Discovering You (Whiskey Creek)

ByBrenda Novak

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I am usually a big Brenda Novak fan anxiously awaiting her next book. This book, however, was a huge disappointment. Rather than grabbing my attention and making me not want to put it down this book took me forever to finish. Now I will think twice before automatically buying Brenda Novak's books. I liked Rod but not India. Their romance was too rushed and she was too weak against her in-laws while they were caring for her daughter. All together a less than interesting book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kelly yutesler
***.5 "Discovering You" (A Whiskey Creek novel) by Brenda Novak

The premise of this novel is catching from the very beginning. India Sommers comes upon a man who is bleeding and clearly injured. While she wrestles within herself whether she should just drive by and stay out of the drama that clearly will unfold, another part of her knows she might be the last person to come along to help for awhile. Reluctantly, she stops, and only then does she realize the injured person is her neighbor, Rodney Amos. This was the start of a friendship, of the two being confidants for the other, a sexual relationship which turns into a lovingly one, and eventually a committed relationship. (I was provided with an advanced readers copy for a fair and honest review.)

But all that comes in time. Time in which India has to face her past as her past has suddenly sprung up more quickly than she expected. Rod is there helping her, first to her reluctance then to her willingness and appreciation. While that part of the novel seemed to drag a little, it was engaging and interesting and ended in the best way possible.

While the characters were well written to a degree, there were also gaps in being able to truly get to know them or relate to them. To some degree with India and Rod, but more so in the secondary plot line of Natasha and Mack and also all the brothers. There was so much back and forth and repetition in the backstory part of the novel (Natasha and Mack), that the reader just want to say, "get it over and done with already." There was little in their characters that the reader could relate to between them as characters or within their storyline. In many respects, I felt like the novel would have been stronger without this backstory.

While I enjoyed the novel and India and Rod as characters and the main plot, I felt like this novel lacked much depth in all areas. It often felt like the author skimmed over certain parts that felt as if they were potentially more important or should have played a bigger role if Ms Novak had let them. In addition, I felt like there was a fair amount of repetitive dialogue and/or behavior throughout.

"Discovering You," is an enjoyable, interesting, and relatively engaging novel. I would recommend it as a good beach or rainy day read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
laura brennan
I've always enjoyed Brenda Novak's books. But, Discovering You was a huge disappoint to me. Very shallow, with very few surprises. Right from the beginning, most of the storyline was spelled out for the reader. I'm definitely no prude, but the intimate scenes were overly described. Looking forward to the next installment in the Hanover House series.
Hello Again (Dr. Evelyn Talbot Novels) :: A Matter of Grave Concern :: Making the Transition from Total Novice to Successful Professional :: Patches of Godlight: Father Tim's Favorite Quotes :: When Lightning Strikes (Whiskey Creek)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I normally love Brenda Novak's books, but this one is so irritating I almost couldn't finish it. The characters are helpless, selfserving and horrible, and especially the heroine resembles the classic blonde going alone to the basement when there is a serial killer on the loose!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allyse waugh
Upon completing Discovering You, book 10 in the Whiskey Creek series, I could see how Brenda Novak acquired her best-selling author status. This book was ALWAYS hard to put down, and NEVER hard to pick up.  Ms. Novak's story struck a chord with me. It was chock-full of everything that would keep a person fully absorbed in the story; a seemingly inappropriate relationship, obsession, rivalry, intrigue, suspense and of course, romance. (Uhh....this is not a wholesome romance book. There were a few, not a lot, of sexy scenes, which I preferred to gloss over.)  I was fully invested in the suspenseful parts of the book since I love romance with a bit of suspense. Ms. Novak handled this beautifully. I was on the edge of my seat, wondering how bad-boy Rod Amos was going to keep himself from being killed by his girlfriend's (India Sommers) husband's murderer; but he felt compelled to protect her, despite it meaning he might have to put himself in harm's way. Rod and India certainly had many challenges to face in order to be a couple - India's husband's somewhat recent murder, her judgmental ex in-laws, Rod's bad-boy image and blue-collar status, India's guilt, her young child....  I really felt for Rod's character. He was tough because of having lost his mother to suicide, and his father to prison. Fortunately he could depend on the love of his oldest brother, Dylan, who practically raised him. That's another part of the book I loved, the brothers' (five, including Rod) dialogue among themselves. It was portrayed in such a way that you cared about those men and their lives. Their affection for one another was palpable, even under the tough exterior, and this was endearing.  

In a nutshell, Brenda Novak without question knows how to write a story. And even though I typically don't comment on various errors I find in books, I noted that I didn't catch even a spelling error in Discovering You.  It was flawless. 

Aside from the fact that I prefer my romance sweet, this book, depicting modern-day relationships and contemporary life, was excellently executed and I thoroughly enjoyed the story.  Phenomenal.  
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yehud min aram
I love stories that make you want to read faster, and chuck the real world out the window whilst you escape in the exciting pages. This was one of those reads. I happily neglected my motherly and wifely duties while I promised myself just one more page.

India lost her husband tragically and feels partially responsible. While she rebuilds her life in Whiskey Creek, her daughter is staying with her in-laws until she has everything settled. She’s lonely and in need of a friend. In steps neighbor and bad boy Amos brother, Rod. She doesn’t want to fall for his ‘type’ but the two just click.

