJ on tour, Reg looks after JJ, just like he did on their first meeting. JJ needs Reg, like NEEDS him, but JJ doesnt see it, not straight away anyway. The attraction of Reg to JJ was not immediate, no instalove here, but it creeps up on them both. JJ more so than Reg. AND I LOVED THAT! Its well over half way before Reg and JJ begins to truly discover each other, and its so beautifully written! It really is.

As is usual for Cardeno C's work, there is no falling out, no major breakup/make up, no psycho ex. Its just a stunningly well written love story, that is my new CC favourite!

Oh, and the Fleschlight never had it so good! PHEWEEE!

And yes, Reg is the bomb :-)

5 full stars.


I was gifted the audio version of this book, in exchange for my review.

I had the opportunity to review this book in audio form.

Charlie. David. Narrates.

Do I need to say more? The man is a genius at voices, emotions, story telling. He captures Reg's patience with JJ perfectly. He captures JJ's meltdown 's brilliantly. His portrayal of both men is perfect. He gets across all the emotions that these men have, in all the right places. Mr David's reading voice is deep and clear. His voices are easily defined, and makes listen king to a multi person conversation easy.

I found myself reading this along side listening. Why?? No freaking idea. It's not something I've done before BUT it will be something I try again. Charlie David in my ear, with Cardeno C's work before me? A perfect way to spend the afternoon.

This is not that first CC/David combination. And I certainly hope it won't be the last. I love them together!!

5 Stars for the narration, making a full 5 stars in total.

**same worded review will appear on Goodreads, the store.com, the store.co.uk and Audible.com**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So I have a HUGE problem with Perfect Imperfections. Actually, it’s a MASSIVE problem.

The book is not long enough. Yes, I realize that it’s 205 pages, but I want more. I want more JJ. I want more Reg. I want more JJ and Reg. I love these guys – both as individuals and as a couple. I loved the way in which Reg and Jeremey met and how at ease Reg made Jeremy feel, never letting on that he knew who Jeremy was – and yes, there really are people like that in the world. I found it humorous that Jeremy unknowingly gave credence to his sudden claim to be gay by entering into a pretend relationship with a man who was actually gay. The fact that Reg enjoyed being around Jeremy so much that he was willing to agree to a pretend relationship to help Jeremy out just cemented how good of a person Reg is – he’s the kind of person you want to be able to call a friend. That he was a bit snarky and clearly a master of sarcasm just made me love him that much more. And if that weren’t enough of a reason for me to love Reg, the patience and slow seduction with which he approached JJ once he realized that JJ was gay was the final nail in that coffin. The elevator scene was hot; the Fleshlight scene hotter; the shower scene would have been up in flames were it not for the water; but the actual sex scenes nearly made my Kindle melt. The chemistry, the passion, and the love JJ and Reg have for one another is beautiful.

I know I’ve gone on and on about Reg, but as I said before I love JJ just as much. Seriously, how can you not love a man who tells his no longer pretend boyfriend “you have to help me because I don’t know how.” He looked at Reg beseechingly, “Will you help me keep you?” That line nearly made me cry because JJ is so worried that his neediness, his high maintenance personality, and his single-minded focus on his music career will cause him to drive Reg away. But everything that JJ considers a flaw in himself is what makes him perfect to Reg. Perfect Imperfections reminds us that for all of our flaws, there is someone out there who finds our imperfections perfect. Love isn’t about finding someone perfect, but rather about finding that person who is perfect for you. This is a beautifully written love story with plenty of humor and super-hot meaningful sex. I know I will read this book again … many, many times. Cardeno has definitely made a new fan and I cannot wait to read more of this author’s work.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Angela at Crystal's Many Reviewers!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Beautifully read by Charlie David, this book delivers all the emotions you want in a romance: excitement and anticipation, a bit of frustration and sadness, and the eventual HEA. The pace is perfect, the characters are real and lovable. Jeremy and Reg's journey is a pleasure to follow along with. The only reason I didn't give it more stars was the music at the beginning and end of each chapter. It was jarring and seriously bugged me as I had to keep fussing with the volume. I may listen again, I may not. But if music is included in other books, I'll stick to e-versions, I think. Do keep writing, Cardeno C! Your stories are always enjoyable!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
teresa williams
Rockstar Jeremy Jameson is passionate about one thing only. Music. He loathes what comes with his stauts-women that crave fame, the paparazzi, and the fact that everyone tells him what to do and how to live his life on a daily basis. Bartender Reggie Moore leads a small town life. While very educated and employed, he decided to leave that life to lead a much simpler life. Reggie knows what makes him happy and he intends on living his life like that. One night when the two cross paths, their lives are forever changed.

