Star Shroud (Ascension Series Book 1)

ByKen Lozito

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
steve feldon
It seems that this book could have used some polishing. The suspense was good but it seemed... Clunky, it just didn't flow as well as it could have. Buying book two because the story is intriguing. Hopefully better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
manu mishra

Fans of Science Fiction Action-Adventure, sometimes referred to as Science Fiction Opera, will find this galactic adventure spanning some sixty years displays a fun concept in which disbelief is easily dispelled. Up front, for those who might be concerned, this is a stand alone story that ends with reference to the future, but, fortunately, does not end with a cliffhanger. Read on to learn why I'm rating it four stars out of five.

Length: Print, 260 pages.

Target Audience/Genre: This is a Science Fiction Opera.

Q - What was the the store Rank on the date this review was published?
A – 9,466.

Q - How was this book obtained?
A – Purchased through Kindle Unlimited.

Q - Is this a book that I can read without having to read others first?
A – Yes, this is the first in The Ascension Series.

Q - Are there a lot of typos/misspellings, grammatical errors or other editing failures?
A – No.

Q - Is this a fast, easy read or is it more of a leisure read?
A – This is a leisure read.

Q - What sort of language does this writer use to amplify the points made?
A – Plain English. There are very few profanities used. In fact, I found only a total of about 10 or 12. Unfortunately, one of those is an f-bomb. Despite the one instance, the rarity of foul language is such that, if my sons were still youngsters, I would not object to them reading this book.

Q - My biggest pleasure or disappointment?
A – Flashing from 1986 to 2046 was, perhaps, so abrupt that it initially felt confusing. But, the writer did handle it well by separating the two periods by setting the years at the start of the two chapters. The aspect of this not handled so well was the character Zack introduction. Unless I missed it, we never did learn this guy’s family (surname) name.

Although the story is a good Action-Adventure, I would like to have seen a little more character development. Particularly Bruce.

The only other issue I had with the writing was the shifting point of view. I’m not going to say it was bad, because it most certainly was not. I was just a little taken aback by sometimes knowing a characters inner thoughts and sometimes how the writer stated “…seemed to think.” I know the latter leaves some wiggle room, so I will agree there might be a purpose. What I am suggesting is that there might be a better, smoother way to lead the reader to presume a purpose that, as it turns out later, is an incorrect presumption.

Otherwise, I felt this was an excellent first book in a series. I will be reading the next book, for clearly, this writer can weave a good yarn.

To give a feel for the editing, and the style and flow of this work, I am posting a brief excerpt below.


“I was thinking,” Hicks said, moving in closer. “The Beagle’s flight systems aren’t all that different from the shuttle we have. If you want, I can run through some simulations with you sometime. Couldn’t hurt to have a backup.”

Kaylan heard everything Hicks had just said but couldn’t help focusing on the blue of his eyes and the shape of his mouth. “That sounds like a good idea. I can show you and Katie the shuttle systems as well.”

Hicks smiled, showing a perfect set of pearly whites. “That might get kinda crowded. Besides, Katie is already shadowing Emma in the Bio lab.”

He moved in closer, until his lips were only inches from hers.

“Getting kinda close there, aren’t you, cowboy? I don’t know if my heart can take it,” Kaylan said, while gently pushing him back. She wanted to leave her hand against his chiseled chest but pulled it away as she stepped passed him.

“Sorry, ma’am, we Texans wear our heart right there on our sleeve.”

Kaylan grinned. “I’m sure this humble country-boy thing works wonders with the ladies in some bar, but we’re not in a bar now, are we?”

Hicks laughed, and just then Hunsicker called for their attention over the comms system.

“The surveyor probes have reached Pluto, and we’re minutes away from getting their first data burst.”

Kaylan shrugged and headed up toward the bridge, while Hicks grinned behind her. They were soon joined by the others. Last to arrive were Zack and Jonah. Zack gave a slight roll of his eyes in Jonah’s direction. She could only imagine how Zack’s snarky demeanor played on Jonah Redford’s prickly personality. They were both brilliant, and she had no doubts that Zack would prove his worth to the team as time went on.