As they fight to put closure on India’s past – they just get closer and as things get more dangerous they realize how much they have to lose.

I loved India’s background and her story. I loved the idea that someone could come from nothing and make the life she had with her husband. I thought Ms. Novak poured even more truth into the pages showing how the past constantly finds its way to the present and even the best people have to defend and explain actions they’ve paid for over and over again. She and Rod had that in common. The Amos family has a rep, Rod is no stranger to trouble, but he’s a good man – a great man.

They had great chemistry and a true relationship. They were honest with each other from the start and I loved the way they took each other as they were - flaws and all, no apologies.

There is a side story that is barely an appetizer in size – yet the content is huge and I devoured it and enjoyed it like my last supper. I craved the little snippets that she gave me and felt like a giddy kid at Christmas with each one. I can NOT wait for Natasha and Mack’s story. I’m practically salivating over here. Bravo, Ms. Novak, for expertly enticing me and torturing me at the same time. It’s quite a gift you have!!

Cherise Everhard, March 2016
I received this book from the publisher/author in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary robeson
In Discovering You by Brenda Novak, India has moved to Whiskey Creek to start fresh with her young daughter after her husband was murdered by a man she once knew. Not long after she's moved in and getting her new home set up, she comes across her neighbor Rod one night...and this bad boy gives her shivers and thrills she doesn't expect, nor does she welcome them. India has had her share of bad boys and a rough life before she met her husband, and that is all part of her past she wants to leave in the past. Rod is enchanted by India and as much as India wants to keep him at arms length he finds himself wanting to know her much better. Just as India feels like she's settling, the man who killed her husband is suddenly out of jail. She knows that spells a lot of trouble not only for her, but for her daughter and her relationship with her in laws. Suddenly her life feels like it's becoming out of control...but India is determined this time to take control. Rod is more than willing to help her...and soon the two of them find themselves not only exploring their feelings for each other and becoming closer, but searching for a murderer before he can find her.

Brenda Novak pulled me in quickly to Discovering You and kept me there with a well balanced, exciting plot and great characters. I really enjoyed this book and I really enjoyed getting to know India and Rod. Both of them have moved forward from their pasts, but the past isn't necessarily finished with them. I liked how they dealt with things straight on, even if the 'adventure' they ended up on wasn't always realistic, it was fast paced and well written. India and Rod have great chemistry and I liked the connection between them. Their relationship grew despite the many obstacles they have to overcome and I really found myself hoping they could navigate this rocky road and come out on top. They felt right together.

I liked the suspense Brenda works into the plot with the murderer of India's husband being released from jail after a hung jury in his trial. This upped the tension and uncertainty of where things would end up.

Lots of family dynamics are involved in the plot of Discovering you, and a secondary plot involving one of Rod's brothers was very intriguing!

I liked seeing some of the characters from other Whiskey Creek books, but they are seen only in the context of Discovering You, making Discovering You easily a stand alone book.

I'd recommend Discovering You to any romance reader.

I received a free copy for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicholas o
Originally reviewed for (...)
Discovering You, the 10th book in the very popular Whiskey Creek series by best-selling author Brenda Novak, is full of suspense and romance. From the first line of the book, “There was a bloody man walking down the middle of the road,” through its heartfelt epilogue, I was hooked.
India Sommers was new to Whiskey Creek. She moved there after her husband was murdered in cold blood by her ex-boyfriend right in front of her. One minute she had had a perfect life with her doctor husband and her daughter, and the next minute her life was gone. To make things worse, the people surrounding India blame her because of the type of people she used to hang out with.
India decides to move to the small town of Whiskey Creek to start over. She is instantly drawn to her neighbor, Rod Amos, but is determined not to act on this attraction for many reasons. It’s not long, however, before they find themselves in the middle of a mystery.
Both India and Rod are wonderfully complex characters. Their initial attraction was physical, but as they got to know each other, their more vulnerable sides, as well as their “bad” sides all become apparent. Another “character” that was fun to get to know was the town of Whiskey Creek and the wonderful characters that live there. I’m sure that several of them have popped up in the other books in the series. The fast paced plot was well written. It contained many twists and turns before arriving at the successful conclusion.
This was my first visit to Whiskey Creek, so it is obvious that this book can stand alone. I’m sure this won’t be my last visit to this interesting small town! I’m giving Discovering You four stars.
I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Discovering You was another satisfying installment in the Whiskey Creek series. I quite enjoyed getting Rod Amos' story with a side of Mack Amos' story. (I can't wait for the rest of that one!)

All of the Amos brothers have wild child reputations and Rod earned his early. But you know the old adage "don't judge a book by its cover"? Well, there's certainly more to Rod than his tattoos and troubled youth would have you believe. Underneath all that, and the walls he's built to protect himself from heartbreak, is a kind, loyal, hardworking man. And once he meets his new neighbor, India, the true Rod really begins to shine through.

India's been through so much in the last year. She's working hard at rebuilding a life for her and her daughter and has come to Whiskey Creek for that fresh start. India's resilience is amazing and says a lot about her spirit. She's endured a lot of tragedy and loss and yet she's still such a bright spirit. Her immediate attraction to Rod concerns her because she's had some questionable judgement with men in her past but spending time with him - especially seeing him stand up for her in a difficult situation proves she's outgrown her had choices - Rod fits her perfectly.

