Independence: Book 4 of The Legacy Fleet Series

ByNick Webb

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I just read the book, enjoyed just like the others but when it was getting fun it ended... I want more!!!
Jokes aside, I guess I forgot this was the first of a new series so, as with all first books, a lot of story time is taken introducing the characters and the plot itself. Also, as I sign Nicks newletter, I had the expectation it would be action from beging to end (that is what you said Nick!) but the action, or to be more acurate, the plot realy started at the end. So when I though, "Great! Here we go!" The book ended.
Good thing Nick has hasf of the second book writen. I look forward to read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From beginning, with retired Admiral Procter as University Professor, through her recall to service, Nick Webb hooks you with his word craft. As Admiral Procter looks into a mysterious attack destroying a colony city, she finds the usual hidden agendas, along with a starship from the future. Great action and solid characters earn it a must read from me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nadejda hriptievschi
Nick Webb did not disappoint. His series on the Legacy Fleet was constant action. This book was similar and continued with the some of the same characters, but 20 years later. I found it a fun read, and again as with all of Webb's books, a page turner. I recommend this book for all SciFi readers.
Book Three of the Expansion Wars Trilogy (Volume 3) :: Alpha Fleet (Rebel Fleet Series Book 3) :: Black Fleet Trilogy, Book 3 (Volume 3) :: New Frontiers (Expansion Wars Trilogy, Book 1) :: Star Shroud (Ascension Series Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jinna hagerty
I, still say, these books are just pure fun! Action evenly placed to keep everything going. Character development just enough to make you care but not so far as to make you say, "Just get on with it!"
So, looking forward to book two, which is really, book five, and just heard from the Author that it should be released in the coming weeks!
It's an easy pre-order.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda larsen
Starts even better than the first trilogy, I look forward to the next books.

Written in good style, the story brings back some old characters, mixed with some new, and all with typical Webb 3D personalities. Since the plot is interesting and the action is good, what more could anyone ask for?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All the books in this series are excellently written add on the way higher ups act in the IDF including those who are political you can just believe you'd need a no nonsense bulletin person like Procter or Tim this great look forward to this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daniel herrera
This book follows up with both plot and characters that are familiar yet growing into a new reality. Nick Webb seems to have captured the importance of family and community, no easy task. Independence is a great read and I look forward to book #2 in the near future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
priyanka prakash
Nick Webb continues to impress. I've enjoyed all his books so far and look forward to the next. Webb has a unique writing style I haven't come across before and find it inventive with a good story line.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
seng chuen
Independence, the first book in a new series set in the Legacy universe, had a good balance in building the story, character development, action and introducing new characters into the Legacy universe time-line. Independence is set some 30 years after the events in the third book of the first series and of course the heroes of that series are a whole lot older. Former Admiral and hero of the Swarm War, Shelby Proctor is called out of retirement to deal with a new alien threat to United Earth and her colonies. A seemingly industructable ship is destroying colonies, fleet ships and generally creating near panic throughout the UE. More concerning for Shelby is her nephew Danny has disappeared and it is looking increasingly likely he is connected to submersive elements that are seeking to destabilize United Earth's government. I found Independence entertaining and I really felt drawn into the complex plot-lined and what was happening with the characters - looking forward to the next in the series :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kc warrenfeltz
I liked Independence. It takes up where the Legacy Fleet left off. There is plenty of space battle action and once again humanity is threatened both from within and without. A new unknown alien ship that seems to be unstoppable attacks. Once again human politics tear governments and people apart. Amiss all this stands the Independence and her crew . Read on to find out who's who and which side they are on .
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Horrible. What a waste of my time. Mr. Webb, your kidding right? Did the right draft get published? I thought I found a good writer. What happened? I'm truly disappointed and will not purchase another book from this author.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The cartoonish, fantasy science, that thoroughly permeates "Independence: Book 1 of the Legacy Ship Trilogy," fully undercuts any SciFi entertainment possibilities.