“I feel real when I’m with you.

Reggie and Jeremy are on total opposite spectrums in their lives. While one leads the life he wants, the other is told how to live. Jeremy is over that life and decides to take control. He invites Reggie on tour with him for several moths. The catch? To be his pretend boyfriend. Easy right? Free room and board and Reggie gets everything that he wants which includes traveling all over the world. Not so easy.

Reggie is attracted to men. He knows it. He is out. Jeremy? His body reacts one way and his brain cannot catch up. He has always had relations with women. Why is Reggie bringing out these feelings and desires? He was drawn to Reggie the moment they met. Reggie is one of those characters with a beautiful soul. He looks at life for everything it has to offer. Rather than dwell on the negatives, he counts his blessings. He takes every opportunity to live his life no matter what. Jeremy sees this. And wants it for himself. But the pressure of his fame does not allow him to live the life he was truly meant to live. Until Reggie.

“Will you help me keep you?”

Jeremy slowly gives into his desire. It’s both uplifting and wonderful to watch. You feel his inner struggle. You see a man’s soul awaken. Reggie brings out a side of him that he never knew about himself in the 30 years he’s graced the earth. And I am not talking about his sexuality. This deep emotional story is SO much more than someone realizing they are attracted to their same sex. And I love that about this story. It doesn’t dwell on whether Jeremy is gay or not. It is about finding love where you least expected, but when it was most needed. That love doesn’t see sex, or life style. Love sees the individual. Jeremy’s soul craved Reggie’s. Watching the two men fall hopelessly and irrevocably in love was just beyond words. Every emotion was beautiful captured with this story. The feelings of love, hope, yearning, desire, and want.

While slower paced, than I usually read, I enjoyed the story. It allows the reader to truly get to know Jeremy and Reggie and see how they connect on such a deep level. Perfect Imperfections is a genuine story of two men finding their way to each other. The love shared between Jeremy and Reggie is intense and passionate. It reminds us that love goes where it belongs. It knows no obstacle or hardship. Love always wins. If you are looking for a sweet, yet genuine M/M story then I highly recommend this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received my copy from the publisher through Love Romances and More

When Jeremy Jameson walks into a small bar it is to have a drink while staying anonymous. As a famous musician from a famous family, Jeremy rarely gets to spend time alone. He is used to the spotlight, fans, and an entourage and in need of some time without all of that. What Jeremy didn’t expect to get out of his night drinking is a friend.

Reg Moore is an accountant turned bartender and has a fun night serving Jeremy. When Jeremy gets too drunk to go anywhere, Reg brings him home to sleep it off. The two men get on like a house on fire. When Jeremy offers Reg the opportunity to join him on his next worldwide tour on the condition he’ll pretend to be Jeremy’s boyfriend, Reg can’t resist the offer.

Reg is exactly what Jeremy needs in his life; easy-going, with a great sense of humour, endless patience and completely loyal. Uptight and spoiled, Jeremy finds himself depending on his pretend boyfriend more and more as the days and weeks pass.

Jeremy doesn’t realise that is Reg is gay and soon becoming very attracted to his employer. Jeremy has always had rather unsatisfactory, heterosexual relationships and although he can’t explain why, he feels closer to Reg than he’s ever done to any of his past girlfriends. As the tour continuous, Reg realises that in Jeremy he’s found exactly what he needs in his life; pretend or real, Reg doesn’t want his relationship with Jeremy to end. But what will happen when the tour is over and their contract expires?

