The Duke (Victorian Rebels)

ByKerrigan Byrne

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gisoo rabi
When you pick up a historical romance book you are usually prepared for certain, more or less guaranteed, elements to ensure your amusement. But if you're reading a Byrne book, you get those.. plus dark twisted broody antiheroes you can't help but root for. And if that wasn't enough you also get singular, strong, intrepid, ballsy, brilliant, women to bring those same men to their knees.

And THE DUKE, book four in Byrne's Victorian Rebels series, was no exception.

I loved how this story opened up, the circumstances under which we meet Cole, Duke of Trenwyth, and Imogen. Right from the getgo there is an intense, innocent, irresistible, attraction between them. And I honestly didn't quite expect that meet-cute (can a brothel be cute?) to go the way it did but it was so so satisfying and definitely set my expectations for their interactions for the rest of the book. Which, naturally, were not met because this is a Byrne book and we are meant to endure some pain before our lovers can rest easy. And man was this a bit of a trial.. in a good kind of way.

Years pass after their one chance meeting and Cole and Imogen are no longer who they once were. The memory from so long ago is held dear to both of them and yet when they meet again.. well. Different kinds of sparks fly. But secrets aren't the only thing that keep them from being together. With a shocking killing spree happening under the nose of the local police and two mysteries to unravel, both of which reveal the same conclusion but for different reasons, THE DUKE still manages to be infused with paragraphs and paragraphs of Byrne's singularly stunning writing that is infused with wonderful self-reflection for her characters, socio-economic commentary and the challenges one faces when your soul is laden down with burdens and darkness. And how to let them go so that one might live for the future.

"Life, with all its perils and torments, still belongs to the living. We have a responsibility to live it. You should not waste it by giving over to bleak despair."

I enjoy the hell out of this series and with the exception of THE HIGHLANDER, which (for me) didn't manage to reach the heights of books one and two, this series is solid. Victorian Rebels showcases the dark and seedy elements of it's time and yet is chockful of compelling and wonderful individuals, even the occasionally vicious ones, and I can't get enough.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Victorian Rebels are back! And this time our hero is a duke. To be precise, he is the Duke. A man that is literally a Victorian James Bond. Collin "Cole" Talmage, the Duke of Trewyth is not only a duke, but he is a soldier and a lethal killer, and due to his close relation to the Queen, he quite literally has a license to kill. Cole never expected to be duke, but when he loses his whole family, he is left with the lofty title. There are many speculations surrounding his name. Some call him a lethal killer, some a spy. On the eve of yet another one of his mysterious assignments he finds himself with a group of his soldiers at a seedy establishment, the "Bare Kitten" . All he wants to do is forget the recent loss of his family and drink and find comfort in a woman's arms. And when he sees the serving maid, he knows that she will be that woman.

After losing her father and then finding out about his gambling debts, Imogen Pritchard is forced to take care of not only her younger sister and mother, but to pay those debts off. She works as a nurse during the day and as a serving maid at the "Bare Kitten" at night. The owner has agreed to let her work off her father's debts without having to sell herself. But when the enigmatic Duke of Trewyth walks in to the bar and offers to pay 20 pounds to spend one night with her she doesn't have much of a choice.

Cole might have been drunk that night, but he has never forgotten Ginny and has scored all of England, Europe and America to find her. After three years he has almost lost hope. He has lost more than that on his last mission. And even though fate has thrown them together again, it seems that Cole doesn't recognize the woman who has haunted him for the last three years.

You would think that a romance that started out in this fashion wouldn't be romantic or emotional, but you would be wrong. Imogen has a heart of gold and a spine of steel, making her the perfect heroine for a rebel like Cole. These men surely know how to protect and love fiercely and sweep the woman that they set their eyes on, off their feet. A great series! Not to be missed!

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elleonora tambunan
Victorian Rebels indeed -- Cole Talmage, a duke with a tragic past and a difficult present after barely surviving the battlefield. He returns, his thoughts obsessed with "Ginny," a woman with whom he spent a passionate night. He doesn't know that Ginny is really Imogen Pritchard, who works by day as a nurse to support her family and at night as a serving girl to pay off her father's debt. When he returns, wounded in mind and body, it is Imogen who figures out his illness and saves his life. For that, she is fired from her job. After all, a nurse can't presume to out-diagnose a doctor, can she? She ends up marrying a patient and becomes a countess, only to end up the duke's neighbor. She knows him, of course, but he thinks of her as a gold-digging adventurer and even thinks about trying to overturn her late husband's will. They do not reconnect. But yet ... .
What a story! I have to say that this tale is most far-fetched and full of coincidences that are hardly believable. But you don't care, because Imogen is such a wonderful, strong heroine. She is good and kind, refusing to let her harsh life beat her down and taking pleasure — finally — in having enough to eat, time to paint and the ability to help the less fortunate. Cole, on the other hand, still can't get over not being able to find Ginny, and his path to discovering Imogen's identity is slow and sometimes painful. His ability to remain faithful to his vision of Ginny and to hold out for love is heart-warming; he doesn't care who Ginny is or was, he just knows he loves her.
On top of the romance, there is a mystery to be solved and a killer to find. This part can be somewhat clunky and the identity of the killer is hardly a surprise. However, the ending is dramatic and makes it a little difficult to breathe until Imogen is safe once more.
It's a twisting, romantic tale, one that I thoroughly enjoyed. It made me want to read the other Victorian Rebel books; I came into the series cold and didn't feel lost one bit. This is a book to swallow whole over a long afternoon, not read in pieces. It captures you. (I received a NetGalley ARC. Opinions are my own. What a treat. Thanks!!)
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah doran
The Duke ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ by Kerrigan Byrne

How do I have the nerve to review such a mind blowing author?
How can I critique an author of such unbelievable talent?

I have read all previous books of Ms Byrne's in this series and she has to be one of greatest storytellers of our times. She never disappoints.

