Regional Cooking from the Heart of Mexico - Authentic Mexican 20th Anniversary Ed

ByMr. Rick Bayless

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cameron watson
Lovely, basic, un-fussy book. With recipes made from very fresh-tasting ingredients. For total newbies to Mexican food, there's a very cool, clear and comprehensive ingredients glossary in the back. I'm a California native, so most of these ingredients are familiar. Still, there were some I didn't "know." For someone just starting to experiment with Mexican cuisine, this is an excellent intro. And, there are LOTS of dishes and ingredient combos that I never would have thought of, let alone have thought of as "Mexican." I may get brave and try the Mole Poblano de Guajolote for Christmas.... SO glad to add this to my cookbook collection!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel farkas
The book in reading the ingredients seems to be true to authentic, which could make it difficult to locate some of items to make the dish. But I love Authentic Mexican not the American Mexican so well worth the search!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have been wanting this cookbook for a very long time. Rick Bayless is truly the master of true Mexican cooking. This anniversary edition is really not very different from the original that came out in the early 90's. But it is a classic, and one every home chef who is interested in learning how to cook authentic Mexican food.

Rick takes the time to give a LOT of information about the regions of Mexico, and the kinds of cuisine they favor. He also goes very in depth about the ingredients, the cooking methods, and the experience of dining in Mexico. It is a truly fun and fascinating read, if you enjoy learning about other cultures as I do.

If you are the type who prefers a cookbook with a picture of every recipe, you will hate this book. There are very few pictures. This is also not a cookbook for someone who wants to cook in a hurry.

Personally, I enjoy sitting down and reading from this book, choosing a recipe or two to try over the weekend, and then amazing my family with the results. The recipes are not difficult, but many of them are time consuming. I enjoy that process immensely, and this book is perfect for that type of cooking.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren jones
This book really tries to teach *authentic* Mexican cooking. Some ingredients are hard to find, some of the recipes take all day, but thats what is so great about the book. I wish it had more pictures / color pictures but that is a small shortcoming.

This is the kind of cookbook that makes you want to sit down and read it cover to cover because of all the local color Bayless includes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cara m
Authentic Mexican 20th Anniversary Ed: Regional Cooking from the Heart of Mexico great book from the master mexican chef. xmas gift for my wife who was thrilled to get this book.She's a great cook who has wanted this for her collection for a long time, It was a big hit!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am very happy with this cookbook. The book arrived in mint condition and in 3 days. Rick Bayless is another favorite author/chef of mine and an expert on Mexican cooking. He has lived and traveled through out Mexico and is familiar with the customs and techniques of old world Mexican cooking. I love his cookbooks and I am thrilled to have his book on Authentic Mexican recipes. I will certainly order again for more of his wonderful books. Easy to read and to follow his instructions. Very satisfied with my order and how soon it arrived. Julie Esquivel
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ana ross
I am quite pleased with this book. The recipes are detailed and easy to follow. Also, I can find all the ingredients at the local grocery stores. I have used 8 of the recipes so far and we enjoyed them all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book, written by a passionate master of the cookery of Mexico, is not only a cookbook, but a history lesson as well. His background notes, his forward, all speak of a person with a deep love of what he does, and with a particular culinary specialty to which to devote his enthusiasm and talent. His videos are more examples of his focused flare, and I enjoyed all of them, as I enjoy Mexican cooking almost as much as he does. He delves into the types, uses, heat levels, colors of chiles, which are an ingredient like no other, in my view; although he prefers to call them condiments after he noticed the Mexican style usage, which is probably a better term.

This would have been an outstanding cook book had there been more color photos of the "finished dishes." There were two slim segments devoted to visuals; not nearly enough. Color visuals are worth far more than words, because they have the power to inspire; to glimpse a fabulous dish is the first of the excitement for me; then it's the challenge: to whip out the flour, shortening, pans and go for it to see if mine can compare. That's why I cook in the first place.

I've since heard that his "Mexico, One Plate at a Time" book has more photos, but I have not seen one yet, so that would be just a suggestion.

Salud! Bon Appetit/! Good Food! (preferably organic!) Whatever!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah hosking
Haven't cooked anything from this book yet, but I absolutely love how it is written. So much history and background information about each dish and particular ingredients. Who knew Mexican food could be so healthful? I like this cookbook ALMOST as much as my Nourishing Traditions cookbook.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bonnie heatherly
If your idea of Mexican food is tortillas covered in red glop and yellow cheese then you are in for a surprise. This is one of the most impressived and authentic cookbooks on Mexican food I have ever seen. You get the feel for Bayless's love of Mexican food and flavors as well as the culture. This is the type of food my Mom and my grandmothers make...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rick Bayless shows his mastery of Mexican cuisine in every page of this book. Forget the combo plate covered in gooey cheese, that's only Mexican because they use a tortilla. This is the rel deal. If you want to cook real Mexican food, start here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jean decaro
I was skeptical about buying and Authentic Mexican Cookbook by a man named "Rick Bayless"... But I'm so glad I gave it a chance. These recipes are great and truly authentic. You won't be disappointed!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
john wright
This cook book is more history than recipes. I was a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, It is a great cook book it just didn't have the recipes I was looking for and most of the included recipes are literally days of work to do right. Wouldn't suggest to a beginner, anyone that is hoping to replicate "Mexican Restaurant" recipes or anyone impatient.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I downloaded this cookbook to my Kindle last week, wanting to love it as much as the rest of the reviewers here. I'm sure in paper format it's a wonderful cookbook. I have one of Mr. Bayless's cookbooks and it does have terrific and accessible Mexican recipes. However, this is a review of the e-book version. Sadly, it proved to be rather useless to me in e-book format. Mostly because of its lack of practical formatting. The publisher apparently did not think it necessary to include a complete inventory of recipes, chapter by chapter, that are linked to their location in the book. The only links are to the chapter headings. But once you get there, you need to page through it, like a novel, to find out what specific recipes are included in each chapter. I found myself equally frustrated when I did find a recipe I liked that included a separately made sauce for which there was no link to the sauce recipe. How are you supposed to find this sauce recipe? The so-called "searchable index of terms" has no links to those terms, simply the page numbers from the original DTB version. When I typed some of the recipe names into the search window, I got plenty of hits, but none of them were to the actual recipe.

Considering that the publisher has the nerve to charge $15.99 for the e-book version, this lack of attention to detail is appalling. I would like to contrast this cookbook to the other one I also downloaded last week: Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything. That e-cookbook is a joy to use. There is a complete list of recipes by chapter with links to the recipes themselves. There are also internal links throughout the book to master recipes, to suggested side dish recipes, to sidebars with discussions of ingredients or techniques. The Bittman book is fully worth the $19.99 the publisher charges for it. Because you can actually USE it. Not so the Bayless e-book, which is, sadly, worthless.
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