The suspense element created around India's husband's killer gave Discovering You an edge. With the exception of a few decisions India and Rod made which I felt were a little too far-fetched, Novak made it all so real. One thing that bothered me though was India's lack of contact with her daughter. I understood everything she was thinking and feeling with regards to her in-laws but I felt I would have fought them harder. The side story between Mack and Natasha also added depth to the story overall. I felt for them both and the position they were in - I'm not sure I agree with Mack's thinking but I admire his commitment to making sure Natasha's future is bright - keeping all her options open.

Overall, Discovering You was a great read. I did miss my friends from Whiskey Creek since this story focused solely on the Amos' but I know I'll catch up with them soon. Getting to see Rod fall hard was wroth not spending time with them. I look forward to visiting Whiskey Creek again soon.

**I received a complimentary copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
james digiovanna
Received in exchange for a honest review.

Haven’t read a Whiskey Creek novel I didn’t like and this one is no exception. I did take issue with how India first judged Rod. She who was upset for being judged the same by others and her inlaws was now doing the same thing to Rod. So wrong of you India so wrong. Once you get past the exterior you see that Rod is a awesome dude. He is kind, gentle and sweet. Also a family guy and how he looks up to Dylan is just amazing. Dylan raised him and the appreciation he has for that is humbling. Rod may seem like a bad boy but he really is a serious family man. what him and his brothers did for Natasha shows this and also how he is there for his brothers as well. He’s just misunderstood and trying to get over his past abandonment issue from his mom. He’s trying to learn to trust women for the long term and that is hard. He is so sweet though and open and honest as well with a wicked sense of humour. when rod first meets India he doesn’t think a girl like her would go for a guy like him. Felt she was out of his league. I say peeshaw to Rod. You are worth more than all the cardiac surgeons ever could be. so instead of trying for anything serious he flirts and goes for lighthearted. When India comes on to him he is the gentlemen and backs off not because he doesn’t want her but because he knows he wants more.

India from the beginning is a mess of confused emotions. She is trying to deal with guilt that she shouldn’t have, loss of her husband and missing her daughter. She is feeling under the microscope and judged which is what she does to rod at the beginning so shame on you India. As she gets to know Rod, she sees him for the amazing man he is and struggles with that as well. What makes it harder is her fear of losing her daughter because of her inlaws and the danger that they are still in. the man who killed her husband is still on the streets and could come back to hurt them again. She fears losing another she loves. So as she is in a growing smoking intimate relationship with Rod she is also dealing with the past and unresolved danger it can bring to her future. Resolved to fix things India goes off on a half baked hair brained idea to stop the killer before he comes after them. Thank heavens for Rod and Dylan. Dylan supporting Rod no matter what is such a sweet thing. Family comes first is one thing the Whiskey creek series teaches us is that Family matters. They are there no matter what. Dylan shows this with his brothers and they show this towards natasha.

Rod is a hero in this and also helps India have the strength and support to stand up to her inlaws. My favorite moment is Rod with Van-that poor boy was starving for affection and Rod gave it with no expectation. Even after the dust settled he was there for van. A awww moment.

The story of Rod and India is at times smoking hot, sweet, loving, tender and a journey for both. For Rod he learned to let a woman fully in and forget what happened as a child. He learned to trust India and love her with a open heart. For India she learned to stand up for herself and let the past go. She learned that her heart has room for love and that you can’t always judge a person by the exterior. this story though gives us the sensuous dangling teaser of Mack and Natasha as well. Ms. Novak you vixen you there. That is some serious tension between them you left us off with. A heartwarming story that you won’t be able to put down as you see Rod find love and open himself up to letting others in and trusting them, India finds strength and love and a new chapter while getting closure and family being there for them no matter what. We see love overflowing, danger with the ex and resolution as well, and new love stories pop up for the future. Another fantastic whiskey creek couple unfolds in this story where we see the characters open up to let love in their hearts once again and let go of preconceived notions of others and themselves to find something amazing once they do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rob rub
What a super exciting trip back to Whiskey Creek with Discovering You. This time we are going non-stop when newcomer-with-a-past India moves into the house right next door to the Amos brothers’ home. And what a past it is! Eleven months prior, India Sommers’ beloved husband, Charlie, was murdered right before her very eyes. Now the murderer, an ex-boyfriend of hers named Sebastian, has been released because of a hung jury and not enough physical evidence to retry, and India is being gossiped about as possibly being the real murderer herself! With Sebastian back on the street and still obsessed with India, she moves to tiny Whiskey Creek to establish herself in a pottery business while her former in-laws have her daughter, Cassia, all to themselves for a month.

Meeting up with bad boy, Rod Amos, doesn’t seem like a sensible move to India, but this gorgeous guy already has his sights set on her, and he’s a protector of the finest kind. Together they attempt to improve India’s future, for herself and her daughter, and find the justice that was previously denied.

Rod and India’s story was fast-paced and exciting from start to finish. India has some hidden secrets and is a victim not only of the murderer, but of her so-called “friends” and in-laws. She had to make some horrible decisions to save the life of her child and herself that awful night. Those actions, taken in the wrong light, could put a whole different slant on her husband’s murder.

Rod is a fighter and more than capable of taking care of his own. He even makes a rescue of a lonely, abused little boy caught up on the fringe of the action. I so want to see more of the boy, Van, in the future, hopefully, growing up happy and getting away from his current situation.