First of all I need to point out that this isn’t you’re stereotypical ‘rock star’ story. There are no drugs, no groupies, and very little bad behaviour from Jeremy. We don’t get to see our rock star on stage or in the studio. This is a love story about two men, one of whom happens to be a rock star.

I enjoyed this book even if I did have to suspend disbelieve on quite a few occasions. It wasn’t quite believable that Jeremy would offer the job of pretend boyfriend and travel companion to a man he’s known for less than 24 hours and neither was the ease with which Reg accepted the offer. In fact, while Reg managed to completely charm me he was too good to be true. I would have loved if he’d lost his endless patience just once, only because it would have made him a more relatable character.

I couldn’t help feeling for poor Jeremy. Having two famous parents and his future mapped out for him long before he embarked on it meant he had no idea about real life and real relationships. His believe that sex is just the messy part you have to deal with in order to get close to somebody just about broke my heart. Watching him as he slowly learned about life, relationships, responsibility and love was mesmerizing.

Reg’s campaign to show Jeremy what relationships are supposed to be like as opposed to what Jeremy thought they were based on his experiences was beautiful.

“I’m going to show you what it means to have a real relationship, JJ. (...). Even if it is pretend.” – Reg

Jeremy’s slow but very sexy seduction was breathtaking. I loved Reg’s patience while he gave Jeremy the chance to figure out for himself that he was attracted to Reg, even if all his previous relationships had been with women. The scenes leading up to Jeremy’s moment of revelation gradually went from sweet to hot as Jeremy evolves from cherishing the cuddles and closeness he needs to fully appreciating his sexuality and newly discovered appetite for it.

“I want forever, and I want it with you.” – Jeremy

Overall this was an enjoyable and easy read. Maybe some of the story line was a bit too idealistic. Reg seemed too good to be true and Jeremy a bit of a watered down stereotype at times. But, if you want to read a charming, hot and well written romance you could do a lot worse than reading ‘Perfect Imperfections’.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew gustafson

- A lonely rock-star and a caring, funny and smart accountant fall in love.
- A story written by Cardeno C.

What's not to love?!

I always get excited about whenever Cardeno releases a new book. And although it's true that I stray and don't always read them in a timely manner, it is because once I start I don't want them to end.

This one was no different.

What I enjoyed the most about this story was the concept behind it. I loved that Jeremy was not your quintessential rock star and that his story was not the typical one you read about in books.

Jeremy is a superstar who has been in the business forever. He is was you consider Hollywood royalty and the expectation thrust upon him are great. Sadly, he his lifestyle lost its sparkle somewhere along the way and he finds himself going through the motions instead of enjoying his place in the spotlight. He yearns to be taken seriously, to be accepted as he is--to love and be loved.

In comes Reg. Smart, funny, caring and confident, Reg is unfazed by Jeremy status as a rock star. He finds himself at odds with where his life is leading so when the opportunity arises to travel and see the world in the company of Jeremy he jumps right in.

What ensues is a story of friendship, trust and acceptance.

As with any book by this author, the emotions are in the forefront along with the humor. The 'feels' in this story are subtle but heartfelt nonetheless. Jeremy and Reg's connection is instant but through honest dialogue, funny banter and flirtatious and candid interactions, Cardeno deepens it. Bringing forth numerous 'awww' moments, laughs and sighs.

I loved Jeremy and Reg's easy camaraderie. It was great to see how it jumped off the page. They were friends first, lovers later and their journey was a treat to experience.

All in all, a fantastic story. I wouldn't mind reading more about them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
francesca oldham
When rockstar Jeremy finds himself in Reg's bar, he is looking for a bit of normality, hidden away from the world. So comfortable with the safe haven Reg has created, he offers Reg the chance of a lifetime on tour with him as his 'pretend boyfriend'. The pretend very quickly disappears as their relationship blossoms, much to Jeremy's shock as he believed himself to be firmly straight.

Jeremy is petulant and loses patience easily, while Reg is calm and finds solutions. Jeremy loves making music and hates the additional pressures of being famous. Reg's calming influence definitely helps and makes him feel more comfortable.