Collin Talmage, the Duke of Trenwyth, is a handsome lethal individual.
He is a golden boy in appearance but is alone with no family and many regrets deep within him. When Collin is on leave he goes to the Bare Kitten Gin and Dance club for some distraction and the pleasures of a women. Collin meets a bar wench named Ginny. He convinces the owner to sell him Ginny for one night. Ginny real name Imogen Pritchard is a nurse by day and a bar wench at night. She is a virgin and far from a prostitute. She works to pay her deceased father's gambling debts.
Under fear of losing her job she unwillingly agrees to the arrangement.
This turns out to be a night the is seared into both their memories.

When Collin is captured and tortured his only way to escape his surroundings is to remember his Ginny. He is finally freed from prison with the aid of a friend and makes it his mission to find his Ginny.
His memory of her appearance is waif like dark haired. Imogen wore a wig as a bar wench and went by a false name which only led to his inability to locate her. Collin is admitted to the hospital Imogen works at and she even attends him and saves his life but he does not recognize her.

During the story you wait for him to realize Imogen is his Ginny but it's doesn't happen. They are even next door neighbors but still no clue for him. She continues the ploy hoping he will really see her and love her Imogen. You could not put this book down. Included in the story is a serial killer after Imogen. I thought I had nailed who it was only to be fools by the author.

To continue to tell this story would be wrong. It is a must read. Hats off to Ms Byrne a force to be recognized for her talent.

I was given this book by Netgalley for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is not filled with the witty banter that I am drawn to in stories but does have one element that I cannot resist – a hero with mega amounts of angst. Cole is arrogant, snobby and brave and not very likeable. He is also looking for salvation. Imogen is strong and brave and has a heart of gold. I love characters that are not perfect and these two are definitely not perfect. The relationship between Cole and Imogen is not all hearts and roses but a relationship that develops into respect and love.

The mystery had me – I did not figure it out until the very end. I am hoping a story comes out of Scotland Yard. Who is Carlton Morley really? Who is The Rook?

As with the other books in this series, Kerrigan Bryne’s writing style is beautiful and engaging and hard to put down.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tammy bristol
The Duke is the fourth book in the Victorian Rebel series. Although it is not necessary to read the others first, it is helpful since the characters from those books appear in this one. Ms Bryne's storylines has all the elements I enjoy in a good read, and these one has it all. We are taken on a trip with two very different people. Both are living dual lives. Imogen works as a nurse to keep food on table for her family, but as Ginny she works as a drink server at the Bare Kitten to pay off her father's gambling debts. Cole is a spy/assassin for the Crown, but after his family dies in an accident he is also the Duke of Trenwyth. Their one night at the Bare Kitten sets the tone for the rest of the story, which occurs more than a year later. I don't like to give a lot of details since it might ruin the book format others. Just be assured it contains intrigue, danger, a villain (but is it the right one?) and lots of action. Great storyteller. At the risk of sounding prudish, the only distraction for me was the liberal use of the f word. It is not necessary to the storyline, especially such an excellent storyline. The author is a superb storyteller. I received this eBook from NetGalley for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
inge borg
Imogen Pritchard’s life changed drastically after her father died. He left his family desolate. Imogen, much to her dismay was forced to work at the Bare Kitten as a server to pay off her father’s debt. She also worked at St. Margaret’s Hospital as a nurse to support her younger sister and ailing mother.

Collin Talmage, the new Duke of Trewyth, entered the Bare Kitten to drown his sorrow in alcohol. He was intrigued with Imogen, aka, Ginny. He convinced, the owner, to sell her to him for the night. What happened during that night surprised both Ginny and Collin. Ginny’s memories of Collin’s tenderness comforted her during many lonely nights. And, Ginny’s loving memory gave Collin a place to retreat to while being tortured in a Turk prison.

A couple of years later, fate brought Collin and Imogen together again, only this time, they were two very different people. Collin was an angry, bitter man, and Imogen, a widowed Countess. Unfortunately for Imogen, her home was next-door to The Duke of Trewyth. She lived in fear of being recognized by him, as the Ginny; he once spent a night with. If Imogen's carefully concealed past were to be exposed, it would ruin not only her but her family also. Although Collin thought Imogen to be a foolish and annoying neighbor, he found himself protective of her, especially when women resembling Imogen were being murdered all around her. Collin was determined to find out who exactly this beautiful neighbor of his was.

This is the fourth book in the Victorian Rebels series. Imogen is a lovable character, strong and caring. Collin was a more difficult character to like because of his cruel, angry outbursts. The Duke is a well-written and captivating romantic tale as well as an intriguing mystery.

Thank you, St. Martin’s Press, and NetGalley, for my advanced review copy.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
shravni jain
I liked Imogen. She was willing to sacrifice herself to protect her mother and sister, not an uncommon situation for a young woman to face in England, 1876. When she was at her most desperate, she was offered a way out that would better their situation and save the day. She took it and left her past life as "Ginny" behind. Eventually, she tried to establish a charity to assist others who had been trapped in the dark side of London that she had escaped. Although she had tender feelings for the Duke of Trenwyth following a "night of passion" in the guise of Ginny, she wanted him to see and love the women she had become, not the fiction she had lived in the past.
Although his imprisonment and torture when captured in service to his country led me to have pity for Collin, the Duke of Trenwyth, he behaved like a jerk to Imogen because she wasn't born a lady and had "got her claws into" a wealthy old Lord "as the old man . . . malingered on his deathbed." He even went so far as to seek legal means to have her late husband's will overturned. All the while, he was pining for "Ginny," and when he finally met with proof that Imogen had been Ginny he treated Imogen badly.
The suspense of other plot twists and my desire to see Imogen get a happily ever after for her and Collin, kept me reading, even though he didn't deserve her and definitely didn't grovel sufficiently to win her in the end. I enjoyed the book more for its place in the Victorian Rebels series, than for the "romance," which seemed lacking.
I voluntarily accepted an advanced reading copy of this book, provided by the publisher via Netgalley. The opinion expressed is my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
On February 7, 2017, the fourth book in the Victorian Rebel Series, “The Duke,” will be available for purchase from your favorite booksellers. If you haven’t done so already, you should consider placing a copy on reserve now. I’d also suggest you mark your calendars for an extended reading retreat, as I know, you will want to abscond into your favorite literary nook with this sinfully hot romance. I tell you this from experience, my dear readers. I was fortunate to be selected as a reader of Kerrigan Byrne’s latest novel in exchange for my honest review of her story. Without a doubt, I’d read this again and again.