Mixed in with their main story, as an added bonus, we get a more detailed look into the growing relationship of Natasha and Mack. (Hoping for more in the future there as well!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When can I move to Whiskey Creek?
Really enjoyed Rod and India’s story, liked the uniqueness of their meeting.
Sad circumstances, losing your husband and being made to feel as if it was India that pulled the trigger, by the people who were supposed to be her family.
I really liked Rod, one of the other not so well known Amos brothers. It was nice getting to know the boys more and I feel we got a touch more than just Rod’s story.
I got the impression of a very close bond between Dylan and Aaron and that that bond was carried through between Rod, Grady and Mack too. They all held Dylan in high regard.
The connection between Rod and India, albeit fast paces, came over very well, they liked each other, I did think India berating herself when she first saw Rod walking along the road after his bike accident. She initially came over as living below her standards, and I loved how her background wove itself around proving her to be a good honest person, looking at getting on with her life and that of her daughter.
I despised Charlie’s parents, they came across as a manipulating selfish couple, whose opinion was the truth. They certainly had it coming.
Rod and India soon became very close friends, which developed along nicely. Rod was a great person, not without making any pre-conceived thoughts about him, but he did come across as a typical bad boy! But it was all show, he was a true gentleman, a good guy; looks like Dylan did a great job of keeping all the Amos boys on the right path – not without a bar brawl or two!
The suspense of –if India would get justice – played out great, a few curve balls thrown in making the reader question themselves, I liked how Rod took her under his wing, really showed Rod’s caring side and glad it didn’t end when it all went down.
I have loved getting to know all of the Whiskey Creek residents and can’t wait to see who we meet next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love revisiting Whiskey Creek. Each book seems to be better than the last and they are all superb. India Sommers has moved to Whiskey Creek to start her life over. She has witnessed her husband's death at the hands of her ex-boyfriend. She also did what she had to to spare her daughters life. As traumatized as she was she felt sure her ex, Sebastian, would spend the rest of his life behind bars. With no murder weapon found and the defense implanting in the jury's mind she may have been responsible for her husbands death. After all, he was a brain surgeon and was wealthy with life insurance.

India's world fell apart when it was announced that it was a hung jury. Sebastian was free now and India's greatest fears had come true. Rod Amos is her next door neighbor and has a very real interest in the beautiful woman new to the area. Try as she might to keep Rod at an arms distance he keeps worming his way back in. Soon she comes to depend on him and opens up about all that has happened. India is obsessed with finding the murder weapon and sending Sebastian away forever. Unable to dissuade her Rod tells her he is on board and does not want her to go through this alone. The road they travel is full of angst and anxiety but you will need to read the book to read all about it.

There is also mention of Mack, who is Rod's brother. He has strong feelings for their step-sister Natasha......but she is family and he cannot do anything about his feelings but ignore them. Natasha also has feelings for Mack but she doesn't hide them as well. She has now graduated from high school and is heading off to college......hopefully distance will put things in perspective for both of them.

I never hesitate to pick up one of Brenda Novak's Whiskey Creek books. Her characters will draw you in and not let go until you have turned the last page. I think this is the best one yet. Happy reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
greg crites
I was gifted a digital copy of Discovering You by the author for the purposes of providing a review.

This was an interesting relationship, because some aspects of it were slow burn, while others were on the fast track, but the dichotomy worked well here.

Rod and India, who have already met, ran into each other on a dark street late at night when she was coming back from an art show. The situation was tense, and India attempted to shove Rod into the "bad boy" box in her head, to convince herself she wasn't interested in him. She wasn't really fooling herself. Or me.

I loved the way the Dylan especially tucked India right into the "family" place under his wing without question, once Rod communicated his interest. I loved that Rod was unmistakably interested in India, but was willing to help her even if they never got together - insisted on it, in fact. It's a total line, and it's a romance novel, but I believed this man when he said it.

Discovering You kept me reading from beginning to end. I don't think I even took a bathroom break. lol Suspense and making neighborhood connections and reconnecting with Rod's inner child via an actual child. All good things.

The only downside was the Mack/Natasha subplot. It took up too much space. It took too much focus away from the main relationship and the nerve-wracking things happening around it. And though I care whether Mack and Natasha ever figure things out, I didn't like having so much of it worked out in this book.

Discovering You is a solid entry in the Whiskey Creek series. This book, though it builds on a reader's knowledge of characters previously mentioned, very much stands alone. It's been a while since I read the last WC book, and I had no trouble getting back into the Amos family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
d f krieger
*I received a free copy of Discovering You from Harlequin MIRA via Netgalley in exchange of an honest and unbiased review*

Discovering You is just as much about self-discovery as it is about discovering other people and getting to know them.

If you’re familiar with Novak’s Whiskey Creek series, you know all about the Amos bad-boy brothers – how they aren’t necessarily as bad as some people make them out to be, because they’re hard-working, loyal and open for love if it ever comes their way. Discovering You is about India, who has just moved to Whiskey Creek, and her frequent encounters with Rod. India has been through a pretty horrible year, and it seems her ordeal is not completely over yet. Between what India thinks she needs, and what her heart wants – there’s a chasm, and Rod might be so much more than meets the eye. However, India has too much to lose if she gets involved with him, especially because her in-laws have her daughter at the moment.