While their relationship may have started out fake, there is nothing fake about either of them. The way in which their relationship develops is beautiful as it done together, with the chance to explore hopes, dreams and fears together. They mesh together beautifully. Cardeno C has done it again and created an incredible love story.

***Reviewed for LBM Book Blog***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane delucia
Jeremy Jameson, born into Hollywood royalty, son of legendary rocker, has lead a life in the spotlight never having the privacy he craved. He has people around him his entire life, but most were interested in selling The Jeremy Jameson or what being with him, seen with him would do for their careers. When Jeremy is on stage, playing his music to thousands of screaming fans, well that is the only thing in his life that feels right, the only peace he has. Jeremy has never had anyone who saw him as a person, who wanted to be with him Jeremy, not The Jeremy Jameson, rock star. That is until one night he walks into a crappy dive bar and meets Reggie Moore.
Reggie Moore is a former accountant turned bartender with dreams of traveling the world. One night his whole world changes when Jeremy Jameson (JJ), walks into his bar. JJ offers him a deal of a life time, spend the next seven months being his pretend boyfriend while on tour and in What starts out as a drunken proposal, turns into exactly what they both needed.
Watching Jeremy discover what love is for the first time in his life was amazing. The friendship between these two is so easy and natural, the whole time reading it just felt right. Reg sees Jeremy, and is there for him for whatever he needs. He gives him patience and security, offering him a peace and calm in his whirl-wind lifestyle. Plain and simple Reg anchors Jeremy and it’s something that Jeremy desperately craves. Reg seeing how lonely Jeremy’s life has been wants nothing more than to swamp him in love and affection. JJ soaks it all up all the while discovering who he truly is. Never feeling more calm, loved, happy and secure JJ knows that Reg has to stay in his life. So what started with a question from someone who just needed a friend, ends with a question from someone who discovered his true self and what true love is. “Will you help me keep you?” Engulfs all the emotion you feel.

This book was fan-freaking-tastic. Love is love is love, no matter how it comes. I fell in love with this book so damn quickly. It made me laugh a lot, probably parts where I shouldn't have been laughing, I was. The relationship is so natural that it was a pleasure to read. I was giddy throughout the whole book; I loved watching JJ discover himself and loved the patience of Reg. He always knew exactly what JJ needed and that was simply amazing. To find your soul mate, the one person who just wants to take care of you and love you, who balances you out and understands who you are deep down to your soul is breathtaking. I smiled so much, and even cried happy tears. I could see and feel the love between then developing and unfolding and that’s pretty amazing. The story was well written, not once was I confused as to what was happening and I never got lost in the transitions. The only thing I got lost in was the story. Watching it all unfold slowly, not rushed like some romances. Hopeless romantic here and this story gave me everything I needed including my happily ever after. My only complaint is that I want more of their story!!!! Great story, wonderful writing, I’m hooked now and will be reading more. Excellent job!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ahmed wagih

I was delighted to be asked to do this review as I think my favourite book boyfriend has to be the rock star. This book is a M/M love story with a rock star at its core. When Jeremy Jameson or JJ met Reg Moore in a back street bar he didn't in his wildest dreams think he would find a best friend never mind the love of his life! JJ comes from a family of celebrities and a life of fame and fortune, but no love. Reg is almost the opposite and he strives to show JJ how important love and friendship is. JJ takes Reg on tour with him and Reg slowly shows JJ how good love is. JJ never thought he was gay until he eventually fell in love with Reg. Their love is passionate but very sweet at the same time. I love how a simple touch of the hand from Reg can instantly calm JJ down. Reg is very touchy feely with JJ and it turns out that this is just what JJ wants and needs. They have a lot to overcome from the paparazzi to insiders trying to sell sex tapes, but they do it together. Reg is strong for JJ and the two balance each other. I have to say that these two softies just made me want to go annah! They really are just perfect together. If you want a beautiful love story with some hot sex and a rock star then this book is perfect. It really does deserve to be read. I am going to go and look for other books by this author and will spread the word on how great this book is. I give it 5 stars!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elkhbizi chaymaa