Ms. Byrne has a delectable way with words and a flair for passion. Her characters are realistic, complex, and raw. In, “The Duke, she penned the rags-to-riches story of Imogene Pritchard. Readers will laugh, cry and root for Imogene, aka Ginny. From the pits of a brothel to life lived in a majestic mansion readers will be riveted by her story. Not-to-mention, nervous about her safety. There is a serial killer on the loose and he has set his sights on the blonde-haired beauty. After one night of sexual pleasure bought and paid for by Colin Talmege, Duke of Trewyth, they were torn apart by the perils of life.

Colin, aka Cole, would walk through fire to reunite with the mysterious Ginny. After scoring the globe, becoming a prisoner of war and losing a limb, Cole is no longer the handsome, kind and considerate gentleman that captured Imogene’s heart. In his stead, is a hard, ruthless, and tantalizingly dangers man. Will Imogene be able to tame the beast? I’ll let you find out.
Happy reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael collins
When it comes to Historical Romance, Kerrigan Byrne is right up at the top of the list of best of the best. This, her fourth novel in the Victorian Rebels Series, is as mesmerizing and filled with heart pounding action as the other gems in this series. We are treated to characters we cheer for, villains that make us hold our breath and love scenes that are filled with sizzling passion. In this book we also have the mystery of a serial killer who seems to be fixated on our heroine, Imogen. The Duke, Collen Talmage, is a shadow of the man Imogen once knew. He has suffered extreme torture but is bent on fighting back to his former strength. All of the other “Rebels” from the previous books in the series play important roles in this book. This is a standalone book but I feel you will enjoy it even more if you read the previous books in the series. This is what is now referred to as a “dark historical romance”; filled with violence and characters that are not always moral or even polite. There are scenes of sex that border on violence and I mention this since some may find this difficult to read. That said, this is a well written book filled with description that will have you underlining passages. You will not be able to put this book down until you reach the last page.
The Victorian Rebels Series:
1. The Highwayman (Dorian and Farah)
2. The Highlander (Liam and Mena)
3. The Hunter (Christopher and Millie)
4. The Duke (Collin [Cole] and Imogen)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremy joseph
Wow, another thrilling and exciting romance in the Victorian Rebels Series by the ever brilliant penmanship of Kerrigan Byrne. I couldn't put this down, and I also loved the fact that it also contains the appearances of her much loved characters from the other books in her series. However this book may be read as a stand-alone.

This is the story of Cole, the Duke of Trenwyth and Imogen Pritchard.

His neighbour the Countess Anstruther does nothing but vex him at every turn. Not only did she marry the old Earl on his deathbed, more than likely for his money but now she's turning her home into a refuge for all those women of ill repute,
He's fighting the darkness that the brutal captivity sent him to, the only thing that calms him is the image of Ginny, and the one night he had with her, if he could find her, maybe she could bring the calm. Meanwhile he needs to expose the Countess as the fraud he thinks she is.

She's no longer the girl the Duke of Trenwyth brought that night, whilst working to pay off the debt at the establishment her father owed money too. She was no longer the nurse that saved his life at the expense of her career. She's moved on, her saviour is gone, and his legacy is helping those less fortunate but the past is never far away.

I voluntarily received an advanced readers copy from Netgalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara gibson
The Duke is the next installment of Kerrigan Byrne's Victorian Rebels series, bringing us the smartly written, witty, and emotional second chance love story between Imogen Pritchard and Collin Talmage, Duke of Trewyth.

Just as with the other heroines in this series, Imogen is strong, practical, loving, and flawed. She's interesting and not always confident, but usually courageous. She was a joy to read.

Cole. Cole is so damaged. Physically he's huge & beautiful, but returns home after being what amounts to a prisoner of war, scarred and gravely wounded. He suffers from PTSD and hates the world. He's hard to like at first because he's so angry and bitter and difficult.

But when they are thrown together again after his return, Cole & Imogen ignite, light up the page, and battle each other fiercely until they break through to a sexy, smoldering HEA.

The author takes her time building characters for us to care about - they're rich and layered and so human. There's a plot too and it's a romp, but it's the characters that made me love this book so much.

This is a standalone, but you'll enjoy it so much more if you read the other books in the series first.

I received an ARC from Net Galley and this is my honest review of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john w
After reading all four books in Victorian Rebels series, I can safely say that 'The Duke' is my favorite so far. Don't get me wrong! The other books are great as well, after all I gave all but The Highwayman' the highest marks, but for some reason this one touched me on so many levels and I truly enjoyed it.

I find that this author is brilliant when constructing emotional depth of her characters and it is that that keeps me coming to her stories, regardless of the predictability of the plots. She is also very descriptive and not just the scenery. She excels in taking you deep within the heart of the characters, including the sensuality she portrays.

Reading this story, I marveled at the emotions I went through as the story progressed. I was sad as the story opens and our couple meets for the first time and then I got angry at the hero for his stupidity. I marveled as our heroine's survival instincts prevail and cheered her on as she triumphs. And I laughed out loud at the heroes description of his "neighbor" and at his conundrum.

Seriously, this is one book you must read this year. It is without a doubt, one of the best stories out there today.

Melanie for b2b
Gift copy provided by the publisher for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
seth k
Kerrigan Byrne is a master at writing the tortured hero with the strong heroine and THE DUKE is no exception. Book 4 of the "Victorian Rebels" series does not disappoint. It has all the wondrous aspects of a bestselling story you'd expect from Ms. Byrne. The plot is interesting and well thought out. The characters are very well written, I could definitely feel the tension.
Imogen (aka Ginny) is a nurse by day and bar maid by night trying to pay off her father's gambling debts. On this fateful night in February 1876 she meets His Grace, Collin Talmage, Duke of Trenwyth better known to his friends as Cole, who has recently experienced a personal tragedy of epic proportions. He is leaving the next day in service to Queen Victoria on his final mission before taking up his seat as the Duke and just wants a night where he can forget all his troubles.
We also get to revisit the characters from her previous books which is an added bonus. They are intricately weaved into the 2nd half of the story.