There is both mystery, heartache and romance in Discovering You. We got several glimpses into the Amos household, and there is a lot going on there, especially the dynamics between the brothers on one side, and their father with his bride and step-daughter on the other. There is also more than one budding romance in this story, one that has some strong shades of forbidden – but that really isn’t… And I sure hope the next Whiskey Creek novel will feature the other couple.

India and Rod drew me into their story from the start, and I loved how India was doing her best to be strong, and to do the right thing – both for herself and for her daughter. Moving forward and being so very brave made me love her even more. And I have to say, the tender and romantic moments between India and Rod almost made my kindle melt, that’s how hot they were together!

Written in third person point of view, past tense, Discovering You also included dialogues that made getting to know the characters very easy. There was both humor and hotness and seeing how well India and Rod worked together made me want more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt payne
OH YEAH, you gotta love the storyline of another "bad boy" Amos brother! Throw into the mix his younger brother for good measure and you have one heck of a good book in your hands ;) The Amos brothers, five in all, have always been known in town as the "bad boys". Rod Amos is a melt your heart, sexy as all get out, good guy with as bad a reputation as the rest of his brothers, some which were earned and some not. He has had a lot to overcome growing up, but is always willing and ready to help out a female in trouble. Enter the new girl to town, India Sommers, who has her own troubled past to deal with, and you have yourself a great page turner with all kinds of twists and turns in their budding relationship. There is great chemistry and dialogue between them as well.

Rod's youngest brother, Mack, and their step sister, Natasha, have their own storyline in this book which makes it an even more enjoyable read! I won't give the plot away though. It was also great to catch up with the oldest Amos brother, Dylan and his wife Cheyenne.

This is the10th book in the "Whiskey Creek" series, of which I have read them all, and I don't know how she does it, but Brenda Novak just delivers time and time again. You just cannot go wrong with any of her novels. I am always so thrilled when a new book involving the characters of the quaint town of Whiskey Creek comes out, and is put on my automatic read list. Even though all the books in this series are stand alones, I encourage you to read the whole series, as each one is so darn good! Her new series "Fairham Island" is also fantastic and on my auto read list.

So carve out some uninterrupted time, because once you start reading this one, you won't want to stop!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
okko hartikainen
I was gifted a digital copy of Discovering You by the author for the purposes of providing a review.

This was an interesting relationship, because some aspects of it were slow burn, while others were on the fast track, but the dichotomy worked well here.

Rod and India, who have already met, ran into each other on a dark street late at night when she was coming back from an art show. The situation was tense, and India attempted to shove Rod into the "bad boy" box in her head, to convince herself she wasn't interested in him. She wasn't really fooling herself. Or me.

I loved the way the Dylan especially tucked India right into the "family" place under his wing without question, once Rod communicated his interest. I loved that Rod was unmistakably interested in India, but was willing to help her even if they never got together - insisted on it, in fact. It's a total line, and it's a romance novel, but I believed this man when he said it.

Discovering You kept me reading from beginning to end. I don't think I even took a bathroom break. lol Suspense and making neighborhood connections and reconnecting with Rod's inner child via an actual child. All good things.

The only downside was the Mack/Natasha subplot. It took up too much space. It took too much focus away from the main relationship and the nerve-wracking things happening around it. And though I care whether Mack and Natasha ever figure things out, I didn't like having so much of it worked out in this book.

Discovering You is a solid entry in the Whiskey Creek series. This book, though it builds on a reader's knowledge of characters previously mentioned, very much stands alone. It's been a while since I read the last WC book, and I had no trouble getting back into the Amos family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
holly ables
*I received a free copy of Discovering You from Harlequin MIRA via Netgalley in exchange of an honest and unbiased review*

Discovering You is just as much about self-discovery as it is about discovering other people and getting to know them.

If you’re familiar with Novak’s Whiskey Creek series, you know all about the Amos bad-boy brothers – how they aren’t necessarily as bad as some people make them out to be, because they’re hard-working, loyal and open for love if it ever comes their way. Discovering You is about India, who has just moved to Whiskey Creek, and her frequent encounters with Rod. India has been through a pretty horrible year, and it seems her ordeal is not completely over yet. Between what India thinks she needs, and what her heart wants – there’s a chasm, and Rod might be so much more than meets the eye. However, India has too much to lose if she gets involved with him, especially because her in-laws have her daughter at the moment.

There is both mystery, heartache and romance in Discovering You. We got several glimpses into the Amos household, and there is a lot going on there, especially the dynamics between the brothers on one side, and their father with his bride and step-daughter on the other. There is also more than one budding romance in this story, one that has some strong shades of forbidden – but that really isn’t… And I sure hope the next Whiskey Creek novel will feature the other couple.

India and Rod drew me into their story from the start, and I loved how India was doing her best to be strong, and to do the right thing – both for herself and for her daughter. Moving forward and being so very brave made me love her even more. And I have to say, the tender and romantic moments between India and Rod almost made my kindle melt, that’s how hot they were together!

Written in third person point of view, past tense, Discovering You also included dialogues that made getting to know the characters very easy. There was both humor and hotness and seeing how well India and Rod worked together made me want more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
al matthews
OH YEAH, you gotta love the storyline of another "bad boy" Amos brother! Throw into the mix his younger brother for good measure and you have one heck of a good book in your hands ;) The Amos brothers, five in all, have always been known in town as the "bad boys". Rod Amos is a melt your heart, sexy as all get out, good guy with as bad a reputation as the rest of his brothers, some which were earned and some not. He has had a lot to overcome growing up, but is always willing and ready to help out a female in trouble. Enter the new girl to town, India Sommers, who has her own troubled past to deal with, and you have yourself a great page turner with all kinds of twists and turns in their budding relationship. There is great chemistry and dialogue between them as well.