I was delighted to be asked to do this review as I think my favourite book boyfriend has to be the rock star. This book is a M/M love story with a rock star at its core. When Jeremy Jameson or JJ met Reg Moore in a back street bar he didn't in his wildest dreams think he would find a best friend never mind the love of his life! JJ comes from a family of celebrities and a life of fame and fortune, but no love. Reg is almost the opposite and he strives to show JJ how important love and friendship is. JJ takes Reg on tour with him and Reg slowly shows JJ how good love is. JJ never thought he was gay until he eventually fell in love with Reg. Their love is passionate but very sweet at the same time. I love how a simple touch of the hand from Reg can instantly calm JJ down. Reg is very touchy feely with JJ and it turns out that this is just what JJ wants and needs. They have a lot to overcome from the paparazzi to insiders trying to sell sex tapes, but they do it together. Reg is strong for JJ and the two balance each other. I have to say that these two softies just made me want to go annah! They really are just perfect together. If you want a beautiful love story with some hot sex and a rock star then this book is perfect. It really does deserve to be read. I am going to go and look for other books by this author and will spread the word on how great this book is. I give it 5 stars!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
m leon smith
"Straight" rick star meets "normal" guy who treats him like a normal guy, unlike everyone else, so naturally let's invite him on an around-the-world your. Oh it gets better. The straight rock star is 31 and because of his upbringing in Hollywood everyone has told him what to do and feel so he doesn't realize he's actually gay. Not bi. Lol
Ludicrous. Sorry I wasted my time on a slight variation on this increasingly popular theme. Others have done it much much better. AGL
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike shelton
Jeremy Jameson, Rockstar and lonely man, walks into a bar in the middle of no where to get away from everything for a while. There he meets bartender Reggie Moore. When he starts talking to Reggie he realizes he's the perfect person to be his companion during his touring. He makes Reggie a offer he can't refuse, travel with him all over the world and keep him company, only one catch, Reggie needs to be his "pretend boyfriend". What Reg plans to show Jeremy is there's nothing pretend about their relationship. A wonderful M/M about self-discovery and love. Not appropriate for the under 18 crowd due to some seriously hot sex. I absolutely love Cardeno's books and I jump at every chance I get to read one. Independent reviewer for Paranormal Romance & Authors That Rock.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I totally like how things fell into place for this couple and we got to see the gradual way one f the characters realised he was indeed falling in love with his friend. No drugs no cheating. I appreciated how open and loyal to each other the characters were.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zohair ahmad
*A copy of this book was provided through Love Bytes Reviews for a fair and honest review.

Jeremy Jameson may be Hollywood royalty but underneath it all he is just a very lonely man. Looking to escape from the press and all the pressure’s associated with being a rock star for a while before he starts another international tour Jeremy ends up in a bar in a little town in the middle of nowhere. It’s while sitting at the bar the Jeremy meets Reg Moore, Reg is tending bar whilst saving money so he can go on the adventure of a lifetime. Reg knows the man at the bar is The Jeremy Jameson but it’s obvious he doesn’t want anyone to know it’s him so he doesn’t say anything.
Reg has always thought Jeremy was a good looking man but now he’s seeing in person, he thinks he is gorgeous. The more Reg talks to Jeremy the more he likes him as a person and when the time comes to close the bar Reg urges Jeremy to come back to his place because he’s had too much to drink. While they are having their ‘nightcap’ Jeremy realises he has never gotten along with anyone the way he does with Reg. When he tells Reg he wants to hire him as a pretend boyfriend so he won’t be so alone on this tour, Reg’s heart nearly breaks.
Jeremy can’t believe the difference having Reg on tour with him makes, he’s not lonely, he’s relaxed, he doesn’t have to worry about handling the day to day things he normally gets bombarded with because Reg has taken control of that as well. The longer they’re together the deeper Reg’s feeling are for Jeremy but as far as he knows Jeremy is oblivious to the way he feels. It takes Jeremy months to even have an inkling that Reg might be gay! When Jeremy asks Reg to sleep in his bed just to hold him, Reg realises just how touch deprived he is. So begins Reg’s all-out assault to get Jeremy used to being touched and held, by him. Jeremy can’t believe that he has missed out on identifying an essential part of himself, he’s not as straight as he thought! But with Reg there really isn’t a downside, he learns what it means to love and be loved in return, not used to further someone’s career.
Perfect Imperfections is another winner for Cardeno C. This story is a perfect blend of romance, angst and sweet loving! I’ve recommended this book to all my friends ever since I finished reading it I loved it that much!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andy lin
I absolutely love this book. This is the type of the book that just makes me smile. The characters have a good dynamic that makes for a great book. Jeremy could have come across as a spoiled brat of a diva but actually makes me feel sympathetic toward the 'poor little rich boy'. He was so adorably vulnerable. Reg was just my hero. He was laid back but strong enough to stand up to Jeremy and protect him at the same time.

