Book Three of the Expansion Wars Trilogy (Volume 3)

ByJoshua Dalzelle

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean spencer
Good read. Well written. Jackson's atta boys come I the form of notations added to crew members service records. Log after you've retired from service and are thumbing they your evals toy see his n notations and smile because the man you respected and thought hated your guys actually thought highly of you.
Note quit laying about, skating your azz of and pound out OF 9 thru 100!
Ps thanks for using "aye" instead of yes with sailors and marines.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Throughout this trilogy, the protagonists are well written and I enjoyed the main characters. I cared about the captain and thought he really improvised some great strategies. The author never loses track of war in space constrained by the limits of light speed.
What I didn't like was...well, just don't expect any fleshing out of the alien enemies. Never once described in any detail. Even when they sent assault troops to the surface of a planet they invaded. Just the broadest description of suited beings. Headshot knocking helmets off all over the place, gas escaping, but never a look as to what's inside. You hear about the motivations of this rogue alien terrorist only second hand. He/she/its race, the race they splintered off of, their society, never described. What the symbols on the rogue faction's ships meant, why they looked unfinished, never more than speculated at. I kept reading the books in the trilogy hoping for explanations. But in the words of the Dread Pirate Wesley, "Get used to being disappointed.".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My Review of an Audio Book, may have misspellings. 3rd and final book of the 2nd Black Fleet series. Jackson Wolfe is now in command of the latest version of Destroyer, the Nemesis. He also has a new XO, Chamblis. Admiral Pitt is now the fleet admiral. Celesta Wright is promoted to Rear Admiral, commander of Black Fleet, and is Wolfe’s commander. President Wellington is dead of a heart attack. The new President is Nelson and he wants Black Fleet to stand down and not go against the new Darshik stealthy super ship that has killed so many Terran ships. XO Barret is now a Captain. Agent Pike is still assigned to the President.
The stealthy Darshik ship is still wreaking havoc with unusually good intel on Terran secret facilities, Agent Pike wants to know the how and why.
Action abounds with political intrigue that is the usual elements of a Dalzelle book. The space battle at the end is awesome and what I have come to expect from Dalzelle. The end leaves open the possibility of a 3rd trilogy.
Alpha Fleet (Rebel Fleet Series Book 3) :: Black Fleet Trilogy, Book 3 (Volume 3) :: New Frontiers (Expansion Wars Trilogy, Book 1) :: Book 2 (Volume 2) - Call to Arms - Black Fleet Trilogy :: Independence: Book 4 of The Legacy Fleet Series
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Please note this is the third book of an offshoot of the author’s Black Fleet trilogy. You will need to have read that trilogy in order first, then the first title of this offshoot series, or the characters and background won’t make much sense to you.

This installment of the series continues the story of Captain Wolfe, Celeste Wright, Agent Pike and others and I enjoyed it. Without having a spoiler, if you enjoyed the Black Fleet series I am sure you will enjoy this one, also. While this is the final installment of this trilogy, the door was left open to continue the story of the characters in another series: if it happens, I would read it. I read this with my Kindle Unlimited subscription vs. paying the full price of $3.99 and certainly received more than $3.99 worth of entertainment value.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
regina wood
Destroyer, The return of Jackson Wolfe! While Captain Wolfe has been around this is the book that places him where he belongs, in the captains chair of a Destroyer and once again facing an implacable foe. Along with Wolfe is the full agent Pike, his boss, Admiral Wright, and his fan, the cube (an ultra-advanced computer created by an alien race that has developed sentience and really likes Captain Wolfe). Then throw in the usual political intrugue, missing scientists (including Former Admiral Marcum's daughter), and a powerful corporation. This all leads to a thrilling conclusion you'll love!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bryanna bledsoe
While the first two books brought other characters to bear a greater role in plot formation, it was an homage to the heroic, the dedication and love for fellow man that draws us to Jackson Wolfe. Fully expecting this would be Jackson's last ride at the helm of a ship of war, it was especially satisfying to see the way he was treated by the author. All the way through surprises kept coming so it wasn't mundane at all. Excellent series. Excellent book. Thank you.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
A disappointing end to a series that started out ok, but didnt quite match up to the previous trilogies and fell flat. It was all over the place with scenes and characters . And for some reason I noticed this trend through out the trilogies the better the ship Jackson had the worse his performance as a captain was. He over performed when he had BJ destroyer and the carrier. I think he had a out as much kills in the carrier in the last book as he did in the destroyer in the fights. And underperformed in the new top of the line ships.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sometimes, when authors decide to produce a trilogy, they cut corners, usually padding out subsequent books, or trimming plot lines to spread out the story. And typically one of the books is weaker than the the other two. I was gladdened to see non of that here. Each book stood on its own, with very interesting plots & characters. Nice job.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Enjoyed the final story of this trilogy, but sad to have it come to an end. The ebb and flow of the battles and background interactions will keep you wanting to turn the page for the next development of the story. Can't wait for the beginning of the next phase in Jackson Wolfe's life can again capture my attention. Thanks Josh...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brian cuban
Another great book. It has everything I read this genre for. Highlights include a reasonably consistent set of rules the author follows for his universe. Pretty realistic expectations for how humans act in crises. I would give all of his books five stars, but in this one there is just a small disappointment that I wasn't convinced the antagonist was as ominous as it was meant to be. Not too bad though, and the previous was awfully good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda norwood
Wolfe is one of my favorite starship captains. I have totally enjoyed reading the adventures of him and his crew. This book was a hard one to put down and because of that it was over to quick. This was a good and interesting trilogy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great closure to epic series. Still talented mix of characters,human & inhumane. Greed & corruption. The only author who captures some of the actual theory of prolonged travel in space. Read prior books first and take the Wolfe journey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan alvarado
Fantastic finish to a great trilogy. So many well developed characters. Lots of action. Strongly recommended with the fair warning that you won’t want to put them down until you finish the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a really awesome series and this book brings it to a close in an interestingly open ended way. After all, just because the hero fades into history, does not mean the rest of humanity does as well. This book brings that feeling to this series, and I can't wait to see what Josh does with it. Thanks for another amazing read, now onto Omega Force 10. Cheers!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katina stewart
I would recommend this book and all the trilogies to anyone who enjoys good hard military science fiction. It was a fun read and I thoroughly enjoyed Captain wolf and the crew of the nemesis. I am awaiting the new trilogy immensely.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I still don’t think this character was fully developed. I am not knocking a good story. He was a good man, complicated, arrogant, sentimental, reasonably unreasonable and could second guess himself into a mess. He was real, but I still don’t know him.
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