Rod's youngest brother, Mack, and their step sister, Natasha, have their own storyline in this book which makes it an even more enjoyable read! I won't give the plot away though. It was also great to catch up with the oldest Amos brother, Dylan and his wife Cheyenne.

This is the10th book in the "Whiskey Creek" series, of which I have read them all, and I don't know how she does it, but Brenda Novak just delivers time and time again. You just cannot go wrong with any of her novels. I am always so thrilled when a new book involving the characters of the quaint town of Whiskey Creek comes out, and is put on my automatic read list. Even though all the books in this series are stand alones, I encourage you to read the whole series, as each one is so darn good! Her new series "Fairham Island" is also fantastic and on my auto read list.

So carve out some uninterrupted time, because once you start reading this one, you won't want to stop!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dennis dallaglio
Brenda Novak is definitely one of my favorite all-time romance authors. Her novels speak for themselves...the characters' and their dilemmas pack enough action, romance, and intrigue. I have always found myself lost inside the beautiful world of fiction and in this newest world by Brenda Novak, I couldn't resist. The temptation to read more by her is a need that needs to be constantly re-supplied. I have heard so much about this new novel, Discovering You, in newsletters and everywhere else on the web. Now, after having read the entire book in print form...I have to say I loved it. As always Brenda Novak doesn't ever disappoint.

Discovering You is all about the bad boy theme that is hot and irresistible. A young woman has made past mistakes with hanging in the wrong crowd. What she doesn't know is that it will come back to destroy her happily ever. A family of three is now a family of just two. Mother and daughter must now leave and make a home for themselves far away where they will be safe. But is safety from a dangerous ex who has been let loose going to work? This danger plus the fear of losing her daughter to her in-laws and the romantic chemistry she feels from her next door bad boy is leaving India feeling torn and worn's only a matter of time until she's got full blown into danger and love. Brenda Novak always creates a juicy read that will tug at readers' hearts and leave them falling in love. Sweet, romantic, and highly entertaining...Discovering You is by far a definite must read for all. The talented writer has once again, left another unforgettable legacy behind for readers everywhere to enjoy. Overall, I highly recommend this new contemporary romance to everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah pepper
After reading my third Whiskey Creek Book (Yes I’ve jumped all about but luckily they do not appear to need to be read in any sort of order) I think I’ve finally figured out one of the biggest factors in my enjoyment of this series and Brenda Novak’s books in general.

everything is completely believable.

Discovering You had a great mix of romance and suspense…but none of the tropes or devices that can annoy me in romances.

All of the characters back stories had meat but were also completely plausible. The interactions felt genuine…there was an instant attraction but no insta-love and the distance between them felt legitimate throughout rather than simply contrived to allow them to come together at the end.

The somewhat inept efforts at surveillance etc were also pretty believable. People who are not actually Private Investigators shouldn’t be able to step into a situation and act like a police detective. Rod and India are completely believable in their somewhat bumbling attempts at detective work and the whole endeavor was a great way to bring them closer and engender trust.

I also loved the not so subtle hints at a story between Mack and Natasha…I’m hoping theirs will be the next Whiskey Creek book.

All in all Discovering You was a solid and enjoyable romance with a nice dash of suspense thrown in!

NOTE: Review copy from publisher, all thoughts and opinions my own
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book. I just loved the character of India Sommer. This is a woman, who's husband was gunned down while in their bed, by her ex-boyfriend, hell bent on keeping India for himself. She was left trying to pick up the pieces and keeping a life for her and her daughter, Cassia, safe since the jury that tried her ex ended up hung. India decides to move away from San Francisco, where the murder happened and moves to Whiskey Creek, in a house next door to the Amos brothers. With her daughter staying at her in-laws while she sets up their new house, she sees this man walking down the middle of the road all bloodied and scraped up. Soon she realizes it is her neighbor, Rod Amos. This tall, dark and tattooed man just screams trouble and reminds her too much of her ex but she ends up stopping to help him. I just loved this meeting. It was a great way to start off their story. I loved how Rod looked bad, but deep down he was good. I loved how he made her feel so safe.

As the days go by, Rod quickly learns of what happened to India and wants to help her. I really enjoyed the mystery behind this part of the story. It kept me wanting to read to find out what would happen next. I really enjoyed the explosive ending.

The secondary story between Mack and Natasha was a slight look into their feelings for each other. Even though Natasha isn't related to Mack, he is still hesitant to pursue anything with her because their parents are married. Nat of course is trying her hardest to pursue something with Mack. Hopefully more of these characters will be explored in their own story.

Overall I really enjoyed this story, love those Amos brothers and really liked India. I can't wait for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
India Sommers is trying to rebuild her life after an ex-boyfriend shot her husband and she’s hoping that moving to Whiskey Creek is a step in the right direction but she having a bit of difficulty keeping her distance from her “bad boy” neighbor Rod Amos in this brilliant contemporary romance.