In short....I LOVED THIS BOOK!!!! In fact, I went back and reread the entire series after I read THE DUKE so I've already read this book twice!

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review via NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I appreciate the way that Ms. Byrne highlights the terrible situations women can find themselves in through no fault of their own. She focuses on the Victorian Era, but women can still find themselves in terrible situations simply because of their gender. Ms. Byrne's use of the Victorian times to highlight the harsh plight of women softened through the lens of time is a useful foil for the challenges women face today.

I have really enjoyed her books, thus far, and appreciate the harsh reality brought into a historical romance. However, I have a strong issue with the way Ginny loses her virginity in this book. It has a weird romantic vibe to what is really more of a coercive situation. I understand that attraction plays a role in sex, but she decides to lose her virginity to help pay off her father's gambling debt. It's not in any possible way romantic. So that is a real problem for me with this book.

I think that the rest of the story makes up for this glaring error in many ways, but I wish she would take more care with the ways that a woman might view a coercive sexual situation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Duke by Kerrigan Byrne is my favourite so far in this series. I'm really glad that I've read this series in order, as although each book is about a separate couple, the couples and characters from the previous books feature heavily in the storyline. It was much easier to keep track of them all as I already had that familiarity.

I loved Cole ( Collin ) and Imogen. I couldn't wait to get to the part of the story where Cole finally remembers who Imogen is, and the author certainly made me wait. It was great though, I love a good slow burner romance. And whilst Cole fell quickly for "Ginny", it takes him much longer to appreciate what's next door with Imogen
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
elizabeth kerr
The Duke is not a typical Historical Romance, this is a tale of deception, hostility, and darkness. The Duke has many different layers, but I found all of them to be disturbing on some level. The hero Collin has had a horrible life, even though he is now a Duke and his current situation has much improved. I understand why his character is so cruel, but I wished he would let up already and realize how much he now has. Imogen, also known as Ginny, was easier to like, but I wanted her to stop helping others when she needed so much help herself. The Duke begins its tale with Collin, the hero, actually purchasing our heroine for one night of sex. Imogen was not completely willing and only agreed as she was desperate for money, so from the very first chapter, I questioned Colin's character. Unfortunately for me, that situation set the tone for this novel and in my opinion, it only grew darker from there. Even the HEA was one of the most unsatisfying I have ever read. All that being said, The Duke was well written and a compelling story. I am sure others would find it gripping. This book just wasn’t for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexander feldman
Wow! Fantastic Story! This is the first story that I have read by Kerrigan Byrne and I am hooked. Wonderfully written with great era details. Ms Byrne created this world that at times was graphic and intense yet heartfelt and all consuming. This author’s detailed descriptive narrative places the reader firmly in the late 1800’s. I felt as if I was surrounded by the sights, sounds and characters of that time. Her characters come alive and jump off the page. So much tension and chemistry between Imogene and Cole. So many feelings and emotions. I struggled to put it down just because I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. Consuming and suspenseful as well as filled with exquisite passion, angst, twists and turns and danger. I was enthralled by it all. Loved it. Highly Recommend! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this historical romance.
I voluntarily agreed to received a ARC through NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*************MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS***********

Cole does not mess around when it comes to his demands “tertiary.” He sent her a quelling look. “After the events of last night—no, strike that—due to your terrifying and infuriating tendency over the past few years to attract various enemies and obsessed lunatics—not to mention your affinity to find yourself in dangerous situations—it only makes sense that we reside together so I no longer have to rush all the way next door in order to continue to save your life. Which is, apparently, my new vocation and takes up entirely too much of my time. And in conclusion because—” I really loved this book, loved Cole
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wesley brown
As always, this is an honest review in return for reading an ARC. Rivers of distance between them. Innocence lost to be replaced with fear and self-loathing. And yet, hope draws these souls back.

The Ottoman atrocities leave so many destroyed. London in the 1800s does much the same. There are differences but both take their toll.

The depth of emotion that is in this story speaks to me more of a lifetime put to paper as more of a catharsis than a simple book.

The characters, ALL of them, are so complicated. Not only to this tale but with respect to their own stories. I am in awe of Kerrigan Byrne.

While classed as a romance novel, that seems to be akin to comparing Niagara Falls to Mackenzie Falls. They are as different, complicated and not near what you expect them to be.

I have a few authors that I purchase everything they write. Kerrigan Byrne has been added to those select few.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth ross
So easy to get swept into a world with monstrously strong men capable of killing for revenge and loved ones. With scary pasts and devilish dealings these men couldn't possibly show love or compassion, but the love of an equally strong woman can change any man. The Duke and Imogen weave a story of love, second chances, and a serial killer could be after one of their own. A truly gripping story with plenty of emotions and intrigue. After four books and four couples connected by blood or bloodshed I am dying to know about Inspector Morley. Maybe next time? Thank you for my advanced copy, this review was written voluntarily to support a fantastic book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Imogen Pritchard is working two jobs to pay off her dead father's debts. Her day job is as a nurse at the hospital. If they found out where else she worked she would be sacked. She works as a barmaid at a brothel, only because that is who her father owed the money to. Even with both jobs it's almost impossible to pay the rent and keep food on the table for her mother, sister and herself.
Collin Talmage the new Duke of Trenwyth is a spy in Queen Victoria's service. He is on his way to a very dangerous mission.
This is a marvellously complex story. Every time I thought I knew what was going to happen, our author twisted it around. Our severely damaged hero and heroine change beyond all recognition during the course of the book. It is part of a series, but you can read each one on it's own. However if you are going to read them all this one could give away some secrets. An incredibly good story line. I loved every page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved Cole and Imogen's story!!