The author, Mr. Nick Webb, self-identified as a scientist, describes a postulated scientific theory as "...magically...," occurring. Later in the book, in a climax, a tech jumps from a shuttle, onto to a ballistic missile, rides it "...horseback...," as all hurtle through Earth's atmosphere, from space. These are just two (2) examples of the totally inane plot devices Mr. Webb uses to propel his storyline. HIs writing defies reason and credulity, entering a world of fantasy, magic, and alchemy.

The characters are all cardboard, one-dimensional cutouts, whether heroes or villains. The dialogue is corny and hackneyed. Repetition abounds, either from lack of attention by the author, need to fill pages, or both. It is all slipshod, sloppy, and disappointing.

"Independence," is not recommended and was fully read via Kindle Unlimited.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james hansen
We’re back with Shelby Proctor, or Professor Shelby Proctor which was something she was never called back in the old days. We once knew her as Commader Shelby Proctor, the highly skilled scientist that helped Captain Tim Granger defeat the Swarm. As it turned out, Admiral Proctor actually went on to kill the last of the Swarm carriers which ended their presence in our galaxy. Captain Granger, meanwhile, drove his ship the ISS Victory into a black hole that closed the access to our galaxy for the rest of the Swarm. It takes a very long time for a ship to pass through a black hole. Even now, thirty years later, Captain Granger’s ship is just approaching the event horizon and being stretched beyond any reasonable means of surviving this journey.

During that thirty years after the Swarm defeat, Admiral Proctor became Fleet Admiral Proctor, defender of Earth and all humanity. She managed to convince all the other human civilizations that war among themselves was stupid and she also convinced the known alien races found during the Swarm wars, that attacking Earth or humanity was not going to be worthwhile. So as peace settled over the galaxy, Shelby Proctor retired from the Fleet and now teaches at small University, in Whitehaven, Britannia. She is sixty-eight years old.

Then, as it never happens to anyone in this world, she gets a visit by none other than the current Fleet Admiral, Admiral Oppenheimer. He tells her that there is a new threat in the galaxy and he doesn’t know how to stop it. So, he asks Professor Proctor if she would mind coming back into the IDF and checking out this threat in a way that would make it go away! And now the fun starts. This new threat seems to be one single ship. A previous IDF ship was sent to investigate what it was doing and, well, it didn’t go too well. So now it’s up to Admiral Shelby Proctor to save the day, again!

The book was very good. It had many exciting parts, but also some very dull periods where everyone just thought about what was and wasn’t happening. They theorized how to overcome this new enemy while Admiral Proctor went in search of her Nephew. Sounds kind of strange for her to do this during a galactic emergency, but she did. Also, it doesn’t appear that the IDF (International Defense Forces) have really advanced much in thirty years. While her new ship seems to be capable, it just doesn’t cut the mustard so to speak. Oh, yeah, her brand new ship is the ISS Independence.

So we get another three book series with some continuity in that Shelby Proctor and a few other characters carry over from the Tim Granger books. There’s a lot spoken about Captain Timothy Granger. Seems there’s a faction of humanity that’s made him into some kind of deity. Yeah, they have a church, pastors and all the other things you’d expect, even starry-eyed devotees that even thing Shelby Proctor is some kind of Saint. You’ll be interested to hear her thoughts on this new Grangerite religion.