This story is a brilliant romance where the characters are strong, compelling and easily draw the readers in, they have some similarities in their past that gives them common ground and they are both deserving of a happily ever after and the sizzling chemistry between them starts them off in the right direction but the relationship is complicated by emotional issues, family issues and of course the ex-boyfriend presents quite a big problem.

Spine tingling tension builds throughout the story as India learns that her ex has been released from jail and the increasing certainty that she’s not safe has India looking for a solution and a way to ensure that her daughter is protected. Her solution is a bit risky and adds lots of anticipation and excitement to the story, especially when Rod steps in and insists on helping which of course moves their relationship forward another step much to India’s dismay.

The scenes are well written and bring this romance to vibrant life while the intriguing events keep readers glued to the pages of this steady to fast paced romance full of suspense. Everyone loves “bad boys” and Rod certainly makes hearts pound, but together with India, this couple has an outstanding appeal that just says they belong together and I just had to know how everything worked out for them, so once again, I had a wonderful visit to Whiskey Creek and I am looking forward to the next one.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
storm rogers johnson
Free ARC for honest review
India Sommers lived a rather colorful life before becoming the wife of distinguished doctor Charlie Sommers. One evening, her former life came back to haunt her when an ex-boyfriend broke into their home and killed her husband in front of her. Even though it was India's word against a drug addict's, authorities couldn't find enough evidence to convict the ex (Sebastian). To stay safe, India moves to Whiskey Creek to start a new life. She leaves her daughter with her in-laws for a month while she sets up the house and gets settled.
Rod Amos grew up rough, but with the tough love of his oldest brother Dylan, Rod and the rest of the Amos crew have become responsible businessmen in Whiskey Creek. Rod can't help but notice the new neighbor as she moves in, but she looks like a woman used to having money.
One evening as India was driving home from an art show, she comes across Rod walking down a dark road. It's obvious he has been injured, but at first, India doesn't realize it is the guy from next door. When she does recognize him, she is hesitant to stop, but Rod stepped in front of her car and she had to stop and help him out.
Being neighbors, they find themselves spending a bit more time together and that time together leads them down the path of lust. But India gets an unnerving call that Sebastian has been released from prison and she now must fear for her life and the life of her little girl. Rod steps up to help India, and things heat up even more.
I love Whiskey Creek and the people who live there. Ms. Novak has another winner on her hands!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you have read almost all of my previous reviews for the series, you will see I am not the biggest fan of the series, but I missed seeing all the people from the previous books getting together for coffee. This book might as well be a spin-off of the original box since the only the Amos brothers appear. So I saw like three familiar faces and I don't even like one of them. Yes, I am talking about you Chevy. Another thing I disliked about the book was the secondary story about Rod's brother and Natasha. The "hero" of this story sleeps with another woman while Natasha is in the same house with me. The total amount of drama this book had was limited just to this subplot. The author gave it some kind of ending, but I would have liked to see them in the epilogue or in a novella just to get some kind of closure.

I would have liked to see India spending some time with her daughter, Cassia. I kept hearing about how mush India loves her daughter, but the said daughter appears briefly and only when India is not present. I wouldn't mind if Cassia and Rod spend some time bonding during the events of the book. Honestly the child, we see the most is Noah which is weird, now that I think about it. I liked the kid and I felt sad for him.

For me the book was well balanced when it came to the romance and the threat to India's life. Besides, what I stated above, I liked the rest of the book. I am starting to warm up to the Whiskey Creek series. I hope in the next book we will see the whole gang. The heroine was a little dormant-like to be honest, but for most of the time she was standing on her feet and was doing a good job about it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Upon completing Discovering You, book 10 in the Whiskey Creek series, I could see how Brenda Novak acquired her best-selling author status. This book was ALWAYS hard to put down, and NEVER hard to pick up.  Ms. Novak's story struck a chord with me. It was chock-full of everything that would keep a person fully absorbed in the story; a seemingly inappropriate relationship, obsession, rivalry, intrigue, suspense and of course, romance. (Uhh....this is not a wholesome romance book. There were a few, not a lot, of sexy scenes, which I preferred to gloss over.)  I was fully invested in the suspenseful parts of the book since I love romance with a bit of suspense. Ms. Novak handled this beautifully. I was on the edge of my seat, wondering how bad-boy Rod Amos was going to keep himself from being killed by his girlfriend's (India Sommers) husband's murderer; but he felt compelled to protect her, despite it meaning he might have to put himself in harm's way. Rod and India certainly had many challenges to face in order to be a couple - India's husband's somewhat recent murder, her judgmental ex in-laws, Rod's bad-boy image and blue-collar status, India's guilt, her young child....  I really felt for Rod's character. He was tough because of having lost his mother to suicide, and his father to prison. Fortunately he could depend on the love of his oldest brother, Dylan, who practically raised him. That's another part of the book I loved, the brothers' (five, including Rod) dialogue among themselves. It was portrayed in such a way that you cared about those men and their lives. Their affection for one another was palpable, even under the tough exterior, and this was endearing.  

In a nutshell, Brenda Novak without question knows how to write a story. And even though I typically don't comment on various errors I find in books, I noted that I didn't catch even a spelling error in Discovering You.  It was flawless. 