Imogen was definitely not one of the typical heroines that you normally read about (although Byrne's never are) in historical romances. She came from the lower class and ended up marrying into the peerage, something that Cole didn't let her forget. He didn't really treat her very well when they first started encountering each other. He thought that she had tricked her late husband into marrying her for his money. Being a duke and all, he thought he was much better than she. Too bad he couldn't stop thinking about her.

I really enjoyed watching this story unfold and reconnecting with past H/H from the series. I'll state again, that this is one of my favorite series of all time!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
claire cameron
I have become an instantaneous fan of Ms Byrne after reading The Highwayman. With a lively, creative writing and intricate, page-turning plots, added to enough steam to warm an Arctic night, she's one of my favourites.

Nevertheless, I felt it dragged a little on this one. In the middle of the story, I mean. I kept thinking that maybe, if the identity issue had been revealed a tad earlier, it would have added to the high voltage the readers usually find in her books. Also, the steam became secondary and not so beguiling as in the other instalments.

The book is positively great all the same. Do not miss it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie hasham
The Duke is a wonderfully written story which reminds me of Beauty and the Beast with a Victorian edge. A second chance love of sorts, we find the Duke and Imogen at odds and the tension is sizzling. He becomes her reluctant protector when a serial killer targets those around her, she tries to keep her distance because he doesn't remember her, and if he did, too many secrets of her past would be unearthed. Despite subterfuge to protect her heart and family, his need to find a woman from long ago with only vague memories, his injuries in service to the Crown, and her charity work for those of lesser and questionable means, they triumph in discovering the truth and almost lose it all. The passion between them cannot be denied, and they must overcome and trust each other with everything to find true love.

I received at netgalley from the publisher. The opinion is my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hasan roshan
I have enjoyed Byrne's Victorian Rebels series and, while The Duke is not my favorite, I really liked it. The heroine is wonderful! She has to overcome a lot through the course of her life and I was really rooting for her to be happy. I especially liked the scenes of her working as a nurse. The hero was pretty tortured and I felt bad for him. But, I thought he had a few major jerk moments even towards the end. He did do a decent amount of groveling and the development of his character was interesting, but he was not a favorite aspect. The plot is complex, over-the-top, and completely engrossing. There is something about this author's writing style that grabs me from the beginning and doesn't let me go until the very end.

I received an eARC of this book from St. Martin's Press via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ibrahim ibrahim
Cole and Ginny are two good characters but someway their story is not so compelling. The beginning was pretty good but in the end the "secret" was kept too long and the "resolution" was too fast, I think it could have been handled in a better way. I mostly gave 3 stars to this book because I'm a big fan of this series and I hope for the next book to be better.

Cole e Ginny non sono male come personaggi, ma in qualche modo la loro storia non decolla nonostante l'inizio promettente. Secondo me il problema é stato che "il segreto" é stato mantenuto troppo a lungo e quando finalmente siamo arrivati alla soluzione era, secondo me, un po' troppo tardi e troppo affrettata. Gli ho dato 3 stelle fondamentalmente perché sono una grande fan della serie ed ho fiducia per il prossimo libro.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh my. *fans face*...I think Cole and Imogen burned up my Kindle.
From the moment Cole walked into the Bare Kitten and met Ginny I was sucked into this wonderful story.
The Hero, an arrogant and lethal Duke. Who comes across as an ass most of the time. An ass I fell in love with.
The heroine. Imogen. She's street smart and her need to survive and help her family blew me away.
The sex...Kindle melting. I've ordered the paperback for my keeper shelf btw.
I did not want to put this book down.
I was given a copy through email/NetGalley but ended up purchasing the Audio book. Derek Perkins narration is perfection.
This is the first Kerrigan Byrne book I have read and I loved it so much that I bought the rest of the series.
Thank you Kerrigan!! I think I've found another favorite author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have not read anything by Kerrigan Byrne and now she is on my authors to read list. I was waiting in a very long line and started to read The Duke and I was upset when I got into the place I was waiting for. I enjoyed Imogen and Cole’s first encounter which sets the book in motion. Imogen is caring and protective nature makes her so sweet yet strong. Imogen and Cole are separated for a few years and meet again but Cole doesn’t realize who she is. Cole has been searching for Imogen under a different name. The big reveal of Cole and Imogen’s relationship and the murderer was great. Can’t wait to read more in the series and books 1 to 3.

I received a review copy of this title courtesy fro the publisher via NetGalley for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lasairfiona smith
This is my favorite of the series and my guaranteed 2017 favorite. ITS THAT GOOD.

The way the heroine is written, strong and smart, made me fall in love with her within the first few pages. There is something about a well written woman who is neither too strong or too weak that is like catnip to me. Too many authors go to the extreme, rather than letting the heroine just be. Maybe because they don't have confidence in their own writing so everything has to be over the top. Which is exactly why I love Kerrigan Byrne. She doesn't have to use any of the tricks of the trade to make her heroines appealing; her writing does is amazing and does it all on it's own.

The twists that come in the first few chapters literally made me have to stop and take a breath more than once.

On their journey to HEA you get to know the H/h so in depth, you forget that you're reading a book and not actually in the same world as they are...another nod to the excellent writing. The "big misunderstanding" made so much sense in the context of the book, and your heart ached for both characters because you could feel the despair when they (briefly) parted ways.

The end was so satisfying. I didn't have to suspend any disbelief when they ultimately ended up together.

Such a gem of a book, I might have to read it for a third time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian walton
This book is different from others in the series. Cole, the hero, is also damaged but the darkest antihero in a series of dark heroes. Likewise, Imogen, is the most independent heroines and the story between Cole and Imogen is not one I would categorize as romance. I cannot reveal why without spoilers but they have an antagonistic relationship due to buried secrets. I like dark but I really wanted an epilogue that shows Cole in the light as that could have elevated my rating,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mariann davis
I've read several books by this author and received an ARC for an honest review. Loved it, love this author and everything she has written. This book was so riveting and passionate. The h is not your typical ton society miss found in regency romances. The H is not atypical, but still intriguing and interesting. The relationship between them is electric. There is a mystery woven through the story which harkened to previous books in a series, but this stands well alone. But you really must read the other books, they are fantastic. Wonderful works!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I’m wringing my hands here, folks. Just not sure how to describe this book without giving away too much. Frankly, it seems impossible not to, because I think many of you avid romantic at heart readers, like myself, are going to have issues with the behavior of this particular hero. He’s certainly going to test your limits of acceptability. What I do know is this author has proven once again she doesn’t write your average tea sipping, nothing bad really happens romantic tale. No, she usually takes us down a path that follows a darker side than I usually expect. The Duke was no exception, thankfully at least there always seems to be goodness and light and even a rainbow at the very end.