Very well written. I like this style a lot better than the home series where the author does flashbacks and flops back and forth between present and past.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tami sutcliffe
It was unexpectedly boring. The blurb was promising but the story was lackluster. It dragged and dragged and then dragged some more. Jeremy was a bit of a whiner, was he not? But at least he admitted it in the beginning of the book. I was disappointed with this story. Meh.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison lk
Nothing to dislike about this book except I wanted more. I just loved these two characters together. A big, strong sexy guy with a caring, compassionate nature meets a sexy, rocker that craves honesty, genuine affection and friendship and ultimately love. The fit perfectly together. Reg was everything Jeremy needed and never thought he deserved or would find. The relationship developed over the course of the book and had a great flow. This was my first book by this author but will not be my last.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is brilliant , well written and an emotional journey of self discovery with a side of humor and great characters ... What more could you need ?

A story and that it is also done in a great way.

Jeremy , famous musician , young attractive but tired of the life.

Reggie , brilliant , adventurous and the man that change his life.

The premises of the story. Jeremy wants a pretend boyfriend ... Reggie accepts the job.

The rest flows with witty banter, sexy scenes and most of all ... Love !
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
a yusuf
But lacked in content. Never really got interesting enough to wonder what was next. Was happy to have it end. No twIsts, suspense or heartbreak. Just not my type of romance. Both of the mains were likable. People kind of faded in and out but never gave the story much depth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erica christy
Awwwwwwesome!!!! Have so many awwwww moments. Meeting someone you can trust with the real you warts and all is so not easy, so, seeing the way Reg and JJ meshed brought me close to happy tears so many times during my explosive reading experience. Being able to move along with them and see the relationship develop was awe inspiring to say the least. Erotic, funny, heartwarming and downright mushy along with being totally delish sums up this book for me. Jump in and try it for yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Perfect Imperfections has put a new spin on the hot rocker romance. Jeremy Jameson is a world famous rocker who is somewhat of a loner. But trust me he has it going on! Just as he’s getting ready to start his tour he finds himself at a bar where he strikes up a conversation with Reg Moore. The conversation is easy and they seems to get along just fine. Then Jeremy gives Reg an offer he doesn’t want to refuse. He asks him to go on tour with him…..as his boyfriend!
I thought that this book was very well written and it was something a little different that the romance books that I normally read, but with that said it wasn’t lacking in the romance department. And for those reason and so many more that’s why I gave Perfect Imperfections 4 stars!!!

for more check out [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah venit
This is the perfect story of two people falling in love and finding each other. I love how the relationship between Jeremy and Reg grows throughout the story. The way that this book is written really draws you in and I could not put it down,

Reg's dedication to Jeremy and his love for him is something that I will not be forgetting anytime soon.

These two are the perfect combination.

Highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is my first read for this author. The characters came across as sweet, smart and a little naive?? Reg is pretty perfect, sexy, adventurous and a natural at handling Jeremy. Jeremy is the spoiled rocker, done with playing games. He can't explain his comfort with Reg. Together they work. Even in a nest of vipers they find their happy. Fanciful rocker/normal guy love story that will make you smile.
Please RateA Rock Star Contemporary Gay Romance - Perfect Imperfections
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