Aside from the fact that I prefer my romance sweet, this book, depicting modern-day relationships and contemporary life, was excellently executed and I thoroughly enjoyed the story.  Phenomenal.  
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amelia bartlett
Brenda Novak’s “Whiskey Creek Series” has been and is one of the most coveted reads, full of small town charm. Residents with warmth and support fill Whiskey Creek. There are stories of romance and love to be told, regrets and redemptions to be faced and support and friendships to be fulfilled.

The Amos brothers have had it rough with a father coming out of prison and taking residence with them. Yet they have managed to beat odds to make a positive life for themselves. And they have found love to keep them in line and give them a purpose to life.

“Discovering You” is a revelation of attraction between Rod Amos and India Sommers. They share a similar past of wild life and insecurities that seem to forge a bond between them. India Sommers moves to Whiskey Creek to make a fresh start for herself and her daughter. Rod Amos is working hard to leave behind a tragic past and move past the judging eyes of the town.

Two lost souls come together to test the waters of attraction, two people want to protect each other from their painful pasts, and two wonderful people will do anything to make sure no one gets hurt.

“Discovering You” is another wonderful story of love and caring, family and loyalty, support and solidarity. And Brenda Novak gives India and Rod another chance at love and redemption as they overcome the dangers of the past and put behind the guilt to look forward to a future together.

Received an ARC from Harlequin via NetGalley for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although one might have thought by book ten they would get bored with a series, it's not the case with the Whiskey Creek series. India Sommers moves to Whiskey Creek from San Francisco after the tragic loss of her husband. She nearly runs over Rod Amos after he'd been involved in an accident. Their chance meeting occurred just weeks after India moved in next door to the Amos brothers.

There was an instant attraction and the chemistry builds as Rod helps India try to solve who murdered her husband. The tension builds and I found I didn't want to put the book down.

My favorite part of this book and the series in general is that Novak isn't afraid to write about some tough real life experiences: drugs, murder, child molestation, and child abuse and neglect.

I have often felt like Novak was writing about different parts of my life, so I have felt very close to many of her characters and been unable to stop reading until I am done. Most in this series I have read in one or two sittings.

I liked the introduction of Mack Amos and Natasha's story and hope to read more about them and the other Amos brothers. And maybe in one of their books we'll be able to read more about India, Cassia & Rod.

No spoiler from me, but I do highly recommend DISCOVERING YOU. It was a slight departure from the usual Whiskey Creek books where there is more interaction among the group of friends. But since much of this book took place in San Francisco, and was action packed, I didn't miss the change.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teresa dropkin
This is the 10th book in the Whiskey Creek series by Brenda Novak. Right of the bat Brenda did a great job developing India and Rod's characters. She gave you enough of a backstory on India so that you could understand why India acted the way that she did but did not go too overboard where you got bored. She also gave you more backstory on Rod so that you could understand how he had turned out the way he did. In addition to the well developed characters Brenda did a great job of setting the scenes in the book. As the reader reads the story you are really able to picture yourself in the Amos household or on the porch where India is creating her master pieces.

Something that I have always enjoyed about Brenda's books is how she incorporates suspense in romance books. For instance in one of her previous books it was the crazy ex girlfriend. In this book it was the crazy ex boyfriend. I think this suspense helps keep the audience interested in the book all the way through as you want to find out what is going to happen in addition to seeing the romance build between the two main characters. It a great mix of suspense and romance.

I don't think that there was anything that I would have changed about the book. I am interested to see who the next character will be that will have a love interest. Can wait to read more books by Brenda Novak and I interested to see where she is going to take the series in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brandon douglas
India Sommers and her daughter are starting over in Whiskey Creek after tragic events that occurred eleven months ago. She's moved into the house next door to the Amos brothers and has caught the eye of Rod Amos. Though neither of them were looking for a relationship, Rod's not interested in a short-term fling. However, secrets from India's past cast a big shadow of danger over their situation.

I enjoyed the story, primarily because of the suspense element. The danger was real, doubly impacted by the suspicion thrown on India's credibility. While it was unfair, it was realistic. The romance was fine, more sweet than fiery. I liked both Rod and India and they made a good couple. His slight insecurity about their differences added some conflict but not much.

The narrator, Carly Robins, was excellent! She distinguished the characters very well and added emotion in all the right places. Her performance made a good story even better.

There's a secondary romance set up that I found even more compelling than this one. I'm looking forward to that story and was still pleased with this one. Here's hoping to seeing more suspense elements in future books.

(I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
donna featherston
India is trying to put her life back together and move on after the tragic murder of her husband. She decided to move to Whiskey Creek to escape the memories and get some much needed distance. She's not looking for a relationship, but she knows her next door neighbor, Rod, spells trouble. The tattooed bad boy next door just looks like trouble, especially when she runs into him after a fight. Just like India, Rod had a rough childhood and grew up a little wild. He's mostly reformed, but it's difficult to overcome a reputation he hadn't entirely earned.

Between dealing with the aftermath of the trial and her in-laws, India just wants to focus on getting her pottery business off the ground and being a good mom. But she can't escape the nightmares or how safe she feels with Rod. Rod is willing to be her friend, but he's also determined to show India that they could have something worth fighting for.

Discovering You is sweet, heartwarming, and sexy. Brenda Novak creates engaging characters who you will root for as they are given another chance. Discovering You can be read as a stand alone. Fans of Beth Ciotta, Kimberly Lang, and LuAnn McLane would enjoy Discovering You and the Whiskey Creek series.

*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.
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