Speaking of which, this Duke at times could definitely be called some other words that begin with the letter “D”. Hint: one of them rhymes with the word stick. We first are introduced to him shortly after a tragic loss that has obviously just begun to fill his soul with darkness and despair. The circumstances which they first meet and have their first (coughing into my hand) brief encounter are far from ideal. I felt she was left physically used, emotionally abused despite the insinuation she enjoyed it, and irrevocably changed/thrown into even more dire circumstances from having known him. Color me crazy but I sort of always expect the hero to ride to the rescue, not push the damsel in further distress. Yet, we are somehow supposed to see it as a romantic second chance at romance prelude. Simply put, I call my male romantic leads a hero for a reason. I just can’t warm up to the idea he supposedly felt such a connection to her but had no qualms of just up and leaving and not trying to help her out of that particular situation.

His cruelty/hateful words when their paths crossed again didn’t quite make sense. For someone who supposedly kept such a vivid, happy memory of her voice/face, you would think some spark of immediate recognition would have been inevitable. For him to be obsessed with such an impoverished, physically emaciated young woman, that was inexplicably beneath his station when he clearly had strong views on upper classes not mingling with lower classes to the point he tried to belittle Imogen’s selfless efforts to help the most vulnerable, neglected members of society (abused women and children), made it difficult for me to buy his story of what his plans were if he ever came across his beloved Ginny again.

Imogen was selfless, resilient, and determined to make others lives better by using the unexpected, life-changing gift she was handed. I loved that clever plot twist that sealed her fate, future, and fortune. She truly was the highlight of the story. Goodness, she put up with so much animosity from Collin that when she FINALLY unleashed her own frustration/anger and gave him a piece of her mind and set him straight on what was what I could not help but mentally high five her and do a victory dance of “You go, girl!” Unfortunately, it came a little too late. The abusive smexy scene that transpired right before it just didn’t sit well with me. I guess the intent was to bring home just how out of control, broken, and beastly Collin had become. I can’t help but think many will find it overly abusive, as well.

With a serial killer backdrop that draws in cameo appearances of main couples from the previous books, I did love seeing this whole gang of cast and characters reunited again. The writing was engaging, flowed, but Collin sure kept me so frustrated I wanted to show him another way to put that prosthetic hand to good use. By pulling it off and whacking him upside the head to hopefully knock some sense into him. Yeah, I’m still shaking my head thinking he didn’t deserve such a perfect heroine. At least he does realize the error of his ways and surely will spend the rest of his literary life making it up to her.

I’m not sure who the next book will be based on, my fellow romance book-loving friends. An interesting character referred to as The Rook keeps getting mentioned. I think it is inevitable we will be given the ultimate good guy Scotland Yard’s Chief Inspector’s, Mr. Morley, HEA someday. What I do know is Ms. Byrne keeps me coming back for more, even though she takes me out of my comfort zone at times. I must say this time around the strong heroine definitely deserves the title of true hero more so than Collin.

Rating: Heroine - 5 stars, Hero - 2 stars, Writing - 4 stars, Plot - 3 stars.

Title: The Duke, Series: The Victorian Rebels (Book 4), Author: Kerrigan Byrne, Pages: 384, stand-alone but part of a series, alpha dark hearted/tortured hero with a missing hand, sweet/selfless/resilient heroine who deserved better, dark theme, rapist/serial killer on the loose, some graphic violence, strange second chance at love plot, heroine was beaten/almost raped, OW were raped/murdered, not a big fan of this hero.

Book 1 - The Highwayman (Dorian & Farah), 9/1/15, Pages: 384
Book 2 - The Hunter (Christopher & Millie), 2/2/16, Pages: 432
Book 3 - The Highlander (Liam & Philomena), 8/2/16, Pages: 358
Book 4 - The Duke (Imogen & Collin), 2/7/17, Pages: 384
Book 5 - The Scot Beds His Wife - 10/3/17, not released yet

(This review is based on advanced reader copy provided via NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased, fair review. No compensation was provided to this reviewer, nor is there any affiliation between the reviewer and author/publisher/NetGalley.)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lyndah chow
Ms Byrne is one of the most talented of authors. Her writing is beautiful, almost lyrical. It is evident each word has been carefully chosen.

Collin “Cole” Talmadge has become the new Duke of Trewyth. It is something he never expected in his life. Both of his parents and his eldest brother, the heir, have been killed in an accident. Cole is a spy/assassin for the British Government. He is about to leave on a mission at the same time he finds that his life has changed.

The loss of his family has taken his heart. At such a low point, he goes into a brothel and finds Ginny, She is a young woman who is actually a serving maid, but Cole buys her for 20 pounds. Even though the owner of the brothel has promised Ginny she would never have to prostitute herself, she is sold on the spot. She is working there to pay off her father's debts and keep her mother and sister safe. By day she is a nurse at a London hospital. The work at the brothel has paid for her nursing school and allows her to care for her family.

After a great deal of time, Cole is returned to London a broken and ill man. He was rescued from a prison in the Middle East. He has lost a hand, he has been tortured and it is believed typhus is about to take his life.

Imogen believes she murdered a man who attacked her at the brothel and must run away. At the same time, she lost her nursing job because she recognized that Cole did not have typhus but he did have a severe infection in his arm. Because she dared to bring this to a doctor's attention, she is fired when it is proven to be true.