“Isn’t it time for us to initiate the first burn now that the engines have been tested?” Redford asked.

“Soon. Our first stop is Titus Station in the asteroid belt,” Hunsicker said.

Zack held up his hand, and Hunsicker nodded for him to speak.

“Why are we stopping at the station?”

“Two reasons. First is to resupply. We won’t make it to Pluto otherwise. Second is to pick up Cosmonaut Vitomir Mikhailovich and the Lenoy Salvage System. Vitomir is one of the foremost experts on its use. For those of you who are not aware, the Lenoy Salvage System, or LSS, is used in the…

Lozito, Ken (2016-02-25). Star Shroud (Ascension Series Book 1) (pp. 86-88). Acoustical Books LLC. Kindle Edition.

Bottom Line:

Worth my time to read. I do wish, since it had so few profanities, that the writer had found a way to eliminate even those few. Or, at least, The one f-bomb. Personally, as I stated above, I would not let one such word prevent me from buying the book. Unfortunately, some folks I know would refuse purchasing even for just a single sh#$ or a single case of bullsh#t. Despite this, with no apologies, I Recommend Star Shroud with four stars out of five.

Comments regarding your opinion of this book or of my review, whether favorable or unfavorable, are always welcome. If you buy the book based on my review and become disappointed, especially, I do want to know that and I want to understand how I can improve as a book reviewer. Just please be polite.

Thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When the research team first received the message in 1986, they didn't know what it was - so they told no one. When, decades later, a probe returned pictures of an alien structure on Pluto, the corporation intercepted them - and told no one. Eventually, some 60 years after the first contact, a brilliant young hacker named Zack found the encrypted files and photos and and shared them with the world, causing immediate public interest and speculation. A scheduled spaced launch was redirected to Pluto to investigate what was there with Zack unwillingly co-opted onto the crew. It was going to be an easy journey ...
Undoubtedly, this is a good storyline embracing not just space travel and the many opportunities for things to go wrong, but also human conflicts of conspiracy theory, jealousy, deception, self doubt and fear as well as comradery, attraction and outstanding courage. There is the mystery of first contact, if this is what it is, and a warning. But of what? And from whom?
All good stuff. Plus the writing is straightforward with good background scientific information along the way. But, for me the characters never really came to life so the action felt flatter than it would otherwise have been, hence only four stars. I think this would make a great Audiobook with a skilled narrator able to inject that missing spark of emotion into the text to bring out the intrinsic excitement.
That said I will be reading book two in the series. Too good a story not to find out more
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed this book, Star Shroud by Ken Lozito. It was much more captivating and engaging than I originally assumed. The premise is infectious: in 1986, shadowy organization employees searching the heavens with their minds, fast forward 60 years (2046) to a hacker exposing said shadowy organization and stumbling upon suppressed information about an alien entity discovered on Pluto. This alien entity must be investigated resulting in a NASA mission, planned to Titan, being redirected to Pluto. Thus, the adventure begins. The writing is crisp and fast paced. The action, intrigue and suspense continually ratchet upward. The chapters are short and ending such that you must continue reading onward. This is very satisfying military/space sci-fi. I’ve already started reading book 2, Star Divide.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alison blair
The series is excellent! it begins in a Time when Earth is in space and it begins its own explorations and they run into a alien species who has been monitoring them. They are benevolent and kind but they also have an ulterior motive of course and they are thrust in accidentally into meeting more aliens before their time and into a war, & these humans that do this are what this book is about mostly and also about what's happening back at Earth. This is a great series I really enjoyed this entire series. I came back to write it under this book, also to let you know the editing is wonderful -I can't remember running into any editing problems at all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sari saraswati
Pretty solid start for a new series. The plot offers a entertaining take on the first contact idea. The main characters of Kaylan and Zac were decently fleshed out and the pace of the novel moved along without getting bogged down. There were some minor peeves as a backyard astronomer such as references to millions of miles when it should have been billions but otherwise the science wasn't to far off. Will be interesting to see where the crew of Athena ends up in book two but I can say i am looking forward to finding out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meg downs
Really fun scifi space opera novel. It has all the good plot points a secret company (dux) finds out about an alien artifact on Pluto. It only comes to light many years later when an ethical hacker finds the data and publishs it for anyone to see. A space flight to titan a moon of Saturn is redirected to Pluto. The original data on the station was discovered in an Army far seer psychic program.