I think I’ll be reading the next book. I didn’t get the kind of ultimate doom from this one as I did in the past. While this new threat seems dangerous, it doesn’t seem to last much. More is coming. At least that’s way Captain Timothy Granger tries to tell Admiral Proctor!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly cotton
The aliens have become the most horrible and deadly enemies of all time and their ship is impossible to damage. The alien ship is not damaged by the most powerful weapons directed at it and continues to attack it's target with impunity. Admiral Procter has been able to get together with many extremely important people who have been more than willing to help, but they have been stymied by too many things happening all in the most unlikely times. There are too many different political leaders that are not willing to help. The humans have not been able to get together with a way to defeat the enemy. The aliens are winning.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
fiona roberto
Mixed emotions on this series. I like some of the premises, and even some of the characters, but it reads like a soap opera, unrelenting bad luck, followed by miraculous escape only to fall into yet more unrelenting bad luck, etc. well enough written, and it does have a plot, but I just can't help adding in at the end of every chapter, "Tune in next week......"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Since signing up for Kindle Unlimited I've been plowing through different space opera series by numerous authors. I'm delighted that this book popped up on my recommendations, because it is one of the best space operas I've read in a long time. The only down side was that I ended up binge reading this over the course of a few days rather than catch up on some much needed sleep! Seriously, though, give this book a read. You'll be glad you did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A satisfying return to this endless series. Independence is the first of another 3 parter. There are lots of cameos from the previous series that help to bring you up to date. This book concerns the adventures of several previous "Bit player" characters who have now been promoted to starring roles. Oh and there is an exciting twist on the very last page. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
omar fawz
I got this book free under the Kindle Unlimited program, and frankly didn't have too much enthusiasm for it, until I started reading, because I could not put it down until I finished it.
Nick Webb's books were unfamiliar to me, and this was the first of them that I had read, but it won't be the last. The book was full of twists and turns, a really complex plot that grabs you and doesn't let go.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The aliens have become the most horrible and deadly enemies of all time and their ship is impossible to damage. The alien ship is not damaged by the most powerful weapons directed at it and continues to attack it's target with impunity. Admiral Procter has been able to get together with many extremely important people who have been more than willing to help, but they have been stymied by too many things happening all in the most unlikely times. There are too many different political leaders that are not willing to help. The humans have not been able to get together with a way to defeat the enemy. The aliens are winning.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Mixed emotions on this series. I like some of the premises, and even some of the characters, but it reads like a soap opera, unrelenting bad luck, followed by miraculous escape only to fall into yet more unrelenting bad luck, etc. well enough written, and it does have a plot, but I just can't help adding in at the end of every chapter, "Tune in next week......"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Since signing up for Kindle Unlimited I've been plowing through different space opera series by numerous authors. I'm delighted that this book popped up on my recommendations, because it is one of the best space operas I've read in a long time. The only down side was that I ended up binge reading this over the course of a few days rather than catch up on some much needed sleep! Seriously, though, give this book a read. You'll be glad you did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A satisfying return to this endless series. Independence is the first of another 3 parter. There are lots of cameos from the previous series that help to bring you up to date. This book concerns the adventures of several previous "Bit player" characters who have now been promoted to starring roles. Oh and there is an exciting twist on the very last page. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
roberto cacho
I got this book free under the Kindle Unlimited program, and frankly didn't have too much enthusiasm for it, until I started reading, because I could not put it down until I finished it.
Nick Webb's books were unfamiliar to me, and this was the first of them that I had read, but it won't be the last. The book was full of twists and turns, a really complex plot that grabs you and doesn't let go.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
timothy gray
What a great transition from Granger going off into the black hole to Shelby having to step into his shoes. I expect a lot more time travel before this is all said and done. Great characters world building and action. Hope the aliens from the Concordat join in to save the galaxy from the evil Swarm. Bravo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I still miss Granger but the questions are what's happening with all the intrigues?? Bad Nasty Boy Mullins(sp?) is clearly going to get his ass handed to him but it won't save thousands of people. Swarm?? Probably.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jessica sullivan
I rapidly lost interest in the story when Nick Webb kept having power reactors blow up by "going critical." Mr. Webb suffers from the typical misunderstanding that "critical" means "uncontrolled" or "explosive." Power reactors CANNOT produce power UNTIL they have reached a state of being critical. Critical is the term that means self-sustaining and until a reactor is critical it will spontaneously shutdown without an external source of power to keep it functional. Power reactors are NOT bombs and will not "explode" in the standard sense.
Isaac Azimov famously said: "Good science fiction requires good science." I'm sorry to conclude that this book lacks that.
However, if one is willing to suspend belief in well-established laws of physics, the story is worth the read. Just don't expect it to be particularly realistic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alejandro perez
Shelby is back reluctantly to face a possible threat to Britannia and IDF, and to find her nephew. Is this a new threat or the same threat in a new form? Are the grangerites right and Tim will return? Can't wait to read the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Another great story in this series. I thoroughly enjoyed this further storyline development. A minor but persistent flaw, the proof reader did a remarkably poor job in this book. This author deserves better support.
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