Suddenly, Imogen Pritchard's life has changed dramatically. At such a low point, an elderly patient who is a favorite of hers hears her story and marries her to keep her safe. He is near death with no heirs, so she becomes a wealthy widow and a Lady to boot.

This is a dramatic plot. There is apparently a serial killer who has murdered women who look similar to Imogen. Is it someone from the hospital? Is it someone from her days working at the brothel? Or is it someone who resents the fact she is creating a foundation
which will protect women and children who have been used in the sex trade?

The characters of Imogen and Cole are crafted very carefully. Because of his past, Cole has become a very dark and unhappy man. He trusts no one, and he feels his life has little meaning. Since he returned from captivity, no matter that he has done adventurous things and has friends who support him, nothing interests him.

Since he and Imogen travel in the same circles, they are together often. He is cruel and rude and humiliates her in front of other people. But, all along, he has not recognized her as the woman who haunts him.

There are secondary characters who add a good bit of atmosphere to the story. There are couples who have appeared in earlier books in this series, as well as others. Other minor characters are important to the plot because they illustrate the reality of life in Victorian England.
Although this is part of a series, it works well as a stand alone read.

This is a very dark book. We get up close and personal with the devastating lives of poor women. We also see the reality of male power and a female's lack of value, no matter their station in life.

There are several sexual assaults in the story, and each of them seem to be described in a great deal of detail. There is violence and physical abuse. There is emotional abuse in the story.

I understand the appeal that is credited to Cole, but the fact that he becomes such an abusive person was difficult for me to overlook. Imogen remembers a gentle and kind man, but for the majority of this story, that man does not exist.

As I said at the first of this review, the writing is wonderful. But, the dark and unhappy feeling I got from much of the story was difficult for me to ignore. I know it is just me, but I wanted to feel more light in the story.

I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley. I am voluntarily writing this review and all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lee hillman
"Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review"
I loved this book and I don’t often love historical romances. This one is pure melodrama but so well delivered that I didn’t mind suspending disbelief more than I usually would. I loved the tortured wounded hero, his hotness and broodiness. If Kerrigan Byrne continues to write like this, I’m sold!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
blair reeve
Perfect for anyone who likes stories of dukes or just a great historical. If you have started the series, you won't be disappointed by this next step in the series even though it is a slight step off the path in the primary story. If you haven't started the series yet, don't wait. Grab this book and get busy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Now THAT is how you write about unforgettable heroines! Such a beautiful woman, both physically and spirit. So many poignant moments, heartwarming prose in this book. Anyone who wouldn't be attracted by her light will be a fool. First time to read from this author and now I am compelled to seek more of her stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kerrigan Byrne is one of the hottest new names in historical romance and, after racing through her latest novel, The Duke, it is certainly not hard to see why. Passionate, enthralling and scintillating, The Duke is a sparkling tale of danger, daring and desire that should not be missed!

Handsome, debonair and charismatic, Collin ‘Cole’ Talmage was a man with the world at his feet. Envied and resented by men and desired and lusted after by their women, Cole seemed to have been blessed by the gods – until a cruel twist of fate had seen him lose everything which he held dear to his heart. Broken, alone and betrayed, Cole is facing the biggest battle of his life – and he has got nobody to turn to. Desperate to forget all about the pain and anguish that threatens to consume him, Cole is desperate for distraction. He just wants one night where he can forget all about the demons and enemies that threaten to destroy him, so he stumbles into a brothel and spends one unforgettable night with a beautiful woman called Ginny. But Ginny is not all that she seems…

Desperation had driven Imogen ‘Ginny’ Pritchard to seek employment at The Bare Kitten. A nurse who had been faced with crippling debts after the death of her father, Imogen had been forced to spend her nights tending to the whims and desires of men who were prepared to pay for one night of passion with her. But when Cole walks through the doors of The Bare Kitten, she realises that he is not like the other men who usually frequent the brothel and together they spend a night of electrifying passion neither one of them can easily forget.

Years pass and Imogen is now a wealthy widow who is still haunted by the memory of her night of love with Cole. Despite having entered into a marriage of convenience, Imogen has never forgotten Cole – so she is stunned when he turns up at her hospital, injured, wounded and desperate to find and claim for his own the woman he loves…Ginny!

Imogen finds herself in a quandary. Should she tell Cole that she is the woman he has been seeking? Or should she keep her shameful past a secret? Is happiness within both their reach? Or will Imogen and Cole be condemned to a lifetime of heartbreak and sorrow?

A sensuous and thrilling emotional rollercoaster ride, The Duke is a sumptuous tale that sparkles with passion, intrigue and romance I found myself unable to put down! Kerrigan Byrne writes in vivid and striking colours and sweeps the reader along on a breathtaking adventure they will not easily forget!

I absolutely adored Imogen and Cole’s enthralling love story. I laughed, cried and was totally moved by their engrossing and highly enjoyable tale of secrets, deception and romance which is absolutely impossible to resist.

Kerrigan Byrne is well on her way to super-stardom and readers who enjoy intelligent, vibrant and captivating historical romances are sure to want to add her name to their must-buy list!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lindsay barcham
I absolutely love this series. The men are not perfect and the women are not shrinking violets worried about their next ballroom gown. These characters are damaged and real and ready to kick whatever ass is in need of kicking. Cole and Imogene may not have been perfect, but they were definitely perfect for each other.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Perfect in every way. It's a second chance romance with intrigue, suspense, passion and true love that has been tested and found unshakable. I can't say enough good things about it. Ms. Byrne has just secured herself as one of my new favorite authors.