It has the varied group becoming a crew, rescuing two others from an exploding asteroid station. Hidden double agents, romance and the geek beomes a hero because of his knowledge not his physical strength. There even is some budding romance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aaron clair
Good beginning to a space opera with good early character development and story line.

But...if you are going to write Sci-fi, you need to be at least a wee bit acquainted with science OR have a good science editor.

E.g. It's ~4 billion miles to Pluto. In the 2040's Neptune is not "on the way to Pluto" (about 2.7 billion between the two in the 2040's)...etc....etc.

I'll read the whole series for the great storry...and hope the author listens to his 12 yo neighbor girl (who's reading the series) about his factual errors and lack of science acumen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book has some parts where the writing gets a bit confused. The author Does not really go into some of the characters who are pivot to actions taking place. And switches back and fourth between their first and last names.. I found it a bit had to follow. But, it is a start of a larger series and her is trying to get the story in place.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
blake billings
I enjoyed the characters and the premise behind the story. It was an enjoyable read. I’ll continue the series. The only reason I didn’t give five stars would be a bit of a spoiler to any that haven’t read so sadly, that will stay with me. It’s really only a half mark down but I can’t do a half mark.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I download the sample of this book, because I frankly didn't expect to like it. Surprise! I was so pleasantly surprised to find the characters and plot gripping me! This book is so well written and entertaining.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
glenda standish
This was a fascinating tale about a special space mission to Pluto to find a possible alien structure. The main character, who's a brilliant hacker and knows computers, is a very interesting character. I loved his story and his two possible love interests. The narration on the audio book was perfect, and I really enjoyed the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa segall
Just finished reading all 6 books. The first 4 I went through real quick. Fairly unique plot around first contact. Book five was a little tougher to get through. However, it was worth it because book six wrapped things up well and made reading the whole series worth it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series sets up an unusual story setup, which offers interesting potential appeal. A different mix of conflicting aliens and conflicting humans plus love triangles that don’t seem necessarily to interfere with the adventure. I’m intrigued.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
martha wilday
First book of the Ascension series.
Interesting story of first contact with advanced aliens. Good character development although the story suffers from relationships that don't seem credible. Some ideas and concepts are not sufficiently developed, although this could be lead in to later books in the series. The aliens are refreshing in that they are not god-like beings of perfection but creatures that struggle with their decisions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah smith
This adventure in space is excellent. It's difficult to just review one book of a series not knowing what is to come. As this is book one of five plus, I can tell you that you won't be disappointed in starting this series. Get all the books that are available in the series so you won't have to wait when you finish each book. Good reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jarek am
Fantastic! I really love characters. I am a huge fan of Mr. Robot so I instantly felt a connection with the MC. Also, I wonder if.the auther is a fan of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? Anyway, just one click this book! I'm on to the next in the series:)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When Earth receives a psychic signal in the 1980's, a secret corporation is set up to help Earth prepare. Thirty years later, a hacker reveals pics of an alien installation on Pluto and Earth's first spaceship is sent to investigate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
judy seaberg
Having said that, I should clarify, I read a lot, like most readers I guess. I find authors I enjoy and sit back and wait for the next exciting tidbit to come out.

I used to search through the books stores and find a new author and look to see if all the books in a series were available and only then buy them, that's because when you come across a series that's good, like this one has started out as, you want more... Which of course is how the author makes money, pulling you into the storyline, and awaiting the next in the series. Now I have to sit back and be patient as possible for the next installment. I hate you... but please don't stop writing great Sci-Fi, obviously its not you I hate but the wait for your creativeness to complete the next installment that transports people to far away galaxies and lets us imagine ourselves in those same storylines.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alex andrasik
I liked this book, and have just bought the second in the series. It’s well-written, the characters are likeable, the storyline does not severely challenge my suspension-of-disbelief. A pleasant read.
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