I was invited to review the book, by the publisher, in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The writing was excellent. There were passages and dialogue that I highlighted in order to read again. The heroine was kind, smart and brave with a goal of helping the less fortunate. Why only 3 stars? The hero was repellant for most of the story. He viewed the world as a horrible, dark place and he, for the most part, added to the misery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy beth
First time reading this author and what an exceptional and over whelming romantic and suspenseful love story. U rock KB. I can hardly wait to read anything else you have written just to prove how excited I was while reading this story. Could not put the book down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa dale
I am so happy to have discovered this author. Kerrigan Byrnes books are amazing. They truly take romance novels to the next level. Her books are so deep and emotional and everyone is so damaged. She takes her characters and readers on such an emotional journey to the HEA. Cole and Imogen were wonderful characters. I especially loved Imogen. She was perfect for Cole and I really loved their story. I love when an author brings characters from past books into the story. I love reconnecting and checking in with them. I am looking forward to more books by Ms. Byrnes she has quickly made it onto my auto buy list
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The book brings the story of a young woman, Imogen Pritchard, who works hard, daytime as a nurse at St Margaret's Royal Hospital, and by night at Bare Kitten. All this to support the family and help pay the father's gambling debts.
Still, being a person with virtually no time to live, she engages with Collin Talmage "Cole", Duke of Trenwyth, who has a troubled life and manages to be stupid with her for much of the book. She becomes his savior, even though she herself can barely save herself.
Of course, the two get into trouble and there's the part where the hero saves the girl.

The narrative could not hold my interest and I felt finished reading the book more out of obligation.
I loved the cover and liked the synopsis very much. Pity...
3 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
author cari
Kerrigan Byrne is one of the hottest new names in historical romance and, after racing through her latest novel, The Duke, it is certainly not hard to see why. Passionate, enthralling and scintillating, The Duke is a sparkling tale of danger, daring and desire that should not be missed!

Handsome, debonair and charismatic, Collin ‘Cole’ Talmage was a man with the world at his feet. Envied and resented by men and desired and lusted after by their women, Cole seemed to have been blessed by the gods – until a cruel twist of fate had seen him lose everything which he held dear to his heart. Broken, alone and betrayed, Cole is facing the biggest battle of his life – and he has got nobody to turn to. Desperate to forget all about the pain and anguish that threatens to consume him, Cole is desperate for distraction. He just wants one night where he can forget all about the demons and enemies that threaten to destroy him, so he stumbles into a brothel and spends one unforgettable night with a beautiful woman called Ginny. But Ginny is not all that she seems…

Desperation had driven Imogen ‘Ginny’ Pritchard to seek employment at The Bare Kitten. A nurse who had been faced with crippling debts after the death of her father, Imogen had been forced to spend her nights tending to the whims and desires of men who were prepared to pay for one night of passion with her. But when Cole walks through the doors of The Bare Kitten, she realises that he is not like the other men who usually frequent the brothel and together they spend a night of electrifying passion neither one of them can easily forget.

Years pass and Imogen is now a wealthy widow who is still haunted by the memory of her night of love with Cole. Despite having entered into a marriage of convenience, Imogen has never forgotten Cole – so she is stunned when he turns up at her hospital, injured, wounded and desperate to find and claim for his own the woman he loves…Ginny!

Imogen finds herself in a quandary. Should she tell Cole that she is the woman he has been seeking? Or should she keep her shameful past a secret? Is happiness within both their reach? Or will Imogen and Cole be condemned to a lifetime of heartbreak and sorrow?

A sensuous and thrilling emotional rollercoaster ride, The Duke is a sumptuous tale that sparkles with passion, intrigue and romance I found myself unable to put down! Kerrigan Byrne writes in vivid and striking colours and sweeps the reader along on a breathtaking adventure they will not easily forget!

I absolutely adored Imogen and Cole’s enthralling love story. I laughed, cried and was totally moved by their engrossing and highly enjoyable tale of secrets, deception and romance which is absolutely impossible to resist.

Kerrigan Byrne is well on her way to super-stardom and readers who enjoy intelligent, vibrant and captivating historical romances are sure to want to add her name to their must-buy list!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
regina bolding
I absolutely love this series. The men are not perfect and the women are not shrinking violets worried about their next ballroom gown. These characters are damaged and real and ready to kick whatever ass is in need of kicking. Cole and Imogene may not have been perfect, but they were definitely perfect for each other.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Perfect in every way. It's a second chance romance with intrigue, suspense, passion and true love that has been tested and found unshakable. I can't say enough good things about it. Ms. Byrne has just secured herself as one of my new favorite authors.

I was invited to review the book, by the publisher, in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The writing was excellent. There were passages and dialogue that I highlighted in order to read again. The heroine was kind, smart and brave with a goal of helping the less fortunate. Why only 3 stars? The hero was repellant for most of the story. He viewed the world as a horrible, dark place and he, for the most part, added to the misery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy brisson
First time reading this author and what an exceptional and over whelming romantic and suspenseful love story. U rock KB. I can hardly wait to read anything else you have written just to prove how excited I was while reading this story. Could not put the book down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan gerstner
I am so happy to have discovered this author. Kerrigan Byrnes books are amazing. They truly take romance novels to the next level. Her books are so deep and emotional and everyone is so damaged. She takes her characters and readers on such an emotional journey to the HEA. Cole and Imogen were wonderful characters. I especially loved Imogen. She was perfect for Cole and I really loved their story. I love when an author brings characters from past books into the story. I love reconnecting and checking in with them. I am looking forward to more books by Ms. Byrnes she has quickly made it onto my auto buy list
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dian hartati
The book brings the story of a young woman, Imogen Pritchard, who works hard, daytime as a nurse at St Margaret's Royal Hospital, and by night at Bare Kitten. All this to support the family and help pay the father's gambling debts.
Still, being a person with virtually no time to live, she engages with Collin Talmage "Cole", Duke of Trenwyth, who has a troubled life and manages to be stupid with her for much of the book. She becomes his savior, even though she herself can barely save herself.
Of course, the two get into trouble and there's the part where the hero saves the girl.

The narrative could not hold my interest and I felt finished reading the book more out of obligation.
I loved the cover and liked the synopsis very much. Pity...
3 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christopher ian
This read has plenty of drama and suspense with a brooding hero and the heroine who does what she must. I liked this historical read as well as the characters and their chemistry. The story is fast paced and held my interest throughout.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shannon abney
Fun story and yet sad. Poor Imogen just wants her life better and to help others and Collin is so mean to her. Their one blistering night of passion means nothing to him. It was a little slow paced and no action to keep